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  • Digital indication of concentration of up to 4 components simultaneously
  • Light and sound alarm
  • Built-in memory with black box function
  • infrared port
  • Indication of pressure, temperature, date and time
  • Self-diagnosis function

Portable gas analyzer M-02 used for on-line automatic analysis of the concentration of the following components:

  • Combustible gases (CxHy);
  • Pre-explosion concentrations of methane (CH4);
  • Carbon monoxide (CO);
  • Oxygen (O2);
  • Hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

The set of controlled gases depends on the version of the gas analyzer. When the threshold values ​​of concentration are reached, an alarm is triggered.


standalone portable gas analyzer M-02 can be used to control the air of the working area at oil and gas, energy industry facilities, industrial facilities, housing and communal services, mines and mines, underground wells, communications and other areas where dangerous accumulation of gases and sudden emissions are possible.

The devices can also be used during fire and rescue operations, for monitoring environment and control of sensors of stationary systems by comparing readings.

Functions of gas analyzer M-02

  • Digital indication of concentration up to 4 components simultaneously;
  • Light and sound signaling of exceeding the threshold values ​​of gas concentration;
  • Sound signal 75dB;
  • Adjustment in automatic mode sensor sensitivity;
  • Recording in the memory of devices the results of measuring the concentration at the command of the operator (immediately or with a delay);
  • Selection and display on the display of the contents of the memory of the device;
  • "Black box" function with recording measurement results in memory (for the last 48 hours) with reference to real time;
  • Transfer of reports to a personal computer via infrared;
  • Indication of ambient pressure, temperature, date and time on the display;
  • Self-diagnosis and indication possible faults gas analyzer;
  • Battery charge control and discharge alarm.

Operating conditions

Technical characteristics of gas analyzer M-02

Specifications Values Gas analyzer options
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Measurement range of the volume fraction of methane (CH4) 0 - 2.5% vol. USD + - - - - - -
Range of indications of the volume fraction of methane (CH4) 0 - 100% vol. USD + - - - - - -
Measuring range of combustible gases (CxHy): methane, propane, butane, hexane 0 - 100% LEL - + - - - - +
Measuring range of oxygen volume fraction (O2) 0 - 25 % + + + - + + +
Carbon monoxide (CO) measurement range 0 - 200ppm + + + + + + +
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) measurement range 0 - 100ppm + + + - - + -
Ambient temperature display range from -30 to +40 °С + + + + + + +
Atmospheric pressure range 15 - 115 kPa + + + + + + +
Limits of permissible basic absolute error in measuring the concentration of methane (CH4), no more ± 0.1% vol. USD + - - - - - -
Limits of permissible basic absolute error in measuring the concentration of combustible gases (CxHy), no more ± 5% LEL - + - - - - +
Limits of permissible basic absolute error of measurement of oxygen concentration (O2), not more than ±0.6% + + + - + + +
Limits of permissible basic error in the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO)
- absolute error 0 - 50 ppm, no more
- relative error 50 - 200 ppm, no more

± 5%
± 10%

+ + + + + + +
Limits of permissible basic measurement error for hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
- absolute error 0 - 10 ppm, no more
- relative error 10 - 100 ppm, no more

± 1.5%
± 15%

+ + + - - + -

Gas analyzer type - Automatic, portable, individual, multi-channel. Sampling - diffusion and forced with a device for forced sampling (separate order). Concentration analysis methods: electrochemical (CO, O2, H2S), thermal catalytic (CH4, CxHy), thermal conductometric (through a high CH4 concentration channel).

Each channel has two settable alarm thresholds.

Alarm thresholds

Alarm threshold values ​​are set when ordering a gas analyzer; the thresholds can only be changed at the manufacturer or regional service centers.

Efficiency of setting indications by channels:

  • CH4 no more than 20 s;
  • CxHy no more than 20 s;
  • O2 no more than 30 s;
  • CO no more than 45 s;
  • H2S no more than 45 s.

Gas analyzers of versions 01, 02, 06, 07 are marked with explosion protection PO ExiasI X/1ExiadIIBT4/H2 X, versions 03, 04, 05 - 1 ExiaIICT4 X. Degree of protection against external influences IP54.

Power is supplied from a built-in battery pack with a voltage of 3.8 to 4.2 V. The operating time without recharging is at least 70 hours.

Dimensions gas analyzer M-02: 132 x 67 x 25 mm. Weight 190g. The service life of the sensors is at least two years.

The gas analyzer has two types of memory:

Archival memory- serves to record measurements in automatic mode with reference to real time. Data on the results of methane measurement, the facts of turning on the gas analyzer, the appearance of errors "E1" ... E9, and the discharge of the battery are entered into the memory. The amount of memory is sufficient to collect information for the last 60 hours of operation with an interval of 2 minutes.

Memory of episodic measurements- data is entered at the command of the operator. AT this species The following information is stored in the memory: gas concentration, ambient temperature, time and date, error facts "E1"..."E9". Memory capacity - 4000 records.

All data stored in the memory of the M-01 gas analyzer can be transferred to a PC via the infrared port.

Delivery set M-02

  • Gas analyzer M-02;
  • Battery;
  • Operation manual with verification procedure;
  • The passport;
  • Nozzle for supplying PGS;
  • The key is special;
  • Package.

Additionally supplied:

  • Single (UZP 1) and multiple (UZP 10) chargers;
  • Forced sampling device PR-01;
  • Protective case;
  • Sensors instead of those that have worked out their resource;
  • IR adapter for connecting to personal computer;
  • Software for processing the information transmitted from the gas analyzer.

Psound alarm device
piezoelectric PZS-02M

is intended for joint work with industrial station PP-IS-02M or other
equipment as an additional sound annunciator. PZS-02M can
be installed outdoors (on a platform) or in another room for
ringing duplication.

Products similar to Sound alarm device PZS-02M

You can buy goods the Device of the sound signal PZS-02M in the NPO Elektrontekhnika, LLC organization through our website. On the this moment The item is in the "in stock" status.

Service information:

On our portal, for convenience, each company is assigned a unique identifier. NPO Elektrontekhnika, LLC has ID 99972. The PZS-02M sound alarm device has an identifier on the site - 493158. If you have any difficulties interacting with NPO Elektrontekhnika, OOO, please report the company and product/service identifiers to our customer support service.

Model creation date - 16/12/2016, date last change- 16/12/2016. During this time, the product was viewed 400 times.

We draw your attention to the fact that trading floor The site is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances is it a public offer.
The price of the product "PZS-02M Sound Alarm Device" declared by NPO Elektrontekhnika, LLC may not be the final selling price. For getting detailed information about the availability and cost of these goods and services, please contact the representatives of NPO Elektrontekhnika, LLC at the specified phone number or e-mail address.

Photo and video receivers require CCD arrays containing many lines. There are a number of designs of such matrices and ways to "interrogate" them.

1. M CCD with frame buffering

Full frame sensor

"Vertical" serial shift registers, components parallel, are called columns CCD matrices, and their work is fully synchronized. The two-dimensional array of photocurrents of the CCD array is simultaneously shifted down one row, and this happens only after the charges of the previous row from the serial shift register located “at the very bottom” have gone to the amplifier.

2. M CCD with column buffering

Specially for video equipment a new type of matrix was developed, in which the interval between exposures was minimized not for a couple of frames, but for a continuous stream. It also uses a buffer parallel shift register whose CCD elements are hidden under an opaque coating. Its columns are "shuffled" between those of the main register. As a result next to each main register column is a buffer column, and immediately after exposure photocurrents do not move "from top to bottom", but "from left to right"(or "right to left") and all in one working cycle fall into the buffer register, completely freeing the PY for the next exposure.

18. Fiber optics. Physical effects used in fiber optics. Examples of the implementation of fiber-optic devices and systems.

Fiber optics is a branch of optics that deals with the transmission of light and images through light guides and waveguides of the optical range, in particular through multi-core light guides and bundles of flexible fibers.

Basic physical ef-t - effect of total internal reflection - internal reflection, provided that the angle of incidence exceeds a certain critical angle. In this case, the incident wave is completely reflected, and the value of the reflection coefficient exceeds its highest values ​​for polished surfaces. The reflection coefficient for total internal reflection does not depend on the wavelength.

Mirrors and filters A mirror is a component that reflects radiation of a certain frequency with a certain reflection coefficient. The filter, in turn, passes radiation of a certain frequency, usually in a narrow frequency range, and absorbs or scatters the rest of the radiation.

Combiners and Splitters Represent two parallel fibers, devoid of a sheath and in contact with each other. The contact and fixation of the fibers is achieved at high temperatures - above the melting point of the fiber. Thus, sections of the fibers are fused together.

Active fiber A fiber capable of amplifying or generating a signal at a specific frequency.

passive fiber A fiber that does not have reinforcement properties. Used to connect fiber optic components to each other, as well as to increase the overall length of the optical circuit, if necessary.

Pump Diodes As in the case of conventional lasers, pumping of the active medium is necessary to start amplification and generation. Semiconductor laser diodes are used to pump active fibers.


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