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Currently, the market is saturated with a variety of building materials, the range of which is regularly updated with new products, which is associated with a high demand for such products. According to the prospects, construction will increase its pace. For this reason, it is reasonable to assume that the demand for building materials will increase. In this regard, the liquid rubber waterproofing business is promising and profitable business. This innovative material can cover floors, foundations, it is applicable for roofs and so on. The positive point is that there is no need for significant initial investment funds for opening a business of this type - about 150 thousand rubles. If you approach the promotion of this business correctly, then it can become a source of fairly good income.

Some features of waterproofing liquid rubber

The main advantage of the liquid rubber waterproofing business is little competition. Recall that this new approach to waterproofing, which has not yet found wide application, but has already proven itself in construction. To open this business, it will be necessary to invest 150 thousand rubles, that is, an insignificant amount. This type services will be in demand among individuals, enterprises, utilities.

Some information about the material

Liquid rubber is a modern material in the production of which bitumen is used as the basis. This feature of the material allows it to be used for waterproofing concrete, marble, metal, glass, plastic, wooden surfaces.

Applicationliquid rubber waterproofing

Liquid rubber is applicable to protect metal surfaces from corrosive processes, it can be used to waterproof floors, roofs, ceilings, foundations, pools and other artificial reservoirs.

As for the distinctive characteristics of liquid rubber, it has a long service life, is elastic, does not have a harmful effect on the environment, and has high adhesion. But its most important advantage is its low cost.

Equipment forliquid rubber waterproofing

The first step is to purchase equipment, which is represented by a spray unit (cost about 100 thousand rubles). Imported versions of such equipment cost from 200 thousand rubles. You also need to purchase overalls, respirators, goggles (1 thousand rubles). Inventory will also be needed, represented by a reservoir for storing coagulant and washing liquid (1 thousand rubles).

Tip: buy equipment domestic production, since imported units require certain raw materials for their work, which is problematic to purchase in Russia.

The next step is to stock up on raw materials: liquid rubber (200 kg - 20 thousand rubles); coagulant, that is, CaCl saline solution (25 kg - 0.5 thousand rubles).

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Additional costs will be associated with the delivery of the necessary inventory, materials, equipment (8 thousand rubles), business registration (12 thousand rubles). To open such a business, funds in the amount of 140 thousand rubles will be required.


For the provision of services for waterproofing with liquid rubber, the presence of one operator and an auxiliary worker will be sufficient. If you play the role of the first, then it is enough to hire one worker.


Consider the example of a monthly scope of work equal to 0.5 thousand square meters. As a rule, this volume is required by two orders. In this case, the amount of profit will be 68 thousand rubles, which will cover the initial costs for a couple of months. All this testifies to the high profitability of this business.

The main thing in this business is the presence of desire, patience and initial capital.

However, not many people know about this feature, so it should definitely be considered as a profitable idea for business. And the fact that she is able to bring a good income is clear at first glance.

For some reason, everything does not reach our country in the first place. This also applies to this example, many car owners do not even know about the possibility of using rubber as a coloring material.

Although the idea is not really new, in the USA it has been successfully practiced for more than 30 years.

Will there be demand?

Definitely will be, as will be a large flow of customers. The main thing, offering its customers liquid rubber for painting cars, is to perform the work with high quality. This is what will determine the future of your business.

What is the room for painting a car with liquid rubber

To open your own workshop, you without fail you will need to rent a suitable space.

The fact is that liquid rubber adheres well to the surface at a fairly warm temperature and dryness. Well, in our strip, only a couple of summer months fit this description.

Requirements for the premises

There are no strict selection criteria. Be sure to have water and electricity, they will be required in the work. The area for the first time can be 10 square meters, it will be enough.

It is advisable to pay attention to the location, your service should be available to everyone.

What equipment is needed for painting a car with liquid rubber

The equipment will require the bare minimum: paint and a remote control for its application. It is also desirable to have detergents with which you can clean the surface of the car before painting.


When buying a spray gun not worth saving. The speed and quality of the work will depend on it.


The business associated with the waterproofing of liquid rubber floors, roofs, foundations and other surfaces is quite new, and it also does not require much financial investment (about 150,000 rubles). With the right promotion of a business, you can achieve good revenue and high profitability.

Business Features

The main advantage of such services is the almost complete absence of competition. In addition, to open a business, you will need only 150,000 rubles, which is very small compared to many other types of activities in the service sector. The business is to waterproof various surfaces with liquid rubber.

Your immediate customers: individuals, businesses, utilities.

A little about liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a modern bituminous material used for waterproofing surfaces such as concrete, marble, metal, slate, glass, plastic, wood, etc.

Roof waterproofing works

The scope is quite wide:

  • Corrosion protection of metal products
  • Waterproofing floors, roofs, ceilings, foundations
  • Waterproofing of reservoirs and pools

Waterproofing is indispensable here!

Such a material as liquid rubber has excellent characteristics - durability, elasticity, environmental friendliness, high adhesion to almost any surface, low price.

Setting up a waterproofing business with liquid rubber consists of the following steps:

1. Purchase of equipment. A set of equipment for applying liquid rubber on surfaces includes:

  • Spray installation (for example, UZHS-2S) - 100 thousand rubles. You can also purchase an imported installation, but its price starts from 200 thousand rubles.
  • Funds personal protection(overalls, gloves, respirator, glasses) - 1 thousand rubles.
  • Inventory (reservoir for coagulant and washing liquid) - 1 thousand rubles.

Spray plant

As for imported equipment, when purchasing it, the following must be taken into account: such an installation works on certain raw materials of Western production. Therefore, it would be optimal to buy a Russian installation, which is initially cheaper and works on Russian raw materials.

2. You will also need to purchase raw materials:

  • Liquid rubber of domestic production CBS 200 kg - 20 thousand rubles
  • Coagulant, which is a saline solution of technical calcium chloride, 25 kg. - 500 rubles.

3. Additional costs include:

  • Delivery of equipment, raw materials - 8 thousand rubles.
  • Registration of activities - about 12 thousand rubles.

To start a waterproofing business with liquid rubber, you will need about 140,000 rubles.


You will need an operator and a handyman to get started with liquid rubber application. If you plan to independently carry out waterproofing work, you can attract one auxiliary worker.

Working in pairs is easier and faster

We consider profit

If the monthly volume of orders for waterproofing is 500 sq.m. (practice shows that this is only 2 orders per month), the profit will be 68 thousand rubles per month. The payback period for the waterproofing business is 2 months.

The waterproofing business is highly profitable

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Water, where it should be - in a bath, bathhouse, river or sea, not only pleases the eye, but invigorates and amuses any person. But water, where it should not be, can become a source of a big problem. We are talking about metal corrosion, a leaking lid or a wet basement. And then the water turns into an enemy, which must be stopped at any cost. Therefore, the waterproofing business will always be in demand.

There are many waterproofing products on the market with various unique properties, designed for self-use or professional use. Household waterproofing products do not withstand any comparative competition with professional ones, so there is only one way to make money on them - by selling these products. If you are planning to start a professional waterproofing business, then you need the appropriate funds. Today, the leaders in this market of services are - liquid rubber and polyurea. Let's consider each method separately.

Features of the liquid rubber waterproofing business

Liquid rubber, polymer material based on bitumen. In fact, the material is not rubber in chemical composition, however, performance properties similar to rubber underlie the name.

"Liquid rubber" or CBS mastic is a one- or two-component bitumen-latex water emulsion modified with various polymers.

Liquid rubber is used for external waterproofing of roofs, basements, metal structures, swimming pools and other facilities where waterproofing is required. Such a composition is applied using conventional hand tools - a roller, brush, spatula. Or with the help of special spray equipment, in this case, CBS mastic is supplied with a coagulant (an aqueous solution of calcium chloride) from a two-nozzle sprayer. The coagulant flows off the surface, and the mastic polymerizes almost instantly. You can use this coating 2 hours after application.

The disadvantages of this material are: instability under UV radiation, low mechanical wear resistance, subject to destruction in aggressive environments (solvents, gasoline, brake fluid). Therefore, "liquid rubber" is additionally protected with a second layer, for example, paint from UV rays.

Key advantages of the material and equipment features- low cost (compared to polyurea). Spraying equipment and raw materials are produced by various enterprises in Russia, so starting in this type of business costs no more than 150 thousand rubles. Of these, a special installation costs 50-100 thousand, and 50 thousand will be spent on business registration and the purchase of raw materials (at the rate of 100 rubles per 1 kg of mastic). You can also reduce costs and apply liquid rubber manually, which will affect the timing of the work, but entry into such a business will cost only 30-50 thousand rubles.

The cost of waterproofing with liquid rubber is from 700 rubles per square meter. A team of 2 people can cope with the work. So, equipment manufacturers claim that rubber can be sprayed on 1000 square meters in 8 hours, that is, in 1 working day. Mostly, this service is used by private clients.

Video: liquid rubber waterproofing

Polyurea waterproofing business

Polyurea (polyuria, polyurea)- a synthetic material created using chemical reactions based on natural elements. When applied, it forms an extremely durable and highly elastic seamless layer. The tensile strength of such a film is more than 35 MPa. The strength of the material is not inferior to ceramic tiles.

The key feature of this material- high waterproofing properties, chemical and mechanical resistance, under ultraviolet rays the mixture only changes color. The material is practically indifferent to the temperature of the treated surface, since polymerization is carried out by means of a special catalyst. Also, the material acts as an excellent dielectric. When properly applied, the service life of the coating reaches 20 years.

To work with this material, special equipment is required - equipment (reactor) for polyurea and polyurethane foam, as well as the so-called components - "liquid A and B". The reactor is responsible for heating, dosing and injection, and the mixtures are mixed immediately before spraying.

Disadvantages of Polyurea Business- high cost of components and equipment, and application of the material is impossible without equipment. Since, as a rule, all the production of the most installations or components in this business area is concentrated abroad (Europe, USA, China). Therefore, the initial cost of equipment is quite high - from 250 thousand for the initial set. The raw materials are also expensive. total cost entry into the business can reach up to 1 million rubles.

Additionally, with the help of this equipment it is possible to spray polyurethane foam (PPU) insulation.

However, the superiority of polyurea as a waterproofing material makes such a business very popular, even compared to liquid rubber. The cost of application per 1 square meter is from 1500 rubles. The high cost of such a roof is compensated by a long overhaul period, so, already in the third year of operation of a roof without repair, the cost of applying (taking into account the saved funds for repairs) is reduced to 1000 rubles. Ease of installation also ensures high productivity - up to 500 square meters per working day. Mostly, this service is used by large clients - management companies (flat roofs of houses, waterproofing of basements and ceilings), enterprises (roofing of workshops, electromechanical protection of equipment) and so on.

Video: polyurea waterproofing


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