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For rate economic efficiency waterproofing liquid rubber Let's consider 2 types, the most typical works. On this page of the site, we will analyze the waterproofing of the foundation, and then we will calculate the repair of a flat roof.

The task of waterproofing the foundation

Construction of a cottage with a basement. Dimensions 15x11. To simplify the calculations, we assume that the cottage has a rectangular shape. In fact, the perimeter line can be of any shape. One of the advantages of liquid rubber is that it is convenient and quick to apply waterproofing to walls of any configuration.

Because building with a basement, the cottage is built on a monolithic slab. What is it and why should it be so for a house with a basement. Height of foundation walls, incl. plinth, from the top point of the foundation slab is 2.5 m.

Thus, the task involves 2 stages, separated by time.

  • First, waterproofing the base of the foundation slab. By the way, the video of such work is for a multi-storey building, and the video is for a cottage under construction.
  • Secondly, the waterproofing of the foundation walls.

When waterproofing the base of the foundation slab, waterproofing is carried out on lean concrete. When waterproofing walls, the vertical waterproofing is joined with a strip of horizontal waterproofing protruding along the perimeter.

Evaluation of the scope of work and the cost of the order

Thus, the task is to first apply waterproofing on a horizontal concrete base on an area of ​​165 m2, and then, after pouring the slab and walls, perform vertical waterproofing on the area: 2x(15+11)x2.5=130m2.

With a waterproofing thickness of 3 mm (corresponding to the consumption of liquid rubber 4.3 kg / m2), the average price for 1 m2 of coating along the horizon (labor + material) is 830 rubles.

Note that this is the "maximum" price in Moscow and the Moscow region in the summer season of 2014, which allows a discount for the customer up to 100 rubles per square. If you declare a price of more than 830 rubles, then it will be higher than the average value for the market, so there is a possibility that the Customer will not contact you.

Thus, up to 136,950 rubles should be received from the customer for waterproofing the foundation slab.

Similar prices for applying liquid rubber to walls are slightly higher, because. factor is taken into account. Service price (work + material) per 1 sq.m. for walls is 850 rubles. Thus, for this example, the market value of treating the foundation with liquid rubber is: 130 x 850 = 110,500 rubles.

Foundation preparation works

It is important to understand here that before laying waterproofing (any) the base must be prepared. It must be strong, smooth (fill in sinks, cavities, cut or knock down protruding stones, etc.) and clean. Be sure to install fillets at the junctions. These aspects are described in detail in the Liquid Rubber Leaflet,.

Most objects require foundation preparation. It will take time and additional labor. For a small business, it is preferable that this stage of work be performed by others, but with the obligatory acceptance of the foundation by you. If it concerns a construction company that has both hands and resources, then it is more profitable, of course, to take on this stage of work as well.

Here, for the business plan of a small business for the provision of liquid rubber services, the preparation of the base is not taken into account.

The advantage of the liquid rubber business lies in mobility and responsiveness. On the appointed day, bring barrels with raw materials to the object by truck, bring the installation, quickly turn around, complete the application in 2-3-4-5-6 hours, roll up, pick up the installation and leave.

Be sure, before bringing barrels and equipment to the site, you should leave, inspect and make sure that everything is ready. On the word, “like we have everything ready, come tomorrow” - you should not believe the customer.

Works on the application of liquid rubber and related

In the presence of all necessary equipment and devices, the minimum speed of laying liquid rubber is 120m2 per hour, at a flow rate of 4.3kg/m2 of bitumen emulsion, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 3mm.

However, it should be taken into account that there are always stops, breaks, etc. Therefore, in order to realistically estimate the time for the direct application of liquid rubber, a correction factor should be used. When working on the horizon, this is 0.7, and along the walls - 0.5.

Therefore, it will take 165 / 120 / 0.7 = 1.96 hours directly to spray liquid rubber on 165m2 of footings, i.e. 2 hours.

Therefore, directly spraying liquid rubber on 130 m2 of walls requires 130/120/0.5 = 2.17 hours, i.e. 2 hours and 10 minutes.

The time to deploy to the site averages 2 hours.

It is required to unload the barrels, spread them around the perimeter. Then download the installation. Solve the issue with the connection point if an electrical installation is used. In this regard, it should be noted that gasoline equipment is more convenient, because. autonomous and does not depend on anything on the object. In addition, hoses (from the installation to the place of application) can be up to 100 m, which allows you to work from one point, without moving equipment and barrels.

Emulsion barrels should be opened. Prepare a solution of calcium chloride. The equipment must be depreserved, if necessary - adjusted, make sure that the coating will be obtained correctly.

In a word, if you know how and understand everything, then in 2 hours you can prepare for the start of work.

Prior to the two-component liquid rubber application, the substrate to be insulated must be primed. The emulsion itself is used as a primer, without an activator solution.

After the application of waterproofing is completed, time is required for “clotting”. It's easier here: flush the hoses and pumps, preserve the plant, roll up the hoses, wrap them in foil if necessary. Immerse the installation, tools, working containers into the machine.

On average, it takes at least 1 hour to roll up at the facility.

We recommend discussing with the Customer in advance the issue of empty barrels that will remain after applying liquid rubber. In order not to spend money on a truck for their removal, agree in advance that empty containers remain at the construction site.

Consumption of raw materials and other materials

The main cost item for the seamless waterproofing business is the liquid rubber itself, i.e. bitumen-polymer emulsion.

Liquid rubber consumption is determined by the requirement (and wallet) of the customer. Wants to get a better (thick) coating - you need more liquid per 1m2. Need cheaper and no warranty requirements? You can reduce the consumption and up to 3kg/m2.

For this example, we assume that the consumption of liquid rubber is 4.3 kg/m2 to obtain a coating with a thickness of 3 mm. it good value. But, unfortunately, only 20% of firms in Russia work this way.

For horizontal waterproofing of 165m2, 165 x 4.3 = 709.5 kg is required. You should also take into account the consumption of the emulsion for priming the base. On average, 0.2 kg/m2, i.e. 33kg. Total, 742.5 kg. Practice shows that the calculated value should be increased by 5%. We get 780kg.

Powder consumption is, on average, 4 kg per barrel. Thus, in the first case, 16 kg of CaCl2 is required, and in the second, 12 kg.

Diesel fuel consumption

Another cost item is diesel fuel for washing the plant. How equipment is flushed and preserved, how often it should be done, etc. - all this is described in detail in the technical data sheet that is sent along with the installation.

The consumption rate of diesel fuel is 40 liters with a hose length of 20 m. But these 40 liters are divided into "20 liters of clean" and "20 liters of dirty" diesel fuel. In fact, every 20 liters of diesel fuel are used twice: for a final flush today and a rough (first) flush tomorrow. Thus, the real consumption of pure diesel fuel is 20 liters.

If you build up pipelines from pumps to a fishing rod, and for a gasoline installation the maximum extension is 80m, then the diesel fuel consumption rate increases. Every 20m of hose extension requires an additional 20l of flushing fluid. For example, if the length of the hoses is 60m, then 40+20+20 diesel fuel is required, i.e. 80l, of which 40l is “dirty” and 40l is clean solarium.

For the problem under consideration, we assume that the hoses were not built up, i.e. the basic delivery set is used, where from the pump to the fishing rod 20m.

Transport costs and more

Transport costs should also be included in the cost. For our example, 4 barrels should be delivered to the construction site the first time, and three barrels the second time. The best option is the Gazelle you need to hire.

In the case of Moscow and the Moscow region, the price consists of hourly payment and payment for each km of run from the Moscow Ring Road around the region. For example, in the summer of 2014, the tariffs were as follows:

  • The cost of 1 hour = 400 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road = 12 rubles.

If it is required to deliver the barrels to Klin (95 km from Moscow Ring Road along the Leningradskoye Highway), this will take approximately 4 hours, because the starting point is located in the south of Moscow, at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoe highway, where the main warehouse of Technoprok is located.

The total costs will be 400x4 + 95x12 = 1600 + 1140 = 2740 rubles.

In other regions of Russia, prices may be different, but, on average for the country, 3,000 rubles should be planned for this section of transport costs.

Transportation costs should also include the cost of gasoline, which will be spent to get to the site on your own. passenger car. You will need to visit at least three times:

  • For the first time, to inspect the object, agree on a price and explain what and how to prepare before applying waterproofing.
  • For the second time, to make sure that the base is ready for applying liquid rubber (you should not believe a word - only a personal visual and organoleptic examination).
  • For the third time, to come along with the installation for applying liquid rubber (barrels, as a rule, go separately by hired Gazelle).

On average, the cost of fuel for your car for 1 object is 2000 rubles.

Unforeseen expenses may also arise: pay someone, buy something, etc. Fund for contingencies 5000 rubles.

Business plan costing

So, let's bring together the items of expenditure listed above, in relation to the example under consideration.

Item of expenses unit of measurement Unit price 165m2 horizontally 130m2 on walls
Consumption Amount, rub. Consumption Amount, rub.
Liquid rubber 1 barrel 24000 rub. 4 96.000 3 72.000
Calcium chloride 1 kg 75 rub. 16 1.200 12 900
diesel fuel 1l 35 rub. 20 700 20 700
Delivery of barrels to the object 1 Gazelle walker 3000 rub. 1 3.000 1 3.000
Fuel for your car 1 trip 650 rub. 3 1.950 3 1.950
Unexpected expenses 5000 rub. 5.000 5.000
Total expenses 107.850 83.550
Paid by customer 136.950 110.500
Profit 29.100 26.950
Profit per square 177 207

At first glance, not so much, but the scope of work is small. There will be more square meters - there will be more profit. In total, we get earnings (or savings, if done for ourselves) on one house 56,050 rubles.

Each time it will take approximately 5 hours to deploy and prepare the equipment, apply liquid rubber, roll up the equipment, load it into the car.

Thus, 1 sq.m., on average, allows you to make a profit of 56050 / 295 = 190 rubles.

Now you can estimate how many square meters are required to pay for the installation.

* From 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2015

After the price of the equipment is "recaptured", you begin to receive net profit, in the amount of 190 rubles from each sq.m. You will make 1000m2, therefore you will earn 190,000 rubles.

Is it possible to increase profit from the square?

It is important to understand that in this example, the profit per square meter for waterproofing walls is higher, because. the actual consumption per square is less than when applying liquid rubber on the horizon. In this case, it is 4.6 kg versus 4.85 kg, which gives 30 rubles. additionally on each square.

Profit increases if the consumption of liquid rubber is reduced, and hence the thickness, and hence the reliability and durability.

For example, if in the first case, not 4 barrels, but 3 are brought to the facility, then the return from the square becomes not 190, but 335 rubles. On each of the 165 squares, we will receive an additional profit of 145 rubles, due to an unused barrel, which costs 24,000 rubles. Consumption per 1 m2 in this case will be 3.6 kg, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 2.5 mm. In principle, this is acceptable, but already on the verge.

The payback period of equipment with such profitability is significantly reduced. It will turn out to zero for an electrical installation at 220V after 106200/335 = 317m2.

106200/354 \u003d 300 rubles / m2, the amount that should remain from each square.

For the example under consideration, the profitability per 1 m2 along the horizon is 177 rubles. Then you can calculate how much emulsion you need to "not put" in order to get an additional 123 rubles / m2. One kilogram, i.e. the actual consumption should not be 4.85 kg, but 3.85 kg, which is quite acceptable.

Therefore, in order to recoup the installation of Technoprok E-22 in 354 m2, the consumption of liquid rubber should be 3.85 kg/m2, at a price of 830 rubles per 1 m2 of finished coating.

To assess the economic efficiency of waterproofing with liquid rubber, we consider 2 types of the most typical works. On this page of the site, we will analyze the waterproofing of the foundation, and then we will calculate the repair of a flat roof.

The task of waterproofing the foundation

Construction of a cottage with a basement. Dimensions 15x11. To simplify the calculations, we assume that the cottage has a rectangular shape. In fact, the perimeter line can be of any shape. One of the advantages of liquid rubber is that it is convenient and quick to apply waterproofing to walls of any configuration.

Because building with a basement, the cottage is built on a monolithic slab. What is it and why should it be so for a house with a basement. Height of foundation walls, incl. plinth, from the top point of the foundation slab is 2.5 m.

Thus, the task involves 2 stages, separated by time.

  • First, waterproofing the base of the foundation slab. By the way, the video of such work is for a multi-storey building, and the video is for a cottage under construction.
  • Secondly, the waterproofing of the foundation walls.

When waterproofing the base of the foundation slab, waterproofing is carried out on lean concrete. When waterproofing walls, the vertical waterproofing is joined with a strip of horizontal waterproofing protruding along the perimeter.

Evaluation of the scope of work and the cost of the order

Thus, the task is to first apply waterproofing on a horizontal concrete base on an area of ​​165 m2, and then, after pouring the slab and walls, perform vertical waterproofing on the area: 2x(15+11)x2.5=130m2.

With a waterproofing thickness of 3 mm (corresponding to the consumption of liquid rubber 4.3 kg / m2), the average price for 1 m2 of coating along the horizon (labor + material) is 830 rubles.

Note that this is the "maximum" price in Moscow and the Moscow region in the summer season of 2014, which allows a discount for the customer up to 100 rubles per square. If you declare a price of more than 830 rubles, then it will be higher than the average value for the market, so there is a possibility that the Customer will not contact you.

Thus, up to 136,950 rubles should be received from the customer for waterproofing the foundation slab.

Similar prices for applying liquid rubber to walls are slightly higher, because. factor is taken into account. Service price (work + material) per 1 sq.m. for walls is 850 rubles. Thus, for this example, the market value of treating the foundation with liquid rubber is: 130 x 850 = 110,500 rubles.

Foundation preparation works

It is important to understand here that before laying waterproofing (any) the base must be prepared. It must be strong, smooth (fill in sinks, cavities, cut or knock down protruding stones, etc.) and clean. Be sure to install fillets at the junctions. These aspects are described in detail in the Liquid Rubber Leaflet,.

Most objects require foundation preparation. It will take time and additional labor. For a small business, it is preferable that this stage of work be performed by others, but with the obligatory acceptance of the foundation by you. If it concerns a construction company that has both hands and resources, then it is more profitable, of course, to take on this stage of work as well.

Here, for the business plan of a small business for the provision of liquid rubber services, the preparation of the base is not taken into account.

The advantage of the liquid rubber business lies in mobility and responsiveness. On the appointed day, bring barrels with raw materials to the object by truck, bring the installation, quickly turn around, complete the application in 2-3-4-5-6 hours, roll up, pick up the installation and leave.

Be sure, before bringing barrels and equipment to the site, you should leave, inspect and make sure that everything is ready. On the word, “like we have everything ready, come tomorrow” - you should not believe the customer.

Works on the application of liquid rubber and related

In the presence of all necessary equipment and devices, the minimum speed of laying liquid rubber is 120m2 per hour, at a flow rate of 4.3kg/m2 of bitumen emulsion, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 3mm.

However, it should be taken into account that there are always stops, breaks, etc. Therefore, in order to realistically estimate the time for the direct application of liquid rubber, a correction factor should be used. When working on the horizon, this is 0.7, and along the walls - 0.5.

Therefore, it will take 165 / 120 / 0.7 = 1.96 hours directly to spray liquid rubber on 165m2 of footings, i.e. 2 hours.

Therefore, directly spraying liquid rubber on 130 m2 of walls requires 130/120/0.5 = 2.17 hours, i.e. 2 hours and 10 minutes.

The time to deploy to the site averages 2 hours.

It is required to unload the barrels, spread them around the perimeter. Then download the installation. Solve the issue with the connection point if an electrical installation is used. In this regard, it should be noted that gasoline equipment is more convenient, because. autonomous and does not depend on anything on the object. In addition, hoses (from the installation to the place of application) can be up to 100 m, which allows you to work from one point, without moving equipment and barrels.

Emulsion barrels should be opened. Prepare a solution of calcium chloride. The equipment must be depreserved, if necessary - adjusted, make sure that the coating will be obtained correctly.

In a word, if you know how and understand everything, then in 2 hours you can prepare for the start of work.

Prior to the two-component liquid rubber application, the substrate to be insulated must be primed. The emulsion itself is used as a primer, without an activator solution.

After the application of waterproofing is completed, time is required for “clotting”. It's easier here: flush the hoses and pumps, preserve the plant, roll up the hoses, wrap them in foil if necessary. Immerse the installation, tools, working containers into the machine.

On average, it takes at least 1 hour to roll up at the facility.

We recommend discussing with the Customer in advance the issue of empty barrels that will remain after applying liquid rubber. In order not to spend money on a truck for their removal, agree in advance that empty containers remain at the construction site.

Consumption of raw materials and other materials

The main cost item for the seamless waterproofing business is the liquid rubber itself, i.e. bitumen-polymer emulsion.

Liquid rubber consumption is determined by the requirement (and wallet) of the customer. Wants to get a better (thick) coating - you need more liquid per 1m2. Need cheaper and no warranty requirements? You can reduce the consumption and up to 3kg/m2.

For this example, we assume that the consumption of liquid rubber is 4.3 kg/m2 to obtain a coating with a thickness of 3 mm. This is a good value. But, unfortunately, only 20% of firms in Russia work this way.

For horizontal waterproofing of 165m2, 165 x 4.3 = 709.5 kg is required. You should also take into account the consumption of the emulsion for priming the base. On average, 0.2 kg/m2, i.e. 33kg. Total, 742.5 kg. Practice shows that the calculated value should be increased by 5%. We get 780kg.

Powder consumption is, on average, 4 kg per barrel. Thus, in the first case, 16 kg of CaCl2 is required, and in the second, 12 kg.

Diesel fuel consumption

Another cost item is diesel fuel for washing the plant. How equipment is flushed and preserved, how often it should be done, etc. - all this is described in detail in the technical data sheet that is sent along with the installation.

The consumption rate of diesel fuel is 40 liters with a hose length of 20 m. But these 40 liters are divided into "20 liters of clean" and "20 liters of dirty" diesel fuel. In fact, every 20 liters of diesel fuel are used twice: for a final flush today and a rough (first) flush tomorrow. Thus, the real consumption of pure diesel fuel is 20 liters.

If you build up pipelines from pumps to a fishing rod, and for a gasoline installation the maximum extension is 80m, then the diesel fuel consumption rate increases. Every 20m of hose extension requires an additional 20l of flushing fluid. For example, if the length of the hoses is 60m, then 40+20+20 diesel fuel is required, i.e. 80l, of which 40l is “dirty” and 40l is clean solarium.

For the problem under consideration, we assume that the hoses were not built up, i.e. the basic delivery set is used, where from the pump to the fishing rod 20m.

Transport costs and more

Transport costs should also be included in the cost. For our example, 4 barrels should be delivered to the construction site the first time, and three barrels the second time. The best option is the Gazelle, which will need to be hired.

In the case of Moscow and the Moscow region, the price consists of hourly payment and payment for each km of run from the Moscow Ring Road around the region. For example, in the summer of 2014, the tariffs were as follows:

  • The cost of 1 hour = 400 rubles.
  • The cost of 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road = 12 rubles.

If it is required to deliver the barrels to Klin (95 km from Moscow Ring Road along the Leningradskoye Highway), this will take approximately 4 hours, because the starting point is located in the south of Moscow, at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and Kashirskoye Highway, where the main warehouse of Technoprok is located.

The total costs will be 400x4 + 95x12 = 1600 + 1140 = 2740 rubles.

In other regions of Russia, prices may be different, but, on average for the country, 3,000 rubles should be planned for this section of transport costs.

Transportation costs should also include the cost of gasoline, which will be spent to get to the site in your car. You will need to visit at least three times:

  • For the first time, to inspect the object, agree on a price and explain what and how to prepare before applying waterproofing.
  • For the second time, to make sure that the base is ready for applying liquid rubber (you should not believe a word - only a personal visual and organoleptic examination).
  • For the third time, to come along with the installation for applying liquid rubber (barrels, as a rule, go separately by hired Gazelle).

On average, the cost of fuel for your car for 1 object is 2000 rubles.

Unforeseen expenses may also arise: pay someone, buy something, etc. Fund for contingencies 5000 rubles.

Business plan costing

So, let's bring together the items of expenditure listed above, in relation to the example under consideration.

Item of expenses unit of measurement Unit price 165m2 horizontally 130m2 on walls
Consumption Amount, rub. Consumption Amount, rub.
Liquid rubber 1 barrel 24000 rub. 4 96.000 3 72.000
Calcium chloride 1 kg 75 rub. 16 1.200 12 900
diesel fuel 1l 35 rub. 20 700 20 700
Delivery of barrels to the object 1 Gazelle walker 3000 rub. 1 3.000 1 3.000
Fuel for your car 1 trip 650 rub. 3 1.950 3 1.950
Unexpected expenses 5000 rub. 5.000 5.000
Total expenses 107.850 83.550
Paid by customer 136.950 110.500
Profit 29.100 26.950
Profit per square 177 207

At first glance, not so much, but the scope of work is small. There will be more square meters - there will be more profit. In total, we get earnings (or savings, if done for ourselves) on one house 56,050 rubles.

Each time it will take approximately 5 hours to deploy and prepare the equipment, apply liquid rubber, roll up the equipment, load it into the car.

Thus, 1 sq.m., on average, allows you to make a profit of 56050 / 295 = 190 rubles.

Now you can estimate how many square meters are required to pay for the installation.

* From 01-04-2014 to 31-03-2015

After the price of the equipment is "recaptured", you begin to receive a net profit in the amount of 190 rubles from each sq.m. You will make 1000m2, therefore you will earn 190,000 rubles.

Is it possible to increase profit from the square?

It is important to understand that in this example, the profit per square meter for waterproofing walls is higher, because. the actual consumption per square is less than when applying liquid rubber on the horizon. In this case, it is 4.6 kg versus 4.85 kg, which gives 30 rubles. additionally on each square.

Profit increases if the consumption of liquid rubber is reduced, and hence the thickness, and hence the reliability and durability.

For example, if in the first case, not 4 barrels, but 3 are brought to the facility, then the return from the square becomes not 190, but 335 rubles. On each of the 165 squares, we will receive an additional profit of 145 rubles, due to an unused barrel, which costs 24,000 rubles. Consumption per 1 m2 in this case will be 3.6 kg, which corresponds to a coating thickness of 2.5 mm. In principle, this is acceptable, but already on the verge.

The payback period of equipment with such profitability is significantly reduced. It will turn out to zero for an electrical installation at 220V after 106200/335 = 317m2.

106200/354 \u003d 300 rubles / m2, the amount that should remain from each square.

For the example under consideration, the profitability per 1 m2 along the horizon is 177 rubles. Then you can calculate how much emulsion you need to "not put" in order to get an additional 123 rubles / m2. One kilogram, i.e. the actual consumption should not be 4.85 kg, but 3.85 kg, which is quite acceptable.

Therefore, in order to recoup the installation of Technoprok E-22 in 354 m2, the consumption of liquid rubber should be 3.85 kg/m2, at a price of 830 rubles per 1 m2 of finished coating.

Opening own business the production of liquid rubber is quite a profitable business. And there are enough reasons for this. Firstly, such material is quite new and at the same time in demand. Secondly, liquid rubber is widely used in many industries. The third reason is low competition.

Rental of premises for the production of liquid rubber.

When choosing premises for business development in this area, it is important to consider the following points:

Ceiling height must be at least 6 meters;
- availability of all communications;
- the room must be at least 300 square meters in size;
- the power line must be at least 380 W;
- the load on the power line must withstand 50 kW;
- Presence of room ventilation.

It is best to choose a place outside the city. The monthly rental fee for this type of space is on average $400.

Tools for business development.

To organize a business for the production of liquid rubber, it is necessary not only to rent the appropriate premises, but also to buy or rent equipment, purchase raw materials and hire the required number of personnel.

Equipment for the production of.

This type of material is manufactured on a finished production line, which is installed on industrial enterprise. It has the name bitumen-emulsion plant.

The dimensions of this equipment are as follows:

- length - 145 cm;
- width - 70 cm;
- height - 130 cm.

In addition to the production unit, you will need to purchase the following equipment: a unit for receiving and storing raw materials, a heat source to maintain or adjust the temperature of the use of raw materials, a piping system, production devices, pumps and ready-made emulsions, a container for storing an already finished product (you may need 2 of these -3), installation for pouring the emulsion into barrels and tanks, a device for weighing the supplied products.

Cost of equipment:

Production line - $43 thousand;
- Installation of acceptance and storage of raw materials - $ 350;
- source of heat supply - $700;
- a container for storing the manufactured product with a volume of up to 50.0 m3 - $ 40 per 1 piece;
- Installation of transfusion of the emulsion into barrels and tanks - $ 260;
- a device for weighing the supplied products - $ 200-230.

For the manufacture of liquid rubber, it is necessary to purchase the following raw materials:

bitumen (liquid rubber base), coagulant (for quick hardening when applied to the surface), polymer-water emulsion. You can also use rubber to create liquid rubber. Most often, these raw materials can be bought at the same time from one supplier, but you can select different manufacturers.

When selecting raw materials, it should be taken into account that the quality of the components directly affects the quality of the finished product, and this is the face of your company. For a medium-sized business with a monthly production of liquid rubber of 50 tons, feedstock will be needed in the amount of about $ 3.5 thousand.

For the continuous operation of your business, you will need operators per line in the amount of 3-4 people, a quality controller, a technologist, a manager, handymen (security guard, loader, accountant). When hiring employees, it is important to pay attention to education, work experience, skills and knowledge in this field. Additionally, it is important to understand that the manufacture of liquid rubber is a hazardous industry.

Operators on the line are prohibited from working without special protection. Accordingly, it is necessary to take into account the special working conditions for employees and the benefits established by law. The operator on the line should receive a salary of -150-200 $, the quality controller will have a salary of 200-230 $, the technologist will receive about 250 $, wage management can be from $ 350, handymen on average receive $ 100-170.


To develop a business for the production of liquid rubber, you can use the following advertising tools:

- creating your own website;
- advertising publication on partner sites;
- advertising on radio and television;
- publication in specialized magazines and newspapers.

Creating your own website will allow you to conveniently place all the information about your business for a potential consumer. It is important to constantly engage in website promotion in order to stay ahead of competitors. Advertising publication on partner sites allows you to place as much information about your business on the Internet as possible. Advertising on radio and TV allows you to capture a wide audience of consumers. Publication in specialized newspapers helps promote business.

The main costs of starting a business.

To develop your own liquid rubber business, you will need the following initial investments:

Room rental (for 2 months) - $ 800;
- equipment - $44.5 thousand;
- purchase of raw materials - $3.5 thousand;
- staff salaries - $1.5-2 thousand;
- Advertising activity - 80-100 $;
- additional expenses utilities, unforeseen expenses, etc.) - $ 100-300.

In total, to create your own business in this area, you will need start-up capital in the range of about $ 50 thousand.

Profit of the enterprise and payback periods.

According to experts, this industry is quite profitable. Since this material is widely used in many fields, it is environmental friendly and has good specifications. Taking into account the average size of a liquid rubber production enterprise with a capacity of about 50 tons of products, monthly income of about $12,000 can be obtained. net income enterprises will be about 5 thousand dollars. This means that it will be possible to fully return the initially invested funds in 10-12 months.

Sales of products and business development.

There are enough areas where you can sell products:

For construction industry when repairing and creating coatings for private houses, business centers, schools and others;
- for applying protective coatings on vehicles;
- to protect the metal structures of buildings and prevent corrosion;
- waterproofing of tunnels, bridges, drainage systems, sewers, basements;
- installation or repair of floor coverings of private and administrative premises.

Additionally, you can develop your business in several directions. The production line allows the production of not only liquid rubber, but also the development of a wide variety of water-bitumen emulsion formulations, depending on the composition of the emulsion components, as well as on its application area. You can also purchase special equipment for waterproofing liquid rubber on different surfaces and further develop given area not only in the creation of the material, but also in its application.

By choosing a liquid rubber business, you offer a wide range of consumers a domestic material that does not differ in composition and quality, and also has a lower cost compared to a foreign analogue, which increases the profit of your company.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

If you constantly follow the latest achievements of science, you can get a lot of ideas for a new, completely undeveloped type of business. Such a scientific novelty can be considered a relatively recently appeared waterproofing material, which quickly received the name "liquid rubber". Like conventional rubber made from rubber, its liquid counterpart does not allow moisture to pass through and is a good coating to protect against it. In technical documents, you can find its English name - liquid rubber - and is a liquid rubber polymer-bitumen water emulsion, which is brought to the state of mastic. This substance perfectly adheres to any surface, is not exposed to high temperatures, does not peel off and does not drain over time even from vertical surfaces, and with all this, the natural ingredients that make up the composition are safe for humans. In contact with surfaces, liquid rubber does not form toxic compounds and does not emit volatile toxic substances. Waterproofing with liquid rubber has already been recognized innovative method surface treatment.

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But despite the huge list of advantages of using such a material in the absence of any significant drawbacks, a very small number of companies are engaged in waterproofing with liquid rubber. Even in major cities the practice of its use has not yet become widespread, and novice businessmen have every chance to occupy an unoccupied niche. Gradually, this mastic is beginning to pay attention, but the market is still very far from being saturated. Demand is not very high precisely because of ignorance potential consumers, although liquid rubber has many applications. So if you do the right marketing campaign, you can win by being the first to open your own organization providing waterproofing services for almost anything.

The main advantage of such an undertaking is that it is possible to quickly achieve success, but any delay threatens the emergence of new players. Of course, in a couple of years, such a business idea will already be known and irrelevant, but so far everything is exactly the opposite. However, it should be noted that some progressive construction firms have already adopted this technology and offer it as one of their services. But they mostly work with big companies and entrepreneurs conducting large-scale construction, but so far no one has made bets on ordinary inhabitants. Therefore, the first step is to study all the competitors in your city, evaluate their offers, so that in the future you do not fight with them for one client, while another may be interested in the service, but not receive it.

So, to start your business, you need to register as a subject entrepreneurial activity. In this case, you can already register and how individual entrepreneur, because waterproofing with liquid rubber falls under the category of non-capital construction. The code of activity is (OKPD 2) 43.99 Other specialized construction works, not included in other groups. It also does not require licenses for their work and entry into a self-regulatory organization. That is, you can work as a separate organization that provides only waterproofing work. But here it should be noted that to establish cooperation with self-regulatory organizations and with construction trade unions it is still desirable, because in this case it will be possible to receive orders from large objects, and new services construction companies will promote. That is, it will become extra help and how to promote their work. But, of course, it is possible to work as a loner, without wasting your time and energy on participating in trade union events.

It is important to note that although the process of seamless spray waterproofing is a fairly simple procedure, it will still not be enough to have theoretical knowledge. Ideally, if the entrepreneur himself was previously employed in the construction industry, and paperwork, but directly working at a construction site, because then it will be easier for him to master the unit needed for spraying, and quickly adapt to the quality execution of orders. If there is no knowledge and experience, then you need to independently deal with the waterproofing of some surface before leaving for the first customers. At the same time, it is important to know that liquid rubber is applied in many places - from foundations to roofs - and at the same time the surface can be located at any angle (up to a flat vertical wall), and the material of the surface practically does not matter.

The only limitation is that seamless sprayed waterproofing is not recommended for outdoor areas during rain, as well as at low temperatures, otherwise this two-component mastic is universal and can be applied almost everywhere. That is, in large-scale construction, many ceilings, flooded premises, roofs and, in general, everything that can have contact with water are covered with such a membrane, then in private households it is most relevant to offer it to protect artificial reservoirs, which are most often represented by pools.

Such a wide variety of applications requires practical skills in construction from the worker, because if you do not know where and which seam is located, how best to isolate the surface, what protection should be in certain places, what influences the surface will be subjected to, then there is a considerable chance to make poor quality work, and this can lead to a loss of reputation. For a start-up company, this can sometimes be a critical mistake worth the whole business. That is, if the entrepreneur himself understands that he does not have sufficient knowledge to carry out these works, then it is necessary to hire specially trained people who can carry out waterproofing and have experience with cold spraying of substances onto the surface. They can be ordinary builders who were engaged in interior decoration, workers whose field of activity was the operation of compressors, people who understand the technical principle of the operation of sprayers and know how best to apply the material.

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At the first stages, while there are few orders, you can get by with one person, but always have the opportunity to complete the staff, since if successful, the number of applications will only grow, and one person simply cannot physically cope with them all. Yes, time is also important for customers, because waterproofing is not always the last stage in the construction of a building, and waiting for a specialist to carry out these works can slow down the entire construction process. It is very good to know the number of potential consumers even before the start, so that if necessary, hire several people at once, because every client is important, who, after a good service is provided to him, will become a “live advertisement” recommending the company to all his friends.

Of course, all other types of advertising are also effective, but word of mouth has always been the most uncontrolled, but also the most effective way to convey information to target audience. And here you need to understand that it can play both on the side of the entrepreneur and against him, and then no even television commercials will help restore his name.

The marketing campaign itself should be focused specifically on conveying information to the consumer about all the benefits of waterproofing with liquid rubber. Fortunately, you don’t have to go for tricks and deceit here, this is really a method that has many advantages over its counterparts. As noted above, you can enter large construction projects by becoming a member of a construction union, then developers are more likely to turn to a member of the union than to a third-party company.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Individuals should learn about seamless spray waterproofing services from other sources, and it would be a good idea to leave your flyers in construction stores and on the relevant Internet portals.

Perhaps it would be advisable to create your own simple business card site, but only if the city is large and the number of potential consumers will also be large; in small towns the site will require more money for their maintenance than to generate income. Construction companies themselves can purchase devices for cold application of liquid rubber for their needs, but private individuals who decide to make repairs and build a building on their own will turn to the services of companies. A rare person is willing to spend a lot of money on expensive equipment that will be used once. It is better to focus on the owners of their households, for them it is much more relevant. As for ATL-marketing advertising (banners, commercials on radio and television), this is a costly way of conveying information and rather inefficient, a small percentage of a huge number of people will be interested in the offer.

To apply liquid rubber to the surface, you cannot do without the appropriate equipment. There are already companies on the market that offer the purchase of specialized units adapted only to work with polymer-bitumen water emulsion. It is not recommended to buy some kind of universal device, it, not designed for this mastic, will break down and fail more often during operation. It’s also not worth skimping and buying cheap cars, in addition to the increased frequency of repairs, the entrepreneur will acquire a thing that is not capable of applying the membrane evenly and without unnecessary waste of material. Good devices can also be found in Russia, that is, precisely Russian manufacturer. It should be taken into account that the raw materials may differ depending on the manufacturer, and effective work can be achieved if you use raw materials recommended by the manufacturer of the spray machine.

As you might guess, hardly foreign company creates devices designed to mix and spray consumables manufactured by a company in another country. Of course, progress does not stand still, and the universalization of all equipment is gradually taking place, but for now it is better to find a Russian manufacturer of the unit, and with a high degree of probability he will either be the supplier of raw materials himself, or will be able to recommend a suitable one.

Ready-made ideas for your business

You also need to choose what type of power is provided in the equipment. Units have already been developed that operate on liquid fuel, that is, there is no need to pull the power cord from the source.

The cost of the device itself starts from 120 thousand rubles and can reach 180 thousand for foreign samples. The average price that can be found from manufacturers is 140 thousand rubles, for this money mobile equipment is supplied, which is quite reliable and efficient in operation. Depending on the device, you need to choose the brand of liquid rubber. Liquid rubber can also be presented in the form of solid granules, and sold not only in barrels, but also in bags. It is best to study reviews of a particular equipment and raw materials in order to opt for the right one.

The material, liquid rubber itself, must be purchased in large quantities, since its consumption is about 3 kilograms or 2.5 liters of raw materials per square meter of cultivated area. And this is with the condition that the layer will be only 2 millimeters, but sometimes this figure needs to be increased to 3 millimeters. The cost of 200 kilograms of mastic is about 25 thousand rubles, but if you buy large quantities, then the price, of course, will drop significantly. That is why, if work is planned at large construction sites, then a lot of raw materials are needed. After all, if you count, then 200 kilograms is enough to process only 66 m 2, and this is not enough for large high-rise buildings. It is better to buy raw materials for at least 100,000 rubles, but, of course, everything depends on the market and development prospects.

In addition to the mastic itself and the spray gun, you need to purchase a protective suit for workers. By itself, the applied liquid rubber is not dangerous to human health, but in a sprayed state, like many other substances, it can cause respiratory diseases. It is not necessary to purchase professional gas masks, you need a waterproof closed suit, rubber boots, gloves, eye protection goggles and a regular respirator. One worker will have to be dressed for about 10 thousand rubles. If the work will be carried out not only by the operator of the machine, but also by his assistant, then it is enough for the second one to buy a rubberized suit with a hood. This is about another 5 thousand rubles. Geographically, employees may be in a small office during the absence of work, although some entrepreneurs do not rent a room at all, calling their employees upon receipt of an order, which they themselves receive on their phone or through the website. Now you can calculate the amount of starting capital:

    Registration - 20 thousand rubles.

    Room rental - from 20 thousand rubles.

    Salary for employees - 35 thousand rubles (20 for the operator, 15 for the assistant, may be equal to zero if the entrepreneur himself, without any help, does all the work).

    Equipment - 140 thousand rubles.

    Raw materials - 100 thousand rubles.

    Clothing for employees - 15 thousand rubles.

    Outsourcing - 5 thousand rubles.

Total amount: 370 thousand rubles, monthly expenses: 55 thousand rubles.

It is quite possible to reduce both start-up capital and monthly expenses if you do not hire workers, and also if you buy less raw materials (but this is only possible in small towns). Significantly saves money and the absence of its own premises, because you can store equipment and raw materials at home, if the territory allows it. But you need to think about how employees will get to work at large facilities, because in this case they will have to carry a considerable weight of the liquid rubber itself. Here you can consider the option of buying a small truck, which can transport up to several centners of raw materials. Yes, and the equipment itself needs to be transported somehow, and the presence of at least a passenger car is mandatory. Therefore, it is worth adding about 300 thousand rubles more for the purchase of a used car, in which you can transport not only employees, but also expendable materials. However, in small towns, where facilities are small and a lot of raw materials are not required, it is quite possible to get by with passenger cars, which may be available to employees or the entrepreneur himself.125

Today, the price for waterproofing one square meter of area with liquid rubber is at least 700 rubles, provided that the membrane thickness is at least two hundred millimeters. The cost of one meter of processing is 130 rubles (5 rubles can be added to transportation costs). Thus, for those same 66 m 2 that are processed with a standard packaging of raw materials for 200 kilograms, the entrepreneur will receive a little more than 37 thousand rubles. In conditions big city even on one relatively large object, much more areas have to be processed. Therefore, waterproofing with liquid rubber of two hundred square meters will bring the businessman 114 thousand rubles of income, the operating profit of which will be 59 thousand rubles. But sometimes two hundred square meters have to be processed only at one site. If you receive two such orders, then the operating profit will rise to 173 thousand rubles, and even in this case, the profitability already exceeds 75%.

Example 1 There is a foundation of a cottage under construction with a perimeter of 150 meters and a height of 3 meters.

The design is characterized by a complex perimeter geometry. Also, shells with a depth of more than 1 cm are noted on the foundation (they are formed during poor-quality formwork pouring of concrete). The total area of ​​the sinks is 10 m2. Also, the presence of four joints of the foundation slabs along the vertical and complete adjoining of the junction of the foundation walls to the foundation lens. The foundation also has 8 corners at 90 degrees (i.e. sharp corners).

Foundations of any type, especially of complex geometry (and there are now the majority of such foundations, because projects often include wine cellars, billiard rooms, swimming pools, etc.) - this is the work that can be done quickly and efficiently only with the help of seamless spraying technology waterproofing liquid rubber.

Scope of work for this object:

The total area of ​​the foundation is 450 m2, of which 150 m2 is at a depth of more than 2 meters;
The total area of ​​shells with an average depth of 1 cm is 10 m2;
The total area of ​​joints, corners and junctions is 4x3m (linear footage of joints of foundation slabs vertically) + 150m (linear footage of junctions at the junction of foundation walls to the foundation lens) + 8x3m (linear footage of 8 corners of the "type" 90 degrees) = 12 + 150 + 24 = 186 m2.

Applied equipment (prices as of autumn 2015):

RX-28/220V installation (the choice is due to the lack of 380V power supply on the site). Cost - 168,500 rubles;
Overalls, electric stirrer, working tool - according to the list additional equipment and accessories for RX-28/220V installation. The cost is about 11,500 rubles.

TOTAL equipment - 180,000 rubles.

Raw materials and consumption of materials (prices as of autumn 2015):

Two-component waterproofing system "Liquid Rubber for underground structures" - 300m2 x 3l/m2 (foundation waterproofing at a depth of up to 2 meters) + 150m2 x 4l/m2 (foundation waterproofing at a depth of more than 2 meters) + 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 (preliminary priming waterproofing surface) = 900l + 600l + 225l = 1775 liters. Cost 1775l x 125 rubles / l = 221875 rubles;
Calcium chloride, 2 bags of 25 kg (based on 1 bag per 1000 liters of "Liquid Rubber"). The cost of 2 bags x 1000 rubles / bag = 2000 rubles;
Geotextile substrate - 0.2m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186m2 (total area of ​​"dangerous" places) = 37.2m2. Cost 37.2m2 x 20 rubles / m2 = 744 rubles;

TOTAL for raw materials and materials - 224619 rubles.

Time required to apply liquid rubber:

Embedding and waterproofing sinks 10 m2 - 2 hours.
Preliminary priming of the waterproofed surface 450m2 x 0.5l/m2 = 225l - 30…45 minutes (taking into account possible stops).
Rolling of geotextiles in "dangerous" places of joints, corners and junctions: 0.2m (width of the reinforcing strip) x 186m2 - 3 hours (slowly and efficiently).
Application of liquid rubber 1500 l. - 3.5 ... 4 hours.

TOTAL for the time spent: 9 ... 10 hours.

Economic evaluation of roof waterproofing with liquid rubber.

The reliability and durability of flat roofs is guaranteed by the use of modern building technologies and materials, such as liquid rubber. Such roofs are distinguished by: water resistance, incombustibility, ease of installation and maintenance, and long service life.

With regard to soft roofs, there are 2 types of work:

1. Overhaul roofing - includes the complete removal of the old waterproofing (usually: ruberoid) coating, repair of the screed, laying a new roofing carpet.
2. Current repair of the roof - consists in replacing defective sections of the old roofing material, sealing holes and cracks and laying new material.

Example 2 Capital repairs of a flat roof.

Number of aerators 1-2 pcs. for 50-100 sq. m. The cost of one standard roof aerator is 700 rubles per piece. The cost of its installation is 350-400 rubles per piece.

In places of swelling, a cross-shaped incision should be made (opening with an “envelope”), the panel should be bent, the base should be thoroughly cleaned, dried with a gas burner flame and mastic should be applied both to the base and to the carpet panel. Then the bent edges of the carpet are returned to their place and pressed. For this operation, it is advisable to use ready-made cold mastics.

The cost of one-component mastic is 250 rubles / kg, consumption is 1.5-2.0 kg / sq. m.

Places where the roll material is completely rotted must be cut out. Thoroughly clean the resulting recess, fill with cement-sand mortar.

The more accurate the cutting will be, the less it will be necessary to repair the screed. To repair a cement-sand screed, a solution of a grade of at least 150 is used. After 8-10 days after laying, the screed is primed. Bituminous polymer mastic (liquid rubber, without hardener) is used as a primer.
Consumption 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m, the price is 125 rubles / kg.

Reinforcement increases the strength, but reduces the elasticity of the mastic coating, so it is necessary to understand what is preferable for a given roof. Reinforcement can be performed only in individual nodes (usually adjunctions and mates).

Reinforcement is done as follows. A thin layer of liquid rubber is applied by spraying (without hardener), with a consumption of 0.3-0.5 kg geotextile is laid and rolled to ensure a snug fit to the base over the entire surface, then a thin layer of liquid rubber is applied on top - consumption of 0.5 kg / sq m for impregnation of geotextiles, exposure to complete drying 2-5 hours.

After carrying out all the above works, the installation of the main waterproofing coating (liquid rubber) is carried out.

Bitumen-polymer mastic is applied by spraying, for this work, equipment of the RX series for liquid rubber is used.

The consumption of bitumen-polymer mastic is 3.0 kg per 1 sq.m to provide a waterproofing layer of at least 2 mm.

The cost of 1 kg is 155 rubles.

Example 3 Repair of a flat crawl of an industrial building 20x30 m.

The total coverage area is 600 sq. m.
Old roofing material. There are swellings on the roof with a total area of ​​100 sq m.
When removing (cutting out) swellings, depressions 30 mm deep were formed.

Approximate cost estimate for materials:

Name of materials

Unit measurements



Material consumption

Total, rub.

sand cement

Bag (50 kg)

250 rub/mesh

1.2 mesh/sq m (screed thickness 30 mm)


20 rub/sq m


1 piece/100 sqm

Primer and impregnation of geotextiles (Daklar)
Basic waterproofing layer (Daklar)


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