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(Number of employees continuing to work for the company during the billing period/number of employees at the start of the billing period)* 100

This indicator allows you to explore the company's personnel separately from newcomers. Just like the turnover indicator, it can be used in the context of demographic data, functions, communities, company divisions.

You can use the employee retention rate relative to turnover to investigate the impact on staff new program involvement, a process of association or a certain managerial decision. Also, this metric allows you to separate the annual changes in turnover from the changes in the headcount caused by the growth of the company. Explosive growth means a high churn of newcomers, which will be reflected in the churn rate, but not reflected in the retention rate.

Intermediate Methods

I call these methods intermediate. they are not based on advanced measures and remain descriptive in nature. However, moving average methods and cohort analysis introduce a time variable into the study of turnover, which makes it possible to reveal this phenomenon even more qualitatively.

moving average method

The moving average gives a fascinating new meaning to the data. it base method smoothing, which allows you to analyze a data set over time. The method is borrowed from the field of finance, where it is usually used to analyze stock performance.

The chart below shows raw daily returns (volatile and difficult to interpret), a 15-day moving average, and a 50-day moving average. On the basis of daily data, it is not possible to detect significant changes in price throughout the entire swing cycle, but when compared with the 50-day moving average, it becomes obvious that the stock price has risen. Table below (

Posted On 01/26/2018

Rice. 1. Distribution of employees by length of service at the enterprise (at the beginning of 2009)

Most of the personnel of Uralpromstroy LLC has a higher education (Fig. 2). Due to the fact that the organization is developing, there is a trend towards an increase in the need for highly qualified personnel.

Rice. 2. Distribution of workers by level of education (at the beginning of 2009)

2.3 Movement and turnover analysis

Today, when business has entered the era of a real shortage of personnel, the problem of staff turnover is not just becoming relevant - it is beginning to take on rampant proportions, despite the crisis in the country.

There is a high turnover of personnel in LLC Uralpromstroy, the foremen of the enterprise change especially often.

Let's calculate the turnover ratio for admission for 2006, 2007 and 2008 according to formula 1:

2006: 3/11=0.3

2007: 5 / 11 = 0.5

2008: 6/ 12=0.5

Using formula 2, we calculate the layoff turnover ratio for 2006, 2007 and 2008:

2006: 2/ 11=0.2

2007: 5 / 11 = 0.5

2008: 5/ 12= 0.4

Using formula 3, we calculate the coefficient of total turnover for 2006, 2007 and 2008:

2006: 3 + 2/ 11 = 0.5

2007: 5 + 5 / 11 = 0.9

2008: 6+ 5 / 12 = 0.9

In LLC "Uralpromstroy" in 2006-2008. layoffs are due own will management does not motivate employees enough to work.

Using formula 5, we calculate the flow coefficient work force:

2006: 3/11=0.3

2007: 5 /11 =0.5

2008: 5/12=0.4

Using formula 6, we calculate the personnel stability coefficient:

2006: 1 - (2/ (11 + 3) = 0.9

2007: 1 - (5 / (11 + 5)) = 0.7

2008: 1 - (5 / (12 + 6)) = 0.7

To assess the permanence of staff, we calculate the share coefficient

2006: 6 / 11 = 0.5

2007: 6/11 =0.5

2008: 6/12=0.5

The coefficients in 2006, 2007 and 2008 are the same, therefore, we can conclude that staff turnover remains at the same level. management does nothing to remedy the situation.

The above calculations are given in Table 10.

Table 10. Personnel turnover rates at Uralpromstroy LLC

Let's analyze the absolute indicators of movement (Table 11)

Table 11 Indicators of the movement of personnel of Uralpromstroy LLC

According to the table, it can be seen that the number of employees who are leaving and being hired is increasing at the enterprise, which indicates that staff turnover is constantly maintained and does not decrease.

At the enterprise, the causes of turnover were analyzed on the basis of a survey (Table 12).

Table 12 Causes of turnover in Uralpromstroy LLC

The main cause of turnover in the enterprise is dissatisfaction. salary, some employees are dissatisfied with the management of the organization.

Let us analyze the potential turnover at the enterprise also on the basis of a survey (Table 13).

Table 13 Potential turnover in Uralpromstroy LLC

The staff turnover trend in 2008 also persists, 5 out of 12 people can also change jobs under certain conditions. A little more than half of the staff work stably.

There is no internal movement of personnel at the enterprise, only external.

Let us determine the amount of economic damage caused by staff turnover.

Let us calculate the losses caused by interruptions in work in 2008 using the formula (13):

14.19 * 10 * 5 \u003d 709.5 thousand rubles.

Using formula (14), we calculate the losses due to the need for training and retraining of new employees:

3000 * 50 * 0.9 \u003d 135 thousand rubles.

Using formula (15), we calculate the costs of recruiting as a result of turnover:

2000 * 50 / 0.9 \u003d 111 thousand rubles.

The total amount of losses, economic damage caused by

staff turnover is: 709.5+ 135 + 111 = 955.5 thousand rubles.

"Normal" turnover by itself does not threaten the organization. But when the turnover rate becomes too low or too high, it carries certain risks for the company. Low turnover threatens to stagnate the business and all processes and can lead to the "death" of the organization. High turnover is dangerous by a rapid decrease in the quality of personnel, a decrease in the professionalism of employees.

Fluidity deviation from the norm is a reason to think and take action to correct the situation.

Considering the phenomenon of high turnover, it is worth saying that the methods of combating turnover are selected depending on the reasons that caused it. The reasons may be very different. Starting with problems among the company's management, when explanatory work is needed, some calming actions, and ending with a low level of wages, inconsistent with the general situation on the labor market. In the latter case, the recipe is simple - raise wages. Also, the reason for the dismissal may be the departure of the informal leader, who was the bearer of the unofficial corporate culture and had authority in the team. In this case, you need to hold the key figures.

The motivation of ordinary personnel is built to a greater extent on the satisfaction of primary needs - physiological and security. Therefore, an attractive place of work seems to be one where these needs are realized. Ordinary employees choose work on the principle of comfort - high wages compared to similar organizations, proximity to home, social guarantees, and stability. Therefore, the company parted with ease. you can always find a job with similar working conditions.

Many employers believe that if instead of an employee who left the company, a line of people who want to work line up, then you should not worry about turnover. If the situation is reversed and there is simply no one to replace the employee who left the organization, motivation and retention become priority areas. High turnover can have dire consequences for companies in a labor shortage environment. Any dissatisfaction will lead to mass exodus of employees from companies and, consequently, to huge losses.

The process of controlling turnover is directly related to the motivation of employees. Experts talk about a set of standard methods. retaining employees in the organization. Activities aimed at meeting Maslow's needs are motivating. First of all, it's a decent pay. But monetary rewards, like all rewards, must be handled very carefully. If they pay little, then employees feel deprived, if they pay too much, they quickly get used to it and stop appreciating it. Then there are decent working conditions. In the 21st century, recruiting employees and putting them in the basement, two people at one table and one computer, is simply not serious. Then an honest payment of wages, what is called "in the white." Salary in envelopes appropriately adjusts the staff in relation to the organization. A person unwittingly becomes an accomplice to fraud and initially considers this place of work as temporary. These were the lower levels of needs. The next step is employee development. At the stage of adaptation, this is mentoring, then training for advanced training.

Such elements of corporate culture as birthday greetings, social programs, corporate insignia, symbols, company attributes also motivate. If a person does not feel belonging to an organization, he is unlikely to stay in it for a long time.

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Staff turnover: an analysis of the causes and ways to reduce it. Examples

Name of the organization ANALYTICAL REPORT I APPROVE ___________ N ______ ____________________________________ _______________________________ position of the head of the organization place of compilation _____________ ______________________ On the status of staff turnover signature full name of the organization "__" _______________________ 20__

1. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the main motives and causes of staff turnover and develop measures to reduce the level of turnover.

2. Sources of information: data for determining the main indicators of the movement of personnel, the dynamics of the main indicators of the movement of personnel for the main categories of personnel, for departments, for professional groups, data from the final and post-exit interviews.

3. Composition of the sample

Analysis of the main motives and causes of staff turnover

Motive, reason for dismissal

They noted the reason for dismissal as the main one (in % of the number of those who quit due to staff turnover reasons)

Remuneration, discrepancy between remuneration and labor costs

Bad working conditions

Socio-psychological climate in the team

Broken relationship with management

Lack of career growth prospects

Absence professional development, opportunities to improve qualifications, monotony of work

Distance from home


Position signature transcript signature

Source - "Human Resources. HR records management", 2011, № 4

Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative composition of human resources

Table 5

Analysis of the staff turnover of JSC Rosselkhozbank in the village. Raevsky

4. Personnel movement indicators

According to the table, it can be seen that in the analyzed enterprise, the labor force turnover rate in 2012 decreased by 0.7% compared to 2010 and amounted to 2%. This suggests that the employees were offered good working conditions, such as: high wages, bonuses.

Table 6

The level of education of employees at the enterprise for 2010-2012

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Requirements for a modern manager
The difference between a good and an excellent organization lies in its management, which is carried out by the manager, that is, the person who directs and coordinates the activities of the performers.

Employee turnover analysis: why the best employees leave

The last ones are a must…

Modern approaches to personnel motivation management at the enterprise
The commercial success of any firm and organization in a market economy is impossible without the well-coordinated work of the staff, without the interest of each individual employee in their work, in ...

They can be divided into three groups:

1) factors that arise at the enterprise itself (the amount of wages, working conditions, the level of automation of labor, the prospect professional growth etc.);

2) personal factors (age of employees, level of their education, work experience, etc.);

3) factors external to the enterprise (the economic situation in the region, family circumstances, the emergence of new enterprises, etc.).

In turn, in each of these groups, factors can be identified that differ in the strength and nature of their influence on the mobility of workers.
The circumstances that cause staff turnover can be fully controllable (working and living conditions), partially controllable (satisfaction with the team, relationships, forms of motivation), uncontrollable (natural and climatic factors).

By purposefully influencing the first and second ones, it is possible to significantly reduce the fluidity. For this, various measures are applied: technical (improvement of equipment and technologies that improve working conditions); organizational (finding for each employee the most appropriate place for him, because, for example, with a feeling of lack of demand and congestion, turnover increases); socio-psychological (providing additional benefits and guarantees, improving the internal climate); cultural and household (improving the level of medical care).

It has been observed that pre-briefing reduces staff turnover, and the feeling of lack of demand or overload increases it. Reduces employee turnover, the employee's confidence that he can influence production processes. Employees will perform this or that work more conscientiously and with great inner desire, if they themselves are fully responsible for it, they will have the opportunity to complete it. Satisfaction brings freedom in choosing the pace and order of the task, the ability to introduce something new into the process.
To manage staff turnover processes, the collection and analysis of information about them is of great importance. It is considered expedient first of all to collect information on the total number of quitters; retired women; persons in the age categories under 18 years old, 19-30 years old, over 50 years old; about workers with low and high qualifications; with work experience less than 3 and more than 10 years; with professional, higher and secondary specialized education.

The intensity of turnover in groups of workers with different length of service at the enterprise differs significantly. After three years of work at the enterprise, there is a sharp decrease in the intensity of turnover.
The latter circumstance is connected both with the age factor and with the problems of adaptation. In addition, it is important that the incoming employee may have unreasonable expectations in relation to future work. This can be explained both by the candidate's low awareness and by the fact that the employer, in an effort to present his enterprise more profitably, can exaggerate the positive aspects and underestimate the difficulties of working in the company.


Personnel turnover management

The basis of personnel movement management is the establishment of regularities in the process of staff turnover.

Calculation of staff turnover, or how to analyze the effectiveness of personnel management

Knowledge of these patterns makes it possible to determine the most effective management actions.

The dependence of the intensity of staff turnover on socio-demographic characteristics is so significant that it cannot be neglected. Knowledge of the regularities of the influence of an employee's personal characteristics on his propensity to move makes it possible, firstly, to predict the number of layoffs and, secondly, to find ways to mitigate the negative impact of these factors. Known, for example, the experience of determining the future level of staff turnover depending on the time spent by employees in the enterprise.
A detailed study of staff turnover is carried out using special surveys in two directions:

1) to create a general portrait of those leaving (based on information about gender, age, marital status, number of children, general and vocational education, seniority, tariff category, disability, wages for the last few months);

2) to study the reasons for leaving, which may be non-use in the specialty, dissatisfaction with work, working conditions and working conditions, earnings, inability to study, poor relations with the administration and with colleagues, the birth of a child, lack of places in children's institutions, long trips. AT large organizations it is expedient to analyze data on turnover by professions, departments, positions, reasons, age groups of those who left. An in-depth analysis can be carried out once a year, and quantification departments - monthly. This allows you to clarify the reasons and timely provide for measures to secure staff.

Step by step bringing the level of turnover to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking the processes of dismissal with the processes of hiring, and assistance to laid-off workers. To address these and other issues that will be identified later, it is necessary to proceed from the specific situation at the enterprise. The methodology discussed below assumes an ordered step-by-step activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel department of the enterprise. All employee turnover management activities within the general management personnel can be presented in the form of the following successive stages:

Let's consider the content of each of the stages in more detail.

STAGE 1. Determining the level of staff turnover. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses, loss of profit by the enterprise.

STAGE 2. Determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is a very important step and at the same time one of the most time-consuming, because it requires special data. The fact is that with the start of economic reforms in the country, one of the first managerial aspects The main thing that enterprises began to neglect was the rationing of labor, originally designed to identify reserves of labor productivity. At the moment, there are only a few enterprises that keep track of the cost of working time, develop, observe and regularly review labor standards.

STAGE 3. Determining the causes of staff turnover.

A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such and no solutions are required.

In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system. The reasons for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion that separates the grounds for layoffs by law - the grounds for termination labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the relevant norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for terminating labor relations. Personnel statistics of enterprises on layoffs mainly consists of the following reasons: at their own request, in connection with a transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reason, child care, for appearing at work in a state of intoxication, to reduce the number, in connection with death, retirement, some others. The absence or appearance of precedents for layoffs for one reason or another leads to a narrowing or expansion of this list, respectively. Therefore, one of the studies may be the analysis of personnel statistics of the enterprise. An obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability - with similar data from other enterprises, the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the determination of the motivational structure of personnel departure. It is based on the real reasons that prompt the employee to decide to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question of why the employee quit.

If we detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable mode of operation”, and then analyze the data obtained, we can develop real and reasonable recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise. For example, dismissals for personal reasons can be caused by conflict in the “boss-subordinate” connection, and, therefore, shortcomings in organizational structure enterprises, make a decision to change information flows, etc. The reasons for voluntary dismissal can also be indirectly indicated by the age and sex structure of the staff: men under 27 years old - due to military service, women - to care for a child, older workers - in connection with retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study may be a survey of employees of the enterprise.

Finally, within the framework of this stage “Determining the causes of staff turnover”, it is possible to conduct a study of the position of management (not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc. will act as representatives of the administration. ). The method of research is interviews or questionnaires.

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Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute

(Kaluga branch)

Coursework in the discipline:


Staff turnover at the enterprise and ways to reduce it



The topic of my course project is "Staff turnover at the enterprise and ways to reduce it." This topic is becoming extremely relevant today in the face of a shortage of professionals in a very dynamic labor market. As recent polls show, about two-thirds of working people in Russia from time to time think about moving to other companies, although not everyone is ready to take such a step. Due to the departure of specialists and personnel instability, enterprises suffer considerable financial losses. Therefore, loyalty to one's company is becoming today the same key requirement for an employee as professionalism.

The obtained statistics show that an increased degree of staff turnover is an urgent problem for at least 71.9% of medium and large companies in Moscow and the Moscow region.
At the same time, the vast majority of companies are trying to solve the problem of turnover by using a single measure, for example, increasing the salary of "leaking" specialists, or providing them with some social benefits and compensation, without a deep analysis of the reasons for the current situation.

According to the results of the study, it was also found that 59.8% of employees of organizations consider the growth of distrust in relation to the company's management to be one of the consequences of "churn" in the company. 36.8% of company employees note that due to the growth of "turnover" the feeling of general instability of the company has increased.

19.9% ​​of respondents (among them 11.2% - managers of various levels) noted a decrease in general economic indicators the work of the unit and / or organization due to high rates of staff turnover. Only 6.9% of respondents believe that high "churn" does not negative consequences for the organization.

The authors of the study regard "churn" as a kind of "organizational plague" of most domestic companies in recent years, gradually leading to a decrease in the company's success in its market.

In this course project, we will consider the very concept of staff turnover, its negative and positive aspects, causes, measures to combat it and other aspects of this topic. The object of the practical part of this work is Metelitsa LLC, Moscow. Metelitsa LLC is a small company that has successfully established itself in the fur industry, but, nevertheless, the problem of staff turnover has always been relevant for it.

The purpose of my work is to consider, using the example of Metelitsa LLC, ways to retain professionals in the company by assessing the level of staff satisfaction, conducting an appropriate analysis, on the basis of which we will receive information for making decisions to eliminate the problem of staff turnover.

1. Staff turnover.

1.1 The concept of staff turnover.

Staff turnover- this is the movement of the labor force, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace or the dissatisfaction of the organization with a particular employee.

Fluidity can be:

Intraorganizational- associated with labor movements within the organization;

External- between organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

Distinguish between natural and excessive staff turnover. How to understand whether natural or excessive staff turnover in your company?

Staff turnover for the planned period (F) and average (F1):

F= number of layoffs in the planning period / average number of employees in the planning period.

F1= average annual number of dismissed * 100 / average annual number.

Staff turnover rate- this is the ratio of the number of dismissed employees of the enterprise who left for a given period for reasons of turnover (of their own free will, for absenteeism, for violation of safety regulations, unauthorized leaving, etc. for reasons not caused by production or national needs) to the average number for the same period.

Natural fluidity(3-5% per year) contributes to the timely renewal of the team and does not require special measures from the management and personnel service.

Excessive fluidity causes significant economic losses, and also creates organizational, personnel, technological, psychological difficulties.

Excessive staff turnover, according to Western psychological studies, has a negative impact on the morale of the remaining employees, on their work motivation and dedication to the organization. With the departure of employees, existing ties in work collective, and fluidity can acquire an avalanche-like character. In recent years, cases of “leaving by departments” have often been observed at Russian enterprises, when existing work teams, due to the same motivation and existing contacts, prefer to move to another organization entirely.

Employee turnover is one of the metrics associated with layoffs that affect the viability and success of an organization. Even if quantitatively this factor corresponds to the plans of the management, then the departure from the organization of each individual employee can be, if not fatal, then at least dangerous. Dangerous is the departure of a professional from a high position to a direct competitor. That's why large companies offer a "gold package" to high-value employees - monetary compensation for the fact that they will not work for a competitor during the agreed time. It is dangerous if the leader leaves (formal and informal in one person), and a leader with a different style of work comes in his place. In this case, the team will need time and considerable effort to work with the new boss.

However, in addition to direct threats to business, staff turnover is fraught with hidden dangers. The main one is the demotivating effect of the departure of one of the employees on the remaining employees. A layoff can have dangerous consequences for a company, especially if the process itself is approached incorrectly. In case of dismissal of an employee at the initiative of the employer, they are sometimes expressed in non-compliance with standards business ethics. If the leader breaks down, shows intolerance, takes tough measures, this can have a detrimental effect on the internal atmosphere in the company, since its staff is a direct conductor of information about it. When parting, both parties must reach mutual understanding and mutual agreement, firstly, for the sake of mutual respect, and secondly, in the name of maintaining relations. It is difficult to predict how the future professional fate of an employee who leaves the company will turn out - perhaps he will turn out to be your client or partner.

No less difficult for the internal climate can be unreasonable, in the opinion of employees, dismissal or dismissal during a protracted conflict. In the first case, rumors will be born around unclear motives, and in the second, the groups formed around the conflicting parties will polarize the team for some time. In this case, management needs to demonstrate honesty and openness, as well as a willingness to explain the reasons for certain decisions and to listen sensitively to emerging concerns.

However, it should be kept in mind that such openness is not always applicable. Explaining the reasons for dismissal to others means disclosing personal motives hidden from prying eyes. Therefore, in each such case, the leader must weigh the pros and cons of such a decision.

In the case when an employee is fired for poor quality of work, the problem of openness is most effectively solved by a transparent appraisal system. If all members of the team are involved in its development, then the principle of evaluating the results of the activities of their colleagues will be clear to them. Therefore, the dismissal of an employee, even without a public announcement of the reasons, is unlikely to be an unexpected or extraordinary event for other employees. Of course, they will not be informed by management about the results of their colleague's certification, but they will learn about them by indirect signs. If the assessment of labor efficiency is introduced in the form of determining the development zone, and not the reasons for dismissal, then employees will strive for growth, and not be afraid of mistakes. In turn, the system of criteria for evaluating and constantly monitoring the performance of an employee “pushes out” those who do not want to work with full dedication from the staff. In this case, the desire to leave will not be news for the dismissed person either - if he constantly receives feedback in his activities, he will be prepared for the proposal to change jobs.
No less serious can be the impact on the team and dismissal of one's own free will. In the case of voluntary departure, staff demotivation can be a response not only to conflict separation, but also to the reasons for this act. If leaving is associated with an obsessive job search, which in turn is caused by underlying problems in the organization, then this can have extremely unpleasant consequences. After all, those employees who remain see an example of solving accumulated problems by their colleagues. And it can be contagious - employees will frantically look for a new job. Thus, it will not be superfluous to recall that the team requires constant attention from the management. Emerging problems must be addressed immediately before they lead to irreversible consequences.

In this way,

staff turnover affects the productivity of not only those employees who intend to leave, but also those who continue to work, that is, the life of the entire organization;

Fluidity makes it difficult to create an effectively working team, negatively affects the corporate culture of the organization.

Despite the severity of this problem in many organizations, "retention programs" are still a rarity.

1.2 Regulation of staff turnover.

Staff turnover can affect a business in different ways. Depending on the field of activity of the company and the positions of constantly changing employees, this influence can be beneficial, almost imperceptible, or it can lead to a loss of competitiveness and a decline in production.

The most difficult "churn" can hit enterprises with complex technological processes, including construction and industrial. Fluidity leads to a decrease in production volumes, affects the quality of products. However, only if it exceeds the norm.

It is quite acceptable if at an enterprise with up to 300 employees, the rotation of personnel is kept within 20% of the number of employees per year. This is due to many factors. For example, an employee gains the necessary experience in a year, and it is difficult to get a promotion, since the position for which he is applying is occupied.

If this large enterprise, then the number of quitters should not exceed 10–15%. A more sluggish "churn" here is due to the fact that on large factories and construction holdings pay more attention to personnel management. They usually have personnel services that closely monitor the processes taking place in the labor collective. However, they are not immune from the mass transfer of employees to a competing company. If the number of quitters increases from quarter to quarter, this is a signal that it is time to take action.

The Japanese system of lifetime employment, the "juicer" method of getting the most out of a new hire while they're enthusiastic, and constant turnover to keep the organization clean are rare. With the fact that the policy of working with personnel should be clearly defined, managers today are unlikely to argue. Some were confirmed in this opinion, seeing the results of their work, which exceeded the wildest expectations. Others were forced to agree with this by their own bitter experience and painful reflections on the ruins of the enterprise. The choice of a strategy for working with personnel, the principles of career planning and the establishment of personnel turnover indicators depend on the market situation, the general culture in the organization and, very importantly, on the specifics of the activities of specific departments. Let's consider several cases that make the manager think and determine his position, which are presented in the form of the most frequently asked questions to HR consultants.

Should the principles of training, development and dismissal be the same for all employees of the company?

It is advisable to divide employees into three groups (in each functional division of the company):

1. The core of the best, most talented and enterprising employees who will carry out the company's strategic line, form examples, and work in the most critical areas.

2. Support and support group.

3. Group of performers.

Why is this practice considered successful? History shows that the success of all the armies of the world until the 20th century depended on a combination of heavy, medium and light cavalry. The training of heavy cavalry was expensive, and therefore it was not numerous. Light cavalry - ease of recruitment, scored today - tomorrow into battle. It's easy to fire. So among employees it is necessary to maintain a certain balance. If the strong do not keep pace everywhere, the company's offensive in the market will fail. All cracks should be closed by "light cavalry" - it is better to have at least some specialist than to leave the site uncovered. And if in-house training is for everyone, but superficial, competitors will crush the company with "heavy cavalry."

Having three groups, the company can quickly respond to changes in the external environment with the number of personnel and personnel reshuffle. In difficult times for the company or during a period of organizational restructuring, the reduction of "lightly armed" fighters is carried out almost painlessly. "Medium-armed", which are characterized by a good combination of price and quality, can be moved to another department, thereby ensuring stability. About the best fighters, the care of the authorities should be maximum. If the turnover of employees of the first group occurs as often as the third, this is a signal of danger. In most cases, costs and direct financial losses begin to increase.

Is there an optimal ratio of managers recruited from outside and leaders nurtured by the company?

The best solution in this case is a competition in which candidates for promotion and external applicants take part. It is effective to use the assessment center method within the framework of such a competition. To borrow best practices, methods and ideas, you can interview newcomers on all topics of interest, invite them to compare the positive and negative sides of the current and previous jobs. When planning the career of employees, it should be remembered that length of service and high qualification of a specialist are conditions necessary, but not sufficient for appointment to leadership position. An employee can rise above his level of competence. If specialists in their workplace are recognized and properly remunerated, there is no reason to fear a deterioration in the climate in the team due to the fact that a large percentage of middle and senior managers come from outside.

Where is the boundary that separates the regeneration of forces, the influx of fresh blood into the organization from its washing out? The negative aspects of long-term high turnover are well known - lost profits due to the slow entry into the business of newcomers, low level of organizational culture, lack of employee loyalty, as a rule, low qualifications and weak motivation. And as a result - a drop in work efficiency. Managers prioritize short-term gains in decision making, often solving their problems at the expense of the firm.

Is the high turnover of staff so terrible if those who want to work line up?

When analyzing personnel turnover, it is important to assess which employees leave and which remain in the organization, whether the trend in the quality of personnel coincides with the strategic guidelines defined by management. Without this assessment, it is impossible to understand whether the current turnover rate is a positive or negative phenomenon. If exactly those personnel that need to be eliminated leave, then the organization is on the right track. If she loses the best fighters, then the issue of turnover must be put on the agenda. Nor is the situation encouraging when shifts and rotations (large or small) do not improve the quality of work.
An important characteristic The attractiveness of the company is the level of competition for getting a job in it. As Confucius taught, "good government is when those who are near are pleased, and those who are far away come." But it is also useful to follow the careers of departed employees and ask specialists about their quotes on the labor market. For example, if an employee is in great demand, perhaps the organization has become a springboard, a forge of personnel for other enterprises. This means that there are omissions in career planning and it is necessary to do vocational training frames faster and less costly. The low demand for their employees should also alert. This may be a symptom of a company lagging behind or negative processes taking place in the industry.

Declaring the principle of part-time employment, some companies practice hiring employees for the project. Is there any benefit from such figaros?
There are agencies that specialize in recruiting employees for temporary work or a certain amount of work. Do not be afraid of low qualification - it is just very high. As a rule, people who are distinguished by non-standard thinking and a high degree task orientation. Pros for the firm: very fresh blood and no problems associated with the characteristics of the leader. When it is determined what to do, and in in general terms a plan is drawn up, the leader is not interested in getting bogged down in technical details, he strives further, generates new ideas. Such a warehouse of nature of a middle manager can lead to conflict with superiors. In the case of part-time work, permanent employees will perfectly complete the work, which, by the way, can be cheaper.

How to ensure uninterrupted work, avoid problems associated with the unexpected departure of employees? You can calculate, or you can literally calculate how many people will work. And with a certain degree of probability. Even in the process of negotiations and interviews, they study the dates of admission and dismissal in work book candidate. It is useful to process them on a computer and get the result in graphical form. The degree of loyalty of the candidate to previous employers and the trend of changing attitudes immediately become apparent. The personnel officer may ask to comment on the schedules and observe the sincerity and logic of the answers, as well as the applicant's mood, his constructiveness, intellectual abilities and manner of communication.

Each recruiting company necessarily has its own base of client companies that constantly order the same positions, despite the rather high recruitment prices. Moreover, the most common type of order is that you need to find the most hardworking employee who will agree to work for the lowest wages. The question arises: “Why does such a company pay a lot of money to a recruiting agency for recruiting an employee to whom it will subsequently pay a penny, and who, after working for a short time in a new place, will create this same staff turnover?”

It can be shown on the example of one model that the described situation has its own internal logic. This logic is very beneficial for all three parties: the company that purchases personnel, the recruiting agency, and the employee who is more likely to agree to work for little money than to be unemployed.

Within this logic, high employee turnover is a natural process, and the question of how much to pay staff gets its clear answer.

So, imagine a typical small trading company, which employs 20 sales managers. According to the salary survey, which is regularly carried out by the company "Step", the average salary of a sales manager in the labor market of Dnepropetrovsk in the second quarter of 2005 amounted to 268.3 c.u. Now imagine that there will be ten such firms, and from one firm to another, the remuneration of managers will decrease by 5% of the average market, which will lead to a proportional increase in staff turnover. Along with this, other variables will also change - the payroll per year, wage savings, the cost of finding an employee and losses from his departure in the form of lost profits. These data are presented in the table below:

Thus, the first company, paying its staff 100% of the average salary in the labor market, will have a natural 5% turnover of staff (dismissal due to relocation, retirement, maternity leave etc.), and the tenth, paying 55 percent pay, will "tolerate" 50% turnover per year. According to experts, the departure of each employee leads the company to a loss of profit, which is at least equal to its annual salary(lost profit due to loss of connections, costs of acclimatization of a new employee, etc.). Let's also assume that all these hypothetical firms will be looking for sales managers through recruiting company, whose services will cost 500 USD. for one employee.

In fact, we have not ten, but two types of companies. One will have low staff turnover and, accordingly, low losses from it, as well as minimal recruitment costs. On the other hand, there is a high turnover, large losses from the departure of employees, high recruitment costs, but at the same time considerable savings in the payroll compared to a company of the first type. What is more profitable for the business owner? As it turns out the second option.

The graph clearly shows that companies in which 35% (or more) of staff turnover per year have a positive financial result from saving wages and salaries, paying their employees 70% (or less) of the average market salary (see table). At the same time, they can easily order a recruiting agency to select personnel from the funds saved from the payroll fund. And the greatest financial result the one with the highest employee turnover reaches the top, as shown in the chart below. Since there will always be enough companies seeking to reduce the payroll, it becomes clear why recruiting is so popular.

Of course, it is necessary to understand the conventions of this model. However, this picture can be observed in everyday life.

Thus, the "turnover" has positive qualities. For example, a person who is much more professional than a retired employee can come to a vacant seat. In any case, he will have his own unique experience and new ideas. Perhaps, thanks to them, the company will open a new profitable line of business. There is a category of employees who need to be changed from time to time. For example, purchasing managers.

Firstly, long work in one place is fraught with the occurrence of "kickbacks". The company is losing money. Secondly, even being crystal honest, having established contacts, the supplier will not always look for new places where the necessary for implementation production activities enterprises can be purchased cheaper. Thus, well-established relationships will lead to overpayments. The new supplier will look for other suppliers. Those who sell goods cheaper and deliver them faster.

In general, the change of any middle manager is fraught with the failure of the department. The company will also be negatively affected by the dismissal of employees responsible for the quality of work, making calculations, drawings, planning. It is worth changing them only if there is a person in mind whose professional level above. If there are none, it is better to raise the salary of the existing ones, engage in team building and think about interest-free loans for especially valuable employees.

2. Ways to reduce staff turnover.

2.1 Causes of staff turnover.

The main and main reasons for staff leaving are as follows:

1. uncompetitive payment rates;

2. unfair pay structure;

3. unstable earnings;

4. long or inconvenient working hours;

5. poor working conditions;

6. arbitrary or unpleasant leadership;

7. problems with travel to the place of work;

8. lack of opportunities for promotion, training or advanced training, development of experience, career development;

9. work in which there is no special need;

10. inefficient procedure for selection and evaluation of candidates;

12. changing image of the organization;

13. work with personnel on the principle of "juicer" (rigid structure);

14. precedents of abrupt layoffs and abrupt recruitment of personnel in the organization (hence the instability of the company).

The causes of staff turnover must be addressed, they can be eliminated or their impact reduced:

· Uncompetitive pay rates.

Conduct or order a salary survey, compare the data obtained with the data of the enterprise. Reconsider rates where they are lower and where they are higher. Overpayment as well as underpayment is fraught with economic losses.

Conduct or commission similar research on other benefits (sick leave, vacations, benefits, etc.).

· Unfair pay structure.

Review the salary structure, preferably by assessing the complexity of the job, to identify inappropriate rates. Analyze differentiated tariffs, revise them if “rate distortions” are revealed.

If there are significant pay fluctuations as a result of a bonus or profit-sharing system, check those systems and review them.

· Unstable earnings.

Conduct an analysis of the causes of the instability of earnings. There can be many of them, ranging from an ineffective business strategy to insufficient qualifications of your staff.

· Bad working conditions.

Compare the working conditions (working hours, shift flexibility, equipment, workplace ergonomics, condition of heating, air conditioning, lighting systems) of your company with the working conditions of market competitors or companies that you look up to. Develop measures to improve working conditions: more flexible schedule work, new or rearranged furniture, adding coolers or lighting can do wonders.

Conduct or commission a satisfaction survey with your job and the working conditions of your employees. You will receive complete information about what exactly, what aspects of work your employees are dissatisfied with.

· Despotic or unpleasant leadership.

Each leader, especially the middle manager, must be carefully selected for this position, his potentials and capabilities must be assessed. They must constantly improve in management through training and advanced training. Moreover, it is more effective if such training takes place not by internal trainers, but by external specialists.

Check if your company has a clear personnel policy and what it is. It may need to be revised or improved. Engage in the development of a corporate training system.

· A job that doesn't really need to be done.

Perhaps your employees do not feel the need and necessity of their work in the mass of the entire enterprise. Try to make their work more attractive by increasing responsibility, expanding the scope of activities, or reducing unnecessary, monotonous work in this position.

Conduct or order a study of the motivation of your employees and you will know exactly what they want from your company, and what methods should be used to improve their work efficiency.

· Inefficient selection and evaluation of candidates.

For effective system selection and evaluation must have: job descriptions, regulations on structural units, clear criteria for the selection and evaluation of candidates, valid and reliable methods for evaluating candidates, qualified selection and evaluation specialists. Check the availability of these parameters, if anything is missing, urgently take adequate measures, from hiring a personnel specialist to developing and approving documents.

· Inadequate induction measures.

According to personnel statistics, the largest percentage of leaving occurs in the first three months of an employee's work, because. no one puts him in office, does not adapt to new job, to a new company culture. It is in the first three months that an employee either develops loyalty to the company, or it never appears again. Analyze how the adaptation program works at your enterprise, who does it. Especially focus on the adaptation of middle managers and rare highly qualified specialists.

· Work with personnel on the principle of "juicer" (getting the maximum from the employee, while he is full of enthusiasm, the "squeezed out" employee becomes unnecessary for the company).

"Squeezed out" staff leaves the company and spreads negative information about the company with "speed of thought", "scaring away" further candidates. Therefore: review personnel policy in this area, soften your attitude towards employees (if you can).

Such companies form hardy employees for their competitors, your company becomes a springboard for the further career of the personnel who left you. Think about whether you need to form a state for competitors.

· Company image.

Review all the items listed above and pay special attention to those that negatively affect the reputation of the organization as an employer (think about which organization you yourself would not go to work).

You should also consider strengths your organization, such as interesting job, training and development opportunities, promotion prospects, insurance, employee benefits and benefits. These facts must be compared with those offered by competitors, and a list of the most profitable items should be compiled. To some extent, candidates offer themselves, but they also buy what the organization has to offer. If the labor market is a buyers' market, an organization that offers itself to candidates must study their requirements in relation to what it has to offer. Their requirements can be expressed in six points: salary, prospects, training, interest, working conditions, reliability of the organization.

· Precedents of abrupt layoffs and abrupt recruitment of personnel in the organization.

Find the reasons for such events in your company, to what extent was it justified? Keep in mind that with this dynamic for the fifth regular recruitment after the fifth layoff, you are unlikely to recruit a qualified staff of specialists.

It is also necessary to take into account such factors that optionally contribute to the care of staff:

The age of the employee (the most risky age of transition to another job is up to 25 years);

qualification of the employee (low-skilled workers change jobs more often);

work experience at the enterprise (after three years of experience there is a sharp decrease in turnover, which is explained by the age factor and adaptation problems).

2.2 Determination of economic damage caused by staff turnover

To determine the amount of economic damage from staff turnover, it is recommended to use the following methods.

1. Losses caused by work interruptions , are defined as the product of three indicators: the average daily output per employee, the average duration of breaks in work caused by turnover, and the number of employees who left due to turnover:

Npr \u003d V * T * T

where Npr - losses caused by interruptions in work;

B - average daily output per person;

T is the average duration of the break caused by fluidity;

Th - the number of people who dropped out due to turnover.

2. Losses due to the need to train and retrain new employees, are calculated as the product of training costs, the share of turnover in the total number of dropouts, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees in reporting year compared to base:

By = Zo*Di*Ki

where Po - losses caused by the need for training and retraining of employees;

Zo - the cost of training and retraining;

Di - the proportion of excessive turnover, turnover;

Ki - the coefficient of change in the number of employees in the reporting period.

3. Losses caused by a decrease in labor productivity of workers before dismissal, i.e. the cost of lost products are determined as the product of the coefficient of decrease in labor productivity, its average daily level, the number of days before the dismissal of workers who left due to turnover:

Srv * Ksp * Chu

where Срв - average output;

Ksp - coefficient of decrease in labor productivity before dismissal;

Chu - the number of days before dismissal, when there is a drop in labor productivity.

4. Losses caused by the insufficient level of labor productivity of newly hired workers Npr, are defined as the product of the number of employees who left due to turnover, the sum of the products of the indicators of the average daily output of a worker in each month of the adaptation period, the monthly coefficients for reducing labor productivity and the number of days in the corresponding month:

Srva * Km * Wm

where Срва is the average daily output of a worker in each month of the adaptation period;

Km - monthly coefficient of decrease in labor productivity for the period of adaptation;

Chm - the number of days in the corresponding month.

5. Recruitment costs due to Sorg turnover is defined as the product of recruitment costs and the share of turnover in the total number of people who left, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

(Zn * Dt) Qizm

where Зн - the cost of recruitment;

Kism. - coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period;

Dt - the share of fluidity.

6. Waste from new hires are defined as the product of the total value of losses from marriage, the share of losses from marriage for persons who have worked for up to one year, the share of turnover in the composition of those who left, divided by the coefficient of change in the number of employees:

(Pbn * O * Dbr) Qizm

where Pbn - losses from marriage for beginners;

About - total losses from marriage;

Dbr - the share of losses from marriage among persons who have worked for less than one year;

Kizm - coefficient of change in the number of employees, equal to the ratio of the number at the end of the period to the number at the beginning of the period;

The total amount of losses, economic damage caused by staff turnover is equal to the sum of all private losses. The cost of replacing workers is estimated to be 7–12% of their annual wages; specialists 18–30%; managers 20–100%.

2.3 Bringing the level of fluidity to an acceptable value

Stepwise bringing the level of turnover to an acceptable value can be represented, in particular, through the possibility of planning upcoming layoffs, linking the processes of dismissal with the processes of hiring, assistance to laid-off workers (outplacement). To address these and other issues that will be identified later, it is necessary to proceed from the specific situation at the enterprise. The considered technique assumes an ordered step-by-step activity, the implementation of which should be entrusted directly to the personnel service of the enterprise. All activities for managing staff turnover within the framework of general personnel management can be represented as successive stages.

Let's consider the content of each of the stages in more detail.

STAGE 1. Determining the level of staff turnover. At this stage, it is necessary to answer the main question - is the level of turnover so high that it leads to unreasonable economic losses, loss of profit by the enterprise? A level of 3-5% should not be taken as some kind of indicator, since professional mobility at a particular enterprise is formed under the influence of a combination of factors - industry affiliation, production technology, labor intensity of work, the presence / absence of a seasonality factor in production cycle, leadership style, level and principles of corporate culture. Therefore, when determining the indicative level, it is necessary to analyze the dynamics of the enterprise's labor indicators over a possibly longer period of time (recent years), to identify the presence and magnitude of seasonal fluctuations in turnover.

STAGE 2. Determining the level of economic losses caused by staff turnover. This is a very important step and at the same time one of the most time-consuming, because it requires special data. The fact is that with the start of economic reforms in the country, one of the first management aspects that enterprises began to neglect was labor rationing, which was originally designed to identify labor productivity reserves. At the moment, there are only a few enterprises that keep track of the cost of working time, develop, observe and regularly review labor standards. However, the problem should be dealt with in any case, so it is necessary to at least approximately estimate the magnitude of the losses.

STAGE 3. Determining the causes of staff turnover .

A high level of staff turnover can be caused by the specifics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise or the imperfection of its management system. In the first case, there is no problem as such and no solutions are required. In the second, efforts should be made to find bottlenecks in the enterprise management system. The reasons for the dismissal of employees from the enterprise can be analyzed in two aspects. The first will be based on a formal criterion that separates the grounds for layoffs by legislative means - the grounds for termination of labor relations listed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the list of grounds will be exhaustive, since the relevant norms of the Labor Code do not provide for fundamentally different grounds for terminating labor relations. Personnel statistics of enterprises on layoffs mainly consists of the following reasons: at their own request, in connection with a transfer, temporary workers, absenteeism without good reason, child care, for appearing at work in a state of intoxication, to reduce the number, in connection with death, retirement, some others. The absence or appearance of precedents for layoffs for one reason or another leads to a narrowing or expansion of this list, respectively. Therefore, one of the studies could be analysis of personnel statistics of the enterprise. An obvious possibility of this analysis is its comparability - with similar data from other enterprises, the industry as a whole.

The second aspect is related to the determination of the motivational structure of personnel departure. It is based on the real reasons that prompt the employee to decide to leave the enterprise. In this case, the statistics of the personnel service, at best, can only partially answer the question of why the employee quit. So, one basis "of one's own free will" can be represented as:
- dissatisfaction with the level of wages,

Delays in payment of wages

Reasons of a personal nature

Difficult and dangerous working conditions,

Unacceptable mode of operation.

The form of outputting the results of the survey proposed below, as time shows, does not introduce any significant dynamics into the already existing gradation of motives for dismissal, therefore, it can be presented as typical:

Why did you change jobs?
Low salary 43%
Lack of growth prospects 24%
Broken relationship with management 11%
Inconvenient work schedule 6%
Inconvenient work location 5%
Other 11%

Rice. one An example of the simplest study of the motives for the departure of employees from the enterprise (result)

However, one remark of a methodological nature needs to be made. When developing sociological tools at a particular enterprise (questionnaires, questionnaires), the scale of responses should be more detailed. Thus, when analyzing the results obtained above, it is revealed that the share of answers for “other” reasons (11%) correlates with the sum of shares for specific reasons for leaving (“inconvenient schedule” - 6% and “uncomfortable location” - 5%). The conclusion is obvious - it may be that in the "other" just lies part of the answers to the questions posed, i.e. additional detailing of motives is required.

If we detail criteria such as “personal reasons” or “unacceptable mode of operation”, and then analyze the data obtained, we can develop real and reasonable recommendations for improving various aspects of the enterprise. For example, dismissals for personal reasons can be caused by conflict in the "boss - subordinate" connection, and, therefore, shortcomings in the organizational structure of the enterprise can be identified, a decision can be made to change information flows, etc. The reasons for voluntary dismissal can also be indirectly indicated by the age and sex structure of the staff: men under 27 years old - due to military service, women - to care for a child, older workers - in connection with retirement. Recommendations can also be made from this. Therefore, the second study could be survey of employees of the enterprise.

Finally, within this stage Determining the causes of staff turnover " possible to hold management position research(not only the head of the enterprise, but also his deputies, the head of the OTIZ, the personnel department, the personnel manager, foremen, foremen, etc. will act as representatives of the administration). The method of research is interviews or questionnaires.

Thus, it is possible to carry out three types of studies within this stage by one's own efforts, which will provide factual material for further analysis.

STAGE 4 . Determination of a system of measures aimed at normalizing the process of releasing the workforce, improving the dismissal procedure, and overcoming an excessive level of turnover.

For this, measures can be divided into three main groups:
- technical and economic (improvement of working conditions, improvement of the financial incentives, organization and management of production, etc.);

Organizational (improving the procedures for hiring and firing employees, the system of professional promotion of employees, etc.);
- socio-psychological (improvement of styles and methods of leadership, relationships in the team, systems of moral encouragement, etc.).

It is also proposed to single out as an effective measure the implementation of the principles outplacement in the work of personnel services of enterprises (i.e. assistance to laid-off workers - psychological, informational, consulting). Benefits - this is one of the few measures that do not require significant material costs (with the exception of cases when it may be necessary to conduct special psychological training with the dismissed or seek help from recruitment agencies).

So, a dismissed employee can be provided with a package of information, documents, consultations. The employee may be provided letters of recommendation; compulsory psychological consultation; training in job search methods; training to work with recruitment agencies; consultation on the procedure for applying to the labor exchange, the provision of relevant documents, informing about the deadlines; consultation and memo on how to behave at an interview; well-written resume; list of recruitment agencies; list of territorial departments of the Committee of Labor and Employment; posting a job search advertisement on the Internet for qualified employees; list of firms where staff is recruited. This will allow:

Reduce the number of claims from those dismissed, including the number of lawsuits (payments on them);

Reduce the number of compensation payments to dismissed employees;

STAGE 5 Determination of the effect of the implementation of the developed measures, improvement of the dismissal procedure, overcoming the excessive level of turnover. Finally, when developing a program to eliminate excessive turnover, it will also be necessary to conduct a comparative analysis of the costs of carrying out these activities and the losses due to excessive turnover. In this case, the management of the enterprise should do the same as with the financing of any other business idea - if the costs of solving the problem exceed the economic effect of reducing turnover, it is possible to search for other, "cheaper" options for improving work with personnel.

In conclusion, I would like to note that with the development of the segment of recruiting services in the labor market, for many enterprises, especially in major cities Russia, the solution of the identified issues can be shifted to specialized recruitment agencies. However, it is important to show the following: the proposed procedure is primarily designed for the own forces of the personnel department of any enterprise and, with proper organization of personnel management, is able to effectively solve emerging problems.

3. Practical part: the method of retaining professionals in the company.

The procedure for assessing the level of satisfaction implemented at Metelitsa LLC consists of three stages:

1) development of a questionnaire for assessing the level of satisfaction of employees with the main factors of the production situation;

2) conducting a survey;

3) analysis of the level of satisfaction of employees with work (enterprise).

First stage.

When compiling the questionnaire, a list of the most characteristic indicators and criteria for their evaluation is determined. At the same time, at each specific enterprise, along with the main indicators of the production situation (labor content, wages, etc.), specific motivation factors (various social programs, etc.) are possible.
The following qualitative characteristics served as criteria for evaluating the indicators:

 completely satisfied;

 satisfied;

 find it difficult to answer;

 not satisfied;

 Totally dissatisfied.

In addition, each respondent was asked to fill in the column "Your wishes and comments". In the course of preliminary analytical work, 18 factors of personnel motivation were identified:

Questionnaire (see table 1)

To analyze job satisfaction and the current incentive system, please fill out a questionnaire. Put any sign in the box with which statement you agree.

Table 1

Your wishes and comments:

My knowledge and skills are not in demand. Some duties are duplicated by other employees. I would like more independence, responsibility, trust from the immediate supervisor. I hope that the Health program will be continued.

Second phase.

OOO "Metelitsa" refers to small enterprises, so there was no need to calculate the optimal representative sample, all employees of the studio were involved in the survey without exception. The employees filled out the questionnaires anonymously. They were distributed among departments (masters of workshops No. 1, No. 2, No. 3) and professional groups (fashion designers, specialists and managers, salespeople).
This approach made it possible to assess not only the individual level of employee satisfaction with work in the atelier, but also to record data on the microclimate in each individual unit and group.

Third stage.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in conducting any survey is its mathematical justification. For this purpose, each qualitative criterion for assessing satisfaction was assigned a corresponding numerical value - a coefficient:

 Completely satisfied (+1.0);

 Satisfied (+0.5);

 find it difficult to answer (0.0);

 not satisfied (-0.5);

 Completely dissatisfied (-1.0).

The total indicator of satisfaction - the index of satisfaction (Iud) for each of the factors was calculated by the formula:

where n1, n2, n3, n4 - the corresponding number of respondents (within a unit or professional group), united by one of the four options responses on a scale of satisfaction. The answers of respondents who failed to assess the factor (characteristic on the scale of satisfaction "difficult to answer") were not taken into account.
Using Table 2, depending on the obtained value of the satisfaction index (Iud), it is possible to assess the degree of staff satisfaction with one or another labor motivation factor within a unit or professional group.

table 2

Interpretation of numerical values ​​(Iud)

Further, the total satisfaction indicators obtained for individual departments and professional groups of employees are entered into a summary table of the satisfaction index (see table 3).

Table 3

Summary values ​​of satisfaction indices (fragment)

According to the results listed in Table 2, it is possible to evaluate not only the average satisfaction index for a specific factor, but also the overall index of satisfaction with the production situation in a particular workshop or group of employees.

Next, the factors of the degree of satisfaction are ranked. In table 4, the factors are ranked according to the degree of satisfaction of the employees of Metelitsa LLC with each of them. This procedure allows you to group the factors of the production situation depending on the value of the average satisfaction index:

Table 4 Ranking of factors according to the degree of satisfaction

Note: Indicators with medium and low levels of satisfaction that require improvement are highlighted in gray.


So, from everything considered in this course project, we can draw the following conclusions.

Staff turnover worsens many production figures. First of all, this is lost profit due to the slow introduction of newcomers to the course of business, a decrease in labor productivity. Highly qualified specialists are diverted to train new employees. Difficulties arise with staff motivation. Staff turnover worsens the moral climate in the team, which prevents the creation of a team. Of course, such a situation is a serious signal to management about the need to understand the processes taking place in the company.

In the course of work, we found out that in addition to negative aspects, staff turnover also has positive ones. With controlled staff turnover, there are opportunities for personnel changes and career growth for the remaining best employees, which is an additional incentive for them. By analyzing the reasons for the departure of employees and making appropriate changes to the activities of the company, you can not only reduce staff turnover, but also increase the efficiency of each employee and the company as a whole.

In the practical part of this course project, in order to eliminate staff turnover at Metelitsa LLC, we applied the method of retaining professionals in the company and received information for decision-making. After that, for each factor of the production situation, regardless of the value of the obtained average level of employee job satisfaction, an analysis is carried out. Possible reasons for such a value of the satisfaction index are indicated, recommendations are given on how to maintain or increase employee satisfaction with their workplace.
For this, data on the average salary in the city, information obtained as a result of interviews, observations, etc. are additionally used.

As a result sequential analysis of all factors affecting employee satisfaction with work and the system of labor incentives, the following measures should be proposed:

· to develop a standard for intra-company awards (diplomas, badges, pennants, etc.), a training program for managers and specialists, new job descriptions indicating goals, objectives, requirements and evaluation criteria; additionally develop a Regulation on bonuses based on the quality, productivity and profit of the enterprise, as well as the "Children" program (payment for children's vouchers or travel to a place of rest, insurance of children against accidents, etc.);

· to revise prices, labor standards for "pieceworkers" and wages for "time workers"; consider the possibility of additional purchase of a PC for managers and specialists;

adjust the Health program (see Table 5) (compensation for the cost of medicines for employees, payment for a sanatorium voucher, dental care, non-smoking supplement, etc.), a package of social benefits and benefits (compensation for food, interest-free cash loans, purchase employees for themselves products of the enterprise at cost and with installment payment, a discount on the purchase of goods of the company by relatives and friends, etc.);

· draw up a plan for holding corporate holidays, congratulations, competitions for the year and approximate programs for their implementation; systematically hold planning meetings, meetings with the team, involve managers and specialists in the discussion of strategic decisions.

Table 5

Thus, speaking about the advantages of the proposed method, it can be noted that it is quite simple, universal, although it is more suitable for small companies. It can also be used to control the adaptation of new employees in the enterprise.

In general, the proposed methodology allows timely informing the management of the enterprise and the personnel department both about the general level of satisfaction of the team and about the satisfaction of employees with individual production processes, which is very important for making adequate decisions to improve the management system and reduce staff turnover.

List of used literature.

1. Personnel management: Textbook for universities / Ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina M .: Banks and exchanges, UNITI, 2001. - P. 148.

2. Hosking A. Entrepreneurship Course: A Practical Guide: TRANS. from English. – M.: Intern. relations, 1993. - 352s

3. Tidor S.N. Psychology of management: from the individual to the team. - Petrozavodsk: Periodicals, 1997. - 256 p.

4. Dorosheva M.V. Do you need such employees? - M .: CJSC Business School "Intel-Sintez", 1997. - 48s

5. Methodological approaches to managing staff turnover / Skavitin A.V., 2000.

6. Individual Strategies labor proposals: theory and practice / S.A. Barkalov, D.A. Novikov, S.S. Popov. M.: IPU RAN, 2002. - 110 p.

7. Psychology in the service of management / Shevyakov A.Yu., 2002.

8. Mordovin S. L. Personnel management: modern Russian practice. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005.

Work description

The aim of the work is to identify the problem of staff turnover in the organization and find ways to reduce it.
Achieving this goal is impossible without solving a number of tasks:
- to reveal the theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover in the organization;
- give a general production and economic characteristics of CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC;
- to identify problems of staff turnover in CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC;
- find ways to reduce staff turnover at CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC and justify their effectiveness for the organization.

1.1. The concept of staff turnover and modern approaches to her score 5
1.2. Staff turnover factors in trade organizations 10
1.3. Management of staff turnover and methods of its reduction 12

2.2. Analysis of the personnel potential of SNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 20
2.3. Diagnosis of staff turnover at CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 23
3.1. Program to reduce employee turnover in the organization 27
3.2. Resource provision of the proposed activities and their effectiveness 32

Files: 1 file

Introduction 3

1. Theoretical basis staff turnover problems in the organization 5

1.1. The concept of staff turnover and modern approaches to its assessment 5

1.2. Staff turnover factors in trade organizations 10

1.3. Management of staff turnover and methods of its reduction 12

2. Analysis of staff turnover in SNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 14

2.1. general characteristics organizations 14

2.2. Analysis of the personnel potential of SNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 20

2.3. Diagnosis of staff turnover at CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 23

3. Ways to reduce staff turnover at SNS Krasnoyarsk LLC 27

3.1. Program to reduce employee turnover in the organization 27

3.2. Resource provision of the proposed activities and their effectiveness 32

Conclusion 36

List of used literature 39



In modern conditions of economic development, the personnel of the organization is the main resource of the company. Modern managers attach particular importance to personnel policy issues, because no matter how good the business idea is, the employees of the organization bring it to life. And only a well-chosen work team, a team of like-minded people are able to realize the serious tasks facing the company.

One of the important and complex management problems is to ensure stability in the functioning of enterprises and organizations. Today, the instability of economic development is directly manifested in the growth of staff turnover in organizations of all types and forms of ownership.

Turnover depends on many factors (the specifics of the business, the geographical location of the company, the stage of development of the company, the qualifications, education and age of the employee), so each company determines its ideal level of staff turnover.

In the Russian manufacturing sector, a turnover of about 10% is considered optimal. In a rapidly growing business, especially at the stage of mass hiring, the turnover rate can be just over 20%. In the restaurant and insurance business, 30% of the annual turnover of employees is not a concern, and for some retail chains even 80% turnover is considered normal.

In large cities with a large labor market, the average rates for all industries vary from 10% to 20%. And in a small provincial town, this figure can be as low as 5% only because in this area there are much fewer opportunities to find other work.

And yet, the rate of employee turnover depends not so much on any standards, but on the personnel strategy of the company. Practice shows that the main reason for dismissal is the dissatisfaction of employees with their position.

For many companies, high employee turnover is one of the most pressing problems. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage staff turnover: identify its causes, keep statistics and take appropriate measures in time.

The object of the study is the personnel of CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC.

The subject of the study is the methods and means of reducing staff turnover in the organization.

The relevance of the research topic determined the purpose of the study.

The aim of the work is to identify the problem of staff turnover in the organization and find ways to reduce it.

Achieving this goal is impossible without solving a number of tasks:

To reveal the theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover in the organization;

Give a general production and economic characteristics of CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC;

To identify problems of staff turnover in CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC;

Find ways to reduce staff turnover at CNS Krasnoyarsk LLC and justify their effectiveness for the organization.

The research methods were the study and analysis of scientific literature on the presented problem, the study and generalization of the practice of staff turnover in trade organizations, the analysis of various parameters of the organization's activities, observation, survey, interviewing.

  1. Theoretical foundations of the problem of staff turnover in the organization

1.1. The concept of staff turnover and modern approaches to its assessment

Personnel turnover in the theory of personnel management is understood as the movement of the workforce, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace or the dissatisfaction of the organization with a particular employee.

When analyzing labor turnover, it is common to start with the concept of “personnel movement”. Under the movement of personnel of the enterprise understand the totality of all cases of admission to the enterprise of workers from outside and all cases of departure from the enterprise.

Fluidity and its impact on the activities of the organization L. Nikiforova proposes to consider in two aspects: quantitative and qualitative.

In the first case, it is necessary to distinguish between natural and increased levels of turnover: a natural level within 3-5% of the headcount and an increased one, which causes significant economic losses.

The natural level contributes to the renewal of production teams. This process takes place continuously and does not require any emergency measures on the part of personnel services and management. Some employees retire, some leave for various reasons, new employees take their place - every enterprise lives in this mode. As a result, there are opportunities for personnel changes and career growth for the remaining best employees, which is an additional incentive for them.

Another thing is when the fluidity significantly exceeds 3-5%. In this case, the costs become significant and increase with an increase in the outflow of personnel. Then the company suffers losses, which increase with an increase in the outflow of personnel.

First of all, these are lost profits and a drop in labor productivity. High turnover reduces the staffing of jobs by performers, distracts highly qualified specialists from work who are forced to help newcomers, worsens the moral and psychological climate in the team, which prevents the creation of a team, reduces the productivity of those who are going to leave.

The staff of the enterprise in terms of numerical composition, skill level is not a constant value, it changes all the time: some workers are fired, others are hired. Various indicators are used to analyze (reflect) changes in the number and composition of personnel.

O.P. Korobeinikov, D.V. Khavin and V.V. Nozdrin propose to use such as: the indicator of the average number of employees, the coefficients of admission, retirement, stability and staff turnover:

1. The indicator of the average number of employees () is determined by the formula:

where P 1, P 2, P 3 ... P 11, P 12 - the number of employees by months.

2. The recruitment rate (K p) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees hired by the enterprise for a certain period of time to the average number of personnel for the same period:

where P p - the number of employed workers, people; - average number of personnel, pers.

3. The attrition rate (K c) is determined by the ratio of the number of employees laid off for all reasons for a given period of time to the average number of employees for the same period:

K in = 100 (3)

where Р uv - the number of laid-off workers, people; - average number of personnel, pers.

4. The staff stability coefficient (K s) is recommended to be used when assessing the level of organization of production management both at the enterprise as a whole and in individual departments:

K s \u003d 1- + P n 100, K s \u003d 100 (4)

where - the number of employees who left the enterprise of their own free will and because of a violation labor discipline for the reporting period, people; - average number of employees this enterprise in the period preceding the reporting period, people: P n - the number of newly hired employees for the reporting period, people.

5. The staff turnover rate (KT) is determined by dividing the number of employees of the enterprise (workshop, section), retired or dismissed for a given period of time, by the average number for the same period:

K T = 100 (5)

where P uv - the number of retired or dismissed workers, people; - average number of personnel, pers.

Forming the personnel potential of the company, it is necessary to choose a golden mean and strive to achieve a reasonable percentage of staff turnover.

In this case, the degree of validity is determined by:

Industry specifics;

Seasonality of production;

Competitiveness of the company in the labor market;

The territorial location of the company (for example, for companies in megacities, the turnover is higher than for companies located in small towns);

Individual characteristics of the company (management style, personnel policy, attitude to hiring and firing staff on the part of management).

When determining your normal level of turnover, you need to take into account many factors, analyze staff turnover statistics, focus on similar indicators of other companies in your market sector.

V. Svistunov and M. Tyuleneva talk about the following forms and types of staff turnover:




External .

In the case when we are talking about the movement of the labor force, due to the dissatisfaction of the employee with the workplace (working conditions, the amount of compensatory remuneration, the content of the work), it is customary to speak of an active form of turnover.

The turnover that occurs as a result of the organization's dissatisfaction with the employee (non-compliance with labor discipline, unsatisfactory performance results) is usually referred to as a passive form of staff turnover in the organization. Thus, active and passive forms of turnover are distinguished by the reasons for the dismissal of the organization's personnel.

When assessing the staff turnover of an organization, it is customary to single out intra-organizational and external staff turnover.

Intraorganizational turnover is associated with labor movements of workers within the same organization.

External - characterized by the movement of personnel between various organizations, industries and sectors of the economy.

Staff turnover has both negative and constructive consequences. If we analyze the process of turnover in more detail, then it can be noted that the consequences of turnover depend both on its quantitative size and on the qualitative composition of the organization's employees who have left / laid off. The consequences of high turnover can be felt over the years in the form of demotivation of the remaining employees, their distrust of managers, and a decrease in labor productivity. Given this, it becomes clear that personnel release management is one of the most important functions of personnel management and requires coordinated action by the organization's management and the personnel management service. Naturally, the organization must take measures to bring the number of employees in line with its real needs, that is, to implement staff turnover management. To do this, it is necessary to investigate the factors that cause staff turnover.

1.2. Staff turnover factors in trade organizations

The current stage of development of the sphere of trade is determined by the growth in the number of wholesale and retail trade organizations, the increase in the share of people employed in this sector of the national economy. In the process of modern development of trade, most enterprises in this area have faced many problems, the key of which is high staff turnover. It is this reason that is an important means of diagnosing problems in the personnel policy of the organization.

Trade in recent years has received new impulses for its development, significantly expanding the scope of its activities. Instead of Soviet forms, such forms of customer service as kiosks and pavilions, wholesale and retail markets, supermarkets, distributors, etc. are becoming widespread. At the same time, the development of trade is often not associated with improving the quality of customer service, but is focused on increasing added value through marketing technologies. A serious problem is the low qualification of sales personnel, the slow transition to new standards of service.

The top three priorities of factors influencing the decision to dismiss salespeople are:

Shortcomings in material incentives, in real monetary rewards for individual achievements in the overall result

Lack of career development, opportunities for self-realization of the employee;

Table 3 - Indicators of the reasons for dismissal in PMS No. 54 for

2010 - 2012


Average headcount, pers.

Total dismissed, people, including:

voluntarily, pers.

by agreement of the parties, pers.

for violation of labor discipline, pers.

retirement, people

intratransport transfer, pers.

dismissal for other reasons, people

The dismissed people at the enterprise are growing every year, so in 2010 133 people were fired, in 2011 177 people were fired, and in 2012 190 people quit. The reasons for leaving are varied, such as:

Dismissal of one's own free will;

Dismissal for violation of labor discipline;

Dismissals by agreement of the parties;

Dismissal due to retirement;

Intratransport transfer;

Dismissal for other reasons.

So, in 2010, 42 people quit voluntarily, which is 78 people less than in 2011, this year there were 120 people dismissed voluntarily, which is 38 more people than in 2012, in 2012 there were voluntary dismissals 82 people. Dismissal for violation of labor discipline in 2010 amounted to 13 people, the same as in 2011, and in 2012 this figure dropped to 6 people.

Other reasons may include: violation of safety regulations, unauthorized leaving, etc. reasons not caused by industrial or national needs.

These indicators affect staff turnover, so we take the sum of those dismissed of their own accord (F1), dismissed for violation of labor discipline (F2) and dismissed for other reasons (F3) and divided by the average headcount (F4), multiplied by one hundred percent and thus we get staff turnover (Ftk).

So, let's calculate the staff turnover rate for 2010:

Ftk \u003d F1 + F2 + F3 / F4 * 100% \u003d 42 + 13 + 17 / 305 * 100% \u003d 23.6%

Calculation of the staff turnover rate for 2011:

Ftk \u003d 120 + 13 + 4 / 316 * 100% \u003d 43.3%

Calculation of the staff turnover rate for 2012:

Ftk \u003d 82 + 6 + 3 / 333 * 100% \u003d 27.3%

Annex 1 - Staff turnover rate for 2010 - 2012,%

In Appendix 1, we see how staff turnover changes over the analyzed period, in 2011 staff turnover is higher by 19.7% than in 2010, and also higher by 16% than in 2012. Drawing conclusions, we can say that the staff turnover at the enterprise is at a high level, which affects labor productivity.

2.3 The state of labor discipline.

In PMS-54, much attention is paid to the issues of strengthening labor, technological and performance discipline in the implementation of the main indicators of the enterprise, ensuring the safety of train traffic, and labor protection. Employees who have allowed absenteeism, who have appeared at work in a state of intoxication, are dismissed from transport.

Issues of labor discipline are constantly considered by managers at planning meetings, Safety Days, and at meetings of labor collectives of enterprises.

Table 4 - Indicators of the state of labor discipline for 2010 - 2012


Number of employees brought to disciplinary responsibility

Number of disciplinary actions

Disciplinary action taken

including for


PTE violations and marriages at work

other violations of production discipline


for absenteeism

for going out drunk

In 2012, there was a downward trend in cases of violations of labor discipline, but despite this, there are still cases of employee absenteeism from work without a good reason.

Over the past period of 2012, 6 employees allowed absenteeism, were dismissed in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for being absent from the workplace without good reason for more than 4 hours, in 2011 13 employees were dismissed for absenteeism, as well as in 2010.

To disciplinary responsibility in 2012, 58 employees were involved, including 37 employees were reprimanded, for the same period in 2011, 102 employees were held accountable, including 53 were reprimanded, for the same period in 2010, 88 employees were held accountable, of which 46 were reprimanded.

The main violators of labor discipline are young people of the late 1980s and early 1990s. birth.

A large number of violators of discipline of a young age and with little work experience is explained by the fact that young people do not have a sufficiently high skill in ethics. The transformational changes taking place during these years in society, in the education system, left a special imprint on their upbringing. The change of generations, the early market mechanism, have shown themselves. In ICP-54, we see elements of the alienation of workers from production. The employee perceives himself not as an integral part of the team, but as an individual employee. Many employees are still too far from being able to work on self-control, to perform their duties qualitatively. Managers do not pay due attention to the organization of work, lose control over subordinates. An analysis of the composition by profession shows that the most violators are among track fitters. Violators are rare among highly qualified workers and specialists.

In order to prevent cases of violation of labor and technological discipline when hiring, each hired person familiarizes himself with the Regulations on the discipline of railway workers, with the Internal Labor Regulations, and the Memo on responsibility for violations of discipline. A large role is given to youth mentors. They are appointed from the best employees of the unit.

The task of middle managers, trade union committees, is to build work in such a way that every employee knows that the right to guarantees and benefits arises only with conscientious work.

To date, the selection of personnel is carried out more qualitatively when applying for a job: a preliminary analysis of documents, information from the last place of work and an interview is carried out in order to study their moral, business and professional qualities.

2.4 Qualitative staff composition and age structure.

Table 5 - Indicators of the personnel of PMS No. 54 by the level of education for


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