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Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Average comprehensive school №8

Labytnangi, YNAO



Terzi E.G., teacher of the beginning class,



    Justification of the relevance of the project topic…………………………………..

    Design object………………………………………

    Design subject……………………………………..

    Design hypothesis……………………………………..

    Goals and objectives of the project…………………………………………

    Expected results………………………………………..……………………………..

    Action plan for project implementation………………….

    Rationale for the relevance of the project topic

The sample basic educational program of general and secondary education includes modules on the basics of financial literacy. In this regard, in the 2016-2017 academic year, many Russian schools will begin classes on financial literacy, focused on solving applied problems of everyday life. It is expected that interest in the new topic will grow, stimulating the development of both special educational programs on financial literacy and individual modules included in existing school curriculum subjects.This project is a response to the challenge of the times. Its relevance is ripe given the fact that for the most part, the older generation did not have the opportunity to gain practical knowledge in the field of finance and transfer experience to their children and grandchildren. The current generation of Russian youth in a market economy is in dire need of mastering the basic skills of planning, saving and multiplying, in other words, managing their personal finances.

The main idea of ​​this innovative project

Children are our future, and we must instill in them the basics of financial culture, introduce them to the basic rules of personal financial planning and financial security, so that tomorrow it will be easier for them to enter into adulthood, and for someone - to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Design object:

school of financial literacy for students in grades 1-11 in

general education school.

Design subject:

Formation of financial literacy of children as an important means of long-term recovery of the world financial system, an effective measure to improve the quality of life and financial security of the population and future generations of citizens by creating a school of financial literacy.

Design Hypothesis: creation of a financial literacy schoolprovide :

    motivating schoolchildren to think about the financial aspects of their future,Responsible approach to life cycle needs planning.;

    improving the quality of knowledge in mathematics;

    Purpose and objectives of the project:

Target: develop and implement a financial literacy school model for schoolchildren,aimed at developing their reasonable financial behavior and responsible attitude to personal finances, as well as improving the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services.


    Create a financial literacy school

    Organizeactivities aimed at raising students' awareness of the Russian financial system, its structure, functions and tools.

    Encourage students to be financially active.

3. Expected results:

Opening a financial literacy school will provide

    Nurturing Personal Financial Security

    It will contribute to the self-determination of students in choosing a future profession.

    Will ensure the integration of subjects at school: mathematics and financial literacy lessons

    Will provide creation and approbation of new author's programs.

    Creates comfortable conditions for the organization of educational and extracurricular activities of students

    Update the content of educational work;

    Ensure continuity in the organization and content of the educational process in primary and secondary schools;

    Action plan for project implementation





Project development

Model for creating a financial literacy school




Development of programs for extracurricular activities on financial literacy



Organization of extracurricular activities


Holding the autumn session of the Project

"Online FG lessons"



Holding FG Days: business games, round tables, open classes

According to a separate schedule


Excursions to financial institutions

for the purpose of acquaintance with banking products and career guidance for schoolchildren


Participation in school intellectual competitions

Under contract

City competition of projects "Innovations in education", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the city of Novosibirsk

Nomination 5 "Socialization and development of the student's personality"

Creation educational environment MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students

Brief summary of the project

This project is dedicated to the formation of the basics of financial literacy of younger students through the development, implementation and implementation of a set of educational activities in MBOUSSh No. 177. Objective of the project

The timeliness of the project for an educational organization is due to the need of students and their parents (legal representatives) to realize their abilities and opportunities in terms of mastering financial literacy as the basis of socialization; the need to organize the activities of the school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard: the development of programs for extracurricular activities aimed at the formation of financial literacy, the search effective system socialization of students; the readiness of school teachers to form financial literacy of students in the framework of extracurricular activities and in the classroom.

Project objectives:

2. Use the opportunity to integrate financial literacy topics into educational programs of various academic disciplines implemented in an educational organization, in particular mathematics.

4. Actively use in the educational process active and interactive forms of group work of the same age and different ages, project, research, gaming activities, etc.

5. Include parents in the educational process by strengthening family relationships, as well as the relationship of parents with the school.

6.Create a collection teaching materials on the topic "Improving the financial literacy of junior schoolchildren MBOU secondary school No. 177"

This project is under implementation and is designed to be implemented in 2017-2019 by the teaching staff of the educational organization, students and their parents (legal representatives). During the implementation of the project, the experience and effectiveness of the application of a particular teaching and learning method will be summarized and areas that need improvement will be identified, conditions will be created in MBOU secondary school No. 177 for the formation of the foundations for competent financial behavior of younger students as a necessary condition for the financial well-being of students in the future; a collection of methodological materials on the topic "Improving the financial literacy of junior schoolchildren MBOU secondary school No. 177" will be published.

Project novelty"Creating an educational environment for MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students" in a systematic approach to the formation of financial literacy of the younger generation, which is considered as a form of ensuring the financial security of the family.

Description of the institution (organization)

The strategic directions for the development of the municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Secondary school No. 177" are defined in the new version of the Development Program "Improving the model of the educational space of the school based on the introduction of innovative pedagogical and information technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" for 2016-2020.

The mission of MBOU secondary school No. 177 is to create conditions for the successful adaptation and socialization of students, their self-realization in society.

The educational institution operates in an innovative mode. It is an internship platform for the implementation regional project“Education and socialization of children with disabilities in an inclusive educational space Novosibirsk region”, a network innovation platform of the Polytechnic School project, a platform for the implementation of the All-Russian project “School - Innovation Laboratory”, a participant State program"Accessible Environment".

The forecast for the further development of the school is to build a system of pedagogical activity, taking into account the educational needs of students and their parents, the organization of pre-profile training and profile training through networking with higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, the formation of engineering thinking through the introduction of extracurricular activities using Cuboro technology, introduction of extracurricular activities courses "Financial Literacy" and "Economics" at the NEO level for the purpose of financial and economic education of younger schoolchildren.

Since September 2017, a project on the formation of the basics of financial literacy has been implemented at MBOU secondary school No. 177. Classes "Financial literacy" are included in the current curriculum as an extracurricular activity, and will also be built in as separate topics, tasks, lessons in other academic subjects, such as mathematics, the world around, etc.

Formulation of the problem

In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, it is noted that encouraging the population to save money, including through the development of financial literacy, should be one of the main directions in the formation of an investment resource. A study of the financial literacy of children and adolescents in Russia, as well as the factors that have the greatest influence on their financial behavior, conducted by the National Agency for Financial Research showed that only 8% of families keep detailed records of income and expenses. The majority (77%) do not budget at all and do not involve (73%) their children in issues related to the family budget. Only a third of parents (33%) regularly discuss issues related to money, economics and finance with their children. “Because very often the children of the younger school age excluded from the family financial planning process, a pattern of behavior is formed in which they prefer to spend rather than save. Because of this, children are at risk in matters of financial literacy.

According to the results of a survey conducted among the parents of primary school students of MBOU secondary school No. 177, it was revealed that most parents do not involve their children in family budget planning and do not discuss issues related to money, economics and finance with them. (Attachment 1). Therefore, children's knowledge of personal finance management is low, which can lead to risky behavior and decline in well-being at an older age. This problem requires the introduction of new active forms of organization of the educational process, which involve not only the participation of students in various intellectual events, competitions, research, but also the inclusion of the entire educational institution in projects of various levels.

The purpose and objectives of the project

Objective of the project- creating conditions for attracting younger students to the issues of competent financial management and increasing their level of financial literacy, contributing to the development of critical, positive thinking younger schoolchildren, their socialization.

The starting point for the implementation of this project was the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of Russia on the implementation of the project "Promotion of increasing the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation".

1. Introduce a new direction in the extracurricular activities of students of MBOU secondary school No. 177 - teaching financial literacy.

2. Use the possibility of integrating financial literacy topics into educational programs of various academic disciplines implemented in an educational organization, in particular mathematics, the world around.

3. To update the knowledge of primary school students in the field of financial literacy, forming the actual meta-subject and personal competencies of younger students, thereby laying the foundations for rational financial behavior of younger students.

4. Actively use in the educational process active and interactive forms of group work of the same age and different ages, project, research, game activities, etc.

5. Include parents in the educational process by strengthening family relationships, as well as the relationship of parents with the school.

6. Create a collection of methodological materials on the topic "Improving the financial literacy of junior schoolchildren MBOU secondary school No. 177"

Rationale for the relevance of the project

The growth rate of overdue debts of the population to banks in the Siberian Federal District (SFD) reached a record high by May 2016, collection agencies note. The volume of overdue payments on loans to individuals increased over the year by 16% and amounted to 149.38 billion rubles. Experts say that the main reason is the fall in incomes of the population.

It is the economic ignorance of the population that explains many of the financial problems faced by borrowers who have taken so-called microcredits and participate in financial pyramids. The massive inability to balance expenses with incomes, plan the family budget, the desire to get everything at once leads to numerous loans that cannot be repaid.

Many adults are faced with the problem that they do not know and do not know how to manage their financial flows, therefore, they were not taught this purposefully, and they cannot form the correct attitude towards money in their children. The lack of economic education is often manifested in the careless attitude of children to their things, they do not understand that replacing these things costs their parents a lot of money. The ability to manage financial flows is not an innate ability of a person, it is an acquired system of ideas, values ​​and formed habits.

All this makes it relevant to create an educational environment to improve the financial literacy of younger students in an educational institution. An agreement on cooperation in the field of improving the financial literacy of the population of the Novosibirsk Region was signed by the head of the Siberian State Bank of Russia, Nikolai Morev, and the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation Policy of the Novosibirsk Region, Sergei Nelyubov.

“The financial services market is developing. Russian citizens, including adults, do not always behave neatly and carefully on it. And, in general, a child from an early age should understand that there is a family budget, there is a salary, one must somehow treat this money prudently. You have to think about how you will earn in the future, - says the head of the interregional center for advanced training of the SIU RANEPA Svyatoslav Kobuk.

Therefore, teaching a student the basics of financial literacy is an important and desired task. All this makes it relevant to introduce the tasks of forming financial literacy into the programs of various school subjects, organizing extracurricular activities as an important element in educating the younger generation.

In this regard, preparing a junior student for reasonable financial behavior, which implies the ability to make decisions in the financial sector, ensure personal financial security and personal well-being, as well as the ability and willingness to contribute to the development of the economy, is an urgent task of education and a resource for the development of the city of Novosibirsk.

The introduction of the course "Financial Literacy" in the extracurricular activities of students will solve the above problems. The purpose of the implementation of the course "Financial Literacy" is the formation of special competencies in the field of personal finance management among students of the school.

Developing good financial habits from an early age will help you avoid many mistakes as you grow older and become financially independent, and lay the foundation for financial security and well-being throughout your life.

Financial literacy among schoolchildren is an important tool for the long-term improvement of the financial system of Novosibirsk, an effective measure to ensure the improvement of quality of life standards and economic security population and future generations of citizens of the Siberian Federal District.

Project readiness

The best stage of a person’s life cycle, at which he can be given the opportunity to gain financial literacy skills, is the stage of education at school, since in the modern world children are much earlier faced with money, understand its meaning and learn to earn money, the school should help students begin to adapt to active life in the market.

School education has the largest coverage of children. At the same time, the main educational and upbringing task of a school educational institution is to provide simple financial and economic knowledge and form the correct (careful and economical) attitude of children to money and handling it.

On the basis of the regulations in force in MBOU SOSH No. 177 that regulate the activities of all subjects of the educational process, measures were taken to make a decision on the development of a schedule for the implementation of the project to form the basics of financial literacy of younger students for 2017-2019.

In MBOU secondary school No. 177, a space has been formed innovation activities and pedagogical research. According to a survey of teachers, most of them have a high degree desire for knowledge, reflection of their activities. They introduce innovations into the educational process that positively affect the quality of education.

In MBOU secondary school No. 177, an organization model was developed and tested project activities.

An analysis of the level of methodological work of the school allows us to assert that teachers are prepared to master innovations, which includes mastery of modern psychological and pedagogical inclusive technologies, knowledge of the psychological characteristics of students, and mastery of project technology.

Teachers actively disseminate their experience at practice-oriented seminars, present their experience in the form of master classes, at methodological meetings, which indicates the readiness of the teaching staff to disseminate experience in the formation of financial literacy of students.

The personnel training of the staff of the educational institution for the professional implementation of innovative activities is quite high and is characterized by a high degree of cohesion around the idea of ​​improving the financial literacy of students as the basis for their socialization.

The program of the course "Financial Literacy" is developed for the age group of 8-10 years. The term for the implementation of the program is determined within the age category of students. By decision of the educational organization, it is possible to complete the course program both in one year and in several years in separate modules. The purpose of the implementation of the course "Financial Literacy" is the formation of special competencies in the field of personal finance management in younger students. The program can be implemented through part curriculum, formed by participants in educational relations, as a course of extracurricular activities, due to integration with other subjects: mathematics, computer science, the outside world, technology, as part of an additional education program. With any method of implementation, the teacher needs to develop an appropriate work program, approaching it comprehensively: include practical classes, business games, excursions, project work and other active forms of educational activities on this topic in the program of extracurricular activities and thereby implement practical oriented approach to the full implementation of the program. In addition to direct work with the EMC, one should actively use Internet sources of up-to-date analytical information about banking products offered to the population, and changes in legislation.

The inclusion of the "Financial Literacy" course as a component of extracurricular activities makes it possible to attach social and economic significance to the content of the Basic Educational Program of Primary General Education, which in turn contributes to the acquisition of the skills necessary for socialization in modern society by schoolchildren. At the same time, the curriculum remains balanced and does not allow an unjustified increase in the teaching load.

Information support for innovative activities will be carried out through the website of MBOU secondary school No. 177, which will present the main activities of the educational institution for the implementation of the project "Creating an educational environment MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students"



Predicted results


1.Get ready


March-August 2017

1. Analysis of resources for the implementation of the project, study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature on introducing children of primary school age to mastering the basics of financial literacy.

2. Analysis of the state of the problem in the theory and practice of school education.

4. Assessment of the readiness of teachers for innovative activities.

5. Definition of the goal, objectives of the project

6. Development of regulatory and legal support for the project.

7. Modeling the curriculum of an educational institution in accordance with the goals and objectives of the project

Project creation, definition

readiness of the school to implement the project; project implementation plan; tools for monitoring project implementation indicators; formation of a regulatory and methodological base for the implementation of the project;

Survey of students, parents, teachers, observation, survey

2. By the way


September 2017

1.. Analysis of scientific, methodological, logistics support.

2. Carrying out the starting diagnostics of students of the 3B class, analysis of the data obtained.

3. Identification of principles, approaches, mechanisms, conditions for project implementation.

Development and creation of a program of extracurricular activities "Financial Literacy"

Diagnostics of students

assessment of the readiness of teachers for innovative activities.

3. I teach


May 2018

1. Development of an action plan for working with parents (legal representatives) of students on the implementation of the project.

2. Development of an electronic resource for joint activities of children and parents. Creation on the Internet on the official website of the educational institution of the “Financial Literacy” tab, which involves the publication of news, announcements of events, results of activities.

3. Accumulation of methodological material.

4. Implementation of the plan for working with children

5. Optimal organization of extracurricular activities according to GEF IEO

6.Organization and holding of seminars to train teachers, parents, volunteers for school events (Financier's Day, financial literacy weeks, quests)

7. Conducting special weekend events for all participants in the educational process

8. Conducting class hours, lectures, round tables, competitions for students, discussion clubs for parents, teachers on the topics of financial literacy

9. Organization and holding of Olympiads on financial literacy of students

10. Development and production of booklets, lapbooks, newspapers, magazines on topics related to financial education.

11. Informing the public about the processes and results of the project implementation through the school website, school newspaper, and the media.

Development of an action plan for working with parents on the implementation of the project.

Development of an electronic resource for joint activities of children and parents.

Holding various events

Control slice analysis.

Comparative analysis

1. Carrying out the final diagnosis of students of grade 3 B

2. Comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of initial and final diagnostics

3. Conducting seminars on the exchange of experience with other POs on the stages of project implementation

5. Placing an electronic manual on a website on the Internet.

6.Organization of monitoring the effectiveness of project implementation

7. Determining the prospects for the development of the project in subsequent years in MBOU secondary school No. 177

8. Drawing up a report on the results of the implementation of the project "Creating an educational environment for MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students"

Publication of teaching materials and distribution of electronic manuals, Internet.

Carrying out a control cut;

comparative quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results

Identification of gifted children in the field of financial literacy

The organization of the educational process for the formation of the basics of financial literacy of younger students will be carried out using a variety of models: contextual; subject; extracurricular; design.

Context Model involves the inclusion of modules of financial issues in the courses of general education disciplines. An analysis of the content of courses in mathematics, the world around us and technology for elementary school showed the possibility of integrating financial literacy issues with various sections of the programs of the listed disciplines. So, when studying the section of the mathematics program "Numbers and Values", modules such as "Why do we need money?" (grade 1), "What can money be" (grade 2), "Where does the price come from?" (grade 3), "National currency" (grade 4).

The integration of financial literacy and the subject content of primary school disciplines will be carried out through organizing project activities and solving contextual problems.(Appendix 2).

In line with the system-activity approach, an educational project can be presented as a set of educational tasks of an interdisciplinary nature, united by a common storyline of financial issues. To do this, a thorough analysis of the selection of educational information from various disciplines will be carried out and tasks will be formulated in the study of individual subject topics. Next, a plot is thought out around which the educational process is built. For the plot, real situations will be selected that should be interesting to children and take into account their age characteristics.

For example, plots for the formation of financial literacy using project activities can be the joint preparation of a holiday, the organization of a tourist trip, the manufacture of crafts for a school fair, the landscaping of a school site, the publication of a newspaper, and others. (Application)

Other effective way formation of financial literacy of schoolchildren in the process of studying general subjects is the application context tasks.

The introduction of elements into the course of mathematics enlivens the process of teaching mathematics, brings it closer to reality, and allows the younger student to adapt in society. The introduction of economic concepts and categories into the course of mathematics can be carried out from the first years of study, respectively, the entire program of teaching mathematics from grades 1 to 4 should contain economic tasks, but not spontaneously scattered, but in a single system. The content of mathematics in grades 1-4 has great opportunities to solve the problems of forming the mathematical competence of a primary school graduate, including problems of an economic nature.

Purposeful systematic work on the introduction of elements of the economy, including with the help of the developed methodological proposals, will positively affect the quality of mathematical knowledge and the level of economic knowledge of younger students.

In MBOU secondary school No. 177, part of the curriculum, formed by participants in educational relations, is represented by academic subjects that allow you to engage in activities for the formation of financial literacy: "Informatics in games and tasks", "Solving project problems", "I am a researcher" - at the level of primary general education.

The process of developing financial literacy will be accompanied by various activities that will involve as many participants as possible in it, expanding the circle of social partners of the school, namely cooperation with financial institutions city ​​of Novosibirsk.

Another structural element systems are information and educational materials aimed at popularization and wide promotion of additional educational programs being developed among parents, as well as other interested participants in the process of forming financial literacy of schoolchildren.

A great responsibility lies with the parents, who must convey to the children that money is not taken from the chest of drawers, that the family has a limited budget. And from a certain age, conditionally from 8-10 years old, it is already possible to involve the child in the discussion of family expenses. Participation in budget planning will allow him to feel like a full member of the family.

To date, no training course for general education institutions has included materials for parents. (Appendix 2). The experience of joint study of financial issues that are new not only for children, but also for many adults is unique. In addition, the joint education of teachers, students and parents will help to significantly reduce the tension in the consumer sphere.

The basics of financial literacy, the principles of the correct attitude to money, which elementary school students must know:

What is money and what is it for?

Money is a commodity that can be exchanged for another good or service. Tell a brief history the emergence of monetary units to the child, if he is interested, or show the video.

How is money made?

Extracurricular activities in primary school should include, among other things, topics about professions, their characteristics, as well as monetary relations in the modern world. It is important to teach children about four ways to make money. It is necessary to try to honestly and reliably provide all information, without distorting it or altering it. There are ways like ': wage labor, own small business, large system business and investment. We will focus on the first method, as it is the most common.


It is very important to instill in younger students respect for people, parents for the fact that they earn money through hard work to buy food, clothes, gifts and other things. Teach children to be careful and careful about other people's work and their things.

Joint family budget planning

It is necessary to talk with children about monthly cash receipts and expenditures. Try to write down important items in the expense item together, find ways to save money. Explain to the child what, in case of lack of funds, the family can refuse, and what not. Teach your child how to manage their budget.

How can a child earn their own money?

There are two ways.

The first- this is to find temporary work outside the home on weekends or holidays. This may be walking the neighbor's dogs, working as a nanny, delivering newspapers, washing cars, or others. Very interesting tips on how a student can earn money, and other important concepts, are described in the book "Money, or the ABC of Money". Such an ABC of financial literacy will certainly help the child navigate the world of financial transactions.

Second way- This is income at home. Get a sheet of A4 with the name of the child. And for each useful, independent, in your opinion, action, reward the baby with a small sticker. For example, I woke up and made my bed, learned my lessons, helped my mother wash the dishes, etc. One sticker is equal to one ruble. At the end of the month, count the number of stickers and exchange them for money that, with your help, the child will spend or save. Just make sure that such financial literacy training does not lead the child to think that there is no point in doing useful and kind deeds for free.

Useful economic games and activities

Play different Monopolies with your kids, besides, there are very good internet- game "CASHFLOW". Study biographies of famous successful entrepreneurs together. Find useful sayings about money. Read business news.

In the classroom, the teacher discusses with the children basis of the economy as science and economics in the family, what is money, what is it for, why is it impossible for anyone who wants to issue their own money, and how to distinguish fakes.

The school builds interaction with parents by providing specially designed manuals for them, organizing questionnaires, holding parent-teacher meetings, joint meetings and consultations.

By organizing a dialogue between adults and children in order to make joint financial decisions, teachers use the potential of the family to motivate children to further study the basics of financial literacy.

The main feature of the content of the education of financial literacy classes is its practical orientation, therefore, the subject content is selected so that its development allows you to successfully and effectively solve practical life problems in the field of finance.

The working program of extracurricular educational activities was developed on the basis of an exemplary program of extracurricular activities in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering primary general education, as well as the Financial Literacy program: E. A. Vigdorchik, I. V. Lipsits, Yu. N. Korlyugova, training program. 2-4 classes general. org. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. The customer is the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

"Financial Literacy" is an applied course that implements the interests of students in grades 2-4 in the field of family economics. When compiling the program, the features of primary school age are taken into account. The program is designed for 1 hour per week, can be compiled for both 16 hours and 34 hours a year for students in grades 2-4. The program is innovative, like the subject itself, so there are no grades, only basic knowledge, and those that will be useful to everyone in life.

Program goal:

development of an economic way of thinking;

education of responsibility and moral behavior in the field of economic relations in the family;

the formation of experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve elementary issues in the field of finance and family economics.

The main content lines of the course:

Money, their history, types, functions;

Family budget.

Mastering the content is based on interdisciplinary connections with mathematics courses, the world around. Educational materials and tasks are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of children and include tasks, practical tasks, games, mini-studies and projects. In the process of studying, the skills and abilities of working with texts, tables, diagrams, as well as the skills of searching, analyzing and presenting information and public speaking are formed.

Program novelty in that it increases the level of development of students' abilities in the field of finance, motivation for the educational process, expands the range of interests that are not included in the school curriculum.

In the course of educational activities, the teacher must:

talk about the types of money, explain that there are cash and non-cash money (formation of the ability to make a non-cash payment by depositing banknotes into a payment terminal);

explain where the money comes from in the family, i.e. what are the sources of money (the formation of the ability to reasonably substantiate the expediency of acquiring the desired good in a limited family budget);

to teach children to negotiate with their parents about the purchase of the goods they want, while understanding the limited funds available to parents;

explain what family income is spent on and why families have either savings or debts (the formation of the ability to understand that a family has mandatory and urgent expenses, and there are desirable, but not mandatory);

to explain at the conceptual and arithmetical level the impossibility for a family to spend more money than it receives income and has savings (formation of the ability to notice opportunities in family life to reduce costs and increase savings).

Primary school students cannot have a bank card, and parents in most families are not ready to give him even pocket money, then when studying with schoolchildren primary school the most common questions are considered, allowing to introduce a child into the world of money.

Methods of teaching and organization of classes on "Financial literacy" are characterized by the use of a variety of methods aimed at supporting the own activity of schoolchildren in the learning process; applied nature of learning - the creation of learning situations based on real practice, and the application of the acquired knowledge in practice; the use of a variety of activities in the classroom: learning in collaboration, teamwork, independent work outside of school, obtaining knowledge from various sources (libraries, the Internet, family experience, family projects).

When studying the course, the predominance of active and interactive methods learning. For example,


This method can be used when answering questions or solving problems. The class is divided into groups. In each group, the number of people corresponds to the number of tasks. Group members are randomly assigned (for example, on each table there are cards with numbers numbered down) assigned numbers corresponding to the number of the task. The students are seated in such a way that there are players with the same numbers at the same table, who together solve the problem (problems) corresponding to their numbers. Everyone returns to their teams and each "expert" presents their task to the rest of the team. Players from each team are called to the board to solve problems in which they were not experts.

"One - two - together"

Test tasks with an open answer, tasks related to the explanation of the meaning (for example, proverbs) can also be performed in groups as follows. At the first stage, each member of the group writes their own answer, then the students come together in twos and, based on individual answers, make up a common one, trying not to lose the ideas of each. At the next step, a group of two or three pairs is created and a common answer is worked out. This technique can be used to design a poster sketch if done by a group. In this case, it is better to limit yourself to four participants.

"Decision Tree"

When performing tasks on classification, for example, goods and services, or decision making, for example, choosing a family vacation option, a decision tree can be built. It is usually built upside down.


In group projects, such as organizing a class party, it is effective to start with a brainstorming session. Depending on the number of participants, ideas can be put forward individually or as a group. The role of the facilitator, whose responsibility is to capture ideas, can be played by a teacher or a student. At the first stage, it is important to clearly articulate the problem to be solved. At the second stage, ideas are put forward, fixed, but not evaluated. The number of ideas is not limited. The third stage is devoted to the grouping of ideas that are similar in content, evaluation and selection.

"Mini Study"

Since the goal of the course is to involve students in real life, the formation of an active life position and responsibility, research activity is probably the most effective teaching method. Any research involves defining a goal, collecting, processing and analyzing information, evaluating the results obtained. Naturally, students in grades 2-4 are at different stages of mastering this activity. Therefore, in the control measuring materials, different options for tasks are offered. A single source is used to conduct a mini-study, the results are presented in a simple form, for example, in the form of a table or a short text.


Educational cases that are used at school differ from university cases, which involve the development of a situation with subsequent step-by-step changes depending on decisions taken. Speaking about the training case, we will mean the situation from real life with questions designed for it. For younger children, the situation may be close to real, but simplified.


Testing knowledge and ability to think logically successfully takes place in the form of an auction. This game motivates even not particularly successful students. The game is played according to the following rules:

Each participant at the beginning of the game has 100 points (points, pounds, tugriks, etc.).

The right to answer a question is bought.

The starting price for a simple question is 5 points, for a difficult question 10 points.

The price can change in increments of 5 points.

The final price is determined as a result of the auction.

If the answer is correct, the price of the question is added to the points of the one who answered, if it is incorrect, it is subtracted.

The role of the auctioneer can be performed by both the teacher and the student. In addition to them, a commission of several people is needed (the number depends on the number of participants), which will check the accrual of points by the game participants themselves or maintain their own statements.

"Quest" ( Appendix 3)

Networking within the framework of the project

The Financial Literacy project has an open form, which contributes to the entry of an increasing number of participants into it.

The author of the project made a proposal - to expand the format of participation. Along with professional communication at the seminars, network interaction of the school with other project participants, city banks, and libraries is being formed. The school, together with interested communities, determined the forms of interaction - meetings with financial professionals, holding subject games with schoolchildren on financial topics.

By organizing interaction with professional and business communities, the school solves the managerial task of introducing creative approaches in organizing extracurricular activities and takes steps to achieve the goal of the project - the formation of a wide range of citizens of reasonable, responsible behavior in relation to personal finances, increasing legal literacy for effective protection of rights consumers of financial services.

The proposed activity is different novelty:

The possibility of formation of financial literacy of students as a means of pre-profile training of students of a general educational organization is substantiated;

The content is determined and a model for the formation of financial literacy of participants in the educational process is proposed;

Experience in the formation of financial literacy of the younger generation is considered as a form of ensuring the financial security of the family;

Criteria and indicators have been developed that characterize the level of formation of financial literacy of participants in the educational process;

Pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of financial literacy of participants in the educational process are substantiated;

Strengthening the practice-oriented component.

Projected end results of activities

The implementation of the project "Creation of the educational environment of MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students" will allow administration of an educational organization:

1. Introduce a new direction in the extracurricular activities of children - teaching financial literacy.

2. Start training from any educational level and any class, depending on the possibility of an educational organization.

3. Implement the principle of continuity in the study of financial literacy in primary, secondary and secondary schools.

4. To form actual meta-subject and personal competencies of students in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Use the possibility of integrating financial literacy topics into educational programs of various academic disciplines implemented in an educational organization, in particular mathematics, the world around us, ORSE and others.

6. Provide participants of educational relations through training to a certain extent social protection in the financial sector.

Teaching financial literacy courses allows teachers:

1. Use the matrix principle (both vertically and horizontally) to organize practice-oriented financial literacy training and system-activity, competence-based approaches to ensure implementation modern requirements both the learning process and its outcomes.

2. Ensure the formation of a financial culture and lay the foundations for the rational financial behavior of students.

3. Use the teaching materials as a resource for organizing systematic and continuous learning, pre-profile training, individual and distance learning.

4. To form in students meta-subject, personal competencies corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standard.

5. Actively use in the educational process active and interactive forms of group work of the same age and different ages, project, research, game activities, etc.

6. Use the materials of individual modules for an in-depth study of the topics of the financial sector and the organization of work with gifted children.

7. Include parents in the educational process by strengthening family relationships, as well as the relationship of parents with the school.

8. Form the foundations of personal financial security for yourself, students and their parents.

The Financial Literacy Resource Series provides opportunities for:

For students:

1. Acquire the skills of cooperation with peers and adults in educational, teaching and research, project and other activities; independent search for methods for solving practical problems; information and cognitive activity.

2. Navigate the complex world of finance, learn how to use financial instruments, assess your risks when making financial decisions, understand the responsibility and consequences of rash decisions.

3. Understand financial information and interpret financial terms correctly.

4. Use the skills of rational financial behavior.

6. Apply the acquired knowledge for effective execution socio-economic the role of the consumer and others.

7. Develop personal development skills financial plan and the formation of the family budget, the use of various methods of saving and accumulating money.

8. Strengthen relationships with parents.

9. Use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities for personal financial security.

10. Be ready for self-education in financial literacy.


1. Together with children, study the basics of financial literacy, acquire the ability to communicate and interact productively in the process of joint activities, take into account the positions of other participants in the activity.

2. Form a family budget and implement it in life.

3. Expand opportunities for the use of financial services and products and use them effectively.

4. Form a strategy for personal financial security.

5. Strengthen family relationships.

6. Be ready for education, including self-education, in financial literacy.

At the initiative of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and with the participation of the FMC, for the first time in the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest standard", the profile "Financial literacy" appeared. Diploma winners of the Olympiad in 2018, when passing entrance examinations at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, will receive points in the core subject of the Unified State Examination, it is planned to include the Financial Literacy profile in the application for the level of the Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in a year. The course of extracurricular activities for younger students "Financial Literacy" is a means of motivation and preparation for participation in this Olympiad. This course has the possibility of implementation in the upper grades.

Practical significance of the results

In the practice of implementing the GEF IEO, there is a broader understanding of educational / educational achievements - not only academic knowledge, but also competencies, citizenship, the ability to positively interact with others, self-respect, respect for the family and society, caring for others. In relation to the formation of financial literacy, these provisions mean the following:

students study problems that are of practical importance to them (in particular, how to form a family budget, how to use bank card etc.), so they have intrinsic motivation;

in the course of organizing training, students set goals for their own activities and correlate the results obtained with these goals (which, in principle, they will do in adulthood, independently solving financial problems);

in the course of training, students master specific skills (how to act in a particular financial situation), for example, to distinguish between regular and irregular sources of income, understand their financial needs, etc.;

in the course of training, the initial object is the knowledge and skills of the student himself, and the final product will be the mastered methods of activity in various financial situations.

Consequently, the educational activity of the student, organized in the classroom on financial literacy, is aimed at obtaining such educational results that will contribute to the development of their own activities as the ability to act in various life situations of a financial nature.

Taking into account the specific-oriented way of thinking of younger schoolchildren, teaching them the basics of financial literacy is designed to develop the skills of logical thinking, thoughtful financial decision-making and is aimed at instilling responsibility for their consequences. In addition, the acquired knowledge will create the basis for the positive motivation of children in studying the basic subjects of the school course, as the program focuses on the value of education and its necessity for achieving sustainable financial well-being.

The practical significance of the results of the project lies in the fact that the earlier children will form basic ideas about financial side human life, and on their basis - concepts, the more painless their social adaptation in the adult world will be, the easier it will be for them to make their professional choice in the future, and society will receive more literate consumers and producers.

Criteria and indicators of project implementation efficiency

To monitor the achievement of the goals and objectives set in the innovative project, the following indicators are used:




Change in the quality of students' knowledge (results of initial diagnostics, final diagnostics according to the methodology for evaluating the results provided by the developers of the teaching materials "Financial Literacy"

In percents

Formation of meta-subject competencies of students and universal learning activities

Absolute values

Monitoring the development of students' creative abilities, creative self-realization and social activity of younger students

Qty creative projects

Statistical data on the number of winners and prize-winners of various research and design competitions

Percentages and absolute values

Development and implementation of new programs in the educational process

Absolute values

Monitoring the participation of primary school students in research and design work.

The number of new forms of organization of extracurricular activities.

Absolute values

Statistical data on the number of students covered by extracurricular activities to form the basics of financial literacy

Absolute values ​​and percentages

Maintain student portfolio.

Absolute values

The acquisition by elementary school students of the functional skill of communicative interaction and the experience of research and project activities;

Group Activity Check

Dissemination and generalization of the experience of teachers through participation in scientific-methodical and scientific-practical seminars, conferences, publications, including in the format of blog entries, seminars, consultations;

Absolute values

Improving the conditions for extracurricular interaction with the student;

Observation results

Satisfaction of parents (legal representatives) in providing educational service

Absolute values ​​and percentages based on the results of the survey

The presented practice contributes to: increasing the efficiency of the educational process in achieving the requirements set by federal state educational standards; development of a creative and active atmosphere at school, activation professional activity teachers; optimization of financial, resource and staffing educational process; increasing the competitiveness of a general education institution; ensuring broad public participation in the management of the educational institution.

Resources (project budget)



Are available

Need for acquisition, amount (rub)

Legal Resources

the federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ;

Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education;

Main educational program primary general education MBOU secondary school No. 177;

Charter of MBOU secondary school No. 177.

Financial Literacy Program

Yu.N. Korlyugov. Moscow "VITA-PRESS", 2014

Material and technical resources

Primary school classroom

Premises for extended day groups

Sports halls (large and small)


A computer

interactive board


Printers (black and white)

Laser printer (color)

Library fund

Fedin S. Financial Literacy: Materials for Students. 2, 3 classes. In 2 parts. Part 1

Fedin S. Financial Literacy: Materials for Students. 2, 3 classes. In 2 parts. Part 2

Gloveli G.D. Financial Literacy: Student Resources (Grade 4). — M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014.

"Financial Literacy". Materials for parents. Yu.N. Korlyugov. Moscow "VITA-PRESS", 2014

"Financial Literacy". Control measuring materials. Yu.N. Korlyugov. Moscow "VITA-PRESS", 2014

Human Resources

a teacher who has completed advanced training courses on the course "Content and methods of teaching a financial literacy course to various categories of students"

the readiness of teachers of primary and secondary schools to implement the course "Financial Literacy" in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NOU, the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.

an intra-school control system that allows analyzing, correcting and supporting this activity.

Informational resources


website of the regional methodological center for financial literacy;

Motivational Resources

system of stimulation of innovative activity of teachers;

meeting the needs of students for self-realization in the conditions of modern society through the development of design skills.

Financial support

Professional development of teachers in 2018-2019

Project financing: acquisition of a methodological kit, educational and methodological literature on the basics of financial literacy

palm budget

Federal budget

Functionality of the project participants

FULL NAME. employee

Job title

Specialist functionality

Sysoeva I.M.

Head teacher

Project Manager

Tuseeva N.V.

Head of creative laboratory

Project Developer

Class teachers 2-4 grades

Primary School Teacher

Project participants

Parents (legal representatives) of students in grades 2-4

Project participants

In MBOU secondary school No. 177, the program "Financial Literacy" is implemented as part of the extracurricular activities of younger students.

The methodological association of primary school teachers has determined the organization of work with teaching staff to implement the “Financial Literacy” innovation as one of the areas of its activity, an action plan has been outlined:

Organize a creative group, which will include teachers, taking into account the experience of teaching social and humanitarian disciplines with students of this age group (in elementary school - "Mathematics", " The world”, “Solving design problems”), the availability of knowledge and skills related to teaching based on an activity approach and practice-oriented tasks; knowledge of the specifics of cognitive tasks and the ability to use them at various stages of the educational process; availability of qualifications to participate in innovative activities; readiness to work in the experimental mode with students and parents; ability to attract creative potential to solve educational problems; own creative developments.

Based on the norms of administrative management, the publication of the order "On the organization of work on the implementation of the project" Creation of the educational environment of MBOU secondary school No. 177 to improve the financial literacy of younger students "

Determination of the tasks of the teacher to promote the formation of certain foundations of financial literacy of schoolchildren.

Conducting scheduled training seminars, including master classes teachers, analysis of the content of the presentations of the developers of the course "Financial Literacy"

Conducting consultations for teachers on video materials of classes in order to identify problem areas and options for solving pedagogical problems.

A creative group of school teachers began to form a bank of pedagogical ideas (methodological developments of classes) in the direction of "Financial Literacy".

In this way, it is a well-organized environment that will allow students to receive the basics of competent financial behavior, providing them with conditions for increasing the level of financial literacy, contributing to the development of critical, positive thinking of younger students, their socialization.

List of sources

Website of the Center "Federal methodological center for financial literacy of the system of general and secondary vocational education»

EMC on financial literacy:

Korlyugova, Yu. N. K66 Financial Literacy: Curriculum. 2-4 classes of general education. org. / Yu. N. Korlyugova. — M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. — 16 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financially) Series.

Korlyugova, Yu. N. K66 Financial literacy: guidelines for the teacher. 2-4 classes general education. org. / Yu. N. Korlyugova. — M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. — 64 p. (Additional Education: Series “Learning Smart Financial Behavior”).

Evtykhova N. M., Khachemizova N. M. Methodological aspects of teaching solving economic problems in mathematics lessons in grade 4 // Scientific and methodological electronic journal"Concept". - 2015. - T. 9. - S. 91-95. - URL:

Avtonomov V.S., Goldstein E. Economics for schoolchildren -

Alikina O. V. Introduction of economic knowledge into the education of primary school students Festival of Pedagogical Ideas « Public lesson» -

Zemlyanskaya E. Economics for younger schoolchildren Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Open Lesson" -

Popova Tatiana, Menshikova Olga, Knyshova Larisa. Economics for kids, or how Misha became a businessman -

Attachment 1

Questionnaire for parents "My child and financial literacy"

Target: determine how interested parents are in teaching their children the basics of financial literacy and developing their skills of rational economic behavior.

How do you feel about the introduction of a new educational course on financial literacy in an educational institution?

a) I consider it necessary, as this course corresponds to the views, needs and interests of the child;

b) positively;

c) negative;

d) is not ready to assess the significance of the course.

What do you think, at what age should children be taught economics and finance?

a) at primary school age;

b) at senior school age;

c) I do not see the need for such training.

Does your child enjoy learning financial literacy?

a) yes, he shows a lively interest;

b) yes, but the course is difficult to understand;

d) find it difficult to answer.

Do you discuss with your child the topics covered in financial literacy classes?

c) sometimes.

How does the behavior of children change in the process of learning financial literacy?

a) nothing changes in the child's behavior;

b) the child began to ask questions related to economics and finance;

c) the child began to use words related to economics and finance;

d) the child performs economic tasks with pleasure, plots related to economics and finance appeared in his drawings;

e) the child has become more careful about things and objects;

f) the child began to show interest and participate in planning purchases and the family budget.

Are you ready to participate in a financial literacy training program with your children?

a) are ready;

b) not ready

c) maybe.

Annex 2

Financial Literacy: Materials for Parents. Grades 2-4 are general education. org. / Yu. N. Korlyugova. — M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. — 64 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financial Behavior Series). — ISBN 0000000 D0%B4%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B9%202-4%20%D0%BA%D0%BB..pdf

The course "Financial Literacy" has a practical focus and gives each child an opportunity to get an idea about money, family finances, family budget management and its interaction with financial institutions. The positive attitude of parents towards the study of this course by their children and their active participation in this process will contribute to the achievement of educational goals. The manual describes in detail the forms of interaction between parents and children, with the teacher. The types of research and creative work, games that simulate life situations, cases, for example,


A first-grader exchanges toys and things... However, you should not worry, there is nothing dangerous or unusual in such behavior of children. It’s just that it is at school that the concept of “alien” is introduced, that is, adults quite seriously explain that it is impossible to take someone else’s thing and what punishment for this happens. But after all, for a child, it is precisely the thing that a friend has and does not belong to him that turns out to be very desirable. So begins the cheerful exchange of anything, anything, for anything. Why is the exchange sometimes quite unequal? Think back to your childhood. Sometimes a completely cheap car, but, for example, having some quality that is valuable for you (doors open, it is military, it has a spare tire), was much more expensive and valuable than your own expensive radio-controlled car. So that there are no misunderstandings in the future when you are looking for another expensive toy and call the parents of all classmates or, conversely, someone's mother demands the return of the exchanged thing, agree with the child on the rules of the exchange. For example, if he wants to exchange some too expensive toy, he should ask you about it. Explain that it is impossible to "buy" friendship for an unequal exchange. But often this is exactly what happens that a child agrees to an unequal exchange in order to win the favor of one of the children. In no case do not forbid the child to change, this is a big part of the collective game and growing up. Remember the stories of children's classics, such as Mark Twain, when a penknife is exchanged for a dead rat, and do not prevent the child from exchanging.

Questions for reflection 1. Do you agree with the opinion of the author of the article? 2. Can children be allowed to swap toys? 3. What should parents do in case of a clearly unequal exchange?

If your child does not trade, discuss this topic with your friends. If you have encountered similar problems, the following actions are possible. First, parents must clearly define their own position. After that, you need to seriously explain her child, find out his opinion and add a little game: “Let's conclude an exchange agreement!”

For example, this one: you yourself / yourself manage your toys and you can do whatever you want with them, but you leave regrets about a bad deal to yourself. Or this one: you manage inexpensive toys yourself / yourself. When it comes to exchanging expensive toys, you consult with your parents. (It must be defined what counts as inexpensive toys.) Or this: any exchange requires consultation with the parents. Or: any exchanges are prohibited!

Fairs of old toys are a good practice for exchanges.

Case Fair of old toys.

Traditionally, the event brings together hundreds of children who are ready to give a second life to their toys. In Yekaterinburg, preparations have begun for the "Fair of Old Toys", where children sell and exchange cars, bears and dolls that they no longer play with. “Children will be able to stand behind a makeshift fair counter, determine the price and communicate with potential buyers. For citizens, this is a great opportunity to see thousands of funny toys from the Soviet period and the modern Russia", say the organizers. It is worth noting that experts in the field of economics will give children a lesson in financial literacy, where they will tell you what money is, business, and how to communicate with potential buyers. Such lessons, according to the organizers, help to better understand money issues from childhood. Also at the fair there will be an exhibition of unique author's toys. The authorship of most of the exhibits belongs to the Ural masters. They will introduce children to the technology of creating toys, as well as teach them how to play games that neither adults nor children can figure out. As the fair of past years showed, most often difficulties arise with children's board games. “Many in childhood dreamed of seeing how toys are made. At the fair, everyone will have such a chance. We plan to open a small workshop where you can try to make a toy yourself,” the organizers say.

Questions for reflection:

1. What benefits do you see in such an event? 2. What "pitfalls" can be encountered at the fair? 3. Would you like your child to participate in such a fair? If yes, then you can talk about it at the parent meeting and organize it in the classroom or at school. Of course, this will bring you additional troubles, but no more than organizing any holiday. In some schools, other fairs are held and the exchange of toys (books, CDs) can become an integral part of them.

Annex 3

The system of tasks used in classroom and extracurricular activities in elementary school, consisting of several blocks:

1. Tasks for encoding and decoding financial, economic terms

For example, (tasks are selected by the teacher in accordance with the educational needs of schoolchildren, the level of their mastery of the basics of solving economic and financial problems)

Follow the steps, arrange the results in ascending order, and you will learn a very important word for the family and for the country


2. Tasks for execution and compilation of algorithms

For example:

1) the table shows prices for some types of goods and their prices in the online store

b) make a set of three books so that the sum of their prices does not exceed 1000 rubles. Imagine all options

3. Tasks for reading and compiling tables, simple diagrams, graphs of economic content.

For example, 4 A class decided to relax in the mountains of Adygea during school spring break. Denis Korablev was instructed to find out prices for hotel accommodation and excursions. Having requested information on the Internet, Denis found a hotel called "Hajokh Park", which offers its services, presented in the table:

a) Which numbers are the most expensive? Which rooms are the cheapest?

b) How many rubles is a double room on weekdays cheaper than the same room on weekends?

c) How much will three meals a day cost?

d) Which excursion is the most expensive? The cheapest?

e) How much will all tours cost together?

*Calculate the cost of a two-day vacation for 25 grade 4 students, two teachers and three parents accompanying children, if you book double rooms, with three meals a day and two excursions (in the Guam Gorge and on the Lago-Naki plateau)

** Make the most economical cost estimate for a two-day holiday. 4. Text arithmetic problems, the plot of which reflects financial categories.

For example:

Father receives 4,000 rubles a month, and mother - 2,000 rubles. How much money do they earn in 1 year? Will they be able to buy a TV for 8,000 rubles in three months and go on vacation for 15,000 rubles, if 2/3 of their salary goes to household expenses? (SALARY, HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES, FAMILY BUDGET).

The yield of garlic is 20 kg per hundred square meters (100 m). What is the mass of garlic harvested from a plot 50 m long and 40 m wide? What income will the farmer receive if garlic was sold at 50 rubles per kg, and he spent 100 rubles on the purchase of seeds? (COSTS, INCOME, FARMING)

"The Korzhikov family consists of a father, mother, grandmother and two children. The father earns 25,000 rubles a month, the mother 20,000 rubles, and the grandmother receives 7,000 rubles as a pension. What is the average cash income per family member?"

The lack of economic education is often manifested in the fact that children carelessly treat not only objects of common use, but also their own things. They do not always understand that even the smallest thing costs parents and the school a lot of money. To update this topic, you can propose tasks that talk about the funds spent on the purchase of items, savings in the family budget, schools, etc. Taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students, I often offer tasks with economic content in an entertaining form, for which fairy-tale, cartoon, television, and literary characters beloved by children are introduced into the content of the task. For example:

Vintik and Shpuntik opened a car repair shop. To do this, they rented a house for a year and paid a rent of 6,000 rubles. In addition, they bought spare parts for 300,000 rubles, hired security for 36,000 rubles. The entire cost of the services rendered for the repair of cars amounted to 500,000 rubles. Of these, taxes paid 10,000 rubles. What will be the net profit of our entrepreneurs for the year, for the month?

Mouse-Norushka, Frog-Quakushka and their friends began to live closely in the old tower. They planned to build a new house. We calculated how much the construction would cost: to lay the foundation - 10,000 rubles, to install walls - 36,000 rubles. To install the roof - 20,000 rubles, to finish the inside - 24,000 rubles. They borrowed half of this amount from the bank. How much money do they have to return to the bank if the additional fee for using the loan is 1/5 of the loan amount?

5. Interdisciplinary projects.

For example, the project "Tea"

The teacher with the children reads an excerpt from the stories about Winnie the Pooh. "Once Winnie the Pooh came to visit the Rabbit. Winnie the Pooh was always not averse to a little refreshment, especially at eleven o'clock in the morning, because breakfast had long since ended at that time, and lunch had not even thought of starting. And, of course, he was overjoyed when he saw that the Rabbit was taking out cups and plates, and when the Rabbit asked: "Which would you like to spread - honey or condensed milk?" - Pooh was so delighted that he blurted out: “Both of them!” Winnie the Pooh could probably eat both honey and condensed milk without drinking anything. But, as a rule, these sweets are consumed with tea, because these are sweets and they have a lot of sugar. Where did tea come from? This plot allows you to tell about the place where tea grows. This is the southeastern outskirts of Tibet, China, India, Sri Lanka. And where they drink tea the most: European countries, Russia, Australia , less in the U.S. Also discussed are the places of growth of the raw materials from which sugar is produced.These are South and Southeast Asia, the islands of the Malay Archipelago, the Caribbean and southern North America, India - countries where sugar cane grows.And also Ukraine , Russia, USA, countries of Central and Western Europe - countries where sugar beets are grown.Despite the fact that they do not study geography in elementary school, but in our opinion, it is quite possible to show these states or regions on a geographical map or on a globe. discussion When asked about the countries in which tea and raw materials for sugar are grown, the concepts of "export" and "import", "countries of producers" and "countries of consumers" of tea and sugar are considered. these terms can be introduced by types of tasks of the first block. Thus, Japan, Indonesia, Mongolia and Pakistan are among the exporters of tea, although tea does not grow in these countries. Tea consumers include Europe, the USA, Russia and Australia. Tea "bricks" (tea dust was pressed) in Mongolia served as a monetary unit in the 19th century.

It can be said that in Russia, since the end of the last century, tea has also been produced in the Krasnodar Territory near the city of Sochi. In Adygea, the northernmost tea in the world is produced - Adyghe tea.

A task. There is only one type of black loose tea, but in different packaging: in a cardboard box of 100 g for 300 rubles. and in a jar of 50 g for 200 rubles. There is a large sheet in the jar, and they break it into a pack so that it fits there. Zarema wanted to present Adyghe tea to her guests from Moscow. She had 1500 rubles in her wallet. Help to make different sets for this amount of money. How many and what sets can you get?

Further, the concept of "production", in particular tea, sugar, is discussed. If there is a sugar factory or a tea factory in this locality, then you can organize an excursion to this plant (factory) in order to observe production process. You can discuss in what form sugar is sold in stores. To talk about the fact that most often we use the so-called "granulated sugar", or "refined sugar", and for baking certain types cookies and buns use powdered sugar or sugar syrup in confectionery. Tea can also be packaged in different forms. For example, in tea leaves or in tea briquettes, tea bags (in which tea leaves are finely crushed) have become part of our everyday life. In the transition to the mathematical part, you can solve many problems of a geometric nature. For example, depict the form of sugar - refined sugar and tea boxes and find similarities and differences in these forms. Compare the shape of a tea bag and a milk bag. Compare the shape of the globe and the image of the earth on the map and the shape of the Earth itself (figures such as a circle and a ball are compared here). Identify what geometric shapes will help to draw sugar cane and sugar beet, tea leaf and tea bush. Find in the surrounding reality objects that resemble the figures in question. We can discuss the forms and types of tea and sugar exports, the dependence of the cost of tea and sugar on the form and type of packaging. The value of packaging for sales (sales of tea). Here you can touch on such concepts as trade and its types "wholesale" and "retail". Find out in what form sugar and tea are purchased: in the form of raw materials or in a ready-to-use form in Russia, and in England, and in Japan? Sugar has such a necessary property as sweetness. Speaking of this property, you can find other products in the environment that have this property, but there are not so many of them: honey, sweet fruits and juices of some plants. However, sugar is also used as a valuable raw material for chemical industry(from it produce detergents and dyes and other substances). Here the reason for the growth of tea and sugar beet or sugar cane in those countries that were mentioned earlier is clarified, namely, climatic conditions. Hence, it becomes necessary to consider such quantities as temperature, air humidity, etc. Then, you can select such mathematical quantities as the mass of tea, the mass of one bag, the quantity; or area, productivity. The length of the cane, the mass and volume of beets, as well as the mass of sugar obtained from each unit mass of raw materials, etc., will make it possible to compose and solve a large number of problems associated with these quantities. Here, tasks for movement will also be relevant, since they will arise when discussing the issues of transporting these products. In the economic part of this category, it is proposed to consider such a concept as "economic benefit". For example, it is more profitable to use sugar than oil and coal, as it is a renewable raw material. "Profit" from the trade in sugar and tea, and as a result such concepts as "cost", "cost", "labor expended", "advertising", "demand", "supply". This is where advertising comes into play. various kinds tea on TV. Fodder beet is known to contain a little over 1℅ of sugar, and it took a lot of effort to get varieties suitable for industrial production Sahara. When conducting a tour of a sugar factory, it is important to note what changes occur with raw materials before they take on the form of the sugar that we see on store shelves. It can also be noted that such drastic changes do not occur with tea. It is important to show how sugar production depends on weather and climatic conditions. You can consider the solution of plot problems for proportional dependencies, problems for movement, for work, for the relationship between the quantities “price, quantity, cost”.

6. Business games.

For example:

“The purpose of the game is to familiarize the participants with the mechanism of market trading, to form a mindset for making independent decisions and active actions. It models the processes of production ("release") of consumer goods and their sale on the market.

  • Contextual tasks and tasks for the formation of financial literacy.

The plot of the context problem, which is used in mathematics lessons:

“Misha wants to upgrade his computer, for this he needs to save up a certain amount of money. He can save some money if he saves weekly pocket money given to him by his parents. In addition, he can earn money by working part-time as a courier in his spare time. Parents can buy computer equipment for Misha on credit, with the condition that he will compensate them for all loan payments. Known is the amount of pocket money that Misha's parents give, the courier's salary, and various bank loan offers. Need to calculate best option saving money to upgrade the computer.

1. The store is visited by an average of 500 customers per day. The average check is 450 rubles. Find your monthly income. Note: Average bill = Monthly revenue: Number of customers per month.

2. In the hypermarket, you can buy potatoes by weight, i.e. kilograms or in packages - grids of 10 kg.

A) what will cost 1 kg of tomatoes in the grid?

B) What is more profitable to buy 1 net and potatoes by weight if we need 5 kg? Some people think that it is more profitable to buy a grid of potatoes than separately for 1 kg? Explain their position.

C) Other people consider buying a grid of potatoes a bad financial decision. Why do you think?

8. Situational games - it is a subspecies of active socio-psychological learning, a method of social training in which a certain situation is given, and the participants act in accordance with it. At the same time, they must follow both the objective properties of the formulated situation and their subjective ideas about how to act in such situations.

An example would be making a holiday plan. Preparing and holding a holiday is a team event. Each member of the class plays important role in holding this event. Children determine the date (theme) and discuss the menu. In order to draw up a budget, students, accompanied by adults, visit the market or shop. After returning, a table is compiled in which the name of the products, quantity, unit price are prescribed, the cost of products and other goods is calculated. The amount of expenses should not exceed the amount of total money set aside. Further, it is planned to distribute responsibilities between all participants of the event: - grocery shopping - cooking - cultural program - table setting and decoration of the hall - cleaning (all participants of the event). Next, assignments and tasks related to different subjects are compiled, which are distributed among all children.

Appendix 4

9. Quests

Quest "How to plan a family budget in order to save up?"

This quest was presented as the result of a graduation project, admitted to defense by the senior methodologist of the RMC L.N. Ivanova, at the Siberian Institute of Management - a branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the regional methodological center for financial literacy of the system of general and secondary vocational education in the Novosibirsk region, gaining the second result among ten submitted projects.

Methodological characteristics

Purpose: Gaining experience in economically reasonable behavior in relation to the family budget.

Make necessary expenses.

Improve skills in the use of ICT.

Get a communicative experience of working together.

Personal characteristics and attitudes:


The fact that when planning a family budget, it is necessary to rationally spend money.


Spend money wisely and take good care of the family budget.


Make rational decisions about spending money.

Match your desires, needs and opportunities.

Planned results

Main content (conceptual apparatus)- family budget, income, expenses, savings.

Leading technology - quest (a quest is a kind of game that requires the player to solve mental problems in order to progress through the plot. A quest in pedagogy is the completion of a problematic task with game elements).

Description of the course of the lesson with the organization of educational activities (indicative routing)

Stages of the training session

Teacher activity

Student activities

First stage

role stage

The teacher reports that the lesson will take the form of a quest, determines the playing space, time frame, divides into teams, introduces the legend and rules of the game.

“Each team is a family of five people: father, mother, grandmother, son-student, daughter-schoolgirl. Your task is to go through five locations in 45 minutes. Time spent at each location is limited. Before starting the passage of locations, by completing a certain task, you will receive the necessary amount of money for expenses.

The teacher suggests adding up the correct family budget by collecting a phrase from syllables (Appendix 4.1)

The teacher gives each team a route sheet, envelopes with money and an envelope for savings. (Appendix 4.2)

Helps students make choices;

(Appendix 4.3)

coordinates the activities of students in solving the assigned work.

(Appendices 4.3,4.4,4.5,4.6)

They are included in the playing space, divided into teams of up to 5 people, get acquainted with the rules.

Collect the phrase, distribute responsibilities

They delve into the essence of the tasks, perform, solve the tasks offered at each location, find answers, save money is collected in a separate envelope.

The final stage

Recalls the rules and parameters for evaluating the quest announced at the beginning of the lesson, together with the students listens to the reports of the groups on the work done (calculate the money saved), sums up the quest.

Teams present the results of their work, participate in the evaluation of work according to criteria predetermined by the teacher.

Based on the results of the study of the problem, conclusions and proposals are formed.

This development is exclusively practice-oriented, all the materials presented in the annexes to the project will help colleagues prepare and conduct an extracurricular event. The project is aimed at motivating students, understanding personal responsibility for decisions made in the process of forming a family budget. We hope that this project is some contribution to the methodological collection of colleagues who will be engaged in financial education of younger students.

Appendix 4.1

Annex 4.2

Route sheet

Dear participants of the quest!

Dear participants of the quest!

Proceed along the indicated route! Watch the time!

Dear participants of the quest!

Proceed along the indicated route! Watch the time!

Dear participants of the quest!

Move on





Dear participants of the quest!

Move on



Watch the time!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3



First stage





"Communal payments"


"The medicine"




Recreation, entertainment»

The final stage Location 1

First stage



« Communal payments"


"The medicine"


« Transport"


"Recreation, entertainment



The final stage Location 1

First stage



"The medicine"


"Recreation, entertainment




"Communal payments" Location4


The final stage Location 1

First stage



« Transport"




« Recreation, entertainment»


"The medicine"


« Communal payments"

The final stage Location 1

First stage



"Recreation, entertainment"




"Communal payments"




"The medicine

The final stage Location 1

Appendix 4.3

Appendix 4.4

Appendix 4.5

Annex 4.6

Appendix 4.7

Location 1

Buy products for borscht

You and your family went to the store. You have 560 rubles. You need to buy all the products for borscht (the list is attached), spending as little money as possible. The money you save can be put into a savings wallet.

(Maximum 560r, 470, 410, minimum 220)

Denomination 100 - 5 bills, 10-6 bills

You can choose to buy everything in one place or in different places. The layout of desks with pictures in the classroom.


All products for borscht, but at a high price.


The test is considered passed if at least 10 rubles are left.

If the test does not pass, there is an opportunity to earn money by moving boxes to another corner of the class in 10 seconds.

Bought - postponed - you can go to the next location.

Location 2


5-6 minutes (green money)

Additional income

Collect garbage 10 rubles (white money)

Collect cut pictures (for each 10 rubles)

The teacher asks about the purpose of the devices, finds out what they are for.

Focus on the fact that the amount of water, electricity, gas spent depends on spending on utilities.

You have 200 rubles (green)

Transfer water with a spoon, without spilling on the floor, from one bucket to another. The less you spill, the less money you pay.

You have to pay 150 rubles for water. An additional fee of 10 rubles for spilled water.

The test is considered passed if you have at least 10 rubles left.

Location 3

Medicine 5-7 minutes

(Interactive board)

You can earn by solving a crossword puzzle.

Each word is 10 rubles.

White money.

You need to buy vitamins. There is a maze in front of you. Vitamins inside. You must go through 3 gates and buy vitamins for the lowest price. The rest is in the wallet.

The test is considered passed if you saved at least 10 rubles.

If not passed, earn (bandage your hand in 1 minute.)

The test is considered passed if you saved money and were able to put it in your wallet.

Pay the lowest price, the rest goes to your wallet.

The test is considered passed if you save at least 10 rubles.

If not passed, earn (bandage your hand in one minute)

Location 4

Transport (blue money)

Task from KIMs with 4

The test is considered passed if you saved money and were able to save up. If you failed, you can earn money (squats, running, jumping, etc.)

Location 5

Entertainment and travel

The game "I believe - I do not believe"

interactive board

You have 800 rubles. You need to answer 8 questions. If you answer the question correctly, you save 100 rubles, and if you answer the question incorrectly, you spend 100 rubles. It all depends on your answer.

The test is considered passed if you have saved at least 100 rubles. If the test did not pass, then in 300 seconds you need to pack a suitcase for a trip. Done - 50 rubles.


We count money. The team with the most savings wins.

In the 2015/2016 academic year, an experimental course on financial literacy for schoolchildren was tested in 8 Kaliningrad educational institutions.

Simultaneously with the Kaliningrad region, testing of financial literacy classes was held in four other regions participating in the Project: Volgograd, Arkhangelsk regions, as well as in the Altai and Krasnodar regions.

In our region, nine general educational institutions took part in the approbation: schools No. 12, 31 and 47 of the city of Kaliningrad, the Lugovskaya school of the Guryevsky district, lyceum No. 10 of the city of Sovetsk, the Cadet Corps. A. the First-Called, as well as the College of Service and Tourism and the College of Entrepreneurship. In general, more than 1,000 students took part in the financial literacy classes.

The school schedule for experimental classes provided for 17 hours of study (that is, 1 hour per week), twice the number for grades 10-11 - 34 hours (2 hours per week). At the same time, educational materials for grades 10-11 are divided into profiles: for economic, legal, mathematical profile and basic level.

The course included two stages of monitoring the level of financial literacy of teachers and parents: “input” (preliminary) and final testing.

In total, 83 textbooks were developed for testing the lessons, which are included in 17 educational and methodological sets. Specially designed financial literacy textbooks are provided for different groups students: grades 2-4, grades 5-7, grades 8-9 and grades 10-11 of general education schools, as well as students of secondary vocational education institutions and students of boarding schools. Methodical recommendations for teachers, control and measuring materials, didactic materials for parents and manuals for individual work. For individual lessons, the materials are divided into modules: "Banks", "Stock market", "Own business", "Financial risks", "Insurance", "Pension provision".

Based on the results of the approbation, the experience of the regions in which the approbation was carried out will be taken into account, training materials will be corrected and distributed throughout Russia by the end of 2018.

Educational materials are available for download:

2 - 4 classes of a general educational organization (initial level)

The course program is designed for grades 2–3 (author of materials for students - S. Fedin) and 4 classes (author of materials for students - G. Gloveli). The program specifies the goals and objectives of the course, the planned educational results and the system of their evaluation, describes the forms and methods of organizing the educational process, and also provides a list of educational, methodological and material and technical resources.

Financial Literacy: Materials for Students. 2, 3 classes of a general educational organization. In 2 parts

Starting to study at school, the child takes the first steps into adulthood. In order for him not to get lost in it and become a financially prosperous person in the future, he needs to master the ABC of financial literacy and learn how to count money. This guide will help him with that. In an entertaining way, the initial basic concepts from the world of money are presented here and their role in our life is shown; it tells what money is spent on, how to manage it wisely, how to protect yourself from scammers and much more.

Financial Literacy: Materials for Students. Grade 4 of a general educational organization

From this book, students will learn about the world of money: how and where they came from, what they are, what is the difference between cash and non-cash money, what is a family budget and why it is important to plan it correctly, how people increase their incomes, how to protect themselves from scammers and about many other things.

Grades 5 - 7 of a general educational organization (basic general education)

The manuals tell about the complex world of money and the basic rules of human behavior in it. It explains in detail where family income comes from, what a family budget is and why it is important to plan it correctly. A significant place is given to the protection of a person from the risk of losing money and property, the interaction of the state and the family, the possibility of improving financial condition person by organizing their own business. The manuals are written in an easy, well-understood language for schoolchildren and can serve as a basis for conducting classes in the classroom, preparing independent projects and solving financial problems together with parents.

Grades 8 - 9 of a general educational organization (basic general education)

The materials are designed to acquaint teenagers with the basics of rational financial behavior - how to reasonably organize and optimize the future family budget, what needs to be done to increase personal and family well-being, why it is important to foresee the possibility of financial losses and how to minimize them, how to learn to manage your finances from an early age in order to have a comfortable life. old age, etc.

10 - 11 classes of a general educational organization (secondary general education)

The manuals in an accessible form outline the main aspects of personal finance management, taking into account current trends in the development of the financial sector of the economy and current legislation. The tasks contained in the manual are aimed at developing the cognitive activity of students, independence and initiative in the field of personal finance management.

10 - 11 classes of a general educational organization. Mathematical profile (secondary general education)

The manual contains a mathematical description of issues traditional for financial literacy disciplines: simple and compound interest, accounting for multi-temporal financial flows, calculating the price of financial instruments and evaluating investment projects. A significant place is given to examples of problem solving. To describe and assess the risks associated with financial transactions, the concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics are actively used. The materials are redundant and suggest the student's ability to independently master the sections relating to probability theory and statistics.

10 - 11 classes of a general educational organization. Economic profile (secondary general education)

The course is devoted to the key issues of the functioning of modern financial institutions and the mechanisms of human interaction with them. The course covers the following financial concepts like commercial banks, investment funds, market valuable papers, tax system, pension funds, etc., reveals their essence and shows their place in the financial life of modern Russia.

materials training course on financial literacy for students educational organizations secondary vocational education

The benefits in a simple and accessible form sets out the issues of the financial well-being of the family and the management of funds. In addition to such standard topics as savings, credit, insurance, taxes and pensions, discussed in the manual, the legal aspects of the relationship between employees and the employer, employment and career development, private business organizations, measures to protect against financial fraud, etc. By participating in the analysis of real life situations and business cases, in group projects and discussions, and completing tasks for searching and analyzing data, students prepare to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

The project "My budget" is designed to work with students in grades 2-4. It can be used as part of the study of intra-subject modules (we have a module in mathematics called "Tasks of the Gnome Economist") or in extracurricular work.



Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

under the President of the Russian Federation"

Western branch of RANEPA


"My Budget"

Developers of the pedagogical project:

Gorbunova Elena Vladimirovna

Suslova Irina Nikolaevna

Senior methodologist RMC L. L. Karama



Explanatory note

The project is dedicated to analyzing your budget, studying ways to save money and putting them into practice.

The project is long-term, research, individual,
by profile - interdisciplinary;
content - financial literacy;
by type of design object: practice-oriented.

Project justification:In the conditions of modern Russia, schoolchildren are often faced with the inability to get what they want: Parents do not have enough money to purchase all the goods that their children need. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students how to budget and plan purchases.

Relevance of the projectbut consists in the fact that each person should be able to rationally and competently manage their finances.

Objective of the project: the formation of students' ability to keep records of expenses and incomes, skills in drawing up an elementary budget


1. Introduce / consolidate the concepts of "budget", "income", "expenses", "deficit", "surplus", "savings"

2. teach to keep records of income and expenses in the process of independent preparation of an elementary budget

3. to acquaint with the constant growth of needs and limited opportunities

4. educate students in an economical attitude to the budget

Target group: students in grades 2-4 (8-10 years old)

Project duration: 3 months

Planned results:


  • student readiness for self-development
  • formation of motivation for purposeful activity
  • the ability to set goals and make life plans



  • ability to set a learning goal
  • the ability to choose ways and find information to solve it and
  • structure the acquired knowledge;
  • establish causal relationships
  • the ability to formulate a problem and find a way to solve it;


  • planning - drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;
  • prediction - anticipation of the result
  • correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the actual action and its result;
  • assessment - highlighting and understanding by students of what has already been done and what still needs to be done
  • self-regulation as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort


  • the ability to enter into a dialogue and conduct it, taking into account the peculiarities of communication with various groups of people,
  • prove your opinions;


  • understanding the basic principles of the economic life of society: understanding the role of money in the family and society, the causes and consequences of changes in family income and expenses, understanding and correct use of economic terms;
  • mastering the methods of working with economic information, its comprehension; making simple financial calculations.
  • acquisition of knowledge and experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy: knowledge of the sources of income and directions of family expenses and the ability to draw up a simple family budget;

The participants of the project are elementary school students, so the description of the desired and real situation, identification of contradictions, problem analysis, goal setting, analysis of ways to achieve the goal and planning of project steps is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. In addition, the parents' help is needed in the implementation of the project.

Stage I (exploratory)

A lesson is held in which the teacher talks about the fact that each student can do a project on financial literacy. He conducts a conversation with them and motivates the discussion of the following questions:

Do students have a desire to buy any product?

Can parents always fulfill this desire?

Would they like to help parents in solving this problem?

As a result of the conversation, students who want to participate in the project are identified. Each of them tells what specific thing he wants to have and why.

A hypothesis is put forward: is it possible to buy it yourself?

Based on this, the goal of the project is formulated:Plan your personal budget so as to buy the desired item.Moreover, each participant has his own goal (roller skates, bicycle, smartphone, etc.)

Stage II (analytical)

  1. To achieve the goal, the teacher invites students to determine which skates / bike / smartphone the student wants, how much they cost. To do this, you need to visit several stores and compare products in them. The teacher gives the children a sheet to fill out. (Attachment 1)

During the week, students (together with their parents) collect, systematize and analyze the necessary information and evaluate the results of this stage of work.

  1. It is necessary to predict what income the student will have during the project. To do this, the teacher also gives the children tables to fill out with their parents. (Appendix 2).
  2. Comparison of future income and expenses.

Using materials provided by the teacher (Appendix 3), students compare their income and expenses with their parents.

  1. With the help of a teacher or parents, students think over ways to save money, opportunities for additional income and draw up an action plan for the near future.

Stage III (practical)

At this stage, students implement the planned steps, perform current control. The teacher observes, monitors compliance with the time frame of the stages of activity, and, if necessary, advises students.

Stage IV (presentation)

Students bring their purchases or their photos.

Stage V (control - reflection of activity).

The student fixes weak sides work on the project, indicates the strengths, formulates the reasons for successes and failures (difficulties) in the work on the project, suggests a way to overcome the difficulties (avoidance of failures) that he encountered while working on the project.

Forms and system for evaluating results

The work on the project ends with summing up: whether you were able to achieve your goal or not, whether the hypothesis was confirmed, whether you are satisfied with your work. To do this, all students perform with their projects. Some students have very interesting projects, entertaining. Of which you can select for yourself certain rules of shopping and savings. But there are students who did not cope with the task. It is very important to listen to them and understand the reason. The guys, having listened to each other, are sure to share their opinions. And together they develop memos: “Saving the family budget” and “How to make money and save money”

You can make plans for the future.
It is important to note that the stages of project protection completely coincide with the stages of development, differing only in conciseness, accuracy and conciseness.

Educational and methodological support

  1. Savitskaya, E. V. C13 Financial literacy: curriculum. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 16 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financial Behavior Series).
  2. Savitskaya, E. V. C13 Financial literacy: guidelines for the teacher. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 144 p. (Additional Education: Series "Learning Smart Financial Behavior").
  3. Savitskaya, E. V. С13 Financial literacy: materials for parents. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 64 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financial Behavior Series).
  4. Savitskaya, E. V. С13 Financial literacy: materials for students in basic programs vocational training/ E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 224 p., ill. (Additional Education: Series "Learning to Be Smart Financially").

Internet resources:

Website of the magazine "Family budget" - ;

Financially - technical support

a computer




Application No. 1

No. p \ p



Technological characteristic

Annex 2

No. p \ p

I plan to receive


birthday gifts

Piggy bank

Pocket expenses


It remains to save / earn:

Application №3

No. p \ p




Slides captions:

Project "My budget" Project developers: Gorbunova Elena Vladimirovna Suslova Irina Nikolaevna Kaliningrad 2017 Advanced training program "Content and methods of teaching a financial literacy course to various categories of students" Regional methodological center for financial literacy Project venue: MAOU__________________ Project duration: 3 months

Project structure: Step 1. Explanatory note Step 2. Project content Step 3. Forms and system for evaluating results Step 4. Educational, methodological and logistical support

In the conditions of modern Russia, schoolchildren are often faced with the inability to get what they want: parents do not have enough money to purchase all the goods that their children need. Therefore, it is necessary to teach students how to budget and plan purchases. The relevance of the project is that each person should be able to rationally and competently manage their finances. project idea

The purpose of the project: the formation of the students' ability to keep records of expenses and incomes, the skills of drawing up an elementary budget Tasks: 1 . Introduce / consolidate the concepts of “budget”, “income”, “expenses”, “deficit”, “surplus”, “savings” 2. teach to keep track of income and expenses in the process of self-compilation of an elementary budget 3. introduce the constant growth of needs and limitations opportunities 4. to educate students in an economical attitude to the budget Goals and objectives of the project

Stage I (exploratory) A lesson is held in which the teacher talks about the fact that each student can do a project on financial literacy. He conducts a conversation with them and motivates the discussion of the following questions: - Do students have a desire to buy any product? - Can parents always fulfill this desire? - Would they like to help parents in solving this problem? As a result of the conversation, students who want to participate in the project are identified. Each of them tells what specific thing he wants to have and why. Then, together with the teacher, they define the problem: “I want to buy the desired thing, but my parents do not have enough money for this purchase.” A hypothesis is put forward: is it possible to buy it yourself? Based on this, the goal of the project is formulated: Plan your personal budget in such a way as to buy the desired thing. Moreover, each participant has his own goal (roller skates, bicycle, smartphone, etc.) Project content

Stage II (analytical) 1. To achieve the goal, the teacher invites students to determine what kind of skates / bike / smartphone the student wants, how much they cost. To do this, you need to visit several stores and compare products in them. The teacher gives the children a sheet to fill in. (Appendix 1) During the week, students (together with their parents) collect, systematize and analyze the necessary information and evaluate the results of this stage of work. 2. It is necessary to predict what income the student will have during the project. To do this, the teacher also gives the children tables to fill out with their parents. (Appendix 2). 3. Comparison of upcoming income and expenses. Using materials provided by the teacher (Appendix 3), students compare their income and expenses with their parents. 4. With the help of a teacher or parents, students think over ways to save money, opportunities for additional income and draw up an action plan for the near future. Project content

No. Shop Price Technological characteristics Applications Application No. 1

No. I plan to receive Amount Birthday gifts Piggy bank Pocket expenses Total: Save/earn left: Attachments Attachment 2

№ p \ p Incoming Expenditure Remaining Applications Appendix No. 3

Stage III (practical) At this stage, students implement the planned steps, perform current control. The teacher observes, monitors the observance of the time frames of the stages of activity, and, if necessary, advises students. Stage IV (presentation) Students bring their purchases or their photos. Project content

Stage V (control - reflection of activity). The student fixes the weaknesses of the work on the project, indicates the strengths, formulates the reasons for successes and failures (difficulties) in the work on the project, suggests ways to overcome the difficulties (avoid failures) that he encountered while working on the project. Project content

The work on the project ends with summing up: whether you were able to achieve your goal or not, whether the hypothesis was confirmed, whether you are satisfied with your work. To do this, all students perform with their projects. Some students have very interesting projects, entertaining. Of which you can select for yourself certain rules of shopping and savings. But there are students who did not cope with the task. It is very important to listen to them and understand the reason. The guys, having listened to each other, are sure to share their opinions. And together they develop memos: “Saving the family budget” and “How to earn and save”. You can make plans for the future. Forms and system for evaluating results

Educational, methodological and logistical support Savitskaya, E. V. C13 Financial literacy: curriculum. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 16 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financial Behavior Series). Savitskaya, E. V. C13 Financial literacy: guidelines for the teacher. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 144 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financially) Series. Savitskaya, E. V. С13 Financial literacy: materials for parents. Vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 64 p. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financial Behavior Series). Savitskaya, E. V. C13 Financial literacy: materials for students in the main programs of vocational training / E. V. Savitskaya. - M.: VITA-PRESS, 2014. - 224 p., ill. (Additional Education: Learning to Be Smart Financially) Series. Internet resources: Website of the magazine "Family Budget" -; - http://financial literacy in school.rf/ - http:/ / your finances. rf / - http:/ / - http:/ / I want to know. rf / - http:/ /39 408/ - http:/ / Logistics computer calculator

The project on economic education "Financial Literacy in Primary School" was developed as part of a comprehensive thematic planning of educational activities for primary school children.

The activities of the project are aimed at forming the necessary ideas about the financial component of the modern family, the organization of the material side of the surrounding space.




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Slides captions:

Completed by: Kravets Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 34 municipal budgetary educational institution with secondary school No. 34 of the city of Novoshakhtinsk PROJECT "Financial literacy in primary school" Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 34 Kravets Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Explanatory note The project is devoted to the analysis of its budget, the study of ways to save money and put them into practice. The project is long-term, research, individual, according to the profile - interdisciplinary; content - financial literacy; by type of design object: practice-oriented.

The relevance of the topic project a is that every person needs to be able to rationally and competently manage their finances.

The purpose of the project: the formation of students' ability to keep records of expenses and incomes, the skills of drawing up an elementary budget

Objectives: 1. Introduce the concepts of "budget", "income", "expenditure", "deficit", "surplus", "savings" 2. Teach how to keep track of income and expenses in the process of self-compilation of an elementary budget 3. Introduce constant growth needs and limitations 4. To educate students about budget saving

Planned results: Personal: student's readiness for self-development; formation of motivation for purposeful activity; the ability to set goals and make life plans.

Subject: understanding the basic principles of the economic life of society: understanding the role of money in the family and society, the causes and consequences of changes in family income and expenses, understanding and correct use of economic terms; mastering the methods of working with economic information, its comprehension; making simple financial calculations. acquisition of knowledge and experience in applying the acquired knowledge and skills to solve typical problems in the field of the family economy: knowledge of the sources of income and directions of family expenses and the ability to draw up a simple family budget;

Meta-subject: Cognitive: the ability to set a learning task, the ability to choose ways and find information to solve it and structure the knowledge gained; establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to formulate a problem and find a way to solve it; Regulatory: planning - drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; forecasting - anticipation of the result; correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the real action and its result; assessment - students highlight and realize what has already been done and what still needs to be done self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort Communicative: the ability to enter into a dialogue and conduct it, taking into account the peculiarities of communication with various groups of people, to prove one's judgments;

Project result At the end of the project, a 4th grade graduate will clearly know such concepts as “budget”, “income”, “expenses”, “deficit”, “surplus”, “savings”, learn how to keep track of income and expenses in the process of self-compilation an elementary budget, and will also carefully treat and properly manage its budget.

Grade 1 “I am in the world of money” September Lesson - game “We are business guys!” October Home bookkeeping November Consumer basket December Excursion to the Pyaterochka supermarket January Currency of different countries February "Journey to the country Economy" March On-line business game "Forest Fair" April Round table "Financial ABC" May "Piggy bank of happiness"

"We guys are business!"

"Home bookkeeping"

" Consumer basket"

Excursion to the supermarket "Pyaterochka"

Thank you for your attention!


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