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Suffering, such a person is able to withdraw, quarrel with loved ones, only exacerbating the situation. Often the harmony of the inner world collapses when a person experiences crucial moment in his life or is in an uncomfortable state:

  1. Various transitional ages, searching for oneself in new life circumstances (adolescent, youthful, maturity, old age);
  2. Conflicts of interpersonal relationships (quarrels, unhappy love, tarnished reputation, unfair treatment);
  3. Loss of livelihood (layoff, house fire);
  4. Unbearable living conditions (poverty, a despot parent, an asocial spouse, problem children, illness of relatives who need constant care);
  5. Serious physical (less often mental) diseases, injuries;
  6. Loss of a loved one;
  7. Dissatisfaction with the available opportunities, the desire to have more than it turns out to earn;
  8. Feeling of loneliness, sexual dissatisfaction;
  9. Unrealized internal potential, dissatisfaction with oneself about this;
  10. Other depressed states.

How to understand why the harmony of the inner world is collapsing?

Our subconscious is so arranged that it suppresses, hides very deeply what causes internal conflict. Thus, it is easier for a person to cope with serious stress. But an unresolved acute condition turns into a chronic one, and this applies not only to problems of physical health, but also mental. Often, waking up, we don’t even know why the mood is bad, but inside there is some kind of “stone”.

If you recognize yourself in this situation, it is worth conducting a small "audit" of the hidden: write down everything that annoys, hurts, worries you. The longer the list, the better. You can spend several days on this, watching yourself, as it were, from the outside, from above. Imagine that you are simply studying an outsider. When the list is impartially compiled, begin the next stage.

How to find inner harmony

Go through each item on the list. On the contrary, indicate what needs to be done to fix the problem. If this is not possible or only partially possible, do everything in your power. When there are items on the list that you cannot change, begin deep moral work on the problem. Convince yourself, get through to the subconscious and change your attitude to trouble!

What can be changed:

  1. change place of work;
  2. Starting to save money, solve important problems of everyday life;
  3. By changing habits, improve well-being (get enough sleep, follow a diet, quit smoking, drinking, not sitting at the computer all day);
  4. Establish relationships with loved ones, understanding the essence of conflicts. Learn to forgive and life will become easier;
  5. Tidy up the house, throw out all the rubbish. The convenience of everyday life often smooths out internal stress and vice versa;
  6. Learn to give without asking in return. makes a person happy;
  7. Stop dwelling on failures, focus on what works. This will increase self-esteem, increase personal effectiveness (even things that were not given before will be obtained);
  8. Love yourself with all the flaws, but work on your own shortcomings. Victory over oneself is the strongest achievement of a person;
  9. Limit communication with unpleasant people, see more often those who give joy;
  10. Help someone who is in a worse situation. You will see that everything is not so bad with you;
  11. Learn self-sufficiency, especially for women who "chain" men with chains. The latter, unable to stand it, run away. Which in turn causes depression. Believe me, a person who is interested in life and in solitude attracts others;
  12. Expand your horizons, make new acquaintances, read more - and you will not have time for gloomy thoughts;
  13. Start the day with a smile, even if cats are scratching your soul;
  14. Exercise, find time for physical activity. When muscles work, special hormones are produced that are "responsible" for joy and happiness;
  15. Make love to your loved one regularly. Learn not only to receive, but also to give. By the way, women can sometimes take the initiative :). If you have not yet found your soul mate, you can drive off "excess energy" in the gym or pool;
  16. Learn how to constructively resolve conflicts. The purpose of the argument should be to solve the problem, and not to "release" one's indignation;
  17. "Get" yourself a hobby so as not to be bored when there is nothing to do;
Harmony is a certain type of degree, where qualitative opposites are in qualitative unity and integrity. We often think about our spiritual well-being, trying to understand what is the essence of this word? In my opinion, the ability to coexist with people, empathize, understand, help makes us "cleaner", wiser, kinder, draws people's attention - you become needed by someone and you understand that you have a significant role in this life. This is, in fact, happiness. But isn't happiness a consequence of harmony? After all, when a person is calm and there is no burden on his soul, then everything is subject to him. More than once in a magazine or newspaper I had the opportunity to read the words that the body and soul are in perfect harmony. This means that a person appreciates himself, his qualities, his body is like an addition to the soul, its perfection. The harmony of the soul can be compared with the harmony of nature and man.

Recently, we do not appreciate what she gives us at all, we accept her gifts, while also bringing harm. But they say that if a person learned to appreciate nature and took up its restoration, then she would thank him a hundredfold. Then we would be in complete harmony with her: she - to us, we - to her. Everyone would enjoy all the privileges, but also knew the measure, was calm that in a hundred, two hundred, a thousand years there would still be something to take from her. Is this not happiness? Isn't the possibility of a calm, kind, charming future and faith in oneself a harmony?

Each of us is trying to tear off a tidbit from the general happiness. Everything in life a person does in order to be happy. And it doesn't matter when it happens. Perhaps in youth, and most importantly, we are chasing our happiness in order to feel, understand what it is, take a sip of it and believe in ourselves forever. It is not known who gives it to us, whether it is God, or we ourselves get it by our own efforts. I wonder if this cup of happiness exists, and what does it consist of? In my opinion, to be happy means to enjoy every new day, to see parents and friends healthy and cheerful; have a purpose in life and believe that dreams come true. But on the other hand, this is spiritual harmony.

When a person wakes up in the morning, sees the sun outside the window, rejoices that a new day has come, which is full of adventures, experiences, he understands and believes that perhaps today a star will appear in the sky that will have his name. This is harmony and happiness. These are two concepts that complement each other and become inseparable.

Today many people are not happy. If you ask them why? They will name many reasons, and not one of them will be significant, since the main one is the lack of harmony of the soul. These people simply do not have willpower, do not try to believe in themselves, appreciate life as the only opportunity to make mistakes and correct them.

Human happiness is determined by many different factors. However, its basis is inner harmony. It can be described as the absence of any contradictions in itself. The real key to prosperity and harmony must be sought not through the external conditions in which a person is forced to live, but within himself. It is absolutely necessary to engage in your spiritual development. Literally translated from Greek, harmony means order, connection, agreement, conformity, proportion. Harmony brings together many different elements into a unity. Thus, harmony embodies the relationship between opposite factors and properties. If a person is in harmony with the whole world, then this can be considered as the greatest value. The whole life depends on the degree of harmony of a person. The level of inner harmony will also determine relationships with other people. Do this experiment for yourself. Just watch two people. At the same time, one person should be harmonious, while the other should not. Now think about which one is the most pleasant for you. Obviously, a harmonious person will be awarded your sympathy. Those people who lack inner harmony often have flaws in appearance. Their environment, work, leisure needs obvious changes.

On the contrary, an internally harmonious person will literally radiate love as for himself. It will also reflect on those around you. Usually such people are very calm. They are truly able to enjoy their own lives and enjoy the little things. Harmonious people can be called self-sufficient. Such people will not stoop to gossip, criticism of someone. You will not hear from them and discontent. Such people will not assert themselves at the expense of others. Peace will be read in the eyes of a harmonious person. When you are close to such people, you will definitely feel their boundless charm and strength. Other people intuitively will be drawn to a harmonious person. After all, special wisdom and true knowledge are felt from them. Only in harmonious people desires will necessarily coincide with opportunities. How to bring your state closer to a sense of harmony? Where exactly do you need to start, if you understand that it is precisely harmony that you lack? The beginning of finding inner harmony should be your work on yourself. You must strive for self-improvement. And it is impossible without personal growth.

What exactly do these words mean? In order to find harmony within yourself, it is absolutely necessary to understand yourself completely. This can be done by developing your abilities and talents. Carefully analyze and understand what exactly today prevents you from becoming a completely happy and joyful person. To do this, answer yourself personally to this question: who am I in essence and what exactly I want. These questions and answers that you can give yourself are very important. If you dream that harmony will settle inside you forever, and not for a limited period of time, then you need to be prepared for hard and thorough work on yourself and your own inner qualities. Inner harmony, like others personal qualities, will be developed through relationships with others. After all, we do not live separately on our own, but in society. For this reason, we have to constantly enter into relationships with those around us and those close to us. The source of inner harmony is self-love. Only by understanding and accepting your own personality, you will be able to make your inner feeling harmonious. In ancient times, the call to know oneself was given the meaning of absolute truth. Many people unknowingly try to find harmony through the acquisition of material external goods and elements of everyday life.

But you must understand that harmony is entirely a spiritual category. And it is impossible to achieve it at the expense of specific material things. This path cannot lead to the desired results. Vice versa, wealth and their number are a consequence or reflection of the spiritual life of a person, in particular, a sense of inner harmony. To make it clearer exactly how to achieve harmony, it must be said that it is better not to achieve it or strive for it, but to discover it in yourself. Nature created any person initially harmonious. Therefore, to be internally harmonious is natural for everyone. Remember how children behave. It is children who are the personification of inner harmony, and adults will do well to take an example from them in this regard. By connecting with your inner nature and fully understanding your values, priorities, attitudes and attitudes towards other people, you achieve some kind of deep understanding. It, in turn, creates a prerequisite for inner harmony. Remember how you behave if the situation does not turn out the way you wanted. What are you trying to do in this case, what emotions, feelings and thoughts appear in your head? If you are used to getting angry and indignant in such circumstances, showing irritation and dissatisfaction, then know that it is impossible to resolve difficulties and conflicts effectively with negative emotions. If you want to find inner harmony, first of all you need to learn how to respond to problems absolutely calmly.

Try to resolve conflicts through a constructive approach, avoiding the appearance of negative emotions within yourself. It should be taken into account that in the process of life we ​​have to communicate with people who are at different stages in the development of their own consciousness and soul. But this communication is also reflected in ourselves. If the person with whom we have to communicate is not internally harmonious, then it is important for us to find our own source of love and peace. Otherwise, conflicting feelings may also form in you, especially if you are already on the path to finding harmony. At the same time, it is recommended to look for the source of peace and love also within yourself. So he will be independent of the behavior and attitude of other people towards you. Also try to keep track of the appearance of the slightest negative feelings within yourself. They should never be submerged. Thus, the secret of finding harmony within oneself lies in the fact that it is necessary to create such an interaction of the mind, soul and impulses of the heart that will be balanced. Live in accordance with the prompts of your heart and the moods of your soul, then happiness, love and harmony will stay with you forever!

In the last three years, I began to clearly notice a direct connection between my internal state and external events. The world is changing, and lately we have been living in new energies, making the transition to some other step, another level. And for all the energies that we send, we receive an instant response.

Many people began to notice that using and sending thought forms with feeling, with sensation, one can easily fulfill one's desires. Those that come from the heart, from the heart. What we radiated is what we received, and the speed of the embodiment of what we radiate is quite high. I even heard such a version that there has been no karma for a long time and children are no longer responsible for the sins of their parents, since “retribution” comes already in this life. Everything has accelerated and we are now responsible for everything ourselves.

Therefore, today it is important to clearly realize that we are the masters of our sensations, and only we ourselves make the choice of what exactly we will feel at every moment of time. Either we immediately create obstacles for ourselves, or we can immediately reprogram a negative emotion, accepting it, rather than suppressing it. For example, we got angry with someone, irritation appeared, and then we begin to think about why people annoy us, what is wrong with us, why we are not good and condemn ourselves for negativity and negative emotions.

Or we can do something else - just accept and dissolve this emotion. To do this, you can simply inhale-exhale and say that we accept it and dissolve it. Just allow yourself to experience it, accept it and let it go, and not suppress it and squeeze it in the body.

But with acceptance, many people today have big problems. The level of acceptance directly depends on how we are in balance and trust in our hearts and life in general. And, of course, there will be no balance without gratitude and unconditional love. If our body radiates these energies, we immediately receive a response, including the mechanism of energy exchange with the Universe (I advise you to read the article on this topic) and get what we are grateful for.

Harmony of the soul = Harmony in life

When we feel unconditional love, when we simply trust with our hearts without any checks and proofs, a very strong energy begins to flow through us with a powerful stream. The healing energy of peace and harmony, which, like sunlight, is now pouring onto the Earth. Therefore, in order to achieve balance and harmony with yourself and with the world as a whole, you must strive for a certain state of mind. And this is not an external aspiration, not a path to some external goal. This is an inner aspiration, the purpose of which is to realize as much as possible in this life the energies of love, harmony, happiness and gratitude.

Yes, it is quite difficult to maintain this state of mind all the time. This is work on oneself, this is spiritual work. It is a conscious emphasis on what is and not on what is not. It is an radiance of gratitude, not irritation. And yes, you need to make some efforts to tune in to the “here and now” moment as much as possible and admire this moment. We always need something that we don't have. Receiving this, we experience short-lived joy and forget that we once dreamed about it. You quickly get used to good things, and this habit prevents you from feeling admiration, gratitude and love for what we now have.

With the help of the above feelings, you can not only heal difficult situations, but also reveal your essence and give a powerful impetus to self-realization. In general, it is important to maintain trust in life and unconditional love in absolutely any manifestations and interactions.

How to find harmony? Stop playing in other people's performances ...

All changes in the creation of life towards happiness and harmony always come from the inner circle. That is, that degree of acceptance and trust in life will certainly affect your relationships with loved ones, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, in general, with those people with whom you constantly intersect.

When you feel that there is some kind of “splinter”, some kind of misunderstanding, it means that you simply fell out of the state of the heart. Instead of throwing and worries, turn inside yourself and ask what do you lack now? Instead of thinking about the person who triggered a painful reaction in you, think about yourself! Not why HE does this to me, but why does this happen in MY life at all.

Being upset, judging and discussing the other person and his actions, you, in fact, are in connection with him and in no way in a higher position. Not understanding one thing: whatever happens, it does not interfere with your personal experience of love. Don't focus on what annoys you, focus on what you have. Direct your focus to your inner harmony and a sense of trust in your heart (the exercises from the article can help you to “turn on and open” your heart). And then you will simply be amazed that when you accept yourself and focus on your inner harmony, the situation is corrected automatically and even the most difficult people from your environment begin to behave differently around you. Just when you think not about them (about how bad and bad they are), but focus on your inner harmony.

Even your closest and dearest people came to this planet in order to live THEIR life, to go their own way. And you came here to live YOUR life. And if you want to achieve inner harmony, then leave your loved ones alone. Do not turn away from them, of course, but simply understand that their soul goes its own way. And they need all their delusions and mistakes for something.

The best thing you can do for them is to become harmonious and happy. Create your own life, making it joyful and prosperous, without interfering with the lives of other people. Change yourself and then your environment will change. It is so tempting to instruct your loved ones on the true path. This is a kind of trap when it seems to us that we, worrying about loved ones and saving them, are doing a good deed. But in fact, in this way we simply go away from ourselves in every possible way, from doing good deeds in relation to ourselves. Sometimes we are simply afraid to look deep into ourselves, to unhook from other people and put things in order within ourselves. It is much easier to interfere in the lives of loved ones and teach them, argue with them, prove something endlessly. But this path will never bring happiness and harmony, because in doing so, we move further and further away from ourselves.

Take care of yourself, grow, bloom, shine. This is the elementary law of psychology, which says that when you become happy, flourishing and prosperous, people themselves will come to you and ask how you achieved this. In the meantime, do not meddle with your advice, which can do more harm than good. Don't speed up their game, let them finish it on their own! Every time you start meddling in someone's life with your own rules and advice, stop yourself.

Of course, sometimes you really want to get into the essence of why everything happens with relatives or why some unpleasant situations happen at work. But as soon as you start asking the question "why", you immediately go into the polar world, where you begin to act within the framework of the script. Trying to answer the question of why this mask behaves this way in relation to this mask? And in fact, it doesn't matter at all why she behaves this way, IMPORTANT - why are you watching all this and asking questions!

It's just someone else's game that you get into. Which takes you further and further from reality. And reality is a kiss of your loved one, a magical sunrise and a wonderful sunset, the beauty of nature and the singing of birds. Reality is YOUR life in the present moment. It is your job that brings you satisfaction, it is physical exercises giving you energy and strength is a warm herbal bath. This is reality. And why certain people act one way or another is not a reality, it is a performance in which these people participate. And they must win! And they have the right to finish playing what they want to play.

Just always know that when you encounter any kind of unpleasant plot, it is just a moment of scenery on the stage, some plot of some game. But when you experience the gratitude of life, unconditional love and trust - this is a reality. And these magical energies will allow you to always have a resource for accepting and transforming your life. These energies give strength and joy, lightness and a sense of harmony.

Spiritual harmony creates a field of goodness

In any life situation, in any activity, at any moment, ask yourself the question - does this help me to be in harmony? Does it help me to love and feel better?

Try to keep this state of gracious gratitude of life constantly. Yes, you can feel tired, hurt or angry, you can act demanding and irritable, but at the same time you can radiate a tremendous amount of unconditional love and create a field of goodness that changes everything around! What matters is what's inside.

When you focus on the state of goodness, all problems and worries remain on the periphery (by the way, it is in this state that you can attract the best man for yourself, read the article about this). A state of trust, a state of love and harmony. It is enough just to accept this magical state and then you do not need to fight with anything, since everything will work out in the best way for you.

And for this, you just need to constantly focus on gratitude, on love for the current moment and for what is here and now. You need to be warm in the heart to the maximum! Not in nervous euphoria and burning yourself in super positive emotions (“Oh, how wonderful everything is!”, “Oh, how wonderful everything is!”, “I am a super positive person!”, And so on), not in a permanently glued cheerful smile , not in passions and emotions, but in quiet calm goodness, when you don’t cling to anything and, in fact, you don’t care how events develop. You just know that they will develop well and with great benefit to you.

True happiness shines and warms, and does not burn and burn. True joy radiates, not explodes. True cordiality is simple, quiet and clear. Not flashes, not fire, but a warm glow of love, gratitude and trust. The easiest signal that you're on the right way It's the feeling that all is well.

New energies are now coming to the Earth, and all of it is already permeated with this radiance. Let him in, trust life. It is enough just to make a conscious choice - to always strive for this state. And if you focus on it, it will come to you.

Turn on the light of your heart!

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Whoever came to harmony, he knew the revelation.

Trying to live in harmony with everyone, you end up in discord with yourself.

It is important - at all times - to be in harmony with the world and the Universe, and above all - with oneself. What's the point of going to Tibet if Tibet is everywhere, if you are your own Tibet.

It is impossible to find harmony with yourself quickly.

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with itself. Unnaturally and prematurely developed children are moral freaks. All premature maturity is like corruption in childhood.

The most important thing is harmony in your soul, because it is able to create happiness out of nothing.

There are only two options for a harmonious life: either love those with whom you live, or live with those you love.

A sense of proportion gives birth to a harmony of feelings.

Selected Harmony Quotes

The path to harmony lies through the golden mean between freedom and loneliness.

Earth needs not only rain or sun, it needs harmony.

Inner and outer harmony are reflected in a charming smile.

First Class Selected Harmony Quotes

You can be sexy and beautiful at any age. And, on the contrary, it is possible to feel like a nobody, a slut and hide in a cocoon of your own complexes in blooming 18. No, the point is precisely in self-awareness and inner harmony.

Ethnically homogeneous - harmonious society.

I think, then I act.

The harmony of the world is stretched in opposite directions, like a lyre and a bow.

Just imagine how harmonious our world would be if every person - young or old - would share with the rest what he does best.

Belief in oneself and the search for truth form harmony.

Where can harmony between soul and body come from if the soul is always ready to save itself at the cost of the body?

Confrontation of opposing truths creates harmony.

Women need harmony. They cannot live without endlessly warming themselves in the fire of feelings.

All political intrigues and intrigues, in my opinion, are a terrible abomination. It is better for a person who cares about his karma and inner harmony to stay away from such matters.

Rid yourself of the 5 components of emotional cancer: criticize, complain, compare, compete and compete.

Art - and I mean genuine, good art - is based, among other things, on the principles of balance, dynamics, location and composition. These elements must be in harmony, interact with each other, so that art has a deep meaning, so that it can touch the innermost essence of our souls.

Kindhearted Selected Harmony Quotes

Harmony is when a pure body acquires a pure soul.

There will be harmony, there will be no pain.

Harmony with people - when you do not consider yourself better or worse than them.

A truly whole and reliable person, whose feeling is in perfect harmony with his mind; about whom it can be said that he connects a truthful heart with a bright mind ...

Love is a high word, the harmony of creation requires it, without it there is no life and cannot be.

If you want to achieve harmony in love or martial arts, develop a quick reaction in yourself.

Find simplicity among the confusion; in the midst of discord, find harmony; in difficulty please find .

Two different extremes are not destined to find boundless harmony.

Beauty is a feeling of harmony.

Harmony must be sought not in communication with other people, not in life for someone, but in YOURSELF.

One of the main signs of happiness and harmony is the complete absence of the need to prove something to someone.

Elegance is the outward expression of inner harmony.

Pretty Selected Harmony Quotes

Create for a person a harmonious combination of a firmly developed thought with a firmly developed practice of feelings, and you will have in front of you the person Diogenes was looking for.

Any man appreciates a relationship with a Feminine woman, because in these relationships his needs are met, he is respected, taken care of. Even with the most ordinary man, a Feminine woman can build a good, reliable relationship. The quality of relations between a man and a woman, the harmony in them depends primarily on the woman.

Learn to see where everything is dark and hear where everything is quiet. In darkness you will see light, in silence you will hear harmony.

Love does not mean unrestrained community. Loving people should not feel, think, understand in the same way. You can be separate and still love each other. One is a violin string, the other is a bow.

Fine and beautiful in a person is unthinkable without an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the body and health.

A successful combination of opposites is the most favorable condition for harmony, and what at first amazes, then often looks completely natural.

He who does not enjoy music is created without harmony.

If the day, the weather and your state of mind are in harmony with the surroundings, you will feel like a particle of what was before and what will be after. And maybe you will hear a voice that whispers to you: "Birth and death are not walls, but doors."

Tea drinking has a rare virtue: to bring a particle of calm harmony into our absurd existence.

The dominant principle of ancient music is rhythm and melody, the new one is harmony.

Secret harmony is better than explicit.

Often a person prefers to communicate with his opposite, and not with someone who is closer to him in terms of level. When two people who are close in strength meet, they rarely harmonize.

Harmony is an ordered combination of the opposite.

Dramatic Selected Harmony Quotes

Everything should be in heaven: and hell too!

Life is dialectical. You cannot always be happy, because then happiness will lose all its meaning. You cannot always be in harmony, because then you will not know what harmony is.

Myopia creates harmony, which sharp-eyed people do not even suspect.

The loss of balance from happiness is an important part of the balance of life.

Anyone who looks around to achieve harmony is an idiot or seriously ill.

The first half of our lives is poisoned by our parents, the second - by our children.

Only by being in harmony with what is within oneself, one can cope with difficult situations.

Equality is justice minus harmony.

The main thing is to get along with yourself.

Windows must be kept open, doors closed.

Education is the creation of harmony, the creation of religion.

The true key to harmony and prosperity should be sought not in the state system, not in the correct laws and not in other external conditions of human existence, but within people. It is necessary to develop the soul of each person. To help him become more merciful, tolerant, simply kinder.

Harmony is the agreement of the discordant.


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