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Motivational quotes help a person achieve goals and believe in themselves, make them not give up and move forward, give strength not to stop halfway and not look for excuses. If you know what you want to achieve, that's good. If you take concrete steps for this, it's great. But, sometimes it also happens that the moral forces have left you. Of course, failures happen to everyone, that's the way the world works. You just need to remember that after a black stripe comes a white one, after a night - dawn, after an illness - recovery ... Always find the strength in yourself to overcome obstacles.

Motivating quotes from people who have been able to achieve a lot in their industry will help you with this.

Motivational phrases for every day

Motivation is important for self-improvement. It is short motivating phrases that will help inspire and follow the intended goal. Just keep in mind that naked motivation does not work. Without knowledge, experience and diligence, even the most motivated person is unlikely to be able to achieve results. So use everything together. And let nothing distract you on the path to success.

Quotes about the goal in life and its achievement

Every person has a goal in life. Sometimes not even alone. These goals can be transformed or replaced by others. And that's okay. The main thing is to have something to strive for. After all, this is the meaning of life: to make a fairy tale come true, and the desired - possible. You just need to set your priorities right and move towards them. Motivating words for every day about achieving the goal to your attention.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.
Paulo Coelho

If you don't know what you want, you end up with what you definitely don't want.
Chuck Palahniuk

To reach the goal, you have to go.
Honore de Balzac

It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
Walt Disney

If people don't laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small.
Azim Premji

Try and fail, but don't stop your efforts.
Stephen Kaggwa

To hell with all of it! Take it and do it!
Richard Branson

We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi

Obstacles are those scary things you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Henry Ford

Goal setting is the first step towards turning dreams into reality.
Tony Robbins

Being the richest man in the graveyard is not important to me... Going to bed and telling myself that I did something really wonderful is what matters!
Steve Jobs

Through the realization of great goals, a person discovers in himself a great character that makes him a beacon for others.
Georg Hegel

We must call, not wait for inspiration, to start a business. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration rarely breeds action.
Frank Thiebolt

When you know what you want and you want it badly enough, you will find a way to get it.
Jim Rohn

I spend almost all of my time on Facebook. I don't have much time for new hobbies. So I set clear goals for myself.
Mark Zuckenberg

To achieve your goals, you need patience and enthusiasm. Think big - but be realistic.
Donald Trump

The most dangerous poison is the feeling of achieving a goal. The antidote to which is to think every night that you can do better tomorrow.
Ingvar Kamprad

You cannot afford to wait for great fortunes. Goal setting is often a matter of balancing time and available resources. Opportunities are easy to lose by waiting for the right time.
Gary Ryan Blair

A bullet whizzing an inch from its target is as useless as one that hasn't flown from the muzzle.
Fenimore Cooper

Never, ever let others convince you that something is difficult or impossible.
Douglas Badler

Motivation for success

There must be success in a person's life. Nothing without him. Of course, for everyone, success is measured by personal criteria, and there is no general measure for it. For some, this is wealth, fame and power, and for someone - family happiness and the joy of children. So even the words that describe success are different. Everyone chooses for himself. The only thing that is certain is that our brain is programmed with words. And such motivating words will be able to program you for the right actions. Here's what great people said about success.

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to just wait.
Henry David Thoreau

To be successful, stop chasing money, chase your dream.
Tony Shay

Secret successful life is to understand what you are meant to do and to do it.
Henry Ford

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.
Robert Collier

I don't know what is the key to success, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone.
Bill Cosby

Successful people do what unsuccessful people don't want to do. Don't strive to be easier, strive to be better.
Jim Rohn

Strive to be more than just successful person but valuable.
Albert Einstein

One victory does not lead to success, in contrast to the constant desire to win.
Vince Lombardi

Fulfill your dreams or someone will hire you to fulfill theirs.
Farrah Gray

I attribute my success to the fact that I never made excuses and did not listen to excuses.
Florence Nightingale

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

Success is a ladder, you can't climb it with your hands in your pockets.
Paul Bauet

Success is to be on time.
Marina Tsvetaeva

Success is a matter of pure chance. Any loser will tell you that.
Earl Wilson

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful.
Herman Cain

Success is balance. Success is when you are what you can be without sacrificing anything else in your life.
Larry Winget

Success is often the only visible difference between genius and insanity.
Pierre Claude Buast

Secret life success: Be prepared for an opportunity before it arises.
Benjamin Disraeli

Quotes about work motivating

Just as it’s hard to get a fish out of a pond without work, it’s hard to achieve something without work. At the same time, you can work both for yourself and work for someone else. There is a difference, but work remains work. The best aphorisms and interesting quotes are proof of that. May positive thinking help you.

Any work is difficult until you fall in love with it, and then it excites and becomes easier.
Maksim Gorky

Choose a profession you love and you won't have to work a day in your life.

Genius may be just a fleeting chance. Only work and will can give it life and turn it into glory.
Albert Camus

To live means to work. Labor is the life of man.

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got.
Bernard Show

The work we do willingly heals pain.
William Shakespeare

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

Always remember that your determination to succeed is more important than anything else.
Abraham Lincoln

Who wants - looking for opportunities. Who does not want - looking for reasons.

Love and work are the only worthwhile things in life. Work is a kind of love.
Marilyn Monroe

There's only one kind of work that doesn't cause depression, and that's work you don't have to do.
Georges Elgosy

I am a firm believer in luck, and I have noticed that the more I work, the luckier I am.
Thomas Jefferson

Inspiration comes only during work.
Gabriel Marquez

Force your own work; don't wait for her to force you.
Benjamin Franklin

If you work for the present, your work will be worthless; You have to work with the future in mind.
Anton Chekhov

Whoever does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.
Elbert Hubbard

Usually those who know how to work better than others know how not to work better than others.
Georges Elgosy

The hardest part of the job is deciding to start it.
Gabriel Laub

The most miserable of people is the one for whom there is no work in the world.
Thomas Carlyle

It is better to work without a specific goal than to do nothing.

Motivational phrases for all occasions

And to consolidate the effect even better short quotes motivational ones that you can write down in your diary and get motivated by rereading them. The life-affirming thoughts of great people help create a positive attitude and tune in to positive thinking yourself.

Short sayings, encouraging words and motivational quotes will do the trick. For the power of a motivating word cannot be underestimated. Charge with positivity for the whole day. Phrases motivators useful for self-improvement are attached.

Who wants to move the world, let him move himself!

We find in life only what we put into it.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As long as you have a try, you haven't lost!
Sergey Bubka

The last degree of failure is the first degree of success.
Carlo Dossi

Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely.
Henry Ford

I want it. So it will be.
Henry Ford

If you were born without wings, don't let them grow.
Coco Chanel

Be yourself! Other roles are already filled.
Oscar Wilde

I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work.
Thomas Edison

If the problem can be solved, don't worry about it. If the problem is unsolvable, there is no point in worrying about it.
Dalai Lama

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant.
Warren Buffett

Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on the door of every person, but at this time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock.
Mark Twain

Our great shortcoming is that we give up too quickly. The surest way to success is to keep trying one more time.
Thomas Edison

Personally, I love strawberries with cream, but for some reason fish prefer worms. That's why when I go fishing, I don't think about what I love, but about what the fish loves.
Dale Carnegie

Waking up in the morning, ask yourself: "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?".

The poor, unfortunate, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word "tomorrow".
Robert Kiyosaki

Old people always advise young people to save money. This is bad advice. Don't hoard nickels. Invest in yourself. I never saved a dollar in my life until I was forty.
Henry Ford

Hard work is the accumulation of easy things that you didn't do when you should have.
John Maxwell

I used to say, "I hope things change." Then I realized that there is only one way for everything to change - to change myself.
Jim Rohn

The lesson I learned and followed all my life was to try and try and try again - but never give up!
Richard Branson

Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot!
Jared Leto

To get the most out of life, a person must be able to change. Unfortunately, a person changes with great difficulty, and these changes occur very slowly. Many spend years doing this. The hardest thing is to really want to change.
Carlos Castaneda

We ourselves create the world around us. We get exactly what we deserve. How can we resent the life we ​​have created for ourselves? Whom to blame, whom to thank, but ourselves! Who, besides us, can change it as soon as they wish?
Richard Bach

Twenty years from now, you will be more sorry for what you DID NOT do than for what you DID. Therefore, discard doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch a tailwind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open up.
Mark Twain

Of the two roads lying in front of me, I decided to go along the untrodden path. And that changed everything.
Robert Frost

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must move.
Albert Einstein

By the way, there is an opinion that motivation does not last very long. Well, cleanliness after taking a bath - too. Therefore, it is worth taking care of them daily.

And for this, reread short motivating phrases whenever you need to know the inspiring, life-affirming and kind aphorisms of great people in order to be encouraged by their example and recharge yourself with positive for the whole day.

Achieving the goal, of course, depends on yourself, but these motivating words will instill a fighting spirit in you and help you on the path to success.

Repeat these motivating words every day, delve into the essence, understand that you can do everything. One motivational quote works, but many positive quotes help even better. By the way, the best motivating phrases are not all that you can increase your fighting spirit for every day.

Every person at least once in his life suffered a defeat and faced failure. In order not to give up and move on, turn to inspiring sayings and thoughts every day.

We have collected for you quotes, aphorisms and sayings that encourage you to act and not give in to circumstances. You can also read wise parables about life or look into the laws of life from the psychologist N. Grace. The words and advice you will find there will support you.

Be your own light. Don't worry about what others say, don't worry about traditions, religions, customs. Just be your own light.

Buddhist story.

I have learned to never ask if I am capable of doing something, but simply declare that I am already doing it. And then it remains only to fasten the belts. And the incredible happens.

J. Cameron, The Artist's Way.

Everything is very simple. All people think that this is impossible. But there is one daredevil who does not agree with this.

A. Einstein.

Dance like no one is watching you. Sing like no one can hear you. Love like you've never been betrayed and live like the earth is heaven.

Don't be afraid to slow down, be afraid to stop.

Chinese proverb.

Never give up - never, never, never, never, neither in big nor in small, in big or small, never give up, unless it is contrary to honor and common sense. Never succumb to force, never succumb to the obviously superior power of your opponent.

Train yourself to have only good thoughts. They will do wonders for your consciousness.

Rabbi Naachman of Bratslav, Likutei Moaran.

May my enemy be strong and fearsome. If I beat him, I won't feel ashamed.

The moment a person decides to do something, Providence also begins to act.

W. H. Murray, The Scottish Expedition to the Himalayas.

Fearing an explosion, you dig a shelter, but the meaning is not in the shelter, they fight not for the sake of battle - for the sake of victory.

When you see a rattlesnake preparing to strike, strike first.

From the sayings of Indian leaders.

Having reached the end, people laugh at the fears that tormented them at the beginning.

Paolo Coelho, Brida.

Every beat of your heart, suffering, desire, evening sadness, food and work, smile and weariness in the succession of days, awakening and sweet falling asleep, have meaning only because of the deity that flickers to you behind them. You will not find anything if you become settled, believing that you have come true and completed, the stock itself among the accumulated stocks. There is no reserve on earth - the one who has stopped growing dies.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Citadel.

If a person once destroyed fear, then he is free from it until the end of his life, because instead of fear, he has acquired clarity of thought.

Carlos Constaneda, The Teachings of Don Juan: The Way of Knowledge of the Yaqui Indians.

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master will call the butterfly.

R. Bach, "Illusions"

If you are afraid, afraid of failure, I tell you: start and fail if necessary, gather your strength and start again. Failure again - so what? Start again. We are not held back by failure; this unwillingness to start over leads us to stagnation. Are you afraid - so what? If you are afraid that something is going to pounce on you and bite you, then, for God's sake, deal with it at last!

K. P. Estes, “Running with the Wolves. The female archetype in myths and legends.

It is very easy to check if your mission on Earth is over: If you are alive, it continues.

R. Bach, "Illusions"

When you reach the end of the rope, tie a knot and hold on.

Franklin Roosevelt.

Only a person standing firmly on the ground is able to build strong castles in the air.

T. Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum. Grab your throat!"

In the years of your life, live. Don't give up on yourself. Don't walk around with a sour face.

R. Bradbury.

When collecting inspirational quotes, keep yourself in mind as well. Set up your motivating mindsets, turn to the wisdom of the Tao, watch - or take a break before moving forward. Make proper to-do lists. And don't forget to press the buttons and

To achieve what you want and become a successful person is the goal of many. But sometimes we get tired, discouraged, give up and compromise. Motivation is needed in tough times!

1. An obstacle is what a person’s gaze rests on when he takes this gaze away from his goal. (Tom Krause)

2. Any achievement begins with the decision to try. (Mikhail Baryshnikov)

3. Not problems should push you in the back, but forward dreams. (Douglas H. Everett)

4. It is often said that motivation does not last long. Well, the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily. (Zig Ziglar)

5. What is not started today cannot be finished tomorrow. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

6. Be yourself and say what you feel. After all, those who have something against it do not matter, and those who mean something to you will not mind. (Dr. Seuss)

7. Enthusiasm is the force that turns the turbine of our achievements (Napoleon Hill)

8. Everyone can give up - it's the easiest thing in the world. But to continue, even when everyone around you accepted and would forgive you your defeat - this is the real strength. (Author unknown)

9. Thinking is easy; acting is the hardest thing, and moving from your thoughts to action is the hardest thing. (Johann von Goethe)

10. A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; An optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty. (Winston Churchill)

11. You won't grow if you don't try to do something beyond what you already know perfectly. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

12. “He who loses wealth loses a lot; the one who loses a friend loses more; but he who loses courage loses everything.” Miguel de Cervantes

13. The desire to succeed without hard work is similar to the desire to harvest where you did not plant seeds. (David Bly)

14. The biggest barrier to success is the fear of failure. Sven Goran Eriksson

15. Pick an idea. Turn it into the meaning of life, think about it, dream about it, live it. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this idea. Let other ideas pass by. This is the path to success - and this is how the giants of the spirit appear. (Swami Vivekananda)

16. Your life depends 10% on what happens to you and 90% on how you react to these events. (John Maxwell)

17. Happiness comes to those who seek it and think about it the least. Happiness is not an object to search for; it's just a state. You don't have to follow happiness, it has to follow you. It should capture you, not you. (John Burroughs)

18. Dream like you live forever. Live like you're dying today (James Dean)

19. He who has not faced difficulties will not know strength. He who has not known disasters does not need courage. It is mysterious, however, that the best character traits in a person just germinate in soil filled with difficulties. (Harry Fosdick)

20. Logic can help you get from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere. (Albert Einstein)

21. To swim against the current, the fish must be strong, even a dead fish can swim with the current. (John Crowe)

22. Defeat is just one of the scenarios that must be discarded as unnecessary. (Joan Land)

23. We are born to be persistent, or only through perseverance do we find out what we are really worth. (Tobias Fulf)

24. To succeed, you need to do only 2 things: clearly define what you really want, and then pay the required amount for it all. (Bunker Hunt)

25. “Dreams are like stars… you may never reach them, but if you strive for them, they will lead you to your destiny.” (Gail Devers)

26. Our destiny is formed by those small decisions and not noticeable decisions that we make 100 times a day (Anthony Robbins)

27. If you want to be successful, ask yourself 4 questions: Why? Why not? Why wouldn't I? Why not right now? (Jimmy Dean)


Quotes and Aphorisms 07.11.2018

Dear readers, let's talk together with you about what success is? Someone will quickly answer - this is financial well-being and stability. And he will certainly be right. Because it is foolish to deny how difficult it is to be in complete harmony with yourself without a penny of money in your pocket.

But a person by nature experiences not only physical hunger, but also spiritual and emotional. And here the material things fade into the background. No one has yet been able to buy sincere love, friendship, recognition. And you should never forget about your Soul, right? And often in the race of life for success, we forget about it completely.

I offer you a selection of the most interesting and instructive quotes and aphorisms about success that will help everyone answer this difficult question for themselves.

I am successful every day...

If once again you tell yourself the phrase “I’ll start on Monday”, if the task seems too difficult for you, if you still doubt your abilities and you lack inspiration, then these motivating quotes and aphorisms for success are for you.

“Achievement starts with the decision to try.”

Mikhail Baryshnikov.

"Do today what others do not want, tomorrow you will live in a way that others cannot."

Jared Leto

"I want it. So it will be."

Henry Ford.

“Poor, unfortunate, unhappy and unhealthy is the one who often uses the word “tomorrow”.

Robert Kiyosaki

"All progress happens outside your comfort zone."

Michael John Bobak

“Great things must be done, not overthinking them.”

Julius Caesar

"If you want to be successful, you have to look like you have it."

Thomas More

“Twenty years from now, you will regret more what you didn't do than what you did. Therefore, discard doubts. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch a tailwind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open."

Mark Twain

"Always choose the most difficult - the path - on it you will not meet competitors."

Charles de Gaulle.

"The only brake on the way to our tomorrow's achievements is our today's doubts."

Franklin Roosevelt

"Believe you can, and you're halfway there."

Theodore Roosevelt

“Only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes! Don't be afraid to make mistakes - be afraid to repeat mistakes!

Theodore Roosevelt

“When it seems like the whole world is against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind.”

“It is often said that motivation does not last long. Well, the same thing happens with a refreshing shower, which is why it is recommended to take it daily.

Zig Ziglar

“The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all its simplicity. Everyone has amazing ideas, but rarely does anyone do anything to put them into practice, and right now. Not tomorrow. Not in a week. Now".

“What is not started today cannot be finished tomorrow.”

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"A ship is safer in port, but that's not what it was built for."

Grace Hopper

“Success is a matter of pure chance. Any loser will tell you that."

Earl Wilson

“Do you know what a loser is? The real loser is the one who is so afraid of losing that he never dares to even try.”

"Don't be afraid to grow slowly, be afraid to stay the same."

Chinese folk wisdom

"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to just wait."

Henry David Thoreau

“Between success and failure lies the abyss, the name of which is “I don’t have time.”

Franklin Field

Defeat is part of success

They say that if you're not ready to fail, you're not ready to succeed either. And indeed it is. If we assume that the task is beyond our strength, then we do not give ourselves up to solving it to the end, as if saving strength - they say, it will not work out anyway. But wise quotes and aphorisms about success and failure show that falling is just another stepping stone to victory.

“Failure is the spice that gives success its flavor.”

Truman Capote

“I have not been defeated. I just found 10,000 ways that don't work."

Thomas Edison

“In my time, the same comedy was stoned in Madrid and showered with flowers in Toledo; don't let your first failure discourage you."

Miguel de Cervantes

“Our big disadvantage is that we give up too quickly. The surest way to success is to keep trying one more time.”

Thomas Edison

“Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.”

Christina Bowie

"Our greatest glory is not that we have never failed, but that we have always risen from the fall."

Ralph Emerson

"A person who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."

Albert Einstein

“An obstacle is what a person’s gaze rests on when he takes this gaze away from his goal.”

Tom Krause

“Once you start talking about what you will do if you fail, you are already a failure.”

George Shultz

“As long as you have a try, you haven’t lost!”

Sergey Bubka

“Falling is neither dangerous nor shameful, to remain lying is both.”

“If you try, you have two options: succeed or fail. And if you don't try, there's only one option."

"Failure is just an opportunity to start again, but more wisely."

Henry Ford

“Accept success as a gift of fate, and failure as a lack of effort.”

Konosuke Matsushita

“The last step of failure is the first step of success.”

Carlo Dossi

“Never falling down is not the greatest merit in life. The main thing is to get up every time.”

Nelson Mandela

"If you're not ready to succeed, you're ready to fail."

“Success is most associated with action. Successful people keep trying. They make mistakes, but they don't stop."

Condar Hilton

"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate."

Thomas Watson

“In my career, I missed over 9,000 shots, lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to make the final game-winning roll and missed. I failed again, and again, and again. And that's why I've been successful."

Mile Jordan

“We get to the top most often on the wreckage of our cherished plans, discovering that it was our failures that brought us success.”

Amos Olcott

“Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”

Winston Churchill

“If you want to become rich, never give up. People tend to give up. Therefore, with perseverance, you will surpass the majority. Even more important is what you learn. By doing something, you can screw up. But this is not because you are a failure, but because you are still not well informed. Change your approach and try again. One day you will succeed. Mistakes are your friends."

Jordan Belfort

“Failure is our teacher, it is our learning experience. However, this experience can be both a step up and a tombstone.”

Bud Hadfield

On the way to success

The thoughts of well-known entrepreneurs who have reached considerable heights thanks to perseverance and self-confidence are interesting and informative. Their quotes and aphorisms about business and success are very motivating and make you think.

“Many well-known businessmen, talking about their success stories, utter the same phrase: “The money was lying on the ground, they only needed to be raised.” But for some reason, none of them specifies how many times it was necessary to bend down for this.

“Most people miss their opportunities. Because she is sometimes dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas Edison

“Don't make money your goal. You can only be successful in what you love. Go in this life to those things that you love, and do it so well that others cannot take their eyes off you.

Maya Angelou

"Take a step and the road will appear by itself."

“I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from failures is perseverance.”

“When I didn’t have enough money, I sat down to think, and didn’t run to earn money. An idea is the most valuable commodity in the world.”

Steve Jobs

Richard Branson

“Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to experiment, don't be afraid to work hard. Perhaps you won’t succeed, perhaps circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you don’t try, you will be bitter and hurt that you didn’t try.

Eugene Kaspersky

“If you have not defined your purpose in life, then you will work for someone who has it.”

Robert Anthony

“Most people are deprived of financial success because the fear of losing money is much greater than the joy of wealth.”

Robert Kiyosaki

“The first and foremost prerequisite for success in business is patience.”

John Rockefeller

“You don’t have to be smarter than others to be successful, you just have to be a day faster than most.”

Leo Szilard

"Success is a ladder you can't climb with your hands in your pockets."

Zig Ziglar

“In any project, the most important factor is the belief in success. Without faith, success is impossible.”

William James

“Recipe for success: study while others sleep; work while others hang around; get ready while others play; and dream while others only wish.

William A. Ward

"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."

Sven Goran Ericsson

“Trying to succeed by doing nothing is like trying to reap a harvest where you have not sown anything.”

David Bly

“You cannot become successful overnight. It is forbidden! Stop thinking that success is sprinting. This is not true. Progress towards success requires discipline and time.”

Den Waldshmi

Dream and act!

What is success? Does he have a formula, following which, you can achieve it? A single algorithm, of course, does not exist. Of course, one of the components will be hard work, faith in yourself and ... a dream. As it is rightly said about this in quotes and aphorisms about success and achievements.

“Every dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true. However, you might have to work hard for this".

Richard Bach

"Fulfill your dreams, or someone will hire you to fulfill theirs."

farah gray

"The starting point of any success is desire."

Napoleon Hill

"To be successful, stop chasing money, chase your dream."

“Take an idea. Make it your life - think of it, dream of it, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be filled with this one idea. This is the path to success."

Swami Vivekananda

“Setting goals is the first step in turning dreams into reality.”

Tony Robbins

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you do, you will be successful."

Herman Cain

“Success is about balance. Success is when you are what you can be without sacrificing anything else in your life."

Larry Winget

“Opportunities don't really just happen. You create them yourself."

Chris Grosser

"I don't know what is the key to success, but the key to failure is the desire to please everyone."

Bill Cosby

“Success in any field consists of work, play and the ability to keep your mouth shut”

Albert Einstein

“Never be afraid to do what you can't do. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic."

“You already have everything you need to be successful. It's all about you."

And in the world there are no such peaks that you cannot take ...

We have before our eyes a huge number of examples when people proved that the impossible is possible. Coming from the outback, they conquered the capitals, became famous writers, actors, made great discoveries. Quotes and aphorisms of great people about success help us, armed with self-confidence, move to our own heights.

“Success is when you fall down nine times but get up ten times.”

Jon Bon Jovi

“To avoid mistakes is to live an inferior life.”

Steve Jobs

"Success is to be on time."

Marina Tsvetaeva

"In New York, I learned that there is no better deodorant than success."

Elizabeth Taylor

"Praise yourself for what you have already achieved and don't lose heart."

Salma Hayek

"Reading the biographies of great people, I found that they won their first victory over themselves."

Harry Truman

“The secret to success is constantly trying to get better, no matter where you are or what your position is.”

Theron Dumont

“It doesn't matter how long it takes to succeed. You just have to believe in it. And I believed."

Freddie Mercury

"If you can imagine it, you can do it."

"All our dreams can become reality if we have the courage to follow them to the end"

Walt Disney

“What is money? A person is successful if he wakes up in the morning, goes back to bed in the evening, and does what he likes during the break.

If someone said something well, there is no need to repeat it, it is enough to quote. Successful people, whose words have come down to us through many generations, knew what they were talking about, their thoughts were denounced in a concise form, clear and understandable. Their activities served the peace and development of our civilization, and the historical characters and prominent figures themselves influenced the development of all mankind. Perhaps the quotes of the great ones can bring clarity to the thoughts of many people living today and future generations. Some of them are selected by topic and are given in this article.

On the fear of change

"Change before life forces you to" - Jack Welch

“Anxiety is a sign of dissatisfaction, and discontent is the first sign of the need for progress. Show me a completely satisfied person and I will show you ruin.” — Thomas Edison

"We can't solve problems by thinking the way we thought when we created them" - Albert Einstein

“To get better, you have to change. To achieve perfection, you need to change often.” – Winston Churchill

“It is not the smartest and strongest species that survive, but those that react most quickly to any changes.” - Charles Darwin

About personal development

"Investment in knowledge gives the greatest return" - Benjamin Franklin

“You have brains in your head. You have your feet in boots. You can choose any direction for yourself.” - Dr. Seuss

“Without constant development and progress, words like improvement, achievement, and success are meaningless.” – Benjamin Franklin

"Education is the most powerful weapon that can be used to change the world" - Nelson Mandela

"Failure provides an opportunity to try again, and this time more intelligently" - Henry Ford

"The most important thing is not success, but the desire to win" - Vince Lombardi

“He who ran ingloriously yesterday will not win today either.” – Babe Ruth

"The problem with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat" - Lily Tomlin

Think about the future

"By living like no one else today, you can live like no one else tomorrow" - Dave Ramsey

"I just want to leave a mark on the universe" - Steve Jobs

"How you start is not so important, it's more important how you finish" - Zig Ziglar

"Limits we set in our own minds" - Napoleon Hill

ex-presidential wisdom

"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone" - Ronald Reagan

"Without purpose and direction, there is not enough effort and courage" - John F. Kennedy

“A pessimist sees possible difficulties, while an optimist is one who sees opportunities despite difficulties.” – Harry S. Truman

"The best thing about the future is that it's only one day away" - Abraham Lincoln

"It's better to make no excuses than to make bad excuses" - George Washington

About work and discipline

“A man must be generous enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to benefit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” - John Maxwell

Those for whom motivation is not available are left to be content with mediocrity, despite all their possible talents - Andrew Carnegie

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and achieving them" - Jim Rohn

“There is no shortage of great ideas, there is not enough will to execute them” - Seth Godin

“There are two main rules: do your best and do it the best you can. Only then can you ever achieve something.” - Colonel Harland Sanders

“Working only for the money will not achieve success, but if you love your job and always put the client first, luck will be yours” - Ray Kroc

Faith and attitude towards success

“Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of its own: enough for each day of its own care” - Jesus (Mat. 6:34)

“Happiness does not depend on external factors, but only on the level of our psychological attitude” - Dale Carnegie

"Opportunities in business are like buses - there will always be another one." - Richard Branson

"Faith is the ability to take the first step, even when you can't see the whole ladder." Martin Luther King Jr.

So let the words of these outstanding people inspire you on the path to success!


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