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The biography of Vyacheslav Volodin is known to everyone who is versed in modern Russian politics. This is a major official who different time served as first deputy head of the presidential administration, headed the government apparatus. Currently, he is the chairman of the State Duma of the seventh convocation. According to the Center for Political Technologies, his authority in the country is second only to President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

early years

Let's start telling the biography of Vyacheslav Volodin from 1964, when he was born in small village Alekseevka in the Saratov region. His father was a captain in the river fleet, and his mother was a teacher. primary school. Today, most of his relatives live in Saratov, his sister works for a large consulting firm, and his brother is on a military pension.

An important step in the biography of Vyacheslav Volodin after school was to decide on a university. The decision was made in favor of the Institute of Mechanization Agriculture, in which the hero of our article studied at the Faculty of Technology and Organization of Machine Repair.


At the institute, he not only studied diligently, but also proved himself to be an activist and a competent organizer. Volodin was the commissar of the student brigade, and eventually became the chairman of the student trade union committee. Having received a diploma, he decided not to go to work in his specialty, but to take up scientific activity, for which he entered graduate school.

Having defended his Ph. public service Volga region.

On this he decided not to stop and got the second higher education at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Russia. Here he became a graduate of the Faculty of Law, having defended his doctoral dissertation in the same field.

Political activity

The political biography of Vyacheslav Volodin, whose photo you will find in this article, began in 1990, when he was elected a deputy of the Saratov City Council. Just four years later, he was already the vice-chairman of the regional duma, and by 1996, the deputy governor of the region.

By that time, the biography of Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin was already well known to most of the inhabitants of the region, since he constantly participated in elections, usually winning. His authority and rating became so great that political scientists considered him among the contenders for victory in the next gubernatorial elections, but everything was prevented by a conflict with the current head of the region Dmitry Ayatskov. As a result, Volodin was forced to yield. He resigned his powers as vice-governor and left for Moscow, where he took up business.

To Moscow!

Thanks to common connections, he became close friends with the mayor of the capital, Yuri Luzhkov. Together they began to organize the movement "Fatherland", which expected to become the largest in the country.

So Volodin did not stay out of politics for a long time. In addition, in 1999 he won the elections to the federal parliament, becoming a deputy of the State Duma. At first, he collaborated with the Fatherland - All Russia bloc, and then went over to the side of the United Russia party and did not lose. In "ER" Volodin became secretary of the presidium, retaining this post until he moved to work in the presidential administration.

Describing the hero of our article, it should be noted that throughout all this time he was and remains a supporter of the policies of Vladimir Putin. During one of the election campaigns, it was he who uttered the phrase "No Putin - no Russia", which so excited many.


It was the support of the president that had a positive effect on his career growth in the current convocation of the State Duma. In the biography of Vyacheslav Volodin, the next step was the post of chairman of the lower house of the federal assembly. It is believed that the president himself, Vladimir Putin, recommended him for this position.

After his appointment, a number of media even suggested that Volodin could become the next candidate from the authorities for the presidency of the country.

At the same time, in the post of speaker of the State Duma about Vyacheslav Volodin, whose biography you will find in this article, there are both positive and negative reviews. Supporters note his merits in the patriotic education of youth, as well as assistance human rights organizations, and opponents are trying to draw attention to the fact that under the new chairman of the State Duma, control over the press has been tightened, in particular, the special services are especially diligently following online information versions of the media.

Among the high-profile statements and decisions made by the politician in recent years, it should be noted that he was among the authors of the bill on depriving criminals convicted of terrorism of Russian citizenship if they did not receive their passport at birth. In addition, in August, shortly after the beginning of the pension reform became known, Volodin said that in the future pensions in Russia could be completely abolished.

Doing business

Volodin is quite a wealthy man. When, in the late 1990s, he left his political career for entrepreneurial activity, then got very busy profitable business. He owned a solid stake in a company that specialized in controlling the work of fat plants in several regions at once - Novosibirsk, Saratov and Moscow regions.

In addition, the politician was previously the owner of several subsidiaries of the Solar Products holding. According to his own statements, he finally got rid of business in 2007 in order to concentrate on public service. Literally a year before, the authoritative economic publication Finance included Volodin among the most influential domestic billionaires.

Plot in "Sosny"

Being on high positions, Volodin repeatedly found himself at the center of major political scandals. So, in 2013, a number of media disseminated information that the hero of our article owns an undeclared land plot in the elite dacha cooperative "Sosny". On it, by that time, there was a landscaped area with a garden landscape, a pond and even a helipad.

True, the anti-corruption department did not reveal any violations. On the other hand, claims were made against Volodin as one of the largest co-founders of the Sosny cooperative by Rosprirodnadzor. For the installation of an illegal fence blocking the way to the Istra River, a fine was imposed, since ordinary citizens could not get to public places near the reservoir because of it.

Another scandal has recently flared up because of the mother of the speaker of the State Duma. Opposition politician Alexei Navalny has revealed that 82-year-old Lidia Barabanova, who has worked as a primary school teacher throughout her life, owns an apartment in a luxury complex called "White Swan", located in Moscow, with an area of ​​almost 400 square meters. Its cost was estimated at 230 million rubles. It also became known that the 82-year-old pensioner is actively engaged in business, as she is the owner of several agricultural enterprises in different regions of the country at once.

Volodin himself explained the acquisition of this property by income received from entrepreneurial activity back in the late 90s.

A family

The biography and personal life of Vyacheslav Volodin occupy everyone who has recently been interested in domestic politics. It is known that he met his wife when he lived in Saratov. Her name is Victoria Dmitrievna, her father was the first secretary of Ershovsky district committee back in the days of the CPSU. The wife of Vyacheslav Volodin, whose biography is in this article, is two years older than her husband. They have been married together for many years.

In the biography of Vyacheslav Volodin, personal life, wife and children, occupy the main place. The eldest daughter's name is Svetlana. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of the Moscow state university. Moreover, she graduated from the university with honors, and then defended her dissertation, becoming a candidate of legal sciences. Also, the hero of our article has two sons, who are still schoolchildren.


Volodin is known as a philanthropist, he is actively involved in charity work. In particular, he regularly transfers fairly large sums to well-known charitable organizations, including the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, Give Life by Chulpan Khamatova, and Fair Help by Elizabeth Glinka.

The politician also provides targeted support to orphanages, youth schools and children's art groups from the Saratov region.

Volodin pays great attention to the restoration of churches in his native region. For example, it was possible to revive the Ioannovsky convent in the native village of the politician Alekseevka. In 2002, on the initiative of local residents, the foundation of a new church was laid, but in fact, construction began only in 2006, when Volodin began to supervise the project. In the city of Volsk, the construction of the Trinity Cathedral was carried out. Also, with his participation, the St. Nicholas Monastery in the Pugachevsky district of the Saratov region was restored.

Politician's views

You can get an idea of ​​the views of a politician by his statements. For example, at the end of 2014, he once again confirmed his closeness to Russian President, when he said at one of the meetings of the Valdai International Club that the Russians clearly understand that the attacks on Putin are attacks on Russia, answering the question about the imposition of international sanctions.

The well-known domestic human rights activist Lyudmila Alekseeva argued that Volodin is very humane and actively helps human rights activists.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin is an important official, as well as a political Russian figure. As a very influential politician, Vyacheslav Volodin served as head of the presidential administration for quite a long time.

Since the middle of autumn in 2016, Vyacheslav Volodin has become famous as the current chairman of the State Duma. In terms of authority, this person, perhaps, occupies the third position, after President Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

Vladimir Volodin is a highly educated, well-mannered and reliable man who is ready to do a lot for the well-being of Russia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vyacheslav Volodin

All the people who follow politics in general and Volodin's career in particular want to know everything they can about this man. Including his height, weight, age. How old is Vyacheslav Volodin - one of the most popular questions.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin was born in the 64th year, which means that he is already 54 years old.

The speaker of the State Duma has a rather high growth of 178 centimeters. At the same time, he weighs 89 kilograms.

Rumors often circulate online about a politician's past in intelligence. Many people wonder if Vyacheslav Volodin is a real surname or not. An interview with a political scientist by the name of Maltsev became almost scandalous, where he said that most politicians do not have their own surnames, but Volodin has a real one.

Biography and personal life of Vyacheslav Volodin

Little Slava was born in the village of the Saratov region. His parents and other relatives still live there.

He studied well at school, loved to play sports. As a hobby, he had the study of the structure of cars. While still in high school, he began working part-time on a collective farm, and also helped his mother, who was a teacher at school, check notebooks.

The biography and personal life of Vyacheslav Volodin are impressive. After graduation, the guy entered the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. With his graduation, he received the specialty of a car repair technologist.

From the beginning of the nineties, Vyacheslav Volodin managed to go from a deputy of the Saratov city council to its deputy chairman. And later - from the vice-governor of the Saratov region to the deputy of the State Duma.

On the net, you can often find information that Vyacheslav Volodin is Putin's successor, photos indicating that he is on a "short leg" with the president. At the same time, Putin himself claims that he did not consider Volodin in this vein.

If you want to write a letter to Vyacheslav Volodin, you need to visit the official website of the Presidential Administration and enter a special section - "Reception of applications".

Family and children of Vyacheslav Volodin

The family and children of Vyacheslav Volodin are the most common. Although here, of course, there were some skeletons in the closet.

For example, on the net you can often see articles on the topic that Vyacheslav Volodin is married to the daughter of Gryzlov, who helped the politician to build a career. But in fact, it's all a lie. The politician not only has no connections with Gryzlov, but Volodin, moreover, is against the so-called "nepotism" in the service. Nevertheless, he is very careful about friendship and tries to literally support his close associates in everything.

The children of the politician Volodin, it must be said, were not publicly shown to the public. Probably for security reasons. There is information that the politician adult daughter and two small sons.

Sons of Vyacheslav Volodin

It should be noted that the sons of Vyacheslav Volodin have never appeared in public. Neither the media nor the network has any information about them, including videos and photos. At the same time, Volodin says that he doesn't hide them on purpose.

The same problem even with boys' names. Presumably, one of the sons is called Vladimir. No one knows exactly when they were born, and what they do in general. Recall that Vyacheslav Volodin mentioned his boys in the tax documentation for 2015. There is only unconfirmed information that in the same year, congratulating Volodin on his birthday, the journalists managed to chat a little with little Vova.

Daughter of Vyacheslav Volodin - Svetlana Volodina

The daughter of Vyacheslav Volodin - Svetlana Volodina was born in 1990. At school, she studied well, was lively and active.

When it came time to choose a profession, she became interested in questions legal protection, therefore, sent the documents to the Saratov Law Academy. But after a couple of years she transferred to the Moscow State University, which she eventually graduated with honors.

Svetlana is very talented. She is young, but has already been able to get degree candidate of legal sciences in the field of constitutional law. The girl is not yet married and has no children.

Wife of Vyacheslav Volodin - Victoria Volodina

The wife of Vyacheslav Volodin - Victoria Volodina - was born in the 62nd year in a very famous family. She met the future politician at a time when he lived and studied at the Saratov Institute. “Athlete, Komsomol member and simply beautiful,” Victoria was the daughter of the first secretary of the district committee of the CPSU of the Ershov region.

Envious people have repeatedly argued that the daughter of such an influential person will help Vyacheslav rapidly climb career ladder CPSU, but Volodin never used his father-in-law's connections.

Victoria Volodina is a well-mannered and educated woman, but she is absolutely not public. Every meeting and social events she prefers to create comfort in the house and take care of the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vyacheslav Volodin

Instagram and Wikipedia Vyacheslav Volodin are official public pages, so you can safely refer to them if necessary.

On the Wiki page, you can easily find information related to the career of this politician, his family, education, personal life, awards and other achievements.

On the page of the State Duma on Instagram, you can find photos and videos regarding the activities of Vyacheslav Viktorovich. There are also his comments on various issues. But on Instagram you can not find his personal profile. Only the official page of the State Duma.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin- Russian statesman and politician. Vyacheslav Volodin - Chairman of the State Duma since October 5, 2016. Vyacheslav Viktorovich in 2011-2016 was the head of the government apparatus Russian Federation. Prior to that, Volodin worked as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (2010-2011). Since 2012, Vyacheslav Volodin has been a State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

early years and the education of Vyacheslav Volodin

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin was born on February 4, 1964 in the village of Alekseevka, Khvalynsky District, Saratov Region. The Volodin family had three children.

Father - Viktor Volodin- was a captain in the river fleet. Unfortunately, he passed away early.

Mother - Lidia Petrovna Barabanova- worked as an educator kindergarten, a teacher lower grades. Then she became an entrepreneur.

Volodina's sister lives in Saratov and works in one of the consulting firms, brother was a military pensioner, he passed away.

After graduating from school, Vyacheslav Volodin entered the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (SIMSKh). In his student years, Vyacheslav Viktorovich was an activist. In junior years, he became a member of the housing and welfare commission of the trade union committee, in addition, he was the commissar of the student brigade. Since 1984, while still a student, Volodin took the full-time position of chairman of the student trade union committee of SIMS. Vyacheslav continued to work in this position until 1988 and after graduating (1986) from the institute. In 1985, Vyacheslav Viktorovich joined the ranks of the CPSU.

At his alma mater, Volodin became a graduate student and defended his dissertation in his specialty. In parallel, Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich worked as a teacher. The biography on the official website of Vyacheslav Volodin reports that he became one of the youngest candidates technical sciences in the USSR.

Career of Vyacheslav Volodin

In 1990, Vyacheslav Volodin was elected a deputy of the Saratov City Council. Further, in the biography of Vyacheslav Viktorovich, a higher step in his career appeared - from 1992 to 1994 he worked as deputy head of the administration of Saratov, and since 1994 Vyacheslav Viktorovich became deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma. During the same period, Vyacheslav Volodin served as Vice-Rector of the Volga Region Academy of Public Administration, was a professor at the Department of Constitutional Law of the PAGS, and also worked as the head of the Department of State and Regional Administration.

At the same time, Volodin managed to graduate from the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration (1995) and get a law degree. In addition, in 1996, Volodin defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "The subject of the Russian Federation: problems of power, lawmaking and management." In total, Vyacheslav Viktorovich has more than 50 scientific publications.

In the same year, Vyacheslav Viktorovich became vice-governor of the Saratov region. However, Volodin soon left the civil service and left Saratov for Moscow, where he went into business. The biography of the politician on the website of the State Duma says that he participated in the creation of companies that are part of the Solar Products holding.

However, Volodin did not take a break from his political career. Vyacheslav Viktorovich took up the problems of party building in the Fatherland movement, whose leader was Yuri Luzhkov. In 1999, Vyacheslav Viktorovich was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the III convocation from the Fatherland-All Russia bloc (OVR). Volodin took the post of deputy Evgenia Primakova. In 2001, Primakov offered him the post of the new leader of the OVR faction and introduced Volodin to the president. Vladimir Putin.

Further in the career of Vyacheslav Volodin, deputy activity prevails. Vyacheslav Viktorovich was elected to the State Duma of the fourth (2003) and fifth (2007) convocations. Volodin worked as the secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party from 2005 to 2010, and was also the first deputy head of the United Russia faction. The official biography of the politician states that Volodin joined the United Russia General Council immediately after the establishment of the party.

On October 21, 2010, Volodin was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation - after leaving this position Sergei Sobyanin a in connection with his approval for the post of mayor of Moscow.

In the 2012 presidential election, Vyacheslav Volodin participated in the election campaign of Vladimir Putin.

In 2014, Vyacheslav Volodin, along with a number of Russian statesmen, came under sanctions from the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia and Switzerland in connection with the crisis in Ukraine.

Since 2014, Vyacheslav Viktorovich has been the head of the Supervisory Board of the Higher School of Economics (HSE), since 2016 Volodin has been the chairman supervisory board society "Knowledge".

In September 2016, Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich was elected to the State Duma of the seventh convocation from the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

In 2016, Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with the leadership of the parties that won the elections, announced his support for Volodin's candidacy for the post of chairman of the State Duma of the new convocation. According to the head of state, the experience of the first deputy head of the presidential administration will allow him to support the normal work of the Duma. to the post of Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In October 2016, at the first plenary session, deputies of the seventh convocation elected Vyacheslav Volodin as Chairman of the State Duma.

“I think this is a suitable candidate. I have been watching Volodin for a long time, I note his efficiency and composure. Interesting person”, the first and last president of the USSR commented on the news about the appointment of Volodin Mikhail Gorbachev.

In the news and analytical materials, the opinion is often expressed that Vyacheslav Volodin in 2018 or 2024 is a possible candidate for the presidency of Russia.

Volodin's activities as chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation are positively or neutrally assessed by 78% of Russians.

Statements of Vyacheslav Volodin

In October 2014, at a closed meeting with members of the Valdai Club in Sochi, Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich stated that Russians perceive attacks on the president as attacks on their country and personally on themselves, so sanctions against Russia do not demoralize the country, as some expected. Then he voiced the thesis, which, in his opinion, most clearly reflects the current state of the Russian Federation and its citizens, they say, as long as "there is Putin - there is Russia, there is no Putin - there is no Russia."

In the fall of 2017, TASS, citing a participant in a meeting between Vyacheslav Viktorovich and journalists, said that Volodin himself confirmed this statement. “There was a question for Volodin: three years ago you said that if there is no Putin, there is no Russia. To this, Volodin said: if you repeat these words after me for three years, think about it for three years, then we are like-minded people. But unlike you, I am not ashamed to say this, ”the interlocutor quoted Volodin as saying.

The expression “if there is Putin, there is Russia; if there is no Putin, there is no Russia,” the president himself commented in the fall of 2014. “This, of course, is a completely wrong thesis. But the fact that for me Russia is my whole life is a completely obvious fact. I can’t imagine myself outside of Russia even for a single second.”

Vyacheslav Viktorovich does not accept the belittling of Russia. “When they start calling “Rashka” or some other synonyms, this is unacceptable, this does not exist in any country,” the news agency quoted Volodin as saying. Power comes and goes, but the country remains alone. And we should appreciate it."

In March 2017, State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin spoke about his vision of the issue of the revival of the monarchy in Russia, commenting on the news caused by the proposal Sergei Aksenov. “We live in a free country. Therefore, everyone can express a variety of points of view. But we must probably look to the future, not to the past, ”the media quoted Volodin as saying.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, in an interview with participants in the All-Russian Youth Forum "Territory of Meanings", shared what he considers happiness for himself. When one of the young people asked Volodin what his happiness was, the speaker of the State Duma replied that happiness for any person is to love his job, and for a deputy, happiness is to help people, and if a deputy receives happiness and inspiration from that, then he place, RIA Novosti reported.

In June 2017, the speaker of the lower house of the Russian parliament said that, in his opinion, the policy of sanctions against Russia and Belarus pursued by the West is similar to the genetic rejection of the Slavs. “This is already starting to cross some boundaries of reason, and one can suspect those who are behind these sanctions in the fight against the Slavs,” Volodin was quoted as saying by the news.

Income of Vyacheslav Volodin and his fortune

As is known from the declaration of Vyacheslav Volodin, the income of the speaker of the State Duma in 2016 amounted to 62.129 million rubles. Volodin's property is also indicated in the declaration: a land plot for summer cottage construction with an area of ​​8320 sq. m., residential building (989.2 sq. m.), apartment (174.30 sq. m.) and other real estate. According to the income statement for 2015, Vyacheslav Viktorovich earned about 87 million rubles

Income Volodin in 2016 seven times exceeded the income of the head of state Vladimir Putin(8.8 million rubles) and income of the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev(8.5 million rubles), was noted in the news.

Volodin sends a significant part of his income to charity. Recipients include charitable foundation"Gift a life" Chulpan Khamatova, social organization Fair Help (founded by Elizabeth Glinka- Dr. Liza), Life Line Rescue Fund for Seriously Ill Children, St. Petersburg organizations helping disabled children and many others.

In November 2013, reports from the Anti-Corruption Foundation were mentioned in the news Alexei Navalny that Volodin has an undeclared plot of land in the Sosny dacha cooperative in the Istra district of the Moscow region. In February 2014, the head of the anti-corruption department of the Presidential Administration of Russia Oleg Bad, responding to Navalny's request, explained that no violations were established, since Volodin's participation in the Sosny non-profit partnership has been carried out since February 2003, and the land was leased to him in February 2013 and will be indicated in the declaration for 2013.

Vyacheslav Volodin's personal life

Very little is said about the personal life of Vyacheslav Volodin in his biographies. It is known that Volodin's wife - Victoria (maiden name - Dmitrieva) was born in 1962. The politician's wife was the daughter former first Secretary of the Ershov District Committee of the CPSU (Saratov Region). Vyacheslav Viktorovich met his wife at the institute.

The Volodins have children. In particular, as stated in the biography of Vyacheslav Volodin, the eldest daughter Svetlana (born in 1990) graduated with honors Faculty of Law Moscow State University (according to other sources - the Higher School of Economics). The biography of the speaker of the State Duma on Wikipedia says that in November 2015, Volodin's daughter defended her thesis "Multi-party system as the basis of the constitutional system of Russia" for the degree of candidate of legal sciences (specialty - "constitutional law").

It is also reported that the Chairman of the State Duma has two sons who are much younger than his sister. But there is no information about them at all. As for Volodin's tastes, he is unpretentious in food, prefers simple Russian cuisine.

On September 23, Vladimir Putin met with the leaders of the political parties that took place following the results of the elections to the State Duma.

The head of state congratulated the meeting participants on their victory in the elections to the State Duma, the Kremlin press service reports.
Vladimir Putin also invited deputies of the State Duma of the 7th convocation to support the candidacy of Vyacheslav Volodin for the post of speaker of the lower house of parliament.

The day before, State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin was appointed head of the Foreign Intelligence Service by the President.

Vyacheslav Volodin is an experienced parliamentarian, he was a deputy of the third, fourth and fifth convocations of the Duma (that is, from 1999 to 2010; the factions "Fatherland - All Russia" and "United Russia"), and then joined the team of Vladimir Putin: first as chief of staff in Putin's government (in the position of deputy minister), then as first deputy of the presidential administration. At the same time, Volodin worked with the State Duma of the fifth convocation as deputy chairman of the State Duma.

Vyacheslav Volodin actively participated in the election campaign - he headed the regional group number 15 (Volgograd, Penza, Saratov and Tambov regions); she received the largest number of mandates on the lists of United Russia.
While Volodin was on vacation (this suggested his participation in the Duma campaign), Volodin's formal boss, Sergei Ivanov, head of the presidential administration, was fired. His place was taken by Anton Vaino, who was Volodin's deputy.

The Vedomosti newspaper, referring to anonymous sources, wrote that Volodin did not really want to go to the State Duma, but Vladimir Putin allegedly insisted on this.
A little earlier, economist Vladislav Inozemtsev wrote in a column for the same publication that Volodin's position as speaker of the State Duma is a "test": you need to see how he behaves in the public field. If Volodin passes this test, then it is possible that he will be raised even higher - to the extent that he can become Putin's successor.
Be that as it may, the political weight of Volodin is higher than the political weight of Sergei Naryshkin, so the influence of the State Duma may increase, and the lower house itself has a chance to get rid of the image of a “mad printer”.

Biography of the future speaker of the lower house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Volodin Vyacheslav Viktorovich, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration

Born on February 4, 1964 in the village of Alekseevka, Khvalynsky District, Saratov Region.
After leaving school, he entered the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (SIMSKh), graduating in 1986.
In 1984-1988 worked for position chairman of the student trade union committee of the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization.
He joined the CPSU in 1985.
In 1986, after graduating from the Faculty of Organization and Technology of Machine Repair of the Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization (SIMSKh), he entered graduate school as a mechanical engineer and defended his Ph.D. thesis in his specialty.
Since 1986 - in teaching.
In 1990 he was elected to the Saratov City Council.
Since 1992 - Deputy Head of the Administration of Saratov.
Since 1994 - Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma.
In 1993-1996, he worked as a vice-rector at the Volga Personnel Center (since 1995 - the Volga Region Academy of Public Administration), was a professor at the Department of Constitutional Law of the PAGS, head of the Department of State and Regional Administration.
In 1995, he graduated from the Russian Presidential Academy of Public Administration with a degree in law, the following year he became a Doctor of Law (dissertation topic: “The subject of the Russian Federation: problems of power, lawmaking and management”).
In 1996 - vice-governor of the Saratov region. After a conflict with the then governor Dmitry Ayatskov, he left the civil service and left for Moscow, where he went into business, and then - party building in the Fatherland movement, which was headed by Yuri Luzhkov.
In 1996, at the St. Petersburg Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he defended his doctoral dissertation "The subject of the Russian Federation: problems of power, lawmaking and management."
In 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation from the Fatherland - All Russia bloc.
Becomes deputy head, and since September 2001 - head of the OVR faction.
In the parliamentary elections of 2003, he was elected to the State Duma of the fourth convocation in the single-mandate Balakovo constituency No. 156, having received the support of 82% of voters who came to the polls.
Since 2005 - Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party.
In 2007 he was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation.
Since 2009 - Head of the Department of State Construction of the Faculty government controlled Moscow State University.
Candidate of Technical Sciences, author of more than 50 publications.
On October 21, 2010, he was appointed to the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation after the dismissal of Sergei Sobyanin in connection with his approval for the post of Mayor of Moscow.
From February 2, 2007 to October 21, 2010 - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation.
Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia party.
On September 23, 2011, by the decision of the party congress, he was removed from the presidium.
On October 21, 2010, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation.
On December 27, 2011, he was appointed First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
In the 2012 presidential election, he participated in the election campaign of V.V. Putin.
On May 12, 2014, he was sanctioned by the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia and Switzerland in connection with the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.
On April 22, 2014, Volodin joined the Supervisory Board of the Higher School of Economics (HSE) and headed it.

Photo by Konstantin Khalin

The parliamentarian, who has known the Kremlin official for 23 years, wrote in a birthday greeting that he never betrayed those around him “when others turned their backs on them.”

Deputy of the State Duma from the Saratov region Olga Batalina posted on her Facebook page a congratulation on the birthday of the first deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia Vyacheslav Volodin. In particular, Batalina reports that the influential native of the Saratov region "has a wonderful family, a real reliable rear - a mother, wife, adult daughter, two little sons," whom he protects.

“Happy birthday, Vyacheslav Viktorovich! In the 23 years that I have known you, I have seen you in different situations. And you never changed your life principles. And they did not betray those who are close to you when others turned away from them. Your decency, which someone may take for weakness, is actually one of the most strengths that draws people to you. Few people know how to appreciate good human relations as much as you do, and cherish them, ”Olga Batalina turned to Vyacheslav Volodin via Facebook ( official page in this American social network Volodin does not have - approx. ed.)

It should be noted that in the declarations in which officials must report the income of spouses and minor children, Vyacheslav Volodin indicated two sons last year. Also, the first deputy head of the presidential administration has an adult daughter, Svetlana Volodina, last year on the topic “Multi-party system as the basis of the constitutional system of Russia” at the Saratov Law Academy. There is no information about the wife of Vyacheslav Volodin in official documents, he did not indicate information about her income in the declaration.

Unlike President Vladimir Putin, Vyacheslav Volodin does not hide his children. Last year, he invited several journalists to his country house (Aleksei Navalny's Anti-Corruption Foundation made a report on the plot and buildings on it) and introduced him to his two-year-old son Vova, Volodin's youngest son was sleeping at that time.

In addition, Volodin showed reporters his Alabai, nicknamed Bagira, and told that he was learning to fly a helicopter, and also assured them that the beds on his site were not “marble”, as Alexei Navalny claimed.

The name of Vyacheslav Volodin has recently been mentioned not only in connection with his state activities. So, in the public sphere, the personal life of an official is actively discussed. The disgraced clergyman Vsevolod Chaplin, in particular, stated that Volodin should respond to rumors about his non-traditional sexual orientation. Chaplin also spoke of Volodin's presidential ambitions. Earlier, an article was published in which it was reported that LGBT activist Nikolai Alekseev disseminated information about the homosexuality of a number of political figures in Russia at the direction of the US State Department. The article also provided a document confirming this version. However, later the US Embassy not only, but also pointed out to journalists the spelling errors in it. Then banners with the Izvestia logo appeared in Moscow. The publication stated that they had nothing to do with advertising products and promised to sue the customers who placed the posters.

Last week, the Svobodnye Novosti news agency posted on its website about the presidential ambitions of Vyacheslav Volodin, asking readers if they were ready to give him their votes. It was not possible to obtain objective results, as the survey was attacked by bots. As a result, the majority of votes in the editorial poll turned out to be incumbent President Vladimir Putin. The option that Vyacheslav Volodin has no presidential ambitions also turned out to be popular. You can read more about the results of the survey Anatoly Leontiev, system administrator of the news agency Svobodnye Novosti.


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