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Animals of Africa
Presentation "Animals of Africa" ​​DZYUBAN OLGA VLADIMIROVNA GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Kronstadtsky district of St. Petersburg

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Savannah - plains covered with grass and dense thorny bushes. Scattered throughout the plain are groups of tall, slender trees with a wide crown, similar to umbrellas. These trees are called: umbrella acacias. Herds of herbivores and predators graze in the savannah.

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Among the predatory animals of Africa, the lion undoubtedly occupies the first place. In fact, it is a huge cat. Males have a thick mane on their shoulders and neck. Lionesses are smaller, slimmer and have no manes. Lions live in groups - prides. Such a pride consists of 1 - 2 adult males, several lionesses and their offspring of different ages.

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The largest bird in the world. His height is almost 3 m. He cannot fly, but he will not yield to a horse in running. ostriches live in open area and are not picky in food: they eat large insects, lizards, mice, seeds and seedlings of plants.

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A zebra is very similar to a horse, only the tail is not fluffy, but with a tassel at the end, and the mane is short, upright, as if trimmed. Well, of course, the color is different, black and white, striped. Zebras are real Africans, they are not found in other places. They live in herds and eat grass. Zebras are wild and capricious, no one has yet managed to tame them.

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On the nose of the rhinoceros there is a horn, and more often two: the front is large, and the back is small. The horn is a formidable weapon of the rhinoceros, and even the elephant gives way to him. The rhinoceros sees very poorly, but his hearing and instinct are wonderful. Rhinos live alone. They feed on branches of shrubs and are not afraid of thorns or thorns.

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The gazelle is a species of antelope. These animals are distinguished by a graceful physique and horns bent upwards. Usually antelopes are tan, reddish or gray in color, with white markings on the muzzle. The belly is also usually white. Many antelopes living in the open plains gather in herds of up to 1,000 heads. Others live alone and in small groups.

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The crocodile is a distant relative of our lizards, it even looks like them. But he is completely different! This is a huge, up to 6 m long animal with a powerful tail and powerful jaws, armed with sharp teeth. The body is covered with dense horny shields, which even the bullet does not take. Crocodiles live in the rivers and lakes of Africa, swim and dive perfectly. They mostly feed on fish, but they also catch animals. Crocodiles are also dangerous for people.

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The tallest animal in the world. Its height is three human heights. Strikingly long neck and legs, small head, decorated with a pair of short horns, golden color with dark spots - this is what a giraffe looks like. Giraffes live only in Africa, in the savannas. They feed on the leaves of acacia, mimosa and other plants. That's why you need a long neck! It is difficult for a giraffe to drink, you have to spread your front legs wide and bend your neck.

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The cheetah is an amazing animal! It's like a mixture of two different animals. Head, body, tail, spotted coloring - from a cat, but he sits and hunts like a dog. Cheetahs are diurnal predators. Unlike other felids, they hunt by stalking their prey, not by ambush. The cheetah is the fastest land animal.

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SAVANNA The presentation was prepared by a student of MBOU "Secondary School No. 31" 2nd grade "G" Smolina Maria, Kemerovo

Savannah is a natural area characterized by a change of dry and wet seasons, dominated by grassy cover with individual trees or groups of trees. Vast expanses of these amazing natural communities are found in Africa, although there are savannahs in South America, both in Australia and India.

Savannah Vegetation The herbaceous vegetation of the savannahs consists primarily of tall, hard-skinned grasses; other perennial grasses and shrubs are mixed with cereals. Shrubs grow in savannahs, sometimes in large thickets. Savannah trees are usually stunted; the tallest of them are not higher than our fruit trees. Lichens, mosses and algae are found in savannahs only on rocks and trees. Living conditions in the savannah are very harsh. At the end of dry seasons, fires often occur there. For example, the baobab is distinguished by a thick trunk protected from fire, capable of storing water reserves, like a sponge. Its long roots suck up moisture deep underground. Acacia has a wide flat crown, which creates a shadow for the leaves growing below, thereby protecting them from drying out.

Animals of the Savanna Nowhere in the world is there such an accumulation of large animals as in the African savanna. Raising a veil of dust, herds of antelope and buffalo rush past with a clatter. Striped zebras graze next to ostriches. Giraffes, stretching their necks, pluck leaves from trees. Elephants move slowly. In the evening, a roar rolls over the savanna - lions went hunting. There are many other predatory animals here - hyenas, cheetahs, leopards.

The lion is called the "king" of the beasts. Usually they hunt at night: in the dark, lions see perfectly. The whole lion family - the pride - goes hunting. Prey of lions - antelopes, zebras and other animals. Lions are smart, hardy, trainable, their performances can be seen in the circus. The largest mammal on earth. His amazing - long and strong - nose is called "trunk". The main food in captivity is grass and hay. The body length reaches 6-7.5 m. The average body weight for females is 2.8 tons, for males - 5 tons.

The giraffe is a very beautiful animal. Its skin is decorated with a pattern of large red or brown spots. Thanks to its amazing neck, the giraffe plucks leaves from the highest branches of trees. This helps him a long tongue. The giraffe is the tallest land animal on Earth. Visible coloring helps zebras recognize each other from afar, black and white stripes can deceive an attacking enemy. Zebras eat grass. Zebras gather in large herds only before a long journey. They usually live in small herds.

This animal has a huge pointed horn growing on its nose. Rhinoceroses love to get into the water or swamp, and even wallow in the mud. So the animals are saved from the heat. Rhinos do not see well, but they have very good hearing. And even better is the sense of smell: by smell, they find a familiar path to the lake or to the place where delicious grass grows. Spends most of the time in the water. Eats grass. The hippopotamus has a massive body on short thick legs. It is second only to an elephant in size.

Savannah animals are forced to adapt to survive in drought conditions. Large herbivores such as giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, elephants and rhinoceroses are able to travel great distances and, if it gets too dry in some place, they go to where it rains and where there is a lot of vegetation. Predators such as lions, cheetahs and hyenas prey on wandering herds of animals. It is difficult for small animals to start out in search of water, so they prefer to hibernate during the entire dry season.

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PLAN Geographical location Climatic conditions Flora Animal life Soils Economic activity people Sources

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The geographical position of Savannah occupy almost 40% of the mainland. It is located around the humid equatorial forests.

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The climatic conditions of Savannah are in the subequatorial zone. There are two distinct seasons in the savannas - dry and hot winters and rainy, hot summers. The average temperature in July and January is +22C. The average annual rainfall is from 500 to 2000 mm.

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Baobab is rightfully considered one of the symbols of sub-Saharan Africa. This tree lives 4-5 thousand years, its height rarely exceeds 25 m, but in girth - 40 to m. Baobabs are not afraid of fires, but elephants are their enemies. They eat wet bark. Monkeys eat the fruits of the tree.

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Umbrella acacia. Branched acacias rise like huge umbrellas among the tall grasses. But there is no shadow under this umbrella. Small leaves of acacia, located on the edge of the sun, let in the sheer falling rays. If you stand under an acacia umbrella and look up, then the green crown against the background of a bright blue sky will seem lacy.

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Fauna The fauna of the savannas is very diverse. Grass is eaten by termites, ants, herbivorous rodents. But the main lovers of grass are ruminants, which are hunted by large predators - lions, cheetahs, hyenas. In the savannas of Africa live the real giants elephants and rhinos.

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The African elephant is the largest land animal, its mass is 5 tons, its height is 3.5 m. And the body length is 4.5m. Previously, African elephants lived all over the continent. Now there are few of them left. They were exterminated because of the valuable ivory - tusks.Now reserves have been created to preserve elephants. But it is difficult to restore the number of elephants, since only by the age of 10-15 young elephants become adults.

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Giraffes protect themselves from enemies by flight, and sometimes spotted coloring helps them to hide. Despite their clumsy appearance, they run faster than a horse. The highest in giraffes (up to 6 m.). They feed on leaves and shoots of trees, which are easily reached due to their high growth. But in order to take food from the ground, they have to either kneel or spread their legs wide apart.

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Soils In the savannas, red-brown soils with a thickness of the fertile layer up to 30 cm predominate. It is quickly washed out during the rainy season if the soil is not fixed by vegetation.

Geography lesson in the 8th grade of a correctional school of the VIII type. African savannah animals

Skorykh Nadezhda Evgenievna, Deputy Director for VR, teacher of geography and history, Cherntsky boarding school VIII type, Ivanovo region
Description: the lesson is intended for students of the 8th grade of the correctional school of the VIII type, and can also be used after school hours, as an addition to conducting quizzes, subject weeks. It may be of interest to teachers working in correctional and primary school, and for users of the Portal who are interested in Live nature Savannah of Africa, overflowing with various animals. Africa is still the most mysterious, fabulous and attractive continent.
Target: formation of ideas about the African savannah as a territory with a unique and most diverse wildlife.
Educational: to acquaint students with the features of the animal world of the African savannas.
Correction-developing: to promote the further development of the ability to establish the features of animal traits adapted to environmental conditions.
Educational: to continue the formation of a sense of love for nature, the world around.
Lesson type: combined
During the classes
I organizational moment
Greeting students. Checking students' readiness for the lesson.
II Repetition of the material covered
1. Repetition of terms.
Exercise: name the term in question.
Terms are placed on the board (or displayed on the projector screen): savanna, waterfall, isthmus, oasis, Africa, irrigation, threshold, rainy season.
1. A narrow strip of land connecting the mainland with the peninsula. (Isthmus)
2. The mainland, which is crossed by the equator almost in the middle. (Africa)
3. Part of the year with a predominance of heavy rains. (Rain season)
4. Desert areas where groundwater comes to the surface and therefore it is rich in moisture. (Oasis)
5. Area in the river bed with protrusions of stones - boulders or debris rocks. (Threshold)
6. The fall of water from a ledge that crosses the riverbed. (Waterfall)
7. Soil moisture. (Irrigation)
8. Tropical grassy steppe with sparse trees and bushes. (Savannah)
2. Test "Africa: the most, the most, the most ..."
Task: Choose one correct answer.
1. The largest island off the coast of Africa:
2. The largest waterfall in Africa:
3. The deepest river in Africa:
4. Most highest peak Africa:
dragon mountains
Ethiopian highlands
Mount Kilimanjaro
5. Africa's Largest Desert:
6. The largest lake in Africa by area:
7. Africa's Most Powerful Savannah Tree:
A coffee tree
Umbrella acacia
8. Deepest Lake in Africa:
III. Update of knowledge, announcement of a new topic
Listen to an excerpt from the poem and formulate the topic of the lesson:
And I'm akin to a simple giraffe,
And the leopard is refined and important,
And in the thicket of herbs a boa constrictor lurks,
And the rhinoceros is fierce and brave.

N.S. Gumilev.
(Student answers)
We will continue talking about the savannah, talk about the animals that live here. You will learn a lot of interesting things about the diversity of the inhabitants of this natural area, about the adaptations of animals to living in these conditions.
Africa, Africa is a magical continent
All over the big planet
There is no more beautiful land!

We ended up in the center of Africa - in the savannah and the topic of the lesson "Animals of the Savannah of Africa".
IV. Learning new material
The fauna of the savannas is very diverse. Nowhere in the world is there such an accumulation of large animals as in the African savannah.
We learn about some animals from the messages you prepared on the topic "Most, most, most..."
Student messages

(The student talks about the animal without naming it, the rest of the students will try to guess who the story is about.)
1 student
The largest land animal. The weight of an adult animal is about - 7 - 8 tons, the height is like a one-story house. In Africa, they live in the savannas and on the edges of tropical forests. Steppe animals are larger than forest ones. They are very strong. These giants move almost silently. Making their way through the wilds of the forest, they will not give themselves away either by the crackling of branches or the rustle of foliage. A steep climb is also not a hindrance for them, they grandiosely overcome it without much effort. And if a body of water is encountered on the way, this giant will overcome it with the enviable ease of a swimmer. The thickness of the skin in some places reaches 2.5 cm, it is quite sensitive to insect bites and the rays of the scorching sun. That is why animals love to take mud baths so much, and they try to cover the cubs with their shadow.
This animal has a very short neck and uses its trunk to reach the ground. (African elephant)

The elephant deftly nibbles the grass with its trunk, plucks the leaves from the tree and puts them in its mouth. On a hot day, the elephant collects water for drinking with it and pours himself over it. With the help of a trunk, an elephant smells for three kilometers, with which he explores the path in unfamiliar places. Sometimes elephants use their trunk as a weapon, but more often in case of danger, elephants fold their trunk. The loss of the trunk threatens the animal with starvation.
2 student
The tallest animals in the world live in the savannas. The height of the animal can reach 6 m. Thanks to their growth, even during a drought, they feed on leaves and shoots from the tops of tall trees. In order to pick up something from the ground, the animal has to either kneel or spread its legs wide. Strong hind legs allow the animal to run very fast, it can reach speeds of up to 60 km / h. The only predator who dares to attack the animal is the lion, but he is also afraid of getting a strong blow with his hoof. The animal has sensitive hearing and vision. Their number is small, so they are under state protection.
They don't have last names, they don't have names, they don't respond to nicknames. But no two animals are exactly alike. Kenyan zoologists claim that the pattern on the body of an animal is as unique as human fingerprints. (Giraffe)

3 student
The most numerous animals of the savannah. The name of these animals in Greek means "bright-eyed". Their eyes are really unusual - huge and moist, covered with fluffy and long eyelashes. These ungulates have excellent hearing, sense of smell and long fast legs. Many species of these animals live in the savannah. They feed mainly on grass and leaves.
His long neck the animal resembles a giraffe, and at the same time, a characteristic feature is overly large ears, which look very harmonious. The big animal is beautiful in itself and is one of the animals most easily spotted on an African safari. (Antelope)

Antelope - Wildebeest differs from others with a mane, sharp horns and a fluffy tail, similar to a horse. Before the start of the dry season, wildebeest gather in huge herds. A loud sound sweeps through the herd: "Gnu - u - u - u - u ..." because of this cry, the animals were called - "antelope - wildebeest." The largest of the antelopes eland. She has strong horns and a hump on her back and is about 2m tall. The most graceful and fastest of the savannah antelopes - gazelle.
4 student
One of the most formidable animals of the savannas. The animal weighs about 4 tons, and its length is 4.5 m. They sleep during the day and graze in the evening, they are distinguished by good hearing and smell and poor eyesight. This animal was named so because of its horn, which is located on its nose. Animal horns are valued very dearly, and therefore poachers mercilessly exterminated them. Now in many African countries they are under state protection. (Rhinoceros)

5 student
The fastest animal in the world. Pursuing prey, he can run for some time at a speed of 120 km / h. In translation, this animal means "dog - cat." His muzzle looks like a cat's, but he does not roar like a tiger or a lion, but only yelps. The animal's claws do not retract, they help it change direction when running. The main prey is gazelles. The predator knocks down the prey with one jump: from a place it can jump 8 m. As a rule, animals hunt alone and only occasionally in pairs.
In Africa, they live in tropical forests, savannahs and deserts. (Cheetah)

Herds of antelopes, zebras, giraffes, elephants and other animals graze in the tall grass.
Night fell on Africa
And the savanna became quiet.
An elephant slumbers next to the lions,
An elephant naps and sees a dream.
And in the bushes on the right side
The tired rhinoceros lay down.
And the mother zebra fell asleep,
Striped pajamas.
The giraffe sings softly to everyone,
Lift your head up.

N. Zidarov
What animals still live in the African savannas, we will learn from the next task.
Exercise: fill in the missing words in the text.
African striped horses graze next to the antelopes - (zebras). Looking for food in thick grass (warthogs)- African wild pigs. Many rivers and lakes (crocodiles) And (hippos). There are many predators in the savannas: , , , . (lions, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs).
Reference words:
lions, zebras, hyenas, warthogs, leopards, hippos, cheetahs, crocodiles.
Examination: read the correct text.
terminological work.
Find in the dictionary what the word "pride" means p.205
Pride- a family association of lions.
Teacher's story
lions usually live in prides.

The group includes adult females, males and growing animals. Each member of the group has their own responsibilities. Light and agile, lionesses get food by hunting zebras, antelopes and other ungulates. Large and strong males guard the territory.
Large animals such as zebra and wildebeest are hunted at night spotted hyenas.

Sometimes lions rob the hyenas of their prey. Hyenas live and hunt in large packs, the leader of the pack is the female. The packs of hyenas are very well organized. Males are slightly smaller than females and are always subordinate to them.
Physical education minute
At giraffes. (E. Zheleznova)

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, spots everywhere.
(Clap hands all over body.)

Elephants have folds, folds, folds, folds everywhere.
(We pinch ourselves, as if collecting folds.)
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.
(With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)

Kittens have fur, fur, fur, fur everywhere.
(We stroke ourselves, as if smoothing the fur.)
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.
(With both index fingers we touch the corresponding parts of the body.)

And the zebra has stripes, there are stripes everywhere.
(We draw the edges of the palm along the body (draw stripes).)
On the forehead, ears, neck, elbows,
On the noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and socks.
Continuation of the teacher's story
Exercise: in the course of the teacher's story, write down the names of birds in a notebook.
The African savannas are rich in birds. In Africa lives the most large bird in the world. They say about her: “And she doesn’t sing and she doesn’t fly ... Who is this?” (Ostrich)

Only in the savannah lives the largest bird in the world - African ostrich. The growth of an ostrich can reach 2 m 75 cm. An ostrich cannot fly, but it runs very well. Tamed ostriches act as shepherds.
Bird - secretary runs well, but flies badly. In order to take off, she first needs to run up. It feeds on grasshoppers, lizards, snakes. Scientists believe that snake venom is harmless to birds.
Buffalo birds, or drags, accompany large animals (buffaloes, rhinos, elephants). They walk on the backs of animals, eating ticks and other insects.
There are other birds in the savannah: guinea fowls, turtledoves, larks, brilliant starlings, marabou.
Examination: ostrich, secretary bird, buffalo bird or voloklui, guinea fowl, dove, lark, brilliant starling, marabou.
In the savanna, as well as in the rainforest, there are many insects. Unusual insects live here - termites resembling large ants. They build tall structures (up to 6 m or more) - termite mounds. In the savannah, you can see entire termite settlements.

Termites avoid light and rarely surface during the day. For food, they usually go at night or during the day along hidden underground corridors that go from the termite mound in all directions. Termites feed on plant food, but they can eat many other things.
An animal lives in the African savannah aardvark.

It feeds on ants and termites. With strong claws, the aardvark breaks open the walls of the termite mound and licks insects with a sticky long tongue. His teeth are made up of separate tubes, they are soft and wear down quickly, so he cannot eat solid food. New teeth grow in place of old teeth. The aardvark sleeps during the day and forages at night.
The tsetse fly is common around water bodies. It is twice the size of an ordinary fly and has a sharp sting. This insect is dangerous to animals and livestock. The bite of a tsetse fly causes dangerous sleeping sickness in humans. This fly is found only in Africa. After its bite, sleeping sickness occurs. The fly kills thousands of cattle and claims many human lives.
Each of the herbivores of the savannah feeds on certain types of vegetation. Some eat grasses, others eat leaves of shrubs, others eat leaves of trees or bark. Undersized animals find food near the ground. Elephants and giraffes pluck leaves from high branches. The inhabitants of the savannah do not stay in one place for a long time, herds of herbivores are constantly moving. Thanks to this, even in the dry months, all animals find food for themselves.
The local population is traditionally engaged in cattle breeding: it raises cows, sheep, goats. This is the most favorable natural area for growing cultivated plants. People have changed the face of the savannah: large areas of the savannah are occupied by fields and pastures, roads, large settlements, and cities have appeared. The number of animals and birds has decreased.
V. Consolidation
The African savannah is densely populated with animals. Many large herbivores live in the savannah.
- Why do you think? (Student answers)
A wide variety of herbivorous mammals graze in the African savannah, they feed on different plants and eat them at different heights. The life of animals in the savannas has a seasonal rhythm, subject to the alternation of dry and wet seasons. During the dry season, part of the animal hibernates or burrows.
Work in the workbook: tasks 4 - 6 on page 38
VI. Lesson summary
- What did you learn new?
Despite everything that we have learned over the course of several lessons, Africa remains the most mysterious, fabulous and attractive continent.
- Come up with one question each and ask any student in the class.


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