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There are many people in the world who are very often unlucky, whatever they do, no matter how hard they try, but everything does not go the way you want, or nothing happens at all. Why is it not lucky and how to change everything? Let's talk about this in more detail and find out who is to blame.

Why am I not lucky?

Our bad luck is a reaction to the wrong psychological attitude. It is troubles that indicate that a person is doing something wrong in his life, his internal state must change. He must change his attitude towards the people around him, himself and the world.

All our thoughts, actions, attitudes and fears are reflected in real life. So take things easy. For example, if your loved one makes you nervous, annoying, then do not wait until he changes. Look at it from the other side and ask yourself the question: why are you unlucky, or maybe it's my fault? Start the change with yourself, even if it is very difficult to descend from heaven to earth. If you don't, then failure will keep coming back to you like a boomerang.

How to change everything?

In order to receive only good surprises from life and not wonder why you are not lucky, you need to develop spiritually, change from the inside, displacing such unpleasant feelings as fear, hatred, anger, greed. Life is arranged in such a way as to send the situation that is inside you, for example:

  • If you experience aggression towards something or someone, then all the troubles will also aggressively attack you.
  • If you constantly deceive someone, then be sure to step on the same rake, you will be deceived.
  • When a person believes that one must fight for everything in life and literally walks over other people's heads, then there is a more confident person who will bypass him.
  • If you keep resentment in your heart for a long time, then you will also be offended. After all, life reacts to all our thoughts, actions, emotions, beliefs. She sees through every person, no matter how he hides his true face from others.

Why a person is unlucky: video


So let's figure out why it's not lucky and how to fix it. does everything so that a person does not live in a world of illusions, but remains himself. Look into your soul, what's inside? Get rid of everything bad and tune in only to. Enjoy life, love each other, smile more and do only good deeds. Life will surely reward you with love, joy, family for this. You just need to understand yourself and understand exactly where you are unlucky. Change your psychological attitude and launch new feelings in your heart.

You can believe or not believe in fate, but it happens that in life you are simply unlucky, no matter how much effort you make to fix it.

If you started to think about what exactly you are doing wrong, why there is no happiness in your personal life, you are constantly unlucky in trade, with work or in business, it doesn’t work out with girls, then it’s time to turn to a psychologist who will give good advice, will help you find the answer to every question to stop total bad luck.

Many people prefer to look for the reasons for their bad luck in the people around them, although very often the main reason is their own laziness and unwillingness to solve emerging problems in the hope that they will simply disappear on their own.

To break the vicious cycle of constant unhappiness, think about how you yourself can influence your life and change it.

Analyze every circumstance that prevents you from achieving success, and just start fighting - do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Waiting for happiness is not the best tactic. In order for a long-awaited success to come to a person, he must work hard. If you are unlucky in life, a psychologist will give advice - believe in yourself and learn to think positively.

Why you are unlucky in life and how to deal with it

What to do if life is just chronically unlucky? This problem is relevant for a huge number of people. The main thing that can be advised in such a situation is to treat what is happening philosophically, not to take all misfortunes literally, as sent from above punishment.

As a rule, all our troubles are of a completely earthly origin, and every loser can become lucky if he takes his own destiny into his own hands. Try to smile more and look at everything with optimism - and then both your career and personal life will definitely improve.

Unlucky in life - reasons

Asking the question why I am unlucky in life what to do, it is necessary to find out what led to this state of affairs.

Reasons for bad luck can be very different:

Lack of support from loved ones and their misunderstanding.
Difficult childhood, psychological trauma and lack of love at an early age.
Misunderstanding of what is happening, lack of information and inability to fit into modern realities.
The usual laziness and unwillingness to get out of problems on their own.
Spiritual immaturity, complete immersion in personal experiences and inability to interact with the outside world.
Absence of paradoxical and logical thinking.
Cowardice and indecision.

Unlucky with men - what to do if you are unlucky in love?

One of the most topical issues in our time - what should a woman do if she is unlucky in love. Loneliness has become a real problem for modern women, it often does not save even an ideal appearance, for the presence wealth nor a good education and job.

There are many reasons for this: the unwillingness of men to take on additional problems, the inability of the woman herself to compromise. Many ladies seek to get married only in order to improve their financial condition.

Some girls are so disappointed in previous relationships that they are simply afraid to start new ones. Most single women are initially ready for failure and do not expect anything good from life - in order to really change something, it is very important to change the negative attitude, then relations with men will develop much better.

Tips for women what to do if you are not lucky with men

Many are unlucky in their personal lives with men because of their own unwillingness to change and become better. Some ladies perceive themselves as a kind of prize, the possession of which should make the future chosen one happy.

At the same time, they do not make the slightest effort to really deserve such an attitude on his part.

To attract men, you need to be quite open, friendly, sweet. Nobody likes mercantile, selfish and spiteful ladies who are solely concerned with their own well-being and believe that everyone around them owes them something.

Try to change your attitude towards a potential partner, and then you will definitely be lucky in love.

Unlucky in personal life

Sooner or later, every person begins to think about how to arrange his personal life well. It seems to many that you yourself need to start an active search for your soulmate, some people prefer to sit and wait until she herself appears on the horizon, someone is only interested in money, so all poor candidates are not even considered.

Years go by, but happiness never comes. In most cases, we ourselves are to blame for our own misfortunes; the cause of failures in love should be looked for first of all in ourselves.

What to do if a guy is unlucky with girls

Do not try to be her best friend - this is the easiest way to get into the so-called "friend zone".

Do not try to please the girl everywhere and in everything - she will begin to take it for granted.

Don't be arrogant and dismissive.

Try to be selective in your connections.

Do not try to look like a brutal macho on purpose.

Avoid falsehood.

Be a gentleman

Don't play the clown.

Don't push for pity and don't be a "whiner".

The reasons for failures are different for all people - bad past experience, disappointments, fear, etc. Many of us program ourselves for misfortunes and troubles, and in order to break this vicious circle, psychologists advise:

Forever let go of resentment and pain.
Learn from every failure.
Find usefulness in past relationships.
Don't be afraid to open up to something new.
Meet people, change your environment.
Find a new business or hobby.
Understand that not everything in life can be achieved with money.
Constantly improve and develop.

Problems and failures burden our life, making it hopeless. All troubles originate at the energy level. Knowing the reasons for their appearance, you can easily get rid of the streak of bad luck.

There is an opinion that if you are not lucky in one, then you will definitely be lucky in something else. However, inveterate optimism is becoming rarer every day. For most people, one failure leads to another. This is directly related to energy: like attracts like. A person who has negative energy attracts misfortune, and vice versa. Therefore, it is necessary to start changing your life for the better from yourself.

Signs of bad luck

This phenomenon is of interest to esotericists, psychologists and philosophers. The minds of modern times have classified the main signs of lack of luck in people. These manifestations trigger the mechanisms of bad luck and contribute to the emergence of a black stripe. First of all, the following symptoms should be eradicated.

Disappointment. A person is haunted by a feeling of hopelessness, devastation, the inability to change his life. The loss of faith leads to an overestimation of one's capabilities and the inaccessibility of goals.

Aggression and insecurity. A person prone to failure seeks to let off steam on other people or to assert himself at the expense of other people's troubles.

Loneliness and resentment for the whole world. Chronic bad luck can be due to low self-esteem, reclusiveness, and envy. In this case, a person, as a rule, blames others for his own troubles.

Devastation. The loss of the joy of life entails the absence of new positive changes. Even in moments of joy, a person thinks about a possible failure.

Causes of failure and trouble

The reasons for our bad luck are due to energy factors. The whole world is permeated with energy flows, and we are guests in it, who must learn to live according to the laws of the Universe. The school of life is associated with awareness of external factors and spiritual growth. A person who refuses and does not want to learn is obviously doomed to bad luck.

We need to learn to live in harmony, cooperation, mutual assistance, having eradicated opposition, greed, and anger in ourselves. The reason for bad luck is often our erroneous views, priorities and desires that are not aligned with the world at the energy level. Misfortune in most cases pursues those people who oppose the universe. A person who does not notice his mistakes subsequently pays for them threefold. Life will get worse until the person takes the path of development and reassessment of their priorities.

However, negative events in our lives can be caused by negative external influences. From the moment of birth, a person is subject to energy influence, which can be both positive and destructive. The latter includes witchcraft, black magic, envy of people, negative events and news. Even horror films have a destructive power.

That is why you should create a protective cover for your soul with the help of meditation, yoga, reading mantras. Opening the chakras, spiritual practices and getting rid of energy blocks will have a positive impact on life in general, strengthening your aura.

A strong biofield will help you break out of the vicious circle of failures, positive thoughts and faith in the best. Luck is familiar to everyone, but total bad luck is a sign that you need to think about your own life. A series of failures does not haunt people who have found their true path and are moving towards happiness. We wish you to find yourself, get rid of troubles and win new victories every day. Be happy, success and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.07.2017 07:32

To cope with the problem, you need to find its source - this statement is perhaps difficult to argue with. ...

Many people ask this question.

For example, a neighbor's appearance is not better, and there is no more money, but how successfully she got married - her husband is both loving, and not a fool, and is provided. For what? And why doesn't it work for me?

Or else: a colleague is clearly more stupid than me, how many mistakes have he already made? But they took him for a promotion. Why? Probably connections. Who helped him? And why are fools so lucky?

Navigation on the article "Why am I not lucky?":

Unlucky in life: how does this relate to the picture of the world?

Why does it make sense to notice feelings and, above all, negative ones? Because it is negative feelings that are the mechanism that triggers bad luck.

A simple example. Night, outskirts of the city. On the way from the metro there are 10 people, all one at a time, with more or less equal intervals - they disperse to their homes. There are robbers in the bushes. And they attack one out of 10 people.

Why on this one? " Why am I unlucky"? the victim asks. Because, whether we like it or not, we perceive the world not only at the level of logic and analysis, but also at the level of intuition, feeling, reading unconscious information through non-verbal signals.

The robber cannot thoroughly examine in the dark how someone is dressed, whether there are any valuables on a person, whether he is strong enough to fight back, etc. But he can feel the state of a person.

Posture, gait, mood, which is expressed through a mass of "imperceptible" (first of all, not noticeable to consciousness!) Signals - all this tells a lot about a person. About his ability to resist, about the number of his fears, about his degree of self-confidence, etc.

And as a result, the robber, most often without realizing this to himself consciously, can, nevertheless, feel good - who is “ready” to become a victim.

If you are ready to become a victim, this does not mean "yourself to blame" (as statements of this kind are often interpreted). You simply bear your part of the responsibility for what happened. You participate in the situation, including the information that you report about yourself at all levels, including non-verbal.

Needless to say, the more insecurity you have, the feeling of being a victim, fears, helplessness, feelings that you are a toy in the hands of fate or an accident unknown to you, the higher the likelihood of becoming a victim in reality?

If you have any questions about the article “You can ask them to our psychologist on duty: pochemu-mne-ne-vezet /

A lot of people are unlucky with work for various reasons. Let's drop them. We are talking about such people who, wherever they get settled, they are always unlucky. Either the job is such and the boss is a bad person, or the person specially gets a job to be fired.

Wherever you manage to get settled, after a while something goes wrong. A solid streak of bad luck. And the reason why he is unlucky with work, he explains in different ways: “It didn’t fit. The boss is a rare moron, and the team is rotten, they don’t let them work”, “They pay little, but conditions are better at another job,” etc.

And everything would be fine, fired, went to the job forum and found another job, only it looks like a story that is played every time, and every time with the same ending.

Got a job - worked - fired.

This begs the question - why are you unlucky with work? And how to find a suitable one, so that everything suits you, so that you can go along career ladder and make big money? So that it was not necessary to do what the soul does not lie in. And to finally get lucky!

And so it goes year after year, while he marks time. Other people achieve new heights and go up the career ladder by leaps and bounds, but he is constantly unlucky with work.

How to make sure that luck with work accompanies and that the question is solved - why is it not lucky with work? To make life richer and richer.

Why are you unlucky at work?

According to the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, each person is naturally endowed with certain desires and all the properties for their realization.

With the correct development of properties in childhood, a person learns to enjoy the achievement of his goals. He understands what he wants and knows how to get it. Therefore, the question - why is he unlucky with work and money - does not stand before him.

Who, then, complains that he is unlucky with work and money?

Unlucky with work and money. One of the reasons

Everything starts from childhood. The fact is that by nature a child with a skin vector is given ambitions that he must develop and realize. These ambitions manifest themselves in the desire to be the first.

Whoever is first is a hero, and whoever is last is a loser! So these children compete in games, as in the future they will compete in a career or in sports. And usually the losing child with the skin vector suffers, because he wants to be the first.

But by continuing to constantly train, the child achieves what he wants, gets his result. He still wins and gets great pleasure from his victory, from winning in the competitive struggle.

But if such a child was treated badly in childhood: beaten and / or insulted. If he did not feel a sense of security and safety from his parents, the child's psyche could not stand it.

The psyche of such children is naturally flexible, as is their body. And the flexible psyche of the child, trying to protect itself from these sufferings, is being rebuilt to get rid of them. That is, his brain produces natural opiates (endrophins) that relieve pain. And the child begins to enjoy physical or verbal abuse.

And this child, having matured, will ask the question “why are you unlucky with work and money?” But the fact is that he did not learn to enjoy the results achieved, but, on the contrary, only from failures.

All his ambitions come down not to achieving a result from the work done (efforts), but from its failure. That is, in the first case, a person tries to achieve a result, despite his failures and without stopping in motion, and in the second, a person does not need a result, he needs enough failure. So no luck with work!

In order to fully understand and find out how you can change the current situation from “bad luck with work” to “finally I found suitable job”, you need to understand yourself, find out your innate desires and abilities, learn to apply them. This allows you to change the unfavorable life scenario laid down in childhood. You can learn how to do this at a free online training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


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