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How to move goods in the database 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

From point of view accounting, the movement of goods between warehouses is only a change in the value of the subconto (analytics). The item must remain on the same accounting account (for example, 41.01) and at the same price (cost price). Consider step by step instructions how to make the movement of goods in 1C 8.3.

All of the following is true not only for goods, but also for materials, semi-finished products, finished products and other goods and materials.

Where is the document

The transfer can be processed using the document of the same name, which is located in the "Warehouse" menu:

The heading of the document is filled simply:

In 1C Accounting 8.3, the movement of goods is possible in three options:

  • between warehouses
  • transfer to retail
  • commission goods (on off-balance accounts)
  • movement of returnable goods

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Between warehouses and retail

The easiest and most common way. To do this, on the "Goods" tab, you must fill in the item for transfer, the quantity of goods and the accounting account:

Please note that if you transfer goods that are not in the warehouse / at the organization / on the accounting account, then “minus” will go in the accounting. It is important to check on which account and which warehouse the goods are currently located.

Let's look at the postings that generated the document:

As you can see, in all postings, only the second subconto - “warehouse” has changed.

You can also see that the first two records have a filled "Amount" (the transfer price was formed at cost), and the third one does not. This example clearly shows what will happen if you move an item that is not in stock.

Transfer of goods to retail

In order to make a move to retail store or NTT, it is enough to select the desired retail warehouse in the "Recipient" field in the document header.

The return from retail to the wholesale warehouse in 1C occurs in the same way, naturally changing the warehouse in places.

The prices at which the product will be sold in retail outlet are indicated using the document "Setting item prices". The retail price type is set individually for the warehouse:

Moving a commission item in 1C 8.3

To move goods that are on our commission, you should use the "Goods on commission" tab. The key difference between the transfer of commission goods between warehouses is that they are accounted for in the 1C program on off-balance accounts.

Goods can also be transferred to a retail warehouse for subsequent sale.

Posting example:


From the point of view of accounting, the movement of goods between warehouses is only a change in the value of subconto (analytics). The item must remain on the same accounting account (for example, 41.01) and at the same price (cost price). Consider step-by-step instructions on how to make the movement of goods in 1C 8.3.

All of the following is true not only for goods, but also for materials, semi-finished products, finished products and other goods and materials.

The transfer can be processed using the document of the same name, which is located in the "Warehouse" menu:

The heading of the document is filled simply:

In 1C Accounting 8.3, the movement of goods is possible in three ways:

  • between warehouses;
  • transfer to retail trade;
  • (on off-balance sheet accounts);
  • movement of returned goods.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Between warehouses and retail

The easiest and most common way. To do this, on the "Goods" tab, you must fill in for the transfer, the quantity of goods and:

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Please note that if you transfer goods that are not in the warehouse / at the organization / on the accounting account, then “minus” will go into the accounting. It is important to check on which account and which warehouse the goods are currently located.

Let's look at the postings that generated the document for the movement of goods:

As you can see, in all postings, only the second subconto - “warehouse” has changed.

You can also see that the first two entries have the “Amount” filled in (the transfer price was formed at cost), but the third one does not. This example clearly shows what will happen if you move an item that is not in stock.

Transfer of goods to retail

In order to move to a retail store or NTT, it is enough to select the desired retail warehouse in the "Recipient" field in the document header.

The return from retail to the wholesale warehouse in 1C occurs according to the same scheme, of course, warehouses change places.

The prices at which the goods will be sold at a retail outlet are indicated using the document "". The retail price type is set individually for the warehouse:

Consider the possibilities of a typical configuration “Trade Management ed. 10.3" on the movement of goods between warehouses within the same organization in the following example.

  1. On February 10, 2012, the following samples of equipment for sale were transferred from the warehouse of electrical goods to the showroom: 1 Jiponic fan (Taiwan), 1 table fan and 1 Moulinex combine.
  2. On Feb. 10, the showroom placed an internal order to receive 1 Binatone Mixer and 1 Jacobs Coffee Maker on Feb. 11. The goods have been reserved at the main warehouse.
  3. On February 11, the mixer and coffee maker were handed over to the showroom.
  4. On February 12, a Binatone food processor was transferred from the main warehouse to the showroom, and the delivery from the warehouse and the acceptance to the showroom were registered separately using incoming and outgoing warehouse warrants.

Preparation for the movement of goods: accounting for samples in the showroom

To be able to keep track of goods in the showroom, you must register it in the program as a warehouse.

Menu: Directories - Enterprise - Warehouses (storage places)

Let's add a new warehouse and name it Showroom.

Since we are not going to sell samples through the showroom, we indicate the type of warehouse: wholesale, we do not fill in the price type. (If such sales were carried out, it would be necessary to specify the type of warehouse as “retail” and then register sales from it as from a retail outlet).

Important: The warehouse type can only be changed as long as there has been no operation for this warehouse. After carrying out at least one operation on a warehouse, it will become impossible to change the type of this warehouse!

Fields " Responsible person” and “Subdivision” are not mandatory, but they can be used when filling out printed forms and generating reports:

Save and close with the OK button.

Movement of goods without prior internal order

The transfer of goods from one warehouse to another is documented by the document "Movement of goods". Let's use it to reflect the transfer of samples to the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Movement of goods

Let's add a new document dated 10.02.12. Specify the sender warehouse - Warehouse of electrical goods, the recipient warehouse - Showroom.

The tabular part is filled with goods that were transferred to the showroom.

We post the document by clicking the "Actions - Post" button or using "OK". The transfer of goods to the showroom is reflected in the program:

By the "Print" button at the bottom of the document, we look at the printed forms: "Movement of goods", TORG-13, M-4 and others.

If necessary, you can customize printed form by default: click "Print", select a printing form in the list, click "Default", close. Now the printable is displayed by default on the button next to "Print", by clicking this button it will be generated:

Now let's check the correctness of the movement of goods using the report "Statement of goods in warehouses".

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - List of goods in warehouses

We will form it in one day - 10.02.2012. The report reflects the arrival of two fans and a combine in the exhibition hall and the consumption in the warehouse of electrical goods:

Preparation for the movement of goods using internal orders and reservation of goods

The program allows you to place internal orders for the transfer of goods from one warehouse to another, while automatic reservation of goods occurs. This means that this product will be saved for a specific recipient and no one else but him will be able to receive it. We will issue an internal order for the receipt of goods by the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Internal orders

Let's add a document dated 10.02.12. Shipment date - 11.02.12. Customer - to the warehouse - Showroom.

In the tabular part, we indicate the required goods and their quantity. In the "Placement" column, a warehouse or order is indicated for placing our order and reserving goods. It can be filled in manually, but it can also be filled in automatically - the program will analyze which warehouse has the necessary goods in stock and place an order in this warehouse.

Let's use this. Click the "Fill and post" button at the top of the document. In the form that appears, there should be checkboxes for placement, reservations, placement strategy - “first in warehouses then in orders to suppliers”. Click "Fill and submit":

The document has been posted. At the same time, in each line in the "Placement" column, a warehouse appeared where the program found this product - in our example, this is the main warehouse. These items are now reserved for the showroom in this warehouse.

The document has a printed form "Internal order".

Important: in the case of manually filling in the “Placement” column, you must first, by pressing the “T” button, select the type of placement (in the warehouse, in the order to the supplier, in the internal order), and only then specify the specific warehouse or order:

Item reservations can be analyzed. Let's press the "Analyze" button at the top of our "Internal Order" document. The report "Analysis of the internal order" has been generated, from which it can be seen that the order has not yet been completed:

This report can also be generated separately.

In addition, reserved goods can be seen in the Goods in reserve in warehouses report:

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

We will form on 11.02.12:

The goods in the reserve and the reservation document are reflected.

Movement of goods by internal order

The movement of goods by internal order can be reflected in the program in two ways:

  1. Based on the document "Internal order".
  2. Create manually and autofill.

Let's try the second option.

Let's create a new document "Movement of goods" dated 11.02.12. Shipping warehouse: main warehouse, recipient: showroom. In the "Internal order" field, select our order dated 10.02.12.

Important: the program "sees" only internal orders corresponding to the warehouses specified in the document. Therefore, if warehouses are specified incorrectly, internal orders will not be reflected in the list. If warehouses are not specified at all, all orders will be displayed in the list.

For automatic filling, press the button "Fill - Fill in by internal order". The tabular part was filled with the goods specified in the order:

We carry out the document as usual. The movement of goods to the showroom is registered in the program.

The movement of goods from the main warehouse to the showroom is reflected in the report "Statement of goods in warehouses":

The execution of an internal order is reflected in the report "Analysis of internal orders".

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Analysis of internal orders

Form for February:

It remains to be completed: 0 - means that the internal order has been completed.

Staged movement of goods with the execution of warrants for goods

If it is necessary to record separately the fact of the issue of goods from one warehouse and the fact of its acceptance to another warehouse, in the program, in addition to the document "Movement of goods", the documents "Outgoing order for goods" and "Incoming order for goods" are drawn up.

Let's reflect the issuance of the Binatone combine from the main warehouse and its acceptance to the showroom by orders.

First, let's create the document "Movement of goods" dated 12.02.12.

It is necessary to change the type of document operation: click on the "Operation" button and select "Goods by orders" (the operation type is displayed in the header). Now the document "Movement of goods" will not register the fact of movement itself, this will require warrants.

We fill out the document and conduct it as usual.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. The movement of the combine from the main warehouse to the showroom has not yet been reflected:

To register the issuance of a combine from the main warehouse, the document “Goods issue note” is required. Let's enter it on the basis of "Movement of goods" (in the document "Movement of goods" click Actions - Based on - Goods issue note). A completed document with the operation type "Move" has been created. Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printed form "Expense order", as well as other printed forms available by clicking the "Print" button. We post and close the document.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Reflected issuance of the combine from the main warehouse:

Now it is necessary to formalize the acceptance of the combine to the showroom using the document "Incoming order for goods". Let's also introduce it on the basis of "Movement of goods". A completed document has been created with the operation type "transfer". Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printed form "Incoming order", as well as others. We post and close the document.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Now both the issuance of the combine from the main warehouse and the arrival to the showroom are reflected:

You can find the incoming and outgoing orders that we entered based on the movement of goods through the menu.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Receipt orders for goods
Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Goods issue orders

In addition, all warehouse documents are displayed in the corresponding thematic journal.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Journal "Warehouse documents"

The movement of exhibition samples from the exhibition hall back to the warehouses of the organization is formalized with similar documents.

Consider the possibilities of a typical configuration “Trade Management ed. 10.3" on the movement of goods between warehouses within the same organization in the following example.

  • On February 10, 2012, the following samples of equipment for sale were transferred from the warehouse of electrical goods to the showroom: 1 Jiponic fan (Taiwan), 1 table fan and 1 Moulinex combine.
  • On Feb. 10, the showroom placed an internal order to receive 1 Binatone Mixer and 1 Jacobs Coffee Maker on Feb. 11. The goods have been reserved at the main warehouse.
  • On February 11, the mixer and coffee maker were handed over to the showroom.
  • On February 12, a Binatone food processor was transferred from the main warehouse to the showroom, and the delivery from the warehouse and the acceptance to the showroom were registered separately using incoming and outgoing warehouse warrants.
Preparation for the movement of goods: accounting for samples in the showroom

To be able to keep track of goods in the showroom, you must register it in the program as a warehouse.

Menu: Directories - Enterprise - Warehouses (storage places)

Let's add a new warehouse and name it Showroom.

Since we are not going to sell samples through the showroom, we indicate the type of warehouse: wholesale, we do not fill in the price type. (If such sales were carried out, it would be necessary to specify the type of warehouse as “retail” and then register sales from it as from a retail outlet).

Important: You can change the warehouse type only as long as there has not been a single operation for this warehouse. After carrying out at least one operation on a warehouse, it will become impossible to change the type of this warehouse!

The fields "Responsible person" and "Subdivision" are optional, but they can be used when filling out printed forms and generating reports.

Save and close with the OK button.

Movement of goods without prior internal order

The transfer of goods from one warehouse to another is documented by the document "Movement of goods". Let's use it to reflect the transfer of samples to the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Goods movements

Let's add a new document dated 10.02.12. Specify the sender warehouse - Warehouse of electrical goods, the recipient warehouse - Showroom.

The tabular part is filled with goods that were transferred to the showroom.

We post the document by clicking the "Actions - Post" button or using "OK". The transfer of goods to the showroom is reflected in the program.

By the "Print" button at the bottom of the document, we look at the printed forms: "Movement of goods", TORG-13, M-4 and others.

If necessary, you can set the default printing form: click "Print", select the printing form in the list, click "Default", close. Now the printing form is displayed by default on the button next to "Print", by clicking this button it will be generated.

Now let's check the correctness of the movement of goods using the report "Statement of goods in warehouses".

Menu: Reports - Stocks (warehouse) - List of goods in warehouses

We will form in one day - 10.02.2012. The report reflects the arrival of two fans and a combine in the exhibition hall and the consumption in the warehouse of electrical goods:

Preparation for the movement of goods using internal orders and reservation of goods

The program allows you to place internal orders for the transfer of goods from one warehouse to another, while automatic reservation of goods occurs. This means that this product will be saved for a specific recipient and no one else but him will be able to receive it. We will issue an internal order for the receipt of goods by the showroom.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Internal orders

Let's add a document dated 10.02.12. Shipment date - 11.02.12. Customer - to the warehouse - Showroom.

In the tabular part, we indicate the required goods and their quantity. In the "Placement" column, a warehouse or order is indicated for placing our order and reserving goods. It can be filled in manually, but it can also be filled in automatically - the program will analyze which warehouse has the necessary goods in stock and place an order in this warehouse.

Let's use this. Click the "Fill and post" button at the top of the document. In the form that appears, there should be checkboxes for placement, reservations, placement strategy - "first in warehouses then in orders to suppliers." Click "Fill and post".

The document has been posted. At the same time, in each line in the "Placement" column, a warehouse appeared where the program found this product - in our example, this is the main warehouse. Now, in this warehouse, these goods are reserved for the showroom.

The document has a printed form "Internal order".

Important: in the case of manually filling in the “Placement” column, you must first, by pressing the “T” button, select the type of placement (in a warehouse, in an order to a supplier, in an internal order), and only then specify a specific warehouse or order:

Item reservations can be analyzed. Let's press the "Analyze" button at the top of our "Internal Order" document. The report "Analysis of the internal order" has been generated, from which it is clear that the order has not yet been completed.

This report can also be generated separately.

In addition, reserved goods can be seen in the Goods in reserve in warehouses report:

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

We will form on 11.02.12:

The goods in the reserve and the reservation document are reflected.

Movement of goods by internal order

The movement of goods by internal order can be reflected in the program in two ways:

Based on the document "Internal order". Create manually and autofill.

Let's try the second option.

Let's create a new document "Movement of goods" dated 11.02.12. Shipping warehouse: main warehouse, recipient: showroom. In the "Internal order" field, select our order dated 10.02.12

Important: the program "sees" only internal orders corresponding to the warehouses specified in the document. Therefore, if warehouses are specified incorrectly, internal orders will not be reflected in the list. If warehouses are not specified at all, all orders will be displayed in the list.

For automatic filling, press the button "Fill - Fill in by internal order". The tabular part was filled with the goods specified in the order.

We carry out the document as usual. The movement of goods to the showroom is registered in the program.

The movement of goods from the main warehouse to the showroom is reflected in the report "Statement of goods in warehouses":

The execution of an internal order is reflected in the report "Analysis of internal orders".

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Analysis of internal orders

Form for February:

It remains to be completed: 0 - means that the internal order has been completed.

Staged movement of goods with the execution of warrants for goods

If it is necessary to record separately the fact of the issue of goods from one warehouse and the fact of its acceptance to another warehouse, in the program, in addition to the document "Movement of goods", the documents "Outgoing order for goods" and "Incoming order for goods" are drawn up.

Let's reflect the issuance of the Binatone combine from the main warehouse and its acceptance to the showroom by orders.

First, let's create the document "Movement of goods" dated 12.02.12.

It is necessary to change the type of document operation: click on the "Operation" button and select "Goods by orders" (the operation type is displayed in the header). Now the document "Movement of goods" will not register the fact of movement itself, this will require warrants.

We fill out the document and conduct it as usual.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. The movement of the combine from the main warehouse to the showroom has not yet been reflected:

To register the issuance of a combine from the main warehouse, the document “Goods issue note” is required. Let's enter it on the basis of "Movement of goods" (in the document "Movement of goods" click Actions - On the basis of - Outgoing order for goods). A completed document with the operation type "Move" has been created. Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printed form "Expense order", as well as other printed forms available by clicking the "Print" button. We post and close the document.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Reflected issuance of the combine from the main warehouse:

Now it is necessary to formalize the acceptance of the combine to the showroom using the document "Incoming order for goods". Let's also introduce it on the basis of "Movement of goods". A completed document has been created with the operation type "transfer". Date 12.02.12.

The document has a printed form "Incoming order", as well as others. We post and close the document.

We will generate the report "Statement of goods in warehouses" for 12.02.12. Now both the issuance of the combine from the main warehouse and the arrival to the showroom are reflected:

You can find the incoming and outgoing orders that we entered based on the movement of goods through the menu.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Receipt orders for goods

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Goods issue orders

In addition, all warehouse documents are displayed in the corresponding thematic journal.

Menu: Documents - Stocks (warehouse) - Journal "Warehouse documents":

The movement of exhibition samples from the exhibition hall back to the warehouses of the organization is formalized with similar documents.

In the simplest and most frequent cases, when moving goods, the accounting account does not change. In accounting, only subcontos are changed, reflecting the location - the warehouse. In this article, we will consider how to carry out the movement of goods between warehouses, to a retail warehouse, as well as work with consigned goods.

Find this document You can in the "Warehouse" section.

From warehouse to warehouse

In principle, filling out a transfer document is very simple. In the header, specify the warehouses of the sender and recipient. It is also possible to move goods between departments.

Below, on the "Goods" tab, list all the goods and materials being moved and their quantity. We will use the "Selection" button, although you can add products here manually.

Before us opened the form for the selection of goods. It is very easy and convenient to work in it. The groups of the directory are displayed on the left side, on the right - the positions themselves with the balance in the warehouse - the sender. In the settings on this form, we can choose to display only products with a non-zero balance. When you double-click on the line with the desired product, a window appears for entering the quantity to be moved.

All positions with their quantity that you have selected are displayed in the lower tabular section. Once you're done with your selection, click on the "Transfer to Document" button.

The tabular part was filled in and the invoices were entered automatically. We will not change them. It remains only to hold the document and see what movements it made.

As you can see, in fact, we only changed the warehouse subcont.

When adding products, we used the selection button because it is very difficult to keep in mind the exact balance of goods in warehouses. If you manually specify in the tabular part a quantity that exceeds the balance, then trying to post such a document, the program will generate an error. Of course, you will not be able to carry it out.

See also video:

To retail warehouse

Filling out the transfer document in case it is carried out to or from a retail warehouse is no different from the example described above. In this case, when creating such a warehouse, you must correctly specify its type - "Retail store".

The type of prices at our warehouse is "Retail price", and the prices themselves are indicated in documents.

Movement of consigned goods

In order to move consigned goods from a warehouse to a warehouse, including a retail one, use the "Goods on commission" tab of the "Movement of goods" document. Filling out the document is no different from the previous examples, except for the tab used.

Document movements will be made on off-balance accounts. In this case, account 004.1.


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