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Tourism and Hospitality Course Program

Hotel business organization

  1. Introduction to the hospitality industry.
    • 1.1. Fundamentals of marketing in the hospitality industry. Definition of the hospitality industry. The main purpose of marketing in the hospitality industry. The concept of "service" and its main specific feature.
    • 1.2. Rules for granting hotel services in Russian Federation. The concept of "hotel". Hotel classification. Number fund. European standard.
    • 1.3. Management structure of a modern hotel. Services, departments, division of the hotel. The relationship between them.
    • 1.4. The emergence and development of the hotel industry. Hotel and tourism business, its place and role in the economy. Its influence on the development of industries. The most unusual hotels in the world.
  2. Booking and accommodation service.
    • 2.1. The role and place of the booking and accommodation service in general management structure modern hotel. Service organization. Job Descriptions personnel of this service.
    • 2.2. Technical means of ensuring the work of the service (fax, telex, computer, copier, etc.) Office equipment.
    • 2.3. Four cycles in serving guests.
    • 2.4. Reservation (booking). Reservation types. Ways and technology of reservation. Confirmed Reservation. Reservation fee.
    • 2.5. Reception and accommodation of guests (check-in).
    • 2.6. Registration and its procedure. Registration of documents. Features of registration and registration of foreign citizens, citizens of Russia and citizens of the CIS.
    • 2.7. Room rates. Published and corporate prices. Discount systems. Methods of payment (cash, bank transfer, payment by vouchers). Payment documents. Work with credit cards.
    • 2.8. Key economy. The procedure for issuing keys. Ensuring the safety of guests' property. Organization of storage of valuables.
    • 2.9. Guest service during the stay (mini-bars, laundry). Providing additional and personal services catering, transport and excursion service.
    • 2.10. Familiarization with the work of the business center, service bureau, health center, hairdresser, room - service, restaurants, bars in the hotel.
    • 2.11. Settlement of guests (preparation and execution of the settlement operation).
    • 2.12. accommodation payment, additional services, telephone conversations.
    • 2.13. Charging fees for damage and loss of hotel property by customers. Methods to eliminate the shortfall in income by the hotel. Documentation (invoices, registration books, forms, etc.).
    • 2.14. The work of telephone operators. Communication norms.
    • 2.15. Ensuring the safety of guests. Doorman service and security service. Night audit at the hotel. Non-standard situations, control over them. Behavioral models of people in stressful situations. Organization of medical care for guests.
  3. Administrative - economic (floor) service of a modern hotel.
    • 3.1. Service composition. Service personnel job descriptions. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the maintenance of rooms and public premises.
    • 3.2. The latest trends in floor-to-floor guest service technology.
    • 3.3. Different kinds cleaning: current, intermediate, evening, general. Cleaning sequence. Cleaning technology.
    • 3.4. Key economy. Abandoned and lost things. Storage. Return procedure.
    • 3.5. Hospitality items of one-time consumption in branded design, promotional materials, their placement, quality control of cleaning and technical condition of the rooms.
    • 3.6. Work with linen (storage of clean linen, collection and accounting of used linen, sending it to the laundry, work with personal linen of residents).
    • 3.7. Serving high-ranking guests (VIP-guests).
    • 3.8. Maid's working trolley, equipment, equipment, cleaning mechanisms, inventory, detergents, their characteristics. Consumption rates of household materials, requirements for their rational use.
    • 3.9. Complaints from guests (questionnaire survey cards on the quality of service).
    • 3.10. Occupational safety, safety, fire safety rules in the fire service.
  4. Rules internal regulations for hotel workers.
    • 4.1. Requirements for hotel workers. Recruitment for the hotel business. Legal basis. Rights and obligations of hotel employees.
    • 4.2. Recommendations regarding the writing of resumes, questionnaires. Practical Tips, analysis of the questions most frequently asked at interviews in the personnel department of hotels.
  5. Test (interview).

Tourism business organization

  1. Legal aspects of tourism business
  2. Participants in the tourism process
    • 2.1. Contractual relationship with foreign partners (travel agency, hotel, restaurant, tour agency, etc.). procedural questions. Reception of objects.
    • 2.2. Tour operator company. agency network.
    • 2.3. Travel agency as a travel agency - an intermediary. An agreement between them (travel agency agreement). Rights, duties and responsibilities.
    • 2.4. The client is the central figure in the tourism process, the consumer of the tourism product.
  3. Types of travel in international, inbound and domestic tourism
    • 3.1. Tourism is a branch of the national economy.
    • 3.2. Cognitive types of tourism. Education.
    • 3.3. Travel as an active holiday and recreation.
  4. Development and selection of tourist programs
    • 4.1. Tours abroad, Excursion routes, Leisure tours, Combined trips, Bus tours, Cruises (sea, river), Winter tours, Tours for schoolchildren, Business tours: Shopping tours, Educational tours, Individual trips (special programs), Inbound tourism, Features of reception and service of foreign tourists in the Russian Federation (Main routes, Business tourism), Domestic tourism.
  5. Tourist Service Agreement
    • 5.1. A package of documents. Tourist ticket.
    • 5.2. The content of the contract with the client. Voucher.
    • 5.3. Mandatory and additional services.
    • 5.4. Penalties.
  6. Relationship with the client
    • 6.1. Professionalism, moral and psychological aspects communication.
    • 6.2. Awareness, the right to choose.
    • 6.3. Consideration of claims, comments and complaints. Protection of the rights of the tourist and the interests of the company.
    • 6.4. Medical insurance. Other types of insurance.
  7. Service quality and service safety
    • 7.1. Safety of life, health, environment; safety of property.
    • 7.2. Security of the process of performing tourist services (planned and additional).
    • 7.3. Service quality system. Sociological research.
    • 7.4. Forms and methods of control.
    • 7.5. Control bodies.
  8. Compliance with the laws of the host country, rules and customs
    • 8.1. Legal and moral and ethical aspects. General provisions. Specificity of a particular country. Tourist responsibility.
  9. Hotel service
    • 9.1. Classification of enterprises providing accommodation services.
    • 9.2. Technology system tourist services in the hotel.
    • 9.3. Rules for the provision of hotel services (ordered and additional).
    • 9.4. mode and security.
    • 9.5. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  10. Catering
    • 10.1. Technology and catering for tourists. Types of food.
    • 10.2. Requirements for food quality and safety.
    • 10.3. Responsibility of the parties under the contract (complaints, claims).
  11. Transport service tourists
    • 11.1. Classification of transport trips and Vehicle(air, railway, buses).
    • 11.2. Ticket booking procedure. Charter flights.
    • 11.3. Transfers. Meetings - seeing off tourists.
    • 11.4. Travel safety.
  12. Excursion service
    • 12.1. Types of excursions.
    • 12.2. Technology of preparation and organization of excursions (scheduled and optional).
    • 12.3. Safety rules for excursions.
    • 12.4. The quality of excursions (accounting for clientele, content, intelligibility, etc.).
    • 12.5. The role of the tour guide, group leader. Consideration of claims.
  13. Passport and visa issues
    • 13.1. General passport (OPP).
    • 13.2. The order of registration, important "details".
    • 13.3. Responsibility for the power of attorney of the firm's and the client's ORP.
    • 13.4. The procedure for issuing and obtaining exit visas. Schengen visa. Visa-free or simplified entry into the country.
    • 13.5. customs control upon entry and exit.
    • 13.6. Customs formalities (peculiarities of countries).
    • 13.7. Favorable regimes.
    • 13.8. Carriage of luggage, delivery of goods by "cargo".
    • 13.9. customs restrictions. Sanitary and epidemiological control.
  14. Competitiveness travel company
    • 14.1. Preparation of a tourist product for sale.
    • 14.2. Pricing, calculation of tourist services. Profitability and profit.
    • 14.3. Tourist advertising. Types of advertising, rules for conducting advertising campaign. Advertising requirements.
    • 14.4. Questions of taxation.
  15. The procedure for the formation of a travel company
    • 15.1. Development constituent documents. Company registration. Company charter.
    • 15.2. Licensing of types of activity.
    • 15.3. Tourist product certification.
    • 15.4. Liquidation of travel companies.
  16. Staffing tourist and excursion service
    • 16.1. Civil law relations. Code of Labor Laws of the Russian Federation.
    • 16.2. Rights and obligations of employees. Inner order rules. State structure. Job instructions. Qualifications. Working conditions and wages. Operating mode.
    • 16.3. Organization technological process travel agency work. Office work.
    • 16.4. Reporting to higher authorities tax office, other public services).
  17. Features of tourism business management.
  18. Prospects for the development of tourism
    • 18.1. International and domestic tourism in conditions market relations. Trends.
  19. Review computer programs used in the practice of travel companies.
    • 19.1. Acquaintance with the program "Mastertravel agent".
    • 19.2. Practical lesson. Booking tours: the procedure for on-line booking on the example of a separate site.
    • 19.3. Practical lesson: tour designer.
    • 19.4. Tourist search engines.
  20. Test (interview).
Ac.h. base price Discount Final cost Pay
88 ac.hours
76 ac. hour.- Auditory lessons
12 ac. hour.- self-study
32230 rub. 19340 rub.

5 Reasons to choose a study program at the Institute of Hotel Business:

1. The curriculum is designed in such a way that students can receive the most complete and relevant education in the most effective way. Course participants are waiting for useful knowledge, presented in an easy-to-understand form, and therefore most fully presenting information and allowing them to learn the hotel business quickly and efficiently.

2. You can choose the most convenient training format for you - distance, full-time or individual option. You can easily combine training with work or study.

3. Actively developing hotel business is one of the most popular among entrepreneurs, which means that the knowledge you have gained will quickly find its application.

4. The prospects that open before you after completing the course are fast career growth, a consistently high salary and the title of a specialist in the most promising and profitable direction in the hotel business.

5. You will receive a document confirming the acquired knowledge that meets all standards and is highly appreciated both in Russia and abroad.

The Institute of Hotel Business from the Business Academy MBA “CITY” is a great way to become a self-confident professional in the field of hotel business!

Hotel Business Institute


The hotel business is considered one of the most promising and profitable activities today. The entry of the economy into the international market and the rapid development of the tourism industry have led to an increase in the interest of businessmen and tourists in the services offered in the segment of hotels and hotels, and the need for qualified workers is growing accordingly. This direction also attracts as a business proposal, owning a hotel is prestigious and profitable.
It should be noted that many are attracted by the opportunity career development in the hotel business - for ordinary positions, employers quite often do not require staff to have any special education or skills (all this can be obtained already in the process of work), while quite serious requirements are imposed on the management staff. It is no secret that professions in the hotel business are quite diverse, because the system itself determines the vastness of specializations - everyone is actively involved in the hotel business - from technical staff to direct management - managers, administrators, managers, etc. In addition, specialties in the hotel business are represented by waiters, cooks, and maids. In short, in this type of activity, everyone can find something to their liking, because professions in the hotel business are very diverse.
As mentioned above, in most cases, there are no serious requirements for service personnel, but this does not mean at all that everyone can get a job in a hotel or hotel. For example, knowledge of a foreign language is often required, which is already a feature of working in the hotel business. However, in other activities service staff not required to speak a foreign language. Concerning management team, then education plays a huge role here, because competently build the work of a hotel or organize efficient work employees - a matter requiring vocational training. At the same time, having a diploma in the hotel business does not guarantee successful employment for the graduate, because not only the “crust” is important for the employer, but also the practical skills of the potential employee, his knowledge and skills. It is for this purpose that numerous courses in hotel business are offered.
Moscow institutes of hotel business offer many directions where you can get a specialty in hotel business, but studying there is far from always comfortable and affordable. There is an alternative - the business academy of MBA CITY is an institute of the hotel industry, which trains specialists in many professions in the hotel business.

Hospitality training

Today, people who want to get a job in the hotel industry no longer face the question “where to study hotel business”, because the MBA CITY business academy is a real institute of hotel business, where advanced training courses and training in professions in this business are held.
With us, you can choose both full-time and part-time (distance) training in the hotel business, and the programs are designed in such a way as to cover the maximum number of topics and aspects that are of practical interest in this type of activity. Studying hotel business with us is convenient, easy and interesting!
the main objective courses offered by the Academy of Hotel Business MBA CITY - training of qualified specialists in the above direction. In the process of learning, each student will be able to learn everything about organizing, managing and building a business in an interesting and accessible way, gaining not only theoretical, but also practical skills.
The Institute of Hotel Business MBA CITY is high quality education standards, cooperation with leading companies in the hotel business, as well as a team of teachers who know everything about their subject - practitioners, not theorists. The ability to choose the level of courses, as well as the provision of students teaching materials makes our offer truly unique.
The School of Hotel Business MBA CITY is the best offer on the market of educational services in the city. At the end of the course, all students receive state certificates.

Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY

Academy of Tourism MBA CITY invites everyone to study and get a profession in one of the most popular areas - tourism business, management and management.
Features of the modern world dictate their own living conditions to us - dynamics in everything and the desire to grow in all directions, develop and improve ourselves are important goals for the majority modern people. Moreover, today it is considered simply an unaffordable luxury to wait a long time. professional growth employees who are forced to go through a difficult path to qualified work, most managers, including those in the tourism business, need professionals right now. The question arises - how to get a fast and high-quality education? The answer is simple - to undergo intensive training at the Moscow Institute of Tourism from MBA CITY.
These courses are of interest to a huge number of people, because after studying at our business academy, you can get an education High Quality, as well as a sought-after profession, which, moreover, is highly valued in the labor market. In addition, our courses will be useful to all those who cannot imagine their life without traveling, to all tourists who want to know all the intricacies of the tourism world, popular tourist destinations, etc. Also, in the process of obtaining education at the Academy of Tourism, students get acquainted with the legal nuances of the tourism business, with the main terms and provisions.

Institute of Tourism in Moscow

Moscow Institute of Tourism at the MBA CITY Business Academy - these are the most effective, modern training programs, which include the latest techniques teaching, therefore, choosing our courses, you choose high-quality knowledge, excellent professional development or obtaining new profession in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price. It is worth noting that our students can receive education both full-time and remotely, which allows you to adjust the intensity of classes to your personal rhythm, to receive education without interrupting your main activity.
Classes are conducted by experienced teachers who are familiar with tourism in practice, so all the knowledge gained in MBA CITY, graduates can safely apply in their practical work.

The Moscow Institute of Hotel Business and Tourism is one of the most prestigious universities educational institutions countries in this industry. Having opened its doors in 1996 as a branch of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, it quickly gained a good reputation, and today many applicants who dream of a career in the hotel and tourism industry strive to enter here. On the this moment IT&G students are more than four thousand Russians and residents of near and far abroad.

Institute of Tourism and Hotel Business of Moscow (m. Vodny stadium)

The main building of the university, the exact name of which sounds like the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality, is located on Kronstadsky Boulevard, 32/a (Vodny Stadium metro station). Another educational building is located on Kibalchicha, d. 6 (building 2) at VDNKh.

The main activity of the institute is the training of specialists in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business (including managers and economists). It also teaches Russian as a foreign language and prepares translators for the sphere of professional communication.

The best theoretical materials and practical experience obtained in different countries of the world are used as an educational base. The administration of the university closely cooperates with representatives of the industry "tourism and hospitality » to provide students with the most up-to-date information. Specialists with an IT&G diploma are always "savvy" in practice and aware of the latest in the industry.

Education at the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality is conducted both on a budgetary and paid basis. Full-time/correspondence form of education is provided. Applicants can take preparatory courses here, and people who already have a diploma can improve their skills. The teaching staff of the university also constantly undergoes refresher courses.

Many potential students are interested in whether the institute provides a hostel. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is no. There is also no military department here, but students receive a respite from the army. ITiG does not have a postgraduate course.

Applicants for a specialty in the fields of hotel business or tourism must pass the exam in Russian, social studies and history. And those who want to become a manager or an economist will have to take mathematics instead of history.

Institute of Tourism and Hotel Business (Moscow): Tuition fees

As noted above, the Institute, which is essentially the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, provides paid and free educational services. The cost of education varies depending on the course, the form of study and the presence of Russian citizenship.

Rates for Russians per year:

1 course: hospital - 156,600 rubles; part-time - 69,000 rubles.

2 course: hospital - 150,000 rubles; part-time - 74,040 rubles.

3 course: hospital - 152,580 rubles; part-time - 81,540 rubles.

4 course: hospital - 113,580 rubles; part-time - 74,460 rubles.

· 5th year: only part-time students study here, and they pay 73,980 rubles a year.

For foreigners, the amount is slightly higher, but not significantly. Moreover, it matters whether the student is a citizen of one of the CIS countries or came from far abroad. The latter cost a little more.

The doors of the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality of Moscow are always open for those wishing to become professionals high level in one of the most fascinating areas of human activity.

Course Information:

The hotel business is quite promising, more and more professionals are required in this area. This business has its own nuances and peculiarities. After completing the courses in hotel business and tourism, you will become the owner of a diploma international standard get the necessary skills and knowledge. After completing the training, employment in the chosen specialty is possible. During the training, you will learn how to properly organize the hotel business in the competition for customers.

Benefits of training in hotel and tourism service

The industry is evolving and new booking and accommodation programs are emerging. It is important to know in detail how all the services of a modern hotel work, what rules exist, while maintaining which the success of your business is guaranteed. The organization of the tourism business during the training is given a special section, in which you will get acquainted with the legal aspects of the tourism business, without which it is impossible to start and run a business. For the successful conduct of business, knowledge of the rules and laws is necessary, which will become your reliable support in further work.

The main topics studied in the courses of the hotel and tourism business

You will learn about the types of travel in tourism, how to design and select travel programs, and how to write service contracts that will give you and your client confidence. In these courses, you will learn the basics of high-quality hotel service, catering, transport and excursion services for tourists. There are additional subtleties in organizing children's recreation and transportation. These subtleties must be given special attention so as not to run into problems during the organization of the program. An important aspect of studying the hotel business and tourism is training in passport and visa issues. In order to be an expert in your field, you need to clearly know the list of documents that a tourist must provide to you in order to obtain a visa, sometimes if only one item is not observed, you can be refused, and then the client will no longer contact you.

This is a popular direction of both education and development of the country. Many people think about what kind of education to get for successful work in this area. Understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems. In fact, it is enough to know just a few features of training. But choosing a place to receive an appropriate education is more difficult. There are a lot of various institutions that allow you to work in the hotel and restaurant business after graduation. And an ignorant person can simply get confused in the choice.

What is the work

So, the first step is to understand what a citizen who decides to work in a direction called "hotel and restaurant business" has to do. It is not entirely clear what needs to be done in this or that case.

The thing is that upon graduation from a particular institution, a person will become a restaurateur. Or, as he is also called, the manager of the hotel and restaurant business. The tasks of such an employee are varied.

Among the main occupations are:

  • quality control of work;
  • management of hotels or restaurants;
  • organizing the supply of items necessary for the functioning of the business;
  • marketing planning.

In other words, such a manager is a universal worker in the hotel and restaurant business. Most often found as an administrator in a particular institution.

Ways of learning

Did the definition scare you away? Then you should think about training. Where can one master such an activity as a hotel and restaurant business? Where should a person go to get the appropriate education? There are a lot of options. Everyone chooses one or another institution to build their career and get an education in the hotel and restaurant industry.

To briefly list all possible locations training, the following organizations can be distinguished:

  • universities in Russia and outside the country;
  • colleges;
  • organizations offering retraining;
  • private training companies.

Each training option has its own characteristics. They will be discussed further. What to pay attention to in this or that case? How to become a restaurateur without any problems?


Perhaps we should start with the least common scenario. It's about retraining courses. They are usually organized either by the employer or by specialized labor exchanges.

The training period is on average 2-3 months. No entrance examinations are required. Upon graduation, a citizen receives a certificate of retraining as a restaurateur. From now on, he will be able to work in the hotel and restaurant business.

Private centers

The next training option is to contact private training centers. it good way receiving additional education as well as self-development. With the help of specialized courses, you can easily master the hotel and restaurant business. It is recommended to inquire about the programs offered by certain private educational institutions.

They usually study for about a year. In rare cases, the training is several months or years. After listening to lectures, it is usually required to pass a final test, pass an exam. And after that, a person is issued a certificate stating that he is now considered a restaurateur. The document usually lists acquired skills.

Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? What subjects will I have to take to study in private centers? None. And it pleases. There are no entrance tests in private educational centers. It's enough just to pay for your education.


A more serious approach is to study in the universities of the country. Modern universities offer several options for mastering the specialty of a restaurateur. You can study at a university on the basis of a secondary vocational education or get higher. In the first case, education will be received. It is not highly valued by employers. In the second, the graduate will receive a diploma of higher education. It is he who attracts many employers. Although, as practice shows, the hotel and restaurant business allows you to successfully build a career with a diploma of secondary specialized education.

Depending on the chosen type of education, you will have to stay as a student either 2 years, or 3, or 4. In the first two cases, we are talking about secondary specialized education based on grade 9 or 11, respectively. Higher mastered 4 years.

A distinctive feature of education in universities and colleges is the presence of entrance examinations. To be admitted as a student, you will need to pass some exams. About them a little later. First, you should find out where exactly in Russia you can go to study as a restaurateur.

Universities for education

There are a lot of higher educational institutions in Russia. Where are they trained in the direction of "hotel and restaurant business"? Universities in Russia that offer to become restaurateurs include the following:

  • Plekhanov University;
  • RSUH;
  • MGI named after Sechenov;
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

This is not all educational institutions. In almost every humanitarian university, you can become a restaurateur. Only the above places, as students say, are best taught in the chosen direction.


Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College is the most common option for getting an appropriate education to start a career. Usually, admission to specialized schools is considered after the 9th or after the 11th grade.

Depending on the chosen educational institution, entrance examinations are either available or absent. Where exactly do you go to study? Can choose humanitarian college. And there to see if there is a direction of interest to the applicant. As already mentioned, after grade 9 they study for 2 years, after 11 - 3.

Where specifically to go? You can pay attention to:

  • management and hotel and restaurant business;
  • College of Small Business #48;
  • food college in Moscow;
  • Krasnodar Trade and Economic College.

All this is just the beginning. The list can be very long. Interested in the hotel and restaurant business? College in St. Petersburg on the embankment 154a is considered the most successful choice among the residents of St. Petersburg.


What's next? Now it is important to understand what tests will have to pass. As already mentioned, technical schools are sometimes accepted simply by application. All you need to do is show your high school diploma, ID card and application for enrollment.

And if the university will master the hotel and restaurant business, what to take? The required exams include:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects must be taken basic level. But on the profile you will have to take social studies. In some cases, they may also request the USE or GIA for English language. These are all the exams that you have to pass. And then it will not be difficult to enter a hotel and restaurant business college or university.


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