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Wild and cultivated plants. Lesson on the world around 2 class

Trees Bushes Grasses A) flowers B) lichens C) mosses What groups are all plants divided into?

What is the importance of plants to humans? They feed a person They treat a person They give a lot of useful substances. Dress up a person

What is the difference between a spruce tree and an apple tree? ?

Common Difference Grows in the forest. Grows in the garden. A man is taking care of her. tree tree Benefits Benefits

What is the difference between hazel and gooseberry? ?

Common Shrub Shrub Benefits Benefits Difference Grows in the garden. A man is taking care of him. Grows in the forest.

What is the difference between a dandelion and a tomato?

General Difference Herbaceous plant Herbaceous plant Grows in the garden. Man plants, tends, harvests. Grows everywhere.

What two groups can all plants be divided into? ? ? Plants grown by humans. Plants that no one plants, they grow on their own. They can be found everywhere: in the forest, and in the meadow, and in the reservoir.. Cultivated Wild

Wild Trees, Shrubs and Herbs grow by themselves. They are not cared for by humans.

Rye is earing in the field, There you will find a flower in the rye. Bright blue and fluffy, Only a pity that it is not fragrant. cornflower

Cornflowers do not benefit a person, on the contrary, they interfere with the growth of bread, and yet cornflowers are loved by the people. These flowers are lovely, blue as the sky. Many collect them, weave wreaths. The people said that the grateful cornfield (a field where bread grows) gave the sky cornflowers and gratitude for rainwater, without which the grain ears will not ripen.

Oak is not afraid of rain and wind. Who said that the oak is afraid to catch a cold? After all, until late autumn He stands green. This means that the oak is hardy, It means that it is hardened. What is this tree?

The beauty of the oak was appreciated by the ancient Romans, who called it "quercus", that is, "beautiful". However, this tree is not only beautiful, but also useful: it grows where it is difficult for other trees to grow.

What is this tree? Birch got its name because of the light white bark. It can be seen that the sparkling silver trunk of this wonderful tree once made a strong impression on our distant ancestors. "Ber" among the ancient Slavs meant "light, clear, brilliant, white." It was from him that the words "birch bark", "birch" came.

The Slavs loved the white-trunked beauty so much that they even arranged a birch festival. They celebrated the end of spring field work.

Cultivated Plants that are grown specifically by humans. Cares for them, harvests.

Cultivated trees shrubs herbs Apple tree Pear … Gooseberry Currant … Tomato Cucumber …

Find a couple

Cultivated Vegetable Fruit Ornamental Cereal Spinning

Lesson summary What groups of cultivated plants did you meet? What two groups can all plants be divided into? Give examples of plants in each group?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

environmental lesson in grade 2 "Cultivated and wild plants. Why does a person grow cultivated plants?"

Lesson on UMK "Perspective Primary School" on the topic: "Cultivated and wild plants. Why does man grow crops?

Lesson on the world around + presentation "Wild and cultivated plants"

Lesson summary with presentation the world, Grade 2, School of Russia, Pleshakov A. A. "Wild and cultivated plants"...

Topic: Wild and cultivated plants. Houseplants

Methodical development of a lesson on the world around. Lesson topic: Wild and cultivated plants. Houseplants. Non-traditional form6 Lesson in the winter garden. Lesson type: combined ....

"The diversity of the plant world" - Clover. Variety of plants. Potato. St. John's wort. Birch. ferns. Chicory. Oak. Plum. Apple tree. Kukushkin flax. Trunk. About 350 thousand plant species are known. Mosses. Baobab. Seaweed. Eucalyptus. Raspberry. The tubers are processed into starch. Lily of the valley. Flowering plants. Calendula. Aspen. Trees.

"Names of medicinal plants" - Kalina red. Responsible. Strawberry. Beneficial features. Development of cognitive processes. Sea ​​buckthorn. Sage. Parents of pupils. Possibility of using medicinal plants. Introduce the names of medicinal plants. Collection of medicinal plants. Excursions. Medicinal plants of the native land.

"Life forms of plants" - Lianas. Ivy. Mouse peas. Practical work"The study of life forms of plants in the school area." 1 - "plant-sheep" 2 - tragacanth astragalus. Semi-shrub. Woody Herbaceous. Pillow plants. Cherry. Hop. Broad-leaved Small-leaved Coniferous. Schavelek. Saxaul.

"Moss" - Life cycle. Spore and sexual reproduction in life cycle happen in sequence! Vegetative Spore Sexual. They live in damp places; - higher plants, the body of which is divided into stems, leaves and rhizoids. Mosses. Kukushkin lyon. Sphagnum. Moss reproduction. How do higher plants differ from lower ones?

"Cultural and wild" - Ornamental plants. Cereal crops. cultivated plants. Plants that no one plants. Plants cultivated and wild. Review the drawings. Spinning cultures. What groups can all plants be divided into. What is the importance of plants to humans? Fruit crops. Garlic. Vegetable crops.

"Venus slipper" - Yatabe slipper. The slipper is large-flowered. Frank is incredible. Venus slipper. Rod Bashmachok. Don't pick flowers. Description. The shoe is spotted. One of the most beautiful orchids. The shoe is real.

Total in the topic 32 presentations

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Lyangusova Julia Gennadievna GBOU secondary school No. 28 St. Petersburg Wild and cultivated plants

What groups are all plants divided into? Trees Shrubs Grasses

What are the similarities and differences between spruce and apple trees?

Tree Tree Benefits to man Benefits to man Coniferous plant Deciduous plant Grows in the garden, cared for by man Grows in the forest Similarities Differences

What are the similarities and differences between gooseberries and junipers?

Shrub Shrub Benefits to man Benefits to man Similarity Coniferous plant Deciduous plant Grows in the garden, cared for by man Grows in the forest Differences

What are the similarities and differences between coltsfoot and cucumber?

Herbaceous plants Similarity Grows in the garden. Man Plants, Cares, Harvests Grows Everywhere Differences Herbaceous Plants

Physical education A flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, I didn’t want to sleep anymore. Moved, stretched, Soared up and flew. The sun will only wake up in the morning, Butterfly spinning and winding.

Plants are wild cultivated Plants that no one plants, they grow on their own. They can be found everywhere: in the forest, in the meadow ... Plants that a person himself plants, cares for seedlings, harvests, uses for food

Cornflower Cornflowers do not benefit a person, on the contrary, they interfere with the growth of bread, and yet cornflowers are loved by the people. These flowers are lovely, blue as the sky. Many collect them, weave wreaths. The people said that the grateful cornfield (a field where bread grows) gave the sky cornflowers and gratitude for rainwater, without which the grain ears will not ripen.

Lesson summary What two groups can all plants be divided into? Give examples of plants in each group.

Homework Textbook p. 69 tasks according to schemes

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation for the lesson of the surrounding world will help to form students' ideas about plant groups ....

Wild and cultivated plants.

The presentation repeats the issues of dividing plants into groups, the importance of plants for humans. In an accessible form, the concepts of wild and cultivated plants are introduced....

Lesson on the world around + presentation "Wild and cultivated plants"

Lesson summary along with a presentation, the world around us, grade 2, School of Russia, Pleshakov A. A. "Wild and cultivated plants" ....

Wild and cultivated plants.

Methodical development of a lesson on the world around us in grade 1 on the topic "Wild and Cultivated Plants", where students will learn to distinguish wild plants from cultivated plants, give examples ...

Lesson on the world around

Grade 2

What groups are divided into

all plants?




A) flowers

B) lichens

B) mosses

Feeding a man

They provide a lot of useful substances.

Treat a person

Dress up a person







Grows in the garden. A man is taking care of her.

Grows in the forest.







Grows in the garden. A man is taking care of him.

Grows in the forest.


herbaceous plant

herbaceous plant


Grows everywhere.

Grows in the garden. Man plants, tends, harvests.

Plants grown by humans.

Plants that no one plants, they grow on their own. They can be found everywhere: in the forest, and in the meadow, and on the pond ..

Rye is earing in the field,

There you will find a flower in the rye.

Bright blue and fluffy

Just a shame it's not fragrant.

rain and wind oak

Not afraid at all.

Who said that oak

Scared to catch a cold?

After all, until late autumn

It stands green.

So the oak is hardy,

So it's hardened.

beauty oak the ancient Romans appreciated it, calling it "Quercus", that is, "handsome". However, this tree is not only beautiful, but also useful: it grows where it is difficult for other trees to grow.

The Slavs loved the white-barreled beauty so much that even a holiday birches arranged. They celebrated the end of spring field work.






Apple tree









What two groups can all plants be divided into?

What groups of cultivated plants did you meet?

Give examples of plants in each group?

The presentation was made by

Tkacheva Oksana Nikolaevna

teacher MOUSOSH №1


Ashinsky district

Chelyabinsk region

2008-2009 academic year year

Medicinal plants are harvested in dry sunny weather: leaves and stems - during flowering, flowers - at the beginning of flowering, fruits - in the period of full ripening, roots in autumn. Do not collect dusty, dirty and diseased plants. You can not collect plants near the roads and industrial enterprises. You can not take medicinal plants by mouth, as many of them are poisonous. You can not pull out the plants, they need to be cut with a knife or sickle. Roots should be dug up. Dry medicinal plants without delay in a well-ventilated place or room. Many of the medicinal plants can be grown on your own plot: oregano, chamomile, sage, valerian officinalis, yarrow, motherwort and many others. Many of the wild plants are poisonous and should not be torn, sniffed, or swallowed. Some of them can cause allergic reactions. The properties of many wild plants have not yet been studied.


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