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In this article, we will consider step-by-step instructions for hiring an employee in 1C Accounting 8.3.

Before proceeding not only to the reflection in the 1C: Accounting program for hiring an employee, but also to other basic personnel documents, you need to make some program settings.

Go to the "Administration" section and select "Accounting Settings".

In order for us to use the main personnel documents in 1C, it is enough to include only two add-ons.

The first one is located in the "General Settings" section. We will point out that accounting for payroll expenses, as well as the personnel records we need, should be kept in this program. Below, in the "Personnel Accounting" section, set the moisture to the "Full" item. This add-on will give us access to basic personnel documents, including hiring employees.

Registration of an employee for work

Creating a new employee

In the 1C: Accounting program, as well as in 1C: ZUP, there are two directories: Employees and Individuals. One person can have as many employees as there are jobs at a given enterprise, for example, the main place of work, part-time work, a GPC agreement.

There must be only one individual. It is unacceptable to duplicate entries in this directory, since it is for the entries in it that employees are charged with personal income tax.

Hiring an employee

Go to the "Salary and Human Resources" section and select "Recruitment". If you do not have this item, then return one step above to the initial setup of the program.

In the header of the new document you created, you need to indicate the unit, position and organization where you are hiring an employee. The employee you created earlier is also indicated here.

The default date of receipt is the current date, but we can edit this parameter. The trial period in months can be configured in the corresponding field. Next, you need to specify the type of employment, which is selected from the drop-down list and is limited to four points.

Now it remains only to fill out the conditions of employment. In the tabular part with accruals, you can specify several types of accruals at once, for example, salary, bonus, etc. In our example, we set the employee only for the AUP salary in the amount of 30,000 rubles.

Below is the procedure for calculating the advance: fixed amount or as a percentage of the tariff. You can enter any text in the "Conditions of acceptance" field.

This document will come into force after the completion, we will make movements in the relevant information registers.

See also the video instruction on registering an employee in the state:

ATTENTION: a similar article on 1C ZUP 2.5 -

Hello dear visitors. Today we continue to disassemble features of accounting in ZUP for beginners and in the next publication from we will analyze some issues of personnel records in the program. Let me remind you that you can find a similar series of articles for users of ZUP edition 2.5. So here are the topics for today:

  • Let's figure out how to perform in ZUP 3.0 Hiring a new employee: let's talk in detail about the document "Employment", all its fields and settings
  • What settings are important to make for the correct accounting of a new employee: personal income tax deductions, statuses for calculating personal income tax and insurance premiums, and much more
  • Let's talk about the options for maintaining the staffing table: about the document and "Change in staffing"

To reflect the hiring of a new employee, we first need to create this employee. Unfortunately, in ZUP 3.0 there is no Hiring assistant yet, so we will have to create a new employee manually. Go to the menu section Personnel - Employees

We press the button Create and fill out the form provided by the program.

The main thing that needs to be entered at the moment is the full name. Other personal data can be entered later. After we save the data on the new employee, this data is duplicated in another directory - Individuals(Personnel - see also - Individuals). This directory displays all personal information about employees. In the ZUP 3.0 program, several employees can be linked to one individual. An example of this would be a situation where the same individual works in the organization at the main place of work and internal combination. And it is important to understand this, because the program tracks the calculation of personal income tax and insurance premiums specifically in the context of individuals, and not Employees.

The next step, after we have entered the employee, we must draw up the Recruitment document. We can create this document:

1. Personnel - Reception, transfer, dismissal - Create. Choose from the proposed list Recruitment (hiring list if we hire several employees on the same date).

2. We can also apply for a job from the employee's personal card: button Checkout Document –> Recruitment or by clicking on the link Recruit.

Now we fill out the document Recruitment.

the date is the order date.

Number- the program itself will assign it to this document based on the numbers of previous documents, if necessary, you can correct it manually.

Field Employee. If a Recruitment is made from the employee's personal card, then this field will be filled in automatically, otherwise it must be selected from the directory.

In field Job title choose the position in which the employee will work.

The next field is Type of employment. Only 3 in the program possible options types of employment - this is the main place of work, external part-time work and internal part-time work. In ZUP 3.0. this information is set at the recruitment level, in ZUP 2.5. – at the employee entry level, which was not very convenient. For example, in order to transfer an employee from an external part-time job to the main place of work in ZUP 2.5, the person had to be fired and then hired again. In ZUP 3.0, you need to draw up a document Personnel transfer, in which to specify a new type of employment.

By the way, you can read more about the difference between ZUP 2.5 and 3.0 in a series of publications:.

Now let's talk about the "Edit" button next to the inscription You are entitled to annual leave… Clicking this button will open the Leave Entitlement window, which will contain the "Basic Leave" due to all employees in the amount of 28 days. If this suits us, then nothing needs to be changed. If an employee has the right to additional leave (for example, Leave for harmfulness), then we need to create this leave (Section Settings - Enterprise - Types of holidays). Let's press the button Create.

In the window that opens, enter the desired name for the additional vacation (For example, For irregular working hours, or For harm). Check the box that the vacation is annual. Let's put down the number of days of additional vacation.

After we enter a new type of vacation in the directory, we can add it to a specific employee in the Hiring document. Click on the link Edit. In the window that opens, click on the button Add and select from the proposed list the additional vacation we need.

In our example, the employee will have vacation 28 calendar days, we will not add additional leave.

Now let's go to the tab "Salary" Document Recruitment.

Here, planned types of accrual are set, which will automatically fall into the document “Payroll and contributions” when it is filled out (this is the main document in 1C ZUP, which is monthly paid). rub.

Also on this tab you can specify advance payment method our employee. The program offers us 3 options:

  1. Fixed amount;
  2. Percentage of the tariff;
  3. Calculation for the first half of the month.

If we choose the first or second option, then the advance payment itself will be calculated directly in the document "Vedomosti...". If we choose the third option for calculating the advance, then one more document will need to be entered before the “Statement …” document "Payroll for the first half of the month". It is this document that will calculate how much the employee should pay in advance, depending on his hours worked.

Tab Labor contract.

This tab contains the information required to fill out the printable form. Labor contract. To print labor contract- click on the "Print" button. We carry out the document Employment.

Employee settings in the personal card (Employees directory)

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

Let's go back to the employee's personal card (Personnel - Employees). I want to draw your attention to the fact that the number of links at the top of the form increased after we posted the document Recruitment.

There is a link in the guide "Personal data". In fact, the data on this tab is not actually stored in the Employees directory, but in the Individuals directory. Above, I already talked about the fact that when an Employee is created, an Individual is also created, and so Personal data is stored in this Individual.

You should also pay attention to the link " Income tax". In particular, it is here that applications for standard deductions to which the employee is entitled are entered. When entering an application for deductions, you need to pay attention to the month from which we will provide a deduction.

It also sets the income from the previous place of work. If an employee has not been working in our organization since the beginning of the year, you can use this link to enter information about his income at the previous place of work. This data will be used to correctly track the income limit when applying personal income tax deductions.

There is also a link in the employee's personal card Insurance. Here you can find information for the correct calculation of insurance premiums.

Charges and deductions. This link displays all planned accruals and planned deductions. All payroll documents are also displayed here. By clicking the "History" button you can see a very convenient report "History of changes in wages".He will talk about how the employee's Planned accruals have changed.

Absences. Here you can view all the employee's absences from the workplace, including if the employee was on vacation or on sick leave.

Payments and cost accounting. On this tab, the method of payment to the employee is set, if this method differs from the payment option specified in the organization's settings. It also sets the payroll accounting method, if it differs from the method that is set for the organization or department.

Setting up the staffing table in ZUP 3.0

Seminar "Life hacks for 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 accounting life hacks in 1s zup 3.1:

CHECK LIST for checking payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step by step instructions for beginners:

Now let's look at what options for maintaining the Staffing table are in 1C ZUP 3.0. In this example, staffing is not kept in the program at all. In the Hiring document, the position was taken from the Positions directory, and not from the directory staffing.

In order to show the difference in accounting WITHOUT a staffing table and using a staffing table, we will set the appropriate settings. Let me remind you that before this moment staffing was NOT maintained.

Setting - Personnel accounting - Setting up the staffing table.

Put a tick Staffing is being done.Press Apply and close.

If after this setting we go to the document Recruitment, we will see that now the Position field does not refer to the Jobs directory, but to the Staffing directory (Personnel - Staffing).

As soon as we ticked "Staffing in progress" in the personnel records settings, then in the "Staffing" directory, the Established units corresponding to the current Staffing of working employees were automatically created.

Now let's look at the issue of maintaining the history of the staffing table. In this accounting option, the staffing table is maintained WITHOUT a history of changes, i.e. if for some reason we need, for example, to change the salary for this staff unit, then we simply go to the Staffing table and change the salary. We will not be able to indicate from what date the change in the salary of the Established Unit occurred.

If we need the staffing history, then in this case, in the HR settings, check the box "The history of staffing changes is being conducted"(Settings - Personnel accounting - Staffing setup).

After we began to keep the history of the staffing, we had a magazine " Change in staffing "(Personnel - Staffing - Change in staffing). This journal has a document "Approval of staffing". It is this document that enters the initial information about the staffing table. The document was filled in automatically based on the current staffing.

If accrual in ZUP 3.0. starts on November 1, then in this document all information about the staffing table must also be entered as of November 1.

Consider small example to see how Staffing History is taken into account. For example, from January 1, according to the Established unit, there is an increase in the Salary and the number of rates. Create a document Change in staffing"(Journal Change staffing - Create - Change staffing).

Double-click on the salary amount and change it.

If we need to add a new position to the staff list, click on the button "Add position".

Fill in the fields Department, Position and add the accrual (in our example, we added Salary payment).

Due to the fact that we put down from what date the change will be this document(field "Date of change") we can keep a staffing history.

Let's check it out in the report. Go to Personnel - Personnel reports. There are a number of reports to view the staffing table.

Let's consider an example of the report Staffing (T3). As we can see, as of November 01, 2015, we have one staff unit - the director.

Now we will make a report as of 01/01/2016, when we introduced the document Change in staffing.

In this report, we see that there are already 2 positions in the staff list and the salary of the Director position has increased.

That's all for today in the next publication from we will analyze the issues of payroll in the program

8.3, you will need to take a demo configuration with the name "Payroll and Human Resources Management 3.0" (hereinafter referred to as ZUP), which is included in the package. It already has 4 users who have the following names: "Head of Human Resources", " CEO”, “System programmer”, “Head of the settlement department”. It is important to say that each of the roles has its own interface of the so-called "start page".

It often happens that in small enterprises personnel accounting and calculation wages only one specialist conducts and he needs to have access to all sections of accounting. In this case, you need to contact a specialist with administrator rights so that he starts the user with full rights.

How to get a new Employee?

Since the hiring of an employee is carried out by the personnel department, now you need to log into the system of the 1C ZUP program under the user name "Head of the personnel department". Then you will be taken to the home page:

As you can see, the system already contains certain information. Ignore this information, but simply click on the link called "New Employee":

AT software product it is possible to keep records for several enterprises, so in the field called "Organization" it is necessary to note where exactly the new employee. Even in the case when there is only one enterprise in the database.

The "Name" field must be filled in with only one line. The software product will independently decompose this string into three words (Last Name, First Name, Patronymic). If the "Name" is more than three words, then you still need to fill in one line.

Here is an example:

It is important to note that the program splits the “full name” by spaces, so double surnames must be strictly written in their entirety, otherwise it will turn out like this:

Editing "Name" is carried out only in the field "Name". Nearby is a link called "Change", which is used only during real changes in the "Name" and these changes fall into the "History of changes in the Name".

After done, the required fields must be filled in line by line. We emphasize that such fields as "SNILS" and "" are not mandatory at this stage, and the software product will allow you to save the employee's card, but the employee will go to the section called "Not Enough Data". However, the software product will not make it possible to carry out registration, conduct a document called “Employment”, as well as print an employment contract. However, it is better to fill in all the personal information at once. First of all, it is necessary for reporting.

The employee's personal information is now filled in. Next, press the key called "Save and close."

After that, a card with the name "Employee" will be generated and in automatic mode a card called "Individual" will be formed.

What is the difference between an individual and an employee in a software product?

It is very important to distinguish between the concepts called "Individual" and "Employee", and what exactly the following types of cards are needed for.

The fact is that one individual can have several employment contracts. For example, one position is part-time, the second is the main one.

For each of the contracts, settlements are carried out differently, and in accordance with the law, personal income tax for an individual is paid freely. We have given one of the examples when you need to have several "Employee" cards that will be "tied" to one "individual" card. In addition, the so-called "individual" card stores all personal information on it: data on the document that certifies the identity, TIN, address, etc. This will be very convenient during the conclusion of the second and subsequent agreements, since this information will not be necessary enter again.

It should be emphasized that one and the same person should not be allowed to have several cards under the name "Individual". Such duplication will lead to the calculation of personal income tax and other unnecessary consequences.

Therefore, during the introduction of a new employee, it is necessary to ensure that if he has already been entered into the system by this time, then he is tied specifically to his individual.

When entering a new employee, the software product automatically searches for similar information in the reference book called "Individuals" with a card of a new employee. And if there are certain matches, the program will definitely warn about it.

The best and most reliable way in the software product in 1C "ZUP 8.3" to start the second and subsequent "Employee Cards" will be the introduction directly from the directory with the name "Individuals".

We offer an example:

Go to the directory called "Individuals":

After that, a list of all individuals will open. Find the person you need and go to his card. It has a "Job" link. Go to it and click on the link called "New Job". Next, a window for creating a new employee will open with personal information already filled in.

If you use the above method of introduction, then the new employee this enterprise will necessarily be tied only to this individual.

If, nevertheless, it happened that an individual was duplicated, then there is a special processing in the system called “Combining cards with personal data”. However, it is only available to employees with certain rights access.

Now we have a new employee who falls into the section called "Labor relations are not formalized."

"1C ZUP": how to apply for a job of a new employee?

In order to generate a document called "Employment", click on the right mouse button on the line with the employee and select "Apply for a job":

After that, a window for creating a new document will open in 1C:

On the first tab, the fields called "Department", "Work Schedule" and "Position" must be filled in. The document will not be held without filling them out.

The amount in the field called "FOP" is created according to the information in the tab called "Payment". Go to it and go:

If on the tab with the name "Main" you did not indicate the position, and in the directory called "Staffing" the type and amount of accruals are already registered, the table with indicators should be filled in automatically.

It is possible to add additional accruals manually. It is also necessary to note the "Recalculation procedure" and the method of calculating "Promotion".

On the last tab called "Employment contract", enter the information of the employment contract.

After that, click "Swipe and Close".

And so, we started and hired a new employee.

The software product 1C: Accounting 2.0 contains a subsystem of personnel records, however, this subsystem includes a limited range of documents that allow you to make a hiring, personnel transfer and dismissal of employees. Such a subsystem is suitable for small enterprises with a limited number of employees. The HR subsystem is available from the "Personnel" menu of the main menu of the program.
Also, the HR subsystem can be found in the "Personnel" tab of the program's function panel.

The HR subsystem includes two directories: "Individuals" and "Employees", which contain information about the employees of the organization.
The directory "Individuals" reflects such personal data of employees as date of birth, gender, place of birth, citizenship, TIN, SNILS, as well as addresses and telephone numbers. Directory "Employees" is designed to store information about labor activity employee in this organization.


The program "1C: Enterprise Accounting" provides two options for hiring. The first option - when adding an employee, the program automatically prompts the user to create a job order.

The appearance of the recruitment assistant is configured by default. In order to use it, you must enter the personnel number, last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth and gender of the employee. If information about this employee is already entered in the "Individuals" directory, a window will pop up with a list of individuals with similar data. In this case, select the one marked in the list and click on the "Next" button. In order to avoid duplication of individuals, it is not recommended to create new positions in this directory.

The next step in working with the recruitment assistant is to enter personnel information. In the window that appears, you should mark the type of employment of the employee, select the unit, position, date of admission, and also enter information about wages. If you uncheck "Create a job order", the work with the assistant will be completed, and the job order will not be created.
The next step specifies Additional Information required for payroll calculations, as well as for taxes and insurance premiums.

After filling in all the details, click on the "Finish" button. Also, this assistant offers to immediately receive a printed form of the order for employment.
You can turn off the recruitment assistant. To do this, use the change in user settings, which can be found through the menu "Service" - "User and access management" - "List of users".

In the list that appears, select the user for whom you want to disable the automatic appearance of the job assistant, and click the button.

In the window that appears, check the box next to the props “Do not use the hiring assistant”, and then save the changes made using the “OK” button. The second option for hiring employees is to enter orders for hiring in the appropriate journal.

If the use of the recruitment assistant is not disabled in the user settings, then you will have to follow the above procedure, since in this case the hiring will be carried out in three stages suggested by the assistant.
If the use of the hiring assistant is disabled in the user settings, the program will create a new hiring document in which the user must select an employee and enter HR and payroll information. In this mode, it is possible to enter an order for a group of employees.

You can also print a job order from the employment document.

Personnel movement

The document "Personnel transfer" is designed to change the personnel information of an employee or information about the calculation of his wages. This document can be obtained from the corresponding magazine.

When you select an employee in the document, all information about him appears, taken from the relevant directories and the order for employment. In order to change these data in whole or in part, you must specify the date of translation, as well as change the information to more current ones, and then post the document. It is possible to make personnel transfer for a group of employees. From this document, a printed form of an order to transfer an employee to another job is available.


The document "Dismissal" is intended to terminate labor relations with the employee and is available from the corresponding log.

To dismiss an employee, you must select him from the directory, specify the date of dismissal and the reason for dismissal, and then save your choice using the "OK" button. It is possible to make an order for a group of employees. From this document, it is possible to print an order to terminate the employment contract with the employee (dismissal).

Other printables for HR professionals

You can view the list of available reports on frames in the "Personnel" tab of the program's function panel.

Personal cards are printed for each employee in a unified T-2 form. To receive this report, select an employee and click on the "Generate" button.
The "Lists of employees" report is designed to generate a list of employees of the enterprise for a specific date. Employees for inclusion in this report can be selected and grouped according to various criteria available by clicking on the "Selection" and "Settings" buttons.
An application for voluntary entry into legal relations with the FIU (DSV-1) is formed by selecting an employee and clicking the "Generate" button. It is also possible to receive a blank application form.

Summarizing the above, it is worth noting that the personnel accounting subsystem "Enterprise Accounting 2.0" contains a limited list of personnel documents. Therefore, to maintain a full-fledged personnel record, you will have to look for other printed forms on your own or use another software product.

It should be noted that in 1C Accounting 8.3 there are two ways to maintain personnel records: full and simplified. The simplified version does not allow you to create personnel documents, orders are printed directly from the employee card.

To enable the possibility of maintaining full personnel records, we will perform a special setting of the 1C 8.3 program: section Payroll and Human Resources - Payroll Setup:

Personnel accounting - the Full checkbox:

The necessary settings have been made, we will consider the procedure for hiring an employee in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program for the main position and part-time.

Hiring an employee for the main job

In order to hire an employee in 1C Accounting 8.3, go to the section: Salary and Personnel - Hiring:

We press the button Create:

We fill in the basic data in the document:

  • In field Subdivision department of the organization where the employee will work:

  • In field Job title- the position of the hired employee. If it is not in the drop-down list of positions, then click the button More - Create start a new one:

Adding a new post:

  • In field Employee an employee of an organization hired according to an employment contract. By button Create enter in the directory of a new employee:

We fill in the necessary data: full name, date of birth, SNILS and TIN:

Fill in the remaining fields:

  • Date of receipt;
  • Type of employment- the main place of work.

By button Add we indicate the type of accrual and the amount of wages, as well as the conditions for the payment of the advance. There are two of them in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program: a fixed amount and a percentage of the tariff:

We post the document and proceed to print the document Admission order in the form T-1 in 1C 8.3:

The printed form can be edited and entered manually. For example, probation and the number of the employment contract:

How to register in 1C 8.2 (8.3) the reception of a “new” old employee, when the same employee first leaves and then is hired again in the same year, see our video lesson:

Hiring an employee for an internal part-time job

We will issue in the program 1C Accounting 8.3 the admission of an internal part-time employee. Note that one individual can conclude several employment contracts with the organization at once. In this case, in order to correctly fill out personalized reporting and personal income tax certificates, we do not duplicate an individual, and for each employment contract in 1C Accounting 8.3 we get a new employee. Since the individual is already working in the organization, the 1C 8.3 program reports that a person with a similar name has been found. We press the button Yes, that's who I need and personal data will be filled in automatically:

Choose the type of employment Internal Compatibility:

By analogy, we reflect the type of accrual, the amount of wages and draw up a document:

Consider the main personnel reports in 1C 8.3 Accounting, with which you can view and print information about employees, section Payroll and Human Resources - Human Resources Reports:

  • Personal data of employees;
  • Staff members;
  • Personal cards (T-2):

In more detail, the features of personnel records, payroll, taxes and contributions in 1C 8.3 are discussed in the module. For more information about the course, see the following video:

We also recommend that you watch our seminar on accounting for foreign employees. Legislation on foreign labor force changed drastically in 2015. The changes affected all groups of foreign citizens, but the main category of changes concerns visa-free foreigners. See below for details.


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