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Marina Shablaeva
Presentation "Siege of Leningrad"

I bring to your attention presentation"Leningrad blockade", created for children of the preparatory group.

Today we will talk about a significant date for our city - January 27 - the day of complete liberation from the fascist blockade of our city.

2 slide June 22, 1941 Nazi Germany without ads war attacked our homeland. The Great Patriotic War began.

Concentrating regiments against us,

The enemy attacked a peaceful country.

White night, the whitest night

Started this black war!

Whether he wants to or not

And he will get his own from the war:

Soon even days, not only nights,

They will become, they will become black for him!

(V. Shefner, 1941, June 23, Leningrad) ©

3 slide Thousands of volunteers went to the Red Army, partisan detachments, people's militia. There was not a single family that did not see off their father, husband, son to the front.

(turn on the recording of the song "Holy war" music A. Aleksandrova, sl. V. Lebedeva - Kumach)

4 slide In August 1941, German troops launched a powerful attack on Leningrad. On September 8, the city was surrounded and began blockade which lasted 900 days. All approaches to our city on land were captured by the Germans. 900 days, 900 nights city Leningrad was in the enemy ring.

Cut off the city from the country,

Squeezed in a ring of fire blockade

Enemies wanted to destroy, trample

All that Leningraders loved so much.

Enemies wanted destroy Leningrad,

Erase this city from the ground.

But to seize and break through the defense

The Nazis couldn't.

5 slide It was ordered to defend Leningrad down to the last person. People stood shoulder to shoulder to protect their native city.

6 slide Enemy shells destroyed houses, people, Leningrad streets, architectural monuments, food warehouses. On the streets where the shells exploded more often were hung tablets: Citizens! When shelling, this side of the street is the most dangerous!

7 slide B Leningrad remained about 2.5 million people, including about 400 thousand children

8 slide The Nazis decided to kill starved population. Food cards were introduced. The norm of bread - 125 g for the whole day was so small that the inhabitants still died of exhaustion and hunger.

Everyone knows the price of bread Leningrader.

Small piece - 125 grams.

Don't give up Leningrad. The city survives

A lesson of courage, courage presents us.

9 slide To feed the residents Leningrad was organized"The road of life", which was laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga. The Nazis mercilessly bombed the road along which people in besieged city brought bread. There were legends about the exploits of drivers on the ice road. They talked about a driver who, taking malnourished children out of the city, saw that they were freezing in the back of his car. Then he took off all his warm clothes and covered the kids with it. And he himself, in the bitter cold, got into the cabin half-dressed.

Tanya Savicheva - Leningrad schoolgirl in conditions blockade kept a diary.

in the besieged Leningrad

This girl lived.

She kept her diary in her student notebook.

During the war, Tanya died,

Tanya lives in memory:

Holding my breath for a moment,

The world hears her words.

There are only 9 pages in this diary and on 6 six of them there are records of the date of death of loved ones. In front of a girl died: sister, grandmother, 2 uncles, mother and brother.

11 slide The city was bombed more and more often, but Leningraders continued to live and work. Little children helped adults.

Children blockade cities helped grandfathers and fathers,

Forces, not sparing and without rest, they barely got to the machine!

They worked, sparing no effort, little hands from oil are black,

Everyone worked like adults, tired of this war!

12 slide January 14, 1944, our troops moved into offensive and on January 27 broke through blockade ring and freed Leningrad from the fascist blockade. On this day in Leningrad fireworks were given.

After a volley, a volley. Fireworks fire.

Rockets in hot air

Flowers are blooming with variegation.

BUT Leningraders are crying quietly.

Don't calm down yet

There is no need to comfort people.

Their joy is too great -

Fireworks over Leningrad!

Their joy is great, but the pain

Spoke and broke:

To the fireworks with you

Floor- Leningrad did not rise.

People cry and sing

And they don't hide the weeping faces.

Today in the city - Fireworks!

Today Leningraders

13 slide 900 days blockade. 900 days of human courage! surrounded by enemies Leningrad survived the fight with the enemy. We are proud of you Leningrad!

Defense Medal Leningrad -

Not just our memory of the war.

Its metal is forged in days blockade

And tempered in an unprecedented fire. (V. Suslov)

15 slide At the site of the breakthrough blockade a memorial complex was erected "The road of life"- "Broken Ring"

16 slide In memory of the harsh blockade Birch Alley was opened in St. Petersburg a few days ago. 900 days blockade-900 birches. There is such a tradition - on January 27, pioneer ties are tied on birch trees in memory of the pioneers who died during blockade of Leningrad who, along with adults, worked in factories and helped in hospitals.

17 slide A monument to the heroic defenders was erected on Victory Square Leningrad, a monument to the feat of the townspeople in the tragic days blockade.

... Glory to you who are in battle

Defended the banks of the Neva.

Leningrad, unaware of defeat,

You have lit up with new light.

Glory to you, great city,

Merged front and rear.

In unprecedented difficulties

Survived. Fought. Won.

(Vera Inber, 1944)

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Presentation - Siege of Leningrad


The text of this presentation

Population: 3.2 million people. Produced 25% of all products of heavy engineering and a third of the products of the electrical industry. Operated: 333 large industrial enterprises, as well as a large number of plants and factories of local industry and artels. 75% of manufactured products were for the defense complex. Scientific and technical potential: 130 research institutes and design bureaus, 60 higher educational institutions and 106 technical schools.
Pre-war Leningrad

With the capture of Leningrad, the German command could solve a number of important tasks, namely: 1. seize a powerful economic base Soviet Union, which gave about 12% of the all-Union industrial output before the war; 2.capture or destroy the Baltic naval, as well as a huge merchant fleet; 3. secure the left flank of the GA "Center", leading the attack on Moscow, and 4. release large forces of the GA "Sever" 4. consolidate its dominance in the Baltic Sea and secure the supply of ore from the ports of Norway for the German industry
... The Fuhrer decided to wipe the city of Leningrad off the face of the earth. After the defeat of Soviet Russia, the continued existence of this largest settlement is of no interest ... From the directive of the Chief of Staff of the German Naval Forces No. 1601 of September 22, 1941 "The Future of the City of St. Petersburg."
The goals of the German command.

The evacuation of the inhabitants of the city began already on 06/29/1941 (the first trains) and was of an organized nature. The first wave of evacuation (29.06.-27.08.1941) During this period, 488,703 people were taken out of the city, of which 219,691 were children (395,091 were taken out, but later 175,000 were returned back) and 164,320 workers and employees who were evacuated along with enterprises . The second wave of evacuation (September 1941-April 1942). About 659 thousand people were taken out of the city, mainly along the "Road of Life" through Lake Ladoga. The third wave of evacuation (May-October 1942). 403 thousand people were taken out. In total, during the blockade period, 1.5 million people were evacuated from the city. By October 1942, the evacuation was completed.
Evacuation of residents
Evacuation. Leningraders during boarding the ship. 1942
Evacuation of people from besieged Leningrad on trucks along the "Road of Life". 1941

From the diary of a girl: December 28, 1941. Zhenya died at 12 o'clock in the morning. Grandmother died on January 25, 1942, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Leka died on March 17 at 5 am in 1942. Uncle Vasya died on April 13 at 2 am. Uncle Lyosha May 10 at 4 pm. Mom - May 13 at 730 in the morning 1942. The Savichevs are dead. All died. Only Tanya remained.
Tanya Savicheva lived in a Leningrad family. The war began, then the blockade. In front of Tanya, her grandmother, two uncles, mother, brother and sister died. When the evacuation of children began, the girl was taken out along the "Road of Life" to the "Mainland". Doctors fought for her life, but health care came too late. Tanya Savicheva died of exhaustion and illness.
Diary of Tanya Savicheva

In Leningrad, there was the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing, which possessed and still possesses a gigantic seed fund. Of the entire selection fund of the Leningrad Institute, which contained several tons of unique grain crops, not a single grain was touched. 28 employees of the institute died of starvation, but they kept materials that could help the post-war restoration of agriculture.
Plant Institute Foundation

The Pavlovsk Palace was destroyed and burned down, in the park of which about 70,000 trees were cut down. The famous Amber Room, presented to Peter I by the King of Prussia, was completely taken out by the Germans, and its fate remained unknown. The now restored Fedorovsky Sovereign Cathedral has been turned into ruins. Also, during the retreat of the Germans, the Great Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo burned down, in which the Germans set up an infirmary. Almost completely destroyed was considered one of the most beautiful in Europe, the cemetery of the Holy Trinity Seaside Men's Hermitage, where many Petersburgers were buried, whose names entered the history of the state.
Damage to cultural monuments
Fedorovsky Sovereign Cathedral.
Great Catherine Palace

On March 19, 1942, the executive committee of the Lensoviet adopted the regulation “On personal consumer gardens of workers and their associations,” which provides for the development of personal consumer gardening both in the city itself and in the suburbs. In addition to the actual individual gardening, subsidiary farms were also created at enterprises.
Organization of farms.
Harvesting cabbage at St. Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad. 1942
In total, in the spring of 1942, 633 subsidiary farms and 1,468 associations of gardeners were created, the total gross harvest from state farms, individual gardening and subsidiary farms for 1942 amounted to 77 thousand tons.
Women cultivate the land for a garden on the square in front of St. Isaac's Cathedral in Leningrad.

Category of supplied population (in grams) Category of supplied population (in grams) Category of supplied population (in grams) Category of supplied population (in grams) Category of supplied population (in grams)
Date of establishment of the norm Workers of hot shops Workers and engineers Employees Dependents Children under 12 years old
July 16, 1941 1000 800 600 400 400
November 20, 1941 375 250 125 125 125
February 23, 1943 700 600 500 400 400
In September 1941, bread was made from a mixture of rye, oatmeal, barley, soy and malt flour, then to this mixture in different time they began to add linseed cake and bran, cotton cake, wallpaper dust, flour basting, shakes out of sacks of corn and rye flour. To enrich the bread with vitamins and useful microelements, flour was added from pine bast, birch branches and seeds of wild herbs. In early 1942, hydrocellulose was added to the recipe, which was used to add volume.
Since February 11, 1942, impurities have almost disappeared from bread. But the main thing is that the supply has become regular, products on the cards have begun to be issued in a timely manner and almost completely. On February 16, even high-quality meat was issued for the first time - frozen beef and lamb. There has been a turning point in the food situation in the city.
Blockade ration.

September 8, 1941 is considered the beginning of the blockade, when the land connection between Leningrad and the whole country was interrupted. The situation was further complicated by the fact that with the outbreak of the war, Leningrad was flooded with at least 300,000 refugees from the Baltic republics and neighboring Russian regions. July 17 introduction of ration cards. September 12 - check and accounting of all food stocks are completed. September 1 - the ban on the free sale of products. September 15 - the first reduction in the issuance of cards. October 1941 - the inhabitants of the city felt the obvious shortage of food. November 1941 in Leningrad began a real famine. First, the first cases of loss of consciousness from hunger on the streets and at work, the first cases of death from exhaustion, were noted.
The actual beginning of the blockade

“Death rules the city. People die and die. Today, when I was walking down the street, a man was walking in front of me. He could barely move his legs. Overtaking him, I involuntarily drew attention to the terrible blue face. I thought to myself, I'm probably going to die soon. Here one could really say that the seal of death lay on the face of a person. After a few steps, I turned around, stopped, followed him. He sat down on the pedestal, his eyes rolled back, then he slowly began to slide to the ground. When I approached him, he was already dead. The people were so weak from hunger that they
A victim of dystrophy, which began to be called the "Leningrad disease".
resist death. They die like they fall asleep. And the surrounding half-dead people do not pay any attention to them. Death has become a phenomenon observed at every step. They got used to it, there was complete indifference: after all, not today - tomorrow such a fate awaits everyone. When you leave the house in the morning, you stumble upon corpses lying in the gateway on the street. The corpses lie for a long time, as there is no one to clean them up.” E. A. Scriabina, Saturday, November 15, 1941

The road of life - during the Great Patriotic War the only transport route across Lake Ladoga. During periods of navigation - on water, in winter - on ice. Connected from September 12, 1941 to March 1943, besieged Leningrad with the country.
The road of life.
Raised from the bottom of Lake Ladoga GAZ-AA- "Lorry". The main vehicle for transportation along the "road of life".
A tugboat leads a barge along Ladoga. September 1942
Trucks are transporting flour to the city on the newly strengthened ice.

On January 18, 1943, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts broke through the blockade of Leningrad. Although the military success achieved was rather modest (the width of the corridor connecting the city with the country was only 8-11 kilometers), the political, material, economic and symbolic significance of breaking the blockade cannot be overestimated. In the shortest possible time, the railway line Polyany - Shlisselburg, the highway and several bridges across the Neva were built, on February 7, the first train from the "mainland" arrived at the Finland Station. As early as mid-February, food supply norms established for other industrial centers of the country began to operate in Leningrad. All this radically improved the situation of the inhabitants of the city and the troops of the Leningrad Front.
Operation Spark.
Soviet soldiers are preparing to attack.

On January 14, 1944, the troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and 2nd Baltic fronts began the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation. By January 20, Soviet troops had achieved significant success: the units of the Leningrad Front defeated the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinsky enemy grouping, and parts of the Volkhov Front liberated Novgorod.
On January 27, a salute was fired in Leningrad with twenty-four artillery salvos from three hundred and twenty-four guns to commemorate the final liberation of the city from the blockade, which lasted 872 days.
Complete lifting of the blockade of Leningrad.

During the years of the blockade, according to various sources, 600 thousand to 1.5 million people died. Only 3% of them died from bombing and shelling; the remaining 97% starved to death. In 1943 alone, as a result of artillery shelling, more than 1,400 residents of the city were killed and about 4,600 were wounded.
Losses during the blockade.
Memorial sign "Trolley"

All participants in the defense of Leningrad were awarded - both military personnel and civilians.
The badge was awarded to those who lived for at least four months in Leningrad during the blockade (from September 8, 1941 to January 27, 1944).
Sign "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"
Medal "For the Defense of Leningrad"

By order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of May 1, 1945, Leningrad, along with Stalingrad, Sevastopol and Odessa, was named a hero city for the heroism and courage shown by the inhabitants of the city during the blockade. On May 8, 1965, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Hero City of Leningrad was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal with the highest awards of the Soviet era.
Leningrad is a hero city.
Medal "Gold Star".
The order of Lenin

Leningraders consider unexploded and neutralized by sappers a German aerial bomb.
The first sleigh convoy leaves for besieged Leningrad on the ice of Lake Ladoga. 11/24/1941
Children in a bomb shelter during an enemy air raid.
Fighters of the Leningrad Komsomol Fire Fighting Regiment of Vasilyevsky Island at the post. 1942

The destroyer of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet "Stoykiy" is shelling the Nazi positions. Leningrad. 1943
Residents of front-line villages in the construction of fortifications. July 1941
Anti-aircraft battery on the University embankment. 1942
At the water-folding column installed on the corner of Dzerzhinsky St. and Zagorodny Prospekt. 05.02.1942

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Introduction After reviewing the materials of this presentation, we will learn: How the blockade of Leningrad began How the blockade of Leningrad began Facts from the life of the blockade Leningrad Facts from the life of the blockade Leningrad Education during the blockade Education during the blockade Cultural life of the city Cultural life of the city Awards for defense Awards for defense Ending the blockade Ending the blockade

Beginning of the blockade Since September 1941, almost 900-day blockade of Leningrad began. 2 million 544 thousand civilians remained in the besieged city. Together with the residents of suburban areas, 2 million 887 thousand people found themselves in the blockade ring. Among those who remained in the besieged Leningrad there were at least 1 million 200 thousand people of the non-active population, of which about 400 thousand were children.

Materials of the Leningrad Commission for the Investigation of the Atrocities of Nazi Criminals On September 6, 1941, a shell exploded in the street. On the panel with outstretched arms lies a murdered woman. There is a grocery basket nearby. The wooden fence is beveled and stained with blood. Pieces of a crushed human body, loops of intestines, bloodied fragments of bones, pieces of the brain stuck to it. The corpse of a pregnant woman is torn in half on the panel: the corpse of an almost full-term baby is visible. There are five corpses of girls aged 5-7 in the yard. They lie in a semicircle, in the same order as they stood there to death, playing ball.

Education during the blockade In September October 1941, students from 40 universities began classes. At the end of October 1941, 60,000 schoolchildren in grades 1-5 began their studies in the bomb shelters of schools and households, and from November 3, more than 30,000 students in grades 7-10 sat down at their desks in 103 schools in Leningrad.

Cultural life of the city In January 1942, an exhibition of paintings and sketches, which featured 126 works by Leningrad artists. In January 1942, an exhibition of paintings and sketches, which featured 126 works by Leningrad artists. The Theater of Musical Comedy worked, the premises of which were damaged by an exploding shell, began to give their performances in the premises of the Academic Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin. The Theater of Musical Comedy worked, the premises of which were damaged by an exploding shell, began to give their performances in the premises of the Academic Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin. The publication of newspapers was ensured even in the most difficult days of the winter of 1941/42. The publication of newspapers was ensured even in the most difficult days of the winter of 1941/42.

Freedom! Freedom! The whole country, the whole Soviet people supported the besieged Leningrad. To help Leningrad and its defenders, by decision of the Central Committee of the Party and the Government, the "Road of Life" was created. As a result of the successful offensive of the Soviet Army in 1944, Leningrad was completely liberated from the blockade.

Defense awards For heroism and courage shown in the battle for Leningrad, 140 soldiers of the army, navy, 19 partisans were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 350 thousand soldiers, officers and generals - participants in the defense of Leningrad, 5.5 thousand partisans and about 400 workers and about 400 workers of the ice road of the ice road were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union and medals of the Soviet Union. 1.5 million Union. 1.5 million defenders of Leningrad were awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad". "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Literature Dzeniskevich A.R., Kovalchuk V.M., Sobolev G.L. and others, "Unconquered Leningrad". - L .: Nauka, 1970 Dzeniskevich A.R., Kovalchuk V.M., Sobolev G.L. and others, "Unconquered Leningrad". - L .: Nauka, 1970 Lubchenkov Yu., “100 Great Generals of the Second World War”, 2005 Lubchenkov Yu., “100 Great Generals of the Second World War”, 2005 Lubchenkov P., “Leningrad is acting. Book Two”, “Soviet Writer”, 1964 P. Luknitsky, “Leningrad is acting. Book Two”, “Soviet Writer”, 1964 “900 Heroic Days: Sat. documents and materials on the heroic struggle of the working people of Leningrad in the years. 1966 "900 Heroic Days: Sat. documents and materials on the heroic struggle of the working people of Leningrad in the years. 1966


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