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In order to live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, to live, and secondly, to rejoice! Have you ever heard such a postulate? Heard for sure! But did you agree with him? And, more importantly: were they able to accept and apply as a guide to action? Unfortunately, for most people, the hardships and difficulties of life remain its integral attributes. Perhaps they would like to worry less about big and small troubles, not to take force majeure and external circumstances to heart. But in practice, runaway coffee, acquaintances late for a meeting, breaking heels and nails, even bad weather over and over again cause a surge of irritation and leave an annoying “aftertaste”. These negative emotions, especially lingering ones, are a sure sign that your attitude towards life is preventing you from enjoying it.

And in the meantime, while you are upset and sorry for yourself, the whole world continues its movement and development - dynamic, positive and, in fact, very simple. It is based not on pessimism and disappointment, but on logical and understandable laws and principles, and it is not dull personalities that move it forward and upward, but optimists and daredevils. And do not believe the rumor that simplicity is worse than theft. Worse than stealing is primitiveness, spiritual callousness and the inability to find anything in everyday life but difficulties and problems. And simplicity is just the key to harmony and purity of style. Therefore, anyone who wants to live happily and maintain peace of mind needs to learn to take life easier and make it their most useful habit.

Serious attitude to life and stress
The remark that life is only 5% filled with actual events, and the rest (and, it turns out, mostly) consists of their perception by each person, is absolutely true. Your attitude towards life is indeed both a cause, an effect and a measure of its quality and your satisfaction. Folk wisdom has long noticed that happiness is not in what there is a lot of, but in what is enough. Science later confirmed that happy and positive people, the so-called wearers of "pink glasses", live longer and stay healthier than those who are used to seeing the world mostly in gray. So what is the secret and connection of such seemingly distant from each other, ephemeral and tangible phenomena among themselves?

Psychological stress, which every time arises with a negative emotional reaction to anything, is perceived by the body unequivocally - as stress. And if moral oppression and pessimism become a habit, then stress becomes a permanent state and constantly affects the work of all organs. The blow is taken not only by the nervous system, but also by all others, especially the digestive and cardiovascular systems. It is no coincidence that at the moment of shock we clutch at the heart - this theatrical gesture has a reasonable origin. And gastritis and stomach ulcers are generally considered by default to be diseases characteristic of bilious and unkind people, as well as those who “eat themselves” in the moral sense.

Emotional stress, as a negative type of stress, affects the central and autonomic nervous system, endocrine activity of the body and prevents them from functioning smoothly. Even the strongest organism is not able to withstand such a disorder for a long time, and reacts to it with various adverse changes that can lead to severe and even chronic diseases. Metabolism and immunity also suffer greatly from psychological stress - people who are depressed are susceptible to infection, and the recovery process becomes long and difficult. As heavy as their perception of life before the manifestation of the disease.

Of course, no one sincerely considers himself a pessimist. In extreme cases, a person can proudly classify himself as a realist who soberly and balancedly assesses what is happening around. But the objective picture of the world does not change from this, and cheerful optimists, and along with them a little careless indifference, always win in the overall standings of the joys of life. Therefore, try to be real real and see if the following traits appear in your behavior:
Having caught yourself in these character traits typical of pessimists, think about: what are you doing with your life? Do you really like to see her in gloomy shades, to face problems daily, to overcome them courageously and to experience frequent failures hard? After all, all this, by and large, is the result of your worldview, shaped by your attitude to life as something incredibly complex. Are you looking for and seeing problems? Who seeks will always find. And they will accompany you until you begin to relate to life easier than today.

Simple recipes for a simple perception of life
The question of how not to complicate your life began to worry mankind for a long time. Judging by the fact that it is still open, a universal recipe has not yet been found. But in our opinion, the English philosopher William of Ockham came closest to the solution. The principle of thrift he formulated is known throughout the world as Occam's Razor and, in a simplified version, says "Do not complicate things beyond necessity." That is, there is no need to exaggerate the complexity of what is happening, and all phenomena are easily explained by simple concepts. If this approach turns out to be difficult to perceive and implement, then simply use the following available methods:

  1. Rest physical and psychological, from work and heavy thoughts - an indispensable condition for a simple perception of the world. You have probably noticed that after a hard day at work or another cause of fatigue, everything around seems much worse than it really is. But in the midst of holidays, on holidays and weekends, the mood is usually much better than usual. The answer lies in the banal reactions of the nervous system. Tired, she tries to force her owner to reduce activity, hide from everyone and take a break. But, instead of a temporary retirement and relaxation, many tend to perceive this state as a breakdown and, in general, the end of a bright streak in life. Do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps you just need to take a couple of days off and lie in bed in the morning longer than usual, so that life will sparkle with new, bright colors.
  2. positive attitude does not arise by itself, more often it requires some effort to create. You can start with a special search for positive features in everything that happens around. Coffee ran away - well, okay, less caffeine will enter the body. A friend was late - now you know about her lack of punctuality, and will continue to take this into account. At first, it may be difficult to manage momentary reactions in favor of informed decisions, but in the end, such tactics will pay off and save you a lot of nerve cells, time, and even relationships with people. Life is life, and in it there is a place for everything - and the good takes it more than the bad.
  3. Activity productive and beneficial. Because not only water does not flow under a lying stone, but information about new, bright and important events does not come to him, and thoughts stagnate and “turn sour”. Choose a direction of activity, set intermediate and final goals and get to work. Busy people don't have time for destructive regrets and heavy thoughts. They know what they are doing, why, and see the result ahead. Especially when they enjoy the activity. Life does not always give such gifts, but this is also a reason not to lose heart, but to do the work in good faith, so that with a pure soul you can then proceed to what you really want.
  4. Courage takes cities. More precisely, they willingly obey her. Want more figurative analogies? Then remember how they sing "the madness of the brave" and what the hands do while the eyes are afraid. Many successful people later admit that at first they had a very vague idea of ​​what and how to do. But we allowed ourselves the luxury of trying - and we won! Do not forget that your competitors, whatever the rivalry is about, are just as insecure as you are. And you seem to them from the outside no less formidable opponents than they - to you. Whatever reason to straighten your shoulders and show everyone that you really deserve this respect. And at the same time remember that in fact everything is much simpler than it seems.
  5. Generosity. relationship with money and material values shows a degree of complexity in relation to life. But it can be corrected, and quite easily. It is enough to admit that not everything in life is measured by money, but many joys can be bought with money. And not only for yourself, but also for loved ones. The world has always been and will be divided according to financial indicators and no one can change that. And no one can earn all the money either. Therefore, stop saving on essentials, do not borrow unless absolutely necessary, and do not get into long-term loans. Already these steps will make it easier to look at life. And over time, you will notice one of the main properties of money: if you hold it back, it depreciates. But if you spend wisely and with light thoughts, then they return with a profit.
  6. Flexibility. Many people suffer from stereotypes. Which they themselves invented and believed in them as in the truth. In order not to be like them, look at things more broadly. As a rule, there are alternative ways from each situation, and any task is solved in at least three ways. If one doesn't work, the other will. Life has never been and never will be perfect, and the attitude towards it really changes much easier than objective circumstances. And do not confuse: bending and being flexible are not the same thing at all. In the first case, a residue inevitably remains in the form of a tarnished conscience and trampled pride. In the second, you get only a light warm-up, the opportunity to see events from a new perspective (a kind of “excursion”) and the acquisition of new skills without losing existing skills.
  7. Letting go. Ours will not leave us, and what leaves is not ours. Understanding this truth once and for all saves you from baseless regrets and bitter thoughts about what could have been if… Could not. History does not know the subjunctive mood, and everything in it eventually happens as it should. Or the way it already is. But it is not in our power to change this, and spending time and energy on sadness is simply unreasonable. Moreover, not only what happened, but also the future is not subject to us, and there is always a chance that fate has prepared something even better in return.
  8. Communication with children. No one takes life easier than children. This skill disappears during adolescence and is replaced by problems of growing up, communication and relationships. But the kids do not bother: they live in the present moment and enjoy it, like for the first time. It has been noticed that even half an hour spent with a child drives away heavy thoughts and sets them up in a positive and easy way. Your task is to keep it as long as possible. And it’s better to just play, draw and ride the carousel as often as possible with your younger brother, sister, nephew or your own child.
  9. Healthy selfishness and self-love, slightly larger than the surroundings. Remember that people you love tend to forgive more than yourself. It's time to restore justice. Even once again stepping on the same rake, do not scold yourself, but take pity. Good teachers know that such a technique educates much more effectively than accusations and reproaches. Please yourself with gifts, new clothes and goodies, but never regret it, just as you would not regret the cake that you treated your beloved friend to.
Thinking people often tend to doubt their own rightness and be afraid to rely on their inner instinct, even if it encourages and advises to move forward. In this case, it is useful to turn to the experience of recognized authorities, whose correctness does not cause you doubt. For example, Albert Einstein had his own opinion about the attitude to life. He voiced it like this: “It's not as simple as it seems. In fact, everything is much simpler.” So do you dare to argue with a genius? There is at least two more good news. First: serious people do not think about such frivolous things as a simple attitude to life. Second: since you have read this article, then you are not one of these serious personalities, which means that you have all the possibilities, and most importantly, the desire to make your life easier, easier and happier as a result.

Many people ask how easier to deal with life to live happy and successful life and solve problems faster and better, so as not to return to them again and again. Everyone can become simpler, but in order to treat life's difficulties as easily, you need to apply our advice given in the article in practice.

In this article, you will learn how easier to deal with life , what are the ways and methods for this, what you need to do, know and be able to in order to gain a well-deserved quality of life, happiness and success. After all, each person is given what he deserves and each determines what he needs. The one who thinks about failure gets it just like the one who thinks about success gets success.

You are the creator of your destiny

Learn to rise above selfishness

Never give up and don't give up

To make it easier to relate to life, you need to remember that a fallen spirit dies prematurely, and therefore, if you do not become stronger spiritually, you will not be able to succeed in earthly existence in your body. Only when you learn to live consciously and control your own life will you be stronger. Never give up and go forward towards your goals, because you need to work on yourself, and not have fun, because entertainment has not made anyone happier.

psycho- olog. ru

The life of many people consists of continuous experiences: they begin to worry as soon as they open their eyes in the morning, they worry all day, disturbing thoughts do not allow them to fall asleep at night. And they have plenty of reasons for concern, and having solved one problem that worries them, they immediately find another.

In general, each person has a set. And these reasons can be both minor and serious. We can be haunted by both anxiety for loved ones and our future, fear of illness, and worries about the crooked word of an employee or a sidelong look from a boss, etc.

People who are worried for any reason are said to be vulnerable, impressionable and have a fine mental organization. Usually you can rely on such people, they are responsible and obligatory, unless, of course, excessive excitement does not prevent them from coping with the task.

True, they themselves, if they do not change their attitude to life, risk eventually getting a nervous breakdown.

The antipodes of people who take everything too close to heart are the so-called nihilists, who generally do not attach much importance to anything, and delete all negative events from their lives. True, nihilists usually “take as friends” responsible people, because someone else should solve their problems instead of them.

Often the word "don't care" is used together with the words "healthy" or "reasonable." People who are representatives of healthy indifference decide for themselves "what is good and what is bad." Everything that seems bad to them, they perceive detachedly, without attaching importance to it. At the same time, they know how to see the positive and enjoy life.

It can be said that sensible nihilists live in accordance with the principle: “Be simple!”, “Never mind” or, as the British say, “Take it easy!”.

"" - a book under this title was written by the American psychologist Dale Carnegie. So, the topic “How to relate to life easier” is really relevant. Indeed, behind the excitement and anxiety, we do not notice how time flies and our life passes, and stress and depression generally make it shorter.

What attitudes should be given to oneself in order to look at life easier and with or without reason?

1. We do not dramatize events

There is such an expression - "to make an elephant out of a fly." It is used when talking about exaggeration, giving something unreasonably great importance. It also applies to the case when we torment ourselves with feelings about our own mistakes, greatly exaggerating their scale.

Psychologists say that the dramatization of events is characteristic of people to whom parents have given the installation from childhood that life is a continuous series of difficulties that need to be overcome. As a result, such people, firstly, feel the need to report to someone about their actions to combat difficulties, and, secondly, they need a positive assessment of these actions. And, thus, they make themselves dependent not only on the event itself, exaggerating its significance, but also on the opinions of others.

2. We do not think out

It seemed to us that they looked askance at us, and now we are already building almost a conspiracy theory in our heads: the boss wants to fire us, the employees are intriguing, etc. It’s not better if a passer-by looks at us with a smile - we immediately think out that something was wrong with our hair or clothes, since it made him laugh so much. And the mood for the whole day is spoiled.

Having imagined ourselves that we see through others and know that they are in this moment think or feel, we are surely wrong. The passer-by, most likely, smiled at his thoughts, and the employee could simply not be in the mood. Thinking for others, we exaggerate our role in the lives of other people, because everyone is primarily occupied with himself.

If we are too worried about some omissions in a relationship, then it is better to delicately ask what caused them, rather than silently worry. No wonder they say that the shortest path is a straight line.

3. We do not set ourselves up for negativity

The Brothers Grimm have a fairy tale "Clever Elsa". The young girl, whom others considered unusually reasonable, saw the future in gloomy colors and infected others with her mood. For example, going down to the cellar, she noticed the pickaxe left by the builders, and fantasized how she would get married, give birth to a child, and then this pickaxe would kill him, which would fall on him from the wall. Drawing such gloomy pictures of the future in her head, she burst into burning tears. Elsa did get married, but she never gave birth to a child, because she had gone crazy before and ran away from the village.

By the way, in psychiatry there is a concept - “smart Elsa syndrome”. They call the state of obsessive anxiety about the future, which is seen in pessimistic tones.

But, probably, everyone in the environment has more than one person who sees the future in a gloomy light or predicts a negative result for any action. And thus, pessimism poisons not only his life, but also the lives of friends and relatives. If this quality is inherent in us, then we quickly get rid of it.

4. Live in the present, not the past

Many people have a tendency that can only be called masochistic: they mentally return to unpleasant past events, reliving the negative over and over again. They cannot forget the insults inflicted on them once. There is even an expression - "accumulate resentment."

Psychologists believe that such "hoarding" causes a number of diseases, including cancer. is spent on scrolling through the mind of an unpleasant situation, on an internal dialogue with the offender, to whom we mentally try to give a worthy answer.

They say that like attracts like. When we are constantly irritated and accumulate resentment, we turn into an evil bundle of nerves, attracting new offenders to ourselves. And there is only one way out of this vicious circle: forget old grievances, not remember the offender, think about the good, start the day with a smile, attracting positive and good into your life.

5. Don't generalize

Having suffered several failures one after another, we mentally reward ourselves. And fixated on failures, we thereby again set ourselves up for a negative result, which makes our life more difficult.

And for some reason, resentment from defeats remains in our memory much longer than the joy from achievements.

In order not to forget about all the good things that happened in our lives, you can where to celebrate your achievements and pleasant life moments, albeit insignificant ones. In difficult times, these recordings will make us smile and help restore peace of mind.

6. Get rid of perfectionism

Perfectionists are people who strive to do everything perfectly. Moreover, this can be directed to those around them, to whom they make excessive demands. Often perfectionists themselves depend on the opinions of other people, because they feel the need for praise and meeting other people's expectations.

Such a desire to achieve the ideal often takes a pathological form and can cause a nervous breakdown. “There is no limit to perfection,” so a perfectionist is rarely satisfied with the result. He is not able to enjoy the present, because he is haunted by a feeling of dissatisfaction, imperfection and an endless search for the ideal.

Living easier means learning to accept the world as it is.

7. We do not drive ourselves into a rigid framework of rules

We all have certain responsibilities both at home and at work. And that's okay. But when we say to ourselves “should”, “should” or “should”, because some seemingly unshakable rules say so, we sometimes do not think about whether we really “should” act as they prescribe. Following them, we sometimes step over our desires and complicate our lives, because we refuse own desires and miss out on our own opportunities.

The world is a huge ocean with many currents and characters of its "inhabitants". Diving too deep, sometimes we just lose ourselves, our reference points. Vanity and routine, stress and fears become our companions. In order for the ocean not to turn into a swamp, you need to know how to take life easier. And this does not mean splashing in shallow water. This means rational immersion with a minimum of consequences and a maximum of pleasure.

What is the reason?

A selfless attitude to the world around us is a very useless and meaningless exercise. It resembles a treadmill, once you step on it, it is already difficult to stop. To find the button to turn off this program, you need to find its cause. Only soberly realizing it, you can design your future behavior and understand how to relate to life easier.


Very often we become hostages of fears. And fears, as you know, paralyze, prevent us from moving forward easily and confidently. They vary in size and appearance. These can be fears for loved ones, fear of making a mistake, failing, getting condemned, etc. Despite the motive, fear always brings destruction, stagnation, apathy. That is depression.

We will deal with everything in order in order to objectively assess our capabilities and obstacles to their implementation.


Life is a huge laboratory for all sorts of experiments. Absolutely all people make mistakes in it. Someone more, someone less. Some of them are significant, while others are small blunders. However, they are there and we need to learn from them. To be afraid means to go with the flow like a fragile straw in anticipation of a new whirlpool. As you can see, this is pointless. Therefore, mistakes can and should be made, but made wisely, drawing conclusions and not returning to bad experience anymore.

A responsibility

The problem with many people is that they are more responsible than is required. For relatives, for friends, for colleagues, for children, for neighbors… This list is endless. This can be partly justified, for example, in relation to young children. But in the aggregate, such an overload not only burdens, but also destroys a person. But it is enough to be responsible for your life, choices, actions.

There is another side to the problem of responsibility. When a person blames others for his failures, misses, unfulfilled desires. If you don’t like the job and the low salary, then you have a bad and greedy boss. If family relationships for many years have not brought happiness, then, of course, the spouse is to blame, who took away beauty and time ... This is simple, absurd, but does not change the situation in a positive direction. But we ourselves once made our choice and now we must answer for it. Only for some reason we forget about it when it is convenient for us.

Bad habits

This is not about smoking, alcohol and other addictions, but about such phenomena as envy, irritability, gossip. They, too, have become bad habits for most people. To become their hostage means to waste time in vain. And we only have one life. And is it worth wasting it on such nasty little things? All three phenomena are interconnected and give rise to one another. As a rule, they arise because a person is dissatisfied with his life, but, trying to compensate for his own failures, he indulges in all serious things in order to denigrate his neighbor. That's just his life from this does not become brighter. Constant surveillance and gossip of someone else's life destroys our own. If the neighbor is so bad, is it worth it?


Another point that prevents us from answering the question of how to take life easier is the condemnation of others. We are afraid to take a step forward in fear of how others will react. At the level of psychological processes, this can be described as follows. Many attitudes have been instilled in us since childhood by parents or close people. These thought forms at the subconscious level decide for us what is right and what is not, what is shameful and what is honorable. And when a person, contrary to these attitudes, decides to act differently, fear of condemnation, shame, self-flagellation, etc. appear. Only life is ours. And only we can decide how and from what to build it. Therefore, do not worry about the opinions of others. Yes, sometimes it is useful, it must be accepted in order to look at the situation from all sides.

How to take life easier? Psychology has long formulated rules and recommendations and continues to create them, taking into account the diversity of the prerequisites of the problem.

  • To quickly learn how to learn to take life easier, you need to accept Golden Rule. Live here and now. Rejoice in every moment. In the bustle of work, we often forget how wonderful it is to breathe, walk, feel, eat, drink. Greet each morning with a smile and gratitude. Please yourself and loved ones with little things. After all, our lives are made up of them. The more you fill every moment with optimism and joy, the easier it is for you to realize how easier it is to relate to life.
  • To achieve your goal, you need to believe in yourself and in your abilities. But faith without action is nothing! You can sit and wait by the sea for the weather endlessly. Therefore, you also need to be a decisive person. Don't be afraid to take risks (for reasonable purposes) and do stupid things. Of course, the opinion of others is valuable, but not paramount. If you make mistakes, treat them as learning. And from it you need to draw a valuable conclusion so that your next attempt becomes a victory.

On the example of great people

Many outstanding scientists and artists had difficult fates and life circumstances. But this did not stop them from overcoming difficulties and becoming famous. Today, their quotes on how to take life easier are useful guides for us. These are the same rules and psychological techniques that were created by someone else's bitter experience. But, as a rule, it is possible to fully realize them only after their own disappointments. Listen to the advice of successful people. It will not hurt to adopt optimism, diligence and determination from the predecessors. But you will still have your own path and mistakes.


To understand how easier it is to relate to life, you just need to not perceive everything more than it is. It is necessary to cultivate a positive worldview, soberly assess the situation and your capabilities. To commit madness is not shameful, and sometimes even useful. Making mistakes is okay. Change your thinking, be open to everything new, listen to others, but live with your heart. And you will not notice how the space around you will change, and life will become freer and easier.


Life can be compared to the world ocean - it has the same number of various currents. You can use convenient opportunities, flexibly building a strategy, or you can always stick to your line, not noticing that sometimes, if you take advantage of the opportunity that has turned up, you can achieve much more. This does not mean that you need to go with the flow. Just to everything there are simple and complex ways. No need .

Experience the joy of being alive. After all, everyone has only one life, and it is not worth spending all of it in worries and heavy thoughts. When a moment passes, it cannot be returned, and if you have not experienced the joy and pleasure of life now, then you will never catch up. Try to live a more pleasant life.

Be bold. Everyone makes mistakes. If you want something, then act to get it. Even if you do not do everything right, this way is much better option, in which you would just sit and wait by the sea for the weather, not approaching the price even a millimeter. Of course, this does not mean that you need to desperately throw yourself into any abyss, not taking into account your capabilities, but if there is a situation in which you need to take risks, and only the fear of failure stops you, then discard it.

Perhaps life seems so hard to you because you really took on an overwhelming burden. A person who does not follow his own path, but tries to be what he is not, gets tired much more than the one who does what is close to him. Find your way. It doesn't matter if you made the wrong choice in the past, because you can try to start all over again. If your age or social position does not allow you to radically change your life, then do it gradually. Do what you have always dreamed of, at least for a while. You will experience happiness from the process and it will change you. It's never too late to improve your life.

Smile when you wake up in the morning and dream before going to bed in the evening. Leave some space in your life for a happy occasion. Who knows, suddenly some great luck will turn up for you? Don't dismiss this opportunity. The very idea of ​​relying on fortune may seem absurd to you, but it is much worse when people ignore the happy chances that life provides them because they are not mentally ready to accept the gift of fate.

If everything in your life is not as smooth as you want, then instead of reveling in longing and sad thoughts, think about how to change everything. Here you should not be limited to dreams. Make realistic plans that start to implement. A rolling stone gathers no moss. And when your life becomes easier, then a lighter attitude towards it will come by itself. Do not waste energy on negative emotions and self-pity.

Communication connects a person with his own kind. If people did not contact and did not talk to each other, they would not be born. Often, after a conversation with a self-satisfied official or a highbrow intellectual, an unpleasant aftertaste and the question remains: “Is it really difficult to talk simply and naturally, without using abstruse phrases and terms?”. Being simpler does not mean being dumber.


Guests are advised to sit alone at a party to be simpler, adding "and people will reach out to you." That's right, the ability to communicate in a colloquial language with a person of any level of development is very useful. It helps to achieve certain goals in career growth and in personal relationships.

You always need to be yourself, regardless of external circumstances or moods. You are a whole, formed person who should inspire respect, and simplicity in communication is not a hindrance to this.

The most common mistake in a conversation with someone is the inability to listen to the interlocutor. Do you broadcast without pausing and without giving the other person the opportunity to insert at least one remark? This will push people away from you. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Even if you don’t say anything at all, but just assent in the right places, the person will have a pleasant impression.

If advice or hints are expected from you, never give them just to get rid of you. Think about the situation the person is in when you see an opportunity to help - help if you don't find an answer - say honestly that you can't find a way out. The interlocutor will not be offended, but on the contrary, he will think well of you, because you sincerely wanted to help and listened to him.

Do not put yourself above others, even if you have reached great heights. You can not demonstrate superiority, boast of it, it is pointless to flaunt it. It is better to take part in a charity event to the best of your ability, such actions earn the respect of others. Just help friends, relatives, acquaintances. Not counting on mutual benefit, but on the simplicity of the soul.

Sometimes you can get tired of talking with an annoying and unpleasant interlocutor, in this case it is better to tell the truth that you do not want to communicate anymore. It's better than avoiding the person at all costs.


  • How to become easier

You can live differently. For some, life is a series of endless problems and worries. And someone, on the contrary, lives effortlessly, easily and carefree. All difficulties seem to bypass such a person - he sincerely loves life and enjoys it in its entirety.

Is it difficult to live playfully? Someone will say that such an opportunity exists only for rich people - and they will be wrong. To live effortlessly means simply to treat yourself and the world around you differently, not in the way that the vast majority of people do. The ease and carelessness of life are primarily associated with the consciousness of a person, with the ability to determine one's life values.

Change yourself and the world around you will change

There are many very authoritative teachings that claim that it is consciousness that determines being. For example, some person complains about his poverty, cannot afford anything. But he is poor not because he does not have a good high paying job but because he considers himself poor. At the same time, at the level of thinking, he constantly emphasizes his status as a poor person. For example, he eats the cheapest products - “How can I afford something expensive, because I have so little money!” He never helps anyone with money - “I would give, but I myself live in poverty!”

Thought is material, many sages have spoken and continue to speak about it. Considering himself poor, a person himself supports such a situation - the world simply responds to his thoughts and gives him what he thinks about. He does not dream, namely, he states the existing state of affairs. “I am poor! I am unhappy! I have a lot of problems!” - the man cries, and the world agrees with him - "Yes, you are poor, you are unhappy, you have a lot of problems."

Understanding this mechanism is one of the main keys to changing your life. It is not in vain that the life of optimists is brighter, more interesting, full of pleasant events than the existence of pessimists. Change your perspective and the world, state your new status(even if it doesn’t exist yet) – and everything will change!

Learning to live easy!

Remember the great strategist Ostap Bender - he did not lose heart even in the most difficult situations. Why? Because Bender genuinely enjoyed life. And this points to the second key to an interesting rich life - the process is more important than the result!

This moment is incredibly important. For the Player - with a capital letter - it is the process that is primary. When a professional player comes, he does not go for money, but for the pleasure he gets from playing. Winning becomes just a nice addition.

This principle should be applied in the most ordinary life. Orientation to the result deletes the current moment from a person's life, kills life itself. A person is all in the future - he thinks that when he achieves something, achieves something, gets something, then he will truly live. But this is an illusion - in pursuit of the future, life passes it by.

Learn to live in the moment and everything will change. Plan for the future, but don't waste the present moment. Live Here and Now, do not waste a moment - and you will see how magical your life will become. It will bring the same lightness that you dreamed of. You will no longer be tormented by problems, because there are no problems in the Here and Now - you will deal with them as they appear in the current moment.

Start loving the process of what you are doing. Try, for starters, just walk down the street, paying attention to the current sensations. Do not analyze what you see, hear - just perceive everything in its entirety, as a single indivisible block of information that does not need to be comprehended. Let your mind rest - just be in the current moment, in the current sensations. And you will understand how great it is.

Living in the present moment means living to the fullest. Once you learn this, you will love life and it will love you. Your thinking will change, and so will your reality. The world around you will become very pleasant, harmonious, filled with a lot of interesting events and opportunities. Any tasks will be solved easily, effortlessly. And even if something does not work out, you will not attach any importance to it. Because the Game itself will become important for you, enjoying the process - and not the final result.

There are many suspicious people who are ready to worry about any trifle, as well as highly responsible people who are used to bringing any business to perfection and are very afraid to make a mistake, to be not up to par. It is not easy for them to live, build relationships with others. Deep down, many of them understand that it is necessary to take everything easier, but how to do this?


Are you often nervous, offended literally “out of the blue”, because of which misunderstandings, conflicts, scandals arise both in the circle of close people and at work? In such a situation, it is necessary to master any technique of self-hypnosis. With its help, you can prevent a flash of anger or refrain from resentment, annoyance. Mental counting also helps a lot. Make it a rule: as soon as you feel that irritation boils in you, or you want to sharply respond to someone’s offensive words, claims, first count to yourself to ten. This is a very simple tool, but at the same time effective.

Don't be afraid to make a mistake! Remember the old truth that says that only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. Even geniuses, it happened, got into a mess, to say nothing about ordinary people. Of course, this does not mean that one should not treat one's duties and work with sufficient conscientiousness, "sloppy". But do not take things to extremes, do not try to be perfect always and everywhere. Sometimes you can afford some concessions, because you are a living person.

Don't put too much weight on what others say or do. Moreover, do not look for some kind of “double bottom”, intrigue, ill will directed against you in their every word or deed. Believe me, in most cases this is just a figment of your imagination. Inspire yourself that there are not enemies around you, but the most ordinary people who have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you feel that a person is lying, do not pay attention to falsehood, do not take everything to heart.

Often, increased suspiciousness, resentment arises as a result of low self-esteem, some kind of complexes, often formed in childhood or adolescence. They often accompany a person in his mature years, greatly interfering with his life. In this case, try to increase your self-esteem. After all, you certainly have some strengths, achievements. Think about them, and not about your shortcomings, which, by the way, you can get rid of. For example, if you are overweight, exercise, move more, adjust your diet by limiting the intake of fatty and sugary foods, bakery products. This will only benefit your health. Love yourself first. Do yoga, look in the mirror more often and repeat that you are smart, beautiful and successful person.

Know how to accept. Negative events happen. They can be as simple as annoying (scratching a car, ruining an expensive shirt), or frankly terrible (getting seriously ill, losing a loved one). It is important to learn to accept them. To accept means to realize that they have already happened and, no less important, they have meaning. Even the most horrendous situation can be profited.

Don't regret what happened. In continuation of the previous paragraph. To accept means to stop arguing about why it did not happen differently. First, regret is pointless. Secondly, pointless grief over what happened rarely leads to something good. People withdraw into themselves and begin to look for excuses for their failures. This leads to the fact that they stop developing and poison their own lives with negative energy.

Avoid Bigotry. Fanaticism is extreme. Extreme in beliefs, extreme in adherence to certain principles, blind and unconditional fulfillment of certain postulates. The trouble with fanaticism is that it is dangerous in any business, even useful. For example, in its unconditional adherence to the principles of healthy eating, a person is able to earn severe depression, which will negate the benefits of his efforts.

Don't compare yourself to others. There will always be someone who is stronger, smarter, richer, more successful. This is an axiom. Thoughts about why this happens can develop into a dangerous quality for a person - envy that can ruin life. Instead of eating yourself with thoughts of comparison, try to abstract. Immerse yourself in a job or hobby and develop yourself so that you do not have time for comparisons and thoughts. Don't let yourself be compared to others if that demotivates you.

Appreciate what you have. You can lose what we have at any time, so know how to prioritize. Find time for tea gatherings with old friends, visit your parents more often, go for a walk in a calm park away from the bustle of the city. No matter what we think, it is precisely from such trifles that the main value of our life is formed.


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