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TEACHING AID STANDARD OF THE THIRD GENERATION A. e. Saak M. V. Yakimenko Management in the hospitality industry (hotels and restaurants) Recommended by UMO educational institutions of the Russian Federation for education in the field of service of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia as study guide for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty 100103 "Social and cultural service and tourism" ~nnTEP(1) Moscow St. Petersburg Nizhny Novgorod· Voronezh Postob-on-Don. Ekaterinburg Samara Novosibirsk Kyiv Kharkov Minsk 2012 LBC 65.290-21y7 UDC 658(075) С12 Reviewers: Zhukova M.A., doctor economic sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Tourism and Market Development of the State University of Management Ulyanitskaya N. M., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Economics of Rostov state university of Communications Khubaev G. N., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Informatics and Management Automation of the Rostov State Economic University Saak A. E., Yakimenko M. V. С12 Management in the hospitality industry (hotels and restaurants): Textbook. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 432 p.: ill. - (Series "Tutorial") ISBN 978-5-459-01061-9 The content and structure of the manual allow you to study the main issues of creating a modern hotel company, principles of construction and functioning of its subdivisions. The classification, principles of organization and operation of enterprises are considered. Catering. Particular attention is paid to modern trends in the formation of hotel and restaurant management systems, including those based on the use of information technology. The textbook is recommended to be used in the implementation of the basic educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES-Z) in the areas of training 100400 "Tourism" and 101100 "Hotel business". The materials of the textbook are aimed at developing in students the relevant competencies contained in the GEF-Z. The publication is intended for students, undergraduates, teachers, professionals working in the field of tourism, hotel business, hospitality. BBK 65.290-21ya7 UDC 658(075) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders. ISBN 978-5-459-01061-9 © 000 Piter Publishing House, 2012 Contents Introduction 1. .............. .................. 7 History of the development of the hospitality industry 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. ................. 9 ............... 9 THE EVOLUTION OF THE US HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY .......... 14 Hospitality and restaurant industry in Russia................... 17 Development of the hospitality industry in Europe Main trends in the development of the global hotel industry 1.5. ............................................. 25 Hotel chains, franchising and independent hotels .............................................. 28 .. ................................................... 48 Control questions 2. Hotel industry in the structure of modern tourism. ...... ........... Classification of accommodation facilities ............... Control questions ..... ................................. 2.1. 2.2. Characteristics and features of hotel services Trebonanin for lQC1INCHIC building projects ................. Hotel interior .......................................... ........ Control questions ....................................... 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. The process of creating a hotel facility Principles of organizational construction of hotel enterprises 51) 53 55 74 75 75 78 80 86 88 4.1. Organizational structure hotels.............................. 88 4.2. Principles of functioning of the main services of hotels ..... 92 4.2.1. Number management service. . . . . . . . . . . 92 108 4.2.2. Engineering and technical services. 4.2.3. Food and drink service. 110 114 4.2.4. Medical service. . . . . . 4.2.5. Marketing and sales service. . 116 4.2.6. Financial service of the hotel 117 4.2.7. Security Service. . . . . . 119 4.2.8. Human Resources Department. . . . . . . . . . 121 Control questions.................................... 124 4 5. Contents of the Management System in hotel business................ 125 ..... 125 Types of hotel management systems 5.1. 5.2. Management influences on flow processes 5.3. Creation of a hotel management system in the hotel business Control questions 6. .................................................. 128 ..... ............ 137 ................................... 140 Features of functioning of catering establishments 6.1. 6.2. Contents:1 and functions restaurant business......... 141 .............. 141 Development of the restaurant business in Russian and international practice .................. ............ .. Organizational structure of a catering enterprise.......... Types of service at catering enterprises............. Control questions .. ................................... 6.3. 6.4. 6.5. 7. Basic requirements for the premises of catering establishments Types of management at enterprises of the hospitality industry 7.1. Quality management at industry enterprises 7.2. Financial management at the enterprises of the industry 7.3. Innovation management at industry enterprises 7.4. Anti-crisis management at enterprises of the hospitality industry 144 160 167 173 182 .. 183 .................................. ..... 183 ............................... 199 .... ................................... 202 hospitality Checklist 8. .......... ............................... 206 questions .................. .................................. 211 Information technologies for hotel and restaurant management .............................. ................ .......... Automated restaurant management systems...... Test questions............. ......................... 8.1. 8.2. 9. Hotel automation software systems Personnel management in the hotel and restaurant business..... 232 9.1. Organization of personnel management system 9.2. Training and development of personnel at industrial enterprises 9.3. Motivation of personnel at the enterprises of the industry at the enterprises of the hospitality industry hospitality hospitality 213 213 227 231 ............... 232 ................... .................... 250 .................... .......... 258 ..................... 263 Control questions Control test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 Contents Topics for abstracts 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Course program<"IМенеджмент в индустрии гостеприимства (гостиницы и рестораны)!>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Appendices .................................................. 1. History of the development of international and domestic hotel chains...................... Holiday 1pp. . . . . Mstiott 1nternational Accor .. . Hilton. . . . . . . . Kempil1sky. . . . . . Six Continents Hotels. Rocco Forte Hotels Scandic . . . . . . . Hyatt. . . . . . . . AMAKS Grand Hotels Radisson SAS - Radisson SLS Lazurnaya:? . HELIOPARК Group . . . . . . . . . . . .......... McDonald's. . . . . . Kentucky Fried Clicken. Sharrn. . . . . . . . "Baby Potato" . "Yolki-Palki:? . . . . Appendix 111. Order dated July 21, 2005 N2 86 280 Appendix 280 280 281 285 288 293 296 298 300 301 304 308 309 312 312 321 Ya2Ya 326 328 on the approval of the hotel classification system and others accommodation ............................................ 330 330 Comments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 380 Classification system of hotels and other accommodation facilities Appendix U. Classification of catering establishments in foreign practice Appendix VI. ............................... ..... 381 Qualification requirements for the main positions of employees in the tourism industry .............. 384 384 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 First and second levels Third level 6 Table of contents Annex YII Job Description Layout .............................. YIII Sheet interviews ........................... IX. Methods of personnel assessment .......... ...... Examples of job descriptions Appendix Appendix 396 397 407 409 Appendix X. Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation Appendix Bibliography XI. ............................... 410 418 Rules for the provision of public catering services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424

Considering the evolution of hospitality industry enterprises, we can distinguish periods that historically correspond to the periods of development of human society:

 ancient;

 Middle Ages;

 New time;

 modern period.

Ancient period (4th millennium BC - 476 AD)

To this period of social development, most historians attribute the appearance of the first guest enterprises - the prototypes of modern hotels and restaurants. The mention of such enterprises - taverns - is contained in ancient manuscripts, one of which is the code of the king of Babylonia Hammurabi, written around 1700 BC.

In ancient Greece in the 1st millennium BC. taverns were an important element of social and religious life. Although the taverns had accommodations for travellers, they were more for the provision of catering services. The development of trade and the long trips associated with it required the organization of not only food, but also accommodation. This circumstance predetermined the emergence of another type of enterprise - inns.

The most extensive network of inns was created on the territory of the Roman Empire. Ancient Roman inns were located along the main roads in cities and villages at a distance of about 25 miles (40.225 km) from each other.

The strict class structure that underlay the Roman state had an impact on the activities of hospitality enterprises of that time. In particular, the resettlement of travelers here was carried out on a class basis. Merchants, merchants and other travelers from the common people could never be settled next to civil servants and government messengers. This circumstance affected the quality of the inns. Those in which representatives of the aristocracy and government officials stayed were built according to all the rules of architectural art and offered a wide range of services at that time. Subsequently, Marco Polo said that in such inns even "it is not shameful for the king to stop" *.

* Walker J. Introduction to hospitality. - M.: UNITI, 1999. P.12.

Taverns and inns designed to serve citizens of the lower classes offered minimal conditions for lodging and recreation. For example, very often travelers slept simply on straw, and in order not to freeze in the cold season, they pressed against the warm side of their horse. There was no question of any additional comfort.

A huge role in the emergence of hospitality enterprises was played by the development of trade relations in the Middle East, Asia and the Caucasus. The largest trade routes passed through the territory of these regions, along which caravans with goods moved in long streams. To organize overnight stays for caravan participants along trade routes, special accommodation points were created - caravanserais, which, as a rule, included rooms for people and pens for camels and horses. All this was surrounded by a fortress wall, protecting from natural elements (wind, rain, storms), as well as from robbers and robbers.

After the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. a new stage in the development of hospitality enterprises began.

The content and structure of the manual allow you to study the main issues of creating a modern hotel enterprise, the principles of building and functioning of its divisions. The classification, principles of organization and work of public catering enterprises are considered. special attention is paid to modern trends in the formation of hotel and restaurant management systems, including those based on information technology. The textbook is recommended to be used in the implementation of the basic educational programs of undergraduate and graduate programs, taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES - 3) in the areas of training 100400 "Tourism" and 101100 "Hotel business". The materials of the textbook are aimed at developing in students the relevant competencies contained in the Federal State Educational Standard - 3. The publication is intended for students, undergraduates, teachers, professionals working in the field of tourism, hotel business, hospitality.

Introduction 1. History of development of the hospitality industry 1.1. Development of the hospitality industry in Europe 1.2. EVOLUTION of the American hospitality industry 1.3. Hotel and restaurant industry in Russia 1.4. The main trends in the development of the global hotel industry 1.5. Hotel chains, franchised and independent hotels Control questions 2. Hotel industry in the structure of modern tourism 2.1. Characteristics and features of hotel services 2.2. Classification of accommodation facilities Control questions 3. Planning of hotel facilities 3.1. The process of creating a hotel facility 3.2. Requirement for projects of hotel buildings 3.3. Hotel interior. Control questions 4. Principles of organizational construction of hotel enterprises 4.1. Organizational structure of hotels 4.2. Principles of functioning of the main services of hotels 4.2.1. Number Fund Management Service 4.2.2. Engineering and technical services. 4.2.3. Food and drink service. 4.2.4. Medical service 4.2.5. Marketing and sales service. . 4.2.6. Financial service of the hotel 4.2.7. Security service 4.2.8. Personnel department Control questions 5. Management systems in the hotel business 5.1. Types of hotel management systems 5.2. Management impact on flow processes in the hotel business 5.3. Creation of a hotel management system Control questions 6. Features of the functioning of catering establishments 6.1. Contents and functions of the restaurant business 6.2. Restaurant business development in Russian and international practice 6.3. Basic requirements for the premises of catering establishments 6.4. Organizational structure of the catering enterprise 6.5. Types of service at catering establishments Control questions 7. Types of management at enterprises of the hospitality industry 7.1. Quality management in the hospitality industry 7.2. Financial management at the enterprises of the hospitality industry 7.3. Innovation management in hospitality industry enterprises 7.4. Anti-crisis management at the enterprises of the hospitality industry Control questions 8. Information technologies of hotel and restaurant management 8.1. Hotel automation software systems 8.2. Automated restaurant management systems Control questions 9. Personnel management in the hotel and restaurant business 9.1. Organization of the personnel management system at the enterprises of the hospitality industry 9.2. Training and development of personnel at the enterprises of the hospitality industry 9. 3. Motivation of personnel in the hospitality industry enterprises Test questions Control test Topics of abstracts Annexes Annex I. The history of the development of international and domestic hotel chains Annex II. History of the development of international and domestic restaurant chains Appendix III. Order of July 21, 2005 N2 86 on approval of the classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities Classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities Remarks Appendix IV. Terms accepted in international hotel management Appendix V. Classification of catering establishments in foreign practice Appendix VI. Qualification requirements for the main positions of workers in the tourism industry First and second levels Third level Appendix YII. Job description template Examples of job descriptions Appendix YIII. Interview sheet Appendix IX. Personnel assessment methods Annex X. Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation Annex XI. Rules for the provision of catering services Bibliography

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Service- an important component of the hospitality industry, is the object of management.

Any system of activity is divided into two subsystems:

1) a subsystem engaged in the processing of resources at its disposal into goods and services;

2) management subsystem, which includes management and control over the activities of the first subsystem.

In science, the second subsystem of management, which includes leadership and control, is defined as management system. The concept of " management" means "management". Manager is an employee of the company whose responsibilities include management activities.

Modern society cannot function without a specially trained management team. Effective management is becoming the main element of industrialized and developing countries.

There are three main factors that determine the economic position of an individual developing enterprise:

1) the level of technology and technology;

2) the quality of the labor force and the desire to work;

3) organization and management of production, i.e. management.

All of these factors are interrelated, because the state of management affects the level of engineering and technology.

Currently, management is a special sector in the economic sphere of activity, which has its own history of development.

The practice of management has gone through a fairly long and gradual development. The development of the economy and production at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. laid the foundation for governance. The science of management appeared, the founder of which was F.U. Taylor. He proposed the rationalization of labor and relations in production, which, in turn, made a revolution, which made it possible to radically change the organization of management and significantly improve the quality of production.

UGH. Taylor defined four groups of managerial functions:

1) target selection;

2) choice of means;

3) preparation of funds;

4) control of results.

A follower of F.U. Taylor - the scientist A. Fayol divided all the principles of enterprise management into six groups:

1) technical;

2) financial;

3) commercial;

4) protection of property and persons;

5) administrative and accounting operations;

6) proper management.

A. Fayol believed that management consists in leading an enterprise to a goal using its resources and proper functioning.

Management is as follows:

1) in anticipation (studying and planning for the future installation of a program of action);

2) in the organization of the enterprise;

3) at the disposal of personnel;

4) in coordinating actions and efforts;

5) in control of everything that happens.

A. Fayol's classification is still relevant.

In the process of development of theory and practice, management has undergone significant changes. The emergence of various technologies in the field of social and cultural life, the development of public relations and image factors have led to a powerful development of the sphere of managerial activity. This phenomenon has been called the "quiet managerial revolution". The theory is put forward that the success of a firm depends on the resources of its production activities. An enterprise or organization is viewed as a subculture. The main approach is expressed not only in the continuous growth and deepening of the specialization of production, a clear distribution of functional responsibilities, but also in the system of values ​​and norms formed from the first days of the formation of an enterprise or organization.

This theory can be applied to enterprises of the socio-cultural sphere and tourism, which are based on the following provisions:

1) the person of the enterprise is its employee;

2) an enterprise is a living organism consisting of people united by common values;

3) the enterprise must constantly develop in order to meet the needs of customers.

The new concept is built on a situational approach. The success of any enterprise depends on how it interacts with industries such as economics, politics, social and cultural services, etc.

Under situational approach management refers to the logical and correct construction of the internal system of the enterprise with the external environment.

The development of tourism is associated with science, culture and the education system, as well as with related sectors of the economy.

Tourism industry management. The hospitality industry can be thought of as a planned system of businesses and entrepreneurs serving tourists.

The object of management is the production, financial and trading activities of the enterprise.

Functions of management in the hotel industry.

1. Planning function is based on modeling the future situation. On the basis of planning, an enterprise policy is developed that ensures its viability and development. Formation of the company's policy is carried out at the highest level of management.

The company's policy includes:

1) participation in the development of goals for business development in the region;

2) current analysis of the competitiveness of the place;

3) development of a strategy for the competitiveness of the region, its special position.

Under enterprise planning refers to the systematic process of processing information to determine future goals and objectives, means and methods of management and development of the enterprise.

The planning process has three levels:

1) strategic planning, which is a priority of the top management of the enterprise. The main task of strategic planning is to monitor the position of the enterprise in the market sphere;

2) tactical planning, carried out at the middle level of enterprise management and is part of strategic planning. This planning is necessary to achieve specific goals;

3) operational planning, aimed at making additions and changes to previously set goals and objectives in a short period of time. With the help of planning, the enterprise management apparatus organizes the future activities of the company.

2. Organizational function in a hotel enterprise is associated with the formation of technical, economic, socio-psychological, legal aspects of activity. This function is aimed at streamlining the activities of the staff. Economists take into account the fact that organizational activity leads to the efficient operation of the enterprise. Organizational function is necessary for effective personnel management.

The manager has the authority to allocate rights and obligations, and also establishes the responsibility of the employees of the enterprise in order to maintain temporary and permanent relationships between all departments of the company.

People are the main part of the mechanism of the organization, they manage and monitor the process of the correct functioning of the enterprise. A clear organization of the work of the enterprise is the key to the implementation of the plans and achievement of goals.

Top-level managers manage fewer subordinates, in contrast to lower-level managers who have more people in their subordination.

Thus, the organization of personnel is the second function of management.

The concept of "organization" (from the French organization, from the late Latin organizo - "I report a slender appearance, I arrange") means:

1) internal order, consistency in the interaction of more or less differentiated and autonomous parts of the whole, due to its structure;

2) an association of people jointly implementing a certain program or goal, acting on the basis of certain procedures and rules, and united by common work.

Motivation is an auxiliary tool for the management function.

Motivation of labor activity is a set of internal and external driving forces that encourage a person to work and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals.

Stimulation of personnel activity can be both material and moral. Stimulation is an internal motivation to work. The main feature is the interest of the staff in the high quality of work. To motivate the work, to direct the energy of people to perform a certain work, the manager needs to set up the staff to perform this work.

3. Control function. Control is a comparison of the achieved results with the planned ones. The manager, managing the enterprise, giving orders to the staff and monitoring the exact implementation of all instructions, uses this function. According to the rules of classical management, the implementation of managerial activities is impossible without the control function, with the help of which the organization successfully develops.

Managers of any link work on the implementation of planning and control functions. Lower-level managers are busy recruiting and organizing work.

Managers must meet the following requirements:

1) be able to achieve the desired result;

2) be able to achieve this result at the lowest cost.

Currently, there is no ideal management model in the hospitality industry. The basic principles and postulates developed by F.U. Taylor and A. Fayol.

For each hotel company, management is unique. All decisions are driven by the need to meet the needs of each client.

Currently, there are patterns and rules used by enterprises and organizations to achieve an improvement in the management system. An effective management system should have the following characteristics:

1) a small number of management levels;

2) units staffed by qualified specialists;

3) production of services and organization of work focused on consumers.


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