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Manager is one of the most common professions in the world. AT staffing tables many companies representatives of this profession occupy the largest number of positions. Here you can meet supply managers, sales managers or customer service managers. The main thing is to remember that managerial career is a balanced work of the processes of internal development and external promotion in the development of a career space.

The main provisions of the manager's career development theory are as follows:

  1. Internal and external development. Internal growth implies an increase in knowledge and skills, gaining authority, prestige in the eyes of colleagues and subordinates. External development fixes the results obtained and is accompanied by the development of specific stages of a manager's career.
  2. The image of the result of a movable process, the form of development of an employee in the social space, the sequence of positions held are static characteristic of a manager's career.
  3. Formation of organizational space is also very important, since a person spends most of his life at work. This space is characterized by multidimensionality. Each link is formed by official, professional, status development of a person.

Very often, the desire of employers, and soon their subordinates, is to embellish a vacancy or position by adding the word "manager". An ordinary cleaner can become a cleaning manager. According to this, the list of job responsibilities may be unexpected, and a manager's career may not involve the performance of managerial functions.

Now it remains to figure out what the career of a manager implies. Direct Responsibilities- process management, coordination of colleagues' activities, development and implementation of strategies for development and problem solving. Manager- this is the boss, but only "small". It has only one division at its disposal, a small group of employees, and activities are carried out in a narrow circle of tasks. The career of a manager assumes a local sphere of influence at the level of one department.

To achieve something more, to have a wider scope of activity, you need to develop, gain experience and knowledge. The career of a manager is just right for job development. Next level - top manager. He is one step closer to management and at the same time can apply for an even more prestigious vacancy as a work manager.

AT manager duties includes planning the activities of the department, the distribution of responsibilities between employees and control over the quality of their implementation. He is responsible for the implementation of plans according to the schedule, for the effectiveness of the functioning of the department.

The specific scope of the manager's tasks is quite extensive and requires professional skills, the ability to organize the work process and a very high level of responsibility. A manager's career may involve the management of creation or the creation itself. necessary conditions work for colleagues, the distribution of the budget of his department.

What is a manager's career based on?? The basis is education, the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, which later turns out to be completely unnecessary in practice. This happens because the scheme of work principles that are characteristic of this specialty is changing. In order to successfully build a managerial career, you need to easily adapt to new trends and always be ready for fresh information.

To choose the career of a manager, you need to weigh well all the disadvantages and privileges of this profession, since it requires a lot of knowledge, strength, and energy. It is important to remember that there are stereotypes that hinder career development for women.

Stereotype #1: Women are fickle in their careers

Women follow the principles of ill-conceived and inconsistent career development in order to meet the needs of their family.

Stereotype #2: You Can't Jump Above the Glass Ceiling

It is believed that female individuals are not able to perform work on the organization and management of processes on higher levels business stairs.

Stereotype #3: Women love jobs that men don't.

We women prefer work that is socially and artistically oriented. And men give their preference to research and entrepreneurial pursuits.

In order to avoid difficulties and hitches in the development of a manager's career, one should break all stereotypes. They can get in the way of successful growth, so hide your feelings and intuition away, turn on your brain, tactics, logic. A successful female manager can easily move up the career ladder and become the highest link in the business hierarchy.

Date added: 2011-07-16

Today we will look at a simplified sales department structure any trading company. Starting from the bottom up the career ladder, this structure would look something like this: merchandiser - Sales Representative - supervisor - Head of Sales Department - CEO.


In simple words, merchandising is the art of displaying goods. It is extremely important that your product is in the buyer's line of sight, otherwise no one will buy it. It is also important that the product is always on the shelf (if there are stocks in the warehouse). The merchandiser's job is to maintain the assortment on the shelf space. Merchandisers are usually in large companies with high turnover and work exclusively with big stores(supermarkets and above).

Sales Representative.

Hands, feet, eyes and ears of a trading company. Without sales representatives, the development of any sales department working with retail. You can’t sell as much over the phone as you can sell during a personal visit to a retail outlet. That is why there are high hopes for sales representatives, good motivational programs, etc. They are the core sales department. The duties and functions of a sales representative have already been mentioned.


Supervisor- the next step in structure of the sales department. In submission to the supervisor, as a rule, 5-6 sales representatives. More - it's hard to control everything (receivables, territory development, etc.), less - not profitable. The work of the supervisor is connected with the help of his sales representatives in the performance of their tasks. Supervisors help connect new outlets, deal with receivables from difficult clients, supervise the working day of their subordinates, interview new sales representatives and assess their potential - to take on a trial period or not. In general, there are enough worries. If the sales representative is responsible only for his territory, then the supervisor is responsible for all 5-6.

Head of Sales Department.

Head of Sales Department Most of the work is office work. Sales planning, reporting for the CEO and for sales representatives at the meeting (to be visible weak sides everyone sales representative in numbers), ordering the next batches of products (if there is no purchasing department) and much more - these are all the duties of the head sales department. Participation in negotiations with new suppliers CEO- is also common.


What to add here? The CEO is the CEO. With all the ensuing consequences. Contracts, both with clients and suppliers, knocking out the best conditions from suppliers. Reporting to founders… Control of all structures companies, not just sales department. Briefly something like this. When I become the CEO I will describe in more detail.

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sales representative resume
Sales representative with no experience
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The word "manager" has become very common, but few people understand what it means.

This term refers to a profession that involves organizational and managerial activity. A manager is an employee who manages some basic direction of the company's development.

The essence of the profession

In Europe, a manager is usually a valuable mid- or top-level employee.

In Russia, a worker who is in no way a boss can also be considered a worker. For example, in our country, an advertising manager may not be a person who heads a department, but an ordinary employee who calls potential partners and offers them the company's services.

Hence there is confusion in terminology, which often confuses applicants and people changing professions.

To illustrate the real range of managerial specializations in the Russian Federation, we provide links to current employers' offers for hired managers.

See vacancy announcements addressed to managers for:

  • (administrative and economic department);
  • (foreign economic activity);

Please note that this list should not be considered exhaustive. It can go on and on.

Managers are also subdivided into specific areas. Manufacturers and selling companies are trying to look for specialists who have experience in the sale (purchase) of a strictly defined product (raw materials) - furniture and accessories, automotive parts, etc.

Managerial work in most cases boils down to:

  • establishing and maintaining valuable contacts (with consumers of the company's services, buyers of its goods or business partners);
  • development and implementation of strategic initiatives;
  • selection and motivation of personnel;
  • planning and monitoring the work of subordinates.

Requirements for the applicant

A hired manager needs to have versatile knowledge. As we mentioned above, non is required to navigate the specifics of the niche. However, the matter is not limited to this. The manager is supposed to know the basics of economics, the theory and practice of working with personnel, legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating entrepreneurial and commercial activity, the basics of office work and labor protection.

A good manager must be surprisingly stress-resistant: not every person can constantly be in the spotlight. It is useful for him to be able to speak beautifully and figuratively, to speak in public without hesitation.

Other equally valuable qualities of a manager are discipline, responsibility, and a penchant for analytical thinking.

Career prospects for a manager

In this profession, everything depends on the size of the company. How larger firm, the more positions available for a manager in it.

A manager who shows financial ability will eventually be able to become a financial director; from his colleague, who knows how to perfectly understand people and find talents, he will certainly turn out to be an intelligent head of the personnel department.

When choosing a place of work, an ambitious manager should get a job in international corporations - even in the most modest position. Don't be afraid to start small.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues.

If you are a beginner manager and want to build a career in sales, be sure to read this article to the end. I will share my personal experience of building successful career in the field of sales and I will give some tips that will help you achieve the desired results faster.

Tip 1. Focus not on deadlines, but on results.

Often I see how, when applying for a job, job seekers, talking about their experience, are limited only to periods of work in a particular company and job responsibilities.

For example, I worked as a bearing sales manager for 2 years and then moved to a furniture sales company. There I was engaged in attracting clients by phone ...

If you want to succeed and build a career, I do not recommend this approach.

The first thing to focus on is the results of your work.
It does not matter how long you have worked in the company, the main thing is what results you have shown.

Someone works for 5 years in one position, but does not achieve anything, because half a day plays solitaire, and the remaining time comes up with excuses why the sales plan is not being fulfilled. And sometimes it also demotivates newcomers with the phrases “Yes, I’ve been working here for 5 years, I know everything inside and out ... believe me, it’s hard to sell it ...”.
Other managers, on the contrary, working six months or a year, can set sales records.

I became the head of sales at a large bank at 23 just because my sales record was one of the best in the network. And it doesn't matter at all that I didn't have managerial experience at the time. For business, the main thing is the result, and not compliance with some deadlines.

Focus on the result.

The mistake many beginners make is that they either do not fill out the “Achievements” section of the resume, or indicate there too banal information like “attracted clients and made calls.”

This section should contain figures, successfully implemented projects (with your participation or under your leadership), victories in corporate competitions, and so on.
Most employers today are not interested in hearing that you were developing some direction. It is much more important what results you got, what you achieved.

This is what shows your success and focus on results.
The “Achievements” section of your resume is your market value as a specialist!

Think about what is your achievement at work today?
Record it in numbers on your resume. Share this comment at the end of this article.

Everyone who does not sit out his pants, who is at least a little interested in the development of the company's business, shows initiative and readiness to implement interesting projects, has achievements.

By the way, this approach allows you to look at the tasks that management sets from a different angle. If you are interested in replenishing the "Achievements" section, you will never respond to new project with the words "Oh ... again, a task came to me ... damn it ..". For you, each task will be an opportunity to prove yourself and replenish your treasury of achievements.

Tip 3. Remove all restrictions and do not pay attention to negative people.

Sometimes when I share some ambitious projects and ideas with others, I meet a wave of bewilderment and resistance.


That is why I sometimes get the feeling that part of my environment are negative people. In fact, they surround each of us.

You are familiar with such situations when your fuse and enthusiasm melts before your eyes due to the fact that:
Colleagues say "it's impossible to do"
- your predecessors have already tried everything and did the same thing - it did not work ...
- your past experience says unrealistic..
You tried and you didn't succeed the first time

Negatives destroy your ambitions, goals, as they set limits and demotivate you. Don't give in. Just act!
Look for opportunities to get things done, not reasons why you won't.

Remember that in any situation, even in the most difficult one, there are always middle peasants and outsiders.
Take your sales force. Even if the plan is not fulfilled, there is always someone who does more than others, works more efficiently.

To speed up Professional Development, the following helped me personally.

I went to the headhunter and printed vacancies that were interesting to me, who I would like to work with (as if the next step in my career).
Immediately after that, I looked at the requirements and qualifications: what did I lack, in what direction should I develop.

Take this easy step!
Go to the site, look at the vacancies in your city. Check if you meet the requirements of the desired vacancy or not.
Focus on developing the skills and competencies that you lack to work in the desired position.

Do not spare money for trainings, courses and education. Perhaps in many years you will see that these investments were the most profitable in your life and the life of your family.

I wish you a wonderful day!
Sell ​​beautifully and easily!

P.s. And here is another surest way to achieve success:


For friends!


Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified ones.

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Description of activity

Working with clients is maintaining relationships with the most important partners for the company. Therefore, he must remember that you can not look at customers only as a source of income, such an attitude is always intuitive and repulsive. It is important to be able to strike a balance between your own interests and the benefit of a partner.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average for St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Pretty common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Client Relations Manager can not be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years, the labor market has seen a demand for representatives of the profession Client Relations Manager despite the fact that a lot of specialists graduate every year.

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What kind of education is needed

Two or more (two higher, additional vocational education, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies)

In order to work Client Relations Manager, it is not enough to graduate from a university and receive a diploma of higher vocational education. future Client Relations Manager you need to additionally obtain a diploma of postgraduate professional education, i.е. complete a postgraduate, doctoral, or internship.

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Job responsibilities

The account manager develops and maintains relationships with important clients for the firm. Conducts presentation meetings, where he concludes contracts on behalf of the company. Participates in the definition pricing policy companies. He deals with issues of discounts and the creation of special conditions for partners. Monitors the process of providing goods and services, compliance with the agreement. Predicts possible difficulties or prevents their occurrence by promptly solving current problems.

Type of labor

Exceptional mental work

Profession Client Relations Manager refers to professions of exclusively mental (creative or intellectual labor). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and the emotional sphere is important. Account Managers distinguished by erudition, curiosity, rationality, analytical mindset.

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Features of career growth

A successful key account manager can go on to become a sales manager, development director or commercial director. Career growth, as a rule, is determined by the number of successful transactions.

Career Opportunities

Opportunities Enough

The vast majority of the profession Client Relations Manager believe that they have enough opportunities to move up the career ladder. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to take leadership position in this domain.

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