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Quite often, at the beginning of seasonal agricultural work, many people begin to plant seedlings. Experienced gardeners know that transplanting plants from pots to the ground is not always good for plants. It is extremely important to build a quality greenhouse and pre-heat the soil. It is quite difficult for a beginner to solve problems with the construction and implementation of soil heating.

However, most people prefer primitive greenhouses made of a light wooden or metal frame, and sheathe them with ordinary polyethylene (dense). Soil heating is carried out in various primitive ways - by placing stearin or wax candles or kerosene lamps in greenhouses. However, this is not the most effective way, especially now that there are various options for solving these issues, cheaper, more economical and more efficient.

Below we consider the issue of building a heating of greenhouses with our own hands from modern materials and what efficient energy sources it is possible to heat the soil in a greenhouse.

It’s worth starting with a description of greenhouses. On the this moment industry produces a number of constructive solutions. However, the main solution is using double-glazed windows. In the absence of funds, double-glazed windows should be replaced with ordinary polyethylene, while during the construction process it should be soldered (by high temperature). Thus, you can create 2-3 sealed chambers on one frame, which will look like a double-glazed window. Such structures of greenhouses are widely used at the present time, therefore, methods for heating such structures will be discussed below.

It is a natural and cheap (free) source of energy. In this case, the environment will not be harmed, and a competent organization will require very little money and some time.

Heating the soil in a greenhouse in this way is often referred to as the "greenhouse effect". The principle of operation is as follows:

  • ultraviolet in the form of sunlight freely penetrates glass or film;
  • transfers light energy to the earth and other objects and plants inside the greenhouse.
  • soil and other objects, heating up, heat up the air under the polyethylene.

At the same time, such heating can be controlled, thereby enhancing the greenhouse effect. To do this, the greenhouse should be built in an open area, where nothing will block it. Usually such a greenhouse is called a solar greenhouse. The management of such structures is quite simple. To do this, you need to find a mirror or foil film (with a mirror-silver surface). These materials are installed in the morning on the side opposite the sun, so that the rays passing through the roof of the greenhouse are focused and fall from the wall onto the soil of the greenhouse.

Around noon, when there are no shadows for several hours, the mirror or mirror film is removed so that direct sunlight falls on the ground from above. When the sun begins to set, a mirror or film is already attached to the opposite wall so that they reflect the rays of the setting sun.

Thus, quite satisfactory heating of the earth in the greenhouse is carried out, and the control allows increasing the amount of energy received by the soil by almost 1.5-2 times.

To achieve the maximum heating effect, it is necessary to correctly build a greenhouse - it must have an arched vault, and its location should be made so that the ends are on the north and south sides, and the longest walls are on the west and east.

It's all easy to implement with your own hands in a short time, you just need to manage the solar flows yourself.

However, such soil heating has the following disadvantages:

  • in spring or autumn there is often a change in weather and a fairly large number of cloudy days when there is practically no sun;
  • soil heating is extremely slow, so it takes about 1-2 weeks to pre-heat the soil before sowing seeds;
  • energy management requires the daily presence of a person.

Below are more technologically advanced heating methods.

Chemical-biological method of heating

This is one of the oldest ways to heat the earth. In practice, it is realized by ordinary decay. In the process of decaying manure for a short period of time (about 7 days), the manure heats up to almost 60ºC and maintains this temperature setting for almost 4 months.

You can also use straw along with organic fertilizers. To do this, lay out chopped straw in a layer (the layer should be at least 7 cm deep, and the length of the straw fractions should not exceed 4 cm). Next, the straw is sprinkled with ammonium nitrate and superphosphate (the proportions are given by the manufacturer of mineral fertilizers), after which the bookmark should be poured with hot water and sprinkled with soil.

Instead of animal feces, plant humus can also be used. It is prepared as follows:

  • grass is placed in a container, which is poured with nitrogen fertilizers (or urine);
  • then cover with a lid, which should tightly press down the contents of the container;
  • then the mixture is allowed to infuse for about 2 weeks.

Modern chemical industry special substances have also been developed that can heat the earth. Often they are based on lime and nitrogen, but there are other options.

This method has a controversial drawback - there will be a smell of humus or manure in the greenhouse, which is unpleasant for human perception, however, the concentration of substances from the humus reaction in the composition of the air has a positive effect on plants, saturating them with minerals and useful substances.

Heating a greenhouse in this way is quite simple and relatively cheap.

Heating the earth in a greenhouse with air (video)

Technical options for the implementation of heating

In fact, the technical options for heating the soil are reduced to the arrangement of "warm floors" (both water and electric) or the installation of heating elements in the greenhouse. The latter option is less effective, since in this case only the surface of the soil is heated.

This will require the construction of a capital greenhouse with a foundation. Next, heating elements are laid out on the foundation, similar to the arrangement of "warm floors". After that, they are poured with concrete (so that the concrete layer is about 2-3 mm above the level of the cable or pipe), then soil is poured. However, the layer of heated soil should not be more than half a meter - in this case, the heating efficiency decreases and energy consumption increases.

Heating the greenhouse is necessary in order to extend the useful life of the structure. In spring and summer, when the weather allows you to grow various crops without artificial heat sources, you can enjoy a rich harvest. However, this is not enough if it is planned to build a year-round warm greenhouse. To grow plants in a greenhouse all year round, you will definitely need to equip a high-quality heating system.

Any all-season building needs proper heating. When thinking about how to heat a greenhouse in winter and spring, you first need to know that there are several ways to implement efficient and reliable heating in greenhouses in winter. The choice will depend primarily on the desire and financial capabilities.

Tools and materials that will be needed in order to make heating for greenhouses:

  • shovel;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • polyethylene film;
  • coarse sand;
  • measuring tape.

The first option is solar heating. This method is used by a lot of people. You only need to install the building in a sunny place and cover it with special material. In most cases, ordinary glass is used.

However, this heating option in a greenhouse in winter is not suitable for all designs. Quite often at night, a significant decrease in air and soil temperature can be observed, which adversely affects the condition of plants.Therefore, this option cannot be used in the winter, it can only be combined with other methods of heating industrial greenhouses.

How to make heating in a greenhouse with your own hands? The first step is to dig a hole with a diameter of 15 cm and cover the soil with thermal insulation material. In this case, it is recommended to use polystyrene. From above, the pit must be covered with a film of polyethylene. Another layer should be filled with coarse sand. In the end, all this is covered with a dense layer of earth.

Do-it-yourself heating for greenhouses can also be produced biologically. The air inside the building is saturated with carbon dioxide. Further evaporation will occur, which is able to moisten the soil. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the need for watering. However, this method should be used along with other methods of heating industrial greenhouses.

Air and electric heating of the greenhouse

Tools that you will need in order to do the heating of the greenhouse with your own hands:

  • electrical devices for heating;
  • temperature sensor;
  • scheme;
  • fasteners.

There are a huge number of options for electric heating systems for greenhouses. You can use the following devices:

  • mats,
  • radiators,
  • heating cables, etc.

Quite often, professional devices are also used, which are equipped with a temperature sensor. This allows you to control the temperature required in a given period of time.

Do-it-yourself air heating of a greenhouse can be implemented by installing a special system. Work must be carried out exclusively by specialists. They will also be able to perform the calculation of heating for the greenhouse with their own hands.

Along the entire perimeter of the greenhouse, it will be necessary to lay a perforated polyethylene sleeve, along which heat will evenly pass.

Elements that will be needed to install a heating system in a greenhouse in winter:

  • steel pipe;
  • Bulgarian;
  • measuring tape.

It is very easy to make a primitive heating system for greenhouses of this type with your own hands.

The process consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you need to take a piece of steel pipe.
  2. One end of the tube must be inserted into the greenhouse, and a fire should be made under the other.

Warm air passes through the pipe, which will enter the greenhouse and heat the plants.

Furnace heating method for greenhouses

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse can be made using the following tools and materials:

  • refractory brick;
  • masonry mortar;
  • Master OK;
  • barrel;
  • Bulgarian;
  • steel pipe;
  • pump;
  • electronic sensor;
  • scheme.

The construction of the stove consists of the following steps:

  1. In the vestibule of an unheated greenhouse, you need to lay out a brick stove firebox.
  2. A chimney structure must be placed along the entire length of the greenhouse.
  3. A chimney pipe should be removed from the greenhouse to remove carbon monoxide. In this case, all the heat will remain inside the structure. The distance between the end wall of the system and the firebox must be at least 25 cm.

There is another option for making a stove. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. A large barrel must be painted from the inside in several layers.
  2. Inside the container, recesses should be prepared for the chimney, stove and a small tank in the upper part.
  3. Next, you need to weld a furnace from metal sheets and insert it into a barrel.
  4. The chimney must be removed from the tank. Outdoors, a minimum 5 m high pipe should be installed.
  5. In the upper part of the structure, you need to install an additional tank of 20 liters.
  6. Pipes are mounted in increments of 1.2 m.
  7. In order for water to circulate in the system, you will need to install a pump.

The structure is most often heated with firewood.

Heating in a winter greenhouse (video)

Water option for heating a greenhouse

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse can also be heated using a water system. One option is to use a thermos, which can be crafted from a fire extinguisher.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. The first step is to cut off the top of the structure.
  2. An electric heater should be placed at the bottom of the housing.
  3. In order to be able to pour liquid into the heater, you will need to install a removable cover in the upper part.

To make high-quality heating for greenhouses, you should connect 2 tubes that are connected by a radiator. The tubes are fixed with rubber sealing elements.

Another option for hot water heating of greenhouses

In this case, it will be necessary to prepare some tubes, a heating element and a device for welding. In the corner of the greenhouse it is necessary to place a boiler with a capacity of 50 liters and an electric heater with a power of 2 kW. Pipes are located at a slight slope.

  1. The boiler is made from a tube. You will need to weld the bottom with a flange to it.
  2. The heating elements must be connected to an electrical cord, and then isolated.
  3. From scraps of the tube, you will need to make a tank with a volume of up to 30 liters. Next, you need to weld the couplings in order to fasten the boiler riser and the system.
  4. In the tank itself, it is necessary to cut a lid in order to be able to add liquid.
  5. Next, you need to make a pipeline from steel pipes OK. At the ends of the parts you need to make a thread.

The boiler body must be grounded with a copper wire. The cores are attached to the heating element phases and the boiler body.

Water heating of the greenhouse (video)

Do-it-yourself installation of autonomous heating equipment is not too difficult. You will need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials, get acquainted with what types of greenhouse heating exist, and then choose the option that is best for you.

If you follow the sequence of actions and adhere to the schemes that are developed by professionals with extensive experience, then there should be no problems in the process of organizing heating for a greenhouse with your own hands.

If you decide to build a stationary greenhouse for year-round growing vegetables, then in any case, you need to solve the issue of heating it in winter and during the transition period. There are many different ways to organize greenhouse heating, and most of them can be done by hand. In the article we will consider these methods, as well as give recommendations on calculating the power of the heating system and choosing a source of thermal energy.

Types of greenhouse heating

There are really a lot of options for heating such structures, no less than for private houses. This is easy to verify if you study the projects for heating farm greenhouses of various sizes, posted on various Internet resources.

According to the method of transferring heat into the building, the heating system is of the following types:

  • air;
  • water;
  • combined with direct heating of the soil.

For reference. In large farm greenhouses, infrared heating is often used with gas or electric heaters.

In the first case, one or more heat sources directly heat the air in the building, which is easier and cheaper to implement. Do water heating in a greenhouse with your own hands it is more difficult, but the effect will be greater, since it makes it possible to heat the vegetable growth zones, and not the entire volume of the building. The optimal solution is a combined one, when the planting soil and the air in the greenhouse building are heated separately.

When choosing a heating method, the question inevitably arises, what is the best way to heat a building, what energy carrier should be used for this purpose? There are several options here:

  • natural or liquefied gas;
  • electricity;
  • various types of solid fuel (wood, coal).

The choice of energy carrier depends on individual conditions on a case-by-case basis, so you'll have to do it yourself. We will consider how it is possible to heat a winter greenhouse with one or another fuel and what system schemes are used for this. True, there are alternative sources of heat, such as solar collectors or geothermal systems. But the former are ineffective in winter, and the latter are incredibly expensive, so it makes no sense to take them into account.

Natural gas heating

This energy carrier is very convenient to use, although it will not work to conduct and connect it with your own hands, this should be done by a specialized company. If you do not take this moment into account, and even the cost of gas for the population of different CIS countries, then this is one of the best options for greenhouses. Using gas heating, you can organize an air, water and infrared method of heating a winter greenhouse.

A common practice is to install infrared gas heaters on the roof of the room. If the structure has a small width, then the units will be placed along the axis of the building in one row. It is important that all the beds fall within the coverage area of ​​the device in width (it is indicated in the operating instructions). When this cannot be achieved, gas appliances are placed in 2 or 3 rows.

The advantage of gas infrared heating in winter is the direct heating of the soil, and only then - the air in the greenhouse. The disadvantage is the need for a ventilation device to remove combustion products.

Another option is a gas boiler plus a greenhouse water heating system. It must be understood that in greenhouse facilities the main task is to provide plants with heat, and not to warm people. To do this, wiring is carried out from smooth pipes with a diameter of not more than 40 mm over the entire area. Moreover, their laying is carried out along each bed at a height of 20-30 cm from ground level. It is allowed to use the following types of wiring:

  • the supply line is along one wall, the return line is near the other. They are interconnected by transverse pipes running between the beds;
  • supply and return are laid along one wall. Each heating pipe runs along one bed, and returns past another;
  • the pipe is laid with a snake over the entire area of ​​the greenhouse, forming a single heating circuit.

Advice. Shut-off valves must be installed on each branch so that the circuit can be turned off when the plants are already harvested.

Additionally, in order to warm the air inside the building, it is recommended to place several heaters near the walls. Usually these are do-it-yourself registers made of smooth pipes. As you already understood, it will take a lot of work to install such a system, but you will only spend money on a gas boiler and its connection. You can go the other way: arrange air heating of the greenhouse by installing several gas convectors.

Electric heating

If we talk about the device of water electric heating, then it is carried out in the same way as gas. Only the source of heat we now have is different - a heating element, electrode or induction boiler. No permits are required for its installation, and therefore the work can be done independently.

It is even easier to make infrared heating with hanging appliances, they do not require ventilation for their operation. They are placed in the same way as gas ones, by fixing to the roofing part.

There is a variant of combined heating of a winter greenhouse, when an electric heating cable or a heating film is laid in the ground. At the same time, the space inside the building is heated by air heaters (fan heaters) or self-made oil radiators. Here the choice is entirely yours, as long as there is enough electrical power supplied.

It is noteworthy that the electric heating of a winter greenhouse can be economical, despite the high tariffs. After all, the coldest time is the night, when the cost of electricity is minimal, you just need to use a multi-tariff meter. In addition, such systems are easily regulated and automated.

Use of solid fuel

Heating greenhouses with wood is the most common and cheapest way, although troublesome. Most often, it is implemented using home-made stoves - brick or metal, for example, such as Buleryan.

One or more stoves are installed in the center of the structure, and its chimney is first laid horizontally and only then turns and goes outside. The goal is to extract as much heat from the flue gases as possible, so that the horizontal section can reach a length of 10 m.

Advice. A horizontal pipe should be laid with a slope towards the furnace in order to facilitate the passage of combustion products and improve natural draft.

When it is planned to install a water heating system, a solid fuel boiler is installed in the greenhouse or outside it. The first option is more preferable, since all the heat will remain inside the building, while the second one is used for the heat supply of several greenhouse structures from one solid fuel boiler. It is important to take into account 2 points: to insulate the highways passing along the street, and not to install shutoff valves on pipe sections outside the greenhouse.

How to choose a boiler for a greenhouse

Regardless of whether you decide to heat the building with wood or electricity, you must first find out the amount of heat needed for it. Here you can not do without calculation, and in order to complete it, you need to know the exact area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and the translucent part of the greenhouse. In addition, you need to find data on the lowest daily temperature for your area, as well as the average wind speed during that day. This information is specified in the standard called "Construction climatology and geophysics".

On the nomogram shown above, we find the graph corresponding to the lowest temperature. Then, from the abscissa axis (wind speed), we draw a line until we meet this graph and determine the specific heat loss in relation to the fencing coefficient along the ordinate axis. It is easier to show the calculation using an example for a greenhouse with a floor area of ​​700 m2, glazing - 980 m2. Then, with a wind of 4.7 m/s and a temperature of -30 °C, according to the graph, the value of Q/k is 388 W/m2.

Now we need to find the fencing coefficient k, it is equal to the ratio of the area of ​​translucent structures to the area of ​​the floor. In our example, k = 980/700 = 1.4, then Q = 388k = 388 x 1.4 = 543 W/m2. It remains only to find out the total heat loss by multiplying the specific (543 W / m2) by the area of ​​the polycarbonate greenhouse (700 m2): 700 x 543 \u003d 380,000 W or 380 kW.

To select a boiler for a greenhouse, you need to multiply the heat loss value by the safety factor. Whatever heat source you take - solid fuel or gas, it cannot work at maximum all the time. For those greenhouses that are built of polycarbonate or using glass, the safety factor will be 1.3, and those covered with ordinary film - at least 1.5.

Advice. It is always better to choose a solid fuel boiler for long burning with a one and a half power reserve and large firebox sizes. This will save you from frequent loading of firewood or coal in the middle of the night.


The organization of heating a winter greenhouse is a simpler event than a heating device for a residential building. Here, almost all the work can be done independently, if you have the appropriate skills. The main thing is to choose a suitable heat source and energy carrier. Finally - the traditional advice on energy saving: in greenhouses it is very important to insulate the floors under the beds, which will provide significant savings. For this purpose, foam plastic with a thickness of at least 100 mm is well suited.

In Russian climatic conditions, growing plants in greenhouses can be quite problematic. The reason for this may be sudden frosts. save the situation and future harvest can heating greenhouses.

By creating a system in a greenhouse, you can not worry about weather conditions and significantly expand the number of plant species grown.

If you make heating in a greenhouse, you can harvest up to four crops a year, providing your family with vitamins.

Varieties of heating for a greenhouse

Scheme of the device of a wooden greenhouse covered with polycarbonate.

At the moment, there are many different ways to make good and uncomplicated heating in a greenhouse. For example, it can be gas, furnace, steam, electric or water heating. So, to create electric heating for greenhouses, it is necessary at the stage of laying the foundation to first fix the electrical circuit based on special wiring for underfloor heating. This method is suitable for heating greenhouses with a small area - heating cables in the foundation will not take up extra space.

It is not recommended to use electric heaters to heat the greenhouse. This method cannot provide normal air circulation, thereby causing uneven heating of the room. The result will be a situation where one area is very overheated, and the other, located at a distance from the heater, remains completely without heat. To normalize the distribution of heated air masses, heating for greenhouses allows the use of a fan built into the heater. The negative aspects that this greenhouse heating has include forced cooling of the air as a result of the operation of the fan and an increase in electricity costs.

In order for the greenhouse to be heated evenly, it is necessary to create a complete heating system with your own hands, capable of creating comfortable conditions for the development and growth of plants. It is advisable to take care of the optimal heating of the soil.

The greenhouse is designed for growing fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants in all seasons.

Before you create heat, you need to consider different options, taking into account many factors. When choosing heating, it is necessary to take into account the size of the structure, financial capabilities, and the option of a firebox in a residential building. Since each method has its advantages and disadvantages, each aspect must be carefully studied.

It is extremely important that heating for greenhouses is combined with the design of the greenhouse itself. Do not lose sight of this moment. For example, to provide heating for greenhouses constructed from polycarbonate, a low-power system is required, since this material itself is an excellent heat insulator.

An important role is played by the features of the functioning of each of the systems. Some may be easy to use, convenient, but expensive. Heating of some modifications may require the participation of professionals for installation. To organize the heating of industrial-scale greenhouses, you will need to use innovative technologies such as infrared heating or heat pumps. If you wish, you can choose the heating of the greenhouse with your own hands, which will help save a large amount of money on expendable materials and specialist services.

Heating a greenhouse with your own hands is extremely simple to create. Before you make heating, first of all, it is necessary to study in detail the entire technology of the heating process. It is very important to make a competent calculation on the basis of which heating will be performed in order to achieve rational use energy resources and optimal distribution of thermal energy.

Sometimes it is possible to perform it without the need to create a stand-alone system. Before proceeding with the connection, you should familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the boiler - whether it can provide the required pressure level during its operation. It makes no sense to create heating for greenhouses by connecting to the main one if the greenhouse itself is located at a great distance from the house - more than ten meters. It should be borne in mind that greenhouses need heating even at night.

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How to make heating in a water-based greenhouse

One of the most common ways to heat a greenhouse is one in which the coolant is water. it will be possible to create functioning both on gas fuel and on electricity. Here the choice remains only with the owner. Heating with hot water is carried out by circulation through pipes located under the floor or inside. The schemes for performing such heating are extremely simple, it is easy to do such heating of the greenhouse with your own hands. The coolant (in this case water) circulates through the pipes when the heat is transferred to environment(greenhouse room), it returns to the boiler, where it is heated again.

Some pipes allow you to lower the temperature of the liquid in the pipes. It should be borne in mind that such heating for greenhouses tends to warm up rather slowly.

The main element due to which heating is performed is the boiler. It is necessary to choose it, based on what source of energy it will work on. Consider the types of greenhouse heating as an example. So, if the heating of the house is carried out due to the gas pipeline laid to it, then similar heating can be performed in the greenhouse.

Gas boilers are the most economical option for generating heat.

Scheme of water heating of the greenhouse.

It can also work by supplying electricity from the network. Here, water is heated in a boiler and, using a circulation pump, is supplied to pipes that are laid in the greenhouse room. In order to ensure optimal circulation of the coolant through the pipes (regardless of what it will be - steam, air or water), it is necessary to use a special pump. If you equip the boiler with a special thermostat, you can automatically maintain the set temperature of the coolant.

When heating for greenhouses involves laying pipes underground for subsoil insulation, the material from which they are made should be taken into account. The worst option would be to use steel pipes in order to carry out subsurface heating in greenhouses. Corrosion in a short time can destroy them and disable the entire system.

Water heating has some disadvantages. It's runtime complexity installation work for laying pipes, the need for constant monitoring of the functioning of the heating system and the high price of consumables. The positive aspects include the fact that the water heating of the greenhouse simultaneously warms up both the air and the soil.

Materials needed to create a water system:

  • boiler (gas or electric);
  • pipes (made of copper, plastic or steel);
  • pump;
  • thermostat.

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Infrared heating for greenhouses

It is rare that anyone uses this method, since electricity is one of the most expensive sources of energy. Therefore, you need to consider other, cheaper options. Recently, heating for greenhouses has been built according to the PLEN type. Due to their high efficiency, they are able to thoroughly warm the soil and vegetation without overheating the air. The heated soil and the structure of the greenhouse itself subsequently emit heat into the environment. One of the advantages that distinguishes this heating for greenhouses is that the warmest area will be the lower tier in the greenhouse due to uniform heating of the soil.

Savings arise due to the fact that heating in the greenhouse using infrared heaters does not work constantly. Here the whole thing is quite simple. It is enough to supply such heating of greenhouses with a thermostat, and he will be able to independently maintain the optimum temperature in the greenhouse. Another advantage that infrared heating has is that it is absolutely safe for both people and plants. It allows you to grow a huge range of different plants due to the possibility of performing different temperature zones. Such heating for greenhouses is an ideal option for those cases when you need to quickly heat the greenhouse in a short period of time. This heating in the greenhouse is able to reach the optimum temperature level in just ten minutes.

Materials needed to create infrared heating:

  • infrared heaters;
  • thermostat;
  • infrared lamps.

Our climate is characterized by a cold and frosty winter, usually long, so for every gardener the question of how to heat a greenhouse is hardly an idle one. And it doesn’t matter if you are professionally engaged in gardening in order to sell the harvest, or just indulge, as they say, for the soul and your goal is fresh fruits and vegetables on the table in the frosty season.

Heated winter greenhouse has long been calling card zealous owner, a sign of productivity and fertility of the economy. Indeed, in our country, many gardeners prefer to use greenhouse structures during the cold season to grow heat-loving crops. Today we’ll talk about how to properly equip a greenhouse and how to heat a greenhouse in winter.

Which design to choose

You can place an order and buy a ready-made factory version, but you can also design it on your own. What is needed for this?

Not so much. 6-8 arc-shaped steel profiles with a cross section of 3-5 cm will be enough, you will also need a rectangular lower base and one upper or side transverse section, which is designed to strengthen the structure during strong gusts of wind and protect it from the mass of snow.

Polycarbonate will become a reliable coating. This material has excellent strength characteristics and its use in the creation of such structures can be considered a reference.

If we talk about ready-made solutions, the so-called “bread box” designs have proven themselves well. This type of indoor garden has earned its popularity due to its compactness and mobility. Due to its small dimensions, it can be freely moved if necessary. It also has a very simple characteristic “open-close” mechanism, thanks to which it got its name.

A heated winter greenhouse is the dream of every gardener. And we will talk about how and with what it is better to heat a greenhouse in the next chapter of our review.

How can you heat your indoor garden in winter?

So how do you heat a greenhouse in winter? There are several ways to organize a heating system inside a greenhouse. All of them have their pros and cons, all differ from each other, both in terms of cost and reliability.

natural way

Heating the interior of the greenhouse with solar energy. The simplest and, under certain conditions, quite effective option.

The mechanism of its application is extremely simple:

  1. The sun's rays, bypassing the transparent polycarbonate roof and walls, penetrate into the greenhouse and heat the air inside it.
  2. At the same time, polycarbonate does not allow heat to leave the frame of the greenhouse, and the difference between the temperature indicators of the external environment and the soil inside the greenhouse can be 4 ° C and 12 ° C, respectively.

With the use of sunlight in clear weather, you can heat the inside, as they say, "cheap and cheerful." However, this option is best used in combination with more reliable other methods, since it is very unreliable due to the dependence on the clarity of the winter period. Of even greater importance is the "hardness" of winter, because in severe frosts the sun's rays will not save the crop from the destructive cold.


One of the most ancient ways, which is still used everywhere. This is especially true for private non-profit farms and small businesses. Biological fuel is used here as a source of heat generation.

In the process of decomposition, organics tend to release thermal energy. AT agriculture Since ancient times, it has been customary to use materials such as:

  • rotten straw,
  • tree bark and foliage,
  • fruits of trees and bushes unsuitable for consumption,
  • bird droppings and animal manure.

Superiority among organic sources of heat generation is rightfully occupied by horse manure. This material has unsurpassed qualities of heat generation among this kind of organics. It is able to warm up within 5-7 days.

The heating temperature during the decomposition of horse manure can reach 70°C and it tends to persist throughout the growing season.

For reference! How to deal with biofuels? Previously, manure was brought to the site, as they say, in finished raw form. Now these are more aesthetic and less fragrant dry briquettes, but just as effective.

  1. The first step will be warming up, that is, the launch of biofuel, for which it is dropped into the ground for a week by several centimeters. The soil before this is well loosened with a pitchfork.
  2. As soon as you notice the steam emanating from the beds, it can be buried in the soil. To do this, dig trenches 50-55 cm deep. Spread manure or briquettes in a dense layer, layer thickness 40 cm.

If straw is added, the effect will be longer, but the temperature will be lower.

  1. Then sprinkle manure with earth to the top of the bed (10 cm) and after 5-7 days you can start planting.

Heating a greenhouse in winter with the use of biofuels is a centuries-old method. However, in this case, this method will be defined only as an auxiliary one. For high-quality and uninterrupted heating of a greenhouse under any external weather conditions, more serious heat sources are required.

Water heating system

A heated winter greenhouse using heated water is today almost the best option among all existing ones.

The principle of operation of this method is no different from the boiler method of heating residential buildings. To install a water heating system for a greenhouse, several pipes and a boiler for heating water should be purchased. Installation can be carried out both on their own and with the involvement of specialists.

Pipes can be laid not only in the interior of the room for air heating, but also in the ground under the parent soil layer.

The use of such a heating method, firstly, will provide the greenhouse with the necessary temperature indicators, and secondly, it will not hit the wallet hard. Although, of course, this is already a complete and reliable heating system, and its arrangement and maintenance in any case will cost money.

Use of electrical appliances

Another technical heating method. One of the most popular, because in our country there is not a single settlement left without electricity.

Numerous special electrical appliances are used to heat the inside of the greenhouse. These include:

  • special convectors;
  • heat guns;
  • fans;
  • infrared lamps;
  • infrared heaters UFO,

that is, all those units that are designed to heat the air inside the structure. Heating mats and electric cables for underground heating are also very often used.

This is a very reliable and effective method of heating a greenhouse in the winter. However, buildings heated by this method can afford only well-to-do enterprises.

How to make warm beds

These devices are considered the most economical compared to other electric heating options.

  1. For the arrangement, it is necessary to dig trenches 55-60 cm deep in the beds, the bottom is covered with insulating material. This is necessary so that all the heat rises up to the roots of the plants, and does not “spread” to nowhere.
  2. A 5-cm layer of sand is poured onto the insulation, it is compacted tightly, covered with a fine mesh.
  3. They lay out heating mats or an electric cable with polypropylene insulation with a diameter of 6 mm, a bending radius of at least 35 mm.

To obtain a sufficient amount of heat, it is necessary to proceed from a certain cable power. On average, this is 75-100 W / sq.m., but at the same time, the linear power should not be higher than 10 W / sq.m., so as not to overheat the roots.

  1. They make another 5 cm sand layer with obligatory tamping.
  2. The sand is covered with a mesh so that it does not mix with the soil.
  3. The soil is poured with the last layer by 35-40 cm. Planting can be started immediately.

Heating a greenhouse in winter using electricity for non-commercial purposes is very expensive and unprofitable for the average gardener.

Gas heating

Along with the water method, this method can also be called optimal. If the greenhouse is small, bottled gas can be used. If the greenhouse has an industrial scale, natural main gas should be used. To do this, you need to obtain permission, buy equipment (burner and pipes) and carry out installation work.

It is profitable to use gas, because it is cheaper than electricity. However, when using such a resource, you should definitely equip the greenhouse with a good ventilation system. This somewhat reduces the efficiency of the greenhouse in comparison with the use of water heating, while the gas heating system remains one of the most popular and financially profitable.

VIDEO: Heating the earth in a greenhouse with air. Air pipes as thermal insulation

How to save on fuel

It is clear that an economical heated winter greenhouse is of interest to everyone - both ordinary summer residents and businessmen. We offer 2 very simple but sufficient effective ways save on heating.

  1. High beds - with biofuel where a 40-cm layer of soil rises above the heat source. Convenient, inexpensive, practical. Moreover, such ridges are easier to care for.
  2. Electrical heating cable. Frankly, it is hard to imagine that a modern heated winter greenhouse could do without such a simple, but very rational way of heating.

As we could see, a heated winter greenhouse will become a true and reliable friend for every gardener who wants to keep up the pace of production of his household even in the cold winter. Moreover, its presence is simply necessary when running an agricultural business, because a properly equipped and heated greenhouse will save the entrepreneur from the scourge of seasonality.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself heating in a greenhouse is easy: Bubafonya stove


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