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Clients often come to me with the question: how to find out did I choose the right path or not(the right, right job for me, the right partner)? And how in general determine your path in life. Maybe I'm doing something wrong if I have troubles in my life (as a rule, these are really troubles in my personal life or at work, health problems, in general, what worries people the most). And very frequently asked question Why is everything so bad in my life.

And the crown question: name the cause of my troubles. To which I answer: the cause of your troubles is yourself. Only your actions led you to what you now have. Although you can do better, you can do better, you can do more. You can, but it's more comfortable to follow the path of least resistance. But let's think about how to fix it. After all, your past is unchanged, but the future is not yet tarnished. Anyone can become anyone.
I’ll make a reservation right away: not everyone becomes millionaires, “stars” too, for this you need indicators in the horoscope, but every person can become happy.

And we begin to understand. Usually some mistakes in the past led to what is now. Really.

And here's to you TOP 5 most common:
1. Laziness.
2. Conflict.
3. Vision of life in black colors (even positive events are considered from the point of view of the negative).
4. A negative situation that "lost" once. The person did not "work" it, and it repeats over and over again.
5. Unwillingness to change, develop internally, work on oneself in a complex.

Each person has his own path and he goes to it the way he goes. But if there are real problems, you need to think(I'll talk about these issues as I go). To be honest, during my practice I met only 30 people who really chose hard way, the so-called "not my own" (I even saw a doctor without a single indicator of a doctor, who nevertheless then went into trade, because he realized that a doctor was not his way). The rest - go more or less smoothly with their little troubles.

To make it clear, let's take the situation with the work (place of service) of a person. I will give examples, think of the rest by analogy or ask questions.

If a person is doing well, he goes his own way, fate will "check" him a couple of times and calm down. Checks can be very different. From delays at work to layoffs. But, without having common mistakes (which I described above), a person will pass the test and they will be given a bonus in the form of a salary increase or, say, in general, another job with better conditions. All in all, good time everyone has.

There are, of course, events that "hit" a person, showing the wrong path that should have been chosen.

1.Troubles begin to happen to friends or people close to you. The general environment sets you up for the fact that something similar can happen in your life. Very, by the way, a good litmus test: if your friends "grow", then you, in theory, should start climbing the mountain soon. If they "fall", think about your behavior, perhaps something is going wrong in your destiny? By the way, good example: Have you ever wondered why rich people are mostly surrounded by rich people, famous people are famous, homeless people are homeless. Exceptions are rare, confirm the rule.
2. Dismissal. If there are no confirming aspects in the person’s chart (but even such aspects may not cause serious damage, for example, there will be a threat of dismissal, but he will still stand). In other cases, this is a direct indicator that the job is "not the right one" or the place of service is "not the right one", especially if they have been repeatedly fired. Maybe it makes sense to open your own business, maybe destiny is to create jobs, not to occupy them?
3. accidents on the road(I'm not talking about minor troubles, but about serious problems). Maybe it happened on the way to work, maybe on a business trip, etc. (but now we are talking about what is related specifically to work, so think about it, if there was a serious accident, where were you going at that moment)? Maybe it makes sense to think - this is already a serious warning.
Here the subparagraph goes attempts or violence, incl. fights. Reason to think.
4. Hospitals. If a person goes to the hospital, it's not just that. This is another reason to think. Perhaps fate says: "Stop working 24 hours a day, take a break!" Maybe he says: “You don’t like your job? You don’t earn enough? But here you are, now you will get even less!” In general, even when they “lightly” hit on health, such as colds, this usually indicates that a person is overworking and needs to rest.
5. Deprivation of liberty. This is the most obvious sign that a person is not going his own way. What does he do so wrong and wrong that fate tells him: "Sit down and think about your behavior in this life."
6. Death. Well, here a person doesn’t care anymore, all the stages have been passed, the lessons have not been learned. Sorry Game Over. I had to "save". See you in the next life.

Well, troubles can be completely different, in personal life, for example, a woman can leave her husband, whom she loves, loves, if she attracts events in her life with her negativity. She doesn’t want to, like, so, but she doesn’t want to change herself either. Here the husband is "cleaned up".

Yes, sometimes a person's life begins to crumble like a house of cards. But everything that happens to him in life - he achieved everything himself.

And now I will reveal to you one “workout” that I teach to all my clients (it seems that I once wrote about it, but it’s not a sin to repeat it, I’ll probably even make a separate post for it somehow).

Every time in any situation that is unpleasant for you, ask yourself: "What did I do wrong to attract such an event / person to me."

Now there is still an hour and a half before the client arrives, I'll go and see you forecasts for the strength of the houses. To whom I have time - wait today. To whom I do not have time - sorry, I work until night. So the rest tomorrow or the day after tomorrow before lunch.

PS: Please - especially vulnerable to remove me from friends or not take it personally.

Often a person moves through life in free flight, floats on a wave and, at times, does not understand whether he chose the right path? The path is not just like that, it is destiny, destiny. Today in the world of managers, it is difficult to find yourself. You get lost in the gray mass and bring a new service to the consumer society or try to throw off a bunch of unnecessary goods.

It all loses personality. The maximum person is realized as a seller. But the personality is wider than these limits, and therefore the most important thing that should be in a person’s life is a favorite thing. If a person is busy doing what he loves, he is half happy. It's already good.

The second factor is satisfaction from what you love. If you enjoy it, you have everything in your hands to argue, you want to come to work year after year, you are doing what you love and get satisfaction from it. These are indicators that you are on the right path.

If your deeds make people feel better, warmer at heart, you bring benefits. If people thank you, it means you are doing everything right and well. Here is another criterion for the right path of life.

If you are surrounded by not envious, honest people, then you yourself are not envious and honest, and without this you cannot move along the path of life.

If you love and are loved, then you close the chain of axioms of a person moving along his own path. This is true. I hope you are doing great with the choice of life path and following it!

Discomfort is a signal that can often be quite helpful. Unfortunately, we often confuse it with misfortune, fleeing from which we run away from change. To come to a new understanding, to realize the limits of one's own beliefs, to motivate oneself for real changes, as a rule, a small amount of discomfort is needed.

  1. Feeling like you're reliving your childhood fears. You will find that in adulthood face the challenges you struggled with as a child. And although, at first glance, it looks like you have not learned a lesson from them, in fact it means that you are beginning to realize why you think and feel the way you do. And this is the first step towards change.
  2. Feeling "lost" and aimless. Feeling lost is actually a sign that you have become more present in your own life. You live less in memories and thoughts about the future, and more in the present. Until you get used to it, you will feel as if you have lost your way. But remember that it's actually the other way around.
  3. Cloudiness of the "left hemisphere of the brain". Using your right brain more often (more relying on intuition and emotions), you may feel that the functions of the “left brain” have begun to lose their meaning. Things like concentration, organization, and memory for small details suddenly became difficult.
  4. Random outbursts of irrational anger or sadness that get worse until you stop ignoring them. Emotions begin to erupt when they "decide" to be recognized. And our job is to stop fighting them and resist them. In order to gain power over them, they must instead be realized.
  5. Sleep disturbance. You will sleep much more or less than usual, You will wake up in the middle of the night because you can't stop thinking about something. You will find yourself full of energy or completely exhausted.
  6. There are events that change the usual course of life. You suddenly have to move, get divorced, lose your job, crash your car, etc.
  7. Strong need to be alone. At some point, you gave up on the idea of ​​spending every weekend with your friends. Other people's problems began to drain you more than they intrigue. Most likely, this indicates that you have passed the "flashing".
  8. Emotional, vivid dreams that you almost always remember in detail. If dreams are how your subconscious communicates with you (or projects an image of your experience), then surely yours is trying to tell you something.
  9. You have fewer friends. You are increasingly uncomfortable in the company of negatively minded friends. The main problem of such people is that they themselves are rarely aware of their pessimism, and it is somehow uncomfortable to tell them about it. Therefore, you gradually begin to ignore old friends.
  10. The feeling that all your dreams are crumbling. Perhaps in this moment You don't realize that you are moving towards a reality that is better than the one you dreamed of and more in line with who you are now than what you once imagined yourself to be.
  11. The feeling that your thoughts are your worst enemy. You begin to realize that your thoughts do indeed shape your experience. But this is often not the case until our patience runs out. After that, we try to start controlling them - and that's when we realize that we have always controlled them.
  12. Uncertainty about who you really are. Your last illusions about who you "should" be have vanished. You feel insecure because of uncertainty! You are in the process of development. When things change for the worse, we don't feel insecure - we get angry and shut down. In other words, if you experience insecurity or uncertainty, it usually leads to something better.
  13. Understanding what a long way you still have to go. You realize this because you can tell where you are going. This means that you finally know where and who you want to be.
  14. "Knowing" things you'd rather not know. Understanding how someone really feels, or that the relationship is over, or that you can no longer be in this job. The reason for the "irrational" anxiety is hidden in the subconscious sensation, which is not yet taken seriously because of its seemingly illogical nature.
  15. Strong desire to speak for oneself. The fact that you start to get angry with yourself for how much you allowed yourself to remain indifferent, deprived yourself of a word, or how much you allowed other people's voices to sound in your head is a sign that you are finally ready to stop listening to them, and, First of all, start loving and respecting yourself.
  16. The realization that only you are responsible for your life and your happiness. This kind of emotional autonomy is terrifying, because if you get confused, the responsibility falls on you. At the same time, being aware of this is the only way to be truly free. In this case, the game is worth the candle.

If you feel that something urgently needs to be changed in life, that you are stuck, but do not know where and how to move on, then it is likely that you have turned off your path. How to quickly get back on it? Usually this question arises just at the time when a person is passing through a certain “dead zone” in his life and it seems to him that he is not moving forward at all, is not progressing, and if he is progressing, then very slowly. Along with this, along the way, appear uncertainty about the correctness of the chosen direction, internal sabotage and doubts about everyday actions.

To not just sit and wait for this process to end, There are 4 valuable tips that you can start applying today.

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3. Big changes start with just one step.

Determine the small accessible steps of your big journey. Focus on one thing at a certain time. All big changes start with small actions. And although at times it will seem that they are quite insignificant, take them anyway. For example, if you want to lose weight, the first small step is to eat brown bread instead of white bread, or instead of two tablespoons of sugar, put only one in tea.

If you're looking for a new line of business, for example, start by consciously paying attention to what you enjoy doing on a daily basis and what brings you real pleasure, then do an Internet search and see if someone is already making money from it. Or read helpful practical literature on how to start your own business from scratch.

These small efforts can lead to further big results. Anyway, starting any business, pay attention to how your heart responds to this new venture whether it rejoices or shrinks. If the first, then you should definitely do it, if the second, then postpone this matter for a couple of days and, when the time comes, conduct such a test again.

4. And last, but very important...

When you feel in doubt, when you find yourself stuck in one place, the best way to clarify your thoughts and desires is to organize a mini-retreat for yourself, retire and start writing down everything that happens to you in a notebook. Put on paper everything that you want to receive, that you want to give, that you will never allow in your life again. Don't stop the flow of thoughts. Give free rein to your imagination. Spend at least 2-3 hours doing this activity without stopping.

The very next day you will notice how easy it has become for you, how your thoughts have become more organized and you are more confident in making decisions and making choices.

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After watching this episode, answer 2 questions in the comments:

- If different circumstances were not an obstacle, what could you do all day long?

What is stopping you today and preventing you from doing this?

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Before we came into this life, we had already chosen our path. Our soul already knew the detailed plan of what we must achieve and what we must learn. She knew what kind of emotions we need to experience and what kind of people to meet for our own evolution.

We come into this life with a kind of "amnesia", forgetting everything that is destined for us. And in this state we go through various lessons and tests. You can remember yourself, your purpose and your path through constant conscious choice.

Understanding that you are going your own way is sometimes not easy. A lot on thorny path encounters false reference points. In addition, many do not know about the so-called markers, which can help if you can see them and interpret them correctly. And yet, it is possible to understand that you are going the right way, that you are going your own way, and not someone else's.

Every new day of life brings something new to almost every person. Events can be positive or negative, or have neutral tones. A person can analyze what is happening, or maybe not. He can live like he hasn't woken up yet. Alas, there are quite a few of them. And this article is not for them.

We wish sweet dreams to those who sleep, and to those who want to qualitatively change their lives in better side We will help you navigate their path. It will help to understand whether they are moving in the right direction. We will designate just the same markers that will help you find answers to the questions you are looking for.

How to understand that you are on the right track? 20 markers.

Marker one. You are comfortable being alone with yourself. You are literally enjoying this moment.

Second marker. The word "harmony" has long been filled with meaning for you. You are harmonious, you maintain a balance between taking and giving.

Marker three. It is not so important for you that the last word is yours, but it is important to be correctly interpreted. You are ready to calmly listen to a different position, because your positions will not suffer from this.

Marker four. People actively listen to your opinion, and sometimes ask for advice. In some ways, for some, you are an expert.

Marker five. You stopped making excuses. You stopped explaining something to someone, as it was before. Do you feel like you have added energy from this?

Marker six. From now on, you are responsible for everything that happens to you. No matter what happens in the end - you are responsible for everything!

Marker seven. Despite the first visible successes, you did not become arrogant. You don't brag about how wonderful you are. You just move on in peace.

Marker eight. You have no time to live the life of other people, you have so many events and affairs in your life, so many plans and interests that you have no time for anyone.

Marker nine. From now on, your energy has a vector. It does not spray, it moves exactly in the direction where you directed it.

Marker ten. You have become more selective in your communication. Those who pulled you down, those who did not believe in you, are in the past. And you have no big regrets about it.

Marker eleven. You have long noticed one strange, but at the same time a pleasant feature: you have completely ceased to be tormented by the question: “What do other people think of me”?

Marker twelfth. You have long understood that you can have fun and be sad, wish for loneliness and hate it. All of these conditions are normal. You are comfortable in anyone, you know how to deal with blues.

Marker thirteen. If you used to adore companies, now everything has changed. You increasingly want peace and quiet, more often you want to be able to contemplate.

Marker fourteen. All the things that you used to enjoy: now you are not particularly impressed. Adrenaline is already enough for you and enough, but now it appears from other sources.

Marker fifteen. From now on, you have enough strength to accept what you are not able to change. The experience of loss is not as long and difficult as it used to be.

Marker sixteen. Intuition! course for her. You know for sure that all the answers are within you! And your task from now on is to hear yourself and correctly interpret.

Marker seventeen. It has become much easier for you to say the word “No”! At the same time, you do not have bouts of guilt on the topic, oh, how bad I am.

Marker eighteenth. You do not interfere with the lives of others. You give them the right to make mistakes, the right to be imperfect, the right to have their own experience.

Marker nineteen. You live according to your own conscience. She is your guide and chief judge. And what others think and say is a matter of their karma.

Marker twentieth. You live in today, planning your own future. You don't worry about trifles.

These are such simple markers, agree that they are simple? But the most important thing, when you go to the intended goal, is to periodically check your own goal for environmental friendliness. ask yourself the right questions, among which:

- Does the goal I set still turns me on?

Will I enjoy achieving my goal?

“Will someone get hurt because of my goal?”

Is my goal really as important to me today as it was the day I set it for myself?

- Is there anything that needs to be adjusted in the goal? And if so, what?

The answers to these questions, together with the listed markers, will give you the opportunity to understand whether you are on the right path or have long gone astray from the once chosen course.


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