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So where do we start? Let's start with how the economic model of the enterprise is described in both solutions.

In 1C: UPP we have parallel independent management and regulated accounting. To do this, in the documents we indicate the correspondence between the management unit and the organization's divisions, and also with the flags "Reflect in" we regulate in what type of accounting the documents should be reflected. Thus, synchronous parallel reflection of data in different types x accounting.

The principle of construction in the 1C: ERP configuration is different. All economic activity is reflected in the operational accounting. The concept of economic activity and the principle of its financial assessment are clearly divided. Wherein financial assessment can be given according to any standards (RAS, IFRS or any accepted internal standards of the enterprise). Moreover, this financial assessment is done using the deferred method.

How does this affect the structure of the enterprise? First of all, subdivisions and subdivisions of organizations are divided according to the tasks to be solved. Organizational structure organizations is reflected in the "Subdivisions" list, this directory solves the problem of exclusively personnel records.

The structure of the enterprise is used for prompt reflection of accounting documents in the system and for cost accounting for both management and accounting purposes. The composition of such units is determined by the goals of management, therefore, in a sense, operational and management units form a single whole.

All operations are reflected in the operational accounting. This allows you to manage the enterprise and make decisions based on the analysis of all data. If some operation needs to be reflected only for the purposes of regulated accounting, for this, certain operations are provided for documents that are indicated in them, and the document is reflected only for regulated accounting. As a result, information on such documents will not affect operational management data.

It is advisable to use 1C: ERP for those enterprises where the principles of accounting for management and regulated accounting correlate with each other.

Reflection of trading activity

An important issue for any company is the reflection of trading activities.

What are the main differences?

In 1C: UPP trading activity with counterparties is carried out within the framework of the counterparty, contract. Mutual settlements can be detailed down to an order, an invoice for payment, or a settlement document.

1C:ERP introduces the concept of Partner (new directory). This is a directory of holding units or a group of companies. Directory of Counterparties is actually a directory of Jur. Persons One or more counterparties can be defined for each partner. For partners, you can track mutual settlements.

The main tool 1C: UPP is the buyer's order. As part of the order, you can track the volume of deliveries and the amount of debt using reports. And when making payments on settlement documents - the number of days of debt.

In 1C:ERP, it is possible to track orders by status: agreed, approved, for shipment, etc. And what is important, business processes for coordinating orders have appeared. The mechanisms for visualizing the status of an order in the list of orders have been expanded (pictograms reflecting the importance of orders, color markers, obtaining transcripts of orders by pressing one button), which allows the user to quickly assess the situation. Convenient mechanisms for prompting work with an order have appeared: if an order has a mandatory advance payment, it cannot be transferred to execution before payment is registered, so this order will not be reflected in the workplace for generating sales. All this reduces the erroneous formation of documents without compliance with the terms of delivery.

In 1C: UPP, to track the conditions under the contract (obligations to sell certain products or make a sale for an amount), the conditions are set by the “Terms of contracts” document, and the control is carried out by the corresponding report. There is no automatic tracking of compliance of a specific implementation with conditions or an order in the functionality.

New tools have been added to 1C:ERP - a standard and an individual agreement. For partners, one condition of sale, uniform discounts / margins can be assigned, which is fixed by a standard agreement. And these indicators will be valid for all legal entities (Counterparties) included in the holding or group of companies.

For an individual counterparty, a separate individual agreement can be established.

A mechanism has been implemented to control the compliance of the implementation or delivery with the agreement defined for the partner or counterparty. Control is carried out according to the scope of supply, price and conditions (advance payment, assigned discounts, etc.)

In 1C: SCP, discounts and markups can be assigned for a counterparty, for an item, or a price group for an item, for volume, for periods.

1C:ERP significantly expanded the mechanism for assigning and calculating discounts/markups, conditions for assigning discounts/markups using the displacement mechanism (one discount/markup displaces another if a condition for its application occurs).

Also, it is very convenient for many users that 1C: ERP has a mechanism for loading prices from Excel.

Inventory control

In 1C: SCP, warehouses are a mandatory accounting section. The need for accounting by characteristics and series is set for each item. You can maintain an order warehouse (use an incoming and outgoing warehouse order, where the storekeeper indicates only the counterparty, the incoming / outgoing item and quantity, while the price indicators are drawn up by the accounting department). Whether or not a warrant warehouse will be used is determined by the enterprise according to regulations. In addition, the decision to issue or not issue orders is made in each individual case, so there is no systemic control that an order is needed after the implementation or upon receipt the storekeeper created an order.

In 1C:ERP, warehouse accounting is optional. Thus, if a small enterprise does not allocate warehouses (single warehouse), there is no need to separate storage areas, then warehouse accounting can be disabled. This does not mean that stock balance reports cannot be obtained - they are generated in a regular way. They just do not have information in which warehouse this balance is, because. warehouses are not important.

Maintenance by characteristics and series has been retained, but these parameters are set for the item type. By series, accounting can be kept informative (for reference, only for issuing a document) or fully (with the receipt of balances for each series).

Maintaining an order scheme in 1C:ERP is optionally enabled for each warehouse. In addition, you can determine for which operations orders are required - for example, only when writing off from a warehouse. For the storekeeper, the issued sales document is an order to issue an order, which is reflected in his system desktop.

The operations of shipment from one warehouse and acceptance to another warehouse are also separated. This is convenient when warehouses are far from each other and you need to understand that goods and materials have already been shipped from one warehouse, but they have not yet arrived at another warehouse.

In 1C:ERP, a cellular warehouse is implemented. You can keep records within the warehouse by premises and work areas.

You can store goods in cells in 2 ways:

  • reference placement method - in this case, the goods are taken into account in the context of the warehouse (premises), the balance of goods in each cell is not controlled, only the specific place of storage of the goods is determined.
  • method of address storage - in this case, the goods are taken into account in the context of the cells, the control of goods in the cells is carried out.

The first method allows you to simply quickly find the goods upon shipment, and the cell upon receipt. The second method is aimed precisely at automating and optimizing the processes of placing and selecting goods, taking into account various strategies, and allows you to control the weight, volume, cell fullness, and other parameters.

Organization of operational management in production

Since ERP-class systems are designed primarily to solve the problems of manufacturing enterprises, then issues related to the organization operational management in production are of the greatest interest. What are the main differences between 1C: UPP and 1C: ERP?

In 1C: SCP, all processes are based on the structure of the product. To use planning mechanisms, it is mandatory to set specifications for manufactured products in the system. Because of this, the system imposes very high requirements on the detailing of reference data, up to each technological operation performed at each technological work center. This approach ensures only a strictly consistent execution of the order: first, we must complete the development of technological documentation, and only then proceed to manufacture the products we are interested in.

In 1C: ERP, the approach is different. In fact, the emphasis is on the management of production processes. Two-level control is introduced, i.e. intershop planning and management within the shop.

Inter-shop planning is the definition and planning of the implementation of production stages, at this point it is enough to describe the products according to the stages performed. For each stage, you can specify the outputs, materials and services that will be required at this stage, as well as the labor costs that are required to complete it. It is a description of the production process. When describing it, you can take into account those factors that are not explicitly indicated in the technological documentation, and indicate the most realistic deadline in terms of duration.

And the direct execution within the stage of each operation is delegated to the shop level and detailed technological documentation for the implementation of each stage can be issued by the beginning of its implementation. This allows you to organize parallel work on the product, from the moment the production process begins, to refine the technological documentation for subsequent stages.

For management at the shop level, a tool has appeared - a route sheet (for production accounting mode 2.1) or a production stage (for production accounting mode 2.2), in which specific operations are determined within the execution stage.

The production schedule in 1C: SCP is an operational production schedule that is planned on a continuous time axis. When it is created, the availability of work centers is evaluated. Such a schedule is very sensitive to deviations that may occur during its actual execution, and there are also high requirements for efficiency. feedback to arrange rescheduling.

In the 1C: ERP application solution, the production schedule is built by intervals. Those. planning is carried out on a discrete time axis, which is divided into planning intervals, which are set individually for each unit. Availability control during scheduling is performed for work centers and material resources. This approach means initially introduced temporal redundancy. However, in conjunction with the operational reflection of the execution of route sheets / stages of production, where deviations are recorded during the execution of stages, it reduces the number of cases when rescheduling is required. The backlash of freedom of the local dispatcher allows you to execute the program in the planned period.

Finance Budgeting Regulated accounting Personnel Production Costs Organization of repairs Sales Relationships with customers Purchases Warehouse and stocks Integration with "1C: Document Management 8 CORP" Technological advantages

Warehouse and Inventory Management

For warehouse management, you can use warehouse order scheme. A requisition warehouse scheme can be used for operations receipts and shipments independently. Warehouse orders are issued strictly on the basis of order documents, which can be invoices or orders. Records are kept of orders received but not processed; Warehouse operation technology can be built entirely "according to electronic instructions".=> =>

In the subsystem it is possible address storage goods, i.e. accounting for the balance of goods in the context of "storage places" ( shelves, cells, racks), and product packaging. The system can manage the layout of goods at storage locations upon receipt, assembly from storage locations upon shipment, movement and disassembly of goods. Algorithms embedded in the system automatically select best places storage at assembly and placement, monitor the absence of failures with a large number of warehouse operations.=> =>

The subsystem allows you to create a variety of work areas for the best access to storage cells and determine the order of bypassing storage cells. For example, work areas for manual selection of goods by a warehouse employee and for the operation of a forklift. For the selection of goods, you can set various selection strategies to optimize the placement of goods in cells. For example, when selecting goods, first of all, release those cells where the goods are in the minimum sufficient volume. This will free up cells to accommodate newly incoming goods. Proactive mechanism cell feeding address warehouse (premises) allows you to increase the speed of selection when shipping goods from the warehouse. Address storage of goods can be used optionally. In addition to it, it is supported reference anchor storage places for the goods.=>

Uses a multi-step process goods inventory, consisting of the formation of orders for inventory, the issuance of orders for the recalculation of balances in storage places, separate reflection of surpluses and shortages in financial and operational accounting.=>

The subsystem allows you to automate the process management delivery of goods customers, as well as the processes of delivery of goods when moving goods between warehouses. Delivery of goods can be carried out directly to the addresses of customers (warehouse) or with the involvement of transport company(carrier). Delivery orders are issued taking into account the delivery zones, the procedure for bypassing delivery addresses, as well as taking into account the carrying capacity and capacity of the vehicle.

Question 4.13 - Creating an Internal Transfer Order

AT question 4.13 it is necessary to answer with what level of detail the document should be entered Internal transfer order. Answer options:

  • Up to nomenclature characteristics
  • Up to nomenclature series.

It should be noted that the name of the document is incorrectly given in the question. In 1C: ERP 2.0, an order for internal movement is documented Goods transfer order. Create Document Goods transfer order can be from the list of transfer orders ( Warehouse - Customer Orders). Selecting a button Create.

As you can see, there are two options for creating a document:

  • Between warehouses of the same organization
  • Between warehouses and organizations.

In the first version of the document, it can be seen that in the tabular part of the document Goods transfer order, you must specify Nomenclature and Description of the nomenclature(there are corresponding columns).

We create a new position of the nomenclature.

We select the nomenclature item for which accounting is carried out according to the characteristics.

For information, such nomenclature position is marked with the icon

After selecting the nomenclature item, the column Characteristic becomes mandatory.

In another version of the document Internal transfer order - Between warehouses and organizations. Appearance document is similar.

Within the document Goods transfer order there is no column allowing to specify a series. On the toolbar there are no signs of the possibility of specifying a series, even for reference.

Now let's see how the document behaves if a position with set accounting by series is selected as an item, and as warehouses (details Destination warehouse and Shipping warehouse in document Goods transfer order) selected warehouses with serial inventory support.

To test this possibility, we will create two warehouses with the possibility of accounting by series.

The list of warehouses is available from the menu Regulatory and reference information - Warehouses and shops.

Let's create the first warehouse with the name "Destination warehouse".

Bookmark Order scheme and structure note the minimum settings for the warehouse to be considered as an order warehouse. Only in warehouses with an order scheme, accounting by series is possible.

Let's create a warehouse "Sending warehouse" in the same way.

Let's create Item type with the possibility of accounting by series. Let's open the directory Types of nomenclature (Regulatory information - Settings and directories).

Directory will open Types of nomenclature.

Click on the button Create and fill in all the required information.

When choosing a policy for accounting for series on the form for creating a directory element Types of nomenclature you can create a series with end-to-end accounting by series.

Select the most demanding policy type.

This series accounting policy will be used when creating the item type (see the figure above).

Let's create an item with the item type just created.

Let's open the directory Nomenclature (Regulatory and reference information - Nomenclature).

Let's create a new nomenclature position.

We enter the remaining information on the nomenclature.

Now let's try to create a document Goods transfer order with prepared regulatory and reference information.

Once in props Destination warehouse a warehouse is specified taking into account by series a column appears Series. Unfortunately, when choosing an item item with serial accounting, the column Series not specified.

However, if we choose to provide For shipment, you will be able to specify the series.

In a collumn Series series can be specified.

Please note that the series is highlighted in blue, i.e. is optional, but can still be specified.

So the answer is document Goods transfer order can be issued according to the nomenclature with detailing up to the characteristics of the nomenclature and to the series of the nomenclature.

Grounds for Appeal

Unfortunately, the question is about formation, i.e. to create a document Transfer order, and the provisioning filling is more related to the requirements provisioning block, its use is expected after the document has passed certain states. Therefore, report No. 1 was previously considered correct (up to specifications). But the answer shows that we can fill in the security at the time of creating the order. Therefore, when choosing answer #3 on the exam, the above information can be used in the appeal.

3 comments for “ 1C:Professional for 1C:ERP - question 4.13

Do owners and managers decide to implement ERP so that the IT system brings new benefits to the business? giving a few steps ahead of competitors, simplified management and increased profits. Therefore, we will not quote terminology here, which already has little in common with market trends in the IT environment.

So what is next generation ERP? What should be understood today about this term? - That's what we want to draw your attention to.

Back in 2013, Gartner introduces a new term: " postmodern ERP". Which is not a monolithic system, as we usually perceive an ERP product, but an information space of integrated applications that develops and is completed as the level and needs of the enterprise grow. This is a kind of synthesis of cloud services, applications on various platforms, local systems, etc. .d. that allow an enterprise to be flexible, quickly introduce new products, use accumulated data in end-to-end processes, implement the best suggestions from developers, update its software portfolio (quickly change the "old" to a more advanced "new" product), automate processes step by step, according to the possibilities and needs.

Gartner analysts predict that companies that will not have a postmodern development strategy, but will continue to use a "monolithic structure", will expect an increase in the level of system complexity, an increase in costs, and most importantly, they will not be able to keep up with the rebuild as quickly as their competitors can do using integrated complexes of external applications.

Transformation to a new generation of ERP is the challenge facing business and IT companies today.

What can we offer?

Implementation, development and support: as part of your long-term strategy of development, consistent, gradual transition and building an integrated next generation ERP system: you will be able to build an IT architecture step by step using an integration platform that meets current trends and gives you the opportunity to be "one step ahead".

Examples of external modules integrated via IPaaS:

CRM (Small Business) - a system for small businesses. CRM as a SaaS service: simple, easy, affordable. MRP (Small Manufacture) - a system for automating the processes of small production, working "on order". Atom.PharmDist: Analytical service for pharmaceutical companies amoCRM is an integrated CRM system. Effective lead management. Integration module 1C:Pridpriyemstvo with Nova Poshta Service module

Cloud ERP

Cloud ERP systems allow companies to:

  • reduce initial development costs,
  • speed up deployment and scaling time
  • simplification of settings tailored to their unique needs.

With the cloud, businesses can run ERP in a stripped-down version, which means companies get the latest innovations automatically, from new features to support the latest rules.

Cloud ERP frees businesses from the inflexible and resilient ERP of the past. No more waiting for expensive upgrades, no more upgrade risks. No more outdated ERP system.

IT help desks are minimized as the cloud provider handles updates and upgrades. And the cloud-based ERP model makes it much easier to co-host or transfer data to another country.

Integration Platform IPaaS: integration of applications with ERP system.

Documentation ERP 2 for Ukraine (beta version)

Official documentation is supplied only with the delivery of the software product

Concept and functionality of ERP

Description of blocks functionality. Solution concept. ERP functions: description and comparative analysis.


Today in Ukraine large companies implement ERP:

User manuals for BAS ERP Ukraine

Documentation and user instructions for the BAS ERP Ukraine product

ERP Instructions

Description of the use of functionality to solve specific problems in the system. User instructions and cases.

ERP Documentation

Official documentation for the product from the vendor is supplied only upon purchase of the product

Additional modules for ERP

Additional ready-made modules that expand the functionality of the main solution 1C: Enterprise ERP


In recent years, Russia has taken a course towards the development own production. The state defense order is being actively financed, the depreciation of the ruble has made it profitable to open new production enterprises.

In this regard, there is a growing need for software solutions that could comprehensively automate such enterprises.

If you look at the number of implementations of ERP systems in the Russian market, then the main manufacturers of software for integrated automation enterprise management will be "1C" and the well-known Western system.

It is traditionally believed that the products of a Western vendor are qualitatively superior to 1C in terms of resource planning. There is an opinion that the products of the 1C company are pure accounting systems, and if it comes to the need to calculate the production schedule or determine the planned need for personnel or material resources, then here you need to either purchase something “more serious”, well or significantly modify the typical 1C configuration.

There is a certain amount of truth here - the evolutionary software products of the 1C company originate from the needs of Russian accounting, and this is really, first of all, accounting, and here the primacy of 1C is undeniable. But already in 2005, the 1C company released the configuration "1C: Management manufacturing plant”, which supported the MRP standards, and to some extent the MRP2 standards.

"1C: Production Enterprise Management" turned out to be a product that is quite in demand on the market. It combined the traditional reliability and quality of 1C accounting systems and provided intuitive tools for resource planning. First of all, material resources - raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.

Along with the subsystem of material planning of production needs, the program implemented a subsystem of budgeting. Now it was no longer possible to say that 1C configurations are only accounting systems.

And in 2013, 1C released a completely new software solution for integrated automation industrial enterprises- "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2".

The solution turned out to be so innovative that the concept of automation proposed in it, at a certain point, was ahead of the needs of the market. In the program, the main emphasis was placed on planning and, only a consequence of the established plan, was the operational activities of the enterprise and its accounting. Moreover, the formation of accounting entries is generally not carried out online. The accountant forms the accounting policy of the enterprise (regulatory accounting rules), and then becomes only a controller who is connected at the final stage of work, when the plans are set, fulfilled, and it is necessary to prepare regulatory reporting.

To call such a solution another accounting program from 1C is absolutely wrong.

"1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" in the full sense of the system ERP management-class.

But this caused its own difficulties. Many enterprises were not ready for this. On the first implementation projects of 1C:ERP, customers had a lot of complaints about the system.

The reasons for the complaints are mainly the following:

    Traditional expectations that, despite all the novelty, the program will remain an accounting program. If the documents do not form postings immediately, then “what kind of program is this ???”.

    Lack of planning culture in enterprises.

    Lack of available training materials on the capabilities of the 1C: ERP program.

Reason number one is a matter of tradition and a competent “political” approach to automation: the new program does not beg the importance of an accountant in an enterprise, but only frees him from the routine operational work, bringing to the level of a strategist and controller - he determines the rules of regulatory accounting, and then only controls their implementation. To do this, the program has all the necessary tools, and they are no less reliable than before.

In order to help customers understand the 1C: ERP planning mechanisms, we, the Razdolie Implementation Center, have prepared several introductory courses on the management subsystems of the program.

This course focuses on production planning. The course allows you to master the program gradually - from simple to complex. We will start with production management in the style of "a la 1C: SCP" and get to the use of MES mechanisms. The explanation of the program operation methodology is based on business examples (cases): the task is briefly described, a description of the abstract enterprise for which the program will be configured is given. Then the necessary document flow and reporting is demonstrated.

The iterative approach of the course does not imply that each enterprise using "1C: ERP" is obliged to reach the use of MES mechanisms in its work. You are free to use the tools of the system that are most convenient for you.

There are no references in the course to the location of certain directories, documents, reports and other objects in the program. There are practically no pictures and screenshots. In order to “live” see how everything works, a course of thematic video lectures has been recorded, links to which are present in the text.

There is no deep dive into the technical details that are of interest only to specialists in the course. The main objective of the course is to give the reader a complete picture of the possibility of using 1C: ERP mechanisms to obtain practical business results.

Who is this course for:

    For managers and specialists of production and planning and economic divisions.

    For managers and specialists of IT departments, who are faced with the task of choosing a system for complex enterprise automation.

    For directors and owners of enterprises who are interested in new management tools.

    For everyone who is interested in methods of managing industrial enterprises.

What problems can an enterprise solve with the help of "1C: ERP" using the course materials?

    Familiarize yourself with different options for organizing planning and accounting in production.

    Select the appropriate production management method.

    Determine next steps to improve enterprise management tools.

Modern methods of production management

Before proceeding to describe the capabilities of the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 program, I would like to give a brief digression into the terminology and methodology.

Management standards

Production management can be divided into several sections:

    Planning the needs for material resources (materials, semi-finished products, parts, etc., necessary for the production of products).

    Planning the need for production personnel.

    Planning the need for production equipment.

    Issuance of production tasks, according to certain plans.

    Quality control of work performed and products manufactured.

    Accounting for the results of work.

One of the simplest production management standards - MRP (Material Requirements Planning) - covers only the planning and accounting of material resources.

A program that complies with the MRP standard should, on the basis of a given production plan and current inventories in warehouses, calculate a plan for the necessary material support (purchases). This standard was supported in the "1C: Enterprise Management" configuration and was further developed in "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2".

The MRP standard has evolved over time into new version- MRP 2. This version has been significantly expanded, now it is necessary to manage not only inventories, but also other production needs (personnel, equipment), control the quality of work, form production tasks, keep records, evaluate the results of work. Management has gone beyond production and now it is necessary to link the possibilities of production with the possibilities of supply and marketing. The needs of the enterprise must match the available funding.

This standard is supported only in one software product of the 1C company - 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.

The organization of work at the enterprise in accordance with this standard requires a comprehensive understanding of all ongoing processes and their interactions. The planning of actions comes to the fore, and only then their execution and accounting.

As part of this guide, the capabilities of the 1C: ERP program will be demonstrated, corresponding only to that part of the MRP2 standard that applies specifically to production. The capabilities of the program will not be described. financial planning. Information about purchases, sales, warehouse subsystem will be given to the extent necessary to demonstrate the capabilities of the program for production management.

Among the terms above, there is no main one, which is contained in the name of the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2". This is "ERP" (Enterprise Resource Planning).

The ERP management standard is a general description of a set of required management practices for integrated enterprise management. The production part of this standard is directly linked to the requirements of MRP2.

This standard (ERP) is supported by the 1C:ERP program, at the level of leading foreign software solutions. Due to the fact that the program "1C: ERP" appeared quite recently, the most modern requirements to solutions of this class, it does not contain the inevitable historical encumbrances and restrictions inherent in competitors.

Planning Methods

Let's imagine that our enterprise looks like this:

    We manufacture metal structures

    There are three workshops - procurement, welding and assembly,

    The production chain is as follows:

How can work be planned in such a situation?

The easiest option is to get the planned sales volume from commercial service, draw up a production plan for the assembly shop, based on the needs of the assembly shop, draw up a production plan for the welding shop, then a production plan for the blank shop.

Thus, we have drawn up plans for the work of all workshops and can get to work.

This approach has some obvious limitations:

    If our actual sales are less than planned, we will end up with excess inventory in the finished goods warehouse. The converse is also true - if demand exceeds original plan sales, we will not be able to satisfy it and will not receive additional profit.

    Problems in the middle of the production chain can lead to the formation of illiquid stocks of semi-finished products. For example, problems in the welding shop will result in finished kits from the blank shop piling up in shop pantries. Yes, and such work of the procurement workshop becomes essentially unprofitable - we will not be able to sell the results of its work, respectively, we spend materials and pay wages to workers without having a profit.

This approach to production planning is called “pushing”: each production site seeks to fulfill its work plan, to “push” the result of its work further along the production chain.

The main feature of the "push" approach to management is the availability of production / supply plans set for a certain period.

A striking example of a "push" planning option is the planned economy that existed in the USSR.

An alternative to this approach is the "pull" planning technique.

Let's go back to the original example. Imagine that we have determined a certain norm for each workshop production stocks in workshop storerooms. We have determined a similar norm for the warehouse of finished products.

If the volume of stocks falls below the norm, a task for replenishment is formed. For the warehouse of finished products, a task is formed for replenishment for the assembly shop (an order for the production of finished products), from the assembly shop the task goes to the welding shop, and so on along the production chain.

We sort of "pull out" the necessary material flows, starting from our actual sales.

There are a number of production management concepts based on the "pull" method of planning:

    Lean ( lean production),

    Just in time (Just In Time, JIT),

This planning technique is considered the most optimal in terms of the material resources involved. We do not waste materials in vain, every production has a specific purpose - sales.

But there are also certain disadvantages:

    Potentially, we are not filling up production capacities (work is carried out only if necessary).

    The methodology is difficult to implement - you need to correctly determine the amount of standard reserves in order to compensate for fluctuations in demand from them.

On the this moment The "pull" method of planning is considered the most progressive and cost-effective, but it is quite "knowledge-intensive" - ​​the enterprise must quickly balance demand, production load, material flows and stocks.

"1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" supports both "push" and "pull" options for building plans.

Planning levels

Each production shop in its composition most often has a number of production sites.

The production sites for our welding shop can be, for example, automated welding lines, which produce components for future metal structures. Suppose that we have three such lines in the workshop, for different types of nodes, that is, three production sites.

The production plan handed over to the welding shop contains a list of required units, but does not contain specific instructions on which section which unit should be produced. It's just a release plan for a certain period. Such a plan is also called an "inter-shop plan".

At the moment when the question arises of in which areas, what work will be performed and at what moment this should take place, we are already talking about the intrashop plan.

In other words, we have two levels of planning:

    Top-level plans are intershop plans, they contain output volumes for the shop as a whole.

    Intrashop plans that decipher the plans of the shop to the production tasks of a specific work area.

This approach is, of course, rather arbitrary. Nothing prevents us from immediately compiling detailed plan for the entire enterprise with details to each production site. But developing such a plan can take a long time. And if the actual execution of work on a separate site will require regular recalculation of the plan of the entire enterprise, then this may not be physically feasible due to the limitations of computing resources.

A two-level approach to planning gives a certain zoning - the problems of one workshop, which do not go beyond its limits, do not affect the work of other workshops.

This approach was generally accepted at large Soviet factories. There was a PDO service (planning and dispatching department), which was part of the production directorate of the enterprise. She prepared interdepartmental plans for the period.

And in each workshop there was one or more dispatchers (sometimes they made up the planning and dispatching bureau of the workshop), who were responsible for issuing production tasks for work centers (production sites) in accordance with the planned scope of work for the entire workshop.

From the description of this two-level planning model, it may seem that we are talking only about the "push" method of production management - after all, we are constantly talking about plans. This is not the case - the work plan of the shop can be a request for replenishment of stocks for the "pull" methodology. And already this application will be detailed to intrashop production tasks.

This method of production management is still used today. For medium, and even more so for large enterprises, it is difficult to offer The best way work. Therefore, "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" fully supports a two-level approach to planning. Moreover, at the level of intrashop planning, there is a wide range of tools for managing production resources.

Scheduling work within the workshop

The number of working sections inside the workshop can reach several dozen. The work of each section consists of a set of operations: it is necessary to install the necessary equipment (for example, a drill), fix the part, drill the part, remove the part, remove the equipment. Each operation has its own execution time. By multiplying the operations by the number of sections, we may already get several hundred parameters that need to be taken into account when planning.

How can all this be done in a reasonable amount of time?

There are two well-known operations management techniques - MES and TOC.

The MES (manufacturing execution system) technique involves the use of specialized software (most often called MES systems).

The MES system receives as input information about all the parameters of the workshop (production sites, their equipment, operations performed on it, their time, available working time for each site), as well as information about the needs for production in the form of a workshop work plan. For each manufactured item, a product route map is loaded into the MES system - a list of operations by sections (production equipment) that must be performed for its production.

After that, the program calculates the optimal work plan for each section of the workshop, which is specified in the production tasks (shift-daily tasks).

Based on the results of real work, an operational recalculation of the plan can be carried out.

In general, this is a very good management technique, if not for one BUT - the calculation of such operating plan requires good computing resources, and the need for regular recalculation of the plan can make such a planning system unrealizable in practice.

To help solve the problem of significant calculations, a planning technique was developed, called the Theory of Constraints. Its author (more precisely, popularizer) is Eliyahu Goldratt. The main ideas of the methodology were codified in three "production" novels - Purpose, Purpose 2, Purpose 3.

The essence of the theory of limitation is as follows: the productivity of the entire production chain is determined by the weak link (the section with the lowest productivity). Therefore, it is unnecessary to plan the work of all links in this chain; it is enough to make sure that the weak link never stands idle.

This idea can best be understood with an example. Imagine that we have a machining shop and it has three production areas - a drilling section, a milling section, and a cutting section. In this shop shafts of electric motors are made. We take a metal bar, cut it, then mill it, then drill the holes required by the technology. The production chain for manufacturing the shaft is shown in the figure below:

The performance of each section is presented in the table below:

How many finished motor shafts will we get per hour of operation of such a production chain?

No more than 30 pieces. Because the milling section will not be able to process more, no matter how much the other sections produce - it is the “bottleneck” of this production chain.

And in order for the milling section to be able to work with a maximum productivity of 30 blanks per hour, it should not be idle. His work must be properly planned and there must always be a supply of workpieces in front of him for processing.

Therefore, this approach to planning is often called "Drum-Buffer-Rope". The beat of the drum is the tact of planning the work of production. The cycle coincides with the cycle of operation of the bottleneck of production (in our example, this is the milling section). A buffer is a necessary stock of blanks in front of a bottleneck, designed to ensure that it never stands idle. A rope is a management action that "pulls" work and materials along the entire production chain at the right time so that the bottleneck does not stand idle.

Theory of Constraints is often criticized for the following:

    There are problems with the definition of a bottleneck.

    For industries with a large range of manufactured products, with changing production plans, different equipment can be a bottleneck at different times.

These problems can be solved by using computational tools that dynamically determine the bottlenecks in production chains.

One of these automation tools is "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2".

Production management without planning

general description

The story about the capabilities of the production subsystem "1C: ERP" will begin with the simplest version of production management: from accounting without using any planning tools.

Planning tools is a mechanism for constructing a production schedule. It will not be used here.

In this mode, 1C:ERP works in the style of its predecessor, 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management.

You can opt out of planning tools for the following reasons:

    You do not yet have reliable information about the norms of consumption of materials,

    You have no information about the time of execution of works and use of equipment,

    You have a purely design organization, where each project is a unique set of materials, works, etc.

The first two reasons on the list are temporary obstacles. One way or another, you should move on and later you will most likely use planning tools in your work.

In the case of a project organization, the production planning subsystem may not be used at all - if we are talking about projects that are completely unique in composition. If some typical products are used on projects, from which a unique one is then assembled design solution, then the production of typical products is well planned, it is better not to neglect this possibility of the system.

Before talking about the necessary settings and workflow, let's get acquainted with the business case, on the basis of which the description of the program's capabilities in this section will be conducted.

The company Metal Structures LLC is engaged in the production of standard metal structures - supports and modules.

A support is a pipeline support, a module is a metal box in which equipment can be mounted. All work on the manufacture of products is carried out in one workshop - assembly. The work uses hand power tools, home-made devices and welding machines.

Products are made from sheet metal, steel bars and corners. Work assemblers and work welders are involved in the production. At the moment, there are no clear standards for the consumption of materials and work for products.

The company is running a comprehensive automation project based on "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2". The goal of the project is to improve business manageability and optimize costs. It is required to choose a control model for production on initial stage project. Model requirements are as follows:

    Ability to collect production costs for manufactured products.

    Opportunity to obtain further statistics on the consumption of materials and work for the development of production standards.

    Possibility to use production planning mechanisms in the future.

In general, this example reflects quite well the wide range of enterprises that exist in Russia at the moment. These are workshops and small factories of metal structures, furniture workshops, other small industries with high proportion manual labor.

In addition, almost any enterprise, even a very large one, can find itself in a situation where there are no current production standards. Therefore, as the initial stage of automation, this example will be useful to many.

Management model

Proposals for the organization of accounting are as follows:

    The version of 1C:ERP production management mechanisms used is 2.2.

    Production management methodology - "Without scheduling of production."

    Production order documents will be used to manually create production orders.

The structure of the enterprise is included in the program, the directory of divisions is filled in, there is a dispatcher division (it is also a manufacturing division) "Assembly Shop".

The nomenclature reference book was filled in, the materials used, finished products were entered.

Two types of work have been introduced: "Welding", "Assembly". For welding, the tariff is 500 rubles. hour, for assembly - 200 rubles. hour.

The program works in the following way:

    The manager of the sales department at the moment when he needs to meet the needs of his customers, creates the document "Order for production".

    The document contains a list of products (supports/modules) that need to be produced for the client.

    The document indicates the desired release date.

    The document is posted in the "For Production" status.

    Documents go to workplace production manager (processing "Managing the queue of orders for production"), where the responsible employee forms the stages of production - tasks that will be performed by teams of workers.

    When creating the next stage of production (production assignment), the number of manufactured products, the list of necessary materials and the volume necessary work. From the "Production stage" document, you can immediately reserve or request necessary materials in stock.

    The document "Production stage" is transferred for execution and goes to the workplace of the team leaders. Further, for simplicity, we will call this document a “production task”.

    Team leaders accept assignments.

    Based on the needs of production, materials are transferred from the warehouse.

    In the process of work, as soon as they are ready, the products are transferred to the warehouse, information about this is entered into the program.

    If necessary, the program draws up production documents for calculating wages for workers - based on ongoing production tasks.

    The release of scrap and the additional requirement for materials is reflected in the production order itself.

    After the work on the task is completed, the document is marked as completed.

    Upon completion of all production tasks, the production order is also marked as completed. Specialized workstations provide appropriate means of visualizing the state of affairs, which help to quickly change the status of documents and create the necessary subordinate documents.

The scheme is quite simple and understandable, it satisfies the initial requirements of a comprehensive accounting of material and labor resources in production.

Advantages of the proposed accounting scheme:

    Convenient tools for production accounting, which are collected in workstations.

    Linking production needs with the transfer of materials from the warehouse. Executable production orders determine the limit for the transfer of materials from the warehouse. If a production employee needs to receive additional materials, he must change the initial need, which is reflected in the program and is available for further analysis and proceedings.

    The ability to immediately switch to piece work in production. All work is carried out within the framework of production tasks, payroll is based on the specified amount of work.

In addition, the scheme allows you to get the necessary statistics for calculating future production standards and this ensures the transition to the use of planning mechanisms in the program.

A demonstration of working with the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" according to the above accounting scheme is shown in the video lecture from the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

Frequently Asked Questions from Readers

    Why does the program have two documents “Order for production” and “Stage of production”, because, in fact, both there and there the task is set to produce a certain volume of products?

A production order contains a certain amount of work that needs to be done (to produce products). The stages of the work of the order (what will be done in which workshop, on what types of work centers) is contained in the documents "Production stage".

A similar need may arise if the order needs to be produced in separate batches; these batches are also conveniently grouped by production stages.

    According to the stages of production that are in progress, it is required to transfer half of the sheet of metal, but the warehouse cannot “cut off” the half and will give the whole sheet. How to arrange it in the program?

When transferring materials from the warehouse, transfer half of the sheet according to the order (on the basis of the “stage for production” document), and half to the pantry of the workshop. The next time this material is needed in production, it can be obtained from the leftovers in the pantry.

    We are accustomed to working with shift-daily tasks, how can this document be formalized in the program?

Using the documents "Stage to production", select the desired list of documents and print them. The most convenient way to do this is in the "Scheduling stages" workplace.

    There has never been a mention of a production specification or any other document that sets the norms for the consumption of materials, etc. This is fine?

It is clear that working without standards is not very good: it is difficult to plan the needs of production, it is difficult to deal with abuses. But you have to start somewhere. Sometimes the regulation development phase can take a long time, which creates problems for the entire plant automation project. In this case, you can start working in this way - indicating the necessary materials and work in the “Stage for production” document itself at the moment when it is necessary. Over time, you can easily give up this practice.

With the help of fairly simple settings and an understandable workflow of the program, we put things in order in accounting and have already met some of the requirements of the MRP standard. Although it is said here that we do not yet use planning mechanisms, the production orders themselves and their production stages create planned requirements for materials that can be involved in the procurement subsystem - for procurement planning.

And the production orders themselves can be created not just like that - manually, but based on needs. production plan(for the "push" method of planning) or, as necessary, replenish the standard reserves for the "pull" method.

How to set up the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" to make these mechanisms work will be described in the next chapter.

An exemplary workflow scheme for this management model is shown in the figure below:

Ways to create production orders

In the example above, the production order was created by the sales manager. This is a valid way to work with the program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2", but not the most correct and convenient.

What other options can there be for creating production documents in the program?

    The manager can create a "Customer Order" document and, based on it, fill out a production order. This approach is more convenient - you do not need to enter the same information into the program twice.

    Managers can create several customer orders, and then the production manager will independently generate the final production order, which will provide all the needs of the original customer orders. So you can define the areas of responsibility and access of employees. Also, this approach allows you to make the work easier, and accordingly it will be done faster and better - each employee works with his own type of documents, which he knows well.

The video lecture, which demonstrates the use of the program mechanisms from paragraphs 1-2, is in the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

    The commercial department of an enterprise can form a sales plan for a period (month), according to which a production plan will be automatically generated. Based on the production plan, production orders can be created. This option for creating documents is closest to the classic "push" planning technique.

    For the warehouse of finished products, the standard of stocks of finished products will be determined. If, during the sales process, the actual stock in the warehouse is below the target, a production order can be created to replenish stocks. This option implements a "pull" planning technique.

A video lecture that demonstrates the use of plans and standard stocks for the formation of orders for production is in the full version of the course, available after registration at the link: .

    The creation of production orders based on sales orders is possible when it comes to project activities. Here, each customer order has unique needs, they are implemented by a separate production order. Another option is a government order (defense enterprises, etc.), here customer orders may contain serial products, but the legal requirements are such that it is necessary to track the material flows related to a specific order. This is implemented by a special mechanism of "separate provision" of customer orders. In other cases, it is better to consider more convenient ways of production workflow.

    The use of the production plan is available for enterprises with repetitive production and medium-long production cycle(from a week or more).

    An alternative to production plans can be to use the variant with control of standard stocks. Based on the inventory turnover of products, you determine the stock reserves you need to cover the needs of customers. If the balances are below the standard, then production replenishes them.

The choice between the second and third options is determined by the following parameters:

    shelf life of finished products. For example, for the food industry as a whole, only the third option is applicable (maintaining the standard stocks that are necessary to ensure the current shipment), with the rare exception of the production of raw smoked, dry-cured sausages, jamon, cheeses with a long ripening period - it is better to produce them according to plans. This is due to the fact that fluctuations in demand during the production period can lead to overstocking of the warehouse, which will lead to damage to the goods and losses. Here we need a more dynamic system for the formation of orders for production, which will promptly respond to demand - the dynamism is precisely determined by the inventory standard, which is regulated by the current demand itself (excess stocks began to deteriorate, storage standards were lowered).

    The term of production of finished products - the shorter it is, the greater the priority of the option with standard stocks. If the production cycle is measured in days, then it is possible to have relatively small reserves of goods in warehouses and quickly replenish them as needed. This eliminates the problem of overstocking finished products.

    Large fluctuations in demand - if the volume of demand is guaranteed for a period of a month or more, then it is possible to organize production according to plans, if fluctuations within the planning period are significant, it is better to adhere to standard stocks with their regular adjustments depending on the turnover of goods.

All three options for generating production orders are very well implemented in 1C: ERP. In their technical implementation in the program, there are no advantages of one option over others, so the choice should be made based on the real needs of the business.

Simple planning of material and production resources

Preliminary remarks on production planning

When it comes to production planning, two concepts are often confused and confused: planning the scope of work and production needs for materials, personnel, equipment and building a production schedule.

In order to avoid this error, we would like to give the following definition. Planning in volumes (output / consumption of production) is, one might say, our top-level intentions, which are then seriously refined and turned into a production schedule that has a specific time reference for the direct performer - at what point this or that production event should occur. And this moment is not a certain period, but an exact obligatory date (and sometimes exact time) the start of the event.

Drawing up a production schedule is laborious work, and its implementation requires high production discipline, when any deviations must be promptly controlled and, if necessary, the process of recalculating the work schedule should be launched just as quickly.

Due to the fact that many enterprises immediately strive to build a work schedule in the program without establishing proper organizational order, it often happens that the production schedule is a kind of declaration “for all the good things” hanging on the wall, which is fantastic and not mandatory to execution, which devalues ​​the very idea of ​​​​such a serious control. In this case, it is better to put things in order with other simpler and more convenient tools.

There is another serious problem - the production schedule calculated by the program may cause doubts among the staff, who, from experience, seem to “know how to do better”. These doubts grow into discontent and conflicts, which aggravates the situation, it can even go so far that they will try to blame the disruption of work on the “wrong” schedule and excessive regulation and bureaucratization of work.

The recommendations here are simple - production employees themselves should want to get a convenient tool that will allow them to properly plan their work. It is better to move towards this "evolutionary" rather than "revolutionarily" - starting with the planning of production volumes. The program "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2" has all the necessary tools for this.

Using the planning subsystem

Let's imagine that at our exemplary enterprise - Metal Constructions LLC - there was a task to plan the production needs for materials (to create a procurement plan), as well as the needs for workers in order to control employment. While we do not need an exact production schedule, we only need a general estimate - what needs to be purchased and how many workers are needed to produce the planned production volumes for the period.

Such a task can be quite simply solved if you use the planning subsystem "1C: ERP" and the following scheme of work:

    For each article of manufactured products, we must determine the planned standard for the consumption of materials and work. This document in the 1C:ERP program is called a resource specification.

    It is necessary to create and fill out a production plan (document "Production Plan" of the program).

    You need to use other planning mechanisms and reports of the program to determine, analyze and meet production needs:

      Based on the production plan, it will be possible to fill out the purchase plan (our need for materials). Based on the purchase plan, it will be possible to create orders to suppliers.

      Report "Planned demand for workforce» will show the required amount of work in hours. By comparing these data with the available working time fund, it can be determined whether additional staff is required or enough staff, and, perhaps, the number of workers is even excessive for such a production plan.

This accounting option is a continuation and simple development of the accounting scheme that was shown earlier. Here it is only necessary to fill in the reference book "Resource Specifications" for all positions of the manufactured products. The work on creating specifications can be greatly facilitated by the fact that we already have in the program information on the costs of materials and work in production, available from the statistics of the completed production stages (you can use the reports " Production costs” and “Cost of manufactured products”).

What gives such an account:

    We are moving towards full-fledged production management, plans allow us to link the work performed and the necessary resources.

    If we use a “push” management technique at our enterprise, then the production plan can be used to motivate production personnel - this Efficiency KPIs their works.

    If, in the future, we are going to use the "pull" method, the plans will allow us to assess the overall need "from above" - ​​whether we have enough resources to quickly provide our customers with products. This is such a combined approach, where the production plan is not strict requirements, and an assessment of the possibilities of production.

What is missing here? We do not yet take into account production equipment, even from the point of view of its sufficiency. This is not a limitation of the program, but a limitation of the original example, where it was assumed that we do not have work centers (equipment) in production, and all work is done with hand tools (welding machines, grinders, etc.) and it is enough for working personnel. But the example can be extended by specifying the work centers (equipment) and the required work time in the resource specification. After that, it will be possible to use the report "Planned need for types of distribution center" and get the same assessment of the need for equipment as the one that was obtained earlier for production personnel.

A video lecture that shows how to use the production plan to determine the required production resources is in the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

Dynamic provision of production with materials

Before moving on to building a production schedule, I would like to define another "evolutionary" step in the organization of accounting - material flow management in "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2".

Imagine a situation - we have several stages of production, materials are required for work. At the same time, materials for production are being purchased - orders are placed with suppliers, goods are delivered to the warehouse, goods are moved from other warehouses, etc. It is necessary to correctly link these processes in the program so that production employees can quickly assess the picture of material flows and correctly distribute their work (still manually).

To do this, 1C:ERP keeps records not only of actual events, but also records of future events.

The document "Production stage" in the tabular parts contains information about the planned dates when certain materials must be transferred from the warehouse in order to ensure the completion of the stage. When posting a document, the planned movement of materials is recorded in the program register - a plan for the departure of materials from the warehouse appears.

The document "Order to the supplier", in turn, contains information about when the materials will arrive at the warehouse - a plan is obtained for the receipt of materials at the warehouse. The same is true for orders for the movement of materials. The production stage itself, in addition to the plan for the departure of materials, forms a plan for the receipt of manufactured products that can be used to provide other stages of production and customer orders.

All these planned movements are controlled by the program (you can see them in the Commodity Calendar report). Moreover - there is a convenient workstation - the processing of the "Order supply status" in order to manage these movements - to balance planned requirements with planned (and actual) supply. Control can be carried out both in manual mode and in partially and fully automatic. The program will show you gaps in supply (periods when there is a planned write-off, but this material is not enough in the warehouse and it is not expected) and offers options for eliminating them (shift the shipment date, split the shipment into batches, etc.).

If you want to competently use the 1C: ERP program to manage material flows, then in without fail it is necessary to understand this processing and use it in the work.

The video lecture, which demonstrates the work with the processing of the "Order supply status", is in the full version of the course, available after registration at the link: .

Building a production schedule for materials

We will assume that at the moment we have completely put things in order in the current production accounting: information about ongoing orders is promptly entered into 1C: ERP, materials are transferred to production, finished products are issued, production needs are linked to purchases, production competently interacts with sales . Now you can start building a production schedule.

The easiest way to calculate a schedule to start with is to use information about available inventories and current purchases to determine when all the required materials are in stock and the production step can be completed.

This planning and accounting scheme looks like this:

    An order for production is created, production stages are formed according to the order.

    Based on the material needs of the production stages, a certain supply plan is formed. The supply plan here does not mean a specific object of the 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2 program, but a set of activities - the creation of orders to suppliers, the creation of orders for the movement of materials, the creation of supporting production orders for the production of the necessary semi-finished products / nodes.

    Using the Order Supply Status processing, it is determined when the production steps of the original production order can be supplied (currently or from future receipts).

    The production schedule is calculated. The program analyzes information about when the requirements for the materials of the stages can be met and proposes to change the start date for the stages.

    If the proposed terms of work do not satisfy the dispatcher, then he can redistribute the materials between the stages (remove the reserve) and recalculate the schedule.

    On the day when the materials are in the warehouse, information becomes available in the program interface that the needs of the stage are satisfied, it can be put into operation.

Advantages of the proposed accounting model:

    Your production automatically receives an executable work schedule (the necessary materials are in stock - you can start working).

    The mechanism for calculating such a production schedule is quite simple and understandable.

    To calculate the schedule, information about the necessary equipment is not yet required, so its use is available even for enterprises where order has not yet been put in place with regulatory reference information for production. You can even not enter resource specifications into the program, but use the production stage to indicate its need for materials - based on this information, the work schedule will be calculated.

Of the minuses, there is only one - we do not know if production will be able to immediately start work on the stage, based on the possible load of production equipment at that time, because we do not plan to use the equipment yet. We still have some of the necessary information, but it is not enough to guarantee the feasibility of the calculated schedule.

Where can this method of work planning be used:

    At any enterprises in the process of launching the production subsystem, as soon as the staff is sufficiently familiar with the capabilities of the program.

    In enterprises where hand tools are used for production - small-scale production of metal structures, furniture production, assembly production.

The main limitation of the applicability of such a production schedule is the presence of "bottlenecks" in labor force or equipment. That is, if during production everything depends only on the necessary material in the warehouse, then you can safely use this option for calculating the work schedule for all times and it is quite enough, the complication will not bring any result here and will only create unnecessary problems.

Switching to the production planning option material resources is carried out by simply changing the value of the constant "Method of production management" in the settings of the planning subsystem, its value should be equal to "Planning by material resources". After that, the appropriate planning options will be available in the automated workplace of the production manager (processing "Order Queue Management", "Stage Dispatching"). Production orders and stages already in progress will require rescheduling, but this will not be difficult (the work is no different from planning new orders / stages).

A video lecture demonstrating this method of production management is in the full version of the course, available after registration at the link: .

Building a production schedule for materials and equipment

Preliminaries and settings

The task of building a production schedule that would correctly plan the loading of your production is a creative and organizational issue to a certain extent. For each enterprise, it requires a preliminary study of the structure of production, and only then can some recommendations be given - how and what needs to be planned.

In this regard, this course will not present any universal approach to solving the problem (it does not exist in principle). Instead, several possible solutions will be described - for different production options.

Before proceeding with the examples, you need to configure the program to use this planning option - you need to switch the corresponding constant in the production settings and select the value "Planning by material and production resources."

For those stages of production that have been created up to this point, the work schedule based on the restrictions of materials will apply. The transition to a new planning strategy will not create big problems - old orders will be executed in the old way, new ones - in a new way. Some errors with scheduling new orders in the initial period will be caused by the fact that their scheduling will not take into account the existing load. These errors will stop immediately after all old orders are completed.

Terminology of the production subsystem "1C: ERP"

    A producing resource in 1C:ERP is called a work center. A work center can mean both production equipment and work personnel.

    Identical work centers are grouped into work center types. Work planning can be done both for the view as a whole and for each work center individually.

    Work center planning is carried out according to planning intervals. The minimum available scheduling interval in the program is one hour. The planning interval determines the frequency of transferring the results of work from one work center to another.

    Information about how long a particular work center will work on the manufacture of products is indicated in the resource specification. Also, this information can be entered or changed in the document "Production Stage". In this case, not a specific work center is indicated, but its type.

    The work center time specified in the resource specification contains the entire amount of work, including the time spent preparing the work center for work, the work itself, and so on.

    If several operations are performed at one work center in the process of manufacturing a part, and you need to directly control these operations, then the 1C: ERP MES toolkit is used with the appropriate settings, directories and workstations. More details about these mechanisms of the program will be written in the corresponding section of this manual.

Organization of simple production

Handyman scheduling

According to the conditions of our original example, in our enterprise, the main production resource is workers. In their work, they use hand tools, which are enough, and if there is a shortage, then they promptly buy more. Suppose we have 100 workers.

How to properly plan their work in such a situation?

    For the "Assembly shop" shop, specify the planning interval "Day". With such a frequency, production tasks will be formed in the workshop.

    For this type of work center, we indicate that it will participate in the construction of the production schedule, but the work of each work center will not be planned separately.

    For the type of work center, we indicate that it contains 100 work centers (we have 100 workers), we will not add the work centers themselves to the program.

    In the resource specifications for the products of the workshop, we will add a production stage, and indicate in it our type of work center and how many man-hours are required to manufacture these products at this work center.

    Let's set the available work time of our work center: the number of workers multiplied by the duration of their work per day, in our case 100 workers * 8 hours = 800 hours per day are available for work.

    We will plan the work by building a production schedule.

Explanations for the scheme:

Our company has a production resource - 100 workers who can perform work on the assembly of metal structures. From the point of view of planning their employment, we are not interested in what each worker will do (provided that they are completely interchangeable). Therefore, it is enough for us to plan the employment of all workers in aggregate and this aggregate available time will be the limiting factor that must be taken into account in determining when which stage of production can be started.

Details of the implementation of this production management scheme are given in the video lecture from the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

In the video, you should pay attention to the mechanism for using alternative work centers.

The proposed scheme has limitations and specifics that must be taken into account when applying it:

    If your production personnel is not completely interchangeable, then it needs to be broken down into certain types work centers - by interchangeability.

    If more than one worker is working at the same time to produce one unit of output, this must be properly taken into account when specifying the required work center work time in the resource schedule.

    In case of underloading of production, the stages will be executed earlier than indicated in the production schedule calculated by the program. This may require regular recalculation of the schedule (no more than once per planning interval).


The scheme is applicable to any enterprise where people are the limiting production resource. In order to get a workable production schedule, it is enough to take into account only their employment and the availability of materials.

Several production steps in one workshop

Let's assume that the enterprise described above decided to purchase a semi-automated welding line in order to speed up production and reduce part of the staff.

The production stages of the assembly shop are as follows:

    Procurement of material - workers cut the metal for product nodes.

    Welding of knots – welding works on production of knots are carried out.

    Assembly of finished products - sold products are assembled from nodes.

Previously, all these stages were performed by workshop workers, now the welding stage will be performed on a semi-automated welding line.

The time chart of work before and after the purchase of new equipment for one of the articles of finished products is as follows:

For this production option, we offer the following control scheme:

    Let's add a new view of the work center "Welding lines" and the work center itself "Welding line". Let's set the available time for it.

    Let's create new versions of the existing resource specifications, which will now contain not one production stage, but three. In the first and last stage, as before, the workers of the workshops will be used, and in the second, the welding line. Let us indicate the sequence of the stages.

    For all materials and labor costs, we will indicate in the specifications for which stage they are intended. Save and use new specifications.

    In new orders, we will choose new versions of the specification.

    Let's plan the work.

    As the shop floor staff is reduced, the number of work centers for the Assembly Shop Workers view should be reduced, as well as the available work hours. After that, it is necessary to recalculate the production schedule.

Explanations for the scheme:

The scheme is not much more complicated than the original version with one work center. An important difference is that now not one production stage will be created to order, but three - in accordance with the stages of the resource specification.

A demonstration of such a setting for the 1C: ERP production management subsystem is given in the video lecture from the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

This setting option has one indicative feature that allows you to understand how the program planning mechanisms are arranged and how they can be optimized for your own needs.

Suppose we need to release not one product, but ten. If we look at the Gantt chart of the constructed stages of production, we will see the following:

What does it mean:

    First, the workers of the assembly shop procure materials for all ten products.

    Then all the nodes are welded for all sets.

    Then, also "wholesale", products are assembled from the nodes.

And here, many production workers will have a fair claim: But we don’t like it that way. And how to make sure that the work goes in batches? This will allow you to start work on the order if all the materials are not in stock yet.

To do this, the resource specification has the corresponding parameter "Optimal launch batch". By default, it is equal to zero, which means that the entire volume of materials that is necessary for the production of all ordered products will simultaneously move through the production stages. If you are not satisfied with this approach, then you need to specify any value of the parameter other than zero and the program will split the order into batches, according to which production will be loaded.

As an example, we give a Gantt chart if we have an optimal launch batch of 2 pieces.

What has changed: Workers prepared part of the sets of materials and transferred them to the stage of welding assemblies, while welding work, the following sets are being prepared. The nodes come to the assembly stage also in batches. Provision of parties with materials is also carried out separately.

Applicability of this control scheme:

This setting option is applicable for any type of simple production - by combining the stages of work, selecting launch batches, you can achieve the desired detailing of work and the rhythm of production.

The limitation of the applicability of the scheme is the specified planning interval. The minimum value for the interval in the 1C:ERP program is one hour. This means that the work will be transferred from stage to stage no more than once per hour. What it can lead to:

Let's imagine we have small production advertising products (signs), where there are only three stages of work - cutting the base (plastic), sticker image (print on film), lamination.

The time schedule of works is as follows:

Starting to work at 12-00, we will receive a ready-made sign at 12-40.

And now let's build a production schedule - the program will distribute the stages in the schedule in multiples of hours:

That is, according to the schedule, we will receive our sign no earlier than at 14-05 (lamination takes 5 minutes). Almost an hour and a half later than the work actually ends.

In the case of very small productions, with short stages of work, it is possible. For larger enterprises - hardly.

In addition, it should be understood that orders are not made for one product, there is always a launch batch. Let's calculate our work time for three signs:

Already on three products, the schedule lagged behind the fact by less than 15 minutes. It turns out that even a small production can get the correct work schedule after correct setting system without any configuration modifications.

One more note: all created stages of production are immediately available for viewing and acceptance into work. Therefore, if the production actually performs work faster than it is planned according to the schedule, then employees will be able to take on the next stages earlier.

Such a planning scheme (where there is an interval, a multiple of which the work is planned) also has certain bonuses, many people forget about them. Let's imagine that we have three orders in work, they have selected 70% of the available working time from each stage of production into one planning interval. That is, 30% of the time the result of the work of the stage lies before being transferred to another stage. It seems to be bad, but:

    This ensures that orders are completed on time. We have an informal buffer 30% of the time for any force majeure. Imagine that we do not have such a buffer, and the schedule would be built “butt to joint”: the client ordered a transport, he came to pick up the products, the equipment broke down, we have to pay for the downtime of the car. It would be better if we did the work longer, but completed it on time.

    This allows you to quickly fulfill sudden orders. We have 30% available time in each planning interval that we can use without rescheduling existing orders.

When setting up the system, one should not confuse the production stage with the operations performed at the stage. If you are using sophisticated equipment- for example, an automated assembly line that requires pre-loading, configuration, and after the work is completed, it needs to be unloaded and possibly serviced somehow, then these actions should not be broken down into separate stages. This is one stage of production, but if you need to manage individual operations at this stage, then you should use the MES "1C: ERP" mechanisms. This approach will also simplify the choice of the planning interval - the line as a whole works for a long time, and accuracy in minutes is not needed here.

Special settings for the production subsystem

Before moving on to examples of large-scale productions that contain several workshops, it is necessary to describe special program settings that may be useful in your work.

The information will be presented in the form of a FAQ - a practical question and an example of its implementation in 1C: ERP.

We do not want to launch an order as soon as it is created. We need to release products as close as possible to the requirement date. This will avoid damage to goods during storage and overstocking of warehouses. How to set it up in the program?

There is a Release Placement option in the Production Order document. By default, it is filled with the value "Back to Top". This means that commissioned work will be scheduled as early as possible. Change the setting to "To Finish" and the program will place the production steps as close as possible to the desired release date.

Similarly, in the resource specification for a product on the tab "Production process" there is a parameter "Limited tracking period for output products". Here you can specify the time limit during which the result of production according to the BOM can be in the production department. Based on this period, the program optimizes the production schedule.

We are a chemical production, the main production resource of our enterprise is an automated mixing line, we would like to plan its work. But there is a peculiarity - before the line starts working, it takes 2 hours to load it with materials and set it up for release, and after the work is completed, ready-made mixtures are unloaded for 1 hour and the line tanks are washed for 1 hour. We are not yet interested in the control of operations, only the schedule of the work of the line itself. How to set up the program?

There are two settings options:

    You can include start-up and shutdown operations in the duration of the equipment itself.

    You can specify the preliminary and final buffer in the resource specification - the preliminary buffer is the line start-up work, the final buffer is unloading and washing. The buffer value is set as a multiple of the scheduling interval.

In your case, you will need to specify a scheduling interval equal to an hour, then use one of the settings options.

Our company is engaged in the production of plastic tableware. Granules of materials are loaded into the mold, the mold is heated and the desired product is stamped. One mold produces several plates or glasses at the same time. How to properly adjust the view of the work center for such production features?

Such equipment is called equipment with parallel loading (in one operation we produce several parts at the same time). In the work center view settings, you need to specify that synchronous parallel loading is allowed for equipment. For the work center itself, specify the number of simultaneously manufactured products (how many plates the mold simultaneously stamps).

Our company uses furnaces in which hardening of parts (for example, milling cutters) is carried out. The furnace can simultaneously process 200 parts, but from the point of view of optimal production load, it is more convenient for us to work with start-up batches of 30 parts. Also different cutters can be hardened different time, while they can be in the oven at the same time. How to set up the program correctly?

For the “Chamber Furnaces” work center type, specify that asynchronous loading of parts is allowed, and in the work center from this view, specify the maximum number of parts that can be placed in the furnace at the same time.

We have three assembly lines, they are absolutely interchangeable in terms of functionality, but they work with different productivity: one line processes 100 sets per hour, the second - 70, the third - 50. Do I need to start three different types of work centers and plan them separately (this is inconvenient ) or can I configure the program somehow easier?

You can do it easier. You start one type of work center "Assembly lines" it includes three work centers (your three assembly lines). For each assembly line, specify the productivity factor (the "Working time factor" field in the "Work centers" directory card). The coefficients are as follows: for the first line - 1, for the second - 0.7, for the third - 0.5. After that, the program will independently calculate the correct work schedule.

In production, we use CNC machines. There are old and new models. The new model differs from the old model in that an additional feature set is available on it. We would like those products that can be made on old machines to be made on them, but if there are not enough of them to fulfill all current orders, then the work of new equipment would also be planned. But if there are enough old machines, then let the new machines not be used (they are very expensive to maintain). How to set it up in the program?

Get two types of work centers (old and new CNC machines). And use alternative work center views in the resource schedule. As the main work center, you will have the type of work center "CNC machines old", for it specify the alternative type of work center "CNC machines new". When calculating, the program will take into account the possibility of replacing equipment, but will apply it only if the main working capacities are not enough.

Our company uses expensive metalworking machines in its work. They employ highly qualified specialists, the number of which is limited. How to plan such production?

If the bottleneck is the equipment (there is not enough of it), then only the operation of the equipment needs to be planned. If people, then people. You can also specify two types of work centers used for the production stage - equipment and people. But this can be redundant and will only slow down the calculation of the production schedule.

Complex production, which involves several workshops

Approximate control scheme

Imagine that our original enterprise has grown and production is now carried out in several workshops:

    Blanking shop - harvesting and pre-processing of materials, using metal cutting machines and presses.

    Welding shop - welding of units from the obtained blanks on welded lines.

    Painting workshop - painting of units, painting and drying chambers are used.

    Assembly shop - manual assembly of finished products from units, using hand tools.

The structure of production at our enterprise is as follows:

How will this change our settings for the 1C:ERP program? In fact, only quantitatively - we will now have several production units.

We propose the following production management scheme:

    We start everything necessary workshops in the program (we create divisions in the directory "Structure of enterprises").

    We start and configure everything necessary equipment(we introduce the types of work centers and the work centers themselves).

    We create or modify resource specifications for our production capacity structure.

    We are planning our production orders.

A specific example of the program settings will not be given here, it is contained in a video lecture from the full version of the course, available after registration at the link:.

The production settings here do not carry any "exclusive" information.

But I would like to focus on one important organizational moment- How will the production workflow be organized? Do we need production orders for each workshop separately, or will we use one end-to-end order, and the issuance of production tasks for workshops will be performed by its subordinate production stages.

It all depends on what approach to planning we will use - “push” or “pull”.

If you need to prepare a personal production plan for each workshop before the start of the next month and then produce products in accordance with these plans, then you need to create production orders for each workshop separately. Resource specifications should also be divided by shop.

If you need to make products as needed, then you can create one order for the last shop in the production chain and create a multi-stage resource specification indicating which stages are performed in which shops.

Although here you can also use the "multi-order" scheme in the context of workshops. The difference from the push option will be that orders for production will be generated as needed - it was necessary to provide materials for the welding shop, an order was created for the procurement shop.

There are several "permanent" questions that often arise when production is carried out in different shops. They are mainly related to the issues of transferring the results of the work of one workshop to another. We will try to answer them here:

At our enterprise, the workshops are remote from each other, and delivery takes a lot of time (about one working day), how to plan such production?

For the “pull” control method, create the stage “Delivery” in the specification, specify for it the type of work center “Delivery from shop 1 to shop 2”. Specify a delivery time for it. You can schedule the work of this type of work center (if your transport is limited), you can simply take it into account to calculate the time when work from shop 1 will be transferred to shop 2. The program can handle both options correctly. And we also recommend choosing the right launch batches - for the possibility of transportation.

For the "push" method - correctly set up the provisioning scheme for the shops. Indicate in it the required standard time for receiving products from shop 1 to shop 2. This time will be used when planning shop orders.

Products are manufactured on the territory of our enterprise to order, and then delivered to the customer and mounted by our assembly teams. Each time the delivery time is different (clients are located in different regions), the composition of the team can also change as needed. Can we use the 1C: ERP program for work planning?

Can. True, the planning scheme will turn out to be quite complicated, because the initial requirements are complex (many uncertainties):

    Enter local production facilities in the program as usual.

    For brigades, create separate types of work centers according to the number of brigades. For each crew, enter the average number of workers as the number of work centers. Do not start the workers themselves as separate work centers.

    Use the pull control technique. Create an order for production "from the end" (installation of products at the customer's site), for such an order create the appropriate resource specifications, including the stages of production on the territory of the enterprise, the stage of delivery (specify the average delivery time according to statistics), the stages of installation.

    Form production stages for the order, adjust the duration of the delivery stage manually (how long will delivery take for this particular order).

    Plot a production schedule and a model with an unlimited production resource.

    Look at the model to see how many people you need to assign to a team to get the required productivity of the installation phase.

    Assign people to the team.

    Once assigned, manually change the accessibility of the work center view (corresponding crew).

    Recalculate the production schedule.

The scheme can be greatly simplified by approving the stable composition of the brigades. Then their productivity will not change, and it will be enough just to change the duration of the delivery stage.

Production of units, parts, semi-finished products

If you have a small production, then when manufacturing products, you do not need to take into account the intermediate results of work (semi-finished products, assemblies, parts). In some cases, this is not possible at all, for example, if this is a process production, where there is a continuous process of converting raw materials into finished products (oil refining).

But for large industries, or industries in which intermediate results have significant financial value, such accounting is necessary.

In the 1C:ERP program, this task can be solved in two ways:

    You can specify the results of intermediate releases in resource specifications for finished products.

    You can produce semi-finished products in separate orders with separate specifications for their manufacture.

The first method is "ideologically" close to the "pull" method of production management - there are final products, and there are intermediate stages and their results - all this is linked in one resource specification.

The second method is more suitable for the “push” management option: each workshop produces its products according to the plan, each workshop has its own resource specifications, in which the result of the work of another workshop can be used as a material.

Both methods can be combined and combined for different production units and different production chains.

In the event that you decide to use the results of an intermediate release, the resource specification must indicate at what stages the release of semi-finished products is made and at what stages these semi-finished products are consumed so that the program can correctly link the production chain.

An important role in the accounting of semi-finished products is played by the mechanism of storerooms of the workshop. This is a new mechanism of the 1C: ERP program, with the help of which we can specify for the workshop its personal warehouse, which may contain materials transferred to work, but not yet actually used up. It also takes into account the production of the workshop, which has already been released, but has not yet been transferred to other workshops or to permanent storage warehouses. In our case, these are our semi-finished products.

Working with the pantries of the shop can significantly simplify the accounting of work in progress - it is now reduced to a fairly simple and well-established methodology for conventional warehouse accounting.

Conclusion and results achieved

If your company has currently used all the functionality of the program that was described earlier, then it can be argued that you have:

    The enterprise conducts its work systematically, choosing one or another management scheme.

    Sales and production are balanced, you do not have significant illiquid stocks of finished products.

    The needs of production are promptly met by purchases. There are no large stocks of raw materials in warehouses. Production is aware of when the necessary materials will arrive at the warehouse and can be transferred to work.

    Production employees received convenient tools for automatically compiling an executable work plan, which takes into account the provision of production with materials, human resources, and equipment.

    It became possible to simulate the production load in order to assess which production resource is the bottleneck that prevents speeding up the work process.

    The consumption of materials, work and production is carried out in relation to production tasks. Waste and scrap records are kept.

Operations Management, MES

Preliminary remarks

Consider the following situation:

Our company, Industrial Electronics LLC, manufactures and assembles printed circuit boards.

In the production chain there is a stage of drilling (a professional term meaning drilling) holes in a plate of foil fiberglass (board base) for the installation of future electronic components (microcircuits, capacitors, etc.). The stage is performed on an automated drilling line, the sequence of actions is as follows:

    The operator selects the drilling program (in what places of the board it is necessary to apply which holes and with what diameter). Selection time 2 min.

    The operator loads fiberglass boards into the trays of the drilling line. Loading time 10 min.

    Line in full automatic mode drills holes using drills of the required diameter. Drilling time 10 min.

    The operator unloads the blanks and sends them to the next stage. Unloading time 10 min.

The total time of work on one batch of blanks is 32 minutes. The work of the first point is carried out only if the drilling program changes (requires a readjustment of the machine). Up to 10 workpieces are processed simultaneously.

The enterprise needs to promptly take into account the execution of each operation at this stage, preferably in an automated mode, in order to load the expensive drilling line as much as possible.

How can we solve this problem in the program?

We can create a “Board Drilling” production step, where we use the “Automated Drilling Line” type of work center as equipment. The minimum planning interval for a stage is 1 hour (limitations of the 1C: ERP program).

We will be able to transfer the next batch of blanks between stages once every 60 minutes, despite the fact that the actual release lasts 32 minutes. It turns out that the lag actual work from the plan will be almost 50%.

Can something be done about it?

You can do nothing - such a lag will only appear if our production is significantly underloaded. Otherwise, the remaining 50% of the time will be used to work on the next batch of parts.

But even in case of underloading, it is possible to oblige the operator, after completing the next task, to immediately take on the next one, without waiting for the scheduled start date of work. And once a day, reschedule all orders so as to get the current work schedule. This solves the problem of loading equipment, but another problem arises - logistics and the provision of production with materials. The schedule for the supply of materials for production will be based on the requirements dates, which are initially incorrect.

Imagine that we have production orders for a month in advance and we need to purchase materials for them. We determined the delivery dates, then the production schedule shifted, we need to reschedule deliveries again, it shifted again - again the logistician needs to change the procurement schedule, and so on ad infinitum. The system does not work, and planning is again done in Excel.

This, of course, is a slightly far-fetched problem, it can be solved with the help of other ways of ensuring - when purchases are made not under the order of production, but under the provision of the standard stock of materials. Then the purchase schedule will not depend on specific orders, but on the total planned production volume or on actual consumption statistics.

But in general, there is a certain stretch and inconsistency: the enterprise has specific production tasks, and we are looking for workarounds, not best quality. Is there a direct way?

Yes, this is the use of the functionality of the operational management of "1C: ERP", the MES subsystem.

All previous sections of the course were based on version 2.2 of the program. Unfortunately, at the moment this version does not yet fully support the MES functionality, so the further description of the program mechanisms will go to version 2.1, with notes on how this will be implemented in the future (according to 1C).

There will not be many such notes, the changes will not contain cardinal innovations. At the moment when the release of the system containing the new functionality of MES is released, updates to this course will be sent to all readers of the manual who registered using the link.

When MES tools are not needed

In our practice, we quite often had to deal with a situation where the customer sets as one of the requirements for the organization of production management the need to register each operation in the production process.

Most often, the rationale for this desire is as follows: I want the employee to mark everything he does in order to know what he does and what I pay him money for.

As a result, a request immediately arises to use the MES toolkit (we will register all operations in the program).

This desire, quite understandable, has a downside:

    Marking takes time, it interferes with work.

    Someone has to control the mark.

    "Supervision" has never motivated people to work better, rather it is perceived as an attempt to "meddle with one's own business."

Projects with such goals are likely to meet strong local opposition and are unlikely to benefit the enterprise. Here it is better to use other motivational schemes - when an employee is given a certain autonomy in work, and they ask him for the result: the quality of the work performed, the volume processed, and so on. This approach is much simpler, more understandable to the staff, and the result is no worse, but most likely better.

Another reason for using step-by-step control is the need to increase equipment utilization. An example of such a task was given at the beginning of this section. This reason can be considered objective, but there are “details”:

    Suppose that our equipment regularly breaks down or unpredictably requires re-adjustment - this will require regular recalculation of the schedule - the operational schedule is built to the nearest minute.

    The human factor - the employee was forced to leave for domestic reasons and we again need to reschedule the work.

How often will such deviations occur and whether our highly accurate work schedule will turn into a useless document that will have to be constantly accompanied.

The question of the applicability of MES tools is a very complex issue that requires a high production culture and discipline, otherwise it is easier and more efficient to stop at phased planning and work management and not delve into operations.

The transition to operational management must be exclusively evolutionary: you must master the work with production stages, quickly provide production with materials, and correctly use production equipment in the program.

The real advantage of the MES subsystem is the ability to move to more precise control production process: you can speed up work, you can reduce the number of equipment changeovers, you can plan the use of expensive technological equipment equipment. But before that, you need to evolve and understand the risks.

A great help in the implementation of the MES subsystem is the possible integration of "1C: ERP" with production equipment m. Information about work tasks is uploaded directly to the machine (production line), and at the end of the work, the information automatically enters the program. There is no human factor, so any delays can be considered as breakdowns that require urgent intervention by the repair team. On-line control and management of the technological process is another plus of using MES.

If this is not possible, but the MES toolkit is necessary, then the installation of automated workstations with 1C: ERP running is required, next to the work centers where operations are performed. It will also be useful methods for quickly entering information - barcoding products, materials, production tasks. This will minimize the time for registering transactions.

The Razdolie Exhibition Center has the developments of such tools (integration with equipment, specialized workstations), which can be demonstrated to all interested parties.

MES terminology

Since the MES toolkit is fully integrated into 1C: ERP, you have already met most of the subsystem objects on the pages of this course.

To plan work (operations), as before, equipment (work centers), labor costs, and materials are used.

The process of planning operations itself is a further detailing of the production stage to work operations (not yet implemented in the program).

Thus, the following hierarchy of documents is formed:

    The document "Order for production" is created.

    On the basis of the order, “Production Stage” documents are generated according to the number of stages of the resource specification. The production stage refers to the types of work centers that will be involved in the stage.

    On the basis of the production stage, “Route sheet” documents are generated, which contain a list of operations performed at the work center (not yet implemented in the program).

To create route sheets, the "Route maps" directory is used. The route map is a detailing of the stages of the resource specification to operations. That is, where earlier it was enough to indicate the stage of production as a whole, now it is required to indicate the list of operations performed on it, and it is also necessary to link the materials and work consumed at the stage to specific operations.

For easier entry regulatory information 1C:ERP assumes that route maps are entered first, and on their basis, resource specification stages can be filled.

When planning work using MES tools, changeover time and interoperational costs (transferring a part from operation to operation, etc.) begin to play a certain role. Therefore, the program uses the corresponding directories and information registers.

For forecasting and modeling work, the "Scenarios of operational planning" reference book can be used, here you can specify virtual work centers that will be used to build a predictive schedule of production operations (you can see what will happen, for example, if we increase the number of machines).

The main control guide for scheduling work in the MES subsystem is the guide "Models of Operational Planning". Here you specify the planning priorities - whether you want to minimize the cost of work or want to speed up production. You can also specify the strategy for using the equipment - do you want to load it evenly throughout the entire fleet of vehicles, or do you prefer to do all the work on one machine.

Work planning in the MES subsystem goes in two stages - first, a production schedule is drawn up: work is distributed by workshops, by planning intervals (hour, day, etc.) and by types of work centers. This is the PDO planning level. Then the shop dispatcher (shop dispatching bureau) draws up the work schedule of the shop within the planning interval - minute by minute, step by step, for each work center separately. The production schedule and work schedule are built automatically by the program, based on the specified parameters and restrictions.

Filling in the regulatory and reference information of the MES subsystem

Let's return to our virtual enterprise "Industrial Electronics" LLC. Suppose that there is a machining shop here, where the original sheets of foil fiberglass are first cut into blanks of a suitable size, and then the necessary holes are drilled in the blanks for mounting electronic components.

This production chain, like the enterprise itself, is virtual! It may not match real operations that are produced in factories of this type. The example is taken only to demonstrate the functionality of the program.

Let us assume that blanks are cut on a cutting line, at the input of which one sheet of fiberglass is fed, and at the output 20 blanks are obtained.

The timing diagram of the cutting phase is as follows:

    The operator adjusts the cutting line: 2 min.

    The operator loads the material: 10 minutes (take a sheet from the pantry of the workshop, bring it, fix it in the equipment).

    Material cutting: 10 min.

    Unloading blanks: 10 min. (remove the blanks, take them to the next stage of drilling).

Drilling of blanks is also carried out automatically on the drilling line, 10 blanks are processed at a time. The stage diagram is as follows:

    The operator adjusts the drilling line: 2 min.

    The operator loads the line: 10 min.

    Drilling in progress: 10 min.

    Blanks are unloaded: 10 min.

The workshop uses one cutting line and two drilling lines.

One operator is assigned to the cutting line, who adjusts the equipment, loads / unloads material and parts. Both drilling lines are also assigned one operator with the same functionality.

In order to optimize the output speed, production is carried out in multiples of 20 blanks (maximum productivity of the cutting line). Materials (fiberglass sheets) are taken from the pantry of the workshop, finished blanks (cut and drilled) are placed in boxes for transfer to the next workshop. Production is carried out 24 hours a day in three shifts.

The salary of workers (shop operators) is not piecework and is distributed to the cost of finished products at the end of the month, in proportion to the cost of materials spent on production.

Graphically, the scheme of production in the workshop looks like this:

How to properly configure the 1C: ERP program to manage such production?

Information about production units

It is required to enter into the program the appropriate production unit"Fur shop. processing". Indicate that it is a producer and schedules (dispatches) its own work, configure the scheduling parameters:

    Scheduling interval "Day" or "Hour". Depends on how often you need to transfer the finished products of the shop to other departments. The "Day" interval is more economically advantageous - the transfer is made in bulk. The "Hour" interval allows you to get products according to the work schedule faster.

    Route sheet management methodology "MES Operational Planning".

    Operational management method "Registering a fact". There are two ways to mark the execution of operations in the program - you can register the fact of the beginning / end of operations (“Registration of the fact”), you can register only deviations in the work performed (“Registration of deviations”). Deviations include delays, defects, etc.

    The standard time for registration of the execution of operations is 15 minutes. This option works differently depending on which stepwise control method is selected. If a fact is registered, then if within 15 minutes from the planned start of the operation the user did not take it to work, then it is considered that the production schedule is not up to date (work rescheduling is required). If a deviation is registered, then the operation is automatically considered to be completed as planned if 15 minutes have passed from its beginning, and the user has not performed any corrective actions with it in the program (introduced a defect, a delay, etc.). If the deviations that have occurred violate the original work schedule, then its recalculation is required.

The parameters are described in such detail because they significantly affect how the MES tools will be used. Particular attention should be paid to the planning interval, as well as the method of operational management. Ceteris paribus, we recommend that at the initial stage, the planning interval be indicated equal to a day, and register the fact, with a standard time equal to 15-30 minutes. We also strongly recommend using bar-coded production documents (route sheets) in the work of the unit to quickly enter information into the program.

Information about production equipment and operating personnel

It is required to enter information about the types of work centers (cutting and drilling lines). For each type of work centers, we indicate that parallel loading is allowed. Information about the time of adjustments and the duration of operations on the equipment is also entered.

For each type of work center, we enter the work centers themselves - two drilling lines and a cutting line. Specify the number of parts produced in parallel. We indicate the standard hourly cost of equipment operation and the cost of changeover - the information will be used in order to optimize the work schedule for price or speed.

The next question is what to do with shop floor operators?

We can enter them as work centers, and indicate in the route map what operations they perform. We can not enter them as work centers, and specify the loading / unloading time of the equipment in the parameters of cutting / drilling operations as a preparatory-finishing time.

Both options are acceptable, in the first case you will receive a more detailed work schedule, in the second case you will simplify the work of the staff. The recommendations here are simple - proceed from the real needs of the business: why do you need to know how certain operations are performed; what can you do with this information; Are you demotivating people with unnecessary bureaucracy?

The video lecture at the end of the MES section shows a variant in which operators are involved as work centers. This is done for greater clarity, but not as a guide to action.

After entering the types of work centers and the work centers themselves, fill in their availability for scheduling periods.

Creating a route map

The route map is entered by analogy with the resource specification: only for one stage of production. It is necessary to indicate the consumed materials, labor costs, manufactured products, waste. And also fill in the list of operations performed at work centers.

As work centers, you can select the work center itself or the type of work centers. In the first version, the program will immediately schedule work on the selected equipment, in the second it will select an available work center at the time of scheduling operations.

Operations must be specified exactly in accordance with the technology - in the sequence in which they are performed. Particular attention must be paid to operations that are performed in parallel, otherwise the program will not be able to build the correct work schedule.

Materials, products, waste are assigned to the operations in which they are consumed/released. Materials that are consumed in parallel operations must be properly bound, similarly with products and waste.

When entering operations, it is worth considering the possibility of using the parameter "Time PZ (preparatory-closing)" to hide unnecessary detailing of actions.

In the route chart and operations, the multiplicity of output must be correctly specified, depending on the characteristics of those. process.

Some frequently asked questions and their answers:

On the machine, 10 parts are produced in parallel, how to correctly set the route map for this tech. process?

The filling of the route map should be carried out on the basis of the simultaneous release of ten units of products.

Our machine uses expensive equipment, which is also in short supply. We need to plan both the operation of the machine and the use of equipment at the same time. How to set up the program correctly?

Get a special snap as a work center. Use the Auxiliary Work Centers tab of the operation. Specify there used in the operation special. snap.

The workflow on the lathe is as follows: changing the tooling - 1 minute, installing the workpiece - 1 minute, turning - 5 minutes, removing the part - 1 minute, cleaning the machine - 1 minute. How can we correctly enter this data into the program?

Consider not using the MES subsystem when planning, use only the production stages. Your tech. the process contains a lot of manual operations, which are highly dependent on the human factor. Possible household reasons (the person went to the toilet) will lead to the fact that you need to regularly update the work schedule. This will not work in a large enterprise.

If, for some reason, there is a need to use MES, use the PZ Time option to hide unnecessary details. In your case, there will be one operation "Turning" with a duration of 5 minutes. Its parameter "Time PZ" is 3 minutes. (installation of the part, removal, cleaning). Another minute must be specified as the setup time for the work center type "Lathes". Also specify the step-by-step management method "Registration of deviations" with a standard time for registration equal to at least 30 minutes. So you minimize the overhead costs for maintaining the main work process and will not distract employees over trifles.

In different tech. processes have repetitive sequences of operations. How to make sure that they can be entered into the program once and used as needed?

When adding a new operation to a route map, instead of an operation, you can add route maps already existing in the program - as a nested route. Get separate route maps for repetitive operations (let's call them templates) and use them as needed.

Create a resource specification

After the route maps are entered, you need to create a resource specification.

There is interesting feature. Let's go back to our fur shop. processing - in those. process involves several work centers, should this be considered a multi-stage process? No, it is not necessary - otherwise the program will schedule work for each type of work center separately at different planning intervals, and the work schedule will not be correct. You must have one route card for all those. workpiece manufacturing process (cutting + drilling + related operations) and one resource specification with one stage. It will need to be filled on the basis of the created route map.

Otherwise, filling in the resource specification has no differences from what was done earlier.

Scheme of operation of the MES subsystem

In the program, we have set up production facilities, entered route maps and resource specifications, created an order for production - you can start planning.

Work of PDO and production logistics service:

    By order, production stages are created.

    Stages are provided with materials.

    A production schedule is formed - the stages are distributed by workshops, by types of work centers, by available planning intervals. The schedule is saved.

Work of the shop manager (not yet implemented in MES version 2.2, but available in version 2.1):

Based on the created stages of production, a detailed schedule of production in the workshop is formed (now this information is stored in the "Route sheet" document). AWP "Scheduling of MES production" is used. When generating the schedule, the selected planning model (schedule optimization criteria) is taken into account.

The schedule precisely indicates at what point in time, which operation will be performed at a particular work center.

After saving the schedule, operations are available in the equipment operator's workstation "Performance of operations". Depending on which method of operational management is chosen in the department, the operator must either mark the operations performed (accept them for work / mark completion) or register only the deviations that have occurred in those. process (marriage, delay in starting work, etc.).

If there are delays in the process of work, then an indication of the problem appears in the workstation of the dispatcher of the MES production scheduling shop. He recalculates the work schedule.

In some cases, delays can affect not only the state of affairs within the workshop, but also the entire production process as a whole (when a production order is carried out in several workshops). In such a situation, the problem is automatically indicated in the workplace of PDO employees. Problem orders and production steps will be shown (not yet implemented in MES version 2.2). The PDO specialist can rebuild the production schedule to eliminate discrepancies.

A video that demonstrates the use of the MES subsystem is in the full version of the course at the link.

Conclusion and results achieved

Using fairly simple program settings and the typical functionality of "1C: ERP", we were able to cover all the needs of production in planning:

    The work schedule is built with an accuracy of 1 minute.

    When planning, all the subtleties of the technological process are taken into account.

    Planning of works, equipment, personnel, special snap.

    All participants in the process are provided with convenient workstations in the program.

    The problems that have arisen in the work of production are automatically escalated to the required level of decision-making, for their automated elimination.

The functionality of the MES program is open for improvements - you can quite easily, using the 1C platform or using the 1C external component mechanism, connect and control from the program any production equipment that has a data exchange interface. Have you heard somewhere that "1C" is only accounting? This is silly. Most likely, the author of the statement is simply poorly versed in the subject.

Control capability large-scale production in "1C: ERP" on the example of the shipbuilding industry

Preliminary remarks

This section will not contain a detailed description of all the features of setting up the program for such tasks; rather, these are general considerations that may be useful to those who are puzzled by the choice of a future enterprise management system.

Consider the features of shipbuilding:

Each ship is a separate project, which most often has targeted funding.

The duration of the project is measured in several months, and sometimes even years. A significant part of the time is spent on compiling the normative and reference documentation of the project. Sometimes the design of the ship is carried out in parallel with its construction.

The construction of a ship is a combination of "pull" management methods at the top level (the entire shipbuilding enterprise works with one goal - to complete the project) with serial "push" production of individual workshops.

Production facilities can be located at a considerable distance from each other - the area of ​​a shipyard is measured in tens of square kilometers. Domestic transportation of purchased and finished units may require the use of rail transport.

Production work must be fully balanced with logistics, both internal and external.

In general, this is an extremely complex production, comparable in complexity to the rocket and space industry. In terms of the duration of work, it surpasses the aircraft industry, and is comparable in complexity with it.

Examples of using the "1C: ERP" functionality to manage a shipyard

Project Reference Documentation Management

"1C:ERP" does not contain built-in CAD tools, but supports extensive integration with other programs. You can upload a document of any format to the system, the main requirement is the presence of a description of the structure of the uploaded data.

There are many ready-made processings in the 1C language that exchange data with various CAD systems. The specialists of the Razdolie Exhibition Center had experience in designing the integration of 1C: UPP and 1C: ERP with several different solutions.

Given the rich capabilities of 1C:ERP, there is no doubt that the program has sufficient functionality in terms of organizing regulatory and reference information for working in the industry.

A few more advantages of the program:

    Ability to store versions of objects. At the time of designing a vessel, it is often necessary to develop documentation iteratively - the designer proposes a design solution that is agreed and refined by technologists and suppliers. Sometimes there are several solutions, sometimes you need to “roll back” to the previous version of the document. All this can be organized in "1C: ERP".

    The ability to coordinate project documents - this functionality is available in a simplified form in 1C:ERP itself, but the presence of "seamless" integration with 1C:Document Management allows you to solve the problem of coordinating documents of any degree of complexity.

    The ability to store external files and integrate the file archive with the program directories. Quite often, in addition to the production standard (resource specification), it is required to have access to the product sketch. "1C:ERP" allows, if necessary, to attach an external file to any directory and document. Versioning is also available for external files.

Project management

Since shipbuilding is project work, then important role play appropriate project management tools. What can 1C:ERP offer here?

    The presence of "seamless" integration with "1C: Document Management" allows you to get software not inferior in functionality to the program "Microsoft Project".

    The ability to integrate 1C:ERP with Primavera Systems solutions allows you to manage shipbuilding projects in a familiar environment and upload the generated design tasks to 1C:ERP, where they will be used to manage the enterprise.

    The presence of ready-made specialized improvements "1C: ERP" for project management will help to completely abandon additional tools.

Targeted project financing

Ships are never built just like that - for sale, most often there is a specific customer who has already made a significant advance and wants to know what his money is spent on.

If we are talking about a military or government order, then these requirements are even stricter. How can 1C:ERP help here?

The program has a "separator" of accounting - the direction of activity. In the case of shipbuilding, this will be a project. According to the areas of activity, income and expenses can be divided, and cash flow. It is quite easy to use standard tools to set up a system of financial budgeting for projects and organize the necessary treasury.

Since 2015, the program has been supporting the requirements of FZ-275.

I would also like to note that the Razdolye Exhibition Center is a recognized leader in the automation of defense enterprises and we have extensive own developments in this region. Moreover, several projects have already been completed for the automation of defense enterprises at 1C: ERP, where one of the main requirements of the customer was the requirement to organize separate order accounting.

Purchasing management

A shipbuilding company purchases a lot of materials, parts, finished units and equipment. An important requirement may be the organization of separate purchases, when the ship's customer needs to know what was purchased and in what volume, for what needs it was spent.

Here, the mechanisms of separate provision of "1C: ERP" will help. You can link all purchases to assignments (your projects) and track the fate of any stock item in the program, no matter how it moves through warehouses and departments.

Sales management

The sale of a vessel is a rather complex, multi-stage negotiation process. Here the CRM subsystem "1C: ERP" will help us, as well as integration with "1C: Document Management":

    You can conduct full-fledged pre-sale activities in the program: appoint and control meetings, negotiations, calls.

    You can use the program's built-in mail client so that no commercial information is lost.

    You can build a sales business process in the program and control the stages, build a sales funnel.

    Design documents ( commercial offers, draft contracts and agreements) can be stored and coordinated in the program.

    You can organize an electronic secretariat in the program - all your incoming and outgoing messages will be delivered to their destination, and you will be able to control the response time and the actions taken.

    All this is integrated with each other and integrated with other 1C: ERP subsystems - a transaction from CRM turns into a legal contract, it is agreed in the program, a project is planned, the project turns into a production order, and so on. This is linked to ongoing negotiations with customers/suppliers.

    The results of all activities can be displayed in the subsystem for monitoring target indicators (projects) and manage work on-line.

Manufacturing control

Although the shipbuilding industry is extremely complex, this complexity is more “quantitative” than “qualitative”. The main thing here is to choose the right management tools from "1C: ERP" and then there will be no problems.

    Wisely use the "pull" management methodology - your project is an order under which the entire enterprise works.

    Use production plans for repetitive production shops. Fill in plans automatically, based on the needs of ongoing projects, taking into account the serial production.

    Take advantage of the fact that you can add materials, etc., to the production stages, if necessary. This will help solve problems caused by the fact that at the time of launching the project you do not yet have all the project documentation.

    Use supply schemes, indicate standard stocks of materials - this will facilitate planning and automate the processes of supplying production with materials.

    Approach reasonably to the description of production technologies in the program. Too much detail can do a disservice. Let the process here be iterative.

    Actively use the mechanism of additional details of program objects: characteristics and series of nomenclature. Use them to obtain "universal" resource specifications, which will be automatically recalculated in the program according to the specified parameters of the required products.

    Create production master data management processes in the program (use the link with "1C: Document Management").

    Connect your logisticians and production supervisors through provisioning mechanisms. If they work as a team, then there will be much less problems in production.

    Organize automated workplaces in the workshops for storekeepers, accountants, production employees - this will allow you to manage the enterprise on-line.

    Set up automated download of design and normative documentation to a project from CAD systems. Automate the processes of document approval in the program. This will greatly speed up the work.

    Contact the company Exhibition Center "Razdolie", we employ specialists who have worked in the industry for a long time and know the specifics of complex industries.

All these are rather banal recommendations and they are unlikely to become some kind of “revelation”. But the main tasks of production in shipbuilding are the same as those of other manufacturing enterprises, only they can be exacerbated by the scale of the plant. Therefore, an important stage for any management activities here will always be the stage of planning and organizing work, as well as the availability of qualified specialists.


Can 1C:ERP be used in shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, etc.? It is possible, and this is not a “propaganda”, but the result of lengthy reflections and modeling carried out by the employees of the Razdolie Exhibition Center. In addition to our developments in this direction, there are examples of already working solutions or automation projects that are in one stage or another of readiness from other partners of 1C.

Will the program need to be improved? Probably yes, mainly they will be connected with the organization of the project management process. Although it will be possible to try to use ready-made tools.

Will any "fantastic" hardware resources (servers, etc.) be required here? Most likely, it will be necessary to update part of the fleet of equipment. But these investments will be necessary regardless of whether you choose "1C: ERP" or an enterprise management program produced by some well-known foreign company.

Another thing is that the difference in the price of implementation projects of these software products will be such that if you choose "1C: ERP", you will not only pay for the entire automation project for a smaller amount, but also buy all the necessary servers for the rest of the funds. And there will still be money left for a motivational fund for project participants.


Unfortunately, in one course it is impossible to cover all the issues that are associated with the use of "1C: ERP" in production.

We have tried here to give you the largest number of live examples of the practical use of the program in your work. We hope that they were and will be useful to you. The course materials will be supplemented, we will send course updates to all those who have registered on our website (registration via the link).

We plan to continue to talk about examples of using the 1C: ERP program. These will be similar courses on the functionality of the program (budgeting and planning, sales, procurement, logistics) - register, and we will promptly send course updates and new materials.

Later, training materials will be released, which will give examples of setting up and using the program in certain industries - chemistry, food industry, mechanical engineering, etc. We will be happy to receive your suggestions about what you would like to know about the program.

Razdolie-Consult specialists conduct free on-site express examinations, we are ready to come to you and evaluate the cost of automating your enterprise and the business result that will be obtained after the implementation of the program. Departure to Moscow and the Moscow region is free of charge, in case of departure to the regions, it is necessary to pay for the travel and accommodation of the company's specialists ( working group express examinations for 1-2 people).

If you yourself are a company that implements 1C products and you need help on a project, we are ready to provide methodological services and installation supervision services. We are also ready to conduct joint seminars for your potential clients.

About the authors

Mironenko Andrey Alexandrovich

In 1997 he graduated from the Volgograd State University, specialization “Applied Mathematics and Mathematics. methods in economics.

For more than 10 years he worked as the head of IT departments of large industrial enterprises.


    Volgograd regional branch trading network Pyaterochka, Head of IT department.

    Volgograd Meat Processing Plant, Deputy CEO IT.

    Volgograd shipyard, Deputy CEO for IT.

    Group of companies Novokor (production and wholesale plumbing and wallpaper), IT Director.

    Accent group of companies (diversified industrial holding), IT Director.

Since 2014, he has been working as the head of corporate projects at the Razdolie Implementation Center, the customers of the projects are subsidiaries of Rosnano, Rostec, TechMash.

Specialization: automation of management accounting (production, sales, logistics, budgeting).

Gribkov Evgeny Alexandrovich

In 2001 he graduated from Ulyanovsk State University with a degree in Theoretical Physics.

Since 2000, Evgeny Aleksandrovich has been working at the Razdolie Implementation Center. Currently, he is the head of the Implementation Center.

At the moment, Razdolie Exhibition Center is one of the leaders in Russia in terms of the number of completed and ongoing projects for the implementation of 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.

Gribkov Evgeny Alexandrovich has a number of publications in the industry media and speeches at exhibitions and conferences.

About company Exhibition Center "Razdolie"

The Razdolie Implementation Center is one of the leading partners of 1C, which has the status of 1C: Competence Center for ERP Solutions. The technology for the implementation of projects at the Razdolie Exhibition Center is certified for compliance with the international quality standard ISO 9000.

The implementation center "Razdolie" was founded in 2000 and since its inception has been specializing in the implementation of automation projects for industrial enterprises based on the software products "1C: Production Enterprise Management 8" and "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2". Currently, the Razdolie Exhibition Center occupies a leading position in terms of the number of completed automation projects at 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.

The Razdolie Exhibition Center has the greatest competencies in the automation of machine building, chemical industry and food industry enterprises. Traditionally, the specialists of the Razdolie exhibition center are engaged in the automation of not only financial functions at enterprises, but also operational management and planning (including production planning).


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