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English with a tutor: Speak English from the very first lesson on the technology of natural assimilation of a foreign language.

1. First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win.

2. If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.

3. The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind.

4. The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.

5. If you want a change in the future, be that change in the present.

6. The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong.

7. The best way to find oneself is to dissolve in service to others.

8. Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it.

9. Freedom is worthless unless it includes the freedom to make mistakes.

10. I know only one tyrant, and this is a quiet voice of conscience.

11. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals.

12. It has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.

13. A small body, conditioned by the spirit and inspired by an unquenchable faith in its mission, can change the course of history.

14. Love never demands - it always gives. Love always suffers - never protests, never avenges itself.

15. Find a goal - there will be resources.

16. The only way to live is to let live.

17. I only count on the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others.

18. It is not very wise to be confident in your own wisdom. It must be remembered that the strongest may show weakness, and the wisest may make a mistake.

19. Matters of conscience are not decided by majority vote.

20. Overcome hatred with love, untruth with truth, violence with patience.

21. What is possible for one is possible for all.

22. No one can harm me without my consent.

23. God is love - this is the only truth that I fully recognize. Love is equal to God.

24. What difference does it make for the dead, the orphans and the homeless, in the name of which arbitrariness and destruction are being created - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism?

25. My conviction is that no man loses his freedom except through his own weakness.

26. Man is the product of his own thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

27. "No" said with deep conviction is better than "yes" said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems.

28. Strength - in the absence of fear, and not in the number of muscles on our body.

29. True beauty still lies in the purity of the heart.

30. If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.

A hundred years ago, Leo Tolstoy wrote to Mahatma Gandhi that love "is the highest and only law of human life. In his work "The Law of Violence and the Law of Love" he says: "Be kind and do not resist evil by force." This principle commands to refrain from imaginary insults, from retribution, considers it necessary to forgive, love instead of revenge in all cases without exception. “Those who have ever experienced the joy of repaying evil with good will never miss an opportunity to receive this joy,” Tolstoy wrote. Tolstoy considered non-resistance to evil by force to be the most important moral law of life, which he himself followed. For Gandhi, the idea of ​​non-violence became not only an ethical doctrine, but also a guideline for the socio-political movement. Living in different parts of the world, Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi - the Russian thinker and ideologist of the liberation of India - created a special ethics of non-resistance and non-violence, which has since found many of its followers.
The unique correspondence between Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi came to Russia from the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Fund several years ago and formed the basis of the federal cultural and educational project “Open your heart to kindness”. Philosophical correspondence became part of the exhibition "Mahatma Gandhi - Leo Tolstoy: a unique heritage", which opened in Moscow the project of the International Program "Parade of the Creative Heritage of Russia and India" in the Moscow House of Nationalities.
Lyudmila Sekacheva project manager, director of the World of Traditions non-profit partnership: “When Gandhi was still a young lawyer, he read the book by Leo Tolstoy “The Kingdom of God is within you” and this book changed his whole life a lot, marked the beginning of a great idea, which we continue today , in collaboration with philosophers, you can achieve a lot in life by treating the world with kindness and love.
Krishna Roy, project participant: “Two philosophers gave us the opportunity to understand how to save the world, namely the preservation of peace, kindness, love, mutual understanding is the most important of all philosophical teachings.”
In the last years of his life, Leo Tolstoy engaged in an in-depth study of the culture and traditions of the East. India turned out to be closest to the writer's worldview. In modern terms, Tolstoy synthesized Western and Eastern approaches to the problem of non-violence and non-resistance. The entire teaching of Jesus Christ, according to Tolstoy, is the metaphysics and ethics of love. “The fact that love is a necessary and good condition for human life was recognized by all the religious teachings of antiquity. In all the teachings: the Egyptian sages, Brahmins, Stoics, Buddhists and others, friendliness, pity, mercy, charity and love in general were recognized as one of the main virtues. However, only Christ elevated love to the level of the fundamental, highest law of life, gave this law an adequate metaphysical justification, the essence of which is that in love and through love the divine principle is revealed in a person.
Lyudmila Sekacheva: “Tolerance, we believe, is an action to which a person goes consciously and must prepare himself for this service. Tolerance is the highest art of people, and Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy left us high moral guidelines on the path of our perfection.”

Since the end of 2009, the project has been implemented in five regions of Russia: Moscow, Tula, Arkhangelsk and Tver regions, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The organizers claim that they choose the territory solely "out of inner conviction", and the priority is given to remote, "difficult" regions of the country. Therefore, residents of the regions are invited not only to see the correspondence of the enlighteners with their own eyes, but also to answer the question “What is kindness?” - a thematic competition is held within the framework of the events.

1. There are many ideas worth dying for, but none worth dying for.

2. The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind

3. I myself am not without sin, therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others

4. It's not very wise to be confident in your own wisdom.

5. The world is big enough to feed all people, but it is too small to satisfy human greed.

6. God has no religion

7. The strongest can show weakness, and the wisest can make a mistake.

8. A gram of your own experience is worth more than a ton of other people's instructions.

9. Without my consent, no one can harm me.

10. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals

11. The rich should live easier so that the poor can simply survive.

12. No man loses freedom except through his own weakness.

13. If you encounter an opponent, defeat him with love.

14. True beauty lies in purity of heart.

15. The difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous families is imaginary. We are all members of the same family

16. Once started, you can’t quit unless it turned out to be morally unhealthy.

17. One should not expect a reward for one's labors, but every good deed must eventually bear fruit

18. Forgiving is more courageous than punishing

19. The ability to forgive is a property of the strong. The weak don't forgive

20. Overcome hate with love, untruth with truth, violence with patience

21. One must know when to act and when to refrain from actions. Action and inaction in these circumstances are akin to and by no means contradict each other.

22. I hate walls and fences. The sky that embraces the whole earth, the wind that meets no obstacles, the ocean that washes all shores - this is the ideal

23. Throughout my life, I have benefited more from my critic friends than from fans, especially if the criticism was expressed in polite and friendly language.

24. We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world

25. The value of an ideal is that it moves away as we approach it.

26. As soon as you believe that you have reached the ideal, further development stops and the movement begins to reverse.

27. Man is the product of his own thoughts. What he thinks is what he becomes

28. The right to subject people to the most severe criticism deserves the one who convinced them of his love for them

29. Fearlessness is essential for the development of other noble qualities.

30. Is it possible without courage to seek the truth or carefully keep love?

31. Praise cannot strengthen virtue. Following a good example is the most sincere praise

32. Love never demands, it always gives. Love always suffers, never protests, never avenges itself.

33. Find a goal, resources will be found

34. The life of a lamb is no less valuable than the life of a human being. I submit that the more helpless a creature is, the more entitled it is to protection against human cruelty.

35. It has always been a mystery to me: how can people respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves?

36. A small body, conditioned by the spirit and inspired by an unquenchable faith in its mission, can change the course of history.

37. A person will never shout where the quiet, quiet voice of conscience reaches.

38. I am against violence, because when it seems that evil does good, this good is not for long, but evil remains

39. The best way to find yourself is to stop serving others.

40. Any act in your life may seem like an insignificant small thing, but it is still extremely important to do it.

41. Start to change in yourself what you want to change around

42. If you want to change the world, change yourself

43. Strength is in the absence of fear

44. The only tyrant I recognize is the inner voice

45. If you want a change in the future, become this change in the present

46. ​​We will be ruined by politics without principles, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity, and prayer without sacrifice.

47. I only count on the good in people

48. First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win

49. If I didn’t have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago

50. Just as a person will not care about life in another body than his own, so nations do not like to live under the domination of other nations, no matter how noble and great they may be

51. I recognize only one tyrant - the inner voice of conscience

52. Civilization in the true sense of the word does not consist in the multiplication of needs, but in the free and well-thought-out limitation of one's desires.

53. Service without joy does not help either the one who serves or the one who is served.

54. A coward is not able to show love, this is the prerogative of the brave

55. A deceiver ultimately deceives himself.

56. Freedom is worthless unless it includes the freedom to make mistakes.

57. Cowardice can never be moral

58. There is no truth in a person who cannot control his tongue

59. Live as if you will die tomorrow, learn as if you will live forever

60. If we want to achieve world peace, then we must start with children

61. In order to contemplate the universal and omnipresent spirit of truth, one must be able to love the most contemptible creature - oneself

62. I do not want my house to be walled on all sides and my windows to be tightly boarded up: I want the culture of all countries to freely penetrate into my house. But I don't want to be knocked down

63. Let us respect our opponents for the same honesty of motives that we ourselves claim

64. There can be no two opinions about the fact that a person should be guided by reason, and not by the desire for wealth

65. A person and his deed are different things. While a good deed deserves approval, and a bad deed - condemnation, a person, regardless of whether he has done a good or bad deed, is always worthy of either respect or compassion.

66. There are more important things in life than just increasing its pace.

67. For a person with an empty stomach, God is food

68. Hot and pure dictates of the heart are always fulfilled

69. Knowledge in the field of religion, unlike experience, seems like a trifle in moments of trial.

70. Non-violence is not the lot of cowardice, but heroism

71. The highest honor that friends can give me is to follow my teachings in their lives, or fight against it to the end if they do not believe in it.

72. Matters of conscience are not decided by majority vote

73. A clear conscience is an invention of the devil

74. Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat

75. They call me a saint who was ruined by politics. In fact, I am a politician who does everything possible to become a saint.

76. My patriotism is not a closure to one nation; it is comprehensive, and I am ready to renounce such patriotism, which builds the well-being of one nation on the exploitation of others

77. What difference does it make for the dead, the orphans and the homeless, in the name of which arbitrariness and destruction are being created - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism?

78. We do not know what is better - to live or die. Therefore, we should not overly admire life, nor tremble at the thought of death. We should treat both of them the same

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Mahatma Gandhi needs no introduction. In India, his name is surrounded by the same reverence with which the names of saints are pronounced. The whole world knows the man who led his country to independence from the British government in 1947.

Today, on the day of memory of the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, website remembers wise sayings this legendary spiritual leader.

  1. First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win.
  2. If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.
  3. The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind.
  4. The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.
  5. If you want change in the future, be that change in the present.
  6. The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong.
  7. The best way to find yourself is to melt into service to others.
  8. Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it.
  9. Freedom is worthless unless it includes the freedom to make mistakes.
  10. I know only one tyrant, and that is the quiet voice of conscience.
  11. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals.
  12. It has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.
  13. A small body, conditioned by the spirit and animated by an unquenchable faith in its mission, can change the course of history.
  14. Love never demands - it always gives. Love always suffers - never protests, never avenges itself.
  15. Find a goal - there will be resources.
  16. The only way to live is to let live.
  17. I only count on the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others.
  18. It is not very wise to be sure of your own wisdom. It must be remembered that the strongest may show weakness, and the wisest may make a mistake.
  19. Matters of conscience are not decided by majority vote.
  20. Overcome hatred with love, untruth with truth, violence with patience.
  21. What is possible for one is possible for all.
  22. No one can harm me without my consent.
  23. God is love - this is the only truth that I fully recognize. Love is equal to God.
  24. What difference does it make for the dead, the orphans and the homeless, in the name of which arbitrariness and destruction are being created - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism?
  25. My conviction is that no man loses freedom except through his own weakness.
  26. Man is the product of his own thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
  27. A "no" said with deep conviction is better than a "yes" said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems.
  28. Strength - in the absence of fear, and not in the number of muscles on our body.
  29. True beauty lies in the purity of the heart.
  30. If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.

The ethical principles of Gandhi are based on his deep faith in the Supreme Law. Gandhi never acted as an apologist for one particular religious system, as a representative of a particular religious community. According to him, he was always guided by the fact that "religious practice and dogmas may differ, but the ethical principles of all religions are common."

Gandhi all his life proceeded from the fact that the truth, ultimately, is indicated by God, but did not at all believe that serving the truth should consist in refusing to solve worldly problems in the name of merging with God and eternal bliss in the other world. His service to the truth had a purely earthly character. The truth for him consisted precisely in the fact that it opened the way to ensure human life on Earth.

  1. A small body, conditioned by the spirit and animated by an unquenchable faith in its mission, can change the course of history.
  2. First they don't notice you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you. And then you win.
  3. If I didn't have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.
  4. The principle of "an eye for an eye" will make the whole world blind.
  5. Find a goal - there will be resources.
  6. The world is big enough to satisfy the needs of any person, but too small to satisfy human greed.
  7. Let the demons act, and they will punish themselves.
  8. If you want change in the future, be that change in the present.
  9. Live as if you will die tomorrow; learn as if you will live forever.
  10. A gram of your own experience is more valuable than a ton of instructions.
  11. Why worry? Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. Was it worth it?
  12. No one can harm me without my consent.
  13. The best way to find yourself is to stop serving other people.
  14. Whatever you do in life will be insignificant. But it's very important that you do it.
  15. If you want to change something in your personal life, start with yourself. It's not easy, but the result will be great!
  16. One should not expect a reward for labors, but every good deed will certainly bear fruit in the end.
  17. Freedom is worthless unless it includes the freedom to make mistakes.
  18. I know only one tyrant, and that is the quiet voice of conscience.
  19. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals.
  20. It has always been a mystery to me: how people can respect themselves by humiliating others like themselves.
  21. Civilization in the true sense of the word does not consist in the multiplication of needs, but in the free and well-thought-out limitation of one's desires.
  22. Love never demands - it always gives. Love always suffers - never protests, never avenges itself.
  23. The only way to live is to let live.
  24. You must change in yourself what you want to see in a changed world.
  25. The difference between the good and the best lies in the ability to give up what is desired for the sake of what is necessary.
  26. I only count on the good in people. I myself am not without sin, and therefore I do not consider myself entitled to focus on the mistakes of others.
  27. It is not very wise to be sure of your own wisdom. It must be remembered that the strongest may show weakness, and the wisest may make a mistake.
  28. The right to subject people to the most severe criticism deserves only one who has convinced them of his love for them.
  29. In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply.
  30. There is no truth in a person who is unable to control his tongue.
  31. Overcome hatred with love, untruth with truth, violence with patience.
  32. Renunciation of the object of desire without renunciation of the desire itself is fruitless, whatever the cost.
  33. If you encounter an opponent, defeat him with love.
  34. Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong.
  35. The greatness of a man is especially seen in the extent to which he contributes to the well-being of others.
  36. What is possible for one is possible for all.
  37. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops in the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
  38. God is love - this is the only truth that I fully recognize. Love is equal to God.
  39. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
  40. God speaks to us every day. We just don't know how to hear it.
  41. Prayer is the key to tomorrow and the bolt to yesterday.
  42. What difference does it make for the dead, the orphans and the homeless, in the name of which arbitrariness and destruction are being created - in the name of totalitarianism or in the name of sacred democracy and liberalism?
  43. My conviction is that no man loses freedom except through his own weakness.
  44. Fearlessness is indispensable for the development of other noble qualities. Is it possible without courage to seek the truth or carefully keep love?
  45. Man is the product of his own thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.
  46. Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values ​​become your destiny.
  47. Man is the master of his own destiny in the sense that he has the freedom to dispose of his freedom. But what this will lead to is unknown.
  48. A "no" said with deep conviction is better than a "yes" said only to please or, worse, to avoid problems.
  49. Strength - in the absence of fear, and not in the number of muscles on our body.
  50. I am against violence. Because when evil seems to do good, it's good for a little while. And evil remains forever.
  51. The action itself is important, not its fruits. You must do good deeds. Maybe it's not in your power or it's not time to get some kind of fruit. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't do good. You may never know the results of your actions. But if you do nothing, there will be no results.
  52. Satisfaction comes from effort, not from reaching the goal.
  53. True beauty lies in the purity of the heart.
  54. The value of an ideal is that it moves away as we approach it.
  55. If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.
  56. Happiness is when what you think, say and do is in harmony.
  57. Always think of complete harmony between thought, word and deed. Always make it your goal to clear your thoughts and all will be well.
  58. True friendship is the identity of souls, which is extremely rare in our world. Only between kindred souls is a worthy and strong friendship possible. These people are very responsive to each other. For this reason, true friendship rarely needs to be changed.
  59. I love the wind of all cultures at my doorstep, as long as it doesn't knock me down.
  60. What will destroy us is: politics without principle, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.


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