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Men of all ages love to have fun and have fun. However, they cannot always afford it, because adult men may simply not have time for entertainment and fun. But there are such days in the year, men can have fun, and no one has the right to interfere with them. February 23 is one of those days. Therefore, it is not surprising that many are really interested in games and contests for February 23 for men.

Photo shoot in gas masks

For this competition, it is necessary to prepare two gas masks, without which it will not be possible to hold it. Participants are divided into two teams and take their positions at the tables with gas masks. The presenter with his assistant stands at a distance of ten meters from the participants, and prepare cameras (smartphones) with which they will take pictures of the participants.

The task of the participants is that, at the command of the leader, the first representative of each of the teams puts on a gas mask and runs up to the leader or his assistant. The host examines how well the gas mask is put on, then photographs the participant. Only after that the participant runs to his team, takes off his gas mask and gives it to the next participant. The team that manages to finish the photo shoot the fastest wins.

Overcoming obstacles blindly

The host calls two men and, in front of them, arranges two zigzag routes from empty bottles or skittles. After that, he asks the participants to remember the route and blindfolds them. As soon as the participants' eyes are blindfolded, the host's assistants silently remove the bottles. When everything is ready, the host says that the men need to overcome the route without hitting obstacles. At the same time, he must indicate that speed in this competition is not very important.

The leader gives a start, and the men begin their movement in zigzags, causing a lot of laughter in the hall. When the men have completed the obstacle course blindly, their bandages are removed and they are given a look at which route they were following.

kitchen attendant

Those men who served in the army know firsthand about kitchen duty. They don't have the most pleasant memories of those days. Therefore, on February 23, men can be “pleased” with a contest for peeling potatoes for speed. The host calls willing men and seats them at the table. After that, he places a knife and a large potato in front of them. Participants will think that they will need to remember the army years and peel the potatoes at speed. However, at the last moment, the host announces that the men don't have to peel the potatoes. Instead, they need to alternately name dishes from this fruit. The man who named the last dish that can be made from potatoes wins.

At the end of the competition for knowledge of dishes, among the men who took part in it, you can play another game as a fun bonus. This time, the men really have to peel the potatoes for speed.

Each participant of the competition can be presented with a package of chips as a prize.

Arm wrestling

Almost no man's feast is complete without a fight on his hands. So why not make a contest for men on February 23 out of this? Moreover, only a free table is needed for this competition. Depending on the number of applicants, the competition can be held in several stages, with a classic finale. Surely such a competition will appeal to men at the holiday.

Pyramid of push-ups

Another really relevant competition for men on February 23rd. However, in this competition, men compete not only with their rivals, but also with themselves. The host calls five men and the same number of women to become observers in this competition. After that, he announces to the men that they need to push up from the floor as many times as possible in three minutes. The task of the girls is to observe the correctness of men's push-ups and count their number.

The host gives a start, time is recorded, and watches the stopwatch. Men do push-ups, and girls count. After three minutes, the girls call the results of those men they followed. The leader writes down opposite each name the number of push-ups that the man was able to perform. However, the competition does not end there, because now men will have to do push-ups for two minutes. After this time, the whole process with the recording of the results repeats and the final part of the competition begins. Now men need to push out the largest number of times in one minute. The winner is the man who scored the most push-ups in the bag.

Accurate shooter

A classic competition for the celebration of February 23, which can be held in completely different ways. For example, you can hang darts and hold a competition among men in this sport.

If you do not have the opportunity to hold such a competition, you can arrange a marksmanship competition among men in which they will have to hit a certain number of times in one place or another. For example, you can hold a competition to get tennis balls into a bucket from five meters. The winner is the participant who was able to accurately throw into the bucket the most number of times.

There are a huge number of options for holding a competition for accuracy. So here you can show your imagination and surprise men.

Ah, what legs!

The host calls those who wish and explains to them the essence of the competition. He tells the men that now it will be necessary to catch food for the river. To do this, he pours out all sorts of little things, for example, tennis balls, sweets, cosmetics. To fully immerse himself in the idea of ​​the competition, the host asks the participants to roll up their pants, arguing this request by the fact that men cannot wet their pants in the river. The host says that the participant who manages to catch the most small things in one minute will win. After this time, the host reveals all the cards and announces that the competition was for the most beautiful male legs. The women, who have been watching the "harvest" all this time, announce the winner by voting.

air attack

Not only men, but also women can take part in this competition. The host asks the men to sit on chairs and put an inflated balloon on their feet. The task of the girls is to take a run to sit on the ball, which lies on the lap of a man. At the same time, the “pilots” need to withstand this blow and not fall. The couple whose balloon burst wins.

The fastest

For this competition, you need to prepare two identical toy cars and two skeins of thread. The edges of the threads are tied to the machines. At the command of the leading man, they begin to wind up the threads, pulling cars towards them. The winner is the participant whose car is the first to overcome the conditional finish.


In this competition, men can show not only their courage, but also their gallantry. The facilitator asks the men and women to split into pairs. After that, the couples become in a circle. Men get on one knee, take a woman by the hand and begin to compliment the ladies one by one, like real hussars. Compliments must be original, that is, they must not be repeated or said by other participants. If the queue reaches the man, but he cannot say anything, then his couple flies out. The man who gave the last compliment wins.

In adolescence, young men try very hard to prove themselves to the female sex. Before the quiz, explain to the guys that you can conquer any girl with the power of intellect. In honor of February 23, the questions of the quiz are selected specifically for the theme of the holiday: 1. Why are the spear and shield inseparable, but eternal enemies? (The spear is meant to attack, and the shield is meant to defend against him.) 2. According to ancient sources, Spartan women, distinguished by courage, willpower, escorting their sons to war, gave them a shield with the words: "With him or on him." What did they mean by these words? (Come back victorious or die with glory) 3. What was the name of the hero about whom folk tales tell: he boasted of strength, courage, but, having met death, he was frightened and was defeated? (Anika the warrior). 4. Name literary work, in the name of which there is a personal cold stabbing weapon officer staff. (“Dagger” by A. Rybakov). 5. What was the name of a soldier in the tsarist army who did not dream of becoming a general, but served him? (Batman). 6. A type of ancient weapon, which was used to make the “ax head”. (Ax). 7. Who is the creator of the Andreevsky flag, the drawing for it? What did its symbolism mean? (Peter I created a drawing of the flag: a blue cross on a white field. White color means faith, an oblique cross is a symbol of fidelity. Andrew the First-Called was crucified on the cross, who in Rus' was considered the apostle of the Russian land, who brought the teachings of Christ to it). 8. Who established the title of "midshipman" in Russia? What does it mean? (Peter I in 1876 for pupils of senior companies of the school of mathematical and navigational sciences. Translated from French, “midshipman” means “naval guard.” The title of “midshipman” in the Russian navy was assigned to pupils who graduated from the school of mathematical and navigational sciences, the naval academy) . 9. The victories of Russia, the development of the army and military art are associated with the names of Russian generals. Name those you know. (A. Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, P. A. Rumyantsev, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, A. A. Brusilov, A. M. Vasilevsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, R. Ya. Malinovsky, I. S. Konev, N. F. Vatutin, G. K. Zhukov). 10. Which Russian commander owns the famous phrase: “It is hard to learn, easy to fight”? (A. V. Suvorov). 11. What Russian commander did A.S. Pushkin in the poem "In front of the tomb of the saint"? This idol of the northern squads, The venerable guardian of the sovereign country. The suppressor of all her enemies, This is the rest of the flock of the glorious Catherine's eagles. (About M.I. Kutuzov). 12. Sword, broadsword, saber, checker, sword are bladed weapons. What unites them, and what distinguishes them? (All of them are edged weapons. A sword, a broadsword, a saber are chopping, stabbing with a double-edged end, a sword is stabbing, a saber is a chopping weapon with a single-edged blade that cuts on impact, but does not pierce). 13. What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy? (Shoulder strap and epaulette). 14. The word "soldier" and the name of the coin. What makes them related? (The word “soldier” owes its birth to the coin. The money that Roman soldiers received for their service was called “solidarius”. The word got to other countries and turned into “soldier”). 15. What is common between the unit of the Russian banknote "kopek" and the spear of the warrior St. George? (The unit of the Russian monetary account, minted at the behest of Elena Glinskaya, the mother of Ivan the Terrible, was called the “penny”, as it had the image of a spearman, St. George, slaying a dragon with a spear). 16. Who is called the fighter of the "invisible front", who refuted the saying "One man is not a warrior"? (Scout). 17. What does the expression: "Keep your nose to the wind" mean? (In the days of the sailing fleet, sailing on the seas depended on the weather, the direction of the wind. To go to sea, only a fair wind was needed, filling the sails and guiding the ship forward, i.e., bow to the wind). 18. What is the name of a teenager studying maritime affairs? (Cabin boy). 19. But there is no friendship between us either. Destroying all prejudices, We honor all by zeros, And by ones - ourselves. We all look at Napoleons. Tell me, to which Russian poet do these lines belong, and from what famous work are they taken? (A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin"). The one who gives more correct answers...

Competition for fans of extreme sports. Men (in this task they are "pilots") sit on chairs and put a balloon on their knees. Girls, playing the role of "bombers" or "fighters" jump on their knees to the "pilots" to burst the balloon. The pair that completes the task receives a prize. This competition may end with a broken chair, which also needs to be taken into account.

Only girls

Invite beautiful guests to enter the competition. In general, it is of a comic nature, but if the presenter is able to run fast, this will be a big plus for him. So, a small rug is spread on the floor. Several girls in skirts are chosen as participants. Their task will be to overcome the path over the rug without hitting it with their feet. Accordingly, you will have to walk with your legs wide apart. At first glance, the task is not difficult and the girls will complete it with ease. The most interesting begins when all the participants have completed the task. At this moment, the host should lie down on this very rug, and the girls should remove their blindfolds. The most blushing girl is declared the winner. This is where the leader can come in handy with the ability to quickly run from a low start.

dress model

Two or three teams are called to play. The composition of each of them: two guys and one girl. The girl will be a model, the guys will dress her. The most important condition is clothing for the model. Her guys will have to take off and then put on the girl. Who uses more elements, he won. The victory largely depends on modesty and the amount of clothes on the "fashion designers".

Decorate a man

During the mating season, many birds become much more attractive in order to attract the attention of a partner. Tell women about it and offer to decorate your man. To do this, you will need small rubber bands for hair. The essence of the competition is to tie as many ponytails on your partner's head as possible. The couple where the man will have the most "tufts" will win. You can also award a prize for the most interesting arrangement of "tufts".

Remember childhood

Men and at a respectable age often behave like children. Therefore, pour something into baby bottles and invite the contestants to drink the contents through the nipple. Of course, the one who completes the task faster wins.

Of course, Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most important holidays for each of us. That is why congratulations and contests for February 23 are thought out in advance. It is very important to spend this day cheerfully and solemnly, so that every man, youth or boy can feel the level of gratitude and respect that the citizens of the country have for people who defend their homeland. After all, a defender is a brave, noble, strong man or youth who sacrifices himself for the good of the whole people.

Therefore, at any enterprise or institution, a program of congratulations for this day is prepared in advance. Usually at the enterprise this is done by employees of the organizing committee, and in educational institutions- Head of class or group. Well, in children's preschool institutions this task is assigned to the members of the parent committee.

But that's not all. In general, congratulations can be organized in any family, friendly company or any other unit of society where male representatives are present and there are those who want to honor them on this day.

Of course, the congratulations program in each of the above cases will be slightly different. Moreover, not only congratulatory words or gifts differ, but also contests that are very often arranged on this day.

Prepare small gifts for contests. For example, chocolate shoulder straps

On a note! The task of the organizer is to think over the entire competitive program in advance, depending on the format of the event and its participants.

It should be borne in mind that he, and at the same time the program should not contain vulgar moments. Although in general it all depends on the specific team and the rules that are established in it. But the organizers should know all these nuances in advance.

So, let's start with what are the most popular for men, which are held at enterprises or firms.

After the representatives of the female half of the team, dressed in beautiful elegant dresses, with pleasant words, the host can start various competitions. The most popular of them is the contest “What a surprise?” For this, the most active people who are not afraid to be the first to start the competitive program of this corporate party are invited to the stage.

Contest "What's in the bag?" involves guessing which prize the participant will find

After the men leave their seats and go on stage, the presenter gives each of them a warm thick mitten. They put this mitten on their hand. Next, the host enters the game, he presents each man in turn with a bag with various items, among which may be:

  • lighter;
  • pen;
  • keychain;
  • toy car and much more.

Participants put their hand into the bag. Then, with a hand in a mitten, they try to feel by touch what object they are holding in their hands. If the man guesses correctly, then the thing goes to him as a gift. Here I would like to clarify that you can use not only a banal lighter or keychain, it can be any object that is easy to distinguish by touch.

School years are the most fun

As mentioned above, events dedicated to the celebration of Defender's Day are celebrated not only at enterprises and firms, but also at school, including.

For example, competitions such as "the most accurate" or "intelligence" will not only entertain the public, but also enable participants to show their sports or intellectual skills.

If we talk about the first competition, then the whole point here is that you need to determine the most accurate boy among all the participants. To do this, they are given 3 shells, these can be:

  • checkers;
  • balls made of paper
  • an inflatable ball, inside which is water or any cereal.

For a competition for accuracy, you can use the game darts

Then set the bucket, which serves as a target. As is already clear from the name of the competition, the winner is the one who turned out to be the most accurate. This game helps to identify the one who has the most keen eyes.

In high school, you can hold a competition for accuracy with a rifle

But the second competition, which is called "intelligence", allows you to identify the most attentive in the class. 6 boys and 1 girl are called. The task is that all male participants should carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember all the little things in the image of a girl, namely:

  • What is she wearing?
  • the color of her eyes;
  • what kind of shoes are you wearing, etc.

You can organize a game of scouts at school

Then the guys have to go out the door. And at this time, all guests will have to change the image of the girl, for example, they can change her blouse or remove the bracelet, and you can also draw a fake mole on her face. In extreme cases, you can even wear lenses. After that, the guys go back into the room and begin to re-examine the girl. The one who notices the most changes will win this contest.

On a note! Usually, all children's competitions on February 23 are aimed at ensuring that participants can show their sports capabilities and other skills.

What competitions can be held in a large area?

Very often in various educational institutions various concerts and competitive programs. Children from the same parallel or from the same stream are gathered for such events. By the way, similar parties are also held in hostels, where young people organize various competitions. For this purpose, it is better to choose rooms where there is enough free space. Let's say it could be Assembly Hall or a spacious corridor in the hostel.

For this format of celebration, the competition "Obstacle Course" is suitable. All the guys present should be divided into 2 teams, each of which should have an equal number of participants. At the end of the room, 2 chairs are installed, but the path to these chairs is blocked by various obstacles. It could be:

  • ladies handbag;
  • plastic or glass bottles;
  • dishes;
  • shoes and other items that are at hand.

Also, each team is given an equal number of the same items. For example, Team A gets a toy gun and Team B gets a toy grenade. The number of these items is equal to the number of participants in each team. Then, at the whistle of the leader, the first members of the team start running, their task is that they must bring their object to the designated place and not touch any of those things that lie in the way.

The team that completes the obstacle course with the fewest hits of all objects on the floor wins. By the way, all this action can take place with cheerful music. Then the competition will take place even more fun.

You can combine a competition with an obstacle course and accuracy

Funny and funny contests

Of particular interest will be funny contests for guys on February 23. Moreover, all of them can be conducted both for schoolchildren and for an older audience. For example, it could be a competition called "". It will require 3 men and 3 women. They pair up with each other and take turns dancing to rhythmic music. And they do it while standing with their backs to each other. As a result, those present, with the help of applause, must choose the couple that dances better than the rest.

Another at the same time fun and educational competition is called "Whose shoulder straps are these?". It involves one representative of the male part of the team. His task is that he must guess which shoulder straps and to whom they belong. True, you will have to prepare for this competition in advance. It should be printed on A4 sheet of shoulder straps of a major, sergeant, colonel and other ranks. If the participant calls everything correctly, then until the end of the evening he will wear the epaulettes of the general. Well, or you can mark his ingenuity in any other way.

By the way, this version of an exciting quiz is also suitable when you need to decide what competitions to hold on February 23 for sailors. Although for this category of men, you can come up with various thematic competitions, ranging from tug of war to music competitions.

Fun with interests

Very often, many men want to celebrate this holiday with those who are close to them in spirit. For example, fishermen go fishing together, but hunters go hunting. Well, the athletes go to the gym. And here you should also think about what competitions in gym by February 23 will be most appropriate.

For example, the "lucky lottery" quiz might be very appropriate. To do this, you need to install a lottery machine in the lobby of the club or at the reception desk, and everyone can pull out one ticket. Some of them will be winning. In the form of a prize, club visitors can be offered discounts on different kinds training sessions or even a gift ticket for a number of visits.

If we talk about sports competitions in general, then there may be other options for competitions. Let's say the ball game. Of course, it is relevant only if all the participants are not familiar with each other. The essence of the game is that the participants are given a ball and everyone who picks it up must say their name. In this case, the next one calls the name of the previous participant and his own together. And so on until the very last person. Such a competition will help everyone get to know each other and make the first contact.

Another game, which also, albeit indirectly, but still refers to a sports theme, is called "boxer in a hurry to work." Several people can participate in it, each of which is given boxing gloves, shorts and socks. Everyone puts on gloves at the same time and, at the signal of the leader, tries to put on shorts and socks. The one who completes this task first wins. This competition is considered more hasty than sporting. Although it can also be attributed to sports topics.

In general, it all depends on what exactly the bulk of the men present are fond of. Based on their hobbies, you can think over the conditions of the competition.

A fun and active contest - putting on military clothes for speed

How to spend time in a friendly company?

Of course, Defender's Day can be celebrated not only in a team, but also in a cheerful and friendly company of good friends. For this format of the holiday, you can choose a number of competitions that are suitable specifically for an adult audience.

Let's say for big company you can choose a competition that has the thematic name "foremen". To do this, at the end of the room on the table you need to install 2 bottles of alcohol and faceted glasses. Then both teams line up in 2 lines, and the participants begin to take turns running up to the table, which team will drink all the alcohol first, that one will win. All this action can be accompanied by cheerful music. True, we do not forget that this competition is suitable for a large company. It is clear that if 6-10 people participate, then it is better not to hold such entertainment.

Drinking alcohol at speed for adults will help liberate teams

But if we are talking about which children's competitions on February 23 are best done at home, then everything depends on the age of the child and the number of those present. The most banal can be considered a contest of poems or songs. Then the children can be offered musical competitions. Well, or the competition "bandage the wounded." 4 people are participating here, preferably 2 girls and 2 boys. The girl acts as a nurse, and the boy is injured. And now, which nurse will be the first to properly bandage the wounded, that team won.

Log between legs

Two teams of 4-7 guys are formed.
The guys clamp a pre-prepared thin log or pole between their knees. You cannot hold the log with your hands!
On command, they run to the opposite wall of the hall, turn around and return to the start.
Who will come first?
(In the author’s practice, the guys ran around with a log two floors of the Palace of Culture, going down and up the stairs. But this is dangerous - it’s easy to fall and hurt yourself.)

Shoulder straps

Two teams.
DJ-animator puts shoulder straps on the shoulders of the first.
The task is to run the distance without dropping shoulder straps and put them on the shoulders of the next relay participant.
You can not hold shoulder straps with your hands.
If the shoulder strap fell (at any stage, even the reverse), the player returns to the start, the shoulder straps are put on his shoulders again, and he again runs his distance.

King's Musketeers

Two chess pieces are placed on the edge of the table.
In the hands of two players - swords or rapiers (you can - fake ones).
The task is to make a lunge (step forward) at the signal of the animator and hit the figure with an injection.

Perimeter running

A bit like rugby.
A group of guys (at least the whole class) runs around the perimeter of the hall.
In the corners girls are waiting for them: they catch guys. (You can't pull too hard.)
Who has overcome the next cordon - runs further.
The last one not caught wins.

The girls run and the boys catch.

iron face

Task for two participants: in 60 sec. fasten as many clothespins on your face as possible.

The most agile

The animator invites the guys to participate.
Everyone gets a bunch of rubber bands of a certain color.
Task: during the time the song is playing, each of the participants "rings" as many girls as possible, putting on an elastic band around their ankles.

Chunky Lipslap

We need a supply of sucking candies like "Barberry".
Two compete.
They take turns putting candy in their mouths and, looking at the opponent, say loudly and clearly into the microphone:
- "Puffy-cheeked lip-slapper".
You can't swallow sweets.
The winner is the one who puts more sweets in his mouth and at the same time clearly pronounces the treasured phrase.


Two teams. Each receives a handful of coins.
At a distance of 4-5 meters from the "airfield"-start, the animator sets two "goals" - a jar or a hat.
Players "fly" towards their "goals" holding coins between their knees.
Then they "bomb" them - they try to get into the jar with coins.
The team with the fewest coins scattered across the floor wins.

Broom on the forehead

Who is the longest, balancing, hold the broom on his forehead?

Pick up a chair

Exercises strong people with chair:

  1. Take the chair by the bottom of the back leg with one hand. Raise it so that the seat remains in a horizontal position.
  2. The same, holding the chair by the front leg (this is harder).
  3. Take the chair with both hands on the top of the back. Raise it above you on outstretched arms and lower it down (without putting it on the floor). Who will do this exercise more times?

magnet man

The animator gives the participants of the game cards with letters.
Participants must attach cards to body parts whose names begin with the indicated letter and hold them.
The winner is the one who manages to place on himself - and not to drop! - more cards.

William Tell

The men are playing.
From their belts hangs an apple on a string.
In front of each on the floor is a plank with a nail.
The task is to prick an apple on a nail as quickly as possible (“hit the apple with an arrow”).

Come on the side! Jump higher!

Two guys are playing. Task: be the first to read what is written on the back of the opponent and not let him read the inscription on his back.
You can jump and dodge, but you can't use your hands.
On the back of one assistants attach the inscription COME IN SIDE!
The inscription JUMP HIGHER is attached to the back of another!
The audience encourages the players with exclamations: “Come in from the side!” “Jump higher!”, but they do not realize that these are the inscriptions.
In the author's practice for all the years, the audience has never "split", has not prompted the players to answer!

Press in a fist

Who will be the first to crumple the newspaper with one hand and gather it all into a fist? Starting position: playing with two fingers, holds a newspaper sheet by the tip.

Bend curly

Animator, referring to the guys:
- Who can bend a nail with his hands? Not just bend, but bend curly? The author of the most interesting nail figure will receive a prize. Bending with bare hands only!
Nails should not be too thick. :-)


- Who will sit down and straighten up on one leg, holding a full mug of water in his hand, stretching his other leg forward and not touching the floor with it, not leaning on anything with his free hand? Do not spill water!
It's not that easy. Prize must be good.


Who will be the fastest to pour a sprite from a jar into a glass?
The glass is on the floor, and the player is holding the jar, ... clutching it with his knees.
Don't help with your hands.
Any number of players.


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