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The festive event dedicated to February 23 must necessarily include an original program with competitions. In cool competitions, men and boys will be able to show their resourcefulness, ingenuity or strength. Choose funny and interesting contests on February 23, it is necessary based on the characteristics of communication in the team and the age of the participants. For example, boys and students from a school in the same class can be offered fun competitions. But to the dads who visited extracurricular activity in kindergarten, it is better to choose simple contests. At a corporate party in the office, you should have plenty of fun, taking a break from the usual things. Children's competitions should be quite interesting and unusual.

Cool contests for boys and guys on February 23 for a class at school and kindergarten

Entertaining and cool contests by February 23, you can make them both thematic and simply interesting. For example, competitions on February 23 at school may relate to the behavior of boys and their help to loved ones in normal conditions. Thus, they will be able to be smart and demonstrate what important men they are for their mothers, grandmothers or sisters. Pick up cool contests for children on February 23 should be with simplified tasks: they should be really interesting for boys. Therefore, entertaining children's competitions for February 23 are more suitable for kindergarten. Among the examples below, you can choose good competitions for both schoolboys and kids.

Competition for boys and guys "Tell about the girls" for schools and kindergartens on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Teams of children are selected (2 or 3 is enough) and they are preparing to talk about what a girl should be like. For example, that she should be able to cook, how she should behave. In turn, one boy from the team conveys the thoughts of the other participants. Speakers are constantly changing. The team that can tell the most about the girls wins.

Competition for kids in kindergarten "Real sailor" on February 23

The group is divided into two teams (both boys and girls can participate). The teacher gives the commands "Forward", "Right to board", "Left to board", "Storm warning", and each team must beat it, as if the children were really on the ship. Those participants who can correctly execute the commands and please the teacher-captain will win.

Competition for boys "Slay the Dragon" on February 23 for a class at school or in kindergarten

A dragon is drawn on a large paper. Small red balls are attached to its paws, tail and mouth. They will represent the flame. The boys need to take turns running up to the drawing paper, tear off the flame and “extinguish” it by bursting the balloon. Such a competition can be held both for the entertainment of the whole group or class, and for the competition of several children's teams.

Funny and interesting contests for men on February 23 in the office

Original performances and competitions help to diversify the usual office gatherings. Therefore, by February 23, you need to prepare a program that will include a variety of entertainment. It is necessary to select competitions for February 23 for men based on the characteristics of relations between colleagues. For example, for employees who communicate exclusively on work issues, simple and harmless contests should be found. A close-knit team is more suitable for cool and funny entertainment. It is necessary to include competitions for February 23 for male colleagues in the program, alternating with other numbers and breaks for snacks and coffee. This will help the representatives of the stronger sex to take a breath between competitions.

Cool competition for men in the office by February 23 "Our brave guard"

The competition is suitable not only for the entertainment of the guards, but also for the approval of their positions by the authorities or any of the leaders. It is he who will become the guard of the prisoner. The male prisoner is selected from the rest of those present. His guards should be tightly tied to a chair (without fanaticism), and someone should blindfold the eyes of the guards with a handkerchief or scarf. From the remaining colleagues, another 2-3 people are selected. They must free the prisoner, while the guards must "drive away" friends from him. If the prisoner is not released within the allotted time (5 minutes is enough), the guards receive a prize. Otherwise, both the prisoner and his friends are rewarded.

Cool competition for male colleagues "Help of nurses"

Both men and women take part in the competition. They are divided into pairs: each nurse has her own soldier. The host gives the men cards that describe their "wounds". These can be both real descriptions (a wound on the wrist) and fictional injuries (for example, a triple fracture of the heel of the 6th degree). On a signal, the men should announce their wounds to the nurses, and they, in turn, bandage the sore spot with bandages. Whose team will correctly and quickly cope with the task, that one will win. To increase interest, it is recommended to support couples or, on the contrary, disturb them with loud cries.

Original and cool contests by February 23 for a corporate party at work

A corporate party in the office can be made both memorable and very interesting for men. Cool and funny contests for February 23 will help in this, allowing you to think and spend time actively. You can select interesting contests for men in the office based on their preferences. For example, to hold separate competitions between fishermen, separately between fans of virtual games. Among the proposed options, you can pick up cool and kind contests for February 23 for a corporate party, which all male colleagues will definitely like.

An unusual competition for adults at the corporate party "Real Fishing"

Put metal objects (for example, staples, paper clips) into boxes, carefully distribute them so that there is enough space between the individual elements. Each of the male fishermen is given a fishing rod from a pen or pencil with a thread and a magnet. They must quickly run to each box and fish out one item. The man who collects all the items faster than the rest is given a prize.

Cool competition "Camping fees" for men at a corporate party

The competition for speed and quality of collection is great for February 23rd. You need to select several men (3-6 people) who will be given lists for fees. It can be an office, small office decor. If necessary, you can rearrange items in different places so that men look for them, and not take them from their workplaces. On a signal, each of the participants begins to gather for a hike and "stocks up" necessary items. The fastest tourist wins.

What funny contests can you pick up for men and boys on February 23?

Holding a holiday dedicated to February 23 at a school or kindergarten requires the selection of competitions for both boys and their fathers. It is better for dads to choose simple tasks that will not require much effort from them. After all, men came to enjoy the event, and not run around the hall. Children should be offered more provocative and fun competitions. Therefore, when choosing competitions for February 23 for boys, it is recommended to pay attention to tasks that both children and teenagers can handle. But cool contests for February 23 for dads should be drawn up with the calculation of the comfort and convenience of their implementation by adult men.

Funny contest for boys for February 23 "Pirate Adventures"

The leader takes aside the participants of the adventure. At this time, his assistant lays out (hides) treasures in the hall or classroom. Each of the pirate boys must find the items indicated by the leader. The more things he can find, the higher the chance of winning. The competition can be held in several stages if the boys find an equal number of items. The game is repeated until a winner is determined.

Cool children's competition "March of Soldiers" for boys

The boys line up one after the other. On command, the music turns on, and the leader begins to either march or dance. Children must completely repeat his movements. After the music ends, the boy who is out of order or repeating the movements incorrectly is excluded from the group. The competition continues until there is only one child left.

Funny contest for dads by February 23 "Duel battles"

Adult men are usually reluctant to perform in front of strangers. But the competition associated with dueling battles is sure to please all guests. children's holiday. The facilitator's task is to distribute gloves with or without a small load to all dads. Standing near the highlighted line (you can use a rope or ribbon for this purpose), dads try to throw the glove as far as possible. That dad, whose glove was thrown farthest of all the others, receives an award from the children or the leader.

Original and cool contests for guys on February 23 - for school and university

If men are more demanding about entertainment at the holidays, then the boys just need to arouse interest and attract a cool competition to participate. For example, include feasible competitions for schoolchildren on February 23 related to searching for objects, active running or a time trial. For children in elementary grades, dance or song competitions are also well suited. You can hold games and competitions on February 23 in the classroom or in assembly hall. But keep in mind that teenage boys will like to spend a holiday in a classroom more. As for the students, they will be happy to take part in competitions in the hall and delight all guests with their brilliant performance of tasks.

A cool contest for guys at school “Is it weak?”

2 people with the same dancing abilities must take part in the competition (do not put a dancer and an athlete in a pair). To the music, one of them begins to show certain movements. And the second one must skillfully “answer” the dance challenge. At the end of the guys' performance, you can give gifts to not one, but two boys at once.

Interesting contests for guys on February 23 "Who is faster and more tender?"

This competition is suitable for students. You need to choose two guys and place the girls in front of the column. Each of the participants must transfer all the girls from one end of the audience to the other. However, they need to be transferred different ways: on the arms, on the shoulder. The winner will be the participant who not only quickly completes the task, but also does it really neatly and beautifully.

The original competition for boys "Non-Children's Race" by February 23

2-3 boys are required to participate, wearing racing helmets (or any other). During the “ride” along the track, they must not only not knock down the obstacles placed and get around them beautifully, but also collect objects scattered by the leader along the way. The boy who knocks down the least obstacles and collects the most things will win. In such competitions, both a special jury and guests of the event can determine the winner according to the viewed performance.

A variety of competitions by February 23 will help to spend a holiday in the office, school or kindergarten really unforgettable. Interesting and cool competitions will help men and boys to show their talents and show the public their skills. You can choose contests for February 23 both funny and funny. They will help cheer everyone up. For example, for dads, you should choose contests that will help them show courage, show imagination and logic. But the boys in the class can be offered contests with humor. When holding a corporate party in the office, you can draw up a program with contests that allow employees to have fun and celebrate February 23 in an original way with their colleagues.

We offer you a series of games, entertainment and competitions for the holiday in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use these games for home holiday, at a corporate party in honor of the holiday on February 23. We hope that you and your guests will like them and help you organize a fun holiday.

The game "The Sultan and his wives"

This game is suitable for a large company. Participants are divided into several harems, each of which consists of one "husband" (male) and "wives" (several girls). The number of "wives" in harems should be the same. The host turns on any oriental music, and the “wives” begin to take off any details of clothing, jewelry and put them on the “husband” under it. At some point, the music stops, and the harem in which the "husband" will wear more items of ladies' toiletry is declared the winner. As a well-deserved prize, the winning harem or his “sultan” can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem.

Of course, the task can be changed and suggest that the "sultan" dress his women. Only in this case things will end very quickly...

Game "Parts of the body"

This competition, like the previous one, has an oriental theme. Two sultans are selected from the invitees - the holders of the harem and their beloved wives. The facilitator must prepare cards in advance on which various parts of the body will be indicated. The Sultan and his first wife draw out one card, turned down words down, and touch the parts of the body indicated in it. Next comes the second wife, and the "toss" is repeated. The second wife "attaches" to her husband, while he should not "break away" from the first wife. The number of wives is increasing ... The game continues until it is still possible to touch the husband with the contenders for wives or until the cards run out. The winner is the harem, in which the resulting "sculpture" will look funnier and will not fall apart.

The game "Money on ... a rope!"

Several couples can participate in this competition. To the ladies at the waist level, with the help of a rope or belt, the presenter attaches a fake purse of large sizes, and to gentlemen they attach a banknote of similar dimensions. Men without the help of hands and other parts of the body need to place their banknote in their partner's wallet. The pair that does it the fastest wins.

Game "Bank deposits"

The competition involves two couples (not necessarily married). The host announces that now the participants will have to open bank deposits as soon as possible, in each of which only one banknote can be invested. Participants are given initial contributions (it can be candy wrappers or fake money). Banks for their deposits can serve as lapels, pockets and other secluded places of men's clothing. Ladies need to make deposits as quickly as possible and open as many accounts as possible. The leader marks the time and announces the start, he can also help the couples in completing the task. After 2 minutes, the results of the game are summed up.

The host checks how many uninserted bills each pair has left. After that, he asks women to withdraw bank deposits as soon as possible,

complicating the task at the same time: the ladies will withdraw their deposits blindfolded so as not to see in which banks other people's deposits were made.

The participants are blindfolded while the men are swapped. The host gives the command, and unsuspecting women begin to withdraw deposits with excitement.

Quick kiss game

Two teams are recruited - women's and men's, both line up opposite each other in a line one at a time. The music turns on and the start is announced: men in turn should kiss each participant in the ladies' line as quickly as possible, and after his kissing run is over, the man should shout “I'm done!”, thereby proclaiming the end of his task. The task of the facilitator is to record the time it takes for each participant to complete the task. The winner is declared the most nimble gentleman.

The game "Find me and kiss!"

Men and all interested ladies alternately participate in the competition. The cavalier is blindfolded. The girls disperse throughout the room. The music turns on, the girls begin to move around the room until the man gives the command to freeze, after which the host marks the time, and the man begins to run around the room in search of beautiful ladies and kiss them. For the sake of a joke, the women's team can be diluted by willing men, disguised as girls (for example, exchanging clothing details, accessories, etc. with them). After passing the "relay race" the next participant enters the game. The fastest one wins the competition.

The game "Who will be kissed the most"

This competition is for men. The winner, as you understand, is determined not without the help of the beautiful half of humanity. This game is best played during dances, before which the host announces the conditions of the competition.

Rhythmic music is turned on, under which men must “harvest” - get as many kisses as possible from the dancing ladies. At the same time, women should not forget to “break down”, because if they are not drunk yet, they will not kiss everyone in a row.

After the end of the music, the lucky winner is determined. The one on the cheeks and other available open places there are more kisses, and there is an honorary kissed Casanova!

Blindfold game

Before starting the "blind game", first play the game "We are not local people." The participant is given a hat in his hands and is invited to walk around the guests, who, in turn, must put the most valuable and expensive thing they have in the hat. It is better if these are your favorite earrings, watches, glasses without eyeglasses, a car keychain, a photograph, etc.

Now the participant, together with the presenter, carefully lays the collected valuables on the floor, after which the conditions of the competition are announced to him. He must blindfolded to go through the "obstacle course" without stepping on a single object. Before this, the participant is allowed to once again walk between the laid out objects, to take a better look at their location. The leader must escalate the situation, saying that the participant needs to remember as accurately as possible which object, where and how it lies, so as not to accidentally step on it, otherwise this mistake will be fatal for him, and the revenge of the owner of the little thing is terrible and merciless.

After the psychological “attack”, the participant is blindfolded and turned several times around himself, and at this time the guests very quietly remove all things from the floor so that they are not actually damaged. The player is directed to the “obstacle course”, and as soon as he begins to take the first timid steps, the guests in turn begin to exclaim, or even shout loudly: “Careful, do not step on my only watch!”, “Where are you going!”, “ Aaah, you almost crushed my glasses!”, “More carefully, let’s go to the right, put your foot to the left, oh no!..”, etc.

The unfortunate player courageously overcomes the "obstacle course", sweating from excitement and worries. After that, his eyes are untied, and the ill-fated "path" is shown.

It's time to talk frankly - do you want February 23 to be the best holiday ever? Then let's think together about what contests to hold and what to do so that everyone has a positive mood. We watch and feel.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the favorite holidays in our country. it is celebrated by men, women, children, and the elderly. After all, sooner or later we all will become defenders and will defend the Motherland from enemies. In the meantime, there is no danger, you can just have fun and make this day bright and funny. The new contests for guys on February 23rd are very funny, and will help you make February 23rd a special day that absolutely everyone will enjoy. Watch the contests, play them together with the guys and let friendship win.

Game - guess the place.

Choose three guys to play. Better than those who are not very touchy and understand humor. They turn their backs on the guests, and signs are stuck on their backs with inscriptions: in the toilet, in an ambush, behind enemy lines. It is important that these guys do not see the writing on their backs and the backs of their friends. when the guests laughed, the host begins to ask them questions. For example, do you often go there? How long does this "operation" take? do you like it? Which of your friends and acquaintances would you take with you there? And from the girls? What attracts you to this place?
The guys seriously answer questions, but they don’t know what kind of place they have written on their backs. If someone could guess, then he says. It is important here that the facilitator comment on the answers, it will be more fun.

Competition - a letter from the army in the style of rap.
In this competition, participants will read a letter from the army in a rap style. If the participants can, then let them come up with a letter and words right on the go. If not, then give them leaflets with the text:

Competition - who is the most attentive.
To serve in the army you have to be very careful. In this competition, we'll see which of the guys can serve and who can't.
Everything is simple here - the guys stand around the table, one object lies on the table. The host reads the verse, and as soon as he says the number THREE, then you need to have time to take the item from the table. Whoever does it first wins.
Watch the video on how to play this contest:

Competition - assembly of weapons for speed.
Every soldier should be able to assemble a machine gun in a few seconds. Do your guys know how to do it? Let's check!
For the competition, you need to draw machines on paper. And then cut them into pieces. All parts are mixed on the table. At the command of the leader, the participants collect their machines. Who is first, he wins.

It is necessary to prepare one or several sets of cards with military ranks in advance: private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, foreman, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, general lieutenant, colonel general, marshal. At the signal of the host, the contestants must sort the titles by seniority. The winner is the one who does it faster and more correctly.


Participants are divided into teams, each team receives sheets with prepared words that need to be deciphered, and pens. The team that completes the task faster than the rest will win. Examples of words: Nilats - Stalin, stvoruzhed - duty, tovertel - helicopter, talonba - battalion, ridnamok - commander, and so on.

news from the front

Participants are divided into teams, each of them receives a piece of paper. The first one writes the phrase at the top: “Hello, mom!”, wraps the sheet so that the phrase is not visible, passes it on to the next. The one below writes any complete phrase - everything that comes to mind. In the same way wraps and passes on. At the end, the sheets are unfolded and read. The team that writes the funniest news from the front wins.

Table arm wrestling

In this competition, men need to show their strength, dexterity and endurance. Pairs of men take turns. Two participants sit down at the arm wrestling table, while each participant receives a plate with the same contents, for example, the same amount of olives, chips, crackers, as well as a “tickler” - another man who, on the “start” command, will tickle the participant. At the command of the leader, the participants grapple with their hands and start the fight, while quickly eating everything from their plate and courageously endure the tickling. The participant who will be the first to eat everything from his plate, bravo endure the tickling and overcome the opponent, goes to the next stage. And the next stage is a rivalry with a winning participant from another pair. After a phased rivalry, the only winner is revealed, who will take his prize.

Push up guys

Each man takes a position for push-ups from the floor and in front of each man, or rather, in front of his face on the floor, there is a plate with the same contents, for example, 5-10 grapes, cookies or any other small food. On the “start” command, the participants do push-ups from the floor and eat one item (grape) in one spin. Which of the participants will squeeze out faster than the rest and eat everything from their plate, that is the winner.

Three nails for a real man

Each participant receives a plank, a hammer and three nails. On the “start” command, the participants must drive all three of their nails into their plank, only this must be done with the left hand (the hammer will be in the left hand). Whichever of the men will be the first to cope with such a task, he will become the winner.

Did you throw snow with a shovel?

Men are divided into 2 teams, each participant receives a small spoon (mustard or ice cream). An empty bucket (any suitable container) is prepared for each team. Before each team, a pack of salt is poured out and, at the “start” command, our soldiers begin to throw snow with a shovel, that is, collect salt into a container with their spoons. The team that does it faster will win.

Army porridge

Men are divided into teams with the same number of people. Each team stands in a row. At the same distance from each team there is a chair with three plates, and in each plate there is the same number of identical cereals (for example, rice, buckwheat and pearl barley). Each participant has a spoon, preferably a small one. On the “start” command, the first participants run to their chair and eat one spoonful of each porridge, then they run back and pass the baton to the second participants. The second also run to the chair and eat one spoonful of each porridge, then pass the baton back. And the team of heroes who will be the first to empty the plates will win, because all the strength of the heroic is in the porridge.

Fight like a pirate

Couples participate. In each pair, the participants stand with their backs to each other. On the “start” command, the participants stand on one leg and begin the fight. Which of the participants will be the first to drive the opponent out of the line (two lines were drawn in advance at the same distance from the first and second participant), he won. And in the next stage, the winner of the first pair fights in the same way with the winner of the second pair. And the biggest winner gets a prize.

In Russia, it has its own special meaning. This is not only the Defender of the Fatherland Day, but also the day when all women, girls and girls show special love for all, even the smallest, men - their main defenders. A day when, first of all, of course, we thank the veterans of the Second World War, who gave us a clear blue sky above our heads and life. But real men are not left without attention, because they act as defenders every day.

It's great to get together on holidays like this. big company. Work team, family, friends or all together. In such situations, it is important not to forget that even the most mature and serious man at first glance is a child at heart. And since everything is for our defenders on this day, try to organize a memorable holiday for them.

To do this, dilute verbal congratulations with contests! Yes Yes! Any age boy with great passion and desire will take part in various relay races! Contests for men on February 23 you can choose below on our website! When organizing, the main thing is to put your soul into everything that you do for relatives and friends. Have a great celebration!

Protect the orange
The first number in the competition list for men on February 23 is the "Protect the Orange" competition. Two men are required to participate. Each of them must hold a spoon in their teeth, put an orange, a potato or an egg on it, and their hands must be brought behind their backs. The task of the participants is to use their spoon to drop the opponent's orange, while holding their own.

army kitchen
it joke contest. The host puts raw, unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that you have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless chosen, they are invited to take turns naming potato dishes. The one whose dish is the last will win.

four ends
The third men's competition for men on February 23 is called "Four Ends". You need 2 thick ropes of equal length. They are tied in the middle, and loops are tied at all four ends. Participants take the loops in their hands and stand at the corners of the impromptu square. At a distance of two meters from each participant, a stone or any other object is placed to the periphery. On a signal, all players try to grab their stone. The one who does it first wins.

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate. A belt is attached to their waist, to which a pencil is tied on a thread - this is a fishing rod. Fishing will be winter, so you will have to catch in the hole. A hole is the neck of an empty bottle. Whoever hits the hole first with a fishing rod wins the competition.

Balloons are required for this contest. Male/female couples are invited to participate. The stronger sex is located on chairs, on everyone's knees hot air balloon. At the command of the leader, the “bombardment” begins - women take a run to sit on the ball of their “pilot”. The couple whose balloon bursts and the man survives the blow wins.

Test of strength

Toward the end of the evening, when enough beer cans have accumulated among the empty containers, it's time to check the accuracy of the guests. Everyone, as in a shooting gallery, orders the number of bullets he needs, receives a children's Chinese pistol from the host and shoots at the cans. The one who knocks down wins more jars.


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