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Scenario extracurricular activities “There are many fairy tales in the world” (Teacher: Volchok S.P.)       Purpose: to travel to the country of fairy tales. Tasks: to generalize students' knowledge about the read fairy tales; expand horizons and vocabulary; exercise in intelligence and resourcefulness, in the ability to work in a team; develop aesthetic feelings from the perception of beauty, imagination and creativity of children; develop interest in reading fairy tales; to cultivate a sense of responsibility, kindness, justice, friendship. Equipment: 1. Multimedia projector, screen, slide presentation. 2. Costumes of the Storyteller, Dunno, Baba Yaga. 3. Dunno's book. 4. Crib for Baba Yaga. 5. Musical records. 6. Tote bag, ball. 7. For the fairy tale "Turnip": hut; costumes for grandparents, granddaughters, bugs, cats, mice, turnips. Preparation: hand out words; prepare musical accompaniment; make a presentation "There are many fairy tales in the world"; prepare costumes for fairy-tale characters; decorate the hall, prepare video equipment. The course of the holiday Pupil 1 Slide No. 1 Oh, how many children: Both girls and boys. I hasten to greet you, My cheerful friends at the holiday “There are many fairy tales in the world!” Slide #1 (animation)  (Music accompaniment with voices #1) Slide #2 (4 animation clicks)  (Music off) Student 2 Slide 3 Can you imagine for a moment, How would we live without books? What would a student do if there were no books. Pupil 3 You wanted to dispel boredom, To find an answer to the question. He pulled his hand for a book, But it's not on the shelf! Pupil 4 No, you can't imagine that such a moment would arise, And all the heroes of children's books could leave you. Presenter Guys, you know that the country of fairy tales is inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblin, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful. In a fairy tale, unusual events always occur, amazing and mysterious. Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are going far, far, through the seas and oceans, forests and steppes.  (Musical accompaniment “Come visit us” No. 2 sounds) Pupil 1 We begin a fairy tale, or rather, a saying! In our kingdom-state, Is it far, is it close, Behind the forests, behind the valleys, Behind the tall houses, A dense forest stands behind the wall, Slide No. 4 It is full of fairy tales and miracles. Pupil 2 If a fairy tale knocks on the door, Slide No. 5 You let her in soon, Because a fairy tale is a bird: You scare a little and fly away. Pupil 3 There are many sad and funny tales in the world. And we can't live in the world without them! Pupil 4 We will grow up, we will become different, And, perhaps, among worries, We will stop believing in a fairy tale, But the fairy tale will come to us again!  (Turn off the music) Presenter Slide No. 6 There is probably no person in the world who would not love fairy tales. A fairy tale is the oldest form of oral folk art. Fairy tales appeared long ago, when there was no written language. Therefore, they were transmitted orally from one person to another. Often a new narrator added or changed something. And those fairy tales that have come down to us began to be called folk. Student 1 What are fairy tales? Pupil 2 Fairy tales are magical. Slide number 7 People and fantastic creatures act in them. In these tales, we are talking about adventures, necessarily associated with magic. As a rule, the adventures of the heroes were repeated three times. Pupil 3 Fairy tales are everyday. Slide number 8 In them, as in magic, the main characters are people. But if in fairy tales victory is won with the help of sorcery, then here the heroes become winners thanks to their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and cunning. Pupil 4 Fairy tales are about animals. Slide number 9 In fairy tales about animals, the main characters are animals, under the masks of which a person, his vices and virtues are hidden. Lead Besides folk tales There are author's (literary) fairy tales. Slide number 10 These fairy tales were created by writers. Why do you think fairy tales are needed? What are they teaching? Pupil 1 They teach goodness, truth and justice. Pupil 2 They teach how to defeat evil, deceit, lies. Pupil 3 And fairy tales always end happily. Everyone knows the words of A. S. Pushkin: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson!” (in chorus) Presenter Today we will walk with you in the footsteps of the heroes of fairy tales, recall some of them. (The students leave) (The girl Masha and the boy Vitya come out.) Masha I love fairy tales very much, I have been reading them since childhood, And I have long dreamed of getting into one of the fairy tales! Vitya The twenty-first century is now - there are no fairy tales, And there are no miracles in the world, everyone knows about it! Host To be convinced of this, you need to find yourself in a fairy tale. Masha Well, Vitenka, go ahead, The fairy tale is calling us to visit!  (The song “Little Country” (minus) No. 3 sounds. The Storyteller appears.) Storyteller Slide No. 11 Fairy tales walk around the world, harnessing the carriage at night. Fairy tales live in glades, wander at dawn in the mists. Lighting up the world with miracles, fairy tales fly over the forests. They sit on the windowsill, look out the windows, as if into a river. Cinderella will be rescued by the Fairy... The Mountain Snake will not be... Fairy tales are with me everywhere, I will never forget them. “Let evil be cunning in tricks, but still triumphs over good!” Storyteller (Shows a book.) This book is many years old and it keeps a secret. In order to read it to us, we need to know the spell: "Fairy tale, fairy tale, respond, come to us as soon as possible." And as soon as we cast the spell together, Immediately into a fairy tale, without a doubt, we will get together with you.  (Turn off the music) (Turn off the slide show.) (Turns to Masha and Vita) Hello, beautiful girl, hello, good fellow! Where are you from and where are you going? And what is your name? Vitya (whispering to Masha.) Don't answer her, we won't talk to strangers! (Goes around the Storyteller from all sides, examines.) We look at you together And we don’t recognize you in any way. I can ask you without laughing: Maybe you are Edita Piekha? Or did you perform at the local philharmonic that season? Masha What are you, Vitya, be ashamed, you take a better look, This is the Storyteller - The kindest and smartest, She knows everything in the world, reads thoughts in her eyes! (Turns to the Storyteller.) You, please, excuse us, I'm Masha, and this is Vitya, He doesn't read fairy tales very much And he probably doesn't know about you! Vitya It often happens in fairy tales. That someone turns into someone, Maybe conjure, show us miracles? Storyteller I see that the fellow doubts that I am a Storyteller, So, we need to prove - we will turn Vitya! Now I'll wave my handkerchief and go around in a circle, Slam, stomp, one, two, three - what happened, look! (The storyteller covers Vitya with a scarf, from which time the boy puts a wig or a special headband with pigtails on his head). Vitya What kind of miracles are these? Here is a scythe and here is a scythe! Masha Girl with pigtails, be my sister! Vitya (cries, turns to the Storyteller). Auntie, forgive me, turn me into a guy again. I believe in your miracles, fairy tale beauty! The storyteller Takto is better, well done, he finally believed me. Okay, I forgive you, I lift the spell! (The storyteller conjures, Vitya "turns" into a boy.) Storyteller And now, friends, go ahead, the fairy tale is calling us to visit! I will accompany you, if necessary, help! (Vitya and Masha leave) Pupil 1 One day and hour comes, Everyone is waiting with hope for their arrival, And a miracle happens again, A fairy tale will call us to visit! Pupil 2 Everything can happen in a fairy tale, Our fairy tale is ahead. A fairy tale will knock on the door, Let's say to the guest: "Come in!" And here is its first resident. (Dunno enters.)  Sounds musical accompaniment "Exit Dunno" No. 4 - 1 verse). Stranger Hello guys! You recognized me? (Yes!) I want to tell you a story. I recently found a very old book of fairy tales. But the trouble is, there are not enough pages. Guys! Help me to recognize the heroes of fairy tales by      description. It's just that I can't read either. (Turns to the facilitator.) Read the questions. The host reads He walked boldly through the forest, But the fox ate the hero. The poor thing sang goodbye, His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok). (The first answer is shouted out by Dunno). A sprout with an inch - So small! A slender figure, And the name is ... (Snow Maiden - Thumbelina). Somehow he lost his tail, But the guests returned him. He is grumbling like an old man, This sad ... (Piglet - donkey Eeyore).  Lived in a bottle for hundreds of years, Finally saw the light. He has grown a beard, This is kind ... (Santa Claus - Old Man Khottabych). He got leeches, sold Karabas, The whole smell of swamp slime, His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar). Knows everything, peeps, interferes with and harms everyone. She only cares about the rat, And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak). Dunno Yes, first I need to learn how to read, and then read a lot of books to give the right answers. Leader We wish you success. Goodbye, Unknown. And we will continue the journey. The road ahead of us is long. We will collect a travel kitty. You need to take with you the most necessary things, but not simple, but magical. Storyteller Let's play the game "Tell me a word." This is a tablecloth ... (self-assembly). Slide 12 This is a hat ... (invisible). Slide 13 This is a wand ... (lifesaver, magic). Slide 14 These are boots ... (walkers). Slide 15 This is a carpet ... (airplane). Slide 16 And also ... a glomerulus. Where will the ball lead us? (The storyteller throws a ball.) Presenter Guess the riddle Babusya knows the whole world, she is only 300 years old. There, on unknown paths, her house is on chicken legs. (BabaYaga) Storyteller Like Baba, Yaga does not have one leg at all. But there is a wonderful flying apparatus. Which? (Broom) (The Host and the Storyteller leave)  (Musical accompaniment No. 5 sounds. Baba Yaga appears, sings.) Slide 17 Baba Yaga I like birds and fish, the cheerful trill of a stream, And I can’t look at the flight of a moth without a smile! Dinner and overnight are waiting for you here, I'll heat the stove, After all, I love boys and girls very much!  (Turn off the music) You are so ruddy, sweet. A disgrace, a disgrace! How did you get in here without my consent? Thought it would go unnoticed, right? Ha! That's why I and BabaYaga, I smelled (leads his nose). Yeah! (sneezes) Ahh! Are you laughing? Above me. And are you not afraid? Okay, today I have good mood , I will not eat you. I even want to dance! Who wants to dance with a beauty? Young man, invite me to dance! (Dances, singing) Invite, invite, invite And you will invite me to my dance. Two hundred years off your shoulders In the pool of dance with your head, Young man, Dance with Yaga! (Dances, spins and falls) Wow, tired ... I flew on a broomstick, baked pies in ashes, I drove a cat around the hut, but composed questions. I went to visit Leshem, I forgot all the answers. So it was a hundred years ago, so I forgot. I will read the cheat sheet. Help me guys, Guess my riddles. How many teeth does Baba Yaga have? (One) 1. Gobbling up rolls, 2. A guy rode on the stove. Ride through the village And married the princess. (Emelya.) At Alyonushka's sister 3. They took away the little brother of the bird. They fly high, they look far. (Gusilebedi.) Ivan had a friend 4. A little humpbacked, But he made him happy And rich. (Humpbacked horse.) 5. This tablecloth is famous for feeding all the dos "that by itself it is full of delicious foods. (Self-collection tablecloth.) 6. They were waiting for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house ... Who were these little children? (Seven kids.) 7. They ran away from dirty cups, spoons and pots. She is looking for them, calling And sheds tears on the way. (Grandmother Fedor.) Well done, guys, you know the answers! Now I say goodbye to you. See you again in fairy tales! (BabaYaga leaves.) Presenter Fairy-tale heroes have special names, also fairy-tale ones. Let's remember some of them. I start, and you finish. (Reads from the sides) Slides No. 1843 Princess ... (frog). Sister ... ( Alyonushka). Serpent ... (Gorynych). Boy ... (little finger). Chanterelle ... (sister). Finist ... (clear falcon). Elena ... (Beautiful). Tiny ... (Havroshechka). Koshchei ... (Immortal). Cockerel ... (Golden Scallop). Hen ... (Ryaba). Ivanushka ... (fool). Ivan ... (tsarevich). (The host leaves) Storyteller And I want to give a more difficult task. You, I think, n already recited many fairy tales. Do you know their heroes? Guess the fairy tale character by the couplet riddle. 1. He is kinder than everyone in the world, He heals sick animals, And once a hippopotamus He pulled out of the swamp. He is famous, famous, This is a doctor ... (Aibolit). Slides 4452 2. Long unknown to many, He became everyone's friend. Everyone according to an interesting fairy tale The onion boy is familiar. It is very simple and short He is called ... (Chipolino) 3. The grandmother loved the girl very much. She gave her a red cap. The girl forgot her name. Well guess what her name was? (Little Red Riding Hood.) 4. It looked a little like a ball And rolled along the paths. Rolled away from everyone, Except for the "redhead", that's so laughter! (“Gingerbread Man”) 5. Calm down, calm down, evil sorceress, You don’t have hopes for yourself, In the forest I met seven dwarfs Ours will be saved ... (Snow White). 6. He loves everyone invariably, Whoever comes to him. Guessed? This is Gena, This is Gena ... (Crocodile). 7. And I sorted through the peas At night by candlelight. And slept by the stove. Good as the sun. Who is this? (Cinderella). 8. For him, a walk is a holiday, and a special scent for honey. This teddy bear is a prankster ... (Winnie the Pooh) 9. He is a friend not only to children, He is a living creature, But there are no more such in this world. But it was filmed for a movie And we have known for a long time This cute face, And it's called ... (Cheburashka). (The storyteller leaves) Pupil 1 There are many sad and funny tales in the world, And we cannot live in the world without them. Pupil 2 May the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth, May good forever triumph over evil. (All participants leave.) (Turn off the slide show.) Dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" Presenter Dear viewers, Would you like to see the fairy tale? Familiar, surprisingly, But with a few additions! In one, well, very rural area, Very far from fame, That in Russia they are often found Grandfather once planted a Turnip! Grandfather planted this Turnip. (Repka appears, sits on a chair) But she sat down firmly. Grandfather came to the garden. Grandfather Oh, I'm tired today. Where is my whole family? Grandma is watching a series. Granddaughter, like all children, Lost on the Internet. A bug with a cat, that's the trouble, They fled in all directions. Here is a little mouse digging here And where did he go? (Grandfather saw a turnip.) Grandfather My God! Who are you??? Incomprehensible and weird? Are you a vegetable or a person? Never understand you! Turnip Respected by the people I grow in the garden. That's how big I am! How good am I! Sweet and strong - I am called a turnip. You will never be able to cope with such a beauty (sits down in the garden). Grandfather (puzzled) This is a fruitful year, Everything is rushing out of the earth! So that it does not become like a mountain, It's time to pull out the turnip. (Grandfather approaches the turnip, grabbing the tops and trying to pull it out. The turnip does not give in.) Grandfather No, you can’t pull it out, that’s a shame! You need to call your grandmother for help. I became weak in my declining years, Here I pull, but there is no sense! Overcame sciatica oh, my back hurts! Grandma, hey, run here, help pull the turnip. Grandmother (with a sigh) It's a pity there is no horse on the farm. Grandfather: Well, grab onto me! (They pull the turnip, swaying back and forth together.) Grandmother and grandfather (in chorus) We pull together, we pull together! We need to pull the turnip! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in. Grandfather and grandmother continue to pull. ) Grandmother Our turnip is great, Her strength is strong. Oh, tummy tuck! Oh, we can't do it together! We will have to call the granddaughter, (shouts). Granddaughter, help grandfathers! Grandfather How to pull? From which side? Come out, granddaughter, to help! You rather run to us, help Grandma and Grandpa. (Granddaughter comes out.) Granddaughter What happened, grandmother? Did you call me, grandpa? That's a miracle in the garden! Harvest is fine! (Granddaughter grabs her grandmother, and together they try to pull out a turnip.) Grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter (in chorus) We pull together, we pull together! We need to pull the turnip! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Granddaughter Her back is aching, her hands are aching! No, you can't do it without Bugs. Bug, run to us quickly, Take on me boldly! (Bug runs out.) Bug What's the noise here? What's the fight? tired as a dog. I have so much to do, I've been twirling my tail all day. Oh, how such a large turnip has grown! Woof! Woof! Woof! I'm running! I will help you now! (The bug grabs her granddaughter) All in chorus We pull together, we pull together! We need to pull the turnip! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Grandmother There is no sense even with the four of us! Bug We'd better call a cat, Let it work a little! Cat! Murka! To us here, Look at the miracles! (The cat runs out.) Cat Meow! Meow! I'm runing! And now I will help you! (The cat grabs the Bug, the Bug for the Granddaughter, the Granddaughter for the Grandmother, the Grandmother for the Grandfather, the turnip does not give in.) All in chorus We pull together, we pull together! We need to pull the turnip! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! (The turnip does not give in.) Grandmother Five of us cannot cope! (Mouse runs out of the house.) Mouse Pip! I'm already running to you! Don't worry, I'll help! (The Mouse grabs the Cat.) Get up! Breathe out, breathe in! Now it's time to pull! All (in chorus) Pull together, pull together! We need to pull the turnip! Don't hold on to the garden, Nuka turnip, show yourself! Presenter Here they took up the turnip, Everyone pulled with all their might, They did not leave work away. They pull, they pull, they pull a turnip. (The turnip pulls out. Everyone falls.) And then they all had fun together, sang songs. All Come, honest people, See our garden, Marvel at Miracle! Sing and have fun with us!  Everyone sings ditties (Musical accompaniment of ditties minus No. 6) 1) Oh, yes, the turnip is good And you are round and tasty, Ay, lyuli, ah lyuli And you are round and tasty. 2) Yes, how we got together And we tensed a little, Ay, lyuli, ah lyuli Yes, how we tensed together. 3) A glorious harvest has grown, We surprised the whole region, Ay, lyuli, ah lyuli, We surprised the whole region. 4) We sang and danced for you, They showed the tale "Turnip", And now it's time for you, clap your friends! (All the heroes come out) Presenter Guys, do you know that among the people there are many proverbs and sayings about fairy tales. I will start the proverb, and you finish. (Students finish telling.) Leading Story for a fairy tale ... (does not keep up). Every joke in a fairy tale ... (good). Every fairy tale happens ... (end). Eat porridge, and listen to a fairy tale: with your mind - with your mind, dare, but on your mustache ... (wind). Listen to the fairy tale, and to the saying ... (listen). Soon the fairy tale develops, but not soon the thing ... (done). That's the end of the fairy tale, but who listened ... (well done).  (Performance of a dance to musical accompaniment No. 7) Presenter Slide 53 Our journey through the pages of fairy tales is coming to an end. Now the moment has come to say goodbye, My speech will be short; I tell you: "Goodbye! All heroes (in chorus) Until we meet again! Storyteller And I do not say goodbye to you. I tell you: "See you again on the pages of your favorite fairy tales!" Read more fairy tales, travel with the heroes in a wonderful fairy tale world.  Clip (Music No. 8) Presenter You listened to us carefully, Helped everyone diligently. Thank you all for your attention! Our holiday is over. Goodbye! (All participants wave their hands to the audience.) Slide 54

Tatyana Zvereva
"In the world of fairy tales" Graduation script


Graduation script for the preparatory group

compensating orientation

The celebration is accompanied by a slide show.

Solemn music sounds, Leading educators, Speech therapist enter the hall

1 Lead: Always in last days May we have a commotion in the garden,

After all, the kindergarten sees off its children - graduates.

Speech therapist: You will remember this moment

Days in the garden flew by like a moment!

There were preschool children yesterday,

And now they are freshmen!

2 Lead: May the holiday of the sun, the holiday of light

Today enters this room.

Play music all over the planet

We are starting our prom!

Children enter with balloons to the song "CHILDHOOD WORLD", dance. In conclusion, they release the balls up and line up in a checkerboard pattern in pairs

1 child: There are different holidays throughout the year.

And today is our holiday.

Soon we will be first graders

We say goodbye to the garden now!

2 child. Time flew by quickly

Will not return to us again.

Kindergarten, bye!

The school will welcome us!

3 child:"Preschooler, preschooler!" -

I hear almost from the cradle

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me like that

I'll get up early tomorrow

And in the morning I'll become a "shkolenka"!

4 child: We must all remember

That school is also work:

Persistent, diligent.

We are expected to succeed.

5 child: Gotta wake up early

Even if you don't want to get up...

But we have to train -

Strengthen your will!

6 child: There is a proverb, friends,

We must not forget her.

"To those who want to know a lot,

You need to sleep less in bed!”

7 child: Joyful hour will come soon

School doors will open for us!

We say: "School! Here we are -

All: Your first graders!

1 Lead: How exciting are these lines:

Schoolchildren - sons and daughters!

Moms groan, sigh,

Dads help moms.

After all, recently in kindergarten

Bring your kids!

Parent (from place): The years flew by quickly

There were joys and hardships.

We all didn't notice

How our children have grown up:

They can do everything themselves

They do not roar and do not get sick.

Everyone is happy from the heart:

All parents:

You look very pale...

So why are you sitting?

Please, come out!

He puts a thermometer to one parent, listens to the pulse of the other, measures the pressure of the third, gives commands to everyone - stand up, sit down, to the left, to the right, stretch out his arms and reach the tip of his nose with his finger.

Aibolit: Yes, dear parents, unlike children, your precious health is a little naughty. I recommend:

In summer, relax more and sunbathe on the grass,

Strengthen the nerves and take vitamins.

(parents leave)

Aibolit: Children, and you know, to be healthy, you need to eat vitamins. I have many multi-colored vitamins. If you collect them, you will become healthy and strong.

The game "COLLECT VITAMINS" is being played. Children collect balls of a certain color in baskets.

Aibolit: Well done! Everyone is healthy and happy!

Remember always guys:

“Whoever loves sports is always healthy and cheerful!”

I wish you success in your studies,

Awards and good grades,

Let someone grow up as a scientist

And someone is a doctor and an athlete.

(Aibolit says goodbye, leaves to the music)

Speech therapist: Do you guys remember how 4 years ago

Did you come to our kindergarten as kids?

9 child: We came to kindergarten like that - it's uncomfortable to remember!

They spoke incomprehensibly, did not know how to draw,

They ate badly, slept badly, and offended each other,

If they didn’t receive something, they immediately shed tears!

10 child: And now we are not babies, we have already become big,

How many songs have been learned, how many new things have been learned!

What is school to us! We will immediately enter the institutes!

Speech therapist: You guys are unrecognizable! You have become big!

And other kids came to congratulate you.

(Children of 1 ml. gr. with a teacher enter the music)

Educator: you guys from the bottom of my heart

They want to congratulate the kids!

1. We washed our cheeks and nose,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2. You are going to the first class,

Maybe take us?

Graduates: No, you need to grow up

You have to go to school early!

Educator: We wish that at school

You studied all the "five".

And, of course, with warmth

Remember Kindergarten!

Goodbye with you

We want to dance!

Dance with the kids "MUSI - PUSI"

Educator: All the little ones say goodbye

You will be told...

Babies: Goodbye!

(To the music, the kids leave the room)

2 Lead: Traditional game with spectators. We have two words on the screen - the name and surname of a famous Swedish writer - the author of fairy tales loved by children and adults. I ask you to name these two words!

(Parents call - Astrid Lindgren)

So, the final game! The next word, children, is 7 letters. This is a character from one of Astrid Lindgren's fairy tales. Hear the prompt:

“Taking a jar of jam for reinforcement,

The man-helicopter takes off for flight»

(Children guess, a picture appears on the screen - Carlson)

(Music sounds, Carlson “flies” into the hall, shouting):

Carlson: Stand aside-and-and-and-s! Let's land! Let's land, I say!


Well, what a strange people went! I shout to them “landing,” and they laugh. Well, what do you want! A long-awaited guest has arrived to them! I hope you recognize me?

Children: Yes! You are Carlson!

Carlson: That's right, it's me - your friend Karlsonchik! Let's say hello! Do you know who is the best health man in the world? Of course, Carlson! Come on, put your hands up. Now I will say hello to everyone in one fell swoop!

(Children stand up and put their palm forward. Carlson runs near the children and claps everyone's hand)

Carlson: Hello from my old boots!

I could not stand it, I could not sit on my roof!

Heard songs, laughter, fun, jokes!

So the holiday is not a joke!

(Walks, looks everywhere, as if looking for something)

And where are the sweets, cookies, chocolate, lemonade?

2 Lead: Carlson, we don’t have Jam Day here, but Graduation to School!

Carlson: Oh-oh-oh, I'm the most unfortunate Carlson in the world!

(sits down on the floor, clutches his head)

And what, you don’t even have a ma-a-a-scarlet jar of jam?

2 Lead: Unfortunately, Carlson, no!

Carlson: Well, I don't play like that.

(gets to leave, recollecting herself)

Did I say "play"? (Yes)

Carlson: Well, then let's have fun and frolic!

I'm the best fun specialist in the world!

1 Lead: You know, Carlson, we also love to have fun and frolic, but today we are not too fun, because we say goodbye to our children: they leave us for school.

Carlson: To school? Is it something very, very scary?

1 Lead: What are you, Carlson, not at all! The guys and I will sing a funny song and you will find out what a school is. I think that parents also know this song and can sing along with their children.

Children sing the song "WHAT THEY TEACH AT SCHOOL". Parents sing along with their children or sing along to certain phrases

Carlson: So, are you going to school soon? (Yes)

Will you find friends there? (Yes)

Will you study at school? (Yes)

Fight with friends on fists? (Not)

Will you sleep in class?

Will you play with dolls?

Will you solve problems?

Will you become a student?

Will you do the lessons yourself?

And when do you play

Songs to sing and dance?

Children: Yes right now!

Carlson: Hooray!


Children remain standing in a circle. The voice of Freken Bock is heard: "Baby! Baby!"

Carlson: Calm! Only calmness! It seems that Freken Bok is coming here - a real housekeeper! Let's go quickly!

(Children run away to places. Carlson sits down with the children)

(Music sounds, Freken Bok enters)

Freken Bock: What is the dance, what is the noise? A holiday has been started! You need a governess, that's for sure! So: the governess is me! Allow me to introduce myself: Miss Hildur Bock! And I'm not just a governess, but a housekeeper! (looks around)

Is this your apartment? (Yes) The apartment is suitable. There is even a piano. I really like, you know, to play all sorts of symphonies. Well, who needs to be educated here?

(looks at the children). What about all your children? (Yes OK!

(Rubs hands) . My children quickly become silk. I have EVERYTHING become silk!

Speech therapist: Freken Bock, do you like children?

Freken Bock: Uh-uh…how do you say…crazy…just crazy. But I have never tried to raise such a bunch of kids at once! I will work with each individually! Girl, say hello to your aunt!

Girl: Hi! And hello in the morning!

Freken Bock: Well, well, well ... Come on, give me that talkative boy over there. Baby, say hello to your aunt!

Boy: If you come to friends

Don't say hello to anyone.

Turn around and ask questions

Don't answer anyone.

And then no one will say

About you, that you are a talker!

Freken Bock: Ta-a-ak ... Now give me oh-oh-oh-oh overgrowth!

(points to Carlson, he approaches Freken Bok) .

Say hello to your aunt, baby!

Carlson: Hello - from my old boots!

Freken Bock: Nda-ah-ah ... Children neglected, but not lost. I will take them seriously while they are small and soft as wax, then they will harden - it will be too late!

(He strokes Carlson’s head, then slaps him, he cries out: “Ai!” and, rubbing the bruised place, steps offendedly to the side)

Speech therapist: No, no, our children are good, well-mannered, with a sense of humor. They were joking.

Freken Bock: I will eradicate a sense of humor in the bud! Got it, comedians? Let's get vocals!

(To M/R): Don't let me raise my kids. Children, sing: "La, la, la..." (presses a key). And now with accompaniment

(presses all the keys in a row, sings out of tune) “The chrysanthemums in the garden have faded a long time ago ...” Children, I can’t hear you! Sing with me! Did a bear step on your ear?

(children laugh). Your kids can't sing at all!

Muses. supervisor: You are mistaken, Miss Bok! Our children sing and dance wonderfully and can play instruments very well. Here listen!

The song "GOLDEN DROPLETS", singing is accompanied by playing the bells and tubes

Freken Bock (surprised): Indeed, they sing and even play!

You guys are a miracle, right!

You did your best!

Well done, not bored with you,

Become… professors!

2 Lead: By the way, Freken Bock, do you know what grades future professors got when they were still at school?

Carlson: What are "marks"? What is this, candy?

Freken Bock: Nightmare! What is this Kid saying?

I'll take care of him immediately!

Carlson: I'm not the Kid, I'm Carlson, who lives on the roof!

Freken Bock: Well, then everything is clear to me! You don't have to live ON the roof, but UNDER the roof!

2 Lead: Carlson, marks, these are the numbers that will be used to mark and evaluate the knowledge of the guys.

Carlson: Ahhh... Got it! I think I've seen numbers like this here!

(runs up to the table, takes cards with the number 5 and 2, shows the children 2 and says): It's five!

Children: It's two!

Carlson (shows 5): No, that's two!

Children: It's five!

Carlson (shows 2): And I like this one better! She is beautiful, she looks like a swan!

Freken Bock: What a nightmare! What does this Carlson say!

1 Lead: Let's now play a game and see which marks will be our children's favorite.

2 Lead: I think that there will be no losers among the guys.

Freken Bock: Now let's see ... I also invite parents to participate in the game. Now we will find out what kind of students they were!

The game "WHO MORE GIVES GOOD GRADES": children play with their parents. Inverted cards with ratings are laid out in two hoops. Moreover, in the hoop for parents, the marks are from 1 to 5. And in the hoop of children - only 4 and 5. Music sounds, everyone walks around the hoop - “go to the lesson”. Pause - everyone quickly raises their cards. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

1 Lead: Congratulations, moms and dads! All your children will be excellent students and good students!

Freken Bock: Ha-ha-ha, and not all parents were good students!

2 Lead: Freken Bok, we have such a good holiday - graduation! And you nitpick. It's just that parents are a little worried today. For you, dear parents, a musical gift: we have an orchestra in the garden, it will play for you now.

Orchestra "Charleston"

Freken Bock: And now they quickly sat down all evenly, hands on their knees, straightened their backs and did not move, otherwise my head starts to hurt from you and my mood deteriorates.

(sits down in chair, starts to doze off)

Child: Carlson, please save us from this housekeeper, she wants us to sit quietly and not move.

Carlson: Calm, just calm. After all, I'm the world's best specialist in educating housekeepers. Come dance and I'll think of something!

Dance "YOU AND ME"

Freken Bock: What kind of gibberish is this? Kids, you're out of hand again!

(children run away)

Carlson: Freken Bok, and your milk ran away!

Freken Bok (Sniffs and calmly): Yes, indeed, it smells of burning ....

(Suddenly fussed): Oh my god! My cheesecakes! Buns will soon turn into coals! Okay, I ran, and you are looking at me!

(shakes a finger, leaves. Carlson mimics her walk)

Freken Bock (looking around): Ay-yay-yay, what an ill-mannered boy!

(Suitable for Carlson) . Come on, quickly follow me to re-education!

(Takes him by the collar of his shirt and leads him to the exit)

Carlson: Guys, don't miss me. Maybe see you again! Study well at school and don't forget to have fun! (Leave)

Speech therapist: We continue the game, and on our screen ...

Children: Letter "P"!

Speech therapist: And what would that mean

Children: Prize!

(One of the presenters brings a bright box on a cart)

1 Lead: Shall we continue the game or choose a prize?

Children: Let's pick a prize!

1 Lead: Good! Then I ask you, our dear graduates, to come to our hall!

(Children come out, line up in front of the guests)

1 Lead: This is where our game ends. Children, parents, thank you for such a wonderful game! You are great! Children, today you say goodbye to kindergarten. But you don’t say goodbye to childhood, and therefore to a fairy tale! Believe in miracles and they will surely come true!

2 Lead: We want to wish you, dear guys,

Learn, grow, meet new friends.

We will always be very proud of you

Walk the stairs of life boldly!

Speech therapist: Children leave the school road,

But a part of us remains in them!

From Kindergarten to School Doorstep

We escort them to school.

Together: Good time!

1 child: Goodbye! Goodbye!

We are talking to you today.

Only our favorite garden

We don't want to forget.

2 child: We have learned many stories here.

And they got smarter every day.

And for that we are grateful to you.

Kindergarten was our home!

3 child: Our good garden! Soon we know

We will step over your threshold.

We wish you happiness, joy

To everyone who helped us grow!

Children: Goodbye Kindergarten!

And thanks guys!

Children sing the song "Goodbye, Kindergarten"

1 Lead: It's time to open our "Prize"! We leave it to Galina Vasilievna to do it.

(Congratulations, presenting gifts)

2 Lead: Congratulations to the parents!

(Parents come out, congratulate the children)

(The host invites the children to take the balloons, make a wish and release them into the sky. The hosts invite everyone to a tea party)

Scenario of extracurricular activities based on fairy tales in elementary school

Scenario of the extra-curricular event "In the world of fairy tales"

Author: Ruzaliya Khatmullovna Valieva, educator, Birsk special (correctional) boarding school of the 5th type, Birsk.
Job Description: This methodical development Designed for preschool and school age. The material will be useful to teachers of kindergartens, specialized children's institutions who want to hold an interesting extracurricular activity.
Goals:- generalize students' knowledge about fairy tales;
- develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters.
Educational: to form ideas about the works of oral folk art;
Developing: develop memory, attention, logical thinking, observation;
Correctional: improvement of general speech skills, visual attention and perception, creative imagination;
Educational: to cultivate interest in fairy tales, curiosity.
Demonstration material: illustrations depicting fabulous objects (red hat, boots, turnip, arrow, ax, bow, shoe), cartoon songs.
Methodological techniques: game situation, conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations, summing up.

Event progress

Guys, today we have an unusual evening - the holiday "In the world of fairy tales". As at every holiday, we should have fun, and jokes, and songs, and laughter, but also serious, of course. You must show what you know about fairy tales. So let's start our evening.
Hey gay, honest people
Come boldly, don't stop!
Those who are gloomy, who do not smile,
Holidays are not allowed!
Attention! Attention!
Hear the message of the utmost importance!
The first event is the opening holiday!
Then afterwards - a solemn greeting,
Then a theatrical performance
And then - our performances!
(To the music, heroes of fairy tales in costumes enter the hall)
1 - leader:
Hello our dear friends!
The kids are amazing!
funny, funny,
Boys, girls are nice!
2 - leader:
friendly, obedient,
Elegant, pleasant!
Brave, skillful!
The kindest, smartest!
Cute looking!
Leaders: Happy Holidays!
All: Our low bow to you, pranksters.
1 - leader:
They flew through the air to us,
Sailed on stormy, green waves.
2 - leader:
We arrived by train, by car.
Fairy-tale magic becomes a reality!
(The heroes of fairy tales come out)
I am not a young man, with a mustache and beard
I love guys, I treat animals,
Cute looking
I'm called... (Aibolit)
I am not a young person
In-from with such a beard,
I offend Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
I am a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who am I... (Karabas)
Red Riding Hood:
My grandmother loved me very much
She gave me a red hat
Only I forgot my name.
Wolf: Well, guess what her name was?
With a primer I go to school -
Wooden boy -
I get instead of school,
In a linen booth.
Alyonushka with Ivan:
There is no river or pond.
Where to drink water?
Very tasty water
In the hole from the hoof.
Bear with a box:
And the road is far
And the basket is not easy,
A stump would sit down
I would eat a pie.
(Heroes of fairy tales sit down to their seats to the music)
Host: And now for you, dear guys, I have prepared questions. For each correct answer, you get a token. Based on the collected tokens, we will determine which of you knows fairy tales well.
pounded yes pounded
On a plate with a nose -
Didn't swallow anything
And stayed on the nose. (Crane from the fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane")
An arrow flew, and fell into the swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who, saying goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful, comely? ("Princess Frog")
Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking at them through glasses
Good doctor... (Aibolit)
Near the forest on the edge -
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows
Guess without a clue
Who is the hero of this story? (L. Tolstoy "Three Bears")
What were the names of the three pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
What had to be said in order for Pinocchio's five gold coins to turn into capital? ("Rex-fex-pex")
Where is the seventh kid hiding? (in the oven)
What did Carlson love more? (Jam and cookies)
What did the Grandmothers-Hedgehogs say to rise on broomsticks into the air? (Goodbye Earth!)
The name of an evil powerful character in a Russian folk tale?
Where did the old man and the old woman live from A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Tale of the Fisherman"? (By the blue sea).
Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side
Rolled… (Kolobok)
Leading: Well done, guys, we recognized all the heroes of our fairy tales. And now let's play. Grab your right ear with your left hand and your nose with your right hand. And now - on the contrary: with the right hand behind the left ear, with the left hand - behind the nose. Again, vice versa. Faster! Again. Well done! You all competed so well, you will have to be rewarded.
1 - presenter: And what will be our prize?
2 - presenter: Well, let's say, songs from cartoons or fairy tales?
1 - presenter: Guys, what songs do you know? (“Smile”, “Song about a grasshopper”, “Kind Bug”, etc.)
(There is a knock, the postman enters the stage)
Postman: Guys, telegrams have come to us, in a fabulous city. Allow me to read them to you, and you guess who sent them, since the heroes of your fairy tales forgot to sign their telegrams.
I can't come to your party. My trousers were gone. (Moydodyr)
Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole. ("Wolf and Fox")
Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg. ("Ryaba Hen")
Save! ate us grey Wolf! ("Seven goats")
It's my birthday, I just lost my ponytail. ("Winnie the Pooh")
And now you need to tell an excerpt from your favorite fairy tale. (Children's stories)
Host: Well done! You all know fairy tales so well. Now guess the riddles.
1. In the thicket of the forest, along the paths,
He stands among the aspens.
I have a hat but no coat
Guess what is this? (Mushroom)
2. Busy hostess
Flying over the lawn
Pat over a flower
And share honey. (Bee)
3. For him, a walk is a holiday
And honey has a special scent.
This is a plush prankster -
Bear cub.. (Winnie the Pooh)
4. Lives with us,
Walks with a long mustache
In the yard in the midst of summer,
And she is dressed in furs.
They put the meat: "Little, little!"
How many times did she get
Jump! and sat down on the window.
Here is what we have... (Cat)
5. There is water in it, but it is not a river,
Though with a beak, but not a rook.
He is not a stove, though, like a stove,
The coals made him hot.
And pot-bellied, and good-natured,
He gathered guests for dinner,
Tea is poured - steam is steaming
Well, thank you … (Samovar)
Host: Guys, some fairy-tale heroes forgot your stuff. Name them and the fairy tale in which they live.
red cap, ("Red Riding Hood")
Boot, ("Puss in Boots")
turnip, ("Turnip")
Arrow, ("The Frog is a Princess")
Axe, ("Porridge from an ax")
Onion, ("Chippolino")
Basin and washcloth ("Moidodyr")
slipper, ("Cinderella")
Host: Guys, songs from cartoons will sound for you, you need to remember what fairy tale they are from. (Children guess the names of cartoons)
Holidays are jokes
A holiday is laughter, joy, fun!
1 - presenter: So the holiday is over!
2 - leader:
Let ringing songs sound around!
The song is a cheerful and smart friend!
1- leading:
Let games and dances
Like books and fairy tales
Decorate our leisure!
2 - leader:
Now it's time to say goodbye
We say to everyone: goodbye!


Storyteller 1

The story has a pure soul.

Like a forest stream.

She comes slowly

In the cool hour of the night.

Storyteller 2

The native people are its creator,

Cunning people, wise people

I put my dream into it

Like gold in a chest.

Hello guys, do you recognize us?

Storyteller 1

We are storytellers, we came to you from fairy tales. Guys, do you like them?

So, you know a lot of interesting things, do you want to visit one of them today?

Storyteller 2

But in order to get there, answer the questions.

Storyteller 1

Who's to say how fairy tales begin?

Storyteller 2

Every fairy tale has magic words. Do you remember them? (Tasks)

Storyteller 1

Well done guys, you got the job done. And now it's time for the story.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Oh, it's boring to live in the wilderness of an old woman. Tolya deal was before. Didn't have to be bored. The hut stood in the busiest place, no one passed by it unnoticed.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Hello Sister. Do you remember how it was? Either Ivan Tsarevich will look in, then the Serpent-Gorynych will take away some beauty, and there will definitely be some daredevil, he will go to look for her and turn to us.

Baba Yaga Forest.

You are right, sister. Now what? All paths-paths to us are overgrown, there is no living soul. Even my cat Vasily disappeared somewhere. So bored alone that I want to sing.

(Sing "Babki-Yozhki")

Baba Yaga Forest.

Oh, and I was out of breath, old, everything in my throat was dry. Where to drink some water?

Oh, you scared us, goblin!


Yagi, dear, I never thought to see you here.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Goblin, do you have something to drink, otherwise you want to drink like a horror.


I have some kind of vessel, now I'll look in the bag.

Baba Yaga Forest.

What a strange vessel. Never seen anything like this in my life. Where did you get it?

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Come on, open it quickly.


Guard! Save who can!

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Oh, mothers, what a horror!

Jean Gasan

My name is Hasan-Abdurakhman,

Jin Asan

A camel caravan is walking in the sands,

White dunes lie in the desert,

My name is Asan-Abdurakhman,

I am the son of the venerable Khattab.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Who are you?


Where did you come from?

Jean Gasan

I am Gasan-Abdurakhman-ibn-Khattab-Jin from a vessel.

Jin Asan

And I am Asan-Abdurakhman-ibn-Khattab. But I'm Jin from the vessel.


Stop, stop. Don't fight. Are you both Jeans from the vessel? So you are brothers.

Jean Gasan

Brother, how long have I not seen you. Hi, darling.

Jin Asan

Hello brother, what a joy, we are together again! And who are you, our saviors?

Baba Yaga Forest.

I am Baba Yaga-ibn Lesnaya.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

I am Baba Yaga - ibn from the clearing.


I am Leshy-ibn Bolotny.

Kikimora appears

What's the matter? Who are they?


Yes, Hottabychi.


Guys, that means! Nice to meet you, Kikimora-ibn-beautiful.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

So you say we are your saviors? This is good.


Look, they say the Genies can do anything.

Jean Gasan

They speak the truth.

Jin Asan

They speak the truth.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Then fulfill our desires. My first desire sounds like this: I want to see a lot of small, well-fed, tasty kids here.


And pretty

Jean Gasan

Jin Asan

I listen and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.


Oh kids! Girls and boys! Now we will play with you, have fun and frolic.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

What a joy! And lunch, and dinner, and even breakfast itself granted.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Now let's heat the stove, put a boiler with water ...


And we'll have lunch


Wait, we can't eat that much. We had a good appetite when we were young. Let's pick a few kids. Who do we start with?

Jin Asan

And whoever loses, start with that.

Jean Gasan

Where are the storytellers?


(Geese-geese game)

Jean Gasan

Our saviors, will there be any other desires?


Will be, will be! Let the kids dance for us now.

Jin Asan

It's easier than ever!

I listen and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

Dance of children with heroes

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Oh, they're dead!

Baba Yaga Forest.

How you made us laugh! Maybe we will shake the old days, arrange tests for the kids!


Perhaps I'll give you a harder task. We have all sorts of items that you might need in fairy tales. Only trouble is, for what they are - I forgot.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Let the children guess.

The storytellers play the game

Baba Yaga Forest.

And they completed this task. Well done.

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Well, nothing, according to fairy laws, we have one more desire left.

Baba Yaga Forest.

Yes, we love to dance, let the kids try to repeat the movements after us.


All three tasks were completed. Something is not good for me.


Something I'm getting old! I don't want

Baba Yaga from the meadow.

Maybe it’s really a good deed to do, not to eat them?

Baba Yaga Forest.

Eat you guys or not? And why? All right, Gina, grant one more wish. Make us all fed now!


And make me beautiful forever

Jin Asan

I listen and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

Jean Gasan

I listen and obey. Fuck-tibidoh-toh-toh.

All the heroes, holding their bellies, leave

Storyteller 1

Dear children, this is the end of our fairy tale.

Storyteller 2

And we just have to say goodbye

There are many fairy tales in the world
holiday script, dedicated to the Day child protection, for children of senior preschool and primary school age

Postman Pechkin
Life-size puppets - Crocodile, Fox, Alf, Lion, Bear, Luntik.
Music sounds, Luntik comes out.
Luntik - Dear guys! I'm glad to see you at the party. Today we will sing, play, laugh and travel through fairy tales! You love fairy tales, don't you?
(Children answer)
Wonderful! So, our holiday will turn out well!
(There is a knock on the door, Pechkin appears on the threshold).
Pechkin _ Everything is in place! So I made it in time. Hello! I brought you a telegram!
Presenter - Hello, dear postman Pechkin! Who is she from? Give it to us, please.
Pechkin - Yeah, so I gave it to you !!
Leading - And why Igor Ivanovich, you won’t give it back?
Pechkin - I closed my handbag, but I lost the key, and it is magical, if you answer all the riddles correctly, then the handbag will open!
Luntik - Riddles? I love riddles, and you guys! is it true? Think!
Pechkin - Guess whose letters are in my bag!
 In summer, a gray fur coat, and in winter - white,
Wears a jumper, timid ... (bunny)

 Not a dog lives under a strong shell,
Not a cat, not a mouse, lives ... (turtle)

 A funny fat man lived in a hut in the forest
A neighbor, Pyatochok, was inseparable from him.
He read out loud to his friends,
Tell me more, who is he? (Winnie the Pooh)

 He was the kindest of all doctors,
I wanted every animal to be healthy.
He treated all diseases: measles, mumps, bronchitis,
Tell me more, who is he? (Aibolit)

Pechkin - Wow, miracles, the purse opened, you will have to give a telegram!
Luntik - Come on, dear Pechkin, we can't wait to find out who this telegram is from!
Pechkin Do you have documents?
Luntik - What documents?
Pechkin I won’t give it up without documents, it’s not allowed!
Luntik - Why did you come then?
Pechkin - My job is to carry such correspondence, and since you don’t have documents, it means I can’t give it to you!
Luntik - Igor Ivanovich, and instead of documents, let us fulfill your every desire!
Pechkin - My most cherished desire ... I love fairy tales, and I would like to go on a trip with the guys!
Luntik - Would you guys like to find yourself in a fairy tale? Let's close all our eyes, say the magic words and go straight to fairyland!
Oh-oh-oh, hello! - (Repeat!) Oh-oh-oh, hello!
Bam, bala, bala-e! - Bam, bala, bala-e!
0, kikiris bamba, - 0, kikiris bamba,
0 sals savimba! — 0, sals savimba!
magic sound
Music sounds. Leo Boniface enters. Luntik leaves
Leo - I think I got to the wrong place again ..
Pechkin: - Hello, Dear Leo Boniface, where do you want to go?
Leo: How where! I went to the lake to fish, but again I got to the children's performance!
Pechkin: Hurray!!!
Leo - What can be "Hurrah"! My holidays are coming to an end and I still haven't been able to go fishing.
Pechin - Do not be upset Boniface, because there are such wonderful guys at our holiday, they can do everything! And even fish!
Leo - Guys, are you really good at fishing?? Okay, then I'll check you out a bit! Name me a fish with the letter - P,
(piranha, gudgeon, blue whiting...),
Well done! And now the name of the fish with the letter M (pollock, moray eel ...)
The two guys who answered first are called on stage. A FISHING COMPETITION is held with them
Leo - Thank you guys! You really made me happy! I enjoyed going fishing with you! And now, goodbye! I have to go back to my grandmother, she is waiting for me for dinner, with a whole bucket of fish!
Pechkin - Goodbye, Boniface! And it's time for us to continue our journey through the Land of Fairy Tales! Let's say the second magic spell!
Oh, I eat bananas, Oh, I eat bananas
And I eat oranges. And I eat oranges.
Ri-ri-ri-ri-em, - Ri-ri-ri-ri-em,
Ri-ri-ri-ri-em! - Ri-ri-ri-ri-em,
Am! - AM!
Children repeat. Music sounds. Crocodile Gena and Shapoklyak come out.
Shapoklyak - What a mess! What a mess! And they forgot me! Shapoklyak was not invited!

Karkusha. These are my friends!
FOX. Oh, really, how clean, washed, probably, polite, not refusing. … Here they will help me now. (Quietly, so that the Crow does not hear, turns to the children). I need to drag this bird and take it to my hut. My foxes, nice guys, love to play with birds and sort out feathers.
Karkusha. Candy kids, don't listen to Lisa! If she takes me to her hut, she will fry me for dinner. If you don't help me deal with the cunning Fox, I'll be lost!
Fox. I'm the smart one! Yes, I am the most honest and affectionate!
Karkusha. Okay, Little Fox, there's nowhere to go. Go until your ponytail comb, and then hurry on a date.
The fox leaves.
Children, help me! Protect from the cunning Fox! If I say that I hear a horse stomp - stomp your feet, if I say that the horses are close - shout "yoke - go." When I say - a man rides a horse and coughs - cough, and when I say that the dogs are hounds with him, you bark like a dog, and we will scare the Fox! Let's rehearse. Horse tramp! Well done! The horses are neighing! Smarties! The man is coughing! Everything is correct! Hound dogs! It turned out great!
FOX. I am ready, I have a new fur coat, and ears on top, and a fluffy tail. Fly to me quickly, girlfriend, let's go to the meadow!
Karkusha. Wait a minute, Fox, there's something envious, aren't the horses galloping? Come on, kids, look.
Children imitate horse stomp.
FOX. Who else do you see? You're sitting high, looking far away!
Karkusha. I see horses close - close !!! Really kids???
Children imitate neighing
And a man on horseback with a gun! The man, apparently angry, coughs loudly.
Children pretend to cough.
The fox begins to get scared, changes his tone.
FOX. And tell me, Crow, are there any dogs next to him?
Karkusha. There are no dogs, only hounds run.
Children start barking.
FOX. Oh, goodbye, Karkusha! Walk next time! Gotta hurry home! (runs away).
Karkusha. Thanks guys, you saved me!
Music sounds. There is a postman Pechkin.
Pechkin - Feels my heart while I was away, something happened here!
Karkusha - All's well that ends well, thanks guys - they helped me out, and now it's time for me to return home to the television center! Goodbye!
Pechkin - And it's time for us to go to the next fairy tale! Loudly say - ONE-TWO-THREE! Fairytale visit!
Where are we guys now? It seems at the edge of a fairy forest?
Bear comes out.
Pechkin - Hello, Mishutka!
Bear - Hello!
Pechkin - Why are you so sad?
Bear - I'm bored!
Pechkin - Mishutka, how can you be bored when there are so many friends around!
Bear: Friends…..What is it, friend????
Pechkin - A friend is not what, but who ... I think that the guys will help you, explain who a friend is and what friendship is ....
I will name the qualities, and you, if a friend should have this quality, clap your hands.
If this poor quality for a friend - stomp your feet.
A good friend knows how to forgive - clap
Helps ... to write off the control
Support in trouble
Can do shit
Shouts that he is the most important
In time comes to the rescue
Rejoices in your success with you
The bear starts crying loudly...
Pechkin - Mishutka, what happened? Why are you crying. Today is a holiday, everyone should just rejoice!
Bear - I .... (roars) I ... have no friends ... .. Nobody needs me ... ..
Pechkin - I think that this can be fixed! Wow, look how many guys we have here!
Pechkin - And they are ready to become your friends! Really guys?
Bear - That's great! And in order for friends to find each other easier, I want to give them balloons!
Pechkin - Well done, Mishutka! You got it right! Whoever goes to friends with kindness will find more friends!
The bear takes out the balls.
Pechkin (throws them into the auditorium) Pass the balls to your friends! - Red balls are wonderful friends!
Bear - Blue balloons - strong friends!
Pechkin - White balls - skillful friends!
Bear - Purple balloons - friendly friends!
That's how many friends I have now! Now I will never be sad! Thank you guys!
The bear leaves, Luntik comes out!
Luntik - Dear, Pechkin, we have fulfilled our promise, and now you!
Pechkin - We have such a good fabulous adventure, keep the telegram!
Luntik - Reading!
“Good afternoon everyone! Today is Children's Day! It is celebrated by all the children on our planet.
Childhood is golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me
Childhood is me and you!
And the signature is your friends! Children from all over the world!”
Pechkin - Time runs so fast ... and our fabulous journey, alas, has come to an end ...
Luntik - The merry hour ends.
This is how it always goes:
As soon as you play out - and now, it's time to go home!
Pechkin - But is it sad at the right time?
Only the first summer day ends
And summer continues, what joy will bring!
Luntik - Now the moment of farewell has come.
Our speech will be short:
We say goodbye!
More precisely -
Together: See you soon!


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