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After buying a modern TV with Smart TV, probably immediately there is a desire to connect it to the Internet. This is understandable, Smart TV without an Internet connection is a practically useless feature that is not even worth overpaying for. In this article, I will write about possible problems, which are likely to occur when the TV is connected to the Internet via a network cable, not through a router, but directly. When the network cable is from your provider, we immediately connect to the TV.

There are several nuances due to which the Internet may not work on the TV. Basically, it all depends on your ISP.

Let's go in order. If you have a configured Wi-Fi router at home that successfully distributes the Internet, and your TV has Wi-Fi (built-in or external adapter) then you can. If it is not possible to connect via Wi-Fi, then connect to the router. If the TV has a Smart TV, then the network connector should definitely be.

But what if there is no router? If the Internet is directly connected, for example, to a computer, or is it just a cable from the provider laid in the house? It's simple, we can take the network cable that the provider laid for us and connect it to the TV. This can be done in any case, but whether the Internet will work with such a connection is a separate issue, which we will now try to figure out.

Internet does not work on Smart TV with a direct connection

If your provider uses Dynamic IP connection technology, and does not use binding by MAC address, then immediately, after connecting the cable to the TV, the Internet should work.

If you connected the cable to the TV (cable that comes not from the router, but from the Internet provider), and the Internet is not working, then most likely your provider uses Static IP, PPPoE, L2TP, or PPTP connection technology. And / or makes a binding to the MAC address.

Most The best way, is to call the provider's support and ask what technology they use and whether they bind by MAC. Or look at the official website of the provider.

  • If technology Dynamic IP, then the Internet should work immediately after connecting the cable, without any settings (provided that there is no binding by MAC address).
  • Technology Static IP- you can set this very static IP (which should be given to you by your provider) in the network settings on your TV. How to set these settings, I wrote in the article (using LG TV as an example).
  • If a PPPoE, L2TP, or PPTP, then such a connection cannot be configured on the TV. At least on this moment (may not be available on all TVs). But, as far as I know, it is impossible to raise such a connection on a TV. What to do in this case? You need to buy a router, set up an Internet connection on it, and from it already distribute the Internet via cable, or via Wi-Fi to your TV, and other devices. Here is an example, an article on setting up .

If the connection is via Dynamic IP, or via Static IP, but Internet on TV still not working, that is, the probability that the provider binds the Internet by MAC address (this needs to be clarified with him). What to do in this case?

Go to your TV settings and go to the tab SupportInf. about the product. This is on LG TVs, if you have Samsung, Sony, Philips, or another manufacturer, then these items may be slightly different there. Look there for the MAC address.

Call your ISP support and ask for a different MAC for your contract. Tell them the MAC of your TV. Or, change MAC via Personal Area your ISP, if available. Everything must work.


I think that we managed to figure out the issue with the direct connection of the TV to world wide web. It is with a connection not through a router, but directly from an Internet provider.

If you just bought a TV, but have not yet connected the Internet, and do not plan to install a router, then choose a provider that distributes the Internet using Dynamic IP technology. There shouldn't be any problems with this connection.

More on the site:

Why does the Internet not work on the TV when connected via a network cable (without a router)? updated: May 11, 2014 by: admin

High-definition televisions with a large diagonal and excellent color reproduction have become the de facto standard in families, even with very average incomes. The variety of the TV menu greatly whets the appetite of users, and dessert in the form of HD channels becomes the main dish of the evening. At the moment, the SmartLabs receiver is gaining popularity, and specifically the SML-282 model. Like other similar devices, this set-top box has its own characteristics and sores, which we have put together and will give below ...

Unfortunately, no matter how advanced interactive digital television Rostelecom TV is, problems still happen with it. Of course, specialists are constantly improving the quality of service provision, but problems still happened, happen and will happen - there is no perfect technique yet. If there are problems with Rostelecom TV, the user very often cannot first call technical support, then you still need to explain everything correctly so that you understand. And then a couple more days to wait for the master. Why such a hassle when you can often solve some of the issues yourself or give technical support a clear problem.

Before all the actions, in order to prevent the set-top box from freezing, I would strongly recommend that you first restart the STB set-top box. Very often the problem is solved in this way.
So let's go.

1. The TV has a blue screen (sometimes grey). Sometimes, depending on the TV, the message No signal or No Signal may be displayed.

In 99% of cases, the problem is that the transmission source on the TV is not selected correctly. Look on the rear panel to which input (Ext.) of the TV set the IPTV set-top box is connected. Then find the tv / av or source button on the TV remote control. Press it and select the input to which the set-top box is connected. If everything is still the same, check again if the set-top box is turned on, reboot it, disconnect the cable from the TV and reconnect it. If this does not help, try changing the cable between the set-top box and the TV. This did not help either - there is only one conclusion - the prefix is ​​\u200b\u200bfaulty and it is necessary to carry it to the service.

2. When first turned on, a rabbit runs on the screen (a table is shown, and then a cartoon with a hare appears).

The problem is that the set-top box cannot receive the firmware via multicast from the Rostelecom server. It usually occurs when you turn on the set-top box for the first time in the case of:
1 - incorrect router settings. The port on which STB is enabled is not configured. Then the set-top box will either not receive an IP address at all, or will receive it from your local network— i.e. it will be for example. It is not right. You must separate this port from the LAN group and connect it to the WAN port in parallel.
2 - incorrect port settings from Rostelecom. Once again we check the settings of the router, we check which port is configured for the set-top box. Then we look at this port whether the set-top box is physically turned on. If everything is correct, we call technical support with a request to check the port settings.

3. Error: no IP address. Only the Reload button is available.

In most cases, the problem is related to the setting of the router or access port on the provider's side. To get started, first reboot the modem, router or ONT optical terminal (depending on what you have installed) and then the IPTV set-top box. Did not help? Check the settings of the modem, router or ONT optical terminal.

4. Activation error. Wrong login or password.

Usually, this problem is connected either with access to the IPTV authorization server, or with problems on the authorization server. In the first case, you need to check the settings of the modem, router or ONT optical terminal. Then reboot the device. If all the settings are correct, we call technical support and ask you to check the IPTV login.

5. The image periodically freezes, the picture breaks up, the sound does not disappear, but it may stutter.

Trying to restart the plugin. If it helps but not for long, or it doesn’t help at all, try this: disconnect all devices from the modem, router or ONT terminal, except for the set-top box. Also turn off WiFi if possible. If the spillage is gone, try turning the equipment back on in turn and watching. As the scattering appears again, the source of the channel load will be immediately determined. I note that most often the scattering of the image of Rostelecom TV happens on the ADSL line and is due to the fact that the already small channel - usually 10-18 megabits is busy with downloads through Torrent or DC file sharing networks.

6. STB-box does not respond or responds badly to the remote control.

In 99% of cases, the problem is due to dead batteries - replace them and check. Sometimes it happens that the user, to switch channels, directs the remote control not to the set-top box, but in the old fashioned way - to the TV. This is wrong - the remote control must be directed to the Rostelecom TV set-top box.

7. The TV does not respond to the remote control.

We read the section.
If the remote control worked and suddenly does not react to anything, first of all insert new batteries, it is very picky about batteries. If the batteries are new, then we try to reset the settings through code 977 and set up the remote control again. It will not help - then it remains only to carry it to the service.

8. The sound disappears on the channels.

Most often, this problem is associated with the poor quality of the RCA cable - poor contact in the connectors. Sometimes it happens that the cable itself is pinched or partially damaged. Try changing the cable. Or, if possible, switch to an HDMI cable.

9. Show only 8 channels. Other channels do not show or are not available.

99.9% that your login is blocked. The reason may be non-payment or failure in the database. In this case, only a call to technical support will help.
The same can be advised if it shows only one channel.

10. Load error - Server not found. Contact Support.

If, when loading the Rostelecom TV set-top box, an error appeared - “Server not found”, then you really need to do as it is written on the screen - that is, contact the support service, as this indicates problems on the Rostelecom network equipment and you will not fix this problem yourself .


Subscribers of the Rostelecom provider, as well as users of the services of other operators, may be unable to view channels. There may be several reasons for this. How to "cure" the receiver on your own, in what cases will you need the help of specialists?

Why Rostelecom television does not work: reasons

If you have problems watching Rostelecom television, you need to find out the problem that caused the problem. The absence of a signal can be caused by several reasons:

  • problems on the part of the provider;
  • malfunctions of the router;
  • TV cable damage
  • broken TV set.

This article proposes to consider the problems associated with the last item - the prefix. Subscribers should be aware that most of problems with the Rostelecom set-top box can be easily and quickly solved on your own, without contacting the provider's technical support service.

If the set-top box stopped working correctly unexpectedly, most likely the problems are related to the ongoing on the line technical work for network maintenance. In this case, you need to call the provider's technical support to find out if the work is going on when they are finished.

In what cases will rebooting the console help?

Many problems can be fixed basic method– restart (system reboot). By rebooting, the Rostelecom set-top box will automatically check for new software, if any, the system will download and update the firmware.

Most Rostelecom subscribers do not reboot for a long time, that is, they do not disconnect the set-top box from the network, software updates are not possible in this case.

  1. In order for the reboot to happen for sure, you need to reboot the router, pull out the cable and connect it again.
  2. Important: after disconnecting the router from the network, first turn on the router itself, it must boot for at least 3 minutes.
  3. Only after that you can turn on the prefix. Indicators should light up on it - bulbs, but the prefix itself does not load immediately. You need to wait at least 4-5 minutes.

This method usually helps if the Rostelecom set-top box freezes once.

The opposite option also happens: after a reboot, the set-top box starts to freeze and slow down, which can be seen from the image and sound. This happens due to an incorrectly performed update.

What will help fix the problem?

  • you need to reset the settings of the set-top box to the factory settings through the device menu.

It happens that subscribers independently do a flashing on the set-top box. Many people will like the method, because it allows you to turn an ordinary device configured under Rostelecom into a real media center.

But, there is also a certain risk: often after the operation, the prefix does not turn on.

On the other hand, in most cases, only a flashing can help with the elimination of many "glitches" of equipment that cannot be eliminated by other methods.

If the user is not very well versed in technology, he is not advised to reflash the prefix on his own, because it is quite easy to spoil it. For this, there are service centers where, for a small fee, specialists will perform all work with high quality and with a guarantee.

Another common and just as easily solved problem is the incorrect connection of the LAN cable. If, when connecting, the subscriber mixed up the connectors, the set-top box will not be able to work.

The most common problems, solutions

We propose to consider the most common problems in the operation of the set-top box that the subscriber may encounter, and actions to eliminate them.

A message appeared on the TV screen "Rostelecom set-top box cannot get an IP address", there are probably problems accessing the Internet.

The reason for this may be an accident or a technical failure in the work of the provider. But there may also be a problem on the user's side - damage to the cable or incorrect operation of the router.

  • You need to disconnect the router from the network for a few minutes, then turn it on again. If the method did not work, and access to television remained closed, then you need to contact the provider's technical support for help.
  1. In the case when the Rostelecom set-top box does not respond to commands given from the remote control, you can try replacing the batteries. If the batteries are in order, you can set up the remote control, or take it in for repair.
  2. To be able to control the operation of the TV using the remote control from the set-top box, you need a special setting. The ideal option is to ask a Rostelecom technical specialist to set up the remote control at the time the subscriber connects to the services.
  3. The situation that users face in most cases: they show only free federal channels, and the rest, included in the Rostelecom package, are encoded for the subscriber.
  4. Most likely, the subscriber forgot to pay for telecommunication services in a timely manner. It happens that the provider blocks access by mistake. If the subscriber is sure that the payment was made on time, it is possible that the subscriber himself accidentally blocked access to the channels. You will need to call the operator and ask to clarify the situation.
  5. Often, subscribers are faced with a problem when video and audio on the TV slows down. The image may crumble like a mosaic, the voice acting is late, or stutters. This failure may be related to a reboot in the line. The subscriber should disconnect other devices from the Internet (tablet, phone, and so on), the error should be eliminated in a few seconds.
  6. The main "devourers" of the channel are downloads from file hosting. If the subscriber understands this, he can independently adjust the load level.
  7. If the video broadcast is of high quality, but the sound disappears or hiccups, most likely there is damage to the RCA cable.
  8. You need to move the plug. If sound appears, then the problem is easy to fix, you just need to change the cable to a new one.

If moving the connector did not help, you need to take the prefix Rostelecom to the service. The wizards will determine what caused the failures - problems in the hardware or software. Subscribers will be replaced with a new device.

"Interrupted signal" error

This is a fairly common problem, it most often manifests itself in the absence of a signal. Basically, the users themselves are to blame for the problem, since the reason lies in the incorrect connection connection. Users often choose the wrong signal source for the set-top box.

Fixing the problem:

  • you need to press the tv / av key on the remote control;
  • further, an entrance is made that connects the set-top box to the TV;
  • after that, you need to reboot the set-top box to save the data.

If after that the screen still displays the message "Interrupted signal", you can try to replace the cable. If this does not help, you will have to take the device to service center.


Most of the country's territory is already covered by digital terrestrial TV broadcasting, broadcasting is stable, but sometimes there are blackouts. This article is not only about why digital television does not work, although before that everything was in order, but about all cases of problems with it.

When you turn on the set-top box for the first time, you are prompted to search for digital channels, but the set-top box does not find any channels. There were cases of changing the order of the channels, this also leads to the need to reconfigure the set-top box or TV, but the most common cases are when the set-top box showed yesterday, but not today.

Reasons why they stopped catching digital channels

  1. termination of the broadcast;
  2. weather;
  3. equipment malfunction.

Broadcast termination

When conducting preventive work on the site in your region you can find information about the time of their holding, while the screen usually displays a setting table.

If the set-top box catches only 10 channels, although before that there was broadcasting and 2 packages, then you need to check the signal level on one of the channels. If it is 0, then it is most likely disabled. This is usually due to the fact that it was broadcast in test mode. After the equipment has been tested and information has been collected, the broadcast is turned off.

Package 1, as already noted, is already being broadcast over most of the country and it is mandatory, unlike package 2. Difficulties with the introduction of package 2 are associated with analogue television broadcasting, as there are not enough free frequencies.

The cessation of analogue television broadcasting in 2018 will speed up the inclusion of 2 multiplexes.

Of course, an emergency shutdown of broadcasting due to a malfunction is also possible, but this is unlikely.


Those who have already dealt with satellite equipment know that in heavy rain, and especially when snow sticks to the “plate”, the image crumbles into squares or disappears completely. This also applies to why digital television does not show well in bad weather. Why doesn't digital TV show today.

You can identify this by checking (see above), in this case the signal will be greater than zero, but small for high-quality reproduction.

There is only one way to deal with this - it is to increase the signal as close as possible to 100%, then any bad weather will be nothing.

Hardware failure

If digital television does not work completely, then here you need to divide it into, then what exactly is the problem that something does not work. It could be:

  • device malfunction;
  • cable and connections failure;
  • antenna failure.

Attachment not working

There is probably no point in dwelling in particular detail on this point, since the malfunction of the set-top box will be immediately visible in this case. When the set-top box is turned on, the LED signaling that it is turned on will not light up, or it will glow dimly.

Many consoles have a separate 5 volt power supply. It is usually standard and suitable for many devices (for example, a router) and you can check the serviceability by a simple replacement.

Checking the output voltage with a multimeter may not give anything, since in the absence of a load, the measurement can show the required 5 volts.

The set-top box is constantly rebooting or the splash screen is simply shown, and the execution of commands from the remote control or panel does not occur.

Cable and connection failure

In this case, more than one channel does not work, as the signal will be lost. Look carefully at all connections and not the integrity of the cable. This is especially true for RG-6 (white) for internal works which is sold everywhere. Its service life on the street is short, it cracks, water gets into the cable and the braid is destroyed.

Antenna failure

Indoor antennas rarely break, but outdoor ones often enough. Rarely from moisture, but from thunderstorms quite often. How many do not reconfigure the digital set-top box does not find channels. What to do in this case? In order;

  • start by checking the cable and plugs;
  • check the voltage supply from the set-top box or from the power supply;
  • connect another antenna.

Let me remind you, if the antenna does not catch digital channels, then check its direction to the transmitting tower.

No digital reception on TV

All of the above is also suitable if the TV does not catch digital channels. In TVs, as in set-top boxes, tuners with different sensitivities are installed. Therefore, it is possible that some TVs work normally from the antenna, while others from it are unstable.


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