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GlassEye 2000 Professional Plus is software for amateurs and professionals in the field glass decoration and stained glass. This is a tool for creating beautiful, unique, memorable patterns on glass. Unlike various editors, the main purpose of this program is to help create a design, not an informative document.

Skeptics question the fact that the computerization of art gives impetus to the development of art itself. We argue that programs like this do not supplant the artistic process, but are an auxiliary tool for art.

You will soon realize that designs created with glass eye 2000– more flexible than any of the designs created in pencil on paper. Imagine arbitrarily scaling the image to any size or instantly changing the width of the lines to suit different glass textures. By changing the direction and size of the base line of the decor, you can observe a synchronous change in all the other lines of the stained glass window so that the overall pattern does not lose its integrity - this cannot be done on a piece of paper! All this is possible in this program, without spending extra time on erasing, redrawing and copying, but devoting it to creativity when creating a design.

glass eye 2000 was created by people who have a boundless love for stained glass art and dedication to quality software. We sincerely hope that with the help of this program, creating extraordinary stained glass windows will be faster and more fun for you.

Versions of Glass Eye 2000

Glass Eye 2000 available in four versions, allowing you to choose the level of functionality that suits your needs. To improve your version, use the "Upgrade" command in the Registration menu.

standard version

The standard version includes the necessary design tools for drawing, coloring and numbering. This version is suitable for beginners, however professionals and amateurs will be interested in one of the more complete versions.

Professional version

These features are added in the Professional Edition:

  • Drawing library of over 2,600 examples from nine manufacturers
  • Text can be set in a completely different font using any color
  • Large variety of file types for import/export, including TIFF, PNG and PCX; DXF export, resizable images
  • Possibility to assign the name and cost of glass and each color of paint
  • Numbering of each part by color and location; numbering each part manually
  • Master Lamp - 3D modeling tool for instrument lamps
  • Measurements shown in either decimal or fractional numbers
  • Printout using scaling
  • Export, printout and material usage graphs of selected design elements
  • Assigning "global" color codes suitable for intersecting designs, not just individual
  • An auto orientation setting that automatically detects portrait or landscape printing, whichever uses paper more efficiently
  • U-shape borders
  • The ability to repeat to create multiple copies of a design element
  • Printer calibration tool to compensate for inaccuracies in your printer or driver
  • Marks for the location of the workpiece in the direction of the glass

Pro Plus

These features have been added to the Professional Edition Plus:

  • Automatic Conversion Background Execution - Automatically converts a scanned or imported line art to a Glass Eye 2000 design
  • Automatic text conversion - automatically converts text into lines so that lines can be filled with color, rotated, etc.
  • Changing the position and rotation of pictures on glass in your design
  • Transparency control so background images can show through on the glass in your design
  • Importing files from programs such as Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw and AutoCAD.
  • Display measurements such as height, width, radius and angle during the drawing process
  • Entering position and size values ​​using the keyboard while drawing

A licensed version of the GlassEye 2000 Professional Plus program is supplied is free complete with any modification of the contouring machine ArtGlass of the company LLC "Artel" LTD.

Entrepreneurial Version

The enterprise version supports plotters and cutting equipment. This version contains all the features of the other versions plus:

  • Break command that breaks your design into its component parts
  • Pickup Mode makes it easy to move and rotate parts
  • Send your design directly to a plotter or cutting machine
  • The Oversize command for drawing inner and outer margins of shapes
  • Export to DXF and DWG formats with text output and additional export options

Official website of GlassEye 2000 -

This article is dedicated to those who want to get into stained glass but don't know where to start. I have seven years of experience in manufacturing different types stained-glass windows and the sale of consumables for them, as well as the achievements of my colleagues with whom I communicate. This article is solely my opinion, here you will not find excerpts and paragraphs from similar materials on the Internet. Like any personal opinion, this article is subjective, but I'm sure it will help those who are really interested in the stained glass direction. I tried to collect and describe all aspects of making stained glass in one place and make it as short as possible. However, in the end the article turned out to be long, so please be patient. Bonus - after reading this article, you will get all the information you need about full cycle making stained glass windows from beginning to end and you will significantly reduce the number of gaps in this area. I also hope that not only beginners, but also experienced stained-glass artists will get acquainted with this article, they will surely be able to supplement it, and perhaps even argue about something. I am ready to answer questions from everyone and follow the comments. So, let's go.

The main thing is to decide at the start what you want to get in the end. Will this be your main profession, or just an opportunity to earn extra money, or maybe just a hobby for the soul? This decision will determine the next steps. Of course, you can start as a hobby, and then develop and take it seriously, no one forbids! Moreover, I personally know people who did just that. But it is definitely worth thinking about it, and based on this, decide how much money and time you are willing to spend on mastering the stained glass business. For those who consider this direction as potential business Let me just say that it won't be easy. Competition is growing every year, the customer is becoming more enlightened, demanding (which of course is a plus than a minus), demand is not stable, the problem of personnel is extremely relevant here, high risks of marriage and damage to the product, and many many other difficulties. But!!! If you are really interested in this, you see the demand and you can do it - go for it! It is very difficult, almost impossible, to collect a portfolio of orders for a year in advance only after you have decided to become a stained glass artist. Although, I did it, maybe you'll be lucky too. Another option is also possible, I know a person who, after graduating from tiffany courses, purchased tools, glass and other materials for more than $ 15,000, and then spent 2 years practically without work, but these are extremes. In another article, I will cover aspects of the stained glass business as a business in more detail.

Secondly, you should understand what kind of stained-glass windows you want to make. Whoever wants to start simpler - he can choose film (and they are also called applique or overhead English) stained-glass windows. If you are ready to be puzzled "to the fullest", then start right away with tiffany technology, or profile (classic) stained glass, these are "real" stained-glass windows. You can also do glass sintering - fusing, but for this you already need at least a tiny, but special furnace. If you are engaged in furniture and want to expand the range of products offered, lacquered stained-glass windows may suit you, with automatic application of a polymer stained glass contour on glass with a special machine and further manual filling with multi-colored varnishes.

The third stage is the theoretical base. Read as much information as you can about stained glass, the history of its appearance, development over time, look at photographs of old stained glass, study the portfolio of good stained glass workshops. This will help you understand how much direction you are interested in, whether it is worth digging further. If the ardor has not cooled down yet, we proceed to the study of practical exercises. There are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet, as well as text instructions with photographs, where each stage of stained glass creation is described. There are also several books on the subject. In each discussion in our VKontakte group dedicated to various technologies, I will post links to materials that seemed to me the most successful and useful. Having shoveled a couple of books, re-read several articles and watched dozens of videos, you can already classify yourself as a beginner stained-glass artist, congratulations!)) If you have not done this yet, I will briefly describe the possible technologies.

Film stained glass. The essence of the technology is simple. On ordinary transparent glass (you can also use unusual and opaque, the main thing is that one side of the glass is flat) according to the sketch, colored films are applied. To understand where and what color to apply, a template is used, which, as a rule, is printed on paper and lies under the glass, or can be temporarily drawn on the back of the glass. The films can be both plain and have different color effects (transfusion, color mixing), as well as have a different texture (frosty pattern, frosted, sandblasted glass, etc.). The seams between the films are closed with self-adhesive stained glass tape. It can have different widths (3, 3.5, 4.5mm and more) and coating color. Such a stained-glass window can also be combined with glass drops, decals, glass elements with a beveled edge (also called bevels, bevels, from the English word bevels), which are glued to the glass with a special glue.

Tiffany stained glass. The technique of this stained glass is named after Louis Comfort Tiffany, who was the first to propose the technology of joining stained glass fragments into one whole using copper foil. The technique originated in the 19th century and has not changed much. The bottom line is that stained glass fragments are cut according to a template from special stained glass with a thickness of 3-3.5 mm. after which each fragment is additionally turned on a grinding machine in order to match the template as accurately as possible. In this way, all fragments of the stained-glass window are processed so that they can then be laid out on the template as a mosaic (or puzzle). After that, copper foil is applied to the end of the glass, slightly exceeding the thickness of the glass. After that, the stained-glass window is laid out on the template and its fragments are soldered together, the seams of the finally soldered stained-glass window are patinated, and the stained-glass window is ready. Tiffany can also be combined with various decorative glass elements: decals, bevels, fusing elements, as well as glass painting.

The classic (profile) stained-glass window differs from tiffany in the technology of fastening the glasses together. For this, H-shaped profiles made of lead, brass, zinc are used. This technology well suited for stained-glass windows with geometric sketches mainly from straight lines, such stained-glass windows with bevels are used as kitchen facades or for interior doors.

Glass sintering - fusing. A very interesting technique that can be used both on its own and in combination with other techniques. In this technology, glass is fastened together using high-temperature processing (temperature of the order of 600-900 degrees Celsius). Transparent glass is used as a base, and then stained glass fragments cut from colored glass are laid on it. Then the product is placed in a special oven, a program is set depending on the type of glass used, as well as the degree of sintering that they want to get - light, medium, full. After a cycle that can take from 3 to 7 hours, the product cools down for a while and the stained glass is ready. The technique is allowed to create the most incredible things, but it is necessary to make a considerable number of test sintering to obtain a consistently high-quality and predictable result. Also, glass may flow in the form in the furnace, which allows you to make dishes, watches, and interior items.

Stained glass made of polymer contours and varnishes is a relatively young technology. In this case, the contour of the stained-glass window is applied to the glass or mirror by a special machine according to a template specified by the computer. After application, the contour solidifies for several hours, and then the stained-glass window fragments are manually filled with colored varnishes.

In short, that's all. In the discussion section on technologies, in the near future I will describe each technology in detail, indicate all the pros and cons,

So, you have decided on the technology, studied the theoretical material and are ready to move on to practice. This is the fourth stage. If you have a lot of money and little time, then you can sign up for training courses at professional stained glass studios. If you live in a remote area, small town this can be problematic. Otherwise, everything is real, the only question is the price. Look for stained glass workshops in your city, chat, maybe you can agree, I said maybe, because not everyone wants to let strangers in and share their work, even for money. Speaking of money. With us, for example, film technology training takes 1 full-time working day and costs 3,500 rubles. Learning the tiffany technique takes from 5 to 10 days, depending on the skills of the student, as well as the degree of deepening in technology. This may be an initial course, or it may be an in-depth one with the manufacture of 3D models (lampshades, lamps, interior items). The initial course costs 15,000 rubles, the price for an advanced course is calculated individually, we conducted such courses quite rarely. The convenience of this method is that in such courses you will be told and shown every step in the process of making a stained-glass window, as well as supplemented with comments, shared best practices, told about all the subtleties and pitfalls (believe me, there are a lot of them). Of course, you can master all this yourself. It just takes longer, and the price of your mistakes (time, damaged materials, nerves) can be comparable to the price of the courses. I am by no means advocating the need for education for money. I myself learned by trial and error and film technique and tiffany and fusing and did not consider it right and did not have the opportunity to pay for it. But that? what suits one person may not suit another. So here the choice is entirely yours. If you decide to study, I recommend paying attention to the following factors when choosing a place of study:

The fame and reputation of the stained glass workshop, the more famous the better,

The presence of a high-quality portfolio of YOUR works (works designed and made in this studio, and not photos downloaded from the Internet), if the studio has been working for a long time and has a large number of orders, it usually has a large and diverse portfolio (there may be exceptions, for example, we are over 7 years of work filmed at best 10% of their work, did not immediately understand how important it was),

A clear training program will help you understand exactly what and in what time frame you will learn,

Specify exactly who will train you, it is much better if you are assigned to a specific master who will be your curator for the entire training course, it happens when the master's student is "passed" to each other like a baton, which negatively affects the quality of training

What will you get after the training - will it be a finished stained-glass window (or several), a diploma on a letterhead indicating the training, is a set of tools and materials included in the cost of training or is it possible to purchase it later,

When and how much you need to pay for tuition. If you are asked to pay a 100% advance before arrival and start of training, this may be suspicious.

If you want to reach everything yourself, to carry out reconnaissance in force - go for it. You will succeed. Remember - you have already studied books, watched video tutorials, read articles.

Price! For many, this is the only and determining factor, especially for beginners. And it certainly is important. Choose two or three main items and compare prices from different suppliers, this will give you some understanding. For our company, I can say that we are not chasing super profits, we want to offer our partners the best prices. And we do. If for some goods our price is not the best initially, we will look for any opportunity to review our offer and reduce it for you, but this is still a surprise, you will learn about it a little later!

Range. This factor is almost more important than the first, especially if you work in different techniques. Agree, it is very convenient to work with one supplier who can satisfy all your needs and supply everything you need. Here you can buy everything that you may need in your work. Why collect from the world by thread? The presence of a very wide range of materials for tiffany, fusing, film, polymer stained glass is one of our main advantages. In addition, we listen to our customers and are ready to adapt to their needs, work on the assortment, adding new items in demand. Best of all, most of our products are in stock! Sometimes it happens that something is still missing, so we can bring the goods to order as soon as possible. However, work under the order has been happening less and less lately, our large warehouse is our pride.

Consultations on the use of goods. Beginning stained glass artists will especially appreciate this, but those who have already worked for some time will also find it useful. Since we do not only sell, but also make stained glass windows, we can evaluate our products from a practical point of view. Our managers regularly visit the production facilities, they conduct introductory seminars, practical exercises, to get the most complete picture of the goods sold. Of course, we cannot know everything, our clients often share their experience, teach us something new, this allows us to keep abreast of stained glass technologies and develop.

geographic factor. It's good when you can come and buy everything you need in your city. This is great, but!., residents of a few large cities where suppliers of stained glass materials work can boast of such an opportunity. And there are not so many of them, due to the narrow sales market and the need for large material investments in goods in stock (see item assortment). The stained glass artists of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk are the most lucky. The rest have to either go for the goods on their own (which is far from always possible, and very expensive) Or you need to order materials remotely, delivering them by transport companies. This is the choice of the majority. From this, the following factor:

Delivery. With a remote order, by and large, no matter what city the supplier is located in, the cost of delivery will differ but slightly. I recommend that you pay attention to the following - most suppliers are ready to sell you a product, but are not ready to help you organize its delivery. Their position is that we have collected everything, send a transport company to us, let them pick it up. It's wrong, it's inflexible. Often, the cost of picking up cargo around the city is more expensive than transporting cargo from city to city. We are ready to deliver any order to the warehouses of the transport companies "Baikal-service" and "Kit" in Rostov-on-Don absolutely FREE OF CHARGE. Why these particular companies? Over the 7 years of our work, they have proven themselves with better side in terms of the territorial coverage of Russia and the number of branches, terms, quality of delivery and tariffs for services. In addition, these companies provide an opportunity to insure fragile goods upon departure, so that in case of damage to the goods during transportation, you will receive the money spent back (the damage to the goods remains with you and you may be able to use it at least partially). By the way - stained glass we insure AT OUR EXPENSE.

Additional services. If for some reason you don't like transport companies"Baikal-Service" and "Kit", we are ready to make delivery to the warehouse of any carrier within Rostov-on-Don for a minimal fee. Also, to ship glass, we assemble special boxes in which the transportation of glass is as safe as possible and damage can only occur if the box with glass is dropped (alas, this happens from time to time). The cost of the glass box assembly service is minimal, compare our prices for this service with other suppliers - you will be pleasantly surprised.

Discounts. These can be either one-time discounts for large orders, or permanent discounts for loyal customers. At the moment we are working on a combined system of discounts to make cooperation with us as profitable as possible.

So, in my opinion, in terms of the combination of factors in general and for each separately, we are the best suppliers of stained glass materials. I will be very glad to hear your opinion on this matter, I am waiting for them in private messages, on email or in a special section of our group.

Great - you are on the sixth step. You have already read, watched, seen everything. You have all the necessary materials and theoretical background. It's time to start creating. The question arises, where to actually get the sketches and how you can process them. There may be several options. If you have drawing skills, then you can easily draw a simple stained glass window for a start on a piece of thick paper or cardboard in full size, this will be your template. You also need a sketch - this is a reduced model of a stained-glass window painted in the color scheme you need, which you will be guided by when choosing materials. I will tell you more about the manufacture of templates in the description of technologies, since templates for different types of stained glass are different. In more detail, I would like to dwell on the sketches. So, if you have the second option and you, like me, do not know how to draw at all, but you still want to make a stained glass window, you can resort to using a computer. Most of them work with vector editor CorelDraw or its free counterpart Inkscape. There are a lot of lessons on CorelDraw and Inkscape on the net, so I don’t consider these programs in detail. In terms of the processing of stained-glass window sketches, I can say that CorelDraw will be convenient in working with rectilinear and symmetrical objects, working with curves is of course also possible, but it is somewhat difficult to implement. The second option is to use the GlassEye program. A license for GlassEeye Professional version (in Sandart the functionality is extremely scarce) can be purchased for $295 on the developer's website In my opinion, it is not worth the money, the program is damp and needs to be improved, and the developers have not changed anything in it for many years and, apparently, are not going to. On the net you can find a program for hacking both GlassEye and CorelDraw, here the moral aspect comes into play. Everyone decides for himself whether he is ready to use pirated programs or not. The advantages of GlassEye are the ability to fill stained glass sketch fragments with the colors and textures of stained glass from different manufacturers or RegaLead films (glass does not always look realistic, the color of the poured glass often differs significantly from the real one and it is easier to choose the appropriate shade from the color palette); convenience of drawing curved lines in asymmetrical stained-glass windows; the program calculates the amount of necessary materials (for glass or film, the percentage of rejects is set); the ability to use sketches of stained-glass windows with ready-made designs of sketches on various topics; the ability to export sketches to JPEG, DWG to send it to the client or further refinement in CorelDraw. Of the minuses: it is very difficult to work with symmetrical geometric objects, there may be problems with filling stained glass fragments. For ourselves, we decided that we initially make geometric stained-glass windows in CorelDraw, we process stained-glass windows with many curved lines in GlassEye.

An important point - I can’t tell you anything about the drawing technique, the rules for constructing a composition, color science and other artistic aspects of stained glass. I myself am not an artist and never have been, this side of the issue in our studio is handled by professionals with different experience and education. I can say that in our region this specialty is taught in Novocherkassk SRSTU, we periodically have students of this university in practice. So if you are a creative person and feel talents for drawing and painting in yourself, develop them, if not, hire an artist or use the following advice.

A good way to make a sketch without any special practical skills is to draw on a computer a photo or picture that you want to embody in a stained glass window. And then break it into fragments by drawing the main lines separating the fragments of the picture with different color spots and objects .. In this way, you translate the original image into stained glass technique. It is very convenient to sketch in this way when drawing from scratch is too difficult for you. This can be done in CorelDraw and GlassEye.

Perhaps in general something and everything. Of course, many questions remained only partially disclosed, we will continue in our next articles
Topics of new articles:

Stained glass as a business, how much money is needed to open a stained glass workshop, what products can be produced, business profitability and possible markets;

A detailed description of each technology, possible nuances during operation, pitfalls,

Suggest your topics, we will try to answer to the best of our ability.

Thanks to everyone who read to the end.

Postscript. Full or partial copying of the article is welcome, only with the details of our Vkontakte group -

GlassEye 2000 program is a recognized leader among stained glass software. GlassEye 2000, developed by Dragonfly Software, is designed for designing stained glass sketches by both professional and amateur stained glass artists. glass eye 2000 allows you to see a realistic image of the future stained glass, which can be easily and quickly edited. The program allows you to design almost any stained glass window that you can imagine, using a number of tools for creating drawings, aligning them, copying symmetrically, measuring, quickly changing the format of the entire project, numbering and including descriptions of each part of the stained glass window in the template, printing a stained glass template life-size on any user-installed printer. There is also the possibility of a quick calculation of the required amount of consumables.

The program is accompanied by a training course that allows new users to master all the features of Glass Eye 2000 step by step. The standard delivery of the software includes a library of more than 2600 samples of stained glass from the most popular brands: Spectrum, Bullseye, Armstrong, Kokomo, Uroboros, Wissmach, Youghiogheny, Casimir and Gecko. To facilitate their search, all glass samples are placed according to their manufacturer, category and article. It is possible to select stained glass only from a library of sample images selected by the user, based on the availability of glass in stock. When designing, the actual size of the glass on the image of the stained glass project is automatically correlated to its actual size. If the user has a different supplier of stained glass, then it will not be difficult for him to create an additional library of new glass images.

Program glass eye, which has the 2000R extension, is supplemented with libraries of images of beveled elements and stained glass films from RegaLead (UK). The bevel library includes images of over 600 standard RegaBevels bevels and sets. Library of stained glass films - almost 250 images of RegaFilms stained glass films used to imitate stained glass using the application stained glass technology.
Program Glass Eye 2000 comes with a library of over 400 stained glass designs. The RegaLead company, in its extension to the program, offers an additional library of more than 250 designs. All stained glass designs supplied with the consent of the authors are free and free for any use and modification. The user has the opportunity to use the stained glass projects provided or create and save their own, import images in a different format to be used as a background in the design, export projects to other graphic formats. The Glass Eye 2000 program, after being installed on the user's computer, is fully functional for 30 days, during which it is necessary to enter a password in the corresponding menu of the program. The licensed version provides access to all extensions and updates of the Glass Eye 2000R Professional program on the developer's website, as well as new free stained glass designs.


Glass today is an integral part of the life of a modern person.

It is everywhere: in cafes, on the streets, in offices and apartments ... Everything

made from glass! However, only the twentieth century brought glass such

popularity; although this most interesting in its properties and

amazing material from before the New Age.Already more than 5.5 thousand

for years people have known and used glass. Naturally Produced

glass, especially volcanic glass (obsidian) was still used

in the Stone Age for processing cutting tools. archaeological

sources indicate that artificial glass was first

produced on the Syrian coast, in Mesopotamia or in ancient Egypt.

The history of manufacture, glass processing, its decoration and use in human life is extremely interesting.

Even now, all glass objects are made in ways that

invented by mankind over the centuries: blowing, casting and

pressing. The craft of glassmakers today is very much in demand in design,

its various types, classic and new (industrial,

architectural, eco - and futuristic design, art design), because the possibilities

glass (plastic, technological, textured, color) almost

limitless, which contributes to the realization of a wide variety of copyright


Currently, there are many new art

materials used for painting and processing glass, imitating

glass techniques such as stained glass, Tiffany, fusing,

"mosaic" and many others. This makes it possible to use techniques

painting and decorating glass in work with children. Art classes

processing and decoration of glass allow not only to acquaint

students with a history of processing this extraordinary material, but also

feel its beauty, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of creativity, which

contributes to the formation of an active creative personality, integrated

into modern society and aimed at improving this


Traditional hand painting on glass with stained glass paints

applied to a wide variety of glass products: souvenir

figurines, candlesticks, all kinds of dishes - vases, plates, cups and glasses.

The use of this technique gives any product a unique look.

and individuality.

Products with hand painted can be a great gift and decoration for any interior.

Educational programIt hasartistic and aesthetic orientation and is implemented in the children's association "Vitrazh".

Relevance the creation of the program is due to the lack of standard

programs in this field of arts and crafts, as well as

demand and accessibility of this direction of creative

social activities.

Pedagogical expediency program is thatshe is

promotes the development of imagination and fantasy, spatial

thinking, coloristic perception and thereby contributes to

development of the child's creative potential, his emotional responsiveness

on the the world, contributes to the formation of artistic and

aesthetic taste.

The purpose of the program is development of the creative potential of students through

mastering the techniques and techniques of artistic glass painting.



 formation and development of general labor and special skills and

skills by teaching technological methods of working with

art materials;

 familiarization with the features and possibilities of artistic

materials used for artistic glass painting;

 formation and development of existing skills and abilities to work with

various tools in compliance with the rules of technology


 familiarization with the history of stained glass and the development of artistic

glass processing technique, types and techniques of artistic

glass painting;

 training in various techniques of artistic glass processing;


 development of the child's personal potential;

 development of creative imagination, observation, visual


 development of imaginative thinking, the ability to create and implement


educational :

 fostering a culture of communication;

 education of work culture;

 upbringing respectful relationship between team members

through joint creative activity;

 formation of co-creation relations between team members

in the course of collective work;

 education of accuracy, perseverance, independence, skills

organize your workplace.

The program proposes to study the most spectacular techniques of stained glass drawing, which determines itsdistinguishing feature .

The children's association is created on a voluntary basis.

Age of children participating in the program - 10 - 16 years.

Training is conducted in a group formed according to the principle

multi-age team. In the classroom, young children are always

can count on the help of elders, so the recommended age

children by the time they start school is 10 years old. With the consent of the teacher

younger children are allowed to study if they have

relevant skills.

Program implementation period 1 year.

The period of study is 1 year.

Forms and mode of employment.

The main form of classes are group classes.

Classes are held 3 times a week for 1 hour (40 minutes). Group size up to 15 people.

The number of children in a group depends on safety standards,

the need for a sufficient number of workplaces (one worker

table for each child), the need for an individual display during

practical work, to take into account the age characteristics of children.

The content of the program in the process of its implementation

distributed over the followingoccupations :


Theoretical classes;


Control and diagnostic:

Diagnosis or testing of ZUN;

Preparation and holding of the exhibition.

Expected results.

The results of the development of the program by the child.

1. Basic theoretical generalizations:

Glass preparation technology for various types of painting;

Safety regulations for working with used


Rules and laws of composition in relation to a specific direction

decorative and applied arts;

General representations about the history of artistic glass processing and

creating stained glass windows;

A color scheme;

The general sequence of work in the technique of cold painting.

Diagnostic methods: observation, testing, quiz,


2. Generalized characteristics of skills:

Ability to prepare glass for artistic painting;

Knowledge of art materials used for cold painting

glasses, the ability to use them;

Ability to use tools properly


Ability to perform cold painting on the topics of the program;

Ability to complete work.

Diagnostic methods: observation, control task.

In addition to the listed skills and ideas, by the end

child's learningshould be developed :

Available general labor skills and abilities;

Observation, visual memory;

Creative imagination.

The child hasshould be brought up :


Responsibility for the work performed;

Ability to organize your workspace.

Form of control and summarizing the results of the program.

Performance levels mastering the program are determined by 10-

ti-point scale.

1) High level (8 - 10 points).

Theoretical preparation:

Mastering almost the entire amount of knowledge provided for

Practical training:

program topics:

 Flat surface painting (stained glass film painting,

ornament, painting mirrors, glass);


using thickeners, imitation of stained glass techniques (fusing and

marbling) painting and decorating Christmas toys, household items);

2. Participation in competitions and exhibitions of various levels.

3. Independence in the selection of colors, the implementation of technological methods.

4. Creative skills (manifestation of creativity in activities:

search and implementation by students of personal author's ideas on

processing and combination of artistic materials,

improvement of work performance technology, interesting

compositional and color schemes).

 Independent work with sources of information.

 The maximum level of adequacy of perception of information,

received from the teacher.

 Ability to independently prepare their own workplace for

activities and clean up after yourself.

 Mastering almost the entire range of compliance skills

security provided by the program for a specific period.

 The maximum level of accuracy and responsibility in work.

2) Sufficient level (4 - 7 points).

Theoretical preparation:

Mastering more than half of the total amount of knowledge provided for

program for a specific period.

Practical training:

1. Performance by students of individual work on the following

program topics:


mirrors, glass;

 Volumetric surface painting (painting with stained glass paints with

using thickeners, imitation of stained glass techniques (fusing and

marbling,) painting and decorating Christmas decorations and household items;

2. Possession of special technological methods for decorating glass.

General learning skills and abilities:

 Working with information sources with the help of a teacher or


 The average level of adequacy of perception of information,

received from the teacher.


teacher's control.

 Mastering more than half of total compliance skills

safety rules provided by the program for a specific


 Average level of accuracy and responsibility in work.

3) Low level (1 - 3 points).

Theoretical preparation:

Mastering less than half of the total amount of knowledge provided for

program for a specific period.

Practical training:

1. Performance by students of individual work on the following

program topics:

 Flat surface painting (stained glass film painting,

mirrors, execution New Year's toys, stylized landscape and

still life);

 Volumetric surface painting (painting with stained glass paints);

2. Possession of special technological techniques for decorating glass (with the help of a teacher or other students).

General learning skills and abilities:

 Work with sources of information with constant assistance and

teacher or parent supervision.

 Low level of adequacy of perception of information,

received from the teacher.

 Preparing your workplace for activities and cleaning it under

supervision and with the help of a teacher or other students.

 Mastering less than half of total compliance skills

safety rules provided by the program for a specific period.

 Low level of accuracy and responsibility in work.

The success of mastering the program is presented in the form of a diagram

at the end of the academic year.

Success is evaluated according to the following criteria:

 Mastering the necessary skills and abilities.

 Sustained interest in the proposed activity.

 Development of personal qualities (ability for self-organization,

observation, accuracy, ability to work in a team, manifestation

creativity in activity).

 Participation of children in exhibitions and competitions of different levels.

Forms of summarizing the results of the program implementation:

Final exhibition (which includes the following sections):

Individual exhibition (student submits 8 or more exhibition works);

Series of students' works (from 3 to 7 works);

Collective work.

Exhibition mode:

1 final exhibition.




Theor. watch

Practical hours


Section 1. "Introductory lesson" - 3 hours

Introductory lesson. Acquaintance with the history of stained glass and stained glass technology. Tools and materials. Viewing a presentation. Safety precautions when working with materials and tools.

Introductory testing of ZUN. Graphic tools and their application in stained glass art. Recipes for making stained glass paints.

Section 2. "Materials Science" - 6 hours

Ways of imposing paints: writing out with a brush, using a sponge, coloring with your fingers.

Basic rules for mixing stained glass colors. Lightening paint. Thinning paint. Drying rules.

Section 3. "Contour stained-glass window" - 4 hours

Contour stained glass. Contour types. Contour rules. Production of a contour stained-glass window of your choice.

Section 4. "Painting and decorating flat surfaces" - 33 hours

Rules for the manufacture of removable and non-removable stained glass. Stencil. Drawing a contour. Color fill. Frame decoration. Making a non-removable stained-glass window "Snail" (or another of your choice)

Removable stained glass. Plastic stencils and smooth surfaces. Contour rules. Color fill. Ways to remove from the base. Mounting methods for various bases. Production of removable stained-glass windows "Kitten", "Fish", "Lion cub", "Kitenok", etc.

Methods for decorating mirrors and mirror surfaces. Decoration of products by choice

Section 5. "Painting and decorating volumetric surfaces" - 31 hours

Basic rules for decorating glass non-flat surfaces. A method of attaching a stencil to glasses and vases. Rules for drawing a contour and filling with color. Production of products of your choice: glasses, vases, etc.

Basic rules for decorating ceramics.

Basic rules for decorating glass bottles: partial decor, mixed decor, dense painting. Ways to draw straight lines on bottles. Decoration of products by choice.

Intermediate testing of ZUN



Section 6. "Dot painting and marbling,

stained glass imitation" - 16 hours

Spot stained glass. The foundation. Application methods. Decoration of products by choice.

Marbling (ebru). Practical exercises.





Imitation of stained glass fusing technique.





Decoration of waste materials: computer disks, plastic boxes, etc.




Section 7. "Volumetric stained-glass window" - 12 hours


Volumetric stained glass. Basis for the contour. Methods for attaching contour threads. Removal methods. Assembly and decoration of products. Making a sakura flower.




Section 8. "Final lesson" - 3 hours


Organization of the final exhibition of students "The world of our hobbies".





ZUN testing.





Final lesson. Game "Tic-tac-toe".









Section 1.

Introductory lesson


History of stained glass. Types of stained glass windows. Historical periods of creation

stained glass windows. Materials and tools. Stained glass window techniques. Cold glass painting. Examples

works. Safety briefing. Graphic means in stained glass drawing. Methods for making stained glass paints.


Introductory testing of ZNU students.

Section 2

Materials Science


Training glass to the beginning of the painting. Reserve pastes (contours). stained glass paints water based and resin based. Ways of applying, mixing, highlighting, diluting paints. Rules for drying stained glass paints.


Preparing glass for painting.Color mixing exercises. Elements of writing out with a brush, sponge, fingers.

Section 3

Contour stained glass.


The concept of a contour. Contour types. Basic rules for working with a contour. 3-D contours. Contour methods.


Performing exercises on creating compositions with various types of contours at the choice of students.

Section 4

Painting and decorating flat surfaces.


Removable and non-removable stained glass. Types of films for removable stained glass. Stencils and their types (for the manufacture of stained glass). How to work with stencils. Repetition of the studied methods of drawing a contour. Filling rules. The use of auxiliary materials for decorating frames for products. Methods for removing and attaching a removable stained-glass window. Methods for decorating mirror surfaces. Ways to eliminate shortcomings in the manufacture of creative works.


Doing color mixing exercises. Working with different

types of colors. Implementation of individual elements of removable and non-removable stained glass. Making a non-removable stained glass window, and decorating or painting a mirror surface at the choice of students.

Chapter 5.

painting and decorating volumetric surface her.


Technology of work with paints and thickeners. Basic rules for decorating volumetric surfaces: features of a stencil for painting volumetric products, methods and rules for attaching a stencil and applying a stained glass outline. Rules for filling the product with color. Partial decor, mixed decor. Dense painting. “Refining” the product and eliminating shortcomings in the work.


Production of products of your choice: a glass, a candlestick, a vase, etc. from glass and ceramics.

An intermediate control of the ZUN of students is carried out.

Section 6

Spot painting and marbling, stained glass imitation.


Dot. Ways of drawing a dot stained-glass window. Rules for preparing the basis for a spot stained-glass window. Ebru paints. Methods of marbling products (flat and bulk). The concept of imitation. Fusion stained glass. Imitation of stained glass fusing. Imitation of ebru or marbling.


Product surface preparation. Exercises in applying spot stained glass, imitation ebru, imitation stained glass fusing. Manufacture of products in these techniques. Decoration of waste materials: computer disks, boxes, etc.

Section 7

Volumetric stained glass.


Contour thread or wire base. Ways of fastening threads. Methods for removing contour threads from a flat surface. Ways to eliminate defects from a part of the product. Rules for assembling products for bulk stained glass works.


Exercises in the manufacture and fastening of contour threads. Exercises in practicing the skill of filling contour threads with color. Training exercises in assembling the details of a three-dimensional stained-glass window. Production of a three-dimensional stained glass composition "Sakura Flower", "Bouquet" or another at the choice of students.

Section 8

Final lesson.


Development of ideas for the design of the exhibition space. Selection

necessary materials and tools for exhibition design, selection

exhibition works.


Design of the exhibition space. Work layout. Hanging. Final testing of ZUN students. Conducting a game lesson "Tic-tac-toe". Awarding the best students of the children's association.


For individual or group work in the classroom

computer is used. As an illustration for

some classes use photo and text information stored

on CDs, on the following topics:

 History of stained glass art

 Modern artistic techniquesmuralsglass,

 Master classes with a step-by-step illustrated description

technological process on the topics of the program.

The structure of classes.

The development of creativity is a long-term process that

is aimed at developing the personality of the child as a whole, therefore, creative

tasks include the whole system of cognitive actions: perception,

thinking, imagination, memory. Based on this, the main type of occupation

are practical exercises that include the following components


1. Beginning of the lesson (subject message),

2. Communication of cognitive information, setting tasks and

contemplating a plan of action to solve them,

3. Practical work (performing creative tasks),

4. Final part (summing up).

The class time is distributed as follows:

1. Introductory briefing - 10% of the lesson time.

2. Communication of cognitive information - 25% of the lesson time.

3. Practical work and current instruction - 50% of the lesson time.

4. Final part: summing up, cleaning the workplace -

15% of class time.

The necessary type of practical training used for

learning children are homework.

Control types of occupations are diagnostics of ZUN and classes on

preparation and holding of exhibitions.

In the course of working with children, the method of leveling is used.

differentiated learning: theoretical material is presented

equally, in a form accessible to children10 so 16 years.

For practical work, tasks are offered at the choice of different levels.

difficulty for different age groups. While doing

practical tasks related to the use of stabbing, cutting

instruments is carried out by TB. Almost all children master the basic

level of knowledge, in connection with this, cognitive interest increases

students, self-confidence, and self-esteem of children becomes more


In the process of independent educational and creative work, the child

performs trainingeexercisesI, Further working on

creating a complete composition.

The method is used to develop creative abilities.

creative task to develop a composition on a given topic,

definition and development of the exhibition theme and its implementation in the process

work on the composition, design of finished works and thematic


General requirements for conducting practical classes:

1. Compliance with safety regulations.

2. Use of illustrative material and visual aids.

3. The use of the didactic principle "from simple to complex".

4 . Creating an emotionally supportive environment for the child


When implementing the program, the following are used:

1 . Master classes on the topics of the program: with elements of stained glass painting, mirror decor and other.

2. didactic materials:

- instruction cards.

- Analogue material (samples of work performed, thematic

collections of literature, thematic collections of photographic materials,

demonstration material (posters, visual aids,


- Various handouts (templates, sample drawings

different levels of difficulty, stencils, task cards,


3. Visual aids:

- "Working with stained glass paints";

4. Presentations

- “Safety precautions when working with stabbing and cutting


- "Color circle";

- "History of stained glass";

- Types of stained glass windows.


organizations and



Methods and techniques for organizing the educational process

didactic material, technical equipment classes

Type and form of control, form of presentation of the result

Form of organization of children in the lesson:




Forms of conducting classes:

    Practical lesson on developing skills and abilities

    creative work




    Visiting exhibitions and concerts

    Master Class

    Combined classes





    Working with a book



    Demonstration (illustrations, videos, slides, photos)

    Show by teacher

    task execution sample

    Work on instruction cards and handouts



    Practical task

    Independent work

    An exercise


Methodological aids for the teacher:

    Methodological literature on the program

    Reference materials

    Thematic collections of products

    Lesson notes

Methodical selections for students:

    Tasks of a reproductive and creative nature

    Thematic selections (design, stained glass painting, souvenirs)



(identification of initial representations):


    Trial performance of elementary exercises



    (at the end of each lesson, or at the end of the topic):


    Independent work

    Performing work on samples

Intermediate control:

(testing based on the results of passing several topics, based on the results of half a year):

    Independent work

Problem-based learning methods:

Independent development of ideas, products



    Samples of finished products






    Didactic material

    DVDs and CDs with presentations, master classes, interesting ideas etc.)

    multimedia equipment, DVD and CD players, computer with Internet access

    Doing your own sketches

    Exhibition within the association



    Final testing

    Participation in exhibitions, competitions and conferences

Conditions for the implementation of the program.

1. Study room requirements

The study area must be at least 50 sq. m. Cabinet

should be well lit and ventilated, it is also necessary

additional lighting for each workplace. In the office, apart from

desks and chairs, there should be storage cabinets

constantly used tools and consumables, training literature and illustrative materials. It is desirable that cabinets have open or glazed compartments for permanent decoration of the current exhibition, made up of small ready-made samples products.

The office should have cabinets for drying stained glass products with

Lots of shelves and vents.

2. Equipment:

- table electric lamps - 4 - 5 pieces;

- computer and MFP (scanner, printer, copier);

3. Materials and tools

Tools for processing various materials:

- scissors,

- metal rulers

- office knives

- brushes,

Expendable materials:

- tracing paper, cardboard,

- glass, glassware, plastic blanks, CDs,

- accessories (rhinestones, glitter, foil, ribbons, decorative wire,

lead tape)

- paints (acrylic, gouache, water dispersion, watercolor,

stained glass),

- stained glass contours,

- structural and modeling pastes, varnishes,

-PVA glue,

- decoupage cards and napkins.


Literature for teachers :

1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Fundamentals of humane pedagogy. - M.: Amrita, 2012.

2. Kalinkin, S. M. Student-centered learning technologies:

[Electronic resource] / S. M. Kalinkin. - Access mode:

technology education. - 29.11.2013.

3. Kargina Z.A. A practical guide for an additional teacher

education // Library of the journal "Education of schoolchildren" - Ed.

add. Issue. 77. - M.: School Press, 2008.

4. Buylova L.N. Training session in the institution of additional

children's education". - M .: TsDYuT "Bibirevo", 2001.

5. Vorobieva N. Spot painting. - M.: Ast-Press, 2013.

6. Gere A., Freestone B. Painting on glass. - M .: Art-Rodnik, 2004.

7. Dzakaria D. Decorate with glass. - M.: Niola - Press, 2007.

8. Zatsepina M.B. Formation of the foundations of the child's culture by means

cultural and leisure activities. - M.: MGOPU them. M.A.

Sholokhova, 2005.

9. Itten I. The art of color. - M.: Publisher D. Aronov, 2004.

10. Novosyolova N.B. Training session in the institution of additional

children's education. // Methodist. - 2007. No. 8 - S. 28 - 32.

11. Pedagogy. Pedagogical theories, systems, technologies. / Ed.

S.A. Smirnova. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.

Literature recommended for students to read:

1. Decorative panels. – M.: Art-Rodnik, 2007.

2. Di Spirito M. Stained glass art and glass painting technique. -

M.: Album, 2006.

3. Sokolnikova N.M. Fundamentals of composition. – M.: Title, 1999.

4. Sokolnikova N.M. Fundamentals of painting. – M.: Title, 1999.

5. Skinner K. Decorative surfaces. – M.: Art spring, 2007.

6. Starmer A. Color. Encyclopedia. – M.: Art spring, 2007.

7. Lopez M. Decorative and painting techniques. – M.: Ast-press, 2007.

8. Lyutskevich D. Painting on glass. – M.: Eksmo, 2004.__


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