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If you are engaged in marketing and promote your products and services on a social network, then in order to attract an audience, you need to learn how to work with advertising tools. We have already learned with you, and figured out what it is. Now let's get acquainted with advertising records. Let's learn how to create and publish them.

We create and place an advertising post in a group

We go to our page, and in the left menu block we click "Advertising" (see).

On the next page, click the button "Create Ad".

Now select the post type - either generic or button post. In the example, we will analyze the second option. Put the appropriate marker, and press the button "Create Entry".

On the next page, enter the URL of the page or content you want to promote. In our example, we will send users to the website. We indicate this address in the form, and press the button "Continue".

Now you need to fill in the description.

  • The ad post is linked to the community. Choose the right one.
  • Enter description text.
  • If necessary, add an image (see ).
  • Specify the text on the action button. Select the desired option from the dropdown list.

When you fill in all the data, click on the "Create" button.

The post will be created and we will move on to the post settings.

Section "Geography".

"Interests, work and education".

If necessary, you can set retargeting options.

Block "Setting Price and Location".

  • Choose the payment option - for impressions or clicks.
  • Specify which sites your ad should appear on.
  • Set the desired value.
  • If necessary, limit the number of impressions per user.
  • Create advertising company and add an entry to it.

When you're done setting up the criteria for displaying your post, click the button "Create Ad".

If you have come here, then you are probably familiar with such a social network as Vkontakte. There you can communicate with other people around the world for free, listen to music, watch various videos and do many more interesting and useful things, including advertising your projects. Today in this article we will try to figure out how to advertise on VK without spending a penny on it, as well as how effective free advertising on Vkontakte is.

How to post an ad in Vkontakte for free

Imagine a situation: you have a generous offer to sell some item or even a large number of items, but you do not have buyers in real life Or on sites like Avito. Of course, there are much more buyers on VKontakte than on all other sites, but you have no idea where and how to place an ad on this social network. There are several ways to solve this problem, each of which we will consider in detail:

Advertise your product on the wall of your personal page

The advertisement on the page must be pinned.

Let's say right away that this method is only suitable for those whose personal page has a fairly large list of people, at least 200. You and your ad should be seen by people in their news feed. In order for the ad not to get lost in a large amount of information, it needs to be made as bright and noticeable as possible.

An unusual and colorful picture, clear photos of things (if the clothes are on the body of the model) against a contrasting background, an informative description of prices and necessary information about the product. If you are advertising services, make some promotion. You can make discounts for purchasing multiple items.

Create your own group dedicated to your product or service

This is a rather complicated method, since you will have to somehow attract people to the group. Most likely, for a good result, you will have to, but here's how to advertise your community for free, we'll tell you later. The advantage of this method is that all attention will be devoted specifically to your proposal, and among the people there will be only those who are interested in working with you.

Post an ad on the community wall

In VK, there are special groups and publics that position themselves as "flea markets". It is this word that often flaunts in the name of such a community. You can safely post a pre-prepared announcement on the group wall (sometimes you need to click on the "Offer News" button and wait until the announcement is posted and you receive a notification).

The advertising message must be attractive and professionally designed.

Post photo ads to group albums

In groups with an open wall, it is more efficient to post ads on VK in the form of product photos in albums specially prepared and divided into categories. Then in the description you should provide informative information about the product. By the way, to make your offer stand out from the rest, arrange photos in the style of pictures from magazines. Sometimes, in order to get more efficiency, the owner of the group asks to pay. You can personally deal with this issue with the administrator if you are interested in not only free.

How to advertise on VKontakte for free

We have already said that on VKontakte you can promote entire groups and communities for free, where you are going to offer your products and services. The private communities themselves are the most effective advertising, however, they still need to be "untwisted". Let's immediately note that each of the methods will be very laborious, time-consuming and will not be devoid of various kinds of risks. You may have to involve friends and acquaintances in the process for some kind of reward, or hire a special team to help you advertise in VKontakte. In this case, you may not immediately notice the result, but over time your advertising campaign will definitely let you know. So, a few ways in which this is usually done:

Spam in private messages

The first way starts by looking for communities with topics similar to the one you have chosen. Of the options: competing communities, general topics (art, photography, travel), publics with a target audience that interests you. You need to go to the list of participants and those who have private messages open start sending out advertisements for your group. Usually, three out of ten people sign up. Sending advertising is not worth it to everyone, but only to your target audience. But how to define it? This can be done based on some rules:

The advantage of the method is that you can even find like-minded people and good connections, as you communicate directly with potential clients. You are open to the audience, and this creates a good impression of you as an honest entrepreneur. But there are plenty of downsides.

  • Firstly, from one page you can send no more than 20 messages to those who are not in your friends (this is what assistants with other accounts are for).
  • Secondly, dissatisfied people will complain about spam from you and your group, so you and the group can be blocked. As you can see, the method is very slow, routine and not very effective. Accounts will be blocked often and for a long time, if not forever, so you will have to carefully look for people who will be really interested in your offer.

Spam in groups

The method is very similar to that described in the previous paragraph. You need to find communities that themselves offer to leave ads on their wall in Vkontakte for free. The method is probably even less effective than the previous one, since in such publics there are mostly only advertisers who are not interested in responding to someone else's advertising. In addition, this is the same routine that will not bring much result, no matter how colorful your ad is. But there are no restrictions.

Spam in albums

Again the same way. If you left an advertisement on the wall, then in this community we have every right to leave our advertisement in the photo album. You can add photos of goods or services or any colorful advertisement. Be sure to write informative descriptions. Of course, the increase will be extremely small, but no problems with blocking and restrictions.

Contests in your group

The prize for the winner must be your product or service.

If you have reached a certain number of regular members, you can arrange a competition for activity in the group. You need to reward the one (or those) who put the most "likes", wrote comments and shared the news. You can learn about this from statistics that can be given to everyone to evaluate. Also, let the winner later write a review about receiving a gift.
As prizes for winning the contest, choose only your goods and services or discounts on their payment. So you will only attract target audience. If you assign a monetary reward for participating in the competition, you risk attracting only money hunters who are not interested in your product at all.

Sharing ads with other groups

If your friend also decided to do the same thing as you, then you can set up mutual advertising in your communities by agreeing to repost news at the same time, call to join the community, or simply write a review of the group. Larger publics also know how to advertise to their community, so sometimes they offer free advertising to the most interesting and promising groups in exchange for advertising their own. Some are just kind and reliable, but this happens extremely rarely. This is the most efficient free way, which, however, is very rarely free. By the way, reposts should be done in special time no more than four times a day.

In which groups in VK you can make free advertising

And finally, it’s worth showing you a whole list of groups in which you should post your ads and advertisements. They are not so difficult to find on the open spaces of the VKontakte network, however, we have made your search much faster. Of course, there are many more groups, but we decided to offer you the most basic options. You can look for more specific options

Flea markets: - Ukraine. - closed wall. - Belarus. - Peter. - Moscow. - musical. - up to 1000 rubles.

We hope that this material was useful and informative for you. Leave your additions and suggestions in the comments, share the article on social networks with your friends and be sure to visit other interesting articles on our website.

In a previous publication, we made an overview of a tool that appeared in service with marketers relatively recently - native advertising.

One of the sites where you can independently and very quickly launch native advertising (the one that is shown in the news feed) is social network In contact with. Today we will talk about how to set up native VK advertising.

How to set up native advertising in VK?

There are two ways to create native VKontakte ads.

The advantage of the first approach is that a post from the community will gain likes and shares, and all this will positively affect the attractiveness of the community.

The second approach should be used when you do not want advertising posts, for example, due to the fact that there will be a lot of them, do not spam the news feed.

On the page that opens, select "Post promotion".

A window will open where you will need to click "Create Entry".

After choosing the community that you will advertise, you can proceed to the creation of the advertising post itself. Write text, insert a picture and a link if necessary.

Finally, you can choose which button will be displayed in the post. If you use a button, then the maximum text length in a post is 220 characters. If the button is not needed or you want to place a longer text, click on the cross to remove the button from the entry.

Social networks, in addition to their main purpose, have acquired one more thing - the promotion of goods and services to the masses. Now everyone can make money on advertising, but there is one problem. In order to receive income from placement, you must first advertise the group and recruit a sufficient number of members. For a novice administrator of the Vkontakte community, it turns out a vicious circle.

In fact, first of all, patience will help to promote your own community or a public Vkontakte page.

How to advertise a group and how much does it cost? To answer these two questions, let's decide on the method of advertising placement. There are two types of Vkontakte advertising: targeted and regular posts in thematic groups. Accommodation and cost of each of the methods are different.

Targeted advertising of the Vkontakte group

If we consider the second method, then this is a banal theft of subscribers from competitors. Find the most promoted public with a similar theme and send out invitations containing information about the promoted community. To send invitations, stock up on fake accounts, for excessive profile activity, it will be blocked for spamming. About 30-40 messages per day should be sent from one page.

Contests and prize draws

Tools viral marketing. The method of attracting traffic is absolutely legal, do not be afraid of temporary blocking. It is worth noting that this method of promotion is not entirely free, after all, you will have to spend money on prizes. If the group sells products or services, offer a free item or a gift certificate as a prize. The systematic holding of contests will ensure a constant influx of new subscribers to the VKontakte group, and at minimal cost.

The prize in the contest must be related to your product or service, otherwise you will get untargeted subscribers.

Mutual PR

It implies the close cooperation of two or more community administrators. It is difficult to cooperate with competitors, for mutual promotion it is better to make a list of groups on related topics with a similar number of subscribers and offer them joint advertising publication. For example, a community that sells cosmetics promotes the services of a makeup artist and vice versa.

Activity in other communities and attracting users from external resources are the weakest methods of advertising in terms of effectiveness, but, nevertheless, working ones. Free advertising is placed in the comments under the posts of promoted groups and under thematic articles on blogs, information sites, etc. Before leaving comments with links in popular communities, study the rules of the group, otherwise the administrators will ban the user for sending spam.

Texts for advertising group VK

If choosing a bright and enticing picture for a post is a matter of a few minutes, then writing a good selling text can take more than one hour. When writing advertising text, you should not reinvent the wheel. Effective templates have long been developed that will tell you how to write a sales text correctly. Here are some really catchy options:

Example for sales groups:

  • “Rejuvenating face mask ****** will not only get rid of wrinkles, but also give freshness to your image. You can order here: _____"
  • “Brand watches ***** are back in STOCK! Hurry up to place an order and we will give a discount to the first 10 buyers!!!”
  • "SENSATION! For the first time in our store discounts up to 70%!!! PRESS____"
  • “Today only 2nd purchase 50% off!!! Promotion terms here: ____"
  • “Don't know where to find branded items at a low price? Then you _____ to us. Sign up and get 20% off your first purchase!

An example for entertainment publics:

  • “Do you want to have a slim and elastic body? Subscribe to the community ****** and achieve the first results in 7 days!
  • “Do you like original photographs? Then you here *****. Here are collected only the TOP professional shots of 2017 of the year"
  • "SHOCK!!! The second grader came home after schoolwork, and there ... Continued in the source.
  • “Do you want to win any argument? Then subscribe ______.”
  • “Finally found an awesome group! New memes every day HERE"
  • “95% out of 100 will ignore this entry. Hello, my name is Alexey, and I will tell you how I earned my first million ... "

This is only a small fraction of how users are hooked on Vkontakte. The most ambitious and original administrators regularly come up with new ways to attract subscribers. Although the ad templates consist of 1-2 working phrases, they are all based on classic psychological techniques. Some of them arouse curiosity, others cling to pride. And most importantly - they work!

Can't bet on one advertisement when you promote a young community. Experiment, try, surprise and subscribers will reach out by themselves. Whatever the way of advertising Vkontakte, only the most active and enterprising users manage to promote their group. We read less and do more, then luck will surely smile.


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