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There are a lot of people, but few people.

Nothing confirms that we are something more than nothing.
Emil Cioran

Man is a world that is sometimes worth any worlds...
Amedeo Modigliani

The Lord created everything from nothing, and this nothingness manifests itself in everything.
Paul Valery

Not reason, but imagination made us human.
Terry Pratchett

Even the smartest aphorisms and quotes about a person cannot accurately answer the question of what a human being really is. Man is the biggest mystery of nature. As the aphorism of Bernard Shaw says, now that we have learned to fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn to live on earth like people.
Even having called himself the king of nature, subjugating many forces and achieving significant progress, a person cannot find reliable answers to many questions.
Who are we and where are we going? What is the meaning of human life and how should one live? Are people the pinnacle of creation or just one of the links in a long chain? How much do we depend on fate and should we be afraid of death?
There are thousands of such questions. There are also many attempts to answer. But no one can vouch for the correctness of the proposed options. The greatest minds have thought about these topics, leaving a legacy of many aphorisms, sayings and quotations about man and humanity. And none of them can be considered 100% correct.
But the attempts of great people to see in things and phenomena that which is not visible to others deserve attention. Therefore, we have prepared for you a selection of wise quotes about a person.

Sayings, quotes and aphorisms about people

Cemeteries are full of irreplaceable people.
Charles de Gaulle

The human race has perfected everything except the human race itself.
Adlai Stevenson

Some are people not in essence, but only in name.

All we are is a mass of talking nitrogen.
Arthur Miller

Man can understand the cosmos, but never himself; man is further from himself than any star.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem, and he must solve it and cannot avoid it.
Erich Fromm

The wonders of this world are countless, but there is nothing more amazing than a person.

If I am what I have, and if I lose what I have, then what am I?
Erich Fromm

Just as a soul without flesh is not called a man, so is flesh without a soul.
John Chrysostom

Each of us carries within us our own hell.

Quotes about a person, as we see, are very different in meaning and understanding. How many people, so many opinions. Man continues to be a mystery to himself. But let's still try to open the door to this mystery: what is a person?

The main idea of ​​man is the soul, and we should not be misled by the fact that man is also capable of walking on two legs.
Soren Kierkegaard

Human! The only animal in this world to be afraid of!
David Herbert Lawrence

What does a person really know about himself? Will he ever really see himself fully, as if he were a brightly lit exhibit under the glass of a display stand? Doesn't nature hide from man the most important thing - even about his own body - to lock him up in some proud, deceptive self-consciousness, away from the coils of his intestines, the rapid flow of blood in the vessels and the intricate trembling of the tissues of the body! She threw away the key.
Friedrich Nietzsche

When the skies fall and the oceans sink, man will be the only mystery.
Edward Astlin Cummings

Man is the most amazing phenomenon of nature for himself, because he is not able to comprehend what the body is, even less able to comprehend what the soul is, and least of all how the body and soul can be one. There is nothing more difficult for a person, and yet it is precisely in this that his very essence lies.
Blaise Pascal

Man - who is he? Too bad for God's creation; too good to be the work of blind chance.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.
Ray Bradbury

It would be nice to know what a person is and who he takes him for the world. But you cannot understand a person until you know how he understands himself.
Francis Herbert Bradley

The soul is the totality of the mind, reason and all the feelings of the inner world of man. Therefore, it is a force and therefore cannot disappear.
Dmitry Mendeleev

Doubts about the unity of soul and body are no more valid than doubts about the unity of wax and its imprint.

Throughout the history of its existence, the human race has made great efforts to understand who people really are. Judging by the statements of the great ones presented here, it is still far from complete understanding.

The mistake is that we cling tightly to the body, while only the soul is truly immortal.
Swami Vivekananda

You can't run away from yourself.
William Shakespeare

You are just a puppet. But you can't understand it.
Stanislav Lem

When a man becomes an animal, he is worse than any animal.
Rabindranath Tagore

God created man for one single reason - because he was disappointed in the monkey.
Mark Twain

Remembering our origins, I blush with embarrassment: our hands are soaked in blood and atrocities. And there is no end in sight to the massacre and plunder.
Henry Miller

We are just an improved breed of monkeys on a minor planet of an unremarkable star. But we are able to understand the universe. And it turns us into something very special.
Stephen Hawking

Man is at least a short-sighted creature, especially when he himself undertakes to claim that he is happy, or believes that he is able to live with his own mind.
Daniel Defoe

We are able to understand each other, but each of us can only interpret himself.
Hermann Hesse

Man is a smart animal, behaving like an imbecile.
Albert Schweitzer

Stick, stick, cucumber, here comes the little man... A quote that, perhaps better than others today, describes human nature. But, I would like to believe that better quotes will appear.

We imagine that every person is original; pumpkins believe the same about themselves; however, every pumpkin in the field goes through every moment in the history of the pumpkins.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Man is not the end, but the beginning. We are the beginning of the second week. We are children of the eighth day.
Thornton Wilder

I am a weak, short-lived creature of mud and dreams. But I feel all the forces of the Universe seething in me.
Nikos Kazantzakis

When discussing evolution, it is necessary to understand from the very beginning that no mechanical evolution is possible. The evolution of man is the evolution of his consciousness.
George Gurdjieff

After all, we are only human beings, not creatures endowed with infinite possibilities.
Robertson Davies

We are like moths that flutter for only a day, but think that this is an eternity.
Carl Sagan

Sometimes I think that God, creating man, overestimated His capabilities.
Oscar Wilde

Each person is what God created him, and often much worse.
Miguel de Cervantes

What little people we all are compared to what we could be!
Charles Dudley Warner

Nature tries very hard to succeed with us, but does not rely on us much. We are not her only experiment.
Buckminster Fuller

Of course, in order to get your own idea of ​​what a person is, it is better not to limit yourself to quotes, but to read philosophical works on this topic. So all these statements are an announcement to the comprehension of human nature.

The man started on the wrong foot. Unhappiness in Paradise was the first consequence. The rest is yet to come.
Emil Cioran

We find ourselves like a hollow glass ball from whose emptiness a voice is heard.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Man was made by God, but I could do it better.
Erma Bombek

The devil is an optimist if he thinks he can make people even worse.
Karl Kraus

Almost all of our ancestors were not perfect ladies and gentlemen. Most of them were not even mammals.
Robert Anton Wilson

What a shame to be human.
Kurt Vonnegut

How many roads must a man walk before you call him a man?
Bob Dylan

Man is not the sum of what he already possesses, but rather the sum of what he does not yet have and what he is still capable of gaining.
Jean Paul Sartre

We are a product of the stars, taking our fate into our own hands.
Carl Sagan

We are all born insane. Some of them remain.
Samuel Beckett

According to the Bible, man from the very beginning of creation had a complete human appearance. According to Charles Darwin's theory, no. Among the authors of these quotations there are supporters of both theories. Which of them to believe can only be decided by you.

From a material as crooked as that of which man is made, nothing quite straight can be built.
Immanuel Kant

Man is the only being who refuses to be what he is.
Albert Camus

To change a person, you just need to change his understanding of himself.
Abraham Maslow

What fools these mortals are!

We feel and know that we are eternal.
Benedict Spinoza

An unstable person.
William Shakespeare

To think wisely and act absurdly is in the nature of man.
Anatole France

Man is the inventor of the rack and the auto-da-fé, the gallows and the electric chair, the sword and firearms, and above all of justice, duty, patriotism and all other "isms" by which even those who are intelligent enough to be inclined towards humanity, compelled to become the most destructive of all destroyers.
George Bernard Shaw

I am human and I believe that nothing human is alien to me.
Publius Terence

In endowing man with tears, Nature indicated that his heart should be soft; and best quality goodness in man.

What is a person - it is difficult to explain. But everyone can try to understand it. Understand, feel and draw your own conclusions.

We are bowls, calmly and continuously filled. The whole trick is to be able to topple yourself and let the beautiful content pour out.
Ray Bradbury

No human being matters.

Man is the measure of all things.

Each person has their own price.
Robert Walpole

Your value is in what you are, not in what you have.
Thomas Edison

The true value of any person is determined primarily by the extent and in what sense he seeks freedom from himself.
Albert Einstein

Smart people are good, but they are not the best.
Thomas Carlyle

If people are valued for their work, then a horse is better than any person.
Maksim Gorky

What matters is not who you think you are, but who you really are.
Publilius Sir

A man is what he believes in.
Anton Chekhov

It is worth starting with one of the best sayings that we live once. Quote:

Every day you don't smile is a wasted day.

This wisdom, was said by the great comedian Charlie Chaplin, for many young people this phrase becomes a kind of motto for life.

Of course, not every day can be sunny for people, but this phrase often helps many come to terms with difficult situations.

Live like it's the last time

This quote is known to many. When a person understands that this day may be the last, then nothing that seemed so important will not matter to him. And here the quote will be appropriate: "We live once, we die once." Therefore, it is worth appreciating every day, every minute, every moment. Do not be afraid to say words of love to your loved ones or put it off until later. After all, we all live once. Status in society, gender, age or some other signs do not affect our number of lives. But life itself to change in better side everyone can. We just need to start taking action.

Life wisdom about the meaning of life

To die, you were born.

Lucius Anneus Seneca

One should not be afraid of death, but no one will ever begin to live.

Marcus Aurelius

You cannot extend your life, only deepen it. Don't give life more years, but more life for many years.

Martin Buber

In 20 years, you will regret not doing more of your actions. So, get rid of the lines, leave a safe haven. Catch the wind in your sails, explore, discover.

Mark Twain

We don't have much time, we spend too much of it. Besides doing the greatest things, life is long enough if only well spent.

Lucius Anneus Seneca

Start acting bold today! The moment you truly commit yourself to something, heaven is within reach.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Don't follow the past, don't lose yourself in the future. The past is no more. The future has not yet arrived. Life is here and now.

The purpose of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso

It doesn't matter where you come from or who you were; What matters is where you want to go and who you want to be.

Alexandra Maria Huber

The important thing is that there are never conditions to be found, but it is always a life work that he has done.

Elizabeth Lucas

Life is not about having good cards but it's good to play with the ones you have.

Josh Billings

It is not enough to know, you must also apply knowledge. But knowledge is not enough, you have to do it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Paths are created by walking.

Franz Kafka

Don't dream your life, live your dream.

Tommaso Campanella

If you don't find happiness in yourself, you don't even need to look for it elsewhere.

There is one interesting saying: “We live once, as we experience real happiness once!”. As soon as a person understands this, he will immediately begin to appreciate every day lived. After all, the phrase “We live once” should motivate people to strive to create happy moments in life. Happiness can be different for everyone - someone feels happy while traveling, for someone happiness is the health and well-being of loved ones, for others it can be about money. The main thing is to understand what exactly will bring happiness and strive for your goal.

"Tomorrow you will be what you think today" - Buddha

We all live once. The Buddha quote should give everyone the idea that it is always worth thinking positively in order to live life at ease and happily. All the difficulties that are encountered along the way should be perceived as a necessary experience. Problems can either be solved or they can't. If they are solvable, then it’s not worth worrying about, and if it’s impossible to solve it, then there shouldn’t be reasons for bad thoughts either - after all, there’s nothing to fix, you just have to accept failure and live on with positive thoughts.

Quotes and sayings about the meaning of life

Man is an animal striving for a goal. His life has meaning only if he is trying to achieve something and strives for his goals.


Being who we are and becoming who we can become is the purpose of our life.

Baruch de Spinoza

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you found out WHY!

Mark Twain

Anyone with a WHY can handle almost any HOW.

Friedrich Nietzsche

The one who knows the meaning of his life helps this consciousness more than anything else to overcome external difficulties and internal inconveniences!

Viktor Frankl

What is the sense of life

After the collapse of great religious systems and political ideologies, each of us returns to ourselves and wonders what really makes sense to him. This is undoubtedly one of the reasons for philosophical reflection, the success of personal development and spirituality. Let's not forget, however, that the mere fact of asking this question is the privilege of the wealthy, or at least those who no longer have to fight for their survival. The poor do not question the meaning of their existence. They are just trying to survive day by day. But what keeps them alive, as well as the food they seek daily, is family, friendships, social connections.

A person cannot live without "emotional connections" in the broadest sense of the word. We know this from the behavior of a child. If no one looks at him, touches him, cares for him, he droops. If anything really gives meaning to our lives, rich or poor, yesterday or today, here or elsewhere, then it is love. All philosophical or religious studies leave us feeling existentially empty if there is no love in our lives.

Many people live for no reason, without giving meaning to their daily lives.

If you failed to answer the following questions, it means that you have not yet found the meaning of your life:

  • Why do you wake up in the morning?
  • What are you living for?
  • How do you imagine the maximum of your happiness?

And here we are not talking about goals that are set daily or over a long period of time, for example, “create and realize your business”, “lose 10 kilograms in one year”, “learn a new language”, “become a parent”, “get rich”, "to become a star", etc.

This is about real meaning: to find your way, that which surrounds you and accompanies you on a daily basis, something that really guides you and pushes you to act in one direction and not in another.

"Being a doctor" or "saving lives" are simply actions and results that reflect the meaning of a person's life.

You do not lose the meaning of your life, for example, by losing your job. Your work is only a reflection of this sense of life that defines and accompanies you.

Contrary to what some people think, a person is still not born with a predetermined meaning. Everyone generates their own sense of life based on their perception of the world and themselves.

So that there is no longer a question about what the meaning of life means, you should start by answering the following questions:

  • What are your values?
  • Who are you, what are your criteria, your tastes, your abilities, what do you like?
  • What is your vision of the world?
  • What is your heart talking about, deep inside you?

You can answer these questions by doing a lot of introspection on yourself and asking your friends to answer these questions honestly.

Everyone will give their answers, and this will increase the number options answers to every question. It will make you think of new things that you were not aware of.

In order to discover the meaning of your life, you will need to conduct an analysis to identify the bad thoughts that constantly bother you. It is important to leave all the bad ideas that society or people around you have put in your head.

Perhaps for many years you have been influenced by the wrong path, without realizing it, that has been imposed by society and your environment.

Once this work is done, there may be common sense. For many, the meaning of life is to live ordinary pleasures, discoveries and self-improvement, while helping other people around them to be at least a little happier.

When you get a feel for your life, your daily routine will make more sense. You will know how to live so that life is enjoyable at the same time. You will achieve things that will contribute to your personal growth, and this will influence your thoughts and actions on a daily basis.

This work can be quite long and difficult, but it is best for you to do it if you want to know yourself better, give meaning to your life and become happier. You just need to take a little time to think, analyze your present and past, determine what gives you pleasure, values, and then clearly articulate the meaning of your life.

Statements about life

If a person fearlessly looks at the truth, then he understands that his life has only the meaning that he gives him by developing his strength: by living productively. Human life cannot be achieved by simply repeating patterns of behavior; each person must live for himself. Man's task: to be himself for his own sake and become happy through the full awareness of his capabilities - his mind, his love and productive work.

Erich Fromm

I firmly believe that we are on the path that has always been prepared for us and is just waiting to befall us if we follow our own happiness. Only then will we lead the life that is meant for us. When we realize this, we will meet people who are in our circle of understanding and will open doors for us. I can only advise everyone to follow their luck and not be afraid. Then the doors will open so you might not think.

Joseph Campbell

An important point in the wisdom of life is right attitude in which we pay attention partly to the present, partly to the future, so that one person does not spoil another. Many live too much in the present: recklessly; others too much in the future: timid and caring. Presence itself is true and real.

Arthur Schopenhauer

Life is short. When you decide where to go, you must first create clarity about what you can do. Choose from them the things you want to do. And the ones you really want to do. Finally, find something you really, really want to do - and do it.

Ogad fireplace

The purpose of life is self-development. In order to fully unravel our own being, our destiny, as well as everything connected with it, it is necessary to use the individually provided opportunities and talents to the maximum.

Oscar Wilde

Short Quotes About the Meaning of Life

You don't have to show the way, you have to go yourself.

No wind favors those who do not know where they want to sail.

Michel de Montaigne

Many are looking for happiness when they are looking for a hat that they wear on their heads.

Nikolai Lenau

Make the changes in yourself that you want in this world.

Mahatma Gandhi

We demand that life have meaning, but it only has the same meaning as we ourselves can give it.

Hermann Hesse

The future has many names: for the weak - it is unattainable, for the timid - the unknown, for the courageous - a chance.

Victor Hugo

Challenges are an opportunity to show what you can do.

Duke Ellington

You cannot give more days to life, but more life to a day, yes.

Paths are created by walking.

Franz Kafka

You should not be afraid of death, because no one will ever begin to live like that.

Marcus Aurelius

The kind, noble man who lived with us cannot be taken away from us; he leaves a trace behind these extinct stars, whose image after centuries the inhabitants of the earth see.

Thomas Carlyle

Don't dream your life, but live your dream.

Even stones that get in your way can make something beautiful.

Erich Kastner

Never judge a person's worth quickly. The waves are moving higher, but the pearl is at the bottom.

Otto von Leixner

"If you want to put the world in order, first go through your house three times"

All of these quotes are related to everyone in one way or another. Therefore, if you want to improve or change something in your life, you should follow at least some of them, such as the quote "We only live once."

Since ancient times, people have been trying to understand their nature and understand the impulses that drive them. Scientists, thinkers and writers have devoted many works to the issues of personality and morality. Opinions and conclusions vary. One can agree with some, not with others.

Perhaps the reader will be interested in the statements of great people that we have selected about a person, which will bring him at least a little closer to unraveling the eternal mystery.

About human qualities

People do not stop arguing about what character traits a person should have in order to be a worthy member of society. What qualities need to be developed, and what to fight? Sayings of great people about a person and his character will help to shed light on this question.

About the choices people make

Most likely, everyone has repeatedly heard the statement that a person is the master of his own destiny and everything depends only on the right choice. Wise statements of great people on this subject can serve as confirmation.

This remarkable Persian scientist, philosopher and poet is probably known to many. His short poems, filled with deep meaning, are close and understandable to people to this day. Therefore, rereading, in various publications, the statements of great people about a person, you can always find the wise aphorisms of Omar Khayyam.

On the role of man in society

  • The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing. (E. Burke).
  • The tragedy is not that bad people cruelty and oppression of others, but that good people silently look at it. (M. L. King, Jr.).
  • One of the key issues today is that politics has become such a disgrace that good people don't go into government. (D. Trump).
  • A society that produces twice as many lawyers as poets and artists is doomed. (D. Fogerty).
  • Either we accept flaws in good people or we must rip the pages out of the bible. (R. Duval).
  • Almost all people can overcome adversity, but if you want to test a person, give him power. (A. Lincoln).
  • Great people talk about ideas, ordinary people talk about things, mean people talk about wine. (F. Lebowitz).
  • Difficulties often prepare the ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny. (K. Markus).

With humor about human flaws

Such statements of great people about a person and his vices allow you to critically look at yourself from the outside.

A perfect person has absolutely nothing to do, everything is perfect for him!

People with cute looks are often rotten on the inside.

For each person there is a door, you just need to find it ...

All people are born equal and fight against it until death.

It’s bad when everything is gray in a person: both the soul, and thoughts, and the look. Only gray quails are beautiful.

The ability to listen and hear are the qualities of a well-mannered and cordial person.

There are people like candles, there are people - like stars, and there are like a light on the way - it shines, beckons, but does not warm ...

There are a lot of good people ... there are practically no sincere ones ...

An overfilled vessel overflows. So the overflowing heart of a person pours out on his neighbors what it is full of.

When you do not know the words, there is nothing to know people.

Take care of your conscience! She doesn't roll on the road. And if it's lying around, it's someone else's, dirty and expired.

Man is the mental illness of a monkey.

A person's life is a decal that manifests itself in old age.

We die when we lose loved ones.

A Russian person differs from others by the presence of a special part of the brain - the pituitary gland.

People are spoiled not only by their actions, but also by their thoughts.

Each person has his own inner light. Only for someone it is the light of a candle, and for someone it is the light of a beacon.

Not one creature on earth deserves the torment that man can inflict on nature.

Man is such a beast that even the dinosaurs preferred to die out when they found out that he would be born soon.

If you live in fantasy, reality begins to annoy and interfere ...

A person with a rotten soul has the same feelings.

Leave people alone and look for yourself!

Each person can have two types of tragedy: either he gets what he has long dreamed of, or else he does not.

A happy person wants to make the whole world happy.

To become a real person, learn to live in the present tense.

It's good when the boss is a Human...)

I never argue with people I can cut out of my life at the touch of a button!

meanness self made valued without stigma.

People who think about themselves dick knows that, as a rule, have the most adequate self-esteem. They really don't know what.

Conscience is a kind angel who leaves those who do not hear him ... leaving him alone with emptiness.

I believe in the power of laughter. And it seems to me that you can easily disarm people if you manage to make them laugh.

Each person is as attractive as is acceptable in the society to which he belongs ...

Before you miss a person from the past, remember how much shit he did to you and how much it hurt you ...

Don't turn the softness of your soul into toilet paper. Sayings about a person, people, aphorisms about a person

A person cannot be Russian, rich and honest at the same time!

Life is a stupid thing: we see each other too often and yet we never get to see each other properly.

You will always get to where you are expected!

“People, value time, reckon with it ... after all, the plane will fly away, autumn will come, the flowers will wither ... and it will be too late to say or do something ... and this may hurt someone.”

It is not conscience that should be feared, but its absence ...

Each person is space, but how rarely do we fly there.

The people you love flourish right before your eyes.

People converge when it's easy for them to be together, and disperse when it's hard ... or go to someone with whom it's easier.

A person manifests himself in the answers to the simplest questions.

A person is never tested more than in a moment of exceptional luck.

There is not a single person in the world who could know you to the end.

It pisses me off when people talk about my life behind my back. YES YOU COME TO ME, GREAT ...

The same happens with people as with the blessings of this world: the closer they are known, the less they are valued.

Be higher: they won’t spit into the soul.

Sometimes a person puts on a mask to be heard.

It's a paradox, the worse you treat a person, showing indifference towards him, the more he is drawn to you.

A Russian person is like a multi-layered pie. There is so much stuff in it.

Intelligence is higher education human heart.

Actions have motives. The motives are the melodies that the soul sings, following the path of life.

Common is when people trust each other.

Life is a prolonged pause between the past and the future, and it must be endured.

It is human nature to make mistakes, and it is human nature to make mistakes in performance for money.

The most accurate truth about a person is his deed.

When people are compliant, they do not part. When people are natural, they do not know worries.

How indifference resembles treason! It has a price with betrayal alone.

Dinner etiquette was probably invented by people who did not know the feeling of hunger.

There is nothing in the world more precious than the bonds that connect man to man.

Our mind is fond of complexity, and the soul dreams of simplicity.

People in my childhood were kinder, now they have become evil and like animals ...

It is not difficult to define a healthy soul, such a person has a tragedy in his heart and a comedy in his mind.

Spitting in someone else's soul, follow the wind...

The soul of a person is a hundred times heavier than his body, and a person alone is not able to carry this soul. Therefore, we, people, must help to carry souls to each other - this is the Law of Eternity, discovered by Nodar Dumbadze.

Neighbors are people who hate you just for being you.)

The Russian people are a special people in the world, which is distinguished by conjecture, intelligence, strength. God gave the Russians special properties.

No normal person would consider himself perfect. The smarter a person, the more doubts he has. Only idiots don't have them...

Sayings about a person, people, aphorisms about a person


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