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reporting concert MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya secondary school No. 1"

Ved.1.-Good afternoon!
Ved.2. -Hello! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy hall!
Ved.1. -Prepare the most reverent feelings and the most friendly applause.
Ved.2. -Do not hesitate to express your kind attitude towards each other and the speakers!
Ved.1. -Leaving this scene exactly a year ago, we did not say goodbye to you, we said "goodbye"!
Ved.2. -And now the spring drops are ringing outside the window again, which means that the time has come for the meeting of the creative team of the Krasnoslobodskaya secondary secondary school No. 1 with its dear viewers: teachers and parents, grandparents, friends and friends of friends!
Ved.1. -Life is like a melody, and like a melody from notes, so life is made up of relatives, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds, and even if everything does not always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, you really, really want , and try very, very hard, then we will definitely succeed. Because we are together! Together with you! Together with the whole country!

Readers come out, 3 people on each side with balls.
1) -I, you, he, she- Together - the whole country!
2) -Together - a friendly family! In the word "we" a hundred thousand "I"
3) - The sun is shining over you, School country, (My homeland!)

4) - You are the most beautiful in the world, School country, (My homeland!)
5) - The sun is shining over you, It pours from above.

6) Everything in the world, everything in the world Let me and you!

1. "Together with your country" Performed. Klokova Elena, Kudasheva Alla, Pchelintseva Ulyana,
2. Vladimir Firsov "Feeling of the Motherland" reads Lyovkin Egor
3. Song "With friends" Spanish. Trio Balkin Victor, Humenskaya Alexandra, Danilin Igor

(kids read poetry before dancing)

I go on stageI don’t look into the hall for fear,It's easy for you to watch from the audience,How I tremble on stage!
The handle goes the wrong wayThe leg goes the wrong wayOur aunt choreographerHe says it's not a problem.
Our ensemble, although tiny,But almost a star!Let's grow up a little moreAnd then we'll be famous!

4. "Flowers-flowers", Spanish. Pupils of the kindergarten "Smile" and the younger dance group "Victoria"
5. Karen Khachaturian "Gallop" Spanish. Shvechkova Maria and Mulyanova Anastasia

Ved.2. Like at the old balls in the buildings

A sea of ​​music, laughter and light.

And the delight of the girls in the eyes

From the gallantry of young cadets.

5. "Polonaise" Spanish. cadet students 6. "Boys-cadets" Spanish. Klokova Elena

Ved.1. Childhood is golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me.

Childhood is me and you.

7. "Dance with ropes" Spanish. dance group "Victoria" eight. …. "Cleaning" reads Polina Gruzintseva

9. The song "My family" isp. Vershinina Valeria ten. " Good mood» Spanish Stenyushkin family quartet 11. Dance "Kalinka" Spanish. dance Team "Serpentine"

Ved.2. The darkness was warming at my fires,

I'm not going to reproach anyone.

But rising from the darkness of centuries

Rus was held by Russian power.

12. "Rogue" Spanish. Sergei Kalashnikov, accompanied by Igor Shakhin Vedas. one. To the left, songs are pouring loudlyThere lips will sing loudly.You go to the right - they laugh there.And directly - the plays will come to life.To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!..
13. Chatsky's monologue from A. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" is read by Alena Volkova.
14. "Cossack dance". Use middle dance group "Victoria".
15. A. Barto Verse. "Nedotep" is read by Dmitry Runkov
Vedas. 2. Somewhere in the world of distant starsThere is a land of magical dreams.There, at the water's edge,Our childhood traces.
16. "The Little Prince". Use Pchelintseva Ulyana.
Vedas. one. And again before you is a miracle, a miracle that lives next to youThis miracle cannot be touched, but it can be seen and heard.It can make us cry and laugh. It hassoul and heart. This miracle is born on the stage, and its name is dance.
17. Dance "Game of feelings" Use. dance group "Expression".
18. "Dispute Masha and Vitya" Spanish. duo Gumenskaya Alexandra and Kolyadin Ilya.
19. "Rain Everywhere" Spanish. Senkina Alina.
Ved.1.Beautiful dance! This is magic.It draws you swiftly and tenaciously.Movement, rhythm and music relationshipIntertwining with bright illumination.Here beauty begets beauty.What? The one in which there is no peace.And the heart again strives to the heights,Subject to dance, music and order.
20. "Chinese motives" Spanish. middle dance group "Victoria" 21. "Once upon a time" Spanish. Pechatkina Irina and Kulikova Daria 22. "Angels of Good" Spanish. Velmiskina Arina and Dudnikova Irina. 23. E. Yevtushenko "Talk about happiness" reads Belikova Tatyana.
Ved.1. There is strength in unity! In honor and glory!And in the Russian spirit that lives for centuries!Though a new wind rules them with a sail,The helm of the country is in confident hands!Ved.2. Conquering sports peaks,Country! The students go ahead.And Happiness illuminates their way!And all new victories are easy!
24. Sports composition sports group (To the phonogram of the song “Together with your country”, all participants, the director and deputy director go on stage)

Yu. N. We are responsible for the futureOur joy, pain and sadnessOur future is children!It's hard with them. Well, let!..
T.V. Our children are our strengthExtraterrestrial worlds lights.If only the future wasAs bright as they are!..
Yu.N. Dear friends! Our concert has come to an end. And again we say to you: “Goodbye! See you soon! May spring live forever in your hearts!

\ \ For primary school teacher

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Universal preparation of the script for a concert in elementary school "We are all one family!"

Script sent by: Denisenko Marina Ivanovna, teacher primary school, higher qualification category, Volzhsky, Volgograd region.

"We are all one family!"

1 led.

Hello dear adults and children.

2 led.

We start our concert, which we called "We are all one family"

Indeed, mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brother and sister, aunt and uncle who came here today are my family!

But I also spend so much time at school! … Here are my classmates, teachers, coaches. Here I grow up, play, make friends, study. This is also my family.

You're right. Together we are one big family. This means that poems, songs, dances will be performed for you and me today.

And so, we open our concert with a song

"Planet of Childhood"

There are a lot of fun things to do at school, different fervent holidays. And now we want to ask you, how did your class live? Show you the skills of your class now. Let's invite us that hour to our stage first class! -(mounting)

First graders are so sweet. Maybe the song "Lemonade Rain" was written about them?

First graders are not only sweet tooth, they are also dreamers. Let's eavesdrop, what can a first-grader boy dream about?

Verse "If I were a girl."

The class was the first to convince us that it was not in vain that he came. He learned a lot and, indeed, rallied. Well, what about the other class? Come out, second class!

These are our future "Pesnyary".

Listen to how amicably and expressively they sing!

song __________

and one more song performed by the guys who are engaged in a circle

"Do. mi. sol-ka."

Music Director______________

Thank you all for your attention, for the cheerful good laughter! And for the thunder of applause, Ensuring success!

Scenario of the reporting concert at school

Fanfare sounds. Leader exit.

Let the music play louder
Let the light shine brighter!
Hello to our young viewers,
As well as their parents
And grandfathers and grandmothers -
Hello! Hello! Hello!

IN 2. Good afternoon dear friends.Today is a holiday in our school, fanfares are thundering, the hall welcomes guests with festive decorations, costumes are full of colors, which means that we are opening our reporting concert “Parade of Talents”.


IN 1. For us, this is a summing up of the results for the year, an opportunity to show ourselves, to refresh our memory once again with what the outgoing academic year was filled with.

IN 2. And for you, guests and spectators, to appreciate our achievements, be happy for us and get a charge of good mood.

IN 1. The talent parade of the 2016-2017 academic year opened the Knowledge Day, where we welcomed new students of our school - first-graders.

IN 2.Moms and dads, are there any in our hall?
Support the kids - they've been waiting for this!
Let the applause sound again -
Meet our little guys!

IN 1. First grade! We invite you to the stage!

(exit of grade 1, a small conversation - an eyeliner to the song “They teach at school”)


Presenter 1: Thank you, first-graders! You are great fellows!

IN 2. But you still have to grow and grow before our high school students ... (name), but do you know that tenth graders have established a telepathic connection with teachers?

IN 1. Like this?

IN 2. But like this! They learned to read the minds of teachers!

IN 2. Eh. (name), nothing is impossible for our senior students! Let's check?

Q1.Come on!

IN 2. Grade 10! Please take the stage!


Presenter1: Days changed weeks, weeks turned into months ... Winter came imperceptibly, and with it - New Year, the most favorite holiday for both adults and children.

IN 2. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, gifts ...

IN 1. Songs, dances, dances...

IN 2. And, of course, funny scenes - well, what is a holiday without laughter and humor?

IN 1. Meet! Grade 7 with the scene "In the New Year's Forest."


IN 2. Hold on, young people!
Dance from the heart
And remember that in the world -
All dances are good!


IN 1. After the New Year holidays, a month of military-patriotic education is traditionally held. It includes a review of the song and formation, checkers, chess and tennis tournaments, "Merry Starts" and many other events.

IN 2. Within a week literary reading“War rhymed their fates” classes prepared reports on the work of little-known poets who died during the war, read poetry, prepared presentations. We present to your attention one of the speeches.


IN 1. In February, our entire country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day.

IN 2. Our future and former defenders also did not go unnoticed.

IN 1. On this day it is impossible without songs,

The holiday is so wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!

"A SOLDIER'S DAY OFF" - girls 5-10 CLASS

IN 2. The next favorite holiday is March 8th.

IN 1. And our boys did not remain in debt.

MARCH 8 PRO MOVIE (shortened)

IN 2. On this day it is impossible without songs,
In songs everything is fate and life.
The holiday is so wonderful
Forget everything and have fun!

"WHITE ROSES" - ALTERATION (boys grades 5-11)

IN 1. In March, the UID team represented our school at the regional competition and won the 2nd place diploma at this stage.

IN 2. We invite the team of UID "Svetofor" to the stage with a fragment of the performance.

NUMBER YID (shortened)

IN 1. So we are approaching the most important holiday of our country - Victory Day.

IN 2. Happy holiday, power,

With victory light on the way!

Brighter than a holiday, perhaps

Can't be found anywhere in the world!

VED1. This day, warmed by human tears,

No matter how much time passes

To everyone who quietly says:

"Victory Day!" -

You don't need to explain anything.

    The dance "Waltz" is performed to the soundtrack of the song "Spring of the 45th year" or another number.

    "Great grandfather"

    "And scarlet sunsets"

1st leader.

Victory Day is the most joyful for everyone.

May laughter win today.

Let the world, saved from war, rejoice,

And for joy, sons are born.

2nd leader.

Congratulations on this great holiday,

And we wish only happiness from the bottom of our hearts,

Only light, only peace and warmth,

So that life is always beautiful.

A fun dance is being performed

IN 1. How many songs about the army are composed,

How many songs about the fleet are composed!

We are supposed to remember them on a holiday

Yes, and we also do not mind singing them!

B2 ... It contains such secret words,

What can not touch our hearts:

About the big military roads,

About the battles near Moscow and near Vienna.

And about that guy with Malaya Bronna!

AT 3. Glorious history comes alive.

Everything that has been seen and passed...

The song teaches us the most important thing:

Infinitely love your Motherland!

AT 4. On earth, on the seas, in the skies

The song is a faithful companion of the Victory.

So let's remember those songs we

With whom our grandfathers went into battle!

A medley of songs from the war years is performed.

1st leader.

About a simple girl Katyusha,

That she loved to sing songs.

This song stirs the soul.

So let's sing it here again!

The song "Katyusha" sounds


How did you wait for him, it happened,

You know only you and the hut,

I put those letters at the head,

Where is your love and destiny.

Happiness in the past melts in a haze,

All hopes have expired.

Where the eternal flame burns

Every year you lay a wreath.

Now the grandchildren are leaving the hut,

He always comes in a dream

Young, in a soldier's overcoat.

It's the same as it was in the war.

And you yourself become younger in a dream,

The years quickly passed.

It was hard ... But you do not regret

About my lonely way.

This one wooed ... That one furtively

Bring flowers to your house.

You are still a soldier

And you don't regret it at all.

Even as if she became proud,

That for so many long years

You didn't let anyone into your heart

Saved love covenant.

Life is like a feat! Who knows this?

Is it just you...

Yes, even a hut, yes neighbors,

Yes, life's friend - fate.


To you, dear women,

Who were called soldiers

To those who received funerals

On your loved ones

This song.

    The song "If there was no war" is performed. Romanchenko Alena


    Women in uniform

VED.1. The beauty that nature gives us
The soldiers stood on fire
May day of the forty-fifth year Became the last point in the war.
VED.2. For everything we have now
For our every happy hour
Because the sun shines on us
Thank you brave soldiers
Grandfathers, great-grandfathers, thank you!


Leading (in order).

How good it is to wake up before dawn

How good it is to have dreams at night

It's good that the planet is spinning,

How good it is in the world without war.

Father's medals lie in the closet,

And the children go to school Kindergarten,

And we, frankly, only saw in the movies,

How an armor-piercing projectile hits armor.

But still we hear the sound of a drop

Victorious that and early that spring.

It's good that the starlings sang again,

It's good that there is no war for a long time.

A. Menshikov

The song “And everything about that war” is performed by the whole school

VED. Thank you to all the viewers for your support and warm applause!

Together: Goodbye friends! See you soon!

Scenario of the reporting concert PDO - 2016

Vlada : The one who does not part with music, dances,
Can boldly go through life,
And all of you, as the song says,
All roads are still ahead.

Vlada : Good afternoon dear friends! Good afternoon, dear fans of young talents! We welcome everyone to our holiday - the Accounting Concert.
Dasha: Today, the hall of our school hospitably opened its doors, meeting everyone who wants to plunge into beautiful world, World of Art! The excited faces of the teachers, more than ever responsible children, parents, many guests - all this, of course, gives a special solemnity to our holiday.

Power: yes our school is rich in talents. And today we will celebrate those guys who worked for a whole year for the benefit of our school. These are artists, activists, environmentalists and local historians, athletes and, of course, our teachers.

Dasha: Svetlana Anatolyevna Mamedova, Deputy Director for Education, is invited to be awarded.



Vlada : We ask everyone to go to the auditorium and take their seats.

Song "Towards the Wind"

Dasha: Music takes us to past centuries,
After all, there is no other way for us to go there,
There are many miracles waiting for us, but for now
This song is for everyone today.

Vocal Ensemble "Vesnushki" on stage


Vlada : They can sit and chat about something
Or just keep silent about something with each other.
They can laugh with each other for so long
that laughing would make their stomachs ache.
They trust each other as if to themselves,
They know each other like no one else on earth.
They can always be themselves with each other.
They are the best friends in the world...
We are with you!

Meet, on the stage, the vocal ensemble "Smile" with a song


Dasha: a our holiday continues. And we invite you to this stagechoreographic group "Serpentine" with dance

"Perpetual Motion"

Vlada : Everyone in the world knows music,
That folklore was written for us,
Songs from the children's album
They sang before and sing now.

Meet the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" - with the song "Konopushki"


Dasha. Great dance! This is magic
It attracts quickly and tenaciously
Movement, rhythm and music relationship
Intertwined with bright lights
Here beauty begets beauty
What? The one in which there is no peace
And the heart again strives to the heights
Subject to dance, music and order.
and we meet the choreographic group "Impromptu"


Vlada : The element of music is a powerful element. The more incomprehensible she is, the stronger
My eyes are bottomless, dry. Tears fill with her...
She is invisible and weightless. And we carry it in our hearts...
Melodies world languor, like salt in water, dissolved in everything ...
Leaving the blue skies, descending to the earthly world, where there is noise and din.
All the sounds of music: flying, live. Sound, sing and fill the hall!!!

Blonskaya Diana - Waltz Anastasia

Dasha: Trembling from the fierce cold,

The cat asks: "Open!

How cold it is outside

How hungry inside!

Warm up, sorry

Unfortunate cat!

Let go, feed

That will be beauty!"

And we meet the smallest members of the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" - who will tell us about how they helped a mongrel cat!

Song cat mongrel

Vlada: And now I invite a graduate of 2016, an artist, singer and just wonderful young man- Maletina Alexei! Participating in the public life of the school, Alexey has established himself as a responsible, positive, artistic, interesting person. Its qualities are endless! Unfortunately, this is his last song within the walls of our school. Waiting for him next new life already as a student! We are sure that Lesha will succeed. And now, he gives you his song!


Presenter: A sailor is sailing on a ship

He does not yearn for the earth.

He is friends with the wind and the wave

After all, the sea is his home.

And we meet with stormy applause the brave sailors from the choreographic group "Impromptu"

dance "Merry Sailors"

Dasha: very soon our whole country will celebrate the 71st anniversary of the Victory Day! Our artists also could not ignore this important event!

Vlada: the owner of the GRAND Prix performs for youcity ​​competition of song performers to the accompaniment of the guitar "And in the song I glorify my Fatherland!" Starochkina Maria with the song "Cuckoo".

Song "Cuckoo"

Dasha: the dancers of the choreographic group "Serpentine" also could not ignore the approaching celebration of the Victory of Russia in the Great Patriotic War. They give you their dance.

Dance "Alarm"

Vlada: and we meet Valeria Gallimardanova with the song "Hello, Mom"

Song "Hello Mom"

Dasha : Let wars disappear forever,
So that the children of all the earth
We could sleep peacefully at home
Could dance and sing
To make the sun smile
Reflected in the bright windows
And shone over the earth
To all people
And we are with you!

Freckles - A world without war

Freckles - draw this world

Vlada: I live in the edge of a wonderful I - it is called Yugra.
Sometimes it is beautiful in winter, when a swarm of white snowflakes
It flies like butterflies into the light, white snow sparkles all around.
My land is still beautiful in the spring, when the heavenly blue
Freed from sleep, the river shines under a layer of ice.
And in the summer, although the midges are dark, I like to sit by the pond
And watch the beauty, and relax with all my heart!

dance "Khanty"

Vlada: our region is beautiful and multinational. And each nation has its own customs, traditions, songs and dances that they bring to our land, making it even more colorful! Meet the vocal ensemble "Freckles" with the Moldovan folk song Ioanne

Spinaki Anna - Ioann

Dasha: Hello my homeland!

The sun rises in the morning.

Calls everyone to the street.

I leave the house

Hello my street

I sing, and in the sky, the birds sing along to me,

Herbs whisper to me on the way, You soon, my friend, grow.

I sing along to the herbs, I sing along to the winds,

I sing along to the sun - Hello, my Motherland!

On the stage, the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" with the song "Russia"

Vlada: Yarilo is inflamed,
Faces are on fire!
Dance turned heads
For girls and boys,
Cheeks painted a blush -
Here and prowess, and enthusiasm!
Draws out the dance
Your intricate pattern.
Round dances began to spin
Wheel: and around, and back!
Awakened the spirit of the people -
Russian dance cannot be appeased!

Meet the choreographic group "Impromptu" with the Russian folk dance "Topotukha"

Dasha : Talent is not the only component of success, any talent needs not only fertile ground for growth, but also careful cultivation. Therefore, the role of the teacher in the fate of young talent is so great. Today, students and teachers take part in our reporting concert, who have littered the school sky with their unique successes and victories this academic year, who themselves have become a scattering of bizarre, various stars and stars, so bright and so brilliant!

Vlada: upon entering auditorium you could see an exhibition of students' work. Performed under the strict guidance of teachers Vladimir Yuryevich and Raila Baigildeevna.

we invite all the teams and their leaders on stage!


The head of the vocal ensemble "Freckles" is Tatyana Vladimirovna Lashchenko.

Dasha: head of the vocal ensemble "Ulybka" Tatyana Vladimirovna Bazhenova.

Vlada : head of the choreographic group "Serpentine" Oksana Mikhailovna Zenina.

Dasha: head of the choreographic group "Impromptu" Daria Fedorovna Alieva.

Vlada : The head of the theater studio "Zerkalo" Marina Anatolyevna Akhmatova!

Dasha: The head of the theater studio "Benefis" Tatyana Alexandrovna Ageeva!

Vlada : Head of the "Academy of Young Craftswomen" Raila Balgildevna Tsurkan!

Dasha: Teacher - organizer Evgenia Aleksandrovna Polskikh!

Vlada: head Lola Hikmatuloevna Blonskaya

you the response word dear teachers!

Leaders' words.

Leading: So we drew a line under the achievements of the outgoing academic year! Saying goodbye, we thank you for: your eyes glowing with joy, your smiles, for your stormy applause. I am sure that this meeting undoubtedly resonated with warmth in your hearts. We do not say goodbye, but only say ... Until we meet again in the magical world of musical art - an art in which kindness, understanding, light and love eternally flourish! All the best!

Reporting concert of the School of Arts.

Video about the school of arts (words on the background)
Lead 1.

Miracles live in a fairy-tale house,
Here the children's voices do not stop,
And the joyful laughter never ends.
The doors are wide open for everyone!
Here an unfamiliar fairy tale lives,
And the magic behind the scenes awaits.
You just have to open the door
And step over the threshold without looking back.
You will quickly spin in a dashing dance,
And sing a real microphone
The painter's colors will become friends,
Blind the animal with your own hands.
Children's creativity is wonderful.
Everything on the planet comes from childhood.
And not a magician, but we are with you,
We make miracles with our own hands.

Dance of the Medusa

Leading: We see off our youngest artists with thunderous applause. This is their first time on the big stage.

Music for Alice's exit:

Alice: Oh, where did I get it. (Looks around). How strange. You can hear the laughter of children, the sounds of the piano, I know I ended up in kindergarten. But why does paint smell so strongly? No, this is not a kindergarten, maybe this is an artist's workshop?

Leading: Girl, what are you doing on stage? What department are you studying in?

Alice: I don't study at any department, I came here by accident. Where am I?

Leading: Random, very strange! You got to the creative evening of the School of Arts of the Morshansky District!

Alice : School of Arts - the first time I hear. What are they doing here? Do they study like they do in a regular school?

Leading : Of course, only the guys study not ordinary subjects, but special ones: solfeggio - in the music department, stage movement in the theater, learn to draw in the art department and still learn a lot of new and interesting things. If you want, you can stay and see what the guys have learned this year, and we will tell you all about them.

Alice: Really, is it possible? Of course, I really, really want to!

Leading: And we invite students of the music department in the piano class to the stage. The children study in the first grade, under the guidance of a talented teacher Koshechkina Tatyana Ivanovna, and have already become diploma winners and laureates of many competitions and festivals. Meet Asoskov Alexander

"Ragtime for Barbie"

Lesiv Victoria "Forest fairy on a swing"

Duo Asoskov Alexander and Lesiv Victoria "Malvina is dancing"

Leading : Everyone has their own music

The wind, trees and fields sing about happiness.

It's happy, it's sad

Louder, softer.

A skillful starling and a small stream sings.

Does the blooming garden make noise,

Does it snow in winter.

Beautiful singing world

And you sing along with him.

Meet the students of the 2nd and 4th grades of the vocal department, teacher Logvina Kira Alexandrovna.

Song "Rise and shine"

Alice: How easily, beautifully the artists perform! It seems you know how to sing - go on stage and sing!

Leading. Are you Alice, it's a lot of work, Many days of rehearsals.

Alice: Yes,and I thoughtput on a suit - and boldly forward!

Vedas current: Without effort, you will never go on stage! This is the first step to success, to glory. Now the theatrical group "Snowdrop" is worried behind the scenes. The guys are studying at the theater department with a talented teacher Natalya Vladimirovna Tsitkilova. They are diploma winners of the 3rd degree of the competition. We meet

An excerpt from the play "Knock knock, who's there?"

hands Tsitkilova N.V.

Leading: At the people's department

There is a button accordion, an accordion,

It takes a lot of effort
To make it sound nice.

And we meet Anastasia Chermakova, an accordion student, leader Grechushnikova Nina Mikhailovna.

Chermakova Anastasia "Russian dance"

Tango "I'm infinitely sorry"

(composer Alexander Tsfasman)

Leading: The world is beautiful when children laugh

When in the eyes and happiness and delight.

The world is beautiful when children dance

And there are thousands of roads ahead of them!

Dance "Dandies" dep. RER

Alice: I understood the first step to fame is talent, the second step is flowers, and what is the third step?

presenter : And the third stage is applause. Let's try to applaud ... No, this applause is for a bad artist. And we have the best artists in the area! Once again! .. And now to the music! .. That's right! We meet ... Maxim Sharov, head of Tsitkilova N.V.

Song "Eagles or Crows"

Leading: And now we meet Vasily Logvin, a student of the music department in the piano class, teacher Popova Olga Nikolaevna

Logvin Vasily "Etude" (comp. Stefan Geller)

Alice: Now I understand what an art school is, but tell me why it smelled so much of paint here?

Leading: After all, our school has a department visual arts, now I'll tell you about him, look

Video about the Department of Fine Arts

Host 2: I want to add a word.

To glorify artists.

After all, what masters

This is our baby!

And at ten, and at seven, and at five

All children love to draw.

And everyone boldly draws

Everything that interests him.

Everything is interesting:

Far space, near forest,

Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances...

Let's draw everything! There would be colors

Yes, a piece of paper on the table

Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Landscapes, still lifes

Yes, in such years!

Guys will be released

Painters anywhere!

Undoubtedly, we are talking about the art department of the Children's Art School. During the year, his students repeatedly pleased and continue to delight with their works at exhibitions, which can often be seen in the building of the district administration. And now in the foyer there is an exhibition of works by students of our school, which we offer to see after the concert. And their teachers help our students: Chekalin Alexander Mikhailovich, Solomatin Andrey Anatolyevich, Solomatin Alexei Anatolyevich, Kurkina Marina Aleksandrovna.

Alice : How interesting everything is, and what talented guys. I would also like to prove myself in something, do you think I can succeed?

Leading: Of course, what do you like to do?

Alice : I really like to dance! Can I try!

Leading: Everything is possible today, go get ready for your number. And our program continues, and I invite students of the 1st grade of the theater department to the stage, the leader is Strokova Natalya Mikhailovna, they will show you a sketch


Leading : And we again meet the pupils of Koshechkina Tatyana Ivanovna

Melody from the movie "The Godfather"

performed by Maria Orlova, class student

Ensemble Orlova Maria and teacher

"Ice cream"

Leading We know a lot of old songs

We sing them everywhere, year after year.

After all, it lives in them without fading away,

The immortal soul of the people.

Song "To Ivan, to Kupala"

Leading: And we meet again our magnificent accordionists

Mazepa Andrey romance "Only once"

I. Bobyuk "From the diary of a girl" A.P. Chekhov

Leading: Our school already has its own stars, and one of them is Irina Bobyuk, winner of the 1st degree of the Regional competition of readers "Poems and I" and many other competitions, we see off Irina with thunderous applause.

Leading: This march did not stop on the platforms,
When the enemy obscured the horizon.
With him our fathers in smoky cars
Trains were taken to the front.

Kireev Denis "March Farewell to Slavyanka"

Leading: White birds flew and screamed in the air
Over fields, cities. People, say no to war!
Forever in the memory of the living is grief and trouble.
Never again, NEVER!

"White Birds" dance

Leading: And we meet I. Devyatov, a student of the theater department of hands. Tsitkilova Natalya Vladimirovna

Sergey Silin "Lucky".

Alice: We are grateful to dads and moms,

It is not easy for them to be with us!

And the most beloved, the best most-

We want to dedicate the dance now.

Dance "Cook porridge"

Alice: I realized that in order to achieve high results, you need to work a lot and work hard. But, I saw one injustice.

presenter : Which Alice?

Alice: Our artists receive applause, flowers ... In general, they bathe in glory. But some people almost never go on stage, they don’t get applause. But it is they who prepare the guys for their finest hour.

Leading : Yes, Alice, you are right. Leaders, masters of their craft. Today they deserve the loudest applause Grechushnikova Nina Mikhailovna, Koshechkina Tatyana Ivanovna, Popova Olga Nikolaevna, Tsitkilova Natalya Vladimirovna, Strokova Natalya Mikhailovna, Lykova Taisiya Vladimirovna, this applause is for you!

Leading: May the new day bring you only good luck and success in your studies! This academic year is coming to an end, but the next one, we are waiting for you at our departments at the art school!

"A New Day Is Born" (Exit by all members)


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