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Frankfurt table | TPG Ukraine

tour operatorTPGcompensates tourists according to the Frankfurt table.

What is the Frankfurt Table?

Initially, the Frankfurt Table was developed by the Association of German Tour Operators to unify the rules for full or partial reimbursement of the cost of the tour due to any violations by the tour operator or third parties.

To date frankfurt table used by most tour operators that operate in the countries of the European Union, for which it has become an unwritten code.

Tour operators, when making compensations to tourists, use the percentage of compensation indicated in frankfurt table . The agent and tourist can easily check the legitimacy of their claims simply by looking at the table on the site.

Why do we use the Frankfurt table?

There are about 200 international tourism organizations in the world that have developed principles and norms governing the tourism industry. They are fixed both in multilateral and bilateral treaties, and in decisions international organizations, primarily UNWTO (by the way, Ukraine joined the World Tourism Organization in October 1997)

However, it is the Frankfurt table used in European countries that provides for compensation to tourists if certain services were not provided regardless of the fault of the Tour Operator.

What does it offerTPG?

  • TPG offers its tourists compensation under the conditions stipulated in frankfurt table .
  • TPG invites all tour operators operating on the territory of Ukraine to unite and unify the rules for compensation to tourists, in accordance with Frankfurt table.

What result do you seeTPG?

Unification of the rules for compensation to tourists on the conditions frankfurt table will allow reaching a new, better level of service for tourists. Using the example international experience, will create the infrastructure of a civilized tourism market and form common standards the quality of tourism services.

frankfurt table
norms for paying compensation to tourists if any ordered services were not provided

(with explanations)

Type of service Service Notes Reduction rate service cost, % Notes
I. Accommodation 1. Failure to provide the booked object (hotel) 10-25 Except in cases of relocation of a tourist to a hotel of the same or higher category.
2. Remoteness of the hotel from the beach 5-15 Depending on the distance of the provided hotel from the booked one.
3. Deviation from the agreed type of accommodation in the booked hotel 05-10
4. Deviations from the ordered number:
4.1. double room instead of single 20 The decisive factor is whether the person is from the same group or whether tourists from other groups are accommodated.
4.2. triple room instead of single 25
4.3. triple room instead of double 20-25
4.4. quadruple room instead of double 20-30
5. Disadvantages when providing numbers:
5.1. too small area 05-10 Subject to booking and confirmation of the provision of services rooms of a certain area.
5.2. no balcony 05-10
5.3. no sea view 05-10
5.4. no bath 15-25 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
5.5. no toilet 15
5.6. lack of soul 10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
5.7. lack of air conditioning 10-20 Depending on the time of year when booking.
5.8. no radio/TV 5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
5.9. very little furniture 5-15
5.10. damage (cracks, crevices, etc.) 10-50
5.11. insects 10-50
6. Non-functioning equipment:
6.1. toilet 15
6.2. bathroom/hot water 15
6.3. electricity/gas 10-20
6.4. water 10
6.5. air conditioner 10-20 Depending on the time of year.
6.6. elevator 05-10 depending on the floor.
7. Service:
7.1. complete absence 25
7.2. Poor cleaning of the room and bathroom 10-20
7.3. violation of the schedule for changing bed linen and towels 5-10
8. The presence of noise and unpleasant odors:
8.1. noise during the day 5-25
8.2. noise at night 10-40 Depending on the accommodation chosen.
8.3. unpleasant odors 5-15
9. Absence of spa equipment listed in the catalog 20-40 Subject to confirmation upon booking.
II. Food 1. Complete absence 50
2. Disadvantages:
2.1. food not hot enough 10
2.2. junk food 20-30
3. Service:
3.1. self service (instead of waiter service) 10-15 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
3.2. long wait for food 5-15
3.3. meals in shifts 10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
3.4. dirty tables 5-10
3.5. dirty dishes, cutlery 10-15
4. Lack of air conditioning in the dining room 5-10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking (depending on the season).
III. Other 1. Absence or dirty pool 10-20 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
2. No indoor pool: Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
2.1. if there is an outdoor pool 10 Usage depends on the time of year.
2.2. in the absence of an outdoor pool 20 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
3. No sauna 5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
4. No tennis court 5-10 Upon confirmation at booking
5. Lack of a mini-golf course 3-5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
6. No school for sailing, surfing and scuba diving 5-10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
7. Lack of equestrian opportunities 5-10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
8. Lack of special child care and activities 5-10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
9. Prohibition of swimming in the sea 10-20 Except if the ban is carried out in accordance with the law in order to ensure the health and safety of the tourist.
10 Dirty Beach 10-20
11. Lack of sunbeds and beach umbrellas 5-10 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
12. Lack of a diner and a bar on the beach 0-5 Depending on the possibility of replacement.
13. No beach for nudists 10-20 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
14. No Restaurant or Supermarket:
14.1. when eating at the hotel 0-5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
14.2. with self-catering 10-20
15. Lack of entertainment enterprises (disco, night club, cinema, etc.) 5-15 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
16. Lack of stores 0-5 depending on other possibilities.
17. Failure to provide excursions during cruises 20-30 Part of the price of each day of shore service/excursions.
18. Absence of a group leader:
18.1. only organization 0-5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
18.2. during route trips 10-20 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
18.3. during study trips with scientific support 20-30 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
19. Loss of time due to necessary relocation:
19.1. inside hotel stay 1/2 day
19.2. to another hotel 1 day
IV. Transport 1. Postponement of departure by more than 4 hours 5
2. Supply shortcomings:
2.1. lower class 10-15
2.2. significant deviation from the standard 05-10
3. Service:
3.1. food 5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
3.2. lack of radio, video, etc. in the cabin 5 Upon confirmation at the time of booking.
4. Replacement Vehicle Part of the cost attributable to the increase in travel time by a new mode of transport.
5. Failure to provide transport from the airport (train station) to the hotel Expenses for transport, replacing the already paid.

Explanations for the table:

  • Minor damage is not taken into account.
  • The size of the percentage (within the specified range) does not depend on the personal qualities of individual tourists (age, gender, sensitivity to something or insensitivity to something).
  • An exception may be:

a) special personal qualities or shortcomings of the tourist, which were known to the tour operator when buying the tour. The percentages for individual positions in the table may be increased in case of especially significant damage (the highest percentage increase is 50%);

b) for deficiencies in group III, no reduction is granted if the damage to the tourist was obvious or unprovable in advance.

3. The percentage rate is taken from the cost of the relevant service for the relevant period of time:

a) if the damage is caused only at certain moments of the journey, then the price of the corresponding time is taken as the basis for the price reduction. This provision also applies to the obligations of the tour operator if the deficiencies are indicated incorrectly or the proposal for a replacement is not accepted;

b) in exceptional cases (minor deficiencies, the highest up to 10%), the reduction may not be granted if the deficiencies did not significantly change the passage of all or part of the trip;

4. If there are deficiencies in several positions, the rates of interest are summed up:

a) if the subject of the contract is accommodation and full board, then the entire percentage rate should not exceed the following percentages for the lower groups: group I - 50%; group II-50%; group III - 30%; group IV-20%;

b) if the subject of the contract is accommodation and half board, then the interest for group I (exception position 1) increases by 1/4 (25%) and the interest for group II decreases by 1/4 (25%).

At the same time, all percentage norms in the lower groups should not exceed the following percentages: group I - 62.5%; group II-37.5%; group III - 30%; group IV-20%;

c) if the subject of the contract is the provision of accommodation and breakfast, then the percentage rate for group I (exception position 1) is increased by 2/3 (66.6%) and the percentage for group II is reduced by 2/3 (66.6%). At the same time, all interest rates within one group should not exceed the following percentages: group I - 83.3%; group II - 46.7%; group III-30%; group IV - 20%;

d) if the subject of the contract is only the provision of accommodation (without meals), then the percentage rates for group I (exception position 1) are about 100%, in some cases the general percentage rates for group I can reach 100%. For group III, the general percentage rate remains at 30%, for group IV - 20%.

Conditions under which compensation is provided according to the table:

  1. Claims for compensation according to the Frankfurt table are accepted during a tourist trip (using the services provided for tourism product) or within 30 days from the end of the tourist trip (the provision of services provided for by the tourist product).
  2. Compensation according to the Frankfurt table is carried out only in full compliance with the terms of payment for the tourist trip (product) in accordance with the Agency Agreement and the Agreement for the provision of tourist services.

How to make a claim

If you are not satisfied with the quality of services provided at the reception, try to correct the situation on the spot. The experience of thousands of your predecessors suggests that doing this is much easier, and, most importantly, more effective than making claims upon return. You can try to replace an unsuccessful hotel room with another one. For a service not provided by mistake (for example, they forgot to take you on an excursion), you can receive compensation (another excursion). Etc. Our "accident commissioner" in Israel will always help you with this, if, of course, the services were ordered through our company.

If it was not possible to eliminate the situation on the spot, and you have no choice but to rely on monetary compensation upon return, it is important to properly document your claim. It is done like this. You state in writing (of course, in Russian) the essence of the situation that has arisen (the hotel did not provide the room of the ordered category, the paid excursion was not provided, the transfer was not filed on time, etc.) and, most importantly, certify your application signature of the representative of the receiving party (employee of the reception company, hotel, excursion company, etc.). If the services were ordered with our help, it is enough to put the signature of our "accident commissioner" next to your signature.

When making a financial claim, it is very helpful to collect receipts for any additional costs that you have incurred due to deficiencies in service. I had to pay extra for a hotel room, take a taxi to the airport on my own and stuff like that - do not forget to take a receipt for payment (called “bondage” in Hebrew). These documents will definitely come in handy when determining the amount of compensation.

By the way, the same must be done when, for some reason, you had to pay for medical services if you have insurance. More details of the actions in such a situation are set out in the insurance policy.

Remember that only the actual damage you receive is indemnified. Moral damage (for example, a trip that you have been dreaming of for many years and which you are unlikely to be able to repeat is ruined) can only be compensated by a court decision, but it is almost impossible to actually prove it.

It will not be possible to obtain compensation for the inadequate quality of the service that you yourself purchased in the country of visit. Here the claim can be addressed only to the direct performers of this service, moreover, in Israel. There is practically no chance of getting justice. By the way, you will have the same problems when you order any services directly from Israeli performers via the Internet and pay them. It is very bad if at the same time you do not have an appropriate contract in your hands. The risk in this case is measured by the amount you paid and those additional losses that may arise due to your indiscretion. As we have repeatedly said, in the Holy Land, alas, not only saints live.

Another important detail. If you refused the paid service of your own free will (for example, you did not go to dinner, although you had the opportunity), you are not entitled to compensation.

On the ratanews website (daily electronic newspaper for professionals of the tourism industry), where anyone can inhale the smells of professional cuisine, we borrowed the so-called Frankfurt table. If (God forbid!) you are going to write a claim, it makes sense to see what kind of compensation, theoretically, dissatisfied tourists in the “civilized” world can expect.

frankfurt table at one time it was developed by associations of tour operators in Germany to unify the rules for indemnifying tourists for services that were not provided at all or of poor quality. Of course, this table is advisory in nature, but with German meticulousness it lists all the typical claims that a client can make to a travel agency, and determines the amount of compensation.

The table has sections "Accommodation", "Meals", "Other", "Transport". Each specified type of violation corresponds to a certain amount of compensation, expressed, as a rule, as a percentage of the cost of the relevant service or group of services. Some types of violations are accompanied by notes that allow you to clarify the percentage that should be applied in each specific case.

When using the Frankfurt table, it must be taken into account that the percentages indicated in it must be calculated based on the cost of a particular service. If its cost cannot be singled out, then it is necessary to be guided by the cost of the group of services, of which the “underproduced” service is a part. When grouping services, it is recommended to follow the classification adopted in the table itself: by accommodation, by food, by transport, etc.

In practice, sometimes it is not possible to distinguish between complexes of services - for example, those related to accommodation and meals. Then the complex cost of these two groups of services is taken, while the proportion of compensation indicated in the table, expressed in percentage intervals, is reduced accordingly.

The Frankfurt table was developed and is used as a universal document, that is, it covers all types of damage caused to tourists, with the exception of compensation for harm caused to human life and health, as well as property (luggage, things) lost by a tourist due to the fault of a travel agency or hotel. The amount of these types of damage can be calculated and compensated separately.

When using the table, it should be borne in mind that minor damage is not taken into account, the percentage does not depend on the personal qualities of individual tourists (age, gender, sensitivity or insensitivity to anything). But as an exception, the percentages can be increased (the largest percentage increase is 50%) if the tourist's special personal qualities or shortcomings were known to the travel agency when he bought the trip. Under the “Other disadvantages” section, a reduction is not provided if the damage to the tourist was obvious and unprovable in advance. The percentage rate is taken from the full price (including the cost of transport).

Don't close your suitcase!

If you have chosen the Israeli company ELAL for your flight on the route St. Petersburg - Tel Aviv, you need to take into account some features of this air carrier. Firstly, before any flight, you will be sure to have a sincere conversation with flight safety officers (in Hebrew - “bitahon”). What kind of “beast” is, we tell in detail on the page “What is a “bitahon”, which is useful for every passenger to get acquainted with. In order to have enough time for communication for everyone, you will have to arrive at the airport early - at least three hours before departure.

Recently, a day before departure on the carrier's website, it has become possible to pre-check in for a flight. The thing is useful in order to pre-select a comfortable seat on the plane. But you still have to go to the check-in counters in the departure hall of the new Pulkovo-1 terminal to go through a security check, check in your luggage and get a boarding pass.

Pay attention to the innovation regarding luggage: the suitcases that you check in now cannot be padlocked otherwise they might not fly. The security service should be able to inspect any baggage in the absence of its owner. Not the fact that every suitcase will be opened, but such an opportunity should be provided. Is it worth it to pack luggage in polyethylene film(the service is offered nearby for 400 rubles), decide for yourself. If you need to open it, the film will be removed, and four hundred will be wasted. On the other hand, if not required, the suitcase will still be protected from all sorts of surprises.

It was not possible to find out how ELAL is responsible for the safety of the contents of unclosed suitcases. It remains to believe the assurances that nothing is lost from them. There is no other way out, anyway.

Just in case, carry items that are especially valuable to you in your hand luggage, which you take into the cabin. However, unpleasant incidents related to passengers' luggage do not occur more often on ELAL flights than on any others.

certification service hotel

The Frankfurt table was once developed by associations of tour operators in Germany to unify the rules for indemnifying tourists for unprovided or poor-quality services. Of course, this table is advisory in nature, but with German meticulousness it lists all the typical claims that a client can make to a travel agency, and determines the amount of compensation Frankfurt table: to whom, for what and how much to compensate. PCT RATA-news Number 1739 of 03/29/02007. Access mode - 03.09.09.

The table has sections "Accommodation", "Meals", "Other", "Transport". Each specified type of violation corresponds to a certain amount of compensation, expressed, as a rule, as a percentage of the cost of the relevant service or group of services. Some types of violations are accompanied by notes that allow you to clarify the percentage that should be applied in each specific case.

When using the Frankfurt table, it should be borne in mind that the percentages indicated in it must be calculated based on the cost of a particular service. If its cost cannot be singled out, then it is necessary to be guided by the cost of the group of services, of which the “underproduced” service is a part. When grouping services, it is recommended to follow the classification adopted in the table itself: by accommodation, by food, by transport, etc.

In practice, sometimes it is not possible to distinguish between complexes of services - for example, those related to accommodation and meals. Then the complex cost of these two groups of services is taken, while the proportion of compensation indicated in the table, expressed in percentage intervals, is reduced accordingly.

The Frankfurt table was developed and is used as a universal document, that is, it covers all types of damage caused to tourists, with the exception of compensation for harm caused to human life and health, as well as property (luggage, things) lost by a tourist due to the fault of a travel agency or hotel. The amount of these types of damage can be calculated and compensated separately (Appendix 2, Table No. 2).

1. Minor damage is not taken into account.

2. The size of the percentage (within the specified range) does not depend on the personal qualities of individual tourists (age, gender, sensitivity or insensitivity to anything). An exception may be:

a) special personal qualities or shortcomings of the tourist, which were known to the tour operator when buying the trip. The percentages for individual positions in the table may be increased in case of especially significant damage (the highest percentage increase is 50%);

b) for deficiencies in group III, no reduction is granted if the damage to the tourist was obvious or unprovable in advance.

3. The percentage rate is taken from the full price (ie includes the cost of transport) Frankfurt table for the reduction of prices for tourist trips. INFO FOR PROS KAPITAN.RU. Access mode infoprof/interzakon/price_fr/html 16.08.2007/

When using the table, it should be borne in mind that minor damage is not taken into account, the percentage does not depend on the personal qualities of individual tourists (age, gender, sensitivity or insensitivity to anything). But as an exception, the percentages can be increased (the largest percentage increase is 50%) if the tourist's special personal qualities or shortcomings were known to the travel agency when he bought the trip. Under the “Other disadvantages” section, a reduction is not provided if the damage to the tourist was obvious and unprovable in advance. The percentage rate is taken from the full price (including the cost of transport) Frankfurt table: to whom, for what and how much to compensate. PCT RATA-news Number 1739 of 03/29/02007. Access mode - 16.09.2007.

Annex 25. Frankfurt table of price reductions for trips

(with explanations) 16

Type of service Service Notes Service cost reduction rate, % Notes
I. Accommodation 1. Failure to provide the booked object (hotel) 10-25
2. Remoteness of the hotel from the beach 5-15 Depending on the distance of the provided hotel from the booked
3. Deviation from the agreed type of accommodation in the booked hotel 5-10
4. Deviations from the ordered number:
4.1. double room instead of single 20 The decisive factor is whether the person is from the same group or whether tourists from other groups are accommodated.
4.2. triple room instead of single 25
4.3. triple room instead of double 20-25
4.4. quadruple room instead of double 20-30
5. Disadvantages when providing numbers:
5.1. too small area 5-10
5.2. no balcony 5-10
5.3. no sea view 5-10 Upon confirmation
5.4. lack of bath and toilet 15-25 When booking
5.5. no toilet 15
5.6. lack of soul 10 When booking
5.7. lack of air conditioning 10-20 Upon confirmation depending on the time of year
5.8. no radio/TV 5 Upon confirmation
5.9. very little furniture 5-15
5.10. damage (cracks, crevices, etc.) 10-50
5.11. insects 10-50
6. Non-functioning equipment:
6.1. toilet 15
6.2. bathroom/hot water 15
6.3. electricity/gas 10-20
6.4. water 10
6.5. air conditioner 10-20 Depending on the season
6.6. elevator 5-10 depending on the floor
7. Service:
7.1. complete absence 25
7.2. Poor cleaning of the room and bathroom 10-20
7.3. violation of the schedule for changing bed linen and towels 5-10
8. The presence of noise and unpleasant odors:
8.1. noise during the day 5-25
8.2. noise at night 10-40
8.3. unpleasant odors 5-15
9. Absence of spa equipment listed in the catalog 20-40 Depending on the confirmation of the type of trip
II. Food 1. Complete absence 50
2. Disadvantages:
2.1. single color menu blanks 5
2.2. food not hot enough 10
2.3. junk food 20-30
3. Service:
3.1. self service (instead of waiter service) 10-15
3.2. long wait for food 5-15
3.3. meals in shifts 10
3.4. dirty tables 5-10
3.5. dirty dishes, cutlery 10-15
4. Lack of air conditioning in the dining room 5-10 Upon confirmation
III. Other 1. Absence or dirty pool 10-20 Upon confirmation
2. No indoor pool: Upon confirmation
2.1. if there is an outdoor pool 10 Use depending on the time of year
2.2. in the absence of an outdoor pool 20
3. No sauna 5 Upon confirmation
4. No tennis court 5-10 Too
5. Lack of a mini-golf course 3-5 - " -
6. No school for sailing, surfing and scuba diving 5-10 - " -
7. Lack of equestrian opportunities 5-10 Upon confirmation
8. Lack of special child care and activities 5-10 Upon confirmation
9. Prohibition of swimming in the sea 10-20 Same
10 Dirty Beach 10-20 - " -
eleven . Lack of sunbeds and beach umbrellas 5-10 Upon confirmation
12. Lack of a diner and a bar on the beach 0-5 Depending on the possibility of replacement
13. No beach for nudists 10-20 Upon confirmation
14. No Restaurant or Supermarket:
14.1. when eating at the hotel 0-5 Upon confirmation
14.2. with self-catering 10-20 depending on other possibilities
15. Lack of entertainment enterprises (disco, nightclub, cinema, etc.) 5-15 Upon confirmation
16. Lack of stores 0-5 Depending on other options
17. Failure to provide excursions during cruises 20-30 Part of the price of each day of the shore
18. Absence of a group leader: services (excursions)
18.1. only organization 0-5
18.2. during route trips 10-20
18.3. during study trips with scientific support 20-30 Upon confirmation
19. Loss of time due to necessary relocation:
19.1. inside hotel stay 1/2 day
19.2. to another hotel 1 day
IV. Transport one . Departure delayed by more than 4 hours 5 Part of the price of one day for each hour
2. Supply shortcomings:
2.1. lower class 10-15
2.2. significant deviation from the standard 5-10
3. Service:
3.1. food 5
3.2. lack of radio, video, etc. in the cabin 5
4. Vehicle replacement Part of the price attributable to the increase in travel time by the new mode of transport
5. Failure to provide transport from the airport (train station) to the hotel Expenses for transport replacing already paid

Explanations for the table:

1. Minor damage is not taken into account.

2. The size of the percentage (within the specified range) does not depend on the personal qualities of individual tourists (age, gender, sensitivity to something or insensitivity to something). An exception may be:

A) special personal qualities or shortcomings of the tourist, which were known to the tour operator when buying the trip. The percentages for individual positions in the table may be increased in case of especially significant damage (the highest percentage increase is 50%);
b) for deficiencies in group III, no reduction is granted if the damage to the tourist was obvious or unprovable in advance.

3. The percentage rate is taken from the full price (i.e. includes the cost of transport):

A) if the damage is caused only at certain moments of the journey, then the price of the corresponding time is taken as the basis for the price reduction. This provision also applies to the obligations of the tour operator if the deficiencies are indicated incorrectly or if the proposal for a replacement is not accepted;
b) in exceptional cases (minor deficiencies, the highest up to 10%), the reduction may not be granted from the price of (part of) the stay, if the deficiencies did not significantly change the passage of all or part of the trip;
c) for combined trips (e.g. route 4-leisure) where at least one part can be purchased separately, the reduction is usually calculated from the price of the part of the trip that is deficient (except points 3c and 5).

4. If there are deficiencies in several positions, the rates of interest are summed up:

A) if the subject of the contract is accommodation and full board, then the entire percentage rate should not exceed the following percentages for the lower groups: group I - 50%; group II-50%; group III - 30%; group IV-20%;
b) if the subject of the contract is accommodation and half board, then the interest for group I (exception position 1) increases by 1/4 (25%) and the interest for group II decreases by 1/4 (25%). At the same time, all percentage norms in the lower groups should not exceed the following percentages: group I - 62.5%; group II-37.5%; group III - 30%; group IV-20%;
c) if the subject of the contract is the provision of accommodation and breakfast, then the percentage rate for group I (exception position 1) is increased by 2/3 (66.6%) and the percentage for group II is reduced by 2/3 (66.6%). At the same time, all interest rates within one group should not exceed the following percentages: group I - 83.3%; group II - 46.7%; group III-30%; group IV - 20%;
d) if the subject of the contract is only the provision of accommodation (without meals), then the percentage rates for group I (exception position 1) are about 100%, in some cases the general percentage rates for group I can reach 100%. For group III, the general percentage rate remains at 30%, for group IV - 20%.

5. If during the entire trip there were significant shortcomings and violations of obligations on the part of the tour operator, then the tourist may be paid more than the percentage rate provided for in paragraphs 2 or 3, the costs of such a trip are considered unnecessary and are subject to partial or full refund, regardless of whether At what stages of the trip did the shortcomings appear:

A) termination of the contract is taken into account, as a rule, when the deficiencies in the aggregate amount to at least 20%. At the same time, when terminating the contract in accordance with the established deadline, untimely liquidated shortcomings are taken into account, in case of immediate termination - filing an application for termination due to existing shortcomings;
b) claims for compensation for damages in the form of an amount providing additional leave are accepted, as a rule, provided that the untimely liquidated defects amount to at least 50%.


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