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On Sunday, November 26, 2017, on the air, as always, the next drawing takes place " Russian loto» No. 1207. This lottery has been played for many years and is still the most popular in our country. And this is not surprising, considering how many people she has made millionaires, owners of apartments and cars. Drawings are held every Sunday, and you can watch the broadcast on NTV at 14:00 Moscow time in the program “We win” or at the bottom of this page.

Recall that the Jackpot in this Russian Lotto draw is 50,000,000 rubles! In addition, 15 apartments and many cash prizes will be raffled off.

The price of one ticket is only 100 rubles, and by spending them on 1 lottery, you can become a multimillionaire. By the way, you can buy a ticket today directly on the site, simply by paying for it with a card or in other ways convenient for you. You can check the ticket for the 1207th Russian Lotto draw on the official Stoloto website or here on at the bottom of the page.

If for some reason you missed the broadcast on the NTV channel, you can fill this gap and watch the video of the draw.

Attention! Video and draw results will be published on Sunday after 08:00 Moscow time.

Broadcast of the 1207th edition of "Russian Lotto" from 11/26/2017 (video)

Results of the 1207 draw of the Russian Lotto

We try to promptly post the results of the lottery draw and they are shown in the table below.

Tour Number order Winners win
1 51, 6, 54, 48, 44, 23, 28, 77 6 70 000
2 73, 13, 37, 41, 50, 84, 79, 52, 12, 78, 67, 16, 4, 14, 5, 76, 39, 11, 33, 88, 9, 53, 87, 32, 68, 49, 31, 71 1 Flat
3 69, 24, 83, 82, 7, 66, 18, 85, 35, 29, 75, 10, 64, 56, 22, 72, 30, 80, 61, 70, 1, 65, 42, 25, 3 2 Flat
4 40 2 Flat
5 20 3 Flat
6 60 6 Flat
7 38 8 250 000
8 47 17 30 000
9 26 21 10 001
10 34 33 5 000
11 81 70 2 001
12 46 112 1 501
13 8 148 1 000
14 43 211 700
15 74 343 501
16 45 508 301
17 36 749 254
18 63 1 337 219
19 57 3 103 190
20 90 4 440 169
21 62 5 730 151
22 55 11 589 138
23 58 16 479 126
24 15 30 905 118
25 59 38 869 113
26 19 66 954 108
27 17 92 309 106
28 86 156 732 104

Missing numbers: 2, 21, 27, 89.

How Natalia Vlasova lived

Natalya Petrovna Vlasova lives in a private house in the village of Panino in the Voronezh region. She is 63 years old, she is married and has adult daughter Ekaterina, who in turn is raising a schoolgirl daughter. There is also a dog Alma in the family. She guards this house where the family lives.
Before her retirement, which took place, as expected, three years ago, Natalya Petrovna worked in an insurance company. Her pension is small, so she had to earn extra money by baking pies. Once every few days, she brought pies to a local store for sale, which she told Komsomolskaya Pravda Voronezh about.

The Vlasova family lived very modestly, but they were in good standing in the village, although they never stood out in any way. A woman has dreamed all her life about going somewhere beautifully to relax, not abroad, but at most - to the Black Sea, and to buy a comfortable apartment.

How Natalia Vlasova won half a billion

The pensioner regularly bought Russian Lotto tickets at the local branch of the Russian Post and did not miss the announcement of winnings on TV. A small family legend has already been born on this topic. Vlasova's daughter Ekaterina told her in the news "Vesti Voronezh".

And my daughter said to me on Thursday: “Mom, you need to urgently get rich. To get rich tomorrow!” And the next day we just got rich.

True, the same granddaughter almost left the family without millions. Natalya Petrovna told how it was.

We bought two tickets, and then the granddaughter said that one won a hundred rubles, and the other did not win. I put it in a sideboard, I tell my daughter: "Then check it on the Internet." And he lay for a week, everyone was already looking for a winner. Then I say: "Kat, well, check, maybe you really won something." And the husband also says: "Yes, you check it."

Natalya Petrovna admits that at some point she almost threw away the ticket, because "her husband does not like it when there is something superfluous lying there." But when the ticket was rechecked, it turned out that all 15 numbers matched.
How to find the winner

The fact that the ticket that won 506 million rubles was sold in the period from October 23 to November 3, 2017 at the post office in the Paninsky district, was discussed in all major publications and through federal channels for several days after the announcement of the circulation on November 5.

Russian Post sent out an official statement on the wanted list to the media. Announcements hung in local branches, reports were filmed about the record jackpot. But for two weeks no one responded (all this time a lucky lottery ticket was in Vlasova's cupboard). As a result, a man from Voronezh, who won half a billion in the lottery, almost became a meme.
As a result, only on November 17, Natalya Vlasova applied for a win.

So far, Natalya Vlasova and her daughter Ekaterina have deleted all pages in in social networks. The very next day, distant relatives began to write to them asking for help, and then threats from extortionists began to arrive.

However, the money is still far away. First, within a month, the ticket will be properly checked for authenticity by special experts: this is a mandatory procedure. After the New Year, money will be transferred to a special account, but not all at once, but in parts - and this will also stretch for several months.

13 percent will have to be given to the state: about 65 million will go to the budget of the Voronezh region and some of them will return to the Paninsky district (in general, the amount of the winnings exceeds the annual regional budget). Vlasov is going to spend the rest of the money on home repairs, helping children and grandchildren, and traveling. After that, there will still be a lot left, so she will donate some part of the winnings to charity.
Regular customers lottery tickets more often than others win the lottery, which is not surprising. But sometimes the opposite happens. One American woman tried to teach her husband a lesson and prove the pointlessness of participating in lotteries. And accidentally won a huge amount.

But the pensioner from Iowa is a typical lottery fan. He has been buying tickets regularly since 1985, and finally the holiday has arrived on his street. The man won a lifetime annuity of $25,000 a year. True, he recently turned 92, but he found a way out of the situation.

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Another lottery draw took place today. We offer to check the ticket of the Russian Lotto 1207 circulation right now according to the results in the circulation table from Stoloto. Checking the winnings will not take much time, you only need to mark the numbers of the fallen kegs on the playing field and calculate the amount of the cash prize.

Actual news brief statistics. The guaranteed Jackpot amount of RUB 50,000,000 has not been drawn. A total of 14 apartments were raffled off, which were drawn from rounds 2 to 6. In the 7th round, each of the 8 winners will be paid 250,000 rubles. The presenter had the following barrels in his bag: 2, 21, 27, 89 .

Circulation table Russian Lotto 1207 circulation from 11/26/2017

Undrawn balls: 02/21/27/89

TourNumber orderWinnerswin
1 51, 06, 54, 48, 44, 23, 28, 77 6 70 000
2 73, 13, 37, 41, 50, 84, 79, 52, 12, 78, 67, 16, 04, 14, 05, 76, 39, 11, 33, 88, 09, 53, 87, 32, 68, 49, 31, 71 1 Flat
3 69, 24, 83, 82, 07, 66, 18, 85, 35, 29, 75, 10, 64, 56, 22, 72, 30, 80, 61, 70, 01, 65, 42, 25, 03 2 Apartments
4 40 2 Apartments
5 20 3 Apartments
6 60 6 Apartments
7 38 8 250 000
8 47 17 30 000
9 26 21 10 001
10 34 33 5 000
11 81 70 2 001
12 46 112 1 501
13 08 148 1 000
14 43 211 700
15 74 343 501
16 45 508 301
17 36 749 254
18 63 1 337 219
19 57 3 103 190
20 90 4 440 169
21 62 5 730 151
22 55 11 589 138
23 58 16 479 126
24 15 30 905 118
25 59 38 869 113
26 19 66 954 108
27 17 92 309 106
28 86 156 732 104

Greetings to all fans of state lotteries. We present you the results of the 1207 draw of the Russian Lotto lottery, which takes place on November 26.

Broadcast on TV takes place every Sunday at 14:00 on NTV in the program "We Win". We have videos and draw results published on Sunday morning after 08:00. You can also ticket by filling out a special form.

In the 1207 draw, 15 apartments and cash prizes are drawn. The jackpot of this draw is a huge 50,000,000 rubles!

Circulation table of 1207 circulation "Russian Lotto"

Tour Number order Winners win
1 51, 6, 54, 48, 44, 23, 28, 77 6 70 000
2 73, 13, 37, 41, 50, 84, 79, 52, 12, 78, 67, 16, 4, 14, 5, 76, 39, 11, 33, 88, 9, 53, 87, 32, 68, 49, 31, 71 1 Flat
3 69, 24, 83, 82, 7, 66, 18, 85, 35, 29, 75, 10, 64, 56, 22, 72, 30, 80, 61, 70, 1, 65, 42, 25, 3 2 Flat
4 40 2 Flat
5 20 3 Flat
6 60 6 Flat
7 38 8 250 000
8 47 17 30 000
9 26 21 10 001
10 34 33 5 000
11 81 70 2 001
12 46 112 1 501
13 8 148 1 000
14 43 211 700
15 74 343 501
16 45 508 301
17 36 749 254
18 63 1 337 219
19 57 3 103 190
20 90 4 440 169
21 62 5 730 151
22 55 11 589 138
23 58 16 479 126
24 15 30 905 118
25 59 38 869 113
26 19 66 954 108
27 17 92 309 106
28 86 156 732 104

Missing numbers: 2, 21, 27, 89.


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