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Competitive program.

Purpose: To unite the children's team, develop ingenuity, imagination.

Equipment: suit snow queen, pencils, albums, illustrations on a winter theme.


Host: Good afternoon, dear friends. I congratulate you on getting into the winter fairy tale!

Winter fairy tale is near

Just look around:

colorful garland

Bullfinches on the branches.

And behind the thicket of the forest,

At the haystacks in the meadow -

Sun red fox

Dozing in the blue forest.

Here we are in this winter fairy tale. And the main characters of this fairy tale will be teams ...



And the performance of the teams will be judged by the heroine of the fairy tale, who kidnapped the boy Kai, when a piece of a curved mirror hit his heart, and his heart turned to ice. Who is it? That's right - the Snow Queen.

Who wrote this tale? That's right - Hans Christian Andersen. /answers are scored with snowflakes, the winning team gets more snowflakes/

The Snow Queen comes out and takes the place of the jury.

1 competition. "A poem about winter"

Our people love winter. And you can go sledding and play snowballs. And on long, winter evenings, you can listen to a fairy tale, and sing a song, and guess riddles, and read poetry.

And how many poems have been written about winter ?! There are a great many of them. Now let's listen to them...

/Participants read poems about winter. For the best performance a snowflake is awarded /

(But you can make riddles about winter or sing songs, etc.).

2. Relay competition "Mysterious crossword"

Listen to the poem:

We made a snowman yesterday

And the woman's hat was from a bucket,

And the nose is made of carrots, and the hands are made of sticks,

A broom from a broom, and a scythe from a washcloth.

And we made good snowmen. Only it's not simple

Snowmen, crossword puzzles are placed on them.


White carrot grows in winter. (Icicle)

And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove the trees (hoarfrost)

Without arms and without legs, but the gate opens (Wind)

Does it fly in a white flock and sparkle in the light, does it melt like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth? (Snow)

invisible carefully, he comes to me and draws like an artist, is he patterns on the window? (Freezing)

Who goes to bed in the fall and gets up in the spring? (Bear)

she covered the paths, painted the windows, brought joy to the children and carried them on a sled7 (Winter)

Guys, I have two silver horses, I ride both at once, what kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

3 competition "Snow fantasies".

There is a wonderful artist who, without paints and brushes, paints the windows of houses in winter. What is this artist? That's right, it's cold. This artist will touch the glass and...

The forest grows white whole, you can’t enter it on foot, and you can’t enter on a horse ...

Assignment: Each team to draw frosty patterns. /Participants are given paper, white and blue gouache. During the quest, a winter song plays./

4 competition "Winter fun"

Hit the basket with a snowball.

This requires 2 baskets and balls. Children from a distance throw balls into the basket. Whoever throws the most snowballs wins.

5 competition "Connect correctly"

It is necessary to place the subject in the right fairy tale.

Fairy tale titles: The Frog Princess, The Fox and the Crane, By Pike's Command, the Snow Maiden, the Cockerel and the Bean Seed, Masha and the Bear, the Fox, the Hare and the Rooster, Soldier's Porridge.

Items: A swamp, a jug, a stove, a fire, a grain, a box, an ice hut, an ax.

6 competition "Cut out a snowflake"


What kind of stars through

On a coat and on a scarf.

All through - cut,

And you take it - water in your hand.

Of course it's a snowflake. And now each team needs to cut a snowflake out of paper. Who is faster and prettier?

7 competition: "Name the winter tales."

Who is bigger?

/Morozko, Snow Queen, Snegurochka, Moroz Ivanovich, Wintering of animals, 12 months, Two frosts, Mrs. Metelitsa, etc./

8 competition "Word in word"


Snow, mountain, rock, bark, negro, cancer, river, grief, sulfur, dew

The winning team receives a sweet prize.

KOU "Sherbakul special (correctional) general education boarding school"


game program

for students primary school

special (correctional) schools

Prepared by:

Primary school teacher

Belik I.V.


Good afternoon dear friends. Today our holiday is dedicated to winter - the most beautiful and fun time of the year. Winter! Frosts are cracking, snow is sparkling in the sun.


Everything is angrier, angrier, angrier
It's frosty outside,
And everyone is warmer
Wraps up nose.
Both people and machines
Now is not up to beauty:
Both people and machines
They covered their noses. (V. Orlov "January")

Guys, at our holiday everyone should actively participate in all competitions. And for the correct answers you get snowflakes. Whoever scores the most will win.

1 contest "P hints of winter?

(Answers of children).

2 competition Riddles of the Snow Queen

Flying like a star in the sky

It became a drop on the palm. (Snowflake)

Cold treat. (Ice cream)

Neither drive nor pass -

Pile of snow on the way. (Snowdrift)

Warm, fluffy frost protection. (Fur coat)

Grows in winter, not summer

And top to bottom at the same time. (Icicle)

And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

What master did this on the glass

And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses? (Freezing)

From it the sledges go by themselves. (Slide)

3rd competition " cut out the snowflake

"White fluffy snow is spinning in the air,
And quietly falls to the ground, lies down ”(Snowflake)

(4 participants are called and counting up to 12 cut out snowflakes)

4th competition "Name a winter word"

Students name words related to the winter season (For example, snowflake, frost, etc.)

5th competition " Draw a snowman.

(2-3 people are called and blindfolded draw on the board)

6th competition "Who is it?"

In winter, many animals live differently: some fall asleep for the winter, others use their reserves. Many spend most of the day looking for food.

1. Who goes to bed in the fall and gets up in the spring? - Bear.

2. Running uphill, somersaulting from the mountain? - Hare.

3. Less tiger, more cat,
Above the ears of the brush - horns,
It looks like a rabbit, but don't believe it:
Terrible in anger this beast!
And you won’t shout to him: “Shoot!”
Because it is - (Lynx)

4. Like on a hill - snow, snow
And under the hill - snow, snow.
And on the tree - snow, snow,
And under the tree - snow, snow.
And under the tree sleeps - (Bear).

7th competition Game "Snowballs"


8th competition Compose the word "Winter"

Students from snowflakes make up the word "Winter" (each class has a letter)

9th competition "Guess the taste ?”

Blindfolded, without tasting, determine what is in your hands. You can smell, feel. (apple, cucumber, tangerine, etc.) The one with the most correct answers wins.

10th competition " Who will peel and eat the tangerine faster ?

And in conclusion, I suggest you playgame “What do we do in winter?”

What do we do in winter
Give, my friend, you answer me.
Listen carefully,
Answering “yes” or “no”.
Do we play snowballs with friends?
We collect mushrooms in the forest ourselves?
Are we sledding down the hill?
Do we swim in the village on the river?
Are we skiing through the woods?
How many flowers do we find?
Are we digging beds in our garden?
And we dance with Santa Claus?

Well, well done, friends!

Summing up (counting snowflakes)


Game program: "Oh, you, Zimushka - Winter!"
Holiday for children of the 2nd grade.
Target: To give an insight into indoor play in a health-saving way.

Tasks: 1. Develop imagination.

2. Develop dexterity, accuracy, ingenuity.

3. Develop coordination of movements.

Equipment: poster “Oh, you, Zimushka-Winter!”, backing tracks of songs about winter, “snowballs” made of cotton wool, broom, skittles, “staff”, proverbs - sayings about winter, bundles of donuts for rewarding.

The course of the game program.
Istage. Fascinating.
Leading. Hello guys! Boys and girls!

People in Russia used to have fun!

Even if the weather was very gloomy,

People took sleds and rode down the hills, amusing each other.

Sing, friend, and laugh, have fun, friend!
- Now - attention, friends. (Guessing riddles on the theme "Winter")
1) Without hands, without eyes, but he knows how to draw. (Frost)

2) White carrot grows in winter. (Icicle)

3) White bees sat on the ground, fire came - they were gone. (Snow)

4) The old man at the gate, warmly dragged away.

He does not run and does not order to stand. (Freezing)

5) A strange star fell from the sky

It landed on my palm and disappeared. (Snowflake)

6) Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,

Painted the windows all without asking.

But who is it? Here is the question!

All this makes ... (frost)

7) We stood all summer, waiting for winter.

We waited for the time, rushed down the mountain. (Sled)

8) We are happy to overtake each other.

You look, my friend, do not fall!

Good then, easy

High-speed ... (skates)

9) I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill.

Sport has become dearer and closer to me

What helped me in this? ... (skiing)

10) Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

The blizzard is walking ... When does it happen? (in winter)

Leading .On what topic were the riddles?

Leading .- Name the main holiday of winter.(New Year).
Game: “What is the Christmas tree decorated with?”
What the Christmas tree is decorated with, I will name the guys.

Listen carefully and be sure to answer.

If we tell you right, say "Yes!" in reply.

Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, answer boldly “No!”
Multi-colored crackers?

Blankets and pillows?

Marmalades, chocolates?

Glass balls?

Are the chairs wooden?

Teddy bears?

Primers and books?

Colored beads?

And the garlands are light?

Snow from white cotton wool?

Backpacks and briefcases?

Shoes and boots?

Cups, forks, spoons?

Candy shiny?

Are tigers real?

Are the stars shining?

Leading . -Well done boys! Did you know that in Russia the Day of Health has long been celebrated. Only he bore the name Katherine's day. It was celebrated in December. Therefore, it is no coincidence that December is the month of “For a healthy lifestyle!”. But you need to take care of your health every day. What needs to be done for this? That's right - CHARGING!
Game: "Unusual exercise."

(All the guys do exercises that "suggest" the letters)

F- Feet together, hands on hips.

L- put your feet apart.

T- hands to the side.

X- splayed out arms and legs.

G She leaned over and didn't want to straighten up.

P- bent over, hands reaching to the floor.
Leading. And now we will auction: "Winter sports".

Explain the name: BIATHLON(skiing + shooting)

SLALOM(alpine skiing with obstacles)

HANDBALL(football with hands)

WATER POLO(water handball)

CURLING- A NEW OLYMPIC SPORT. Large pucks - "stones" must be driven into the "house" - a circle on the ice.

Leading . And now let's take part together, friends,

Various winter sports

We will be glad you and I!

One student per class is invited, cards with the names of sports are drawn. With facial expressions and gestures, they show it to those present, who must guess it. (Figure skating, skiing, hockey, speed skating).

A poem about winter is read by a student.

Blizzard white sweeps -

This winter is coming:

She led the sleeve

All roads covered.

Hello, Zimushka - Winter,

Long awaited winter!

Don't feel sorry for the snow

Have fun!
Leading . - And what fun without a fervent song about winter?
Songs prepared by each participating class are performed.

2nd grade song "Three White Horses" is performed last.

Leading .- What three white horses are sung about in this song?


Do you know proverbs or sayings about these months? (Children call)
December is the end of the year, the beginning of winter.

January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

February is a fierce month, asks how shod.
Game: "Collect the proverb."

Leading .- Let's have fun together!

Let's run and frolic!

Well, in order not to freeze,

I suggest you play.

1. Game: "We will not freeze in the cold!"

(Children perform the movements referred to in the poem).
Top, top in place

Hands together, feet together.

Top, top - right, top, top - left,

They turned their heads: one, two, tired?

Hands to the sides - one, two!

Head turns again

Right head and left

One, two - tired!

Jump in place, and more

Raised one shoulder

They drew circles!

Another raised shoulder.

Dropped both - once!

Legs entrance will go now!

Bend your right like this

Don't fall behind me!

And on the left jump and jump, -

And then one more time!

Legs to the sides - one, two!

Well, how did it get warmer? If not, let's start over!

2. The game "snowballs".
3. The game "Tug of war".
4. The game "Staff of Santa Claus."
Frost walked along the sidewalk, dropped the staff into a ditch (To the music, pass the “staff” to the neighbor. Whoever was in his hands when the music stopped, he leaves the game).

5. The game "On the broom".
(Run around the skittles with a broom, and come back without knocking them down).

I saw, brothers, I have a lot,

But that didn't happen...

Relay on a whisk

From pine or from a Christmas tree.

6. Final game. (All participants of the holiday together).

If your hands are cold

Then clap your hands!

If your feet are cold

Then stomp your feet!

Clap your hands louder

Stomp your feet louder

And not for you Father Frost

You can freeze your nose!
IIISTAGE. Rewarding each class with a bunch of bagels.



Svetlana Gordeeva
The scenario of the entertainment-sports game "Zimushka-winter brought us fun"

Target: Organization of active recreation for children and maintenance healthy lifestyle life;

Creation of a favorable emotional atmosphere for the manifestation of joint creativity;

- develop interest in sports games to improve children's health.

Tasks: Develop dexterity, speed, ability to independently perform the task.

To educate the interaction of children, the ability to play in a team, empathize with each other. Bring joy to children.

The course of a sports game

group decoration

Fanfare sounds.

Leading: Hello children!

Children: Hello!

Leading: I see the most athletic, most friendly guys gathered here. Yes?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Everyone has gathered and it's time for us to start our competitions. But guess first riddle:

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers.

The blizzard is walking. When does it happen?

Children: Winter.

Leading: That's right, in winter. Winter has come. With frosts, fun fun. Guys do you love winter?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Today we have gathered to celebrate the holiday « Zimushka - Winter

Leading: Two teams: 1 team: "Snowflakes", 2 – "Snowmen".

Leading: We wish you an honest, and most importantly, fair fight! Our jury will help us with this.

Leading: I think that all those present will agree with me that real athletes will not go to the site without a warm-up.

If you want to become skilled

Agile, fast, strong, brave,

Never be sad

Better do sports

And do the moves!


We stood on tiptoe

We raised our hands up

We sighed, stretched

And they smiled at each other.

Exhale, hands down

Let's do it again now!

Head rotation

The exercise is simple

We turn our heads to the left.

And now circles to the right.

We charged to glory!

Host II: Hand jerks

They clenched their hands into fists,

The jerks begin.

Left, right, left, right.

Well done guys, bravo!

We are such a physical education

Strengthen your muscles!

Tilts to the side

Stand up straight, legs wider

They put their hands on their hips.

Leaned to the right side

Leaning to the left

And now one more time

And they stopped.


We continue to recharge

And let's go dancing!

One - sat down, two - got up,

One more rip! Not tired?

Let's get energetic!

We straighten the back sharper!

Running in place

They lined up like soldiers.

Running on the spot, aty-baty!

Hurry! Knees up!

We slow down the run. Quiet!

We breathe evenly, deeply,

Let's go slowly, easy.

One and two, we count together.

Three four. Stay where you are!

Leading: I had no doubt that you are excellent athletes! In my opinion, the teams did a great job with the warm-up and are probably ready for the competition?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then we start our first relay race "Carry it, don't drop it".

Relay race "Carry it, don't drop it".

Each team member needs to carry a snowball (paper ball on a badminton racket).

Leading: What dexterity and dexterity our teams show! Guys it's winter outside, it's cold, there's snow all around. And you love winter? Are you afraid of the cold? Let's get warm together.

The game is being played "We'll warm up a little" to the song "Warmer"

We warm up a little

We clap our hands



We put on gloves

We are not afraid of blizzards

Yes yes yes yes yes yes,

Yes yes yes yes yes yes.

We will also warm our feet

We'll sink faster

Top-top - top-top-top-top,


We made friends with frost

How the snowflakes swirled

La la la la la,

La la la la la.

Leading: Are you warm? Then we continue our competition!

Want to know the name of our next competition?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then guess riddle:

Unusual miracle beast,

Don't believe your eyes though!

Famously galloping across the savannah,

And the baby is in the pocket (kangaroo).

Competition "Kangaroo"

Now each of you will be able to try yourself as a kangaroo. Having tied the apron and put the little animal in your pocket, you need to jump on two legs to the chair, jump around it and, returning back, pass the apron to the next member of your team. Children are built in two links, the game begins on command.

Leading: Well done, guys, did a great job with this difficult task!

Listen to the riddle: With a whisk, in a hat from a bucket - the director of the winter yard. Who is it?

Children: Snowman.

Leading: Well, of course, a snowman, he got used to the winter, to the cold. We invite children to draw such a snowman in a scarf and hat. All team members will draw in turn, completing the missing fragments.

Leading: That's how great it turned out! Our competition continues and the next relay "Crossing on ice floes" (on two white sheets of paper) to the other side.

Relay race: "Crossing on ice floes"


Girls and boys, attention!

There is one more thing for you

fun task.

The game "Winter" to the music

(Snow - children are spinning with their hands raised, blizzard - running around the hall, snowdrift - squat. The leader alternates words, children perform movements to the music).

Leading: Our competition continues and the next relay "Who will collect more snowballs". Children take turns throwing snowballs into the rings that lie on the floor. The team that throws the most snowballs wins.

Relay race: "Who will collect more snowballs"

Leading: I would like to suggest one more competition: "Mysteries about winter". Let's see what team: "Snowmen" or "Snowflake" do this job better?

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.


He's busy all the time

He cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white

Everything you see along the way.


And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver.


He always

Angry at something

And whenever you're angry

The kids blush their faces.


What kind of star is this

On a coat and on a scarf -

All through, cut out,

Will you take water in your hand?


Thekla, thekla

And lay down under the glass.

(river under ice)

Winter on the roofs are gray

Throws seeds -

Growing white carrots

She's under the roof.


Oh, it's snowing!

I take out a horse-friend,

Holding on to a rope.


On snowdrifts near the river

Long boards go

They roll the rider jokingly

Upturned nose.


Curled up around the neck,

He will hide the kids from the frost.


Take a look: who is this

In the cold without a coat?

Frozen orange nose

And he laughs to tears! (Snowman)

Two steel shiny brothers

On the ice they rush in circles,

Leaving behind

Ice crumb trail.


Barely breathed in winter

They are always with you

Lie in your pockets

It will help keep your fingers warm.


The snowflakes just fell

I ran along the path

And they run after me

My entire itinerary is given out.

(Footprints in the snow)

Who sweeps and gets angry in winter,

Blowing, howling and spinning,

Making a white bed

Howling like an animal?


Leading: Well done, guys, they guessed riddles very well! And now I ask everyone for attention,

The competition is over.

The jury is watching

Chooses the best!

Leading: So, attention friends! In a few minutes, we will announce the winners of the competition. And now we offer all participants a creative exercise: I will guess the animal and say it in a whisper so that no one hears the captain of the team, and he will try to portray him, your rivals will try to guess who it is, and then vice versa.

Leading: Well done, guys, they did a great job with this difficult task! Now let's ask the jury to name the winner.

The floor is given to the jury!

Leading: We are finishing the winter holiday, and

We treat everyone with sweets!

Photo for memory.

Scenario of a competitive game program for younger students "Zimushka winter"

Purpose: To create a festive mood for children through active participation in the competitive game program.


Cohesion of the children's team;

Development of communicative qualities.

Equipment: music center, phonograms of New Year's songs, 2 microphones, attributes for competitions, sweet prizes.

Event progress

Snow Maiden:Good afternoon, dear guys! We are glad to welcome you to the competitive game program "Zimushka-winter". The year of the Black Snake has ended and a new year is coming - the year of the wooden Horse! We sincerely wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished desires, success and happiness in the New Year! Today, you won't be bored. We will play, joke, sing and dance and I propose to move on to the first competition task.

We will play an interesting game with the guys:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.
Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,
If I tell you right, say "Yes" in return.
Well, if suddenly - wrong, say boldly "No!"

Multi-colored crackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalade, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands bright?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Backpacks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
Are the tigers real?
- Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?
(Children of the first grade read poems)

(The sound of bells is heard and Santa Claus appears at the door)

Father Frost: Hello dear guests. I passed near your school, decorated trees and houses with silver. Suddenly I heard cheerful New Year's music and decided to visit you. May I be present at your party?

Snow Maiden: Of course, Santa Claus, come into the hall. We guys will be very happy to see you. Really guys? (Children answer)

Father Frost: That's fine! Then let's not hesitate, but let's start the holiday program. So I want to see the guys, how smart and skillful they are.

Snow Maiden: Guys, now I will tell you a poem, and you listen carefully and perform all the movements that meet.

Zimushka-winter came, all the paths were swept up.

We walk through the snowdrifts, we sing a song together. (stomp in place)

Snowdrifts do not scare us, we raise our legs higher, (raise our legs)

We’d better take skis and go with the breeze, (depict skiing)

Snowflakes are flying in our faces, everything is light as fluff,

We will bend to the right, to the left, we will dodge them. (make bends)

And then we'll play snowballs, pick up the snow, throw it. (make snowballs, throw)

And the frost is not terrible for us, we play merrily. (depict playing snowballs)

And then we will warm the nose, ears, cheeks, hands. (rub nose, ears, cheeks, hands)

I like to walk in winter, there is no time for boredom.

But it's time for us to return, so we will say goodbye. (waving hand)

Tomorrow we will get up early and go for a ride again. (depicts walking)

Well done guys, you were very attentive, and everything turned out great.

Father Frost: Oh, I liked the way you played! Can I play my favorite game?

Snow Maiden:Will the guys cope with your game?

Father Frost: Definitely do it! The game is called "Snowball".

Everyone stands in a circle and begins to pass a snowball to the music. When the music stops, the player who has the snowball left in their hands will have to complete some task. He will pull this task out of the magic bag (dance a dance, sing a song, tell a poem, an anecdote, show some object with facial expressions, etc.). After completing the task, the snowball is then passed around in a circle.

(Game in progress)

Snow Maiden: (Turns to Santa Claus) You have a fun game. Do you know this game? This game is musical, and it is called "Christmas trees-stumps." Be very careful in this game. When the word "Christmas trees" is sung, you guys need to raise your hands high up, and when the word "stumps" is sung, you should sit down. With each verse, the tempo increases. Ready. (Children answer)

(The musical game "Christmas trees-stumps" is being held)

Father Frost: Yes, it’s not in vain that I came to you, you have fun here, you just want to play pranks.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, we are not allowed to play pranks, but you can play as much as you like.

Father Frost: Okay, then it's my turn to play the game. The game is called "Snowflakes". We form groups of 6 people. Each group becomes its own small circle, joining in the center with the right hand, depicting a snowflake. When the Snow Maiden pronounces the word "wind", all the players scatter around the hall. As soon as the snow maiden says the word "snowflakes", the players must form the initial snowflakes. The group that completed the task later than everyone else leaves and sits in its place.

(Game in progress)

Snow Maiden: Guys, I suggest you now play the game "Guess the melody". When the phonogram of the winter song sounds, you need to recognize this melody and quickly raise your hand to answer. If you guess the name of the song correctly, you can earn a prize from Santa Claus.

(Game in progress)

Father Frost:

Well, wow, how many winter songs do you know. You made me very happy!

Guys, I know another interesting song that 4th grade students will perform.

(Children sing)

Snow Maiden: And now we will hold a win-win lottery.

Magic bag with gifts

Sent to the children by Santa Claus,

Its today in our school

Cheerful postman brought.

Gifts in a bag

Let's be honest, do not count

For good kids

Everything is in this bag

Each child is invited to pull out a postcard from a magic chest (in the form of a Christmas ball, a bunny) with a number.

Snow Maiden(reads wishes to ticket numbers):

1. On a ticket, you accidentally got fruit tea. (Tea) .

2. To keep your face and your hands clean,

On the ticket you got a piece of fragrant soap. (Soap).

3. Dimensionless vessel for various volumes of liquid. (Ball).

4. So that your teeth do not hurt,

Clean them at least once a week. (Toothbrush).

5. Wanted to win a flashlight,

And I just got a ball.

6. Must be happy in abundance.

From the lottery you are now:

You have a wonderful postcard.

Got it as a souvenir from us. (Card).

7. Get a balloon

Fly into space to the stars. (Ball).

8. To distinguish the days well,

9. Get it - Hurry:

You have a notebook: write poetry. (Notebook).

10. You look great:

Both clothing and hair.

And the reward is not in vain

You win - a comb. (Comb).

11. To distinguish the days well,

The calendar is good to know. (Calendar).

12. About all the news in the world

Read in the newspaper. (Newspaper with a crossword).

13. You listen to the advice:

14. You got the candy

15. To find out the income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook).

16. "Hurrah!" - shout at the whole world,

You have a souvenir car. (Machine).

17. So that your hairstyle is beautiful -

Get a comb as a gift. (Comb).

18. No typewriter -

We offer this item. (A pen).

19. In life, you have to hope for the best,

Glue you take, if something is not glued. (Glue).

20. To write beautifully to you,

Hurry up to get a pen. (A pen).

21. This piece will correct the mistake,

22. This is not a cup, this is not a watering can.

This is the line everyone needs. (Ruler).

23. Always sharpen a pencil

And get a sharpener. (Sharpener).

24. I got into the car, drove off,

You arrived at school quickly. (Machine).

25. Japanese camera. (Mirror).

26. Preparation for the development of the jaws. (Gum).

27. Measuring device of the highest accuracy. (Ruler).

28. Music center. (Whistle).

29. This item will come in handy

On the "five" to study. (A pen).

30 This piece will correct the mistake,

This eraser is called a rubber band. (Eraser).

31 Should be happy in abundance.

From the lottery you are now:

You have a wonderful postcard.

Got it as a souvenir from us. (Card)

32 To keep your face and your hands clean,

On the ticket you got a piece of fragrant soap. (Soap)

33 In order to know the income,

A notepad will come in handy. (Notebook)

34 You listen to the advice:

Fruit is the best diet. (Fruit).

35 Pencil always sharpen

And get a sharpener. (Sharpener)

36 You got the candy,

Come visit us. (Candy).

Father Frost: Now we will hold a competition "Winter Riddles".

The Snow Maiden and I will read riddles, and listen carefully and answer.

    He is kind, he is strict,

All overgrown with a beard,

Hurrying to us now for the holiday,

Who is this? ...

    If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the tree goes to the house,

What holiday? ...

    We made a snowball

They made a hat on him

The nose was attached, and in an instant

It turned out...

    Whose drawings on the window

How is the pattern on the crystal?

Pinch anyone on the nose

Winter grandpa...

    He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now for the New Year

On the river we see...

    She circles the snow along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens.

Zimushki-winter friend,

Northern guest...

    Caught on the ledge

Head hanging down.

Little acrobat,

Winter lollipop - ..

    Barely breathed in winter -

They are always with me.

Warm two sisters

They are called...

    He came unexpectedly

Surprised us all

Desired for the guys


    In winter, in the hours of fun

I hang on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a gun

My name is...

Snow Maiden: So our festive competitive game program has come to an end. But I have another surprise for you - "Winter Dance".

(Girls dance)

Father Frost : Oh, Snow Maiden, wait!

We went with you to a simple class,

But I think I got

Straight into a fairy tale in this room

Snow Maiden: Yes, and me, to tell the truth,


What are all the outfits


Father Frost:

Guys, I think

So don't dress casually!

And in all their glory they will appear

If we take places near the Christmas tree

(They lead a round dance)

Snow Maiden: There are many wonderful holidays,

Everyone comes in their turn

But the best holiday in the world -

New Year!

Father Frost: May the New Year, like a good genius,

Will come to your house in the middle of winter

And it will be a year for accomplishments

Everything you wished for!

Father FrostandSnow MaidenTogether: Happy New Year!!!


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