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To the question How to calculate the AQL ("acceptable quality level" of a batch of goods)? given by the author Olga Aks the best answer is In any batch there are always products with defects. Even if the manufacturer independently checked each unit. As a rule, in relations with the manufacturer, the buyer does not expect absolutely perfect (in terms of quality) deliveries.
However, the buyer has the right to strive to minimize the number of defective products.
In order to answer the question, what is this coefficient, consulting companies a special tool was developed, which was called AQL Tables (Acceptance Quality Limits - English quality limit).
AQL tables are a simple and powerful statistical tool that the auditor uses to determine:
1. How many product items need to be tested to get a statistically significant sample;
2. Where is the line between rejection and acceptance of a batch when it comes to products with defects. It is about calculating the maximum acceptable level of quality at which the evaluated batch of products can be accepted. The methodology is defined by the ISO 2859 standard.
For example, if the customer specifies allowable amount products with a defect in the amount of 1.5% of the total number of products, which means that the AQL is 1.5%. Based on practice, all potential defects can be divided into three groups: critical, major and minor. For most consumer products, AQL takes the following values: 0% for critical defects - for example, if the product does not meet safety requirements; 2.5% for significant defects - such a product that the end consumer is most likely not to buy; 4% for minor defects - there are slight deviations from the specification, but the end user will most likely not pay attention to them;
Limits vary by market and product type: AQL for electrical wires for aircraft will be much lower than those for electrical wires that will be used in the manufacture of phone chargers.
How to work with AQL tables AQL tables are written in ISO standard 2859 and contain already calculated indicators for different groups goods.
There are three parameters in the tables: volume, verification level and AQL. At the same time: Lot size is the number of units of one product. If you ordered the production of different products (table, chair and armchair) in a furniture factory, three separate quality control procedures must be carried out for each type of product.
The inspection level depends on... and affects the final number of units that will be inspected. AQL - calculated depending on the type of your product and market, that is, if you are positioned in the elite segment, you need to choose a lower AQL for major and minor defects.


The rapid spread of dangerous infections, in particular AIDS and viral hepatitis, determines certain requirements for medical gloves as the main means of protecting health workers and patients. The effectiveness of protection is achieved by maintaining the mechanical integrity of examination or surgical gloves during manipulations.

What are the requirements for working with gloves?

1. It is necessary to select gloves of the right size. The choice of gloves depends on the nature of the manipulation being performed.
2. Always wear clean gloves before carrying out manipulations associated with contact with mucous membranes or damaged skin.
3. Use sterile gloves for handling under aseptic conditions.
4. Manipulations with blood or other body fluids must be done with latex or nitrile gloves (gloves reduce the amount of blood inoculum that is transmitted by accidental prick with a used needle).
5. The use of an extra pair of gloves reduces the frequency of damage when working with sharp tools by 2-4 times.
6. Remove gloves very carefully to avoid contamination of the skin of the hands. Torn or leaking gloves are unsuitable for use.

In order to choose the right medical gloves, it is necessary to take into account the nature of the manipulations performed, the time the gloves were used, the presence of a history of allergic reactions, etc. medical staff, primarily surgeons, require high tactile sensitivity of the skin of the hands. At the same time, not only the thickness of the glove material is important, but also its elasticity, the ability to maintain reliable contact with the skin throughout the entire time of work; with biological fluids.

How to choose the right glove size.

When using surgical gloves, it is very important to choose the right size. To find out your glove size, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the palm without the thumb, positioning a centimeter above the bones and not pulling the palm over them. The size of the gloves corresponds to the circumference of the hand in its widest part.

Wrist girth, see glove size

For examination gloves, the international classification SML (small-medium-large) is used.

So size XS corresponds to size 5-6,

Size S - 6-7 size,

Size M - 7-8 size,

Size L - size 8-9,

Size XL - 9 and up

Rules for trying on gloves:

Gently fold back the edge of the cuff of the glove.
Put on a glove on four fingers to the middle of the palm (to the base of the thumb).
Put a glove on your thumb.
Carefully straighten the cuff of the glove on the arm to the wrist.
With light movements of the second hand, straighten the glove according to the shape of the hand. (Do not spread the glove between the fingers) Take off the gloves carefully, first pulling each finger, and then holding them at the same time (except the big one).

Gloves are available sterile and non-sterile. At the same time, it should be understood that sterile ones are better, because when they are packed in an envelope, additional quality control takes place. Potentially, the reject rate of non-sterile gloves is always higher. Non-sterile gloves are divided into packed in boxes (in box) and packed in bulk (in bulk), the latter will have a higher rejection rate.

What is ACL?
AQL (acceptable quality level) - acceptable level quality.
In the conditions of mass production, it is impossible to control the quality of each product, so the control is applied only to a small part of the products, and the quality of this part should give an idea of ​​the quality of the entire batch.
In the Russian Federation, in terms of tightness, AQL should not exceed 2.5 for diagnostic gloves, and for surgical gloves - 1.5. For comparison, according to the European standard, the coefficient should not be lower than 1.5. This means that out of a batch of, for example, 10,000 pairs, 630 units are sampled. They are then subjected to destructive tests: tension with water, inflation, microbiological control, pH measurement. If, at the end of the check, the number of defective units is 20 or less, then the entire lot is allowed for sale, with the exception of defective products. At AQL 1.0, the number of defective units must be no more than 16.
That is, the lower the AQL score (1.5 is below 2.5; 1.0 is below 1.5, etc.), the products meet higher quality standards.

As a result of many years of work, we have come to the conclusion that the gloves of most Russian importers declared with AQL 1.5 do not meet these requirements. If you keep this in mind, your euphoria about the amazing prices will be greatly overshadowed. In practice, when you buy cheap gloves, you pay for all the waste that you can’t use, and your costs for rejection, and don’t forget about compensating doctors if they remain unhappy. There is no fantasy, as a result, the same price as for high-quality gloves is obtained.

It is known that the vast majority of medical gloves are disposable. The manufacturer does not give any guarantees for gloves when they are reuse. If the seller inspires you the opposite, then most likely he is simply incorrect. In order to reuse gloves, they must be washed, dried, powdered, packed and sterilized. No one can guarantee that during these operations the destruction of the material will not occur, moreover, such processing does not even control the integrity of the gloves, not to mention microcracks. Why on earth wear gloves if you are not sure of their integrity?

Unfortunately, skin irritation and allergies from contact with latex gloves are not uncommon. If you buy cheap gloves, you will have to keep in mind that the number of technological washes of such gloves is reduced to a minimum, and the level of proteins in such gloves is quite high. For sensitive skin, this guarantees an allergic reaction.

And finally, the most important thing: when you have decided which gloves you need, do not forget to evaluate their level of quality. Unfortunately, it is often limited to the selection and testing of glove samples - this is not enough.

It would be nice if you asked international certificate(CE, TUV) - this is some kind of guarantee that the product matches the quality of the samples that you were asked to test. With such high level competition that has developed in the world, there are practically no manufacturers of gloves that do not have these certificates. It is clear that all European and American manufacturers by definition they are required to have them. By the way, there are very few of them left: the lowest cost of production of gloves made of natural latex in the countries of Southeast Asia. It produces up to 80% of the world's gloves. European and American surgeons have long been wearing Malaysian gloves. The question is not the country of origin of the gloves, but their quality.

If the answer to a question about the quality of gloves is “made in America or in Europe”, do not hesitate to ask for a CE or TUV certificate.

So, with all the variety of gloves, we can say that they are good and not very good. For questions about the purchase of gloves, the quality of which is checked and does not raise questions, write to: [email protected]

c) students educational organizations higher education, professional educational organizations, students educational organizations working on employment contract during practice in organizations;

determining the presence of an occupational disease

investigation into the circumstances and causes of

occupational disease

Judicial practice and legislation - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2000 N 967 (as amended on December 24, 2014) "On approval of the Regulations on the investigation and registration of occupational diseases"

A) an accident report at work, the form approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social development of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2002 N 73 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 5, 2002 N 3999), or an act on a case of an occupational disease, the form which was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 15, 2000 N 967 (Collected Legislation, 2000, N 52, Art. 5149), or the conclusion of the state inspector for labor protection, other officials (bodies) exercising control and supervision over the state of protection of labor and compliance with labor legislation, on the causes of damage to health, or a medical report on an occupational disease, issued in accordance with the procedure in force before the entry into force of the Federal law dated July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases", or a court decision establishing the fact of an industrial accident or occupational disease;





List of changing documents

28. Persons participating in the investigation shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the disclosure of confidential information obtained as a result of the investigation.

29. The employer, within a month after the completion of the investigation, is obliged, on the basis of an act on the case of an occupational disease, to issue an order on specific measures for the prevention of occupational diseases.

The employer informs the Center of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in writing about the implementation of the decisions of the commission.

The procedure for issuing an act

about an occupational disease

5. Name of workshop, site, production __________________

6. Profession, position ______________________________________

7. Total work experience _______________________________________________

8. Work experience in this profession ____________________________

9. Work experience in conditions of exposure to harmful substances and

unfavorable production factors ____________________

(types of actually performed work in special conditions,

not specified in the work book, are entered with a mark

"according to the worker")





10. Date of commencement of the investigation ________________________________

Commission composed of

Chairman _______________________________________________ and

(full name, position)

commission members


(full name, position)


an occupational disease case was investigated



and installed:

11. Date (time) of illness


(to be completed in case of acute occupational disease)

12. Date and time of admission to the center of the state

sanitary and epidemiological surveillance case notification

occupational disease or poisoning _________________


13. Information about

ability to work _____________________________________________

(able-bodied at his job, lost


ability to work, transferred to another job, sent

to an institution public service medical

social expertise)

14. An occupational disease was detected during a medical

examination, during treatment (underline as appropriate) __________________


15. Did the employee have a previously established

occupational disease, was sent to the center

occupational pathology (to an occupational pathologist) for

establishing an occupational disease ___________________

16. The presence of occupational diseases in this workshop,

area, production and (and) professional group ________

17. Occupational disease arose under circumstances

and conditions: __________________________________________________

(a full description of specific facts is given


non-compliance with technological regulations,


production process, violations of the transport


mode of operation of technological equipment,


instruments, working tools; regime violations


labor, emergency, failure


protective equipment, lighting; non-compliance with the rules of technology


safety, industrial sanitation;


imperfections in technology, mechanisms, equipment,


working tools; system inefficiencies


ventilation, air conditioning, protective equipment,


mechanisms, personal protective equipment;


lack of rescue measures and means,


provides information from the sanitary and hygienic


characteristics of the working conditions of the employee and other documents)

18. Cause of occupational disease or poisoning

served: long-term, short-term (during the working

shifts), a single exposure to the human body of harmful

production factors or substances ________________________



quantitative and qualitative characteristics of harmful


production factors in accordance with the requirements


hygienic criteria for assessing and classifying conditions


labor in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors


work environment, severity and tension


labor process)

19. The presence of the employee's fault (in percent) and its justification



20. Conclusion: based on the results of the investigation

found that the present disease (poisoning) is

professional and resulted from


(specify specific circumstances)

and conditions)

The cause of the disease was _______________________________

(specify the specific harmful

production factor)

21. Persons who committed violations of state sanitary

epidemiological rules and other regulations:


(Full name, indicating the provisions violated by them,

rules and other acts)

22. In order to eliminate and prevent professional

diseases or poisonings are offered:


23. Attached materials of the investigation


24. Signatures of members of the commission.


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