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He currently lives in a rented villa and was able to negotiate with the local authorities not to extradite Russia.

Former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, accused of contract murder, is hiding in Montenegro. An informed source told The CrimeRussia about this. According to him, the fugitive oligarch agreed with the ruling circles of this country not to extradite him to the Russian authorities.

Recall that last year the Ismailov family lived in a mansion on the territory hotel complex Mardan Palace in Antalya. However, fearing that they would be extradited to the Russian authorities, they left Turkey, as local law enforcement agencies had questions for Telman Ismailov. According to Turkish investigators, he is implicated in the murder of thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky). Then the family of the oligarch moved to France. But even there he did not feel safe, since he was put on the international wanted list through Interpol.

He currently resides in a rented villa in Montenegro. It was there that he recorded his recent video message, where he expressed fears that his brother Rafik Ismailov could be “eliminated” before trial. An investigation was completed against him, and soon the charge of organizing the murder of two entrepreneurs (part 2 of article 105 and article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) must be approved by the prosecutor's office, after which the materials will be submitted to the court.

Article tags: Print Send to a friend Please enable JavaScript to view the October 7, 2017, 12:27

In a scarf covering her face, bending over a bowl of soup in the monastery dining room, this girl is different from the rest of the parishioners. Four years ago, she bathed in luxury, lived in an elite village in a chic three-story house, vacationed at the most expensive resorts, and gave diamond rings to her friends. Her civil husband is the son of "King Cherkizon" Sarkhan Ismailov.

Three days ago I came to the house where we lived with the children and Sarkhan. There is a huge red banner on the gate: “For Sale”. I dialed the indicated phone number, I ask: how can you sell a house with people registered there? This is my home. They hung up the phone.

A three-storey mansion in Lesnoy Gorodok, built in the Greek style, of course, stands out from the rest of the houses. Nearby are two more - one for guests, the other for servants. According to Ekaterina Romanova, everything is still designed for her. Children are registered in the house: 13-year-old Ruslana and 7-year-old David. But she does not have documents in her hands confirming the ownership of real estate.

She shows some pictures of that past life taken in the house. The interior is breathtaking. Curtains for 200 thousand dollars, tailor-made by Italian designers. Antique French furniture, marble columns with a gilded sheen.

We created our comfort. We thought we would live in this house for a long time. And, of course, when I left here with the children, I did not think that forever. Now I want to return to this house again. This is my home, - says Ekaterina Romanova. - I tried to reach Sarkhan, but the previous phone is not available. There is no contact with his friends. During these four years that we have not been together, he has never called and asked if everything is fine with the children? Where do they live? He never even wished his son a happy birthday... And his daughter... Although he loved them so much. I don't understand... Why is everything like this...

They lived in this house for three years. They raised two children.

Ekaterina was the civil wife of the youngest son of the owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov.

During this time the young man managed to get married, divorced, start a new relationship in which another child was born.

But Catherine claims that it was she who main woman and the true love of his life.

Sarkhan introduced me to his father Telman Ismailov in a restaurant in France. All his family knew me, his friends. His mother did not love me very much, because she did not want him to connect his life with a Russian girl. Sarkhan and I had not just love, but also good friendly relations, ”recalls Ekaterina Romanova. - Even when he was forced to marry a girl of their nation, on the wedding day he told me: "You will always be with me."

Four years ago, the fairy tale ended. My father started having problems with business, the Cherkizovsky market was closed. Catherine recalls that the man began to often raise his hand to her: “ Once he almost strangled me in the car, and was saved by passers-by.”

A palace built for a loved one became expensive to maintain. Sarkhan Ismailov offered to move to an apartment for a while.

We took the most basic. After all, in a few months they were supposed to return to this house. I remember sitting with the children in the car. And the guards took out our things. Then I went up to the apartment. And the car with the children took off. I realized that he decided to leave me and take the children. These four months I could not sleep and eat. I didn't understand why he did that.

- My father and brother,- Romanova's 13-year-old daughter Ruslana joins the conversation. - settled in some apartment with an incomprehensible woman-nanny, who even spoke Russian poorly. She turned on cartoons for us so that we would not interfere with her. During this time, my father came to us only twice, the first time he said we were moving to live and study in Turkey. The second time he wanted to take his brother to a restaurant, but the boy began to act up, and his father beat him. And four months later he called and said: "I'm returning you to your mother."

The former common-law wife of Ismailov admits that she never claimed real estate and his money. She only wants her children not to need anything.

I want my children to live with dignity. I will not take a penny from the sale of this house - all the money will go to the children. I was silent for a long time and could not bear this scandalous story. And I don't want anything from him. But, to forget my children ... After all, it was not my desire to give birth and tie a “rich boy” to me, I never held on to his money, it was he who wanted joint children. I remember how he rejoiced at the birth of his first daughter, how he took him from the hospital with his second son ...

I had to move out of a rented apartment - there was nothing to pay. According to the woman, there was nowhere to go, a familiar rector offered her to live at the temple. With the children and her mother, she moved into a small cramped room. From an elite life with servants, nannies for children, governesses and trips to the sea on a private plane - to life in a monastery with work in a church canteen with a salary of 15 thousand rubles. Catherine recalls that she did not know how to do anything.

“At first, they constantly laughed at me in the temple, because I didn’t know how to do anything: wash the floor, wash the dishes. I have always had servants, drivers and guards,” says Ismailov’s former common-law wife.

According to her, Ismailov is the love of all life. The first time they met when both were barely 18. “We met at a wedding - he was a guest, I danced in ballet. He approached me and offered to play backgammon. He lose. And two months later we started living together. He took good care of her. He gave flowers, rode a motorcycle around Moscow at night.

Telman's granddaughter Ruslana will soon be 14 years old.

On the eve of her 14th birthday, she loves to look at old photos. These are the only pictures that have survived from her past life. Fifth birthday of Ruslana. year 2009. A dress from an Italian designer that costs almost $50,000. Famous Russian artists invited to the house, a festive photo session. The children's room is full of gifts.

From childhood, Ruslana bathed in gold and luxury, says her mother and common-law wife of Sarkhan Ismailov (son of Telman Ismailov), Ekaterina Romanova. - The girl had all the best. The cheapest dress in the girl's wardrobe costs at least 10 thousand dollars, the most modern toys, in the courtyard of the house there was a large children's attraction, which was made by the personal order of the Italians, worth almost a million.

This is the last birthday that the family celebrated together. In a few months, the common-law wife of the son of "King Cherkizon" will collect the children, a suitcase with autumn children's clothes and leave this chic mansion in the Forest City. She thought it was time. In fact, forever.

We celebrated our daughter's birthday, Romanova recalls. - Sarkhan was very happy. Ruslana is a long-awaited child. He loved his daughter very much. Spent a lot of time with her.

But in this mountain of gifts, she will find only one doll - this is a gift from her grandfather, one of the richest people in Russia, the owner of Cherkizon Telman Ismailov.

The doll from my grandfather was the most expensive, - recalls Ruslana, granddaughter of Telman Ismailov. - Not for the price, of course. I lost this toy in numerous moves and I am very sorry. I have always dreamed of meeting my grandfather. We were born on the same day - October 26th.

The famous grandfather himself usually celebrated his birthday on the coast of Antalya in the famous Mardan Palace Hotel. The most expensive hotel in Europe. More than 10,000 square meters of gold leaf were used to decorate the interior. The balustrade posts are made of natural crystal. Special sand was specially brought from Egypt, which does not burn the feet in the heat.

The retinue of the oligarch was entertained by Russian pop stars. The guests are mostly foreign businessmen. Gastronomic delights are served from golden dishes.

He saw his granddaughter only as a little one - he constantly gave her gifts. Ruslana herself always really wanted to meet her grandfather. It seems to me that they are very similar, - adds Ekaterina Romanova.

After the demolition of the Cherkizovsky market, the empire of the once richest businessman shuddered and became mired in huge debts. Telman Ismailov and his family moved to Turkey.

Sarkhan always worked with his father. He, like a real oriental man, did not show that there were problems in business. I noticed it myself, - Ekaterina Romanova admits. - He became quick-tempered, irritable. He often raised his hand to me. But I don't hold a grudge against him. I also had character.

The famous grandfather himself knew about the "illegal" family of his son. He was acquainted with his common-law wife and the mother of his grandchildren.

With Telman Mardanovich I had a good relationship. Sarkhan and I have been together since childhood, - says Ekaterina Romanova. - But his wife did not accept me. She wanted Sarkhan to marry a girl of their nationality.

For several months, Sarkhan Ismailov, together with his civilian family, lived with his parents.

Ruslana was not even a year old, Romanova recalls. - For several months we lived in the house of Telman Mardanovich. In fact, in adulthood, they never saw their grandfather.

When I was 10 years old, my grandfather's driver brought me a birthday present - an expensive watch with diamonds, - continues the granddaughter of Telman Ismailov. - Even when we had no money at all, I did not want them to be sold. This is memory.

After Sarkhan Ismailov abandoned his civil family, Catherine was forced to take her eldest daughter from a paid elite school. Now 13-year-old Ruslana goes to an ordinary general education rural school. The family lives in a small room at the temple.

I remember that dad wanted to take us away from mom and send us to live and study in Turkey. My younger brother and I really didn't want to go. We wanted to stay with my mother, - recalls Ruslana Romanova. - I'm even glad that now we live here at the temple. I'm calm here. The only thing I dream about is to meet my grandfather.

The Basmanny Court of Moscow decided to arrest in absentia the ex-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vagif Ismailov, the brother of the former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov. He is believed to have provided ley line cover for a family clan that is accused of a series of murders. According to Rosbalt, Telman and Vagif Ismailov left Turkey, where they had been recently, and moved to France.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told the agency, the court granted the request of the Investigative Committee to elect Vagif Ismailov a measure of restraint in the form of detention. This was done to announce former employee The Ministry of Internal Affairs is on the international wanted list: he fled from investigators in the fall of 2016, almost simultaneously with the detention of his brother Rafik. Vagif was charged in absentia under articles 222 (illegal possession of weapons) and 105 (murders) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

At first, the detectives believed that he was in Russia, trying to "resolve" the situation. However, later they learned that Vagif had moved to Turkey - to Telman Ismailov. Both brothers until recently lived in a huge residence located on the territory of the Mardan Palace hotel complex in Antalya. The hotel itself was disconnected from electricity at the end of the summer for debts. According to operatives, the Ismailov brothers, fearing that Turkey might extradite them to Russia, moved to France, where they are currently staying.

It is worth noting that this country is not alien to Telman Ismailov. This follows from the materials of the investigation against the ex-employee of the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zakharchenko. One of the witnesses in the case testified that Zakharchenko was well acquainted with Ismailov, from the time when he owned markets in the Moscow region. After Ismailov's departure from Russia, Zakharchenko, according to the witness, suggested that he meet Telman in France to discuss a possible joint business project.

Vagif Ismailov served in various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including in the department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Central Federal District, which investigates crimes committed by ethnic groups.

In addition to the fact that a lot of operational information has been collected on Vagif Ismailov, businessman Sergei Gavryushin testified against him. For more than 15 years he was an assistant to Rafik Ismailov, was responsible for all economic issues, and often carried out instructions from Telman Ismailov. Gavryushin was also the general director of Mercury-R LLC (the only founder is Rafik Ismailov), which owned clothing market"Abramtsevo" and a number of similar "points".

According to the source of the agency, Gavryushin said that several times in the Prague restaurant he witnessed conversations between Telman, Vagif and Rafik Ismailov - both about planned murders and about interaction with corrupt employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to the witness, on behalf of Telman and Rafik, he delivered expensive gifts and envelopes to the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate of one of the districts of the capital, who now continues to work in the law enforcement unit. Gavryushin also said that a number of operations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs against the owners of other markets were financed by the Ismailov family. In this regard, a new line of investigation may appear in the case of the brothers - in relation to the law enforcement officers who helped them.

According to detectives, when the Cherkizovsky market, the main source of income for the Ismailovs, was closed in 2009, family members began to look for other large-scale objects where they could move trade. In particular, they liked the gigantic Abramtsevo market, located in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region. However, he was under the control of the authorities of the "Lyubertsy" group and businessmen associated with it. As investigators suspect, at first the Ismailovs and the gangsters agreed on a joint business.

But then conflicts began to occur between them over the division of profits. And they continued even after the closure of the market in Abramtsevo. At the same time, the shooting of the leaders of the "Lyubertsy" organized crime group began, many of whom had already managed to legalize themselves, became businessmen or even deputies. The detectives, including thanks to the testimony of witnesses, have every reason to suspect that it was the Ismailovs who were behind the attacks. So, according to the source of the agency, it has already been established almost with certainty that the family sent their militants to one of the Lyubertsy "authorities" who lived in the village of Tomilino. He was fired upon from firearms, was injured, but survived. “Five murders have been proven so far, but about ten more episodes of criminal activity are being developed - these are assassination attempts and murders,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

On the this moment the criminal case is being investigated by the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation under five articles of the Criminal Code - 210 (organization of a criminal community), 105 (murder), 222 (illegal possession of weapons), 172 (illegal banking), 167 (arson). According to the materials of the case, members of the organized criminal community (OPS), led by the Ismailov family, committed murders by prior agreement for mercenary motives, they are also charged with arson. Currently, the victims in the case file are mainly members of the "Koptevskaya" organized crime group and businessmen associated with them.

The reason for the conflict with the “Koptevskaya” organized crime group was related to the struggle for the right to control a number of wholesale markets in the capital. In the late 1990s, the Ismailov family laid eyes on profitable properties in the Northern Administrative District (SAO), in particular, the Lianozovsky market, the market in Western Degunino, and several shopping centers.

However, representatives of the "Koptev" group, who did not want to share the profits, were related to most of the Ismailov objects that were of interest. A conflict arose between the then leader of the "Koptevsky" Andrey Lobanov (Loban) and the family of the owner of "Cherkizon", which ended in the murder of the "authority".

After that, according to operatives, the Ismailovs began to "fight" already with Loban's successors - also members of the "Koptevskaya" organized criminal group. Within five years, at least seven "authorities" were killed. The main chord of this war was the arson of the Lianozovsky market in October 2005, which, according to investigators, was committed by order of the Ismailov family. The Koptevskys and businessmen associated with them had to agree with the claims of the Ismailovs and create partnerships with the family.

At some point, the Ismailovs sold all the objects and, according to the terms of the agreements, had to give part of the profits to their partners. For example, the share of businessman Vladimir Savkin from the sale of the Stroymarket No. 1 shopping center was $ 5.5 million. However, he was tritely “thrown”. Savkin began to remind the family of the debt, mainly his claims were addressed to Rafik. When he became too insistent, the businessman was invited to a meeting to discuss the details of paying off the debt. During it, in May 2016, Savkin, along with his friend Yuri Brilev, was shot dead. A case was initiated, within the framework of which all the details of the activities of the Ismailov family “surfaced”.

As Rosbalt has already reported, in addition to Gavryushin, Rafik's "right hand" Harry Belotserkovsky is actively cooperating with the investigation. According to Belotserkovsky's testimony, in 2000 he, together with Rafik, came to the Prague restaurant, where he witnessed a conversation with Telman Ismailov. During it, the brothers discussed the need to eliminate the "authority" of the "Koptev" organized criminal group Andrei Lobanov, as well as the details of the crime.

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Former owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov, accused of contract murder, is hiding in Montenegro. An informed source told The CrimeRussia about this. According to him, the fugitive oligarch agreed with the ruling circles of this country not to extradite him to the Russian authorities.

Recall that last year the Ismailov family lived in a mansion on the territory of the Mardan Palace hotel complex in Antalya. However, fearing that they would be extradited to the Russian authorities, they left Turkey, as local law enforcement agencies had questions for Telman Ismailov. According to Turkish investigators, he is implicated in the murder of thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev (Rovshan Lenkoransky). Then the family of the oligarch moved to France. But even there he did not feel safe, since he was put on the international wanted list through Interpol.

He currently resides in a rented villa in Montenegro. It was there that he recorded his recent video message, where he expressed fears that his brother Rafik Ismailov could be “eliminated” before trial.

The defense of the former driver Telman Ismailov asks the Moscow City Court to check the legality of his arrest

The defense appealed against the arrest of the former driver of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market, Telman Ismailov, Vladimir Gusakov, accused of kidnapping the artist Avraam Russo in 2004.

“We sent an appeal by mail. Somewhere within a month, the Moscow City Court should check the legality of the decision of the Basmanny Court, ”lawyer Maxim Dobrokhvalov told Interfax on Saturday.

According to him, the date for the consideration of the appeal has not yet been set.

V. Gusakov is charged with part 2 of article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abduction of a person committed by a group of persons by prior agreement, with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such use). If his guilt is proven, the former driver faces a sentence of five to 12 years in prison. He hasn't been charged yet.

On September 18, the Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested V. Gusakov. On September 20, the court also arrested another person involved in the case - T. Ismailov's nephew Zaur Mardanov. He was charged under the same article.

Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested Telman Ismailov's nephew in the case of kidnapping

The Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested the nephew of the ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market Telman Ismailov Zaur Mardanov, RAPSI writes.

“Satisfy the petition of the investigation, select a measure of restraint in the form of detention for a period of 2 months against the accused,” RAPSI quotes the words of the judge.

According to the agency, Mr. Mardanov is charged under "a", "c" part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abduction of a person by a group of persons by prior agreement; with the use of violence dangerous to life or health, or with the threat of such violence). According to media reports, in 2004 Zaur Mardanov allegedly kidnapped the singer Abraham Russo.

Prigozhin spoke about the fight on the plane with billionaire Telman Ismailov

The famous Russian producer Iosif Prigogine in the program "New Russian Sensations" said that he considers the day when he met the singer Abraham Russo and his sponsor Telman Ismailov the blackest in his life.

Prigozhin said that he was asked to promote the figure of Rousseau. And Prigogine succeeded. Rousseau became in demand and began to earn good money. Ismailov gave Russo apartments and cars. However, he could humiliate a star in public.

One day, Ismailov and Rousseau, together with Prigogine, flew to Nice. Ismailov began to drag Rousseau by the ear and humiliate him. Prigozhin could not stand it and asked the billionaire not to interfere with the singer, with whom he still had to work. Ismailov got into a fight with Prigogine.

Telman Mardanovich Ismailov is a Russian businessman of Azerbaijani origin who also has Turkish citizenship. He was the owner of the Cherkizovsky market in Moscow and is the founder of the well-known AST group.

Telman Ismailov began his biography in 1956 in the city of Baku and became the tenth of twelve children in the family. His father was an Azerbaijani by origin, and his mother, in addition, also had Jewish roots. Mardan Ismailov was engaged in trade, and he worked hard and with amazing diligence, which is why he constantly needed helpers. Already at the age of 14, Telman began not only to help, but to work fully with his father, and soon became the director of the first and only commercial store in Baku at that time.

In 1973, Ismailov entered the Baku Institute of National Economy, but after compulsory military service, he transferred to a similar educational institution- Moscow Institute of National Economy named after Georgy Plekhanov. According to the distribution, the young man works as an economist at the Ministry of Trade, and later as an expert at Vostokintorg. Then he met with, who at that time worked as the chairman of the commission of the Moscow City Executive Committee. And 20 years later, already being the mayor of Moscow, Luzhkov personally congratulated Ismailov on his anniversary with the words: Telman! You are our brother! We go with you through life!.

When the enterprise was put into operation, businessman Telman Ismailov asked Turkey to give him a second citizenship, and this request was granted.

However, in November 2015, the public became aware that the ownership of the Mardan Palace hotel had passed to the Turkish Halkbank through an auction sale, as Russian entrepreneur turned out to be a lot of debts to Turkish companies. Today Telman Ismailov is not among the the richest people countries. In 2015, he was officially declared bankrupt by the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region, and his sons are now the shareholders of the AST group he founded.

In March 2016, the court decision on the bankruptcy of the businessman was canceled. But already in August of the same year, the court again resumed the procedure for declaring the ex-owner of Cherkizon bankrupt. In January 2017, the amount of his debts reached 31 billion rubles. In February Court of Arbitration included in the register of creditors' claims another 8.9 billion rubles. In March 2017, he decided to start selling his property by auction.

Personal life

In the personal life of Telman Ismailov, everything is stable. He has been married for a long time and raised two sons, Sarkhan and Alekper, who succeeded him in business. Some of the entrepreneur's numerous brothers are also known to the public. For example, Fazil Ismailov served as acting prefect of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow several years ago. And recently another brother, Rafik Ismailov, became notorious. He is suspected of organizing the murder of two businessmen - the founder of Lublino Motors Yuri Brilev and the owner of the network shopping malls Vladimir Savkin.

Soon, Telman was also accused of this crime. The Basmanny Court of Moscow authorized the arrest in absentia of the businessman, since at that time he left Russia.

Telman Ismailov is a very generous person. All his entourage is accustomed to receiving gifts. Also, the man did not deprive his star guests of such attention. For example, he gave the singer a villa in Turkey, an actress - a diamond necklace, a TV presenter and psychologist Ilham Mirzaev with a gold Koran, and a platinum watch for the singer. In addition, among Ismailov's acquaintances there are such celebrities as, and others.

More than once they became guests at his birthday party. It was rumored that he provided his plane more than once, while she was still the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. But this at least looks illogical. In one of the interviews, he said that he was familiar with, and their children became friends and even visit each other.

The main hobby of an entrepreneur from Azerbaijan is collecting wrist watch, which in his collection there are over two thousand pairs. Telman also tried twice to become a co-founder football club. In 2010, he became vice-president of the Terek team from Grozny, but took up the club only three years later, organizing a friendly match with the Israeli Beitar from Jerusalem, during which two advantageous transitions of the players were issued. At the same time, Telman was going to acquire the Israeli team as property, but the fans thwarted this deal, after which the businessman lost interest in football.

Telman Ismailov now

All last news about Telman Ismailov are connected with the criminal case and the "sale" of his property.

In May 2018, he went under the hammer shopping center on Izmailovsky highway, which also belonged to the AST holding.

Also this year, Mehman Kerimov, a defendant in Ismailov’s criminal case, was sentenced to 13 years in prison. At the moment, according to the investigation, Telman is the organizer of this crime, while Karimov was the executor. The former owner of Cherkizon has been put on the international wanted list. And where he is today is unknown.

But the seven-star hotel "Mardan Palace" will soon work again. Despite the fact that the media constantly appeared news that the hotel was being plundered, CEO of the hotel said that they are negotiating with travel agencies, discussing the prospects for the summer season of 2018. He also noted that 200 people continue to work in the state. And the main event of the upcoming season will be an Indian wedding with a budget of $10-15 million.

Condition assessment

In 2006 Cherkizovsky market was largest center small wholesale trade in financial turnover. Telman Ismailov himself in 2007 was 76 on the Forbes list. His fortune totaled $260 million.

In 2015, he was included in the list of the 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes with a fortune of $600 million.


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