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The GSA is often asked what study abroad opportunities are available for people with medical specialties. The profession of a doctor abroad is in demand and highly paid, but the requirements for foreign candidates are also high. These may vary by country, although knowledge of a foreign language, passing medical exams, medical education and work experience will be mandatory for all countries. If you want to work as a doctor abroad, but do not yet know where to start, this article will give you the clearest idea about the possibilities of working as a doctor abroad for foreign citizens.

Find out how a foreigner can start working or studying as a doctor abroad in the following countries:

Doctors in the USA

What are the opportunities for doctors in the US?

Already having a medical degree, you can choose one of three options:

  • re-train as a doctor in the USA;
  • pass residency (Residency) - this option is suitable for those who plan to work as a doctor in the United States;
  • to attend graduate school.

Let's look at each option in detail.

To start training as a doctor in the US, you re-enter a professional medical "school" (university) in the US. After graduation, you pass exams and get a doctor's license.

Cost of education: $30,000 - $60,000 per year.

Duration of study: from 4 years old.

Scholarship: unless you are a super brilliant and talented doctor, the possibility of getting a scholarship is zero.

Medical residency

In order to work as a doctor in the United States, after graduating from university, you need to undergo full training and certification in your chosen medical specialty in your home country.

To apply for residency, you must:

1. Have a higher medical education;

2. Pass 3 parts of the USMLE medical exam;

3. Get a contract in one of the US clinics in the chosen specialty (“Match” system).

United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)

USMLE is a professional exam for medical license United States, consisting of several parts. USMLE assesses a doctor's ability to apply knowledge, concepts, and fundamentals, and identifies the fundamental, patient-centered skills that form the basis of safe and effective patient care.

Parts of Basic Science and Clinical Science are taken within two days each, there are two sessions per day, including 180-200 questions. All questions belong to the multiple choice category (questions with multiple answers). On average, less than a minute is given to answer one question. To pass the exam, you must score at least 79 conditional points out of 100 possible. The last third part - Clinical Skills Assessment involves an exam in a situation with a real patient.

The exam is held twice a year. No more than six attempts are given to pass the exam. The cost of passing each part varies from $560 (depending on the country in which you will take the exam). Permission to take the exam, after receiving all required documents, gives Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates(ECFMG). ECFMG is international organization, dealing with education and accreditation of foreign doctors in the United States.

After successfully passing the USMLE, candidates go through the "Match" system.

MATCH system

MATCH is a system for placing medical school graduates in the United States by place of work. The process begins in July, when graduate students, as well as current USMLE graduates, overseas doctors send out applications to the hospitals where they would like to do residency. There are more than 1,000 hospitals in America that train residents, and you can contact any of them. The letter includes a completed standard application form, 3 letters of recommendation, CurriculumVitae (summary), photos and USMLE exam results.

Applications are accepted and considered until November 15th. It should be noted right away that at any stage it is always more difficult for foreign doctors - many programs immediately declare that they do not accept foreigners. In December-January, the best graduates are invited for an interview. As a rule, each applicant goes through about 15-20 interviews in hospitals in different states.

After that, in February, lists are drawn up by future doctors, in which, in order of preference, the hospitals where they would like to work are indicated. Hospitals also compile lists of alumni. All this information is sent to Washington, where a special organization NationalResidencyMatchingProgram processes the received data. Both parts of the list are entered into a computer that produces a MATCH (match, combination).

A simple example: A doctor overseas wants to get a residency at NYU Medical Center and puts it second on his list (among all the hospitals he interviewed). Medical Center New York University, in turn, ranked the doctor fifth on its list, but the first four candidates were so good that they received places in more prestigious hospitals (Harvard, Cornell, Yale and Stanford). Our doctor also had Harvard in the first place, but the six places available at Harvard were not enough for him, because. they were given to stronger graduates. Thus, the doctor enters the New York University residency. Only one combination is possible for each person.

The results are announced in mid-March, this date is known in advance and is traditionally the occasion for a big sabantui in all medical schools. Over the next month, hospitals send out contracts and from July 1st, new residents begin work in internships.

Each year, a small number of places remain unfilled. During the first week after the announcement of the results, any doctor seeking a place may apply for any of these places. As practice shows, this is the best opportunity for foreigners. This process is called "Scramble".

For reference:

  • Total places in US residencies - about 20,000
  • Total American graduates - about 16,000 (almost everyone gets a job)
  • Total foreign doctors - about 20,000
  • Additional information available from the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Length of study to become a doctor in the USA

The duration of residency training depends on the specialty, but cannot be less than 3 years. Family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine - 3 years; anesthesiology, radiology - 4 years; gynecology, surgery - 5 years; neurosurgery - 6 years. The duration of many programs is increased by a year due to the obligatory year allocated for theoretical scientific work. Every year, every doctor is required to pass a written exam in his specialty - InserviceExam. The results of this exam may affect the receipt of a contract for the next 12-month period.

It is easier to get a job in the specialty - anesthesiology, family medicine. It is more difficult to get into gynecology and surgery.

Opportunities for doctors in the USA

After completing a residency, every doctor in the United States is given several options to choose from:

  1. private practice;
  2. admission to clinical postgraduate studies for a period of 1 to 3 years, depending on the specialization;
  3. work in a university clinic (what we call “remaining in the department”) is possible only for 5-10% of the best graduates.

During the first two years after the end of the residency, each doctor is required to obtain certification in his specialty - Board Certification. This requires passing two large exams - written, and then, if successful, oral. Certification must be confirmed every 10 years. Additional information can be obtained on the websites of the American medical association and National Board of Medical Examiners.

PhDs for Physicians in the USA

Postgraduate studies for physicians in the United States are of two types: research and clinical.

Research Medical Postgraduate School

If you have an interest in science, then you can enroll in a research postgraduate (PhD) program. The most preferred specialties are biology, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, physics, although there is work in any other field of knowledge. Almost all graduate students are university employees, i.e. work full-time and receive a monthly salary.

Duration of study- an average of 3 years.

The size wages : $10,000-20,000 per year.

Working time- 2-3 years.

Clinical Fellowship in the USA

For those who want to work in the hospital, there is a clinical graduate school. For admission, you will also need to pass the USMLE test (all three parts), as well as an English language proficiency test.

Job title– Clinical Fellow.

Opening hours- 10-14 hours a day, plus extra time and night shifts. Jobs can be found in any medical specialty.

Salary- $30,000-40,000 (higher than residents).

Working time- 1, less than 2 years. The total validity of the visa is not more than 5 years.

Doctors in Finland

For those who want to work as a doctor in Finland, several conditions must be met:

  1. Pass the Finnish language proficiency test at least keskitaso-3.
  2. Have the diploma translated into Finnish or English by an official translator and send the documents to TEO.
  3. Pass a three-part medical specialty test. To qualify for the exam, you must have worked for at least 6 months as an amanuenssi (trainee) or physician assistant.


  1. The first part of the exam is clinical. This is a written 6-hour exam in Finnish with 6 case studies. It is estimated in points, for incorrect answers minus points are provided. You must score at least 60 points out of 120 possible. After successfully passing the first examination, you can apply for a limited medical work permit. At this stage, you can get a job at the clinic and not continue to confirm your doctor's diploma.
  2. If you want to get a full permit to work as a doctor in Finland, you need to pass the exam to the end. The second part of the exam consists of 3 parts (recipe, forensic medicine and social medicine). These parts are allowed to be rented separately.
  3. The third part is practical. The examinee conducts appointments with real patients. A video is being filmed, all materials are then considered by a special commission.

After successfully passing the test, you will be able to work as a doctor general practice in Finland.

Doctors in Italy

There is no medical internship in Italy as a form of postgraduate education. For a future doctor in Italy there is a residency (specialization) - 5-6 years, depending on the specialty. There is also a variant of a "shortened" residency - 2-3 years for some specialties, after which the specialist receives the right to engage only in research activities in this profile, but not medical.

To legalize a diploma, you must:

  • Apply to the consulate to confirm the authenticity of the diploma (dichiarazionedivalore)
  • Confirm a diploma at a university in Italy - check the subjects studied (they should match as much as possible), if necessary, pass the exams.
  • Contact the Ufficio Stranieri University, which deals with the confirmation of diplomas (riconoscimento).

Doctors in Estonia

To obtain a doctor's license in Estonia, you need to go through 6 stages:

  1. Get a certificate of knowledge of the Estonian language at least C1. The exam is free and takes place several times a year.
  2. Provide a diploma (does not require an apostille). Between Russia and Estonia there is an agreement on the mutual recognition of all official documents, incl. medical degree abroad.
  3. Copies of the diploma and certificate of a specialist, certificate of internship / residency should be submitted to the Estonian branch of ENIK / NARIK. Documents will be verified within two months. The procedure is free.
  4. If you have or do not have work experience in the specialty, you must send a request to the Residency Department of the University of Tartu indicating the desired specialty. The university decides whether your medical qualification meets the Estonian criteria. If necessary, you will have to take additional courses in the missing subjects.
  5. In the case of a positive decision on the qualifications, you can enter the residency. Residency is free. For admission, it is necessary to pass exams in Estonian on a general basis.
  6. The final authority is the Ministry of Health. There, a decision is made on issuing a license to work as a doctor in Estonia.

Doctors in Canada

Modern Canada is experiencing an acute shortage of qualified medical staff, that's why doctors in canada extremely in demand. In this regard, the country's government announced plans to increase the number of medical students, as well as to allocate additional funds from the budget for medical education.

Foreign students can receive medical education in Canada on the basis of an existing university one by enrolling in one of the local medical schools (medical school). This is the name of the medical faculties operating on the basis of large universities. The number of places for foreign citizens is limited (10-15 places), the competition for admission is very high. Education is paid, the allocation of scholarships, as a rule, is not provided.

If you are planning to obtain permission to work as a doctor in Canada, then you will need to continue your education in a Canadian internship, as well as obtain the status of a citizen of the country (Canadian Citizen or Canadian Permanent Resident).

To work as a doctor in Canada, you must

  1. Have a diploma issued by a medical school listed in the International Medical Education Directory or the World Health Organization´s World Directory of Medical Schools;
  2. Successfully pass two parts of the Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination. (
  3. Pass one of the exams: the Royal College of Physicians, Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC, www., the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC,
  4. Complete postgraduate practice during the year in a clinic in Canada;
  5. Have the status of a citizen of Canada (Canadian Citizen or Canadian Permanent Resident).

Admission to the Canadian medical internship is centralized through the CaRMS (Canadian Resident Matching Service), which distributes graduates of Canadian medical educational institutions in various internships across the country. For example, a graduate of a medical school wants to enter an internship to work as a doctor in Canada, specializing in pediatrics. To do this, he must apply to the CaRMS service, where he will be selected for a place in one of the medical schools in Canada, offering a place in an internship with the appropriate specialization - Pediatric Residency positions. Holders of foreign medical degrees must also apply to the CaRMS service for admission to a Canadian internship.

Doctors in Germany

Doctor in Germany one of the most in-demand jobs in this moment. In Germany, the training and employment of doctors is the responsibility of the Länder. In each of the 16 lands, the rules may differ.

In order to work as a doctor in Germany, a foreign citizen must obtain a residence permit and a special “professional permit” (Berufserlaubnis). Obtaining a Berufserlaubnis is possible after confirming your medical education, passing specialized exams and obtaining membership in the Land Chamber.

Confirmation of a doctor's diploma in Germany

The period of consideration of your documents lasts from 12 months and longer. After the diploma is recognized as equivalent to German, you will be invited to take exams. As a rule, this rarely happens immediately, so you will be asked to complete a "pull-up year" (Anpassungsjahr) in order to fill in the gaps in knowledge and experience. Anpassungsjahr can take anywhere from a few months to a year (or longer). This practice is otherwise known as “working as a visiting doctor” (Gastartz) and is poorly paid. After completing the pull-up year, you take the Kenntnisstand prufung exam (oral exam to check the basic medical knowledge in internal medicine and surgery). Once you have received the Berufserlaubnis, you must immediately register with the State Chamber of Physicians at the place of intended employment (Landeserztekammer).

A temporary work permit must be renewed every two years. With this permission, you can get a position as an assistant doctor (Assistenzarzt), i.e. clinical resident. Regardless of your knowledge and experience in the field of medicine, you will not be able to get a job more high position without passing the medical specialist examination (Facharzt).

To obtain a doctor's license and a permanent work permit, you must pass an exam after completing your residency. Having the necessary experience as a doctor in Germany, you can apply for a specialty examination at the Medical Association of the state where you work. It is given in the form of an interview on clinical situations, the exam is taken by a commission of 3 specialists. The oral exam consists of several parts: internal medicine, surgery and 2 more specialties, which you will learn about 2-3 months before the exam. Only 2 submission attempts. Additionally, a knowledge test is taken. German language(not lower than B2)

Physician salary in Germany

After passing all the exams, you become a medical specialist in Germany. There are 2 options for a specialist doctor: open a private practice or become a senior doctor (analogue: head of department) in a hospital. The salary depends on the length of service and the clinic - on average, an assistant receives from 3,000 to 5,000 euros (before taxes), a specialist - from 5,000 to 8,000 euros per month. A senior physician receives at least 12,000 euros per month (before taxes), surgeons - up to 25,000 euros per month.

Doctors in Sweden

Detailed information about the procedures and required documents for doctors in Sweden can be found on the website of the Swedish Ministry of Health at

Aleksey Bogdanov, a former Minsk doctor who works as an anesthesiologist in the UK, shares his experience.

I ended up in England almost by accident, although before that I studied English quite seriously (special residency), and then I was an assistant at the department. The courses held quite a long time ago in Moscow with the participation of foreign doctors were the impetus that sent me to "study" in England. At first I passed the European exam, and after passing it, I decided to take English as well.

The latter was much more difficult than the first, but broke through. And the prospect of returning at that time was no longer very attractive - at home everything was falling apart and there was no gap (I'm not sure that it is visible even now, but I may be mistaken). In short, I began to look for a job - so I found and continue to work as an anesthesiologist (though not of the highest, but of the middle level).

It is quite easy to get to England to study in any specialty, especially if you have strong English. You just need to write to the appropriate college (surgeon - with surgery, anesthesiologist - with anesthesia, and so on), get papers and pass exams. Here is a small snag - passing this exam (in English it is called PLAB) is not so easy and not even easy at all. Here, not only our knowledge of English, but also a test of basic knowledge of medicine, and no matter what we say, we are far from ahead of the rest, the demand here comes from textbooks accepted all over the world - that is, American and English.

After passing the exam (if you're lucky), you need to find a job. Since we come here “to study”, we do not need a work permit and we can stay in the country on a study visa for up to 5 years.
After completing the training period and passing the English qualifying exams (also not the most simple task) you can try to find a permanent job (that is, already with permission from the authorities).

Theoretically, one can apply for the highest positions, but the reality is somewhat different. Immigrants from Eastern Europe have to compete with Indians who both know English better and studied from English textbooks, and the mighty Indian diaspora will not leave its own in trouble ... In short, getting a job as a consultant (or senior specialist) is difficult.

There are alternatives - a mid-level specialist, which is not the best, since the salary is lower, and other little things of a moral nature. But nevertheless it is quite real.
As far as I know now, the most promising situation is for anesthesiologists and nurses. True, the problems of employment of nurses are not very familiar to me, but I know for sure that their shortage is simply desperate - they are recruited wherever they can (Philippines, Finland, Australia, and so on). In short - my advice is to learn English if you decide to look for work in English-speaking countries!

It is not difficult for specialists with medical education to find work abroad. The profession of a doctor all over the world is always in demand and highly paid. Most countries offer doctors a high level of salary, but also place high demands on specialists. Registration procedures vary from state to state.

Despite the difficulties that accompany employment in another country, the level of salaries invariably attracts more and more new applicants. Working as a doctor abroad is well paid, but it also requires high qualifications.

Salary level

What do you need to get a job

Getting a job in a public or private clinic, the candidate needs to confirm his qualifications, learn the language and pass several exams.

In any country, before finding a job, a person with a medical diploma must go through the nostrification procedure (obtain a diploma international standard). In some states, it passes easily and in a short time, in others it stretches for a long period.

Diplomas issued to physicians in Russia and the CIS countries are not international and require mandatory confirmation.

Countries where it is easier to confirm a doctor's degree

If you are going to leave for another country and get a job in a hospital, the first thing you need to think about is the length of stay in the chosen state. If moving to a permanent place of residence is not expected, it is better to give preference to countries that offer a simplified nostrification procedure.


One of the most loyal countries in relation to the confirmation of a doctor's diploma. According to the standard recognition procedure, a visiting specialist is required to take qualification courses. At the same time, he submits his diploma for confirmation. Consideration of the issue can last up to 1 year.

After completing the courses and passing the exams, the applicant gets the opportunity to work on a trial period. The practical part of the confirmation lasts 6 months. During this period, the doctor receives the minimum salary. After the expiration of the term, the status of a doctor is officially assigned and allows you to work fully.


A republic where the demand for medical specialties invariably remains very high, and the nostrification procedure is fast. To work as a doctor in Yemen, you do not need to prove language proficiency. The practice license is issued without mandatory examinations and with a minimum set of documents.

The main requirement is to have at least 5 years of experience.


It is distinguished by the highest demand for Russian-speaking doctors. The procedure for confirming a diploma is similar to the Czech one. After completing language courses - probation 6 months and the possibility of a full-fledged practice. Exams are not required. After the formal confirmation of the diploma, a Russian doctor can work in the same way as local specialists.

For employment in any of the countries described, work experience of at least 3 years is required.

Countries with complex nostrification procedures

Those who want to emigrate to Europe or America will have to go through a more complicated procedure for confirming a diploma. In European countries, this requires at least 4 years.


12 months after submitting a diploma for confirmation and successfully passing the exams, the doctor is offered to go through the “pull-up” stage. It usually lasts for a year. It is expected that during this period the specialist will fill in the gaps in knowledge and experience. Such work is paid minimally.

After passing the “pull-up”, the specialist is expected to pass exams. Then he is issued a temporary work permit, which must be confirmed every 2 years. A temporary permit allows you to get the position of a doctor's assistant (clinical resident).

Regardless of experience and knowledge, independent practice for a visiting doctor is impossible without obtaining a permanent work permit. To be able to take the position of a specialist doctor, after completing the residency, you need to pass another exam in the specialty and confirm knowledge of the German language.

To work as a doctor in Portugal, you also need to confirm your qualifications.

You can do this in two ways:

  • pass the equivalence;
  • get a degree certificate.

The procedures are not too long, but have a high level of complexity. When passing the equivalence, you need to get the full curriculum from the university that issued the diploma.

This program is submitted to any medical university in Portugal at the relevant faculty. Specialists compare the received material with their own and pass a verdict on the coincidence or mismatch of the programs.

As a rule, they do not match. In this case, the applicant is offered to master the missing disciplines together with local students. After that, the visiting specialist becomes a full student of the university and receives a Portuguese diploma with all its advantages.

When confirming a diploma, you must undergo retraining and pass mandatory exams:

  • knowledge of the language;
  • theory of medicine;
  • practice test.

When passing a practical test, the correctness of the diagnoses and the adequacy of the scheduled treatment are checked. Terms of confirmation differ for different specialties.


To be able to work as a doctor in the United States, a specialist with a diploma from another state must undergo a residency after confirmation of the diploma. In fact, this is retraining in the existing specialty.

The duration of the residency depends on the specialty of the doctor, but not less than 3 years.

How long does retraining take?

  • pediatrics - 3 years;
  • radiology - 4 years;
  • therapy - 3 years;
  • neurosurgery - 6 years;
  • anesthesiology - 4 years;
  • general surgery - 5 years.

After completing the internship, another year is given for theoretical scientific work. Further, with the successful passing of the exams, the specialist can either get a job in any US clinic or open a private practice.


To confirm a diploma in Canada, the applicant is required to study at any of the local medical schools. They are open throughout the country on the basis of large universities. Education is paid, the cost depends on the chosen specialty and is regulated by the management educational institution. The number of study places is limited, scholarships are not provided. Despite this, the competition for training is very high.

In order to obtain a permanent work permit after retraining, giving the right to a full-fledged practice, the applicant will need to continue his studies in residency and obtain Canadian citizenship.


The countries of the former British colony differ in the best conditions for work. South Africa remains the most attractive country for foreign doctors. High level wages provides a steady influx of emigrants who want to get a job there.

Many citizens of the Russian Federation leave for the UK to work. The former metropolis receives labor migrants from all over the world - both low-paid and highly qualified specialists. Employed Russians can be found throughout the European state - from Northern Irish cities to the Scottish Isles. But mostly England attracts our compatriots as a place of work. We will find out if there are jobs and vacancies in England for Russians in 2020.

Working in the UK is a dream for many Russian citizens. Moreover, labor migrants are attracted not only by London, as one of the largest financial and economic centers of the planet. Russian speech can be heard from foreign workers throughout the United Kingdom. However, the majority of Russians who find jobs do not aspire to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, but to England.

To work only with a visa

As in all Western countries, Foggy Albion has strict rules for foreign workers. It is not forbidden to enter the UK for employment. However, you must first obtain a work visa. Such documents are issued to residents of Russia only if there are good reasons. And without them, getting a job in the former empire will not work.

Key requirements for employees from the Russian Federation

  • Work visa and work permit.
  • English proficiency. Language skills are tested according to the common European classification (CEFR). Level B1 or higher required. Knowledge of the language is confirmed by an appropriate certificate.
  • Qualifications (in cases where a job is sought under programs for qualified specialists).

The main requirements for a British employer

  • Post a vacancy for which a Russian worker is applying for in the local labor market.
  • Confirm the absence of responses to the vacancy from suitable specialists from among the local residents.
  • Obtain a special license or sponsorship certificate to hire a foreigner.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

A citizen who has received a work permit undertakes:

  • Carry out only those activities that are specified in the permit.
  • Maintain himself and his dependents without using public funds state aid.
  • Meet the established age criteria.
  • Good to own English language.

Work permits are issued for certain period- from 1 month to 5 years, but not more than the term of the employment contract. However, for entry into a European state, they are valid only for six months from the date of receipt, then it must be extended.

How to find a job in England

Before you start applying for a British visa, you should take care of finding a potential employer. Finding suitable vacancies and jobs for Russians in England in 2020 is quite realistic. Even work in London for Russian-speaking citizens is always available. Employment offers also come from regions far from the capital.

Job search is available on the following sites:

  • recruiting agencies.
  • Specialized Internet resources (including Russian-language ones). Among them:
  • Sites for job search in specific fields of activity. For example:
  • (for IT-specialists).
    • (for medical professionals).
    • (for nannies).
    • (for employees of the hotel and restaurant business).
    • (for students).

  • Electronic pages of British enterprises.
  • Forums, social networks.
  • Online versions printed publications where job offers are posted.
  • Newspapers with vacancies.
  • Employment centers in the British territory. In a socially oriented island state, such centers operate everywhere.

Demanded professions in Britain

Who will not be left without work in Foggy Albion in the coming years? The list of promising positions is as follows:

SpecialtiesApproximate number of vacancies per yearAverage hourly wage (in pounds sterling)
Housekeeper, nursing assistant825 thousand8
Marketing and Sales Manager585 thousand22
Nurse554 thousand16
Education Assistant488 thousand8
Preschool and primary education teacher430 thousand22
Retail and wholesale manager422 thousand11
Communication and Information Technology Manager326 thousand24
Software Specialist325 thousand19
Office Manager293 thousand16
Financial manager, chartered secretary280 thousand29

Also, the areas of employment and professions in demand in the monarchical power should be considered:

  • Logistics (purchases, transportation, packaging, auxiliary work in a warehouse, etc.).

  • Trade (administrators, sales assistants, cashiers).
  • Transportation, car service (drivers, car wash workers).
  • Hotel business, public catering (cooks and their assistants, waiters, cleaners).
  • Domestic staff (nannies, governesses).
  • Ancillary work, working specialties (harvesters, loaders).
  • Factory work.

In addition, bankers, builders, engineers, IT specialists, PR specialists, medical workers and social workers are regularly in demand in the UK.

How much are UK workers paid?

ProfessionsAverage annual salary (in thousands of pounds sterling)
Head, senior official107
Marketing and Sales Director83
Financial Manager76
Economist, statistician61
A development manager53
Senior specialist of an educational institution49
IT specialist, IT project manager48-49
Train/tram driver47
mechanical engineer43
Mechanical engineering specialist41
Programmer, software development specialist40-41
Chartered and Certified Accountant38
crane operator35
School Inspector31
PR Specialist29
Driving instructor28-29
social worker28

Less than 10 thousand pounds sterling a year in the kingdom receive:

  • Hairdressers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Catering workers.
  • Cleaners and servants.
  • Waiters.
  • Bar staff.
  • Animators.

Benefits of Employment in the United Kingdom

Why is it so attractive for Russians to work in the UK in general and in England in particular? The main advantages of employment in the island state:

  1. Employment in one of the strongest world economies.
  2. Possibility to apply for permanent residence after 5 years of stay on a work visa. And in the future - to become a citizen of the country and get a British passport.
  3. Low unemployment rates.
  4. Stable growth of employment of migrants.
  5. High salaries.
  6. Social benefits.
  7. Legal safety of work.
  8. The solution of labor conflicts strictly according to the law.

Complying with the laws

It is important to remember that a law enforcement power requires the same of its citizens. Foreign workers must strictly comply with all visa regulations. Chief among them:

  • Live and work strictly within the framework of the received work visa.
  • If the entry document does not give the right to work (for example, a tourist or visitor visa), this condition should be followed.
  • After the expiration date of the visa, you must:
  • Or leave the country immediately.
  • Or extend the document.
  • Or, if allowed, apply for permanent residence.

The latest developments related to Brexit will certainly affect the British labor market. For example, the kingdom is considering the possibility of employing EU citizens only with a work permit. More importantly, within a decade after the referendum on leaving the European Union, the real income of citizens is expected to decline. It is assumed that the most serious damage will affect the working population. Pensioners will be more effectively protected from the upcoming cuts.

Medical education in the UK- one of the most prestigious and complex areas in international education. The tradition of teaching medicine is rooted in British medieval history, and the quality of education is considered one of the highest in the world. Three medical schools in the UK are in the top ten rankings of the best medical schools in the world. Admission to the medical field is a difficult process that will require significant time and money costs.

UK medical schools arrangement

Unlike the United States, where entry into medical school is only possible after completing a bachelor's degree, in the UK, medical school is considered the first stage of higher education. Education in the British medical. school continues for five or six years.
Each university has its own medical school structure. For example, in Oxford, Cambridge, London Universities and Edinburgh, the first 2-3 years of study are held in a theoretical course, and the last three years are in a clinical course. The most recent year is aimed at preparing for residency and is the first year of practical training.

At the end of medical school, students take final exams, which include all the material studied.
After graduation, the student is awarded a degree Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery”, and the Latin abbreviation of degrees varies from university to university - adherence to traditions, as you know, is one of distinguishing features British culture. So, in all universities in London it will be MB BS, and for example, in Cardiff - MB BCh. Interestingly, after completing a theoretical course at the medical school in Oxford and Cambridge, the graduate is additionally awarded the title of Bachelor of Arts (BA), and the student can change his specialty if he wishes.

Postgraduate Medical Programs in the UK

This format of medical education is a novelty for Foggy Albion, and today such programs are available only at 14 universities in England and Wales. The learning process takes 4 years and most closely resembles the learning process in US medical schools. For admission, you must have a bachelor of science degree with an emphasis in chemistry and biology.
Upon completion of this program, the degree of "Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery" is also awarded, which makes it possible to begin practical medical training.
Due to the fact that the medical education under this program is considered new in the UK, most of the local students prefer to enter the traditional programs of medical schools.

UK medical school tuition fees

Requirements for studying medical education in the UK

To enter a medical school at a university in the UK, a student must complete one of the preparatory programs.
  • One year of the A-level preparatory program - a minimum of three "A" grades must be obtained. An A* in Chemistry is required for all medical schools. In addition, it is mandatory to obtain two more A grades: in biology, physics or mathematics. Admissions committees do not consider grades received for subjects such as general knowledge, critical thinking and global perspectives and research.
  • A two-year IB with Chemistry as the main subject and Biology, Physics or Mathematics as the second subject.
Application for admission to medical school is made through a single system called the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS). For this reason deadline for all universities is the same - October 15. In one year, an applicant can send his documents to no more than 4 medical schools in the UK.
The admission process necessarily includes an interview and passing a comprehensive exam. To date, there is no common exam for medical schools in the United Kingdom, so different universities consider different exams. The BMAT and UKCAT are the most common tests in the country, while the GAMSAT is only accepted for admission to postgraduate medical programs.
Please note that in addition to the deadline for accepting applications, each exam has its own registration deadlines: for UKCAT - mid-September, for BMAT - mid-August or early October.

The selection committee calls the most successful applicants for an interview, which lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. During the interview, the general level of knowledge of the applicant is checked, his ability to quickly navigate in a non-standard situation, the ability to correctly construct an answer, and even the level of empathy.

UK Medical Preparatory Programs

On the preparatory programs, you can acquire the necessary knowledge to pass the entrance exams and improve the level of English proficiency. Some preparatory programs are integrated into the medical school curriculum, while others are independent, one-year training programs. The cost of such programs for international students is the same as the cost of university education per year.
Programs are organized directly at universities and are divided into two types:
  • Preliminary Year - designed for those who have already passed the A-level exams, as well as exams in medicine, but have not reached the required level in chemistry and biology. This year is sometimes considered the "zero" year of medical school.
  • The guide year is an even simpler option with reduced entry requirements. Low A-level scores and low medical exam results are allowed.
  • Medical practice and internship in the UK

    The process of medical education in the UK differs significantly from other countries in that it includes many stages of practical training. All of them are mandatory in accordance with the requirements of the UK National Health Service.
    The first stage is a two-year "training program for doctors" after graduating from medical school. Admission to this stage occurs automatically at the school. This is the stage during which the future doctor can more accurately determine the medical specialization and get acquainted with medical practice in various areas. At this stage, the medical student receives the title of "continuing doctor training" (English foundation doctor).

    Internship This is the second stage of practical training. It is a mandatory practical training in the chosen medical specialization. Doctors in the UK are divided into two types: general practitioners, who are similar to general practitioners, and consultant doctors - specialized specialists in clinics. Training programs for these specialists differ both in content and duration. Thus, after graduating from medical school, a general practitioner is trained for 5 years, and the training of a consultant doctor takes 7–9 years. At the end of the program, the student must receive a "certificate of completion of training", which gives access to an independent medical practice. The issues of admission to medical work are handled by the General Medical Council.

    Medical degree in UK

    After obtaining the qualification of a doctor, an opportunity opens up for building a scientific career in the field of medicine. There are several ways to defend a dissertation in medicine.
    • Obtaining the degree of doctor of medicine (M.D.) or PhD takes place at universities. The duration of full-time MD/PhD programs is 3 to 4 years and is similar to postgraduate studies in Russian system education. At Cambridge, St. Andrews and Oxford, the M.D. equivalent to the degree of "Doctor of Science".
    • Medical scientific work possibly without a PhD. For example, there are five-year programs for the training of researchers for clinical laboratories.
    • Additional practice is an optional stage of study that is required to access scholarship research programs and opens the way to obtaining scientific research sponsored by the state.

    Interesting facts about medical education in the UK

    Photos of medical schools in the UK


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