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The author has 10 years of experience in Runet Internet startups. Practice. Clear concise advice. Brief sensible recommendations. The text is very...

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What is this book about
Clients, and after them their money, go to the Internet. How to use this trend and build your own successful business online? Which model to choose for your project and where to get money for a startup? How to communicate with investors? And, finally, how to get rid of destructive psychological attitudes and become a real moneymaker (the Moneymaker).
Andrei Ryabykh knows the answers to these questions. Read the book "How to make money on the Internet", and you will also learn.
Why we decided to publish this book
Because it concisely and clearly outlines the basics of business on the Internet: from creating a website to the functioning of large projects.
Who is this book for?
The book is useful both for those who want to start making money on the Web, and for advanced Internet entrepreneurs. Recommended reading for future Brins and Zuckerbergs.
Book chip
The author has 10 years of experience in Runet Internet startups. Practice. Clear concise advice. Brief sensible recommendations. The text is illustrated in great detail with screenshots. There are funny drawings.
From the author
The essence of wealth is conveyed by the simple thought of Cap (Captain Obviousness) - "the poor cannot be rich."
For all the simplicity of this phrase, it contains master key to wealth. Poverty (like wealth) is a certain set of internal programs and attitudes. A poor man will still remain a poor man, even if he gets a lot of money.
Business is a money making machine. You have been inventing this machine for a long time, designing and setting it up. As a result, you assemble a device that, when you turn the handle, gives out money. And now you turn this knob constantly to realize your desires.
Before starting an Internet startup, it’s a good idea to clarify whether there are millions in this market segment that we want to earn, and not start a project on the principle of “oh, cool.”


I am Internet bourgeois Andrey Ryabykh.
"Internet Bourgeois" is a personal brand.

I was born on October 4, 1971 in the city of Yelets, Lipetsk Region (the city was first mentioned in chronicles in 1146).
For more than fifteen years I have been living and working in St. Petersburg.

I have been doing business on the Web since 1999 and am the owner of Webmaster.SPb (website production), SeoExperts advertising agency (website promotion in search engines) and Media Kartel Internet publishing house (creation and monetization of Internet projects).

Since I like to make a lot of money, I like to experiment with different monetization models for websites. Almost all possible options have been tested on my projects. As a result, I learned how to earn well and a lot on the Web. How this is done, I want to tell you in my new book.

http://internet-bourgeois.rf - my personal blog

A VKontakte group created to discuss topics raised in the book:

Dedicated to my beloved wife Svetlana

I. Psychotherapeutic section

Usually in books the most interesting and important is at the end. I decided to start the book with the most important thing - with what makes one rich and the other poor. I start from the head. Or rather, from what is in it, from those programs that are embedded in it and determine our state. Most of these programs are so deep in the subconscious that we do not even feel them. Therefore, it is not easy to see them, and even more so, to change them in the desired direction. I'll try to show you the beginning. This is enough to take the first step. For those who are interested in continuing, see the list of references at the end of the section.

1. Money

Money doesn't bring happiness.
They give only some independence.
Roman Abramovich

What is money?

Answer the simple question: "What is money to me?" Take a pen or pencil and write your answer.

NB! writing answers to my questions is mandatory only for those who want to become rich :)


There are many answers to this question. Someone answers “freedom”, someone answers “security”, “independence”, “comfort”. Someone is a “measure of value” or “bank tickets, gold coins, banknotes”. For some, this is "pleasure", "power" and even "love". Experienced people say - "new impressions", "travel", "opportunities".

An interesting wording about money is given by one of Che Guevara's associates. He was asked what one dollar meant to him. He answered without hesitation: "A dollar is a pack of cigarettes." "What is ten dollars?" - "It's lunch in a cafe." “What is a hundred dollars?” - "Rifle". “What is a thousand dollars?” He replied: "A strike in some factory." "Million dollars?" - "Armed uprising" (found in the book of V. Schlachter).
Anything can be understood as money. And anything can be used as money: for example, in New Zealand, people paid with the help of Rai limestone stones with a diameter of several meters, a thickness of half a meter and a weight of several tons. Moreover, the value of this stone also depended on its history, for example, on how many people died during its delivery.
In Africa, crosses made of copper weighing from two hundred grams to a kilogram were in use. In Rus' for a long time one squirrel skin was taken for a penny, a hundred skins for a ruble. Stones, crosses, skins are also money.
More recently (by the standards of human history) electronic money has appeared, for example, Yandex. Money or WebMoney, where there is nothing but a sequence of zeros and ones.

So what is money?
As Cap would say (for those who don't know, it's Captain Obvious), "money is what you call money."
Robert Kiyosaki expressed the same thought in more detail: “Money is just an idea, it is created in your brain, thoughts; the sooner you realize that money is not real, the sooner you can get rich.” The key phrase is “created in your brain, thoughts”, that is, money is a product of your brain, a product of your thoughts, your internal programs.
Now return to your answer to the question "What is money?" and see what attitudes and inner programs you have manifested.

Internal programs

Since money is a product of the brain, the quality and quantity of this product for each person is determined by two of his internal programs - “income” (how much money is generated and how) and “expenditure” (how money is spent).
Let's see how your internal money programs work.

Internal program "income"

So, continue the phrase: “In order for me to have a lot of money, I need ...” Take a pen or pencil and write:


The most common continuation of this phrase is “work hard”. But if you look around, you will see a lot of people who really work hard, but at the same time have little money. Every day people get up at six in the morning, sit down on public transport and they go to work for a long, long time, they work hard for eight or ten hours, and then they return home squeezed like lemons. And so for decades. But they don't amass much wealth. "Working hard" doesn't necessarily lead to a lot of money.
Maria, a journalist, answered this question during an interview with me as follows: “I should quit this job, find a new one, work like a horse, take a lot of risks, and I will have a lot of money.” It was her internal program to earn a lot of money. When I asked her to say it again and listen to herself, she was very surprised at her program.
However, now it's not about the right or wrong way to ensure that you have a lot of money, you have drawn for yourself. For starters, you just need to see it. There can be many options, the main thing here is to understand your current internal “income” program.

Internal program "expense"

Continue the following phrase: “When I have a lot of money, I will ...” (I will specially allocate a whole sheet for your desires).


At one of the lectures, the girl in charge of the presentations remarkably replied: “I will finally get some sleep.” The range of answers to this question is very wide - from "I will buy a one-room apartment, a car, a summer house" to "a palace, yachts and a large harem."
There are also such answers: "I will be afraid that they will steal them from me." With this response, the person shows how he blocks himself from big money. He is simply afraid of them. But this is “a lot of money” from the previous phrase, how much is this for you? Have you ever wondered exactly how much money you need? Answer now exactly how much money you need.
I need ______________________________________________
And why so many, can you answer?

Most of us have no idea how much money he needs exactly. Ask your relatives, friends, how much would they be satisfied with in the form of a lump sum payment? You will hear a wide variety of responses. At the same time, if you ask to justify the named figure, then, most likely, you will confuse the interlocutor. Paradoxically, we all want a lot of money and at the same time we don’t know how much. Or another situation: "our current situation prevents us from seeing new horizons."
A typical dialogue (I take an excerpt from my VKontakte group):

I: Natalia, how much money do you really need?
N.: Andrei, I don’t know exactly how much money I want, because I don’t know how much it takes to invest in something and make a profit, because the money needs to work. If I had a million, I would consult with you where it is better to invest it, if I had two million, then I would open a security agency and protect rich people. When you start to reason, you understand: it seems like a little - a million, and you can already somehow really see it. But someone like me needs someone to explain, I don’t believe myself anymore.
I: And you take the time and calculate exactly how much money you need.
N.: How do I know exactly how much?
I: Decide what exactly you want, take the prices and add them up.
N.: Still, I must first decide what I want. In any case, the solution is the most difficult to find, since it is useless to open a store here, you need to sell something on the Internet or work with securities, for example. But the bank won’t give me money except for the “shop”, I’m already paying loans, and there’s nowhere else to take them from. So what's the difference how much I want ...

Remember, abstract desires are fulfilled in the abstract. That is, they are usually not performed in any way or are performed somehow in their own way (but not in your way).

We move from abstract money in our head to concrete amounts. One simple and effective exercise will help you determine the amount you need.
Imagine that you are the nephew of Uncle Scrooge from the famous Disney cartoon, that is, your uncle is not only a duck, but also unlimited financial resource. He is ready to write you a check for any amount with the only condition - you must name exact figure, indicating what you will spend the money on. Make a list of all your wants and needs. Include expenses for clothes and food, gadgets, real estate, travel, owning a business, a car, an island, a plane - everything that you would like to have. In this exercise, specific numbers are important, so do not be too lazy to find out the prices for all items from the wish list in catalogs, directories, and the Internet.
Completing this entertaining task can take from a couple of weeks to a month, but the result is worth the effort. You will take the first step from abstract fantasies to concrete desires. You will be surprised how much your initial estimate can differ from the amount that you will need to present to your uncle.
Usually, after receiving a specific amount, it turns out that you need not a million, but only a couple of hundred thousand euros. And for some, even a billion is not enough.

I want/I don't want

And now the most important thing in this exercise - when you already have a specific amount, forget about Uncle Scrooge (I understand this is not easy now) and indicate the specific terms for which you can receive what is listed on the list, and what you need for this do. If you're having trouble with deadlines, pick up a pen and continue the phrase: "I can't afford this because..."
Did you write down your good reasons? Now remember that there are only two reasons in life: “I want” and “I don’t want.”
If you don't want to, then come up with a bunch of reasons why you can't afford it! And no more thinking: “I can’t afford it”! Tell yourself honestly: “I don’t really want this”!

If you want something, you think about how to get it. Make plans, search for and mobilize resources, acquire new skills and experience. You just go to the intended goal.
The real “I WANT” is an explosive energy that sweeps away all obstacles on the way to the goal. This is a powerful locomotive that pulls you to the goal.
I have been teaching English for at least ten years (school, institute). I never got to learn it. In fact, I just didn't want it. Those who now “ignore” the language, please note: English is very important for the future, and at fifteen or twenty years old it is much easier to learn than at forty.
Two years ago, while developing a business development strategy for several years ahead, I saw that we were moving from Runet to the Internet and that without good knowledge in English It will not be easy for me (and the whole company) to develop further. I immediately had a powerful desire to understand and speak English.
In February 2011 I went to study. For the last year I have been trying to study with a native speaker three times a week for two hours, and learning the language is a great pleasure, since English turned out to be very simple and logical.
From January 1, 2013, I plan to switch the entire company to English. Now all department heads are learning the language, and the most advanced ones are already sending reports in English.
I have already set myself a second language for learning - Chinese, since this market also looks very promising.
If you want to change your world, you need to really want it.
I will explain about the "real" and "fake" desires, so that their difference is clear. Here you lie in the evening and get ready to fall asleep. This is where the urge to go for a drink comes in. You lie down and think: “Will I get up or not?.. Do I want to drink or don’t I?.. I seem to want to, but I’m too lazy to go.” And with this dialogue you fall asleep.
But you wake up after a harsh “celebration” with deep dryness and, no matter how strong the withdrawal syndrome is, you crawl to the tap and drink ... And at the same time, there are no thoughts about whether you want to drink or not. "I'm thirsty!" sweeps away everything in its path and pulls the half-dead body to the drinking tap.
Or a more mundane example. You strongly want to go to the toilet. What can stop you on the way to it? :)
Agree, it's funny to hear phrases like:

I described myself because:
- there was no time to go to the toilet;
- I was too tired;
- Lost hope. I did not believe that I could run;
- Well, of course. He ran. He has such long legs;
- I'm too stupid to do it;
- I have already described myself five times. I will never be able to run;
- this is clearly not for me;
- I knocked on the toilet - but they didn’t open it for me;
– I didn’t have enough motivation;
- I had depression;
- I don't have money, I can't afford it;
I decided to go tomorrow.

So if you don't have something, you don't really want it.

P.S. I understand that our capabilities may be limited by the laws of nature :)
P.P.S. “There are only two problems with money. One problem is when there is not enough money. Another problem is when there are too many of them. Which one do you choose? (Robert Kiyosaki)

Three big male secrets
(men don't read)

A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to guide a man where the Lord God wants to lead him.
Henrik Ibsen

Dear women, this text is for you :)

I'll start with the first big male secret.

The man earns money for the woman.
Without women, a man does not really need money.
We don't even know how to use them. We are constantly trying to multiply, increase, grow them. But to go and normally enjoy spending them - this is no longer for us :)
Why do we buy cool cars?
I quote the answer of a good friend: “So that gorgeous girls themselves throw themselves on the hood” (another answer: take the family to nature, to the country, to Europe, etc.).


New buildingsTyumen.rf

New buildingsEkaterinburg.rf

Why does a peasant need a large and luxurious apartment if he only sleeps in it? Either for a large family - and this is first a woman and then children, or so that there is somewhere to take "gorgeous girls". I quote: “You can’t bring a gorgeous girl into a one-room apartment. At least three with a Jacuzzi and a good repair.
Why does a man buy a good suit, expensive watch, shave? Exclusively to attract women. He also needs to demonstrate his viability and reliability. And we only clean our shoes because women don't like dirty shoes.

The second big male secret:

The amount of money a man earns is 75% dependent on his woman.
I will give an example from my own life.
I have a good friend whose income has grown several times over recently. Two years ago, he worked in a company, received a salary that suited him, lived with his mother in a large apartment. Everything was ok.
Then he met the girl of his dreams and discovered that he did not have enough money for going to restaurants and normal courtship. He was a good specialist, and after successful negotiations with his superiors, his salary was increased.
Their romance developed successfully. A year later, he decided to rent an apartment to create a "cell of society." He no longer counted on a salary increase - and left the company to earn independent money (since he is a very good specialist, he had no problems with clients). He rented an apartment, and then the growth of his profitability stopped.
Then his young lady began to have health problems and required expensive treatment. On this wave, he made another breakthrough in his business. Income has risen again. Now everything is fine with the health of his half, and he is thinking about buying a new car and a new apartment.

The third big male secret:

money is given to a man directly, to a woman through a man.
Therefore, women, if you want you to have enough money and the house is a full bowl, stimulate your man!
Remember that the best incentive for a man is a woman who admires him. For the sake of such a woman, I want to perform feats.
Love it.
Inspire him.
Support him.
Believe in him.
Admire them.

2. Wealth

Money doesn't make us rich
The brain makes us rich.
Robert Kiyosaki

Essence of wealth

The essence of wealth is conveyed by Cap's simple thought - "poor cannot be rich."
For all the simplicity of this phrase, it contains the main key to wealth. Poverty (like wealth) is a certain set of internal programs and attitudes. A poor man will still remain a poor man, even if he gets a lot of money.

Ufa unemployed Nadezhda Makarovna Mukhametzyanova got a winning ticket for thirty million rubles. Crowds of distant relatives and those who simply wanted to drink reached Nadezhda Makarovna's apartment, and teenage sons dropped out of school and littered with money for days on end. The Mukhametzyanovs bought two cars and two apartments - they smashed both cars, and one of the apartments burned down. After winning, Nadezhda Makarovna did not live even five years, she died in poverty.

Spouses Alex and Rhoda Toth from Florida in 2005 won thirteen million dollars in the lottery. The couple spent all their money on luxury goods and gambling. Soon the situation worsened so much that they had nothing to pay for electricity, and the lighting of the house was powered by a car generator through an extension cord. Soon Alex died, and his wife went to prison on charges of tax evasion. She tried to fool the "feds" by saying that she was too sick to stand trial. The agents were not stupid and filmed on a hidden camera how she successfully manages without crutches and a wheelchair.

Evelyn Adams won the national lottery twice for a total of $5.4 million. “Everyone wanted my money. Everyone held out their hands. And I never learned a simple word"No". It is a pity that I do not have the opportunity to return everything and live my life anew. Now I would behave smarter,” says Evelyn. She lost the rest of the money in slot machines in Atlantic City. When there was no money left at all, Evelyn moved to live in a trailer.

Pennsylvania fisherman William “Bud” Post won $16.2 million in the lottery, but, in his words, “It would never have been better. It was a complete nightmare." His ex-girlfriend sued part of the winnings. William's brother was arrested for hiring a hitman to kill him, hoping to inherit the money. Other relatives pestered Bud until he agreed to invest in the car business and restaurant. After some time, William "Bud" Post owed the state one million dollars. He died of respiratory arrest in 2006, no longer having a penny for his soul.

Billy Bob Harrell of Texas was a very religious man and, on the other hand, gave away his entire $31 million winnings. One part of the amount went to family and friends, and he donated the other to the church. The money quickly ran out and hard times fell. A year later, Billy Harrell shot himself. Shortly before his death, he confessed: "Winning the lottery was the most terrible event in my life."

The reverse is also true - a person with effective internal programs will not be poor, regardless of the difficulties and problems in his life.

Henry Ford was the eldest of six children in a farming family. He spent all his free time from studying at the parochial school in the field with his father. At the age of sixteen, he left home and took a job as a machinist's assistant. At night, he worked part time repairing watches so that he could pay for the room. At twenty-eight, he joined the Thomas Edison Company. Henry was offered to take leadership position on the condition that he abandon his invention. He quit. At thirty-six, he opened his own car company, which went bankrupt two years later. Some time later, together with a partner, Ford opened new company, however, due to disagreements with him, he left the business. And only the third Ford company was waiting for success.

Walt Disney started working at the age of eight - he woke up at half past four in the morning and delivered newspapers. At the age of eighteen, he got a job as an artist in an advertising office, but he was kicked out, saying that he could not draw. The first animated film studio that Disney created with a friend went bankrupt because no one wanted to buy the tape, which was later recognized as a masterpiece.
The first series of cartoons he created was appreciated and released for rent. However, the distributor who owned the rights to the material poached all the artists from Disney and demanded half of the studio, threatening that he would release the film himself.
After creating the most popular character, Disney's friend went to another studio, which swindled his company out of $150,000 and in doing so helped to terminate the contract with Universal Pictures.
When Disney started working on the first one and a half hour cartoon, only the lazy did not scoff at it, but in the end the tape increased the company's profit hundreds of times, and when Disney started creating an amusement park, everyone turned away from him. Disney mortgages the house, drains his bank account and signs a contract with a small television station that is struggling to survive. Disney gives away the rights to all of its weekly episodes, and in exchange receives two million dollars: the company becomes a shareholder of Disneyland.
During the 1990 crisis in America, the debt of one of the most influential businessmen in New York, Donald Trump, was about ten billion dollars. To save his business, Trump gathered all the bankers he owed money to and delivered the following speech: “Gentlemen, due to circumstances that you all know very well, I will not pay loans to any of you in the near future. In addition, I require from you immediately, that is, right now, another loan of sixty-five million dollars, and I see no reason not to get it. Of course, you can start lawsuits against me and eventually take away all my property. But keep in mind the following: firstly, having taken my property, you will still be unable to do anything with it in the coming years - it brings only losses. Secondly, you know perfectly well that I have the best lawyers in New York working for me. So I can drag out any lawsuit against us for many years, and this will entail such legal costs that no one will find it. If you win all these lawsuits against me, it will not happen soon and will be very expensive. But instead of all this mess, I have a great idea!” After these words, Trump presented the bankers with a plan to rehabilitate his company and on the same day received the necessary loan of sixty million dollars. Five years later, Donald Trump returned all the money. However, he had to mortgage his yacht, sell some of the best land and the airline.

I am Internet bourgeois Andrey Ryabykh.

"Internet Bourgeois" is a personal brand.

I was born on October 4, 1971 in the city of Yelets, Lipetsk Region (the city was first mentioned in chronicles in 1146).

For more than fifteen years I have been living and working in St. Petersburg.

I have been doing business on the Web since 1999 and am the owner of Webmaster.SPb (website production), SeoExperts advertising agency (website promotion in search engines) and Media Kartel Internet publishing house (creation and monetization of Internet projects).

Since I like to make a lot of money, I like to experiment with different monetization models for websites. Almost all possible options have been tested on my projects. As a result, I learned how to earn well and a lot on the Web. How this is done, I want to tell you in my new book.

http://internet-bourgeois.rf - my personal blog

A VKontakte group created to discuss topics raised in the book:

Dedicated to my beloved wife Svetlana

I. Psychotherapeutic section

Usually in books the most interesting and important is at the end. I decided to start the book with the most important thing - with what makes one rich and the other poor. I start from the head. Or rather, from what is in it, from those programs that are embedded in it and determine our state. Most of these programs are so deep in the subconscious that we do not even feel them. Therefore, it is not easy to see them, and even more so, to change them in the desired direction. I'll try to show you the beginning. This is enough to take the first step. For those who are interested in continuing, see the list of references at the end of the section.

Money doesn't bring happiness.

They give only some independence.

Roman Abramovich

What is money?

Answer the simple question: "What is money to me?" Take a pen or pencil and write your answer.

NB! writing answers to my questions is mandatory only for those who want to become rich :)


There are many answers to this question. Someone answers “freedom”, someone answers “security”, “independence”, “comfort”. Someone is a “measure of value” or “bank tickets, gold coins, banknotes”. For some, this is "pleasure", "power" and even "love". Experienced people say - "new impressions", "travel", "opportunities".

An interesting wording about money is given by one of Che Guevara's associates. He was asked what one dollar meant to him. He answered without hesitation: "A dollar is a pack of cigarettes." "What is ten dollars?" - "It's lunch in a cafe." “What is a hundred dollars?” - "Rifle". “What is a thousand dollars?” He replied: "A strike in some factory." "Million dollars?" - "Armed uprising" (found in the book of V. Schlachter).

Anything can be understood as money. And anything can be used as money: for example, in New Zealand, people paid with the help of Rai limestone stones with a diameter of several meters, a thickness of half a meter and a weight of several tons. Moreover, the value of this stone also depended on its history, for example, on how many people died during its delivery.

In Africa, crosses made of copper weighing from two hundred grams to a kilogram were in use. In Rus', for a long time, one squirrel skin was taken for a penny, a hundred skins for a ruble. Stones, crosses, skins are also money.

More recently (by the standards of human history) electronic money has appeared, for example, Yandex. Money or WebMoney, where there is nothing but a sequence of zeros and ones.

So what is money?

As Cap would say (for those who don't know, it's Captain Obvious), "money is what you call money."

Robert Kiyosaki expressed the same thought in more detail: “Money is just an idea, it is created in your brain, thoughts; the sooner you realize that money is not real, the sooner you can get rich.” The key phrase is “created in your brain, thoughts”, that is, money is a product of your brain, a product of your thoughts, your internal programs.

Now return to your answer to the question "What is money?" and see what attitudes and inner programs you have manifested.

Internal programs

Since money is a product of the brain, the quality and quantity of this product for each person is determined by two of his internal programs - “income” (how much money is generated and how) and “expenditure” (how money is spent).

Let's see how your internal money programs work.

Internal program "income"

So, continue the phrase: “In order for me to have a lot of money, I need ...” Take a pen or pencil and write:



The most common continuation of this phrase is “work hard”. But if you look around, you will see a lot of people who really work hard, but at the same time have little money. Every day people get up at six in the morning, take public transport and go to work for a long, long time, they work hard for eight to ten hours, and then return home squeezed like lemons. And so for decades. But they don't amass much wealth. "Working hard" doesn't necessarily lead to a lot of money.

Maria, a journalist, answered this question during an interview with me as follows: “I should quit this job, find a new one, work like a horse, take a lot of risks, and I will have a lot of money.” It was her internal program to earn a lot of money. When I asked her to say it again and listen to herself, she was very surprised at her program.

However, now it's not about the right or wrong way to ensure that you have a lot of money, you have drawn for yourself. For starters, you just need to see it. There can be many options, the main thing here is to understand your current internal “income” program.

Internal program "expense"

Continue the following phrase: “When I have a lot of money, I will ...” (I will specially allocate a whole sheet for your desires).

From childhood we are taught to be poor

Most of the programs that are formed from childhood in relation to money and wealth are negative pro-
We take folk art: “the rich man eats sweetly, but sleeps badly”, “without money, sleep is stronger”, “happiness is not in money”, “there are many sins, and there is plenty of money”, “money is a chore”. Fairy tales, books, films, cartoons - most of God's
tykh - villains, and the main and very positive characters are usually poor. I only remember Captain Nemo and Prince Florizel from the rich and goodies. Yes, those foreigners.
Let's take our great and mighty Russian language. How many words
without negativity, can you remember a person who earns a lot of money?
Huckster, speculator, huckster, businessman, bagman... Even a normal word - a merchant - and even then carries a touch of negativity. Hence the tendency to replace these words with English counterparts - businessman, consulting, coaching, sailing, marketing and much more without any negative.
Thus, the majority form internal negative programs in relation to money and wealth. Lisa, the daughter of a good friend of mine, perfectly illustrated this when we discussed her future career with her: “I don’t want to be rich, because everyone hates the rich.”
Since, as mentioned above, money is a product of our
thoughts, then negative programs give negative results.
There is a good parable that perfectly illustrates how
our thoughts create the world around us.

One pilgrim traveled and ended up in a place where all desires are fulfilled. This man was tired and went to bed. When he woke up, he felt very hungry and thought: "It would be nice to eat now."
Delicious food immediately appeared in front of him. He was so hungry that he didn't think about where she came from. He immediately began to eat, and the food was so delicious...
Then, when his hunger had passed, he looked around. Now he felt full. He had another thought: “Just a drink, and everything will be absolutely wonderful ...”
Fine wine appeared immediately.
Lying in the shade of a tree and calmly drinking wine, blown by a cool breeze, he began to wonder: “What is going on? What's happening? Maybe I'm sleeping? Or maybe there are demons here who are just playing a prank on me?
And the demons appeared. They were terrible, cruel and disgusting - exactly as he imagined them to be.
He trembled and thought: "Now they will tear me apart."
And they tore it apart.

What do you think about every day? What do you believe?
If you believe that money is a burden, being rich is bad and immoral, that money is the root of any evil, the road to paradise is closed to the rich, etc., etc. - so it will be in your life. Remember: your life is what you believe in! If you want to change your life, change your beliefs. Money is neither good nor bad. You decide what they will become for you. For example, if you want to help people, then having a lot of money is much easier than being poor.
There are various types of transformation algorithms
negative programs and beliefs into constructive ones. It may
be auto-training, and NLP, and work with a psychoanalyst and meditation. Choose the most comfortable for you.
You need to start changing the old negative programs now. At least three times a day (morning, lunch, evening) repeat your new positive attitudes: “I have as much money as I can accept, and I am happy to open up to this”, “I can earn as much money as I want”, “ I easily learn everything that I need to get what I want", "I am freed from fears and doubts about money", "Money allows me to do good in the world." Think of your settings. The main condition is that they must be in the present tense, positive and evoke positive emotions.
The difference between rich and poor can seem huge. Some plow the oceans on yachts, while others are packed into minibuses. Some may do nothing at all for days on end, others are forced to work around the clock. Moreover, the first can be poor, and the second rich.
With all the global difference between the poor and the rich, what resource do they have the same?

The number of years each of us has is about the same.
What separates the rich from the poor?
This is the amount of money earned per unit of time, PDE - Personal Money Efficiency.
LDE is considered simple - you need to divide the income received by the time spent.
Calculate your LDE per hour. We have 20 working days of 8 working hours per month, that is, 160 working hours. Divide your monthly income by 160. This will be your LDE per hour.
Do you know how many work hours are left in your life? People usually answer: hundreds of thousands, millions.
If we take the time of active working life as 40 years, there are 255 working days in a year, the working day is 8 hours, then we have only 81,600 hours left.
I specifically show how small the time limit is in order to take the issue of personal monetary efficiency seriously. At the age of thirty, it seems to us that we have a whole life ahead of us, everything will still be in time, but in fact we have only a few tens of thousands of working hours in reserve.

So the question "How to become rich?" is the question "How to increase your monetary efficiency?".
There are many ways to improve your LDE, I'm talking about mine. Firstly, learn to sell, that is, learn to properly present yourself, your product or service. Selling is a technique, not an art, which means it can be learned. Once I myself believed that sales -
this is art. This point of view had to be revised when competitors grabbed 50% of the market only due to a systematic technological approach to sales.
Since then, we have been regularly hiring trainers who shape and polish the necessary skills of our sales managers. If you are a communicative person by nature, you can learn how to sell in a year.
However, if you have any communication barriers, then this period is extended to several years: first, these barriers must be removed, and then learn to sell.
Overcoming the psychological rejection to sales can be difficult. To do this, you need to clearly understand that sales are professional help people in solving their problems.
For myself, I clearly share - "sell" and "suck". “Vtyuhat” is “to breed a sucker on a lave”, that is, to sell an unnecessary product / service to a person. Such a transaction is beneficial only to the seller. Recently, NLP techniques (neuro-linguistic programming) have been actively used for this.
The sale is a win-win deal. The key difference from “sucking in” is mutual benefit. A person has a problem, I have competence in solving such problems. I solve his problem, and he pays for this solution.

The second big difference between "sniffing" and selling is the future relationship with the buyer. When “sucking in” there is no future, as a person remains dissatisfied, feels deceived and unhappy. This is a one-time deal (although there are exceptions, such as MMM).

An anecdote on the topic: our people understand that when they are offered 60% per annum, they are being deceived. But when they offer 200%, they can't stand it and carry the money.

Since the sale is based on mutual benefit, in the future our buyer will come again and bring friends / relatives.

Thirdly, “sucking in” is harmful for karma, but honestly helping is very useful!

The best way to learn how to sell is to work for a few years in a company with a strong sales system, such as a large real estate agency. Any network marketing company will do as well.

But remember - never get a job solely for the sake of money. This is a dead end. Go for long-term skills first. If you work for a year and a half for a penny, but together with a talented entrepreneur, you will gain experience and connections that are easily converted into income.
To summarize all of the above: the basis of the program "Income" for the rich is the idea: do not spend less, you need to LEARN to earn more. You can go back to your internal Income program and feel the difference.
Secondly, after you learn how to sell and you have money, learn how to manage it correctly, that is, learn financial literacy. It may be an investment in new business, securities, stock exchange, deposits, tax burden optimization and much more.
That is, the difference between the internal program "Expense" for the rich is that the rich know how to manage money - to save and increase it. Having received a million, the rich will not immediately spend it on new car, which immediately after leaving the salon will fall in price by 10-15%. He will profitably invest this money, and when they begin to bring stable income, he will spend it on comfort and safety.

In the end, I will dwell on one more negative program that has been formed in us since childhood. It is the fear of being wrong. This habit, instilled in childhood, keeps us from starting to change something in our lives. Our entire education system is built on the solution concrete examples with clear answers.
And if your answer does not match the given one, you are given a deuce. However, business is always uncertainty and risk, always groping, and here failures in most cases are not a measure of your insolvency.

Failure is just another stepping stone to equal or even greater success.
In the American business environment, and especially in Silicon Valley, the concept of "successful failure", a successful failure, is in use. The naturalness of the mistake there has penetrated the consciousness so deeply that many venture capitalists look with suspicion at the resumes of startups that do not have the slightest flaw.


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