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During Patriotic War on the fronts, Christmas trees were decorated with figurines, which were made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Toys were also produced, in limited quantities, of course. Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year was mandatory; this ritual reminded of a peaceful life and gave strength to hope for an early victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs"; even Santa Claus beat the Nazis on New Year's cards ...

By the age of 30, glass toys had occupied the main niche in the production of festive products. The glassblower blew the workpiece through a glass tube heated red-hot on a gas burner. When it reached the desired size, one end was soldered. Then it was cooled, dipped in colored varnish or silver nitrite, painted by hand, rhinestones and sparkles were glued to it, and a so-called “hat” with a loop was attached to it.

In the 1980s, the production of serial toys that did not differ in original design ideas continued. Balloons of the most diverse range of colors, with silver and gold plating, with glued flowers and stars. "Cones", as if sprinkled with sugar.

Jewelers have created a New Year's toy to decorate the Christmas tree. The price of this jewelry exceeded all expectations. This Christmas tree toy is recognized as the most expensive in the world. Christmas decoration, encrusted with rubies and diamonds. The price of this item is USD.

On September 18, 2008, a unique, the only Christmas tree decoration Museum in Russia - "Klinskoye Compound" was opened! "Klinskoye Compound" is a museum of Christmas decorations in the city of Klin near Moscow. This museum is young and so far the only one in Russia. The museum is located in a nice modern tower.

The largest collection Christmas decorations belongs to the American Kim Balashak, who has been living in Moscow for more than ten years. Her collection includes a little over 2,500 Soviet Christmas decorations. It is Balashak who represents Russia in international organization collectors of Christmas decorations "Golden glow".

In a presentation for older children preschool age"History of Christmas tree decorations" collected material on the emergence and preservation of the tradition in Russia to create Christmas tree decorations and decorate green beauties with them



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The history of Christmas tree decorations The history of Christmas tree decorations

New Year's beauty

The first Christmas trees in Russia appeared a very long time ago, but they were not decorated, but they began to do it a little later, repeating the European fashion. There were no Russian-made Christmas toys at that time, they were ordered in Europe. Even then, Christmas decorations were clearly divided into decorations for the wealthy and for those who are poorer. Buying a glass toy for a resident of Russia at that time was the same as buying a car for a modern Russian. Christmas balls were heavy, since they learned how to make thin glass only by the beginning of the 20th century

What kind of toys used to decorate the Christmas tree? glass cardboard

Cotton Porcelain

The first glass toys in Russia began to be made in Klin before the First World War. There, artel craftsmen blew glass products for pharmacies and other needs. But during the war years, captured Germans taught them how to blow balls and beads. By the way, the Klin factory Yolochka, by the way, to this day remains the only factory in Russia that makes beads for Christmas trees.

In addition to glass, toys were made from cardboard. Toys glued from two halves of convex tinted cardboard and wonderful toys were obtained

There were also toys made of cotton wool wound on a wire frame: this is how the figures of children, angels, clowns, and sailors were decorated. Fake fruits made of papier-mâché and velvet were hung on the Christmas trees.

Christmas decorations reflected the history of our country. If there was a military time, then Christmas tree decorations were made by such soldiers - airplanes, various combat vehicles. Even military battles were painted on the balls

When peacetime came, the toys immediately turned into magical fakirs Fairy tale characters

In houses and Christmas trees In animals

Into the Stars In Fruits and Vegetables

And, of course, in a lot of colorful balls!

Christmas tree of your fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers

Now the Christmas tree is most often decorated with balls

And handmade toys

And Christmas trees are now unusual From balls

Christmas tree growing from the ceiling

Christmas tree all in lanterns

Christmas tree from ties Christmas tree from pencils

But the most beautiful Christmas tree, which is decorated with different toys!

Guys, love, store, appreciate and take care of toys! It's so wonderful when we are all surrounded by BEAUTY!

How Christmas decorations appeared

In the distant past, all Christmas tree decorations were edible - waffle and sugar figurines, nuts, fruits and vegetables, sweets.

How Christmas decorations appeared

Toys were also made from rags, straw and colored ribbons.

How Christmas decorations appeared

In the 18th century, colorful paper flowers, angels, appeared. They gilded nuts and cones, painted eggshells, wove chains.

How Christmas decorations appeared

At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys and paper garlands.

Cotton toys were made from twisted pressed cotton, which was wound on skeleton frames in the form of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with a starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny.

How Christmas decorations appeared

By the middle of the 20th century, the range of Christmas decorations had become very rich, although they were made from less efficient materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

How Christmas decorations appeared

In the second half of the 20th century, the first Christmas balls were made in Russia from transparent or colored glass. Silver and gold dust was used to paint Christmas decorations. Each toy is handmade.

How Christmas decorations appeared

The fantasy of glassblowers knew no bounds: they made birds, Santa Clauses, bunches of grapes, as well as all sorts of things - whatever comes to mind: jugs, pipes, in which you could even blow.

Christmas decorations changed depending on the fashion.

How Christmas decorations appeared

Produced toys with the image of technology

How Christmas decorations appeared

In the form of vegetables and fruits

How Christmas decorations appeared

As space satellites and astronauts

How Christmas decorations appeared

In the form of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

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story of christmas toys

How Christmas decorations appeared In the distant past, all Christmas tree decorations were edible - waffle and sugar figurines, nuts, fruits and vegetables, sweets.

How Christmas decorations appeared Toys were also made from rags, straw and colored ribbons.

How Christmas decorations appeared In the 18th century, colorful paper flowers, angels, appeared. They gilded nuts and cones, painted eggshells, wove chains.

How Christmas decorations appeared At the beginning of the 20th century, Christmas trees were decorated with cotton toys and paper garlands. Cotton toys were made from twisted pressed cotton, which was wound on skeleton frames in the form of animals and people. The painted blanks were covered with a starch paste with mica, which made them hard and slightly shiny.

How Christmas decorations appeared By the middle of the 20th century, the assortment of Christmas decorations became very rich, although they were made from less effective materials than today. But a lot of imagination was invested in them. A variety of birds and animals were stamped from silver-plated cardboard.

How Christmas decorations appeared In the second half of the 20th century, the first Christmas balls were made in Russia from transparent or colored glass. Silver and gold dust was used to paint Christmas decorations. Each toy is handmade.

How Christmas tree decorations appeared The glassblowers' fantasy knew no bounds: they made birds, Santa Clauses, bunches of grapes, as well as all sorts of things - whoever comes to mind: jugs, pipes, in which you could even blow. Christmas decorations changed depending on the fashion.

How Christmas decorations appeared We produced toys depicting technology

How Christmas decorations appeared in the form of vegetables and fruits

How Christmas decorations appeared In the form of space satellites and astronauts

How Christmas decorations appeared in the form of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The history of the New Year's toy

This presentation is intended for students in grades 3-4. It shows in detail the process of making Christmas tree decorations, used a lot of photos....

New Year's toy "Ball" (step by step drawing)

Step-by-step drawing of a New Year's toy "Ball". A resource for art lessons and extracurricular activities. This resource can be used for individual, group and collective work....

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

The history of the Christmas tree toy Completed by the educator MBDOU No. 32 "Fairy Tale", Kirovsk, Leningrad Region. Korsakova E.N. The history of Christmas decorations. Completed by the educator MBDOU No. 32 "Fairy Tale", Kirovsk, Leningrad Region. Korsakova Ekaterina Nikolaevna

2 slide

Description of the slide:

We bought them for the Christmas tree, We gave them to her on New Year's Eve. Bears, bunnies, crackers - New Year's ..... Riddle: “We bought them for the Christmas tree, in New Year was given to her. Bears, bunnies, crackers - New Year's ... (toys)

3 slide

Description of the slide:

What grows on the tree? Cones and needles. Multi-colored balls Do not grow on a Christmas tree. Gingerbread and flags do not grow on a Christmas tree, Nuts do not grow In golden paper. These flags and balloons Have grown today For the Russian children On New Year's holiday. S. Marshak What grows on a Christmas tree? Cones and needles. Multi-colored balls Do not grow on a Christmas tree. Gingerbread and flags do not grow on a Christmas tree, Nuts do not grow In golden paper. These flags and balloons Have grown today For the Russian children On New Year's holiday. S. Marshak

4 slide

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The custom of decorating trees appeared a very, very long time ago among our great-great-great-grandparents

5 slide

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In those distant times, all people believed in fairy tales and miracles. They believed that powerful spirits live in the branches of trees - good and evil. And in order to get along with them and get their help in various matters, people brought various gifts, which they hung on branches for these spirits. In those distant times, all people believed in fairy tales and miracles. They believed that powerful spirits live in the branches of trees - good and evil. And in order to get along with them and get their help in various matters, people brought various gifts, which they hung on branches for these spirits.

6 slide

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In 1700 The Russian Tsar Peter 1 ordered the New Year to be celebrated in Russia as well as in Europe on January 1. And decorate houses with spruce branches, only outside. In 1700 The Russian Tsar Peter 1 ordered the New Year to be celebrated in Russia as well as in Europe on January 1. And decorate houses with spruce branches, only outside.

7 slide

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At first, Christmas trees were decorated very simply: nuts, apples, even potatoes. At first, Christmas trees were decorated very simply: nuts, apples, even potatoes.

8 slide

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Time passed and people brought the Christmas tree into the house Time passed and people brought the New Year tree into the house

9 slide

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Now, in addition to traditional apples, nuts, sweets, balls appear on prickly green branches. And on the crown is an image of a star or the sun, cut out of thick paper or made of straw. Now, in addition to traditional apples, nuts, sweets, balls appear on prickly green branches. And on the crown is an image of a star or the sun, cut out of thick paper or made of straw.

10 slide

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You and I can also decorate the green branches of our New Year tree with beautiful and tasty gingerbread, fruits, marmalade garlands, nuts and sweets.

11 slide

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Christmas trees decorated with edible Christmas decorations are so beautiful and appetizing.

12 slide

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Over time, toys made from other materials began to appear. From cardboard From cotton From glass From plastic From metal Over time, toys made from other materials began to appear: from cardboard, from cotton, from glass, from plastic, from metal.

13 slide

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Appearance Christmas decorations in Russia used to be very dependent on the events that took place in our country. The appearance of Christmas decorations in Russia used to be very dependent on the events that took place in our country.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

During the Patriotic War at the front, Christmas trees were decorated with toys made from shoulder straps, bandages, and socks. Christmas decorations were also produced, in limited quantities. Decorating Christmas trees during the war was a must. The New Year tree reminded of a peaceful life and gave hope for a faster victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs", even Santa Claus beat the Nazis on New Year's cards ... During World War II at the front, Christmas trees were decorated with toys that were made from shoulder straps, bandages, socks . Christmas decorations were also produced, in limited quantities. Decorating Christmas trees during the war was a must. The New Year tree reminded of a peaceful life and gave hope for a faster victory. "Military" Christmas trees were decorated with "soldiers", "tanks", "pistols", "medical dogs", even Santa Claus beat the Nazis on New Year's cards ...

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Military toys displayed what was happening in the country. This is an air battle in which our aircraft wins, a steam locomotive that rushes with ammunition for our troops, orders and medals for the courage and heroic deeds of our soldiers. Christmas decorations were made from various improvised materials, even from unnecessary light bulbs, wrapped in newspaper or painted with paints.

16 slide

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When people began to explore the airspace, flew into space, then there were toys in the form of airplanes, rockets, parachutes, airships, astronauts

17 slide

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Then Christmas decorations began to appear in the form fairytale heroes More Christmas trees were dressed up with a brilliant rain. Then Christmas decorations began to appear in the form of fairy-tale characters. More Christmas trees dressed up with brilliant rain

18 slide

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Now we are decorating Christmas trees with a wide variety of toys Now we are decorating Christmas trees with a wide variety of toys

19 slide

Description of the slide:

Why did people in ancient times decorate tree branches in the forest? What was the name of the king who ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1 and decorate the Christmas tree? What was the tree decorated with first? What materials are Christmas decorations made of? What were Christmas decorations like during the war? What Christmas decorations appeared when a person began to master the airspace, flew into space? What kind of decorations are they decorating the New Year tree now? slide quiz. 1. Why did people dress up tree branches in the forest in ancient times? 2. What was the name of the king who ordered to celebrate the New Year on January 1 and decorate the Christmas tree? 3. What was the Christmas tree decorated with first? 4. What materials are Christmas decorations made of? 5. What were Christmas decorations like during the war? 6. What kind of Christmas decorations appeared when a person began to master the airspace, flew into space? 7. What toys are decorating the Christmas tree now?

20 slide

Description of the slide:

How is a modern Christmas tree toy made? It turns out that everyone's favorite Christmas balls are made from simple glass tubes. First, they are heated in a flame, and the glass becomes plastic, like wax. The heated glass is divided into ball blanks, heated again, and a glass ball is blown out of each blank, as if soap bubble. And then they paint it with silver paint. After that, the balls are painted in different colors. Now the fun begins!!! The New Year's ball is painted with the most patterns and drawings, sprinkled with Sequins. How is a modern Christmas tree toy made? It turns out that everyone's favorite Christmas balls are made from simple glass tubes. First, they are heated in a flame, and the glass becomes plastic, like wax. The heated glass is divided into blanks for balls, heated again, and a glass ball is blown out of each blank, like a soap bubble. And then they paint it with silver paint. After that, the balls are painted in different colors. Now the fun begins!!! The New Year's ball is painted with the most patterns and drawings, sprinkled with sparkles.


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