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Another business option for women is growing indoor plants for sale. It is worth mentioning right away that this option is mainly suitable for those who are fond of floriculture and have certain knowledge in this area, and also do not pursue quick earnings.

Such a business is associated with many difficulties, the main of which is high competition. Today, indoor plants can be bought anywhere: from large hypermarkets to small stalls or private traders selling in the markets.

Therefore, it is worth mentioning right away that selling what is already sold everywhere is a dead end. “It is necessary to interest the buyer in the rarity or appearance of the plant, few people need ordinary things,” says Denis, an entrepreneur from Lipetsk. At the same time, what exactly your customers need will have to be determined only empirically, and this will take a lot of time, and you will have to grow a lot of flowers.

Don't count on quick profit either. Mainly because growing an indoor flower is not a quick business, and there is no way to speed up the process. You can, of course, sell very young plants, but this is not so profitable. The larger the plant, the higher its price: between a plant with a height of 70 cm and 90 cm, the difference in price is more than 500 rubles.

But a houseplant business can be started with minimal investment. To expand a full-scale business on indoor flowers, you will need enough free space to accommodate them, as well as various devices, which will help create the atmosphere the plants need: fluorescent lamps, humidifiers, fertilizers. And of course, you will need pots, soil and sprouts.

At first, it is not necessary to get down to business so seriously: it is enough to sell only 2-3 plants, and gradually expand the assortment with the proceeds. This approach at the same time will allow you to understand which flowers are in the greatest demand.

True, one has to rely on solid revenue in such a business only with a sufficiently large number of customers - from several dozen people. And this means that you will have to grow several dozen plants.

Along with plants, you can also sell all sorts of related products: pots, soil, suitable fertilizers. This will increase the average check without spending a lot of time.

By the way, it is highly desirable to attach care instructions to each flower put up for sale. Remember that in addition to the rarity of the plant big role for this business plays and its quality, as well as the quality of the soil and capacity.

You can sell rare plants directly from home, while buyers will take them out on their own. You can also negotiate with flower stalls and give them your plants for sale. Although such resellers prefer to work with more or less large flower bases.

Probably everyone would like to earn a lot of money. And this should not be surprising! After all, everyone would like to provide their family with money and provide them with a luxurious life. And therefore, in order to achieve this goal, some people get several jobs at once. Meanwhile, other residents are trying to find for themselves interesting activity, which can bring not only good profit, but also good mood. Today, such an occupation is a business idea: growing flowers, which will appeal to many modern women and men. Now it’s worth understanding the features of such a business and understanding the key points in this.

Growing flowers as a business: Business specifics

Growing flowers at home is one that is popular in many cities of our world. In order to receive real money from such a business, you need:

  • grow flowers;
  • wait for the order;
  • deliver products to the customer.

Business Idea: Growing Flowers: Where to Start

Growing flowers for sale at home should start first of all with the execution of all the necessary papers. It is worth saying that an entrepreneur in this case can arrange his own activities in the form of:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurship.
  2. Registration of the owner of his own household plot.

It is worth noting that the second form of activity has a number of advantages. However, for such a form of registration, it is necessary to have a land plot in the property. It is also worth noting that you will not have to pay taxes for flowers grown on your territory. Also, in this case, it will not be necessary to maintain mandatory accounting.

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To register an individual entrepreneur, you must go through state registration by activity code 01.12.2. In this case, the most appropriate system of taxation is the single agricultural tax. This form of tax provides for the accrual and payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of the profit that was obtained from the cultivation of flowers.

What flowers to grow for business

Big profits can be made if you start growing flowers in the winter. However, this business is not suitable for a budding entrepreneur. After all, growing flowers in a greenhouse will require special knowledge and special skills. In addition, to open such a business, you will need significant funds. Therefore, it is better to start a business on your own personal plot. Moreover, growing flowers in the country is suitable for those people who do not have good start-up capital. AT summer time tulips, roses, daffodils are much cheaper. However, there is no need to worry. After all, the entrepreneur will receive good experience. What's more, selling flowers during the summer can save you money that you can later spend on expanding your business.

You can earn money from growing seedlings of flowers. It is worth saying that at present the sale of seedlings can bring significant profit. And all because many homeowners prefer to buy seedlings of various annual plants that bloom ahead of time and delight with their beautiful views all summer long. It is worth saying that such a business requires a certain amount of time. In addition, for growing seedlings, you need to find a suitable place and pay great attention to this process. As for profit, flower seedlings are notable for their low cost. However, due to the amount of material sold, you can get quite a good income.

Growing flowers as a business is a special business. There are subtleties here. Two options for growing flowers have already been described above. Now it’s worth talking about another option for growing flowers. So it turns out you can make good money growing houseplants.

It is worth saying that almost all people love to decorate their houses and apartments with indoor plants. People in this case buy large and small specimens of flowers that take pride of place in any living room. Therefore, such a business can bring an excellent income to the entrepreneur even in the cold seasons.

Even an apartment in which there is a bright room is suitable for breeding indoor flowers. However, the best option would be a private house with good heating and high-quality lighting. Flowers in this case will receive favorable conditions for growth, and they will not interfere with the household. A novice entrepreneur should be warned that this business is a very painstaking business that requires a lot of time and careful care of the plants.

Business idea: growing flowers: Selling goods

In order for the idea for a business: growing flowers to bring good profit, you need to decide how this product will be sold. Flowers can be sold independently to end consumers. It is also possible to sell flowers in bulk to resellers. If the flower business is family business, then for the sale of goods it is recommended to choose an independent sale of products.

The sale of flowers through wholesalers is also profitable business. However, certain agreements and the signing of some papers will be required here.

How to grow flowers: Instructions for growing flowers

In order for the flower business to bring good profit, the following conditions must be observed.

Flowers are recommended to be grown in a greenhouse. This approach will make the flowering period of plants much longer. For growing flowers, you should choose warm and well-heated rooms. In the greenhouse, it is recommended to grow not only ready-made flowers, but also seedlings for further sale. In spring, the following are in high demand:

  • marigold,
  • petunias,
  • saffron,
  • asters,
  • morning glory.

A greenhouse for growing flowers can even be arranged in the attic of a private or country house. However, in this case, the room must be insulated and all the cracks in it must be sealed.

For competent cultivation of flowers, it is worth taking care of competent lighting and proper humidity in the room. It is also worth thinking about proper watering and proper feeding of plants.


by the most profitable business is a flower business. With a competent approach, the income from this business can be 300% even with a small investment. If we talk about costs, then the money will have to be spent on the purchase of seeds and on the further maintenance of plants.

Selling flowers makes a big profit holiday time. With careful attention to such a case, the cost of such a business can pay off in a few months.

You can use advertising to promote your business.

The market of flower products is a direct reflection of the overall development of the country, the well-being of its citizens. This is due to the fact that freshly cut flowers are not included in the everyday "must-have" of consumers, but are bought purely for aesthetic reasons. Let's try to figure out how profitable it is to open your own flower greenhouse in the current realities.

Briefly about the market

The first thing to know about flower business is that the market is characterized by pronounced seasonality. The main share of sales falls on February, March, May, September and December(that is, during the holidays). The dynamics of demand throughout the year looks like this:

Diagram 1. Seasonality in the cut flower market, % Source: According to Rosstat

When creating your own business, it is important to understand that seasonality must be taken into account not only when developing a plan for planting and growing flowers in greenhouses, but also when pricing. With the rise in demand, there is a steady increase in prices by several times. But consumers are already quite calm about this phenomenon.

Seasonality also affects the flowers themselves: in March they buy tulips, in May - carnations. Roses always remain the leader of sales.

An important point on the market is that the demand for flowers of the low price segment exceeds the demand for expensive products. Previously, it was predicted that the incomes of Russians would grow, and consumers would buy more expensive varieties and types of flowers, but due to the unstable economic situation in 2014, the forecasts did not come true: the number of buyers who value the quality of flowers and the professionalism of florists decreased compared to 2013 .

Based on market trends in Russia, it is most expedient to plant low and medium price segments in greenhouses at the beginning of the activity. At the same time, no more than 25-30% should be allocated to the low one, since domestic consumers, no matter what, always try to find the best value for money so as not to feel deceived.

Few numbers:

Market volume, billion rubles - 134 billion rubles
The share of imports is about 90%

Sales volume of flowers in Russia

The market volume of cut flowers in physical terms in 2013 amounted to 1.75 billion pieces. Given the trend of previous years, the market growth rate will continue and will be approximately 1.95 billion units. by the end of 2014. For 2015, market experts predict - 2.15 billion units.

Diagram 2. Market volume of cut flowers in real terms, billion pieces, 2011-15 Source: Federal Statistics Service

In monetary terms, the market will grow more actively: due to the depreciation of the ruble, the price of flowers in 2014-2015. will rise and, accordingly, the market volume will increase (the market growth rate will increase to 20% from the previously predicted 11%).

Diagram 3. Market volume of cut flowers in monetary terms, billion rubles, 2011-15 Source: Federal Statistics Service

It is predicted that in 2014 the market volume will amount to 134 billion rubles, and in 2015 - 160.8 billion rubles.

Flower deliveries in Russia

The market for cut flowers is dependent on imports - its share in sales is about 90%. The reason for this was earlier outdated technologies and the natural conditions of Russia, which provide some difficulties when competing in price with flowers produced in natural conditions (for example, Ecuador).

The cost price was earlier higher than air delivery and customs clearance at the border. And all because of the high cost of heating greenhouses. Therefore, the market was mainly engaged in retail.

But given the current exchange rate (about 55 rubles for 1 dollar), Russian-made flower products are becoming more and more competitive in price.

In addition, there is a threat of a ban on the import of flowers into the territory of the Russian Federation. So far, the embargo has not officially affected this group of goods, but in reality, customs clearance processes are delayed due to more detailed phytosanitary control, and the goods, accordingly, lose their freshness and deteriorate. appearance.

If we consider in more detail the issues of importing flower products, then it is worth distinguishing between producing countries and importing countries, since, regardless of the growing region, flowers are transferred through the Netherlands.

The following countries producing fresh flowers are represented on the market:

Diagram 4. Distribution of producing countries by volume of deliveries in physical terms in the Russian Federation, 2013 Source: Federal Customs Service

The Netherlands is the leader in production and supply. Their share in the total amounted to 44.7%. The second and third places were taken by Ecuador and Colombia with shares - 36% and 13% respectively. The rest of the countries share less than 7% of supplies.

At the same time, flowers from exotic countries (for example, Ghana, etc.) are delivered periodically to the same customer, which indicates high competition in the market. retailer, florists, as they try to offer something unique and fresh at the same time.

But such flowers are supplied only in 2-3 kg, so it is not recommended to grow exclusive varieties, as they will not bring significant income.

In monetary terms, the volume of imports is:

Diagram 5. Volume of imports, billion rubles, 2012-2015 Source: Federal Customs Service

The share of imports in total sales is constantly decreasing: in 2012 it was 90%, and in 2014 - 88%. At the same time, it is predicted that in 2015 import substitution will occur by another 3% - up to 85%.

In the structure of supplies of fresh cut flowers, 43% fall on roses. They are followed by chrysanthemums with a 22% share of imports. In third place are cloves (11%).

Diagram 6. The structure of flowers in the total volume of imports (in physical terms), %, 2013 Source: Federal Customs Service

Other flowers account for 24% of import deliveries.

In general, the structure of imports corresponds to market trends: roses are a clear leader in sales.

Russian manufacturers on the market

Let's now return to domestic production.

The volume of sales of cut flowers grown in Russia in 2013 amounted to 12.8 billion rubles, an increase of 22% compared to 2012. It is predicted that the growth rate will increase, and in 2015 sales of domestic products will amount to 24.1 billion rubles.

Diagram 7. Sales volume of cut flowers of domestic producers, billion rubles, 2012-14 Source: Federal Statistics Service

The low share of Russian flower growers is explained by the fact that manufacturers often did not comply with production and transportation technologies, which affects the durability of flowers, their ability to look good for a longer time.

Also, another disadvantage is that it is mainly offered in small quantities (up to 3,000 pieces at a time), against the 100,000 colors that large retailers need.

Importers, in turn, are interested in selling only large lots, which created such a situation on the market.

At the same time, in recent years, the cultivation of flowers in Russia and their sale has been increasing. Manufacturers have understood their shortcomings, and are trying to constantly improve technological processes.

The market is also growing due to the fact that over the past few years new greenhouses have been opened all the time. The most interesting project in 2014 was the opening of a greenhouse for growing roses in the village of Tengushevo, Mordovian Republic.

The project promises to be profitable, as the most modern technologies production that will provide decent and highly competitive products. In total, investors spent - 400 million rubles.

Founders plan while using all design capacity borrow 15% domestic market.

Another driver of the growth of Russian products on the market is that consumer preferences have changed towards freshness and naturalness, which, in turn, requires the absence of chemicals. Domestic producers have a significant advantage here - flowers get on store shelves 1-2 days after they are cut.

As a result, the recommendations regarding the opening of the greenhouse complex are positive. Right now it is possible, having picked up the wave of the market, to have time to gain a foothold on it, and contribute not only to import substitution, but also to GDP growth in the country.

If the sanctions also affect the flower market, then only due to the embargo on the products of the Netherlands, the supply will be reduced by 40%. This deficit will need to be covered in the shortest possible time, which makes it possible to open at least ten medium-sized enterprises or five large ones.

Despite the negative forecasts for importers, the most favorable time for producers is now beginning.

Other business options

If you have a small amount of investment, but the market is interested, try yourself in flower vending - selling flowers through vending machines. This type of business is actively developing in the West. But it is worth considering that you will be an intermediary between the supplier and the buyer, which means that the risks are higher - 6-10% of products will be constantly written off.

The machines themselves should be placed in places where there is a high traffic of people and in a conspicuous place. So a guy running past on a date will definitely stop to buy a flower or a bouquet.

You can also try to open a franchised greenhouse complex, having gone through the experience of a successful player in the market. At the same time, it should be understood that you will need to follow the rules and instructions of the parent company, and not play by your own rules. But then again - this will give you access to large retailers. There are pros and cons (although there are undoubtedly more advantages).

There are other options for managing entrepreneurial activity in the flower industry, but the main thing is to explore all the possibilities and risks - so you will always be on top!

Material prepared consulting group Success Brand Management

Used sources:

  • Federal Service State Statistics
  • Federal Customs Service
  • Interview with Guzel Akmaeva - founder of the FleurdeLys floristry studio, published on the information news portal

At present, all over the world, including in Russia, large and small businesses are developing at a rapid pace. It is difficult to imagine modern economic relations without private firms, shops, cafes and restaurants. All these establishments are owned by private entrepreneurs. Small business is especially widespread in our country. It includes many different industries, including trade, services and entertainment, and farming. Let's take a closer look at the latter. Farming includes not only animal breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping, but also the cultivation of plants, including flowers. Floriculture is very widespread. Almost every woman loves to buy and grow her own flowers. For many, it's just a hobby, and for some, it's a way to make money.

Growing flowers as a business is a simple activity, but it requires a lot of time, nerves and certain skills. The advantage of such an entrepreneurship is that the flowers sell very well, especially in holidays: March 8, February 14, May 9, on New Year. Flowers are a good gift or an addition to it, it is a sign of attention from a man. Let us consider in more detail the main directions of the flower growing business.

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Basic flower business ideas

The plan for organizing such a way of making money can be very diverse. You can grow flowers in a greenhouse in your own house or in the country, and then sell them. The second option is to open your own shop or flower shop. In addition, you can breed both garden plants and indoor plants. Demand for both is still high. A business plan for growing flowers includes a whole list of provisions, namely: determining the main direction, that is, what you want to grow, determining the client base and points of sale, proper care for plants, breeding them, a plan for how to grow them in a greenhouse, determining the cost and so on.

The very first step is to make a choice: what to grow. It can be garden flowering plants: lilies, gladioli, dahlias, asters and others. Ornamental perennial garden plants are in great demand. They are called decorative because they do not bloom. Their main decoration is beautifully shaped leaves, the ability to grow for decades and reproduce well. In addition to gardening, you can organize the cultivation of indoor plants. Saintpaulias, orchids, cacti and ornamental plants such as ficuses, various palm trees, climbing flowers are in great demand. It all depends on the preferences of the future entrepreneur. If this is a woman, then the business should be more successful. It is not uncommon to see male flower growers nowadays, but growing flowers is still a female occupation.

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Cultivation of garden flowers

So, the plan must begin with the allocation of land. This may be a plot of a private house, cottage or separately purchased or leased land. It is quite expensive to rent land, so flower cultivation usually takes place on the owners' private lands. The area of ​​the site depends on the range and number of flowers. If these are large plants, such as peonies or dahlias, then one ridge is not enough. It will take a few hundred. Flowers can be grown both on open ground (in the ground) and in a greenhouse. The greenhouse should be spacious so that the plants have enough space. The advantage of the greenhouse method of growing is that certain microclimatic conditions are created in it: high temperature, humidity. In addition, the greenhouse protects plants from adverse factors. environment: wind, low temperatures, precipitation, pests. In a greenhouse, flowers will be more comfortable than in ordinary soil.

Depending on what flowers are in the assortment, breeding and cultivation should be different. The business plan also includes the purchase of seedlings or plant seeds. You can buy mature flowers and propagate them. Seedlings can be planted both in spring and summer. Lilies, for example, are best planted in the fall, dahlias and peonies in the spring. Before planting, it is necessary to dig a hole in accordance with the size of the plant, pour water into it, sprinkle fertilizer, you can use manure, and plant it.

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Flower care: fertilizer and watering

Breeding flowers requires constant care for them.

The plan for organizing it is quite simple. It includes watering, loosening the earth, fertilizer, spraying from pests. In the hot season, flowers should be watered as the earth dries, but at least once a week. Otherwise, the flowers may die or they will become weak and will give meager shoots, few peduncles. Breeding flowers is a rather long and hard work. Flowers are very often affected by various pests: mites, flies. The plan for their recovery is the use of modern insecticides that destroy all types of pests. In the greenhouse, such events may not be needed, since the conditions there are somewhat different.

Cultivation of garden flowers implies their reproduction. It can be in the form of cuttings, budding, popular and breeding by shoots. Lilies, for example, are bred by dividing the bulb. If a large bulb is planted in the first year, then in a year it will give babies (bulb embryos), and a year later several bulbs will already appear from one. Dahlias reproduce by dividing their root system. Rose - by cuttings, aster - by seeds. Thus, by planting many flowers at a time, in a couple of years you can increase their number, and then the increase will go exponentially.

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Growing indoor plants

Currently, in any city there are flower shops selling indoor flowers. It is quite profitable and. The plan for breeding indoor flowers is practically no different from that written above for garden ones. Here, too, you need to buy seeds, layering or seedlings. You can buy it from private flower growers, on the market, in flower shops. Plants should be planted in pots or other small containers. Many people use improvised means for this, such as disposable cups, plastic bottles and more. All this allows you to save some money, because one small flower pot in the store will cost about rubles, and hundreds of them may be needed.

All flowers should have a well-developed root system. Otherwise, they may not take root and die. Breeding them is a little different from garden plants. Here, flowers are mainly propagated by leaves, layering, cuttings. Saintpaulias (violets) are bred with leaves. Cuttings - house roses. Layering - many ornamental plants. To do this, you need to break off the sheet and put it for a while in a container of water. From above, you can cover the plant to create an airless environment. This will have a positive effect on the growth of the root system. You need to wait until the root system appears, then you should plant a new plant in the ground.

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Indoor flower care

The plan for caring for indoor flowers practically does not differ from garden ones, only more optimal conditions are created in the room. Breeding flowers should take into account their growing characteristics. Some plants are very whimsical: they need the sun, painstaking care. It is best to plant them on window sills or a veranda, that is, in sunny and warm places. Climbing plants, such as ivy, are best hung on a wall or ceiling so that its branches can slide along the surface. All this is of great importance, otherwise the cultivation of flowers will be a futile exercise, because the main plan is to profit.

After the number of flowers has multiplied, you need to sell them. This can be done in a variety of ways. The hardest part is building your own shop. The second is to sell flowers in the market. If they are grown in a greenhouse, this is an indicator of their good condition and care. Another option is to sell plants at wholesale prices to various stores. But here you need to keep in mind that whatever price you ask, the store owner will make a markup on its original cost in order to benefit from it.

On sale today you can find cut flowers and potted ones. Both are popular with buyers. The difference can only be that the cut sells better on the eve of the holidays, and people buy indoor flowers in pots all year round. Using the example of many entrepreneurs, it has been proven that growing fresh flowers as a business is a fairly profitable area of ​​activity, and you can start in the country or. The key to success is the proper organization of plantations for cultivation and marketing policy enterprises.

How to start growing flowers

We will immediately focus on the legal aspect of registration of activities, since the registration stage legal entity involves the choice of taxation system. An entrepreneur has two ways to formalize his business activities:

  1. Registration of the owner of a personal household plot.

The latter form of activity has a number of advantages in terms of taxation, but a mandatory requirement for its registration is the presence of a land plot in the dacha owned by the entrepreneur. For the income received, which will bring the cultivation of flowers for sale on your own territory, you will not have to pay taxes and maintain mandatory accounting. Another disadvantage of the activities of private household plots is the impossibility of independent retail sales grown products. Such a business in the country will not be full-fledged. Sales take place mainly through wholesale buyers who set their own prices. It is practically impossible to dictate pricing to resellers, since the owner of a land plot in the country has no alternative, and unscrupulous wholesalers take advantage of this. However, at the initial stage, while the entrepreneur accumulates funds for expansion, a business in this form is quite acceptable.

To open an individual entrepreneur, you will need to go through state registration under the activity code 01.12.2 “Ornamental gardening and production of nursery products”. The most appropriate system of taxation is the single agricultural tax. It provides for the accrual and payment of tax liabilities in the amount of 6% of the profit that the cultivation of flowers for sale will bring.

What flowers are best grown for business?

The biggest income can be obtained from the sale of flowers in the winter. However, it requires certain skills and knowledge. For a novice entrepreneur, such an experience can be unsuccessful, and the business can burn out without earning. Usually, planting cut flowers is practiced in the backyard. Growing flowers in your own garden a good option for entrepreneurs who do not have a large initial capital investment. Roses, tulips, daffodils are cheaper in summer, but invaluable experience will be gained. The entrepreneur must study the features of agricultural technology, pruning and fertilizing flowers. In addition, the sale of plants will help save money that will be needed to purchase and equip a greenhouse.

The second option is to grow flower seedlings for sale. Most summer residents buy young plants of petunias, purslane, violets and other decorative annuals for landscaping their plots. Most of these plants are available as home growing in the country. Then they bloom earlier and delight their owners with flowers all season long. Not every summer resident in a city apartment has enough space to grow flowers open ground, and it is necessary to take care of young sprouts painstakingly, and this takes time. Seedlings of annual flowering plants are most often bought. It is relatively inexpensive, and due to the amount of planting material sold, the entrepreneur gets a decent income. This business is seasonal.

Another option for making money on flowers is the reproduction and cultivation of indoor plants. These are not always beautifully flowering specimens. People decorate their homes simply with exotic plants with green leaves, and their sizes can be very different. Growing indoor flowers for sale can be started at home, which, again, will significantly reduce the cost of starting a business. With a sufficient number of well-lit rooms, flowers can be placed even in a city apartment. Experts recommend using a heated house in the country or outside the city for growing indoor plants. And the plants will be so comfortable, and they will not interfere with the household. This business is painstaking, it requires daily care of the future product and a long time.

How to sell flowers

First you need to decide whether the entrepreneur will sell flowers to end consumers on his own or wholesale to resellers. The first option is more profitable, but requires separation from the main business - growing plants. If the cultivation of flowers for sale has a family format, then this method is best suited. The sale of goods will always be under control, the seller is interested in selling, the business is transparent, and the owner himself will be able to control the situation on flower plantations.

Work with wholesale buyers also not without common sense. Delivery of products to outlets, renting a room or a tent for it requires certain costs. Wholesalers help to avoid these expenses.


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