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Error "Value is not a value of object type (ForeignOrganization)" in 1C:Accounting 8.2 (version 2.0)


Such an error can occur in any document that uses "Document of settlements with a counterparty (manual accounting)" as one of the details.

Often this error ("Value is not a value object type(Foreign Organization)") appears in the "Invoice Issued" document when trying to print it. In this case, the reason is that although the "Invoice Base Document" field is specified in the document, the program thinks that it is empty.

There are two options for solving this problem:

  • Perhaps the simplest: delete this document from the database and re-enter it. Just enter not by copying already finished document, but start the document from scratch.
  • The second option for more advanced users: through the menu "Tools" - "Group processing of directories and documents" change the attribute "Base document for issuing an invoice" to the one that is already selected in the document.
Sincerely, (teacher and developer).

You (or the user) work in 1C. Suddenly, a mistake. What to do?

Of course, the most correct thing is to analyze what kind of error 1C, its causes, spend an hour or two to find out what's what.

What if this is not possible? No time, no desire, not enough knowledge. Here are some very bad tips for quickly fixing errors in 1C.

Error message 1C

A typical view of a 1C error message is a window with the text of a 1C error and the OK and More buttons.

The text of the 1C error displayed here is a user message, it often does not tell the programmer anything, since the displayed 1C error may be the result of some wrong actions.

To fix 1C errors, click More in this window to see the 1C programmer error message. It states:

  • in which error 1C occurred
  • The function of this module in which the 1C error occurred
  • The line number of this module in which the 1C error occurred.

You can also click on the Configurator button, and then the configurator will be opened, this module, this function on this line, after which you can correct the 1C error.

Mistake tricks

As has just been said, in the text of the 1C error, it is very often a consequence of previously performed incorrect actions.

For example, a very common 1C error text reads:

The value is not an object type value (SomeName)

What would that mean???

And this means the following:

  • There is a variable
  • The program assumes that the value of the variable is a directory or a document or something similar - in general, it has details (fields)
  • The program attempts to access the field of this object
  • However, the 1C error is that for some reason, in the previous lines of the program, this variable received a value that does not have any details (fields), for example, the value "Undefined".

Correction of 1C errors that are more common

Of course, we cannot consider all the errors that may be in 1C.
Let's try to briefly list 1C errors that happen often, as well as bad tips for quickly fixing 1C errors.

  • If a variable is of type boolean (that is, it takes the values ​​True and False), then it can be accessed like this:

    If VariableName Then

    This spelling is similar to:
    If VariableName = True Then

    However, if for some reason this variable takes on a non-boolean value, then the first option will give a 1C error, and the second one will not.

  • "Function named Xxx not found"

    Part of the modules is executed on the server. Moreover, some functions of the same module can be performed on the server or on the client.

    In this case, a 1C error may occur that a function running on the server is accessing a function that is running on the client. In this case, there will be such an error 1C.

    It is necessary to transfer such a function to the server, if possible.

  • "Variable named xxx not found"

    Similar to the previous error 1C. If the program has a call to a function that is in a common module, then it looks like this:

    If at the same time in the properties of the module it is established that it is executed on the client, and we access from those lines of the program that are executed on the server, then there will be an error 1C
    "Variable not found - ModuleName"

    It is necessary to enable the execution of this module on the server in the same way.

  • "Property XXX was not found for the object"

    The word "Property" means the field of this object (props). Necessary:
    o Determine what the object is
    o If this is a directory, a document, you need to see if the prop is really called that
    o If it is or – view the details of the form with the same name.

  • "Method Xxx was not found on the object"

    The word "method" refers to a function/procedure in the module of this object.

    o Determine what kind of object it is
    o Find its module (object module if it is a 1C object, form module if it is a form)
    o Check for the presence of a function with this name.

  • "Error 1C when executing a request"

    This means there is a 1C error in the request text. The request text is usually defined in the program earlier (that is, higher) than it is executed. Look for the query text in this module (with your eyes above or by searching for the word "SELECT").

    Try parsing the query text or right clicking on the query text and try to open the query builder to get a hint.

  • "Error 1C layout" - when running a report

    This 1C error means either a 1C error in the request text or a 1C error in the ACS settings (often in groupings, in selected fields, in conditional formatting).

    Try to start with the settings, greatly simplifying them. Check that in the selected fields and conditional formatting - there are no fields marked with a cross in the list.

    If that doesn't help, try going to the request text and using the request builder to get a hint.

When information is entered, the elements automatically change the category of inputs, certain conveniences are created, which in some cases can become a serious obstacle for the program.

What does the error in the value of 1C in the cells mean?

The alert "Value 1C does not belong to an object type" indicates the presence in the table cells processed software module, of the wrong data type as originally provided. If the templates are filled in by hand, any character, except for the separating dot, can make a string instead of the digital value 1C, and the extra dot can convert the information to the “date” position.

In the future, the use of such a document becomes incorrect, since in the process of posting the table is replenished with incorrect characteristics. When forming a selection and setting the filter "by date", the form does not display a date, but a line indicating the existing discrepancy.

Cancellation of the documentation will help to set up the display of the value in 1C until the required file is formed correctly. In this case, the form with an error must be deleted and entered manually. If the reason for the appearance of an inaccuracy with a value of 1C is the programmer's activity, the defect will have to be corrected in the configurator.

IT-Consulting specialists have extensive experience in setting up and maintaining Enterprise 8.3 applications. You can get answers to the most common questions about values ​​in 1C.

Recently updated the program on one of the working computers 1C:Enterprise. After starting the program during the update, an error occurred: “Update failed. An error occurred while updating the program version: Value is not a value of object type (Code) .” Restarting the program did not help - the error window appeared again:

The tool built into 1C:Enterprise helped me solve this problem: Testing and fixing the infobase.

1. So, first of all, close the program 1C, and make a backup of the database just in case. To do this, go to the folder where the database is stored and copy somewhere file 1Cv8.1CD:

2. Now run the program again 1C:Enterprise. In the start window go to " Configurator”:

3. Then in the menu bar go to the tab “ Administration” – “Testing and fixing”:

4. In the window that opens, check the boxes and markers as in my screenshot, and then click the “Run” button:

5. At the end of the testing process, information with the results of this testing will be displayed below:
Close the program 1C. Then we launch it again. Error after launch: Failed to update. The value is not an object type value” should not be repeated.

Error: "Value is not an object type value (RightValue)" in 1C:Accounting 8.3 (version


After updating to the latest release ( of 1C: Accounting 8.3, some users no longer open the list of payment orders. An error pops up: "The value is not a value of the object type (RightValue)".

This is a mistake of the 1C developers and they will surely fix it in one of the next updates.

But on the nose of March 31 and I want to get to payment orders today. How to do it? So far I know only one way:

  • Go to the Administration section.
  • Open User Settings in the Action Pane.
  • Completely clear user settings.

I don’t know a softer way yet, but I’m working in this direction.

Perhaps it's better to first try to clear not all settings, but clear the setting of only the "Payment Orders" element in the appearance settings.

Sincerely, (teacher and developer).


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