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Essence of communication is most fully expressed in the fact that it is The most important aspect of human activity, which consists in the subject-subject relationship - the relationship of one person to another on the basis of mutual recognition of "self" and intrinsic value.

The main features and properties of communication:

It appears as Activity, which emphasizes its active procedural nature;

It is established that this activity consists in relation one person to another;

It is noted that these relationships should be worn Subject-subject character, in other words, they include Equal Subjects, "I" and "You" are here Target for each other and never - a means (at least, it should be);

communication establishes not only information, but also Personal-existential, subjective connection Between people while maintaining the individuality of the communicating parties: each recognizes for the other his uniqueness and uniqueness, his right to be himself and expects the same from him;

expected manifestation Creative improvisational nature of communication, revealing the deep qualities of the subject - his free activity, the ability to generate new meanings, to overcome stereotypes of behavior.

· communication symmetrical, for it presupposes the functional equality of the persons participating in it as subjects of a single joint activities;

the most important hallmark communication favors it Dialogical.

In this way, communication- this is Interactivity based on Needs man in man. This is not only (and not so much) luxury (A. de Saint-Exupery), but Necessity, the primary condition for the existence of a person as a person and his inclusion in society and culture. Communication is done through Dialogue, whose purpose is to establish Understanding Between people.

The value of interpersonal communication determined by his polyfunctionality and global significance in human life and society. Can be distinguished A number of "role" functions of communication.

1. Communication is a condition for the formation and existence of man. The phylogenesis of humanity and the ontogenesis of each person individually confirm that the formation of a person is impossible without communication, which is a “unique condition for human existence” (K. Jaspers).

2. Communication is a way of self-expression Human "I": human essence is manifested only in communication, which enables a person to reveal all the facets of his personality, make them meaningful to others, and assert himself in his own value. "Deficiency" of communication gives rise to various complexes, doubts, makes life inferior.

3. Communication is key means of communication, what appears in informative the nature of communication, thanks to which the accumulated knowledge is transferred in the process of communication and thereby social inheritance. At the same time, the communicative nature of communication is also manifested in the generation of new ideas, which reveals its Creative character, and the exchange of ideas, which causes Praxeological the value of communication.

4. Communication is the main means of managing people. Currently, this function is used purposefully - as a means of manipulation Consciousness and actions of people, both in a negative and positive way, which is clearly seen both in public spheres - in economics and politics, and in the sphere of personal relationships.

5. Communication is a vital need and a condition for human happiness. This function is most significant for the individual's sense of self, because it reveals Intimate nature Communication, acting as an internal, often unconscious need of each person, a hidden motive for his actions and deeds. At the same time, such features of communication as Selectivity and Orientation to a specific object Availability Feedback, reciprocity of choice, and Understanding. This need is most fully realized in such higher forms human communication as Friendship and Love.

The revealed role functions of communication allow us to consider it Value in at least two aspects.

In communication, one should keep in such a way that friends are not enemies, but enemies are friends.

H To understand each other correctly, people should not only speak “the same language”, but also interact on the same level. The article describes the main levels of communication, their features are indicated. Having become acquainted with this information, a person will be able to analyze the communication process, which will help establish productive relationships.

Different levels of communication: how people understand each other

Communication is the foundation of any human interaction. There are different levels of communication. In the process of exchanging information, people should definitely take this fact into account. This will help you tune in with your partner “on the same wavelength” and establish constructive contact, correctly understand the interlocutor and perceive his words as objectively as possible.

Features of different levels of communication

Among the variety of verbal interaction, psychologists distinguish six levels of communication. Each of them has its own characteristics, uses different psychological techniques and methods of influencing a partner, typical words and phrases.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Primitive communication- characterized by low interest in the result of communication.

    The interlocutor does not worry about how correctly his words will be perceived and the essence of the statement is adequately understood. He is not interested in making contact. Character traits such communication:

    • Poor vocabulary.
    • Fast pace of speech.
    • An arrogant attitude towards the interlocutor.
    • The communication partner is not perceived as a person with his own opinion.
    • Low level of communication culture.

    An example of such communication is contact with a drunk, rude, or ill-mannered person. When interacting with such a person, you should not succumb to emotions and go to her level. There is a high probability that this will end in conflict. You should speak calmly, clearly, politely, but firmly enough, in some situations even harshly. Too friendly treatment in this situation is inappropriate.

Kinds business communication. Basic moments

The daily solution of various working problems and tasks for each of us is presented in the form of business communication. We are constantly conferring with someone, talking and negotiating. Types of business communication are presented in the following forms: business meetings (face to face or group); business conversations presented in the form of negotiations, meetings, round tables, discussions, debates and debates; public speaking (messages, reports, greetings and self-presentations); press conferences and briefings; meetings; business receptions, breakfasts, lunches and dinners; job interviews; communication through mass media (via the Internet, by phone or by mail).

Characteristic features of communication

All the above types of business communication have their own characteristics, but they also have common features. I would like to dwell in more detail on such a form of business interaction as communication between two people, called partners, or interlocutors. A peculiar technology of business communication is directly dependent on a specific life situation. They have significant differences, for example, conversations between a boss and a subordinate, a teacher with a student, or a meeting between a patient and a doctor. Moreover, each of these situations has its own manifestation. For example, when talking between a boss and a subordinate, it is often necessary to maintain a large distance (about one and a half meters) and avoid direct long looks.

The communication of colleagues can be completely different - an increase in the distance between them and the lack of visual contact indicate the presence of a quarrel between the interlocutors. Types of business communication are also reflected in other parameters that characterize the specifics of such situations. For example, pauses and intonations in speech or words that are frequently used. Therefore, the question of what exactly needs to be taken into account to increase the success and productivity of contacts often becomes relevant.

Formal and informal business communication

Consideration of this term will be incomplete if you do not analyze these types of business communication: official and informal. As an example of official communication, one can cite a report by a subordinate to a superior on the work done over a certain period or a speech at a meeting.

The features of this type of communication are strict business language and limited scope of job assignments. Unlike the first type, informal business communication contributes to the expansion of professional and general horizons. Communication skills in an informal setting are an important component professional culture specialists. Any conversation can be built on the principle of ordering and structuring. In other words, specialists distinguish the following phases of business communication: planning a meeting; start of a business meeting; statement of the problem during the discussion and substantiation of its relevance; information exchange; summarizing the conversation.

A few days ago, I asked high school students a question: ? The list turned out to be large: rudeness, arrogance, contempt, arrogance, stupidity, anger, aggression, disrespect, rudeness, a desire to humiliate, etc.

We found out why a person demonstrates negative personality traits. According to the guys, the reason is the desire of a person to attract attention to himself, to rise above others, to satisfy a sense of superiority.

Yes, the younger generation knows how to analyze. However, there is also an understanding that it is not effective to turn judgments only in the direction of criticizing someone. It is necessary to realize the qualities of one's own personality and overcome the difficulties in communication that they cause.

Everyone experiences communication difficulties at some point in their lives. There are many reasons. However, often the traits of his character make communication difficult. Not everyone can admit this. Since, rather, the character traits of a communication partner seem to a person to be an insurmountable obstacle that makes communication difficult. And many people rush to criticize, correct a relationship partner, or completely leave communication.

In fact, the world is arranged very interestingly: in a communication partner, as in a mirror, a person sees precisely his own shortcomings, but rarely realizes this. Why? Read.

The surrounding people are very necessary for a person, because only in communication with them can he show his qualities, and then realize them and begin to change, if necessary. It makes no sense to change someone in communication. This "someone" should be thanked for highlighting the traits of character that prevent a person from communicating without difficulty.

Let's generalize personality traits that make communication difficult both the person himself and the people around him with himself.


I put it in first place, since all other character traits are, to one degree or another, derived from it. Pride, as a rule, manifests itself in the superiority of a person over other people. The exaltation of oneself and thereby the humiliation of others - this is the key message to the world of pride through communication with people.

In Christianity, pride is one of the main sins. Pride can manifest itself in different ways. This is not necessarily a direct humiliation of a communication partner. Pride can also appear through condescension, showing the communication partner “where his place is” and how much lower it is. A person can impose his patronage, degrading the dignity of another.

The manifestation of pride is always a strong imbalance in communication. It is difficult to communicate with a proud person. If a person notices such a quality in himself, he needs to learn friendly, partnership relations; the ability to see the dignity of other people; learn not to humiliate, but to elevate people. To do this, it can be helpful to look at people as equals and reflect on your skill.

Communicating with a proud person, it is necessary to show an immeasurable share of calmness and self-control in order to prevent conflict. But, as a rule, like is attracted to like, and if two prides meet, it is very difficult to avoid struggle and conflict, but it is possible if you realize what is happening.


This is one of the ways to show others “how good I am”, how “I am better”. Often behind this is hidden self-doubt and a desire for recognition. A person can boast of friends, relatives, a happy occasion. Where he really is, his qualities and his responsibility is not clear. Thus, a person indirectly, indirectly, through other people or events independent of him, wants to rise in the eyes of other people.

Boasting should not be supported. If a person notices this quality in himself, you need to learn to perform your own actions, take responsibility for the events of your life. Often such people in their hearts feel like losers and their bravado from scratch is a kind of defensive reaction and an attempt to increase their value in the eyes of others. But for a person nothing will change in life if he continues to brag, does not perform his own actions and suffers in his soul from comparison with successful people and their own failure. But it is possible if you really want to.


A vain person loves flattery. It is pleasant for a person to hear that he is “the most - the most”. Of course, every person is pleased to hear something good addressed to him. However, if dependence on someone else's opinion takes over a person, and he feels his own importance only with constant external approval, you need to think about how he himself will learn to praise and support himself. Indeed, in flattery addressed to a person there is no sincerity. Flattery always has a purpose, so a vain person runs the risk of becoming an object of manipulation.


Ambition leads to a person's abuse of good and even close relationships, which he can use for his own purposes, regardless of the needs and desires of a communication partner. An ambitious person "goes over the heads", not taking into account anything and no one, pursuing exclusively his own goals and benefits. He loses friends who feel betrayed; destroys someone else's career, and possibly life. This is the path to loneliness, although it may be accompanied by external success and career takeoff.

Lust for power.

Lust for power is manifested in the unacceptability of criticism, objections and disobedience from other people. A power-hungry person controls everything and does not accept the opinions of others. For effective communication with such a person, clear argumentation and logic are necessary, otherwise the power lover will suppress the partner in communication, both in the family and at work. If a person understands that his lust for power harms relations with others, he needs to learn to listen to other people, talk with them, respect other people's opinions, and give his communication partner the right to his own judgment.


This quality is manifested in the fact that a person touches on the painful aspects of the personality and life events of a communication partner against his will. Communication with a tactless person can cause heartache, resentment, a feeling of humiliation.

Often indelicacy is not a malicious intent, but an inability to feel a communication partner and the situation in which communication takes place. It is necessary to teach the child from childhood to feel another person, to talk with him about feelings. Read more here. Before you hurt someone with your tactlessness, you need to feel it yourself. This means that it is necessary to be able to internally take the position of a communication partner.

The appearance of a person where he is not expected, without prior agreement or warning, is also tactless. This can cause embarrassment for the opposite side due to unwillingness to communicate. As a rule, for many people, tactlessness causes awkwardness, confusion, or tension and aggression.

Short temper. This character trait indicates the inability to control and be aware of their emotions. A quick-tempered person, as a rule, after an emotional outburst, realizes the harm done to him in communication with another person and relationships with him. A partner in communication with such a person should be especially calm and balanced and not mirror the excessive emotionality of the opposite side. Emotions play a special role in the life of a man and a woman, read more about this.

So, we briefly examined what character traits make communication between people difficult. I hope that the article will be useful to you and the difficulties that arise in communication will be understandable and eliminated.

Article: What character traits make communication difficult. Share the link to the article on social networks.

The very concept of communication has several definitions, which is associated with different views of scientists and specialists on this problem. Each of the experts in this field offers their own vision and interpretation. We're just trying to bring everything down to a common denominator.

According to a brief psychological dictionary, the concept of communication is a complex multifaceted process aimed at establishing and developing contacts and connections, including the exchange of information, interaction, perception and understanding of the interlocutor.

The meaning of the word "communication" can change. As mentioned above, this is due to different points of view, characteristic of different scientists and different times. However, in general, the essence of communication remains unchanged - it is the exchange of information using various means of communication.

Characteristic properties and features of communication

The concept of interpersonal communication has three characteristics - these are content, functions and means. The content includes the transfer of information, understanding and perception, the interaction of interlocutors, the influence on each other, mutual evaluation and mutual management of activities. The main functions of communication follow from the content, which are divided into communicative, informational, cognitive, emotive, contative and creative. In the absence or violation of at least one function of communication, it suffers.

The nature of the emergence of communication and the need for it

A sociable person boldly steps towards the new - new knowledge, new information, new people. Open and inquisitive individuals, without noticing it, provide themselves with a lot of interesting meetings, events, acquaintances, new goals, but the essence of communication, like communication itself, is not only this. For each person, the opportunity to communicate with their own kind is the key to constant replenishment of life baggage, intellectual and psychological development. This is also the main purpose of communication. A feature bestowed by nature helped man survive and establish himself among other, stronger species.

Do you think you would discover in yourself a craving for the exact sciences or music if you did not go to school and did not attend these subjects, no matter how boring they may seem to you at first? No, because communication plays extremely important role, and the teacher, teaching us a subject in school years, talking with us, students, not only reveals certain abilities, but also helps to develop them, in parallel instilling the basic rules of communication.

The formation of personality

At the stage of formation of a person as a person, that is, since school years, communication with parents plays a particularly important role. Ideally, you should try to talk with them as much and as often as possible, share news and events. It is extremely important in conversations with parents not to deceive them, to be frank, sincere and honest. These are the goals of communication and their basic rules at this stage.

What seems incomprehensible to schoolchildren, for example, a parental ban, in most cases turns out to be the right decision. Just imagine if in our youth we were allowed absolutely everything. Probably, troubles would follow us at every step, and we, being children, would have no idea how to get out of them.

The period of adolescence is especially important in the development of a person and his communication skills, in parallel with which the psyche develops. A person learns the essence of communication while he grows up, studies at school, university. During this time, life baggage is replenished not only with scientific knowledge, but also with ordinary life skills, experience, both someone else's and one's own. At this stage, for the most part, you have to contact with peers, but this helps inexpressibly. True, if only at the same time to adhere to the basic rules of human communication.

How did everything start?

Have you ever thought about why a person needs communication? Try to imagine that in the course of evolution the speech apparatus would not have begun to develop, and people themselves would not have shown any desire to somehow contact each other. What do you think, if a person had no desire for communication and obtaining new information, which means that all the functions of communication would be absent, there would be evolution in the form in which we see it now and have seen it since humanity became interested in development all living things? Would we have even the slightest idea of ​​what evolution is? The answer is unequivocal - none of this would have happened. Communication has played its role, in fact, it is the basis for the survival of all complex species, which is developed in many living organisms. And even if they do not present it in the form to which we are accustomed, nevertheless ...

Communication is the key to the development of civilization, the indestructible foundation of society. However, it should be understood that this does not mean only the sounds that we are able to reproduce with our speech apparatus. Deaf-mute people, after all, also “talk” to each other, however, they use not words, but gestures for this.

Communication in any form is the exchange of information, the only possible variant transferring new knowledge, skills, experience to other people, because this is the only way to help each other, help the human species survive and develop further, but this is not the only function of communication.

What role does communication play in human life?

The question of why a person needs communication is answered by the history of primitive society. Human speech is the “first child” of communication, which among primitive people took place through gestures. It was then that the first rules of communication were formed, general concepts, the designation of objects were born, and then writing was also formed. This is how society and society as a whole were born, the rules of interpersonal communication were established, which are still in force today.

Normal, full-fledged formation of the psyche, as well as its further development, cannot be imagined without communication. Therefore, the role of communication in human life is extremely high. This is the only way to exchange information, perceive and understand the world around us. Communication is what distinguishes the human species from other biological species living on Earth.

It is impossible to underestimate the role of communication in professional activity person. This is a specific type of interpersonal interaction, since professional activity has its own rules of communication, limited by generally accepted rules of behavior and interpersonal relations within the same organization (company). This is also called corporate ethics.

Why does a person need communication?

It is not so important whether you are a sociable person or closed in yourself, accustomed to loneliness, communication is necessary for everyone. The social need to talk with one's own kind is a natural need, and without its satisfaction it is impossible to feel complete.

Communication plays a vital role in human life. The difference can only be in its quantity and frequency. So, it will be enough for someone to go somewhere with friends once or twice a week and talk with them to cheer up and improve their well-being, and for the rest of the days such a person may well be alone. And for some, communication plays a more important role - such a person cannot spend even 20 minutes alone with himself, begins to suffer from boredom and experience an irresistible desire to contact someone. By the way, such a desire is more focused on the process itself, and not on its final result.

What generates the desire to communicate?

People crave to communicate, you can call it a banal desire, but more correct term is a need.

So, with a high probability we can say that in children communication is a non-innate need. It is formed under the influence of the activity that adults present nearby show, and occurs, often, by about two months.

But teenagers are convinced that they have an irresistible desire to communicate. They are also convinced that they can do this as much as they see fit. That is why most teenagers protest against attempts by adults to control their need to spend time with friends, and therefore in friendly conversations. At this stage, do not forget about the basic functions of communication, which play a role in the formulation of communication skills.

In adults, the need for communication is also quite strong. Many men and women, having contact with someone less than they themselves want it, begin to plunge into negativity.

Lack of interpersonal contacts and its consequences

The degree of a person's need to contact and interact with his own kind determines his life in general and his place (place) in society. It can be a family, a work team, friends, a school, a group at a university. A person deprived of the opportunity to talk and contact with other people, and therefore unable to perform all the functions of communication, can never become a social person, join society and develop culturally. He will resemble a person only outwardly.

"Mowgli children", deprived of the opportunity to contact and interact with members of their own species immediately after birth or in early childhood, prove this fact, and hence how important is the role of communication in human life. Being isolated from human speech, they, naturally, do not even know what it is like to talk with someone. The organism of such individuals develops naturally, but the development of the psyche is delayed, or even does not occur at all. The main reason for this lies in the lack of communicative experience with other people, and therefore in the absence of all the functions of communication. Actually, such cases, like nothing else, prove how important it is for a person to contact and talk with other people.

The versatility of communication for purposes

That for the sake of which and why a person, like any other living being, shows such activity as communication and the need for it - these are the main goals of communication. So, animals communicate to encourage their own kind to certain actions or to warn about refraining from any action. This process is subject exclusively to animal instincts, which, in fact, are guided by representatives of the fauna.

But the goals of human communication are much greater - in addition to satisfying the natural, characteristic of animals, the satisfaction of cultural, social, creative, cognitive, aesthetic, intellectual, moral and other needs is also added to human interaction. Why does a person need communication? To satisfy all these needs.
Speech interaction between people can be safely called multi-purpose, and the goals to which it is directed give more than an extensive answer to the question, why does a person need communication and what is it?

Styles and classification

Based on some features, communication in human life can be divided into direct (immediate) and indirect (mediated). In the first case, the interlocutors communicate directly, they communicate with each other using appropriate facial expressions, gestures, intonation and tone.

In the second case, information between the interlocutors is not transmitted directly, but indirectly (letters, documentation, media, etc.). It is worth noting that direct communication has a better performance and impact on the interlocutor than indirect. However, the first type can be more subject to emotions, since such communication in the life of every person takes place in real time, and the second - to common sense, since there is time to comprehend the situation, analyze it.

There are also formal and informal types of communication, from which it follows that relations between people are business and personal. Consequently, the communication rules for each of the two types will be different. In the first case, sympathy or antipathy towards each other, respect or lack thereof, or distrust are expressed. But - these are the relationships that develop between people who are in one or another social groups, organizations. It is based on the rights and obligations that operate in a particular group (organization). Consequently, the role of communication in the professional activity of a person and the role of such in everyday, everyday life is significantly different. If in the first case a person is limited by certain limits and rules dictated by the organization (company), then in the second he is limited only by his own opinion, desires and character traits. Only the role of education can be common here, but not the role of communication as a whole.

The Art of Interpersonal Communication

Communication is a natural process. Under ideal circumstances, all people should be able to communicate freely with each other. That's just in fact, real life some individuals experience a fear of communication, which is called social phobia. The need for contact with other people in this case is almost or completely absent. Often, such fear occurs even in adolescence, which is the most difficult stage in the life of any person.

In the case when the first experience of conscious entry into society, the first communication with someone is negative, then in the future such a person will experience problems with interpersonal relationships. This minimizes the need for conversations and conversations with their own kind, often leads to isolation or gives rise to a desire to avoid such "irritants", that is, society as a whole.
The value of communication in human life cannot be overestimated. It is an art and a skill that is acquired over the years. It is quite natural that a person's communication skills depend not only on his personal characteristics, but also on the environment in which he was (is) at different stages of his life.

However, following the rules of interpersonal communication, you can avoid many troubles:

  • talk to another person in the way you yourself consider the best and only true;
  • show respect for who you are talking to;
  • express trust and understanding with whom you are speaking.

Following simple rules

As a rule, conversations with relatives, relatives and friends do not cause us any difficulties. We feel the strongest craving for conversations with such people, especially since we are well aware of their reaction to certain statements, remarks, and news. With strangers, the desire to communicate is not so high, but often it is forced, necessary. You need to speak with strangers only in a positive way, showing only being friendly. Do it better with a smile on your face existing rules communication. It is even more important that the phrases you say are in place.

Finally, we bring to your attention a few effective recommendations for the competent construction of interpersonal relationships and interaction with others:

  • be sensual and attentive to the inner world of the interlocutor;
  • remember, everyone deserves respect;
  • show interest in the interlocutor, find positive qualities in him;
  • do not pay attention to minor flaws, they are in everyone; ideal people do not exist;
  • develop your own sense of humor and self-irony.


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