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The meaning of this proverb should be clear to many, there is nothing complicated here. This proverb can be rephrased as follows. You can't achieve anything if you're stuck in the same place all the time. Without taking steps forward, without moving and developing, you will not achieve anything in life or in some exceptional moment. Without earning your own food, you become angry and envious of other people's successes and good fortune. you will want to seize, take away from others, but even here failure awaits you, you will be possessed by elementary laziness, laziness to do something. Well, then comes the hatred

Those above and ahead of you. You will begin to overcome despondency, you will want to take your own life. Such vices as drunkenness, rudeness may also appear, you will be proud in front of everyone and at the same time weak. Well, and so on.

A person suffers from idleness and begins to try himself in any business that seems fun and where nothing needs to be done. But everything must be answered. In a cheerful frenzy, you can do things with sad consequences. In addition, a person easily lends himself bad influence, he can try alcohol, drugs, he can start stealing, etc. And if he was busy with business, then bad thoughts would not visit his head.

Is idleness the mother of all vices? Wonderfully said. When you are idle, a variety of thoughts come into your head, sometimes those that lead to negative consequences. Well, if you were busy with business, the wrong thoughts would not come to your mind.

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“Idleness is the mother of all vices” is a wise proverb that contains a philosophical meaning. Mother is one of the ancestors, which means that idleness is the parent of all vices, which means that all other vices of man appeared from idleness.

You look at your classmates: Katka music school studies, participates in competitions. We go to her concerts. She sits so beautifully at the piano, holding her back straight, with graceful fingers touching the keys that give birth to a new sound. The hall was filled with applause, and the young pianist's cheeks lit up like a fire after the harvest. How beautifully she plays and how everyone loves her. Such thoughts often visited me. And so another vice was born in me - envy.

Why did I become jealous of her? If they put me at the piano, I won’t be able to play so magically, but after all, Katya went to this for several years, she trained both with a teacher and at home. And I am a slacker who is jealous of someone else's perseverance and work.

In addition to envy, Katya makes me feel angry: why does everyone love her, are they proud of her and cite her as an example, but not me?

Anger ate into me with each of her triumphant performances. Envy, a duet with anger, caused even greater laziness. Katya plays all day musical instrument, and I took a walk with the guys and played on the computer, only there is no result from my laziness, but from Katya's efforts.

At the end of the academic year, she was awarded a gubernatorial scholarship: as much as five thousand rubles. “Why would she need them?” - I thought - "I would buy myself new games or gum, yes, a whole box of gum." I looked greedily at her beautiful, shiny certificate, decorated with a red frame. But Katya did not feel joy, on the outside she was calm, but inside her little pianist rejoiced. And such calmness, as you know, infuriates the evil people around her even more.

Fortunately for me, there were a majority of people who hated Katya, and we decided to teach her a lesson so that she could share and not be conceited. We ignored her. One day, Katya could not stand the general oppression and burst into tears. Our idleness has led to another vice - cruelty.

After all, it’s not for nothing that they say that “Idleness is the mother of all vices”, if we found something for ourselves, we would never even think anything bad about a successful classmate, we simply wouldn’t have time. We would also become more united as one common theme rather than hatred for one person. It is necessary to make a decision in one day: either I choose an occupation for myself - a goal in life, or I will be an “eternal idler”.

It has been so for a long time: people praise labor and disgrace idleness. They say: "Idleness is the mother of all vices!" Why is this, and what is wrong with doing nothing?

Labor frees, but idleness enslaves

For the most part, a working person believes quite the opposite, but this is not so. Those who earn a living have no time to waste themselves, although sometimes they really want to indulge in laziness and lie in a hammock for days on end, but this is only because there is hard work, and if there was no work? What would happen in this case? Probably, then people would learn from their own experience why idleness is the mother of all vices. I don't want to say anything against psychological and psychoanalytic practice, but specialists in this field make good money exclusively on the wives of rich people who have nowhere to put themselves. They do not know what to do with their time, which they have an abyss.

Idleness. Collider. G.V. Hegel.

There is one myth that thinking is good. Thinking people are respected. Yes, it's all true. But there is a subtlety. A person who thinks about how to improve the hadron collider or outdo Georg Wilhelm Hegel is one thing. Such a person reads a lot, thinks, and even if he does not go to work from 9 to 17, you cannot call him a loafer, he is not afraid of vices. And imagine a woman who hasn’t taken a book in her hands for 10 years, watches endless talk shows and thinks about whether her husband loves her or not? And thoughts like this are spinning in her head all day? So you can go crazy, right?

Therefore, psychologists and psychoanalysts are needed. They collect a certain tax on the phenomenon, behind which is the expression "idleness is the mother of all vices." Now let's imagine that a hypothetical housewife does not think about whether she loves or not, but simply puts the house in perfect order, prepares gourmet meals for her husband and children. And in the worst case, she still goes to work. There will be no extra thoughts in her head. “Idleness is the mother of all vices” is not about her. She is no longer an idle person.

Playboys are born by idleness and boredom

Popular rumor, as always, is right in general and wrong in particular. There is such a term: "golden youth" - these are the children of rich people who take everything from life. By "everything" is meant the pleasures forbidden and permitted. And the attitude towards this group of people is biased. Most believe that the "golden youth" as a class is only capable of wasting their lives, giving nothing in return to either their parents or the world, but this, fortunately, does not apply to everyone. There are some who understand that they have hit the jackpot in life, and it is a sin not to use it. In other words, the saying “Idleness is the mother of all vices” does not always work, it also has misfires. Much depends on the upbringing of parents and the moral content and content of the child himself.

So it turned out a small essay on the proverb "Idleness is the mother of all vices."

Idleness is the mother of all vices.

Treading in one place, you won’t stay on it. Without taking a step forward, you won’t find and you won’t get your daily bread. forward will be replaced by the unins and the desire to end this life once and for all, but not by way of idleness, but from death. .A person must strive for something, achieve a goal. Idleness does not care about itself, nor about health, it does not give birth to anything. Whose idleness is the mother?
May the Lord give strength to all.

Humanity has evolved and continues to evolve thanks to work. The incentive has always been and is survival. But to live better, worse or just exist is the choice of each person.

Labor can be associated with both mental activity and physical activity. Even during rest, the brain continues to generate ideas if a person strives to develop. But what if not?

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Proverb “Idleness is the mother of all vices”

If a person does not strive forward, he also cannot stand still. From idleness, the personality begins to degrade. There is a manifestation of an increasingly primitive style of communication, behavior, distortion of ideals, moral values. No wonder there is a proverb “Idleness is the mother of all vices”. Of course, all people are vicious to some extent. But it is precisely from inaction that this manifests itself in a person more and more, and in the end captures him.

Biblical sins

Idleness is the mother of all vices, and this is true. But what human vices can we talk about? Perhaps they can be correlated with the sins described in the Bible, such as:

  • pride;
  • envy;
  • gluttony;
  • adultery;
  • anger;
  • greed;
  • laziness.

List of vices by Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri in his work " The Divine Comedy” identified 9 circles of hell in which the souls of dead people are serving their sentence in accordance with their vices:

  • 1 circle - limbo with unbaptized babies and people who are responsible for minor misconduct;
  • 2 circle is filled with those souls whose actions during life were guided by lust;
  • The 3rd circle is occupied by lovers of food, because gluttony is also a sin and a vice;
  • in the 4th circle, the souls who were led by greed are serving their punishment;
  • The 5th circle was occupied by souls who were constantly angry, angry, sorting things out;
  • in the 6th circle live the souls of heretics and those who during their lifetime proclaimed themselves gods;
  • 7 circle is filled with the souls of rapists, murderers and those who committed suicide;
  • 8 circle - for deceivers and scammers;
  • the very last 9th circle is for traitors.

Proverb in the school curriculum

Pupils at school are often faced with the task of writing a story according to the proverb “Idleness is the mother of all vices.” For this, it is important for children to understand and realize that idleness is wasted time that was spent on “doing nothing”. If a child is not busy with anything, but he thinks, dreams about something, fantasizes, then he no longer falls under the criterion of an idler.

Why is the saying “Idleness is the mother of all vices” true? The answer can be a simple analysis based on the same mortal sins. For example, when a person does not know what to do with himself, he can become addicted to food, and then the period of gluttony begins.

In the same way, due to the lack of any activity, the development of pride is provoked. Moreover, pride is not only an exaggeration of one's own significance, but also an underestimation of it. After all, when a person does not apply his abilities in practice, self-esteem can gradually go down lower and lower. As a result, a person can begin to compare himself with other personalities, which sometimes provokes the appearance of anger at people for their even smallest successes and luck. What can provoke resentment? Envy, anger, greed and more. So it turns out that idleness is the mother of all vices.

The meaning of this proverb should be clear to many, there is nothing complicated here. This proverb can be rephrased as follows. You won't achieve anything if you stay in one place all the time. Without taking steps forward, without moving and developing, you will not achieve anything in life or in some exceptional moment. Without earning your own food, you become angry and envious of other people's successes and good fortune. you will want to seize, take away from others, but even here failure awaits you, you will be possessed by elementary laziness, laziness to do something. Well, then there is hatred for those who are above and ahead of you. You will begin to overcome despondency, you will want to take your own life. Such vices as drunkenness, rudeness may also appear, you will be proud in front of everyone and at the same time weak. Well, and so on.

Yes, in general, in my opinion, everything is simple. Idleness equals laziness. Laziness is one of the most common vices today. Nothing needs to be explained here. We sit with our hands folded, it's so easy to stay hungry and cold. There is nothing, we begin to slander, anger and envy others. Here are some more vices for you. Yes, and with nothing to do, you can break such firewood. It is not for nothing that the first thing in the upbringing of young people is that parents think that they should have at least some kind of business. As people think now, if a child is not busy with anything, then it is unlikely to end well.

A person suffers from idleness and begins to try himself in any business that seems fun and where nothing needs to be done. But everything must be answered. In a cheerful frenzy, you can do things with sad consequences. In addition, a person easily succumbs to bad influence, can try alcohol, drugs, can start stealing, etc. And if he was busy with business, then bad thoughts would not visit his head.

The meaning of this proverb should be clear to many, there is nothing complicated here. This proverb can be rephrased as follows. You won't achieve anything if you stagnate in one place all the time. Without taking steps forward, without moving and developing, you will not achieve anything in life or in some exceptional moment. Without earning your own food, you become angry and envious of other people's successes and good fortune. you will want to seize, take away from others, but even here failure awaits you, you will be possessed by elementary laziness, laziness to do something. Well, then there is hatred for those who are above and ahead of you. You will begin to overcome despondency, you will want to take your own life. Such vices as drunkenness, rudeness may also appear, you will be proud in front of everyone and at the same time weak. Well, and so on.

A person busy with something important has no time to do stupid things, be lazy, gossip, drink, smoke, and so on. Therefore, it is so important to occupy a child or teenager with something interesting to him. Then there will be no time left for stupidity, there will be no time for them.

Because in idleness the head is empty, and nature, as you know, does not tolerate emptiness, so delusional ideas climb into the head, idle thoughts are born, a person succumbs to temptations faster. But work ennobles a person.

This proverb is very easy to understand, and will also be very useful for our younger generation. And its essence lies in the fact that a busy person will have no time to even think about something bad, not to mention doing it himself.

If you think about this proverb, then you come to the unequivocal conclusion that this is actually the case. Namely, a person who is not busy with business begins, as they say, to seek adventures, and they quite often lead to the commission of crimes. Those who served in the army know that the main task of officers is to engage personnel in useful work. People who are not engaged in socially useful work gradually decompose, as individuals, lose their moral guidelines.

Idleness - the mother of all vices? Wonderfully said. When you are idle, a variety of thoughts come into your head, sometimes those that lead to negative consequences. Well, if you were busy with business, the wrong thoughts would not come to your mind.

It is easy to understand the meaning of this proverb. And the proverb says Idleness - the mother of all vices says one thing. If a person is not busy with something, then he can find great adventures. It is the parents who in the future will take care of their children, so that they are busy with something and do not sit idly by.

If we analyze this well-known proverb word by word, we get such a simple tablet:

Idleness- it is doing nothing, full effective emptiness. A person sits (or lies) and does not even remember what he should think about, what he would plan for the future, what he would strive for. Not to mention taking something and doing it.

Mother- this is a kind of ideological and psychological progenitor.

All Well, almost everyone, to be precise.

vices- what is a vice, we all know very well from life.

Idleness of hands and mind gives rise to other vices. A person is invariably drawn to something, but not to good.


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