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Pollock and cod are two marine game fish available for sale. Vitamin A, thiamine and other B vitamins, including cobalamin and pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, H and PP are present in sufficient quantities in both fish. In terms of calories, both fish are about the same. In Russia, the cost of pollock is lower than the cost of cod.
Chopped frozen cod and pollock are almost the same - both in color of meat and in taste. It is also sometimes difficult to distinguish live fish of the same size: pollock and cod have a spotty color. Distinctive feature cod - outwardly it is a pronounced strip on the sides along the body. Another sign by which you can distinguish cod from pollock is the price, cod is more expensive, since the volume of pollock fishing is higher.
Pollock is a sea fish of the cod family, a common fish in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. The maximum body length is 91 cm, and the weight is 5 kg; maximum duration life - 15 years. Among the cod-like fish of the World Ocean, walleye pollock occupies a leading position in terms of prey. In the Russian zone, the minimum commercial size is 20 cm.
Pollack liver (contains a large amount of fat and vitamin A) in Russia is used, among other things, for the manufacture of fish oil.

Cod is a marine fish of the cod family. Body length - up to 1.8 m; the fishery is dominated by fish 40-80 cm long, 3-10 years old. There are several geographical subspecies: Arctic, White Sea, Baltic, etc. In the eastern part of the Atlantic, cod is distributed from the Bay of Biscay to the Barents Sea and Svalbard; in the west - from Cape Hatteras (North Carolina) to Greenland.
The bulk of the catch and sale of cod belongs to Norway.

Description and composition of cod fish:
There are more than a hundred species of fish of the Cod family that live in both salt and fresh water bodies of the northern hemisphere. Cod fish include such well-known fish as:
cod (marine fish)
pollock (sea fish)
navaga (sea fish)
burbot (freshwater fish)
haddock (sea fish)
hake (sea fish)
and other fish

Cod fish meat is considered one of the most dietary. The fat content of almost all fish of the Cod family does not exceed 1%, and even in fatter species it is no more than 4%. Cod fish contain, group B, and such useful micro and macro elements as, phosphorus, manganese, molybdenum and many others.
Dishes from fish of the Cod family are considered extremely due to their excellent composition.

Useful properties of cod fish:

Cod. Benefits of cod.
Cod is a very tasty and healthy fish. A large number of different dishes are prepared from it, it is boiled, stewed, baked, fried, steamed. Doctors recommend including this fish in the diet for people of all ages, starting from childhood. Do not also forget about the very useful liver and. The calorie content of cod is about 82 kcal. Cod has the following beneficial properties:

  • Cod helps in strengthening teeth and bones.
  • Helps to increase immunity.
  • Cod helps the body recover from illnesses, gives strength.
  • Thanks to its omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, cod is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels and combating cardiovascular disease.
  • Cod is very useful for the nervous system, stress management and mood improvement.
  • Favorable for the work of the respiratory system.
  • Doctors advise people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis to use cod, as it has a beneficial effect on the joints.
  • Cod helps to strengthen hair and nails, as well as improve skin condition.
  • Cod helps to improve the supply of oxygen to the brain and is favorable for mental activity.

Pollock. The benefits of pollock
Pollock is inferior in taste to cod, but is surprisingly healthy fish for human health. In Russia pollock is completely undeservedly not popular. For example, in Korea, pollock is considered the most valuable and beloved fish; many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from it. By adding a variety of seasonings and soy sauce from almost tasteless pollock, you can get very tasty dishes that will bring great health benefits. Pollock is especially useful for the elderly. Doctors recommend including pollock in a child's diet from 8 months. The calorie content of pollock is about 72 kcal.
Pollock has the following beneficial properties:

  • Doctors recommend that overweight people include this fish in their diet.
  • Pollock helps strengthen gums, teeth and bones.
  • Pollock has antioxidant properties.
  • Helps to normalize blood sugar and is recommended for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Pollock is useful for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, is a preventive measure for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Favorably affects the thyroid gland.
  • Pollock helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Useful for the human nervous system.
  • Pollock favorably affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • It has a good effect on the respiratory system.

Navaga. The benefits of saffron cod
Navaga is one of the most delicious fish of the Cod family. Fried fresh ice-fishing saffron cod is one of the most favorite dishes of the residents of the Far East. In addition to excellent taste, this fish has a lot of useful properties.

  • Navaga helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in navaga have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Navaga is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Navaga lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Navaga helps in strengthening bone tissue.
  • Favorably affects the condition of the skin.
  • Helps rejuvenate the body.
  • Navaga is a good assistant in the fight against excess weight.
  • Experts recommend including saffron cod in the diet of children.

Recipes for healthy cod fish dishes:
— .

O useful properties products and possible contraindications to their use you can read on the page

in short, you take one part of the onion into three parts of the pollock fillet, cut the onion into rings, put it in a saucepan, preferably cast iron if you have it, a little vegetable oil a little water (not much), bay fox a little black ground pepper and salt to taste, simmer under the lid until tender (15 minutes) and that's it, delicious easy and very fast, be sure to try

carrots do not need to be added, and even more so sugar (and so it will have a slightly sweet taste)

you can also in a deep frying pan, but the pan is cool, and the stewed potatoes in it come out super, many birds are stewed in such, meat .. 🙂

Yes, you can do it in a batter. any fish is delicious in it.)

It is impossible to compare. Cod is a valuable commercial fish. Pollock is a weedy fish, earlier (and even now) it was used as flour for fattening livestock and industrially grown fish such as Norwegian trout and salmon.

Yes, everything is the same, but the price is lower mainly because of the show-offs, such as the taste is less refined by 10%, a little tougher or something like that or stupid, it is no less tasty, but it is more difficult to break it, so we will break the price by 5 times - we will fuck rich people - let the rich think that since it is so expensive, then this fillet is divine =)

common marketing principle

since pollock, like cod, is a little dry, it is best to cook it in a marinade.

4 medium sized carrots

4 tbsp. l vinegar 9%

grate the carrots on a coarse grater, lightly sauté in a frying pan or in a saucepan, add the onion, simmer until half cooked. At this time, fry pollock fillets on both sides. Add 1 glass of water to the carrots, bring to a boil, add salt, sugar and vinegar, put the roasted pollock there and let it simmer for 30 minutes over medium heat. Serve with mashed potatoes.

Pollock is tastier than cod. Just fry, dipped in flour, without any batter. Previously, there were heaps of pollock, it cost a penny. We fried it and ate it like seeds, and now we have it like meat, but there is no taste, because it lies for a long time and no one buys it. The main thing is that it is made of bones, only a ridge.

Pollock is a very tasty fish, cut into large portions, roll in flour and fry like an ordinary fish, or even a whole piece of fillet. Fry on both sides and you're done. Fry separately chopped carrots and onions in the same oil, more and cover the fish with these vegetables on top. Everything.

You can also eat it cold, it will be no less tasty.

I do almost all the fish in French. And everything is very tasty. So do not worry that they took the wrong fillet

ulojit na protiven, posoloit, poperchit, sverhu tonenko narezannyi luk, krujochki pomidor, posypat syrom i zapecn v duhovke.

Just fried a large frying pan of pollock in batter. For 1 kilogram of pollock without a head, 2 eggs, 4 tablespoons of flour, salt, pepper and shake in a bowl with a fork, add a little water so that the batter is like thick sour cream. In a bowl I put the pollock cut into halves and into a frying pan with hot oil. I fry on one side, turn over, reduce the heat and turn over a couple of times until cooked. I pour the rest of the batter over the fish. When I turn it over again, it is fried, it turns out very tasty.

Pollock fillets and cod fillets cost almost the same from the same manufacturer.

Perhaps the comparison is the filet of Chinese and Russian. The Chinese pump water into the fillet for weight, and then freeze it. Domestic producers are more responsible in this regard.

And they do not differ much in taste, the family of fish is the same - cod. Is that pollock is not as dry as cod.

From Wikipedia: Pollock is a bottom pelagic cold-loving fish of the cod family.


Carrots - 2 Pieces (small size)

SmetanaGram (20%)

Vegetable oil - - to taste

Salt, pepper, spices - to taste

Servings: 4

How to cook "Pollock in sour cream"

We peel the vegetables, finely chop them (I advise you to grate the carrots on a coarse grater). Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. First, fry the onion for about 2 minutes, then add the carrots.

We clean pollock, wash, dry, cut into small cubes or pieces, add to vegetables, mix. Cover with a lid and simmer for about

Then add sour cream, salt, pepper, season to taste, mix well. Cover again and continue to simmer for 15 minutes.

In the end, the finished dish looks very appetizing. Because of carrots, pollock in sour cream acquires a golden and ruddy hue.

Cod - one of the most useful fish

Description and composition of cod fish:

There are more than a hundred species of fish of the Cod family that live in both salt and fresh water bodies of the northern hemisphere. Cod fish include such well-known fish as:

Cod (marine fish)

Pollock (sea fish)

Navaga (sea fish)

Burbot (freshwater fish)

Haddock (marine fish)

Hake (sea fish)

Cod fish meat is considered one of the most dietary. The fat content of almost all fish of the Cod family does not exceed 1%, and even in fatter species it is no more than 4%. Cod fish contain vitamins A, D, C, E, K, PP, group B, and such useful micro and macro elements as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, sodium, manganese, copper, iron, iodine, manganese, molybdenum and many others.

Dishes from fish of the Cod family due to their excellent composition are considered extremely beneficial to human health.

Useful properties of cod fish:

Cod is a very tasty and healthy fish. A large number of different dishes are prepared from it, it is boiled, stewed, baked, fried, steamed. Doctors recommend including this fish in the diet for people of all ages, starting from childhood. Do not also forget about the very useful liver and cod roe. The calorie content of cod is about 82 kcal. Cod has the following beneficial properties:

  • Cod helps in strengthening teeth and bones.
  • Helps to increase immunity.
  • Cod helps the body recover from illnesses, gives strength.
  • Thanks to its omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, cod is beneficial in lowering cholesterol levels and combating cardiovascular disease.
  • Cod is very useful for the nervous system, stress management and mood improvement.
  • Favorable for the work of the respiratory system.
  • Doctors advise people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis to use cod, as it has a beneficial effect on the joints.
  • Cod helps to strengthen hair and nails, as well as improve skin condition.
  • Cod helps to improve the supply of oxygen to the brain and is favorable for mental activity.

Pollock is inferior in taste to cod, but is surprisingly healthy fish for human health. In Russia pollock is completely undeservedly not popular. For example, in Korea, pollock is considered the most valuable and beloved fish; many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from it. By adding a variety of seasonings and soy sauce from almost tasteless pollock, you can get very tasty dishes that will bring great health benefits. Pollock is especially useful for the elderly. Doctors recommend including pollock in a child's diet from 8 months. The calorie content of pollock is about 72 kcal.

Pollock has the following beneficial properties:

  • Doctors recommend that overweight people include this fish in their diet.
  • Pollock helps strengthen gums, teeth and bones.
  • Pollock has antioxidant properties.
  • Helps to normalize blood sugar and is recommended for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Pollock is useful for the normal functioning of the digestive tract, is a preventive measure for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Favorably affects the thyroid gland.
  • Pollock helps to remove excess fluid from the body.
  • Useful for the human nervous system.
  • Pollock favorably affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • It has a good effect on the respiratory system.

Navaga is one of the most delicious fish of the Cod family. Fried fresh ice-fishing saffron cod is one of the most favorite dishes of the residents of the Far East. In addition to excellent taste, this fish has a lot of useful properties.

  • Navaga helps to strengthen the immune system.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in navaga have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Navaga is useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Navaga lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Navaga helps in strengthening bone tissue.
  • Favorably affects the condition of the skin.
  • Helps rejuvenate the body.
  • Navaga is a good assistant in the fight against excess weight.
  • Experts recommend including saffron cod in the diet of children.

Recipes for healthy cod fish dishes:

You can read about the beneficial properties of the products and possible contraindications to their use on the page "Useful Products"

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Speaking of cod, the other day for the first time in my life I bought cod dumplings. Listen, I didn't even expect them to be so tasty. Somehow they got used to meat dumplings, but it turns out that dumplings can be fish and very tasty.

What is more useful pollock or cod

In the cold waters of the Pacific seas, a large number of cod fish (about 100 species) live, and among them there are both "folk" favorites and real exotics. Today we want to talk about what is more useful pollock or cod, although it is difficult to talk about this, given that the first is widespread, and the “head” of the genus is more expensive, and less valuable pollock is often hidden on the shelves under any cod. Most codfish, with the exception of freshwater burbot, are sold frozen, and it is difficult to find the difference between a butchered carcass, which is what scammers use.

External differences and similarities

If frozen pieces of codfish look almost the same, then in appearance there are some differences, although the question of which is better, this does not affect, of course. The first is given out by a bright stripe on the side along the entire body, although both representatives of the cod have spots on their bodies, as well as the same number of fins - three dorsal and two anal. And even the mustache on the chin is present in both subjects. Adults also have different sizes - pollock reaches a length of 80 centimeters, while the second test subject grows up to two meters. She also lives about twice as long. The only clear difference is that the latter has more rounded shapes.

Taste qualities

Connoisseurs of delicious and healthy food know that the Japanese know a lot about food and understand healthy products. Speaking about which is tastier, cod or pollock, suffice it to say that the latter is very popular in Japanese and Chinese cuisine, and they definitely have a taste. Thus, a simple conclusion can be drawn as to which is better, because oriental chefs are unlikely to use second-rate fish to prepare their gourmet dishes. It was the taste that caused the population of this affordable fish to decrease sharply, which led to its partial disappearance.

The meat of these codfish, meanwhile, is difficult to distinguish, and especially when cooked, although real chefs know what to focus on. It should be noted, however, that pollock meat pleases us with its taste qualities all year round - it is always tender, with a pleasant fishy smell. As for the second subject, the tastier fish caught in the fall, when the fish spawning begins. Cod liver is very popular, and it is in it that most of the fat and nutrients are concentrated, but pollock caviar turned out to be no less useful, because it is not in vain that it is used to make fish oil.

Composition and benefits

Since the conversation has already turned to what is more useful, pollock or cod, we should consider the chemical composition of both representatives of the cod genus. Each of them contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, thiamine and other B vitamins, including cobalamin and pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, H and PP. The mineral composition is also rich, and all cod varieties contain a large amount of iodine for the thyroid gland, calcium for joints and bones, and phosphorus to improve brain function. Many today are thinking about extra pounds, so the question of which is better, cod or pollock, for them comes down to the fact that it is high in calories. Nutritionists assure that both fish are equally high-calorie, so they can be safely included in the diet.

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Cod family fish - types, description

Almost all representatives of the cod-like genus, with the exception of burbot, prefer to live in salt water. Moreover, reservoirs should be located closer to the northern hemisphere, since their element is cold water.

The cod family includes about 100 species of various fish, and almost all of them are inhabitants of salty sea water, and only one burbot inhabits freshwater rivers and other reservoirs. The most common of them are: haddock, navaga, blue whiting, cod, hake and many others. What are the differences between the cod family and other representatives of the seas and oceans and will be discussed in this article.

Description of the cod family


The cod family has a number of distinctive external features. For example, representatives of this family have several dorsal fins, as well as the presence of one or two anal fins. Their tail fin is considered the most developed.

As a rule, the caudal fin may be integral with the dorsal and anal fins or may be separated from them. Interestingly, all of them have fins that do not have sharp, prickly rays. Fish of this family have enlarged gill openings, as well as the presence of a mustache in the region of the lower jaw. The body of the fish is covered with small scales, which are easy to clean. In general, codfish prefer to move in small flocks, with the exception of burbot, a freshwater representative of this family.


Of the 100 species, absolutely diverse representatives can be distinguished, differing in completely different sizes. Species that feed on plankton are much smaller than those that feed on larger living organisms. The smallest of them is the deep-sea gadikul, which can reach no more than 15 cm in length. The largest representatives include predators such as ling and Atlantic cod, which can reach up to 1.8 meters in length.


Representatives of this family are found in almost all waters of the northern hemisphere of the earth, and only 5 species inhabit the seas of the southern hemisphere. All of them should be attributed to marine life living in salt water, and only burbot prefers the fresh waters of the north of Europe, Asia and America.

The highest abundance of cod is observed in the eastern parts of the Atlantic, including the Norwegian and Barents Seas. The Baltic Sea is exclusively inhabited by cod. Cod representatives can also be found in the Black and Mediterranean Seas.

In the equatorial zone, it is unlikely that representatives of this family will be found, but off the coast South America, South Africa and New Zealand, there are as many as three species of this family.

What do codfish eat

Some species of fish prefer plant foods, while others exclusively animal, because they are predators. Some of them, such as blue whiting, arctic cod, polar cod, eat zooplankton.

Pollock and cod feed on fairly large living organisms. In these fish, the fat that they store in the process of feeding accumulates in the liver, which is their significant difference from other fish species that do not belong to this family.


Each species of fish belonging to this family is different in that it has its own reproduction characteristics. Most of them spawn in sea water, although some of them that live in the northern latitudes choose desalinated areas of water bodies for spawning. Not at all most of them enter the rivers to lay their eggs.

Representatives of this family begin to lay eggs only after 3 years of life, and some of them even later - after 8-10 years of life. They lay eggs for several years in a row, laying several million eggs at the same time, although there are also such as navaga, which lays only a few thousand eggs.

Almost the majority of representatives of this family love cold water and lay their eggs at a temperature of about 0 degrees and mainly in winter or at the end of winter.

After the appearance of fry, some of them remain in place, and some are carried away by the current, therefore, from the first days of their life, fry of these fish begin to spread throughout the waters of the seas and oceans. Interestingly, haddock fry use jellyfish to hide from their natural enemies. Throughout their lives, representatives of this family carry out long migrations. This is due to some natural factors, such as sea and ocean currents, fluctuations in water temperature, including the availability of forage.

Commercial fishing

Due to the fact that most representatives of cod are characterized by unsurpassed nutritional qualities, their catch is carried out on a huge industrial scale. Every year, about 10 million tons of cod fish species are caught, and most of them are caught in the Atlantic Ocean. As a rule, the following types of cod make up the bulk:

Almost all of them lead a benthic lifestyle, so they are caught using deep-sea trawls. The meat of these fish is a popular product due to its nutritional value. Especially valuable is their liver, which contains a huge amount of useful substances.

Types of codfish with photos and descriptions

As mentioned above, cod have up to a hundred species of different fish. Among them are the most famous and most valuable, which will be discussed below.


This small fish is also called the "big-eyed cod". Cod lives at depths from 200 meters to almost a kilometer. It is easy to distinguish it from other types of fish by its rather large eyes, which actually occupy a third of the head. During its life, the fish is able to grow up to a maximum of 15 centimeters, and mostly there are specimens 9-12 centimeters long. There is a gadikul in the Mediterranean, as well as in the waters of Northern Norway. Sometimes found in the oceans at very great depths. There are two types of this amazing fish:

They differ from each other, although only slightly. Basically, they have a different number of fin rays and vertebrae, which is associated with their habitat.


This representative of the cod family is found in the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, as well as off the coast of Europe. This fish can be found in the Black Sea, off the coast of Crimea, where it is brought by the current after intense storms. Able to grow up to 50 centimeters in length. The whiting diet consists of small crustaceans and small fish. Whiting itself replenishes the diet of larger predators, such as dolphins or katrans. Commercial production of this fish is carried out exclusively in northern waters.

Merlang does not like great depths. After two years of life, whiting can already lay eggs. At the same time, caviar is laid at depths of no more than 1 meter, at a water temperature of at least 5 degrees.


Almost everyone knows this fish, since it can be found on almost all counters. fish shops. Pollock lives, mainly in the North Pacific Ocean, because it prefers to live in cold water with a temperature of 2 to 9 degrees.

This fish almost always stays in the water column, at depths of half a kilometer or more, and only at the time of spawning moves closer to the coast, to smaller areas.

Pollock begins to spawn after 3 or 4 years of life. The spawning period, depending on habitat conditions, can begin in winter and last until summer. Pollock can grow up to 0.5 meters in length, and sometimes more.

Pollock is one of the most numerous representatives of this family, which are found within the Pacific cold waters. This fish is caught on an industrial scale in huge volumes, therefore it ranks first in terms of the number of fish caught today. Nutritious and healthy as the meat of this fish, and its liver.


Prefers to lead a benthic lifestyle. Exceptionally predatory fish that hunts at a depth of 500 meters. This predator is able to grow up to 2 meters in length, although there are mostly individuals up to 1 meter long.

They can lay eggs only at 8-10 years of their life. Her diet consists of small fish and other living organisms.

Navaga Far Eastern

This fish is of serious commercial interest. Lives in the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, as well as the Chukchi, Okhotsk and Japan Seas.

Far Eastern saffron cod can grow up to 35 centimeters in length, although there are also larger specimens, up to 50 cm in length, but very rarely. This fish prefers to stay in the coastal zone, leaving it only to find food for itself.

At 2 or 3 years of age, it can spawn. Navaga spawns only in winter, at the lowest temperatures.

Navaga populations are quite voluminous, so it is caught in large batches. It is mined 10 times more than White Sea saffron cod.

Navaga northern

The main habitats of this fish are:

It also prefers to be in the coastal zone, and for the period of spawning it can go to rivers. Despite this, the very process of spawning is carried out only in salt water, in winter, at depths of about 10 meters. The female spawns eggs, which firmly stick to the bottom of the bottom, after which they develop here for 4 months.

It reaches a length of about 35 centimeters, although there are representatives that are up to 45 centimeters in length. The diet of northern saffron cod consists of fairly small crustaceans, worms and small fish.

It is caught on a commercial scale in the autumn-winter period, since its meat has an unsurpassed taste.


This is the only representative of the cod family, which is found in fresh water. Like most codfish, burbot prefers cool water, so it is most often found in the rivers and lakes of America, Asia and Europe.

The most numerous population of burbot is considered to be in the Siberian rivers, where it is caught both on an industrial scale and by amateur fishermen. Burbot spawns exclusively in winter, when the reservoir is covered with ice. In summer, it prefers to hide in stones, burrows or snags. With the onset of autumn, he begins an active lifestyle. Burbot is a nocturnal fish that does not tolerate sunlight. According to many anglers, at night it can be lured by the light coming from the fire.

Burbot grows in length up to 0.6 meters, with a weight of up to 1.5 kg. Despite this, there are specimens up to 1.2 meters in length and weighing up to 20 kilograms. The diet of burbot consists of larvae, crustaceans and small fish.


Haddock occurs in the northern part of the Atlantic and mainly in the coastal waters of Europe and America. Prefers to lead a benthic lifestyle. The body is characterized as laterally compressed. The body color is silvery, with a black lateral line and a black spot located above the pectoral fin. The average length of the fish is in the range of cm, although there are individuals longer than 1 meter. Haddock feeds on mollusks, worms, crustaceans, and also eats herring caviar.

At the 3rd or 5th year of life, the females are already ready to spawn. Fishing for haddock is quite well developed and in terms of the mass of fish caught it occupies a solid third place after pollock and cod. It is caught mainly in the North and Barents Seas. Catch volumes are estimated at about a million tons per year.

blue whiting

It can grow up to 35 cm in length, although sometimes individuals up to 50 cm long come across. This fish grows too slowly.

It is found mainly in the northeast Atlantic, being at depths from 30 to 800 meters. The diet consists of fish fry, plankton and small crustaceans.

It is also caught commercially and is also sold in many retail outlets.

Blue whiting

This representative of the cod family is somewhat larger than the northern blue whiting. It can weigh up to 1 kg, growing up to 0.5 meters in length. Closer to the southern hemisphere, it prefers to be closer to the surface of the water, but the farther from these places it is, the deeper it is found, at depths of up to half a kilometer.

It is mined on an industrial scale, making mainly canned food from it, although many housewives boil, bake and fry it.

It can also be easily bought at a fish store.


Leads a flock of life, being either in the water column or closer to the bottom. It grows in length up to 70 cm, although there are individuals up to 1 meter long, and sometimes more. It lives mainly in the northern waters of the Atlantic. It migrates across the Atlantic over considerable distances: with the advent of spring, it heads north, and with the advent of autumn, it returns again to the warmer waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Saithe is also caught in large volumes. Quite tasty canned food is obtained from it, called "sea salmon". This is due to the fact that saithe meat and salmon meat are characterized by a similar taste, but saithe meat is much cheaper.

Atlantic cod

This type of fish is already listed in the international Red Book and the Red Book of Russia. Atlantic cod grows up to 1.8 meters in length, although the average size is in the range of centimeters. Atlantic cod feeds on various crustaceans, mollusks, including fish.

Cod females begin to lay eggs at the age of 8-10 years, weighing 3-4 kilograms. She lives in the Atlantic Ocean. It is highly valued for its nutritious and healthy meat, including liver, which is rich in healthy fats. Cod makes delicious canned food. Many are familiar with such a delicacy as cod liver, which is used to make delicious sandwiches and other cold snacks.

In 1992, the Canadian government imposed a ban on fishing for Atlantic cod, as its numbers have declined sharply, which threatens the complete disappearance of this type of fish.

Pacific cod

This representative of the cod family differs from the Atlantic cod in a larger head and smaller body dimensions. It can reach a length of 1.2 meters, although there are mostly individuals with sizes cm.

inhabits this species cod in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Bering and Japan. It does not carry out long migrations, adhering to the waters of these seas and the coastline.

Starts spawning in the 5th year of life. The total life expectancy is about years. Each female is capable of laying several million eggs. Feeds on invertebrates and fish. It is also caught in large quantities. Its meat is delicious in any form: it is salted, smoked, fried, boiled, baked and made into delicious preserves.

Useful properties of cod

The meat of these species is considered dietary, since the fat content in it reaches only 4 percent. In this regard, cod dishes have an excellent taste and are quite healthy for humans.

The presence of vitamins

The following vitamins were found in the meat of these fish species:

Presence of trace elements

The meat of these fish contains useful minerals, such as:

When choosing one or another method of cooking fish, you should always remember that the task is to preserve the maximum of useful substances, without losing taste. This is possible only if the fish is consumed raw, boiled or baked. Naturally, the maximum of useful substances is preserved if it is consumed raw. To do this, it is simply salted or cooked in a marinade. To cook properly, it is better to use ready-made recipes, of which there are a sufficient number. And yet it is better to resort to heat treatment. If you cook fish in the oven, you can get a very tasty and healthy dish. In extreme cases, it can be fried and served with a side dish and vegetables, although this will not be so useful, and it can be hard on the stomach.

Representatives of cod are considered the most numerous species of fish that inhabit the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Due to the fact that the meat of these fish is not only tasty, but also healthy, they are caught at a huge rate, which is reflected in the figures associated with millions of tons annually. If this continues, then our children may not see most seafood on their tables.

No less valuable is the liver of these fish, since many useful substances accumulate in it. Since the meat is not fatty, it can be consumed by almost all categories of people, and especially those who managed to gain excess weight. Only personal intolerance to seafood can become a real obstacle to eating cod fish species.


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