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Creative contests for children of senior school age on Valentine's Day

Location: school class or assembly hall.

Number of participants: from 12 to 30 people.

Materials and aids : tape recorder, audio recordings, colored paper, scissors, felt-tip pens, markers, glue.

Targets and goals:

1. Cohesion of the class team;

2. Actualization of creative potential;

3. Formation of concepts about the aesthetic norms of communication between the sexes.

Training: On the preparatory stage a conversation is held with students about the history of the holiday, the features of the celebration. Tasks are given to creative groups to design a class, make "valentines", prepare leaders from among the students. Before the start of the competition, each child is given halves with hearts, on which the names of famous literary, fairy-tale and movie heroes are indicated. For example, Master - Margarita, Romeo - Juliet, Kai - Gerda, etc.

Rewarding: After each competition, the best couple receives a small heart. At the end of the game, the number of hearts for each pair is counted, and the one with the most hearts is declared the winner. At the evening disco, they are given the right to the first slow dance and order a musical composition for the earned hearts.

Competition progress

1. Submission.

The facilitators talk about the history and traditions of the St. Valentine holiday in different countries, and then invite the participants to unite in pairs corresponding to their half of the heart, i.e.

"find your soul mate" After all the couples have united, they will have to talk a little about their characters and present their couple in a creative way.

2. Declaration of love using the alphabet

Couples are invited to replace all the words with a simple list of letters of the alphabet and take turns confessing their love to their "halves".

3. Situations

Each couple is offered a certain situation, for example, to meet in an elevator, on a train, in the Mausoleum, at a bus stop.

4. Compliment

"Halves" compliment each other.

5. Pantomime

Each pair is asked to act out the situation:

The husband buys a fur coat for his wife, but it is expensive;

Family vacation at the North Pole;

First date at a football match, etc.

6. Dance with a ball

Couples are given balloons. Their task is to dance a "musical potpourri", holding the ball between them.

7. Decorator

Each "half" independently makes a congratulatory "valentine" card for each other from colored paper.

Final stage

All contestants are invited to a festive disco. At the end of the disco, tasks are distributed for joint cleaning of the used premises.

Scenario of the competition program for Valentine's Day

The song "Valentines"

Leading out :(a fragment of the melody “I will never forget you” from “Juno and Avos” sounds + presentation)

Presenter: Good evening, dear friends! Today we have a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. Perhaps this is the most romantic day of the year. Everyone is waiting for something romantic, tender, exciting and, of course, creative on this day.

Leading: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on February 14th. And the origin of the holiday is associated with a romantic story:

Presenter: In the 3rd century AD, the priest Valentine lived in the Roman city of Ternia. Emperor Claudius commanded the troops of the legionnaires. To preserve the military spirit, Emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry.

Leading : The young priest Valentine, not afraid of the imperial wrath, continued to secretly marry legionnaires in love.

Presenter: Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

Leading : In prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter and healed her. On the night before the execution, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the brief phrase "from Valentine." Hence - and postcards "valentines"; and the holiday itself - February 14 - the date of the execution of the priest, who was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron of all lovers.

Presenter: Saint Valentine keeps from troubles those who are close friends and loves, helps all those in love

Leading: Valentine's Day - one of the most favorite holidays of young people.

presenter : We dedicate this evening to the eternal theme - love!

Leading: That's right, because in this room everyone is in love.

Presenter: You're exaggerating something, I don't believe it.

Leading: If you want, I'll prove it to you, that those who are here are in love.

Host: I want!

Leading: Look, children love their parents, parents love their children, do you agree? (addressing the audience)

Someone loves their unique cat, someone loves an interesting book, and many love movies, Coca-Cola, fried potatoes.

(Viewers): Who loves to eat - raise your right hand, who loves to sleep - raise your left hand, who loves to eat chocolate and watch TV - stomp your feet.

Here you see !

Presenter: But today's holiday implies a different love, sublime.!

Presenter: So we will try to talk about the sources of the greatest feeling, we start our game "Love can be different"

presenter : What do you think, what is, in your opinion, an ideal couple? When he and she understand each other without words? When they walk hand in hand down the street and everyone looks at them with envy? Everyone has their own idea of ​​​​ideal happiness for two. Maybe every couple considers themselves perfect... But today we will choose the most ideal of all the couples present. It takes a little courage and true love!

Leading : Among those feelings that we all know about, love is the most beautiful of all.

Falling in love, we are kinder and suffer.

And we believe, burning ourselves, again and again.

In it open without any pretense,

But as always, it all starts with getting to know each other.:

musical accompaniment)

Charming, attractive and charming girls are invited to the stage.


Meet no less charming young men - this is

Questions are given to each pair and a point is awarded for each correct answer.

1. Which slut married a prince? (Cinderella).

2. With the help of what oriental vessel did the peasant son marry the Shah's daughter? (Aladdin's magic lamp)

3. Which bride had a mouse as a matchmaker? (Thumbelina).

4. What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of her friend? (Gerda)

5. In which fairy tale did the prince wake the princess with his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

6. What flower is the symbol of love? (rose flower)

7. What is the name of the winged shooter of love? (Amur)

8. Name your beloved Piero. (Malvina)

9. What do all newlyweds in Russia listen to? (Wedding March by Mendelssohn)

10. What work was most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Serenade)

11. Which feature films have the word "love" in their titles? (“Love and Doves”, “The Tale of First Love”, “Once Again About Love”, etc.)

12. What period of life is associated with first love? (Youth)

An excerpt from the song The most-most expensive person "gr. "Tootsie"

Leading: Words of love will never get old. And now... Let's confess our love to each other in different languages!

Everyone repeats after the leader:

In English: ai lav yu (I love you).

German: Ich liebe dich.

In French: je tem (Je t "aim).

And finally, in Russian: I love you!

presenter : Yes, it's nice to hear so many words about love... But even more pleasant are not words, but deeds for the sake of loved ones. Remember the times of noble knights. All their exploits were performed exclusively in the name of the lady of the heart. Where are the real knights now? Are there those among men who are able to prove their love not only in words, but also in deeds?

Leading: A girl should always be beautiful, and even more so on Valentine's Day. Therefore, our contestants are sent to the salon, where the masters will be able to professionally make up their lips, only these masters are men with mittens on their hands. The winner is the couple whose ladies have perfect lips. (Music-005)

Presenter: (Game with girls))Everyone knows that every lady in ancient times had her own knight. You have to name the name of the man associated with the lady, who will be called by the presenter.

  • Juliet - (Romeo)
  • Tatyana Larina - (Eugene Onegin)
  • Natasha Rostova - (Andrey Bolkonsky)
  • Bony Clyde
  • Margarita-Master
  • Eva Adam
  • Angeligna Jolie-Brat Pete
  • Pugacheva-Galkin
  • Desdemona-Othello
  • Ludmila-Ruslan
  • Isolde-Tristan
  • Rose Jack

Leading: The next competition is "Understand me without words."

Young men draw cards on which an invitation is written to the theater, cinema, concert, library, restaurant, disco, hunting, skiing, circus, to watch an action movie. (musical accompaniment).

presenter : After reading the task, the young man must, without words, only with gestures and facial expressions, show where he invites her. The girl answers, as she understood the young man

(The presenter reads out the task after each invitation)

Leading: In life, it often happens that Cupid hits the wrong heart with his shot. But unrequited love is also happiness, because it helps a person to discover many wonderful qualities in himself.

The song sounds.

Game with spectators. 4 young men are invited to the stage, who choose girls from the audience. To the music, they must present a flower, holding it in their teeth, to their other half ("Michael Jackson's Moonwalk", "Lezginka", "Kolyan's Dance", "Quadrille")


In the heart of love then only be
When they let her in.
- And how to treat the broken ones?
- For this they are revived!

presenter : The competition "Revive the heart" is that the couples must draw a heart, only this must be done with the left hand.

Leading: Couples stand side by side in front of each other, draw only the left hand with a face to the heart, doing it as quickly as possible. (musical accompaniment)

Presenter: Love is different: happy, mutual and unrequited. But true love always elevates a person, makes him better. A person cannot live without love, love keeps us from birth until the last day. We love our homeland, friends, neighbors, relatives.

Leading : Let this feeling accompany each of us through life!

Leading: And we sum up the results of our competition…….

Vedas .This day is special, beautiful,
When all hearts are open to love,
Our efforts, believe me, are not in vain,
To open talents to the end.
Whoever loves will not lose his heart:
Love calls, leads and inspires

Leading: And now our program is coming to an end, it's time to say goodbye. Very sorry to leave. But let Love never part with you - the most beautiful, inspiring and, of course, mutual! Love and be loved!

In addition to cards, roses are given on Valentine's Day, as they are believed to symbolize love, heart candies and other objects with images of hearts, kissing birds and, of course, the justly recognized symbol of Valentine's Day - Cupid's little winged angel.


12.02.2019 | We looked at the script 987 human

Event goals:

promote the development of creative activity of students;
help build interpersonal relationships between boys and girls;
contribute to the formation of intellectual potential.

High feeling...

The script for the day of all lovers of the school "Valentine's Day and Valentine's Day"

11.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1318 human

Equipment: sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, fragments of a cut paper apple, scissors, threads and a needle, buttons, balloons (according to the number of pairs), words cut into letters (in balloons), whatman.

Scenario for Valentine's Day at school

06.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1435 human

Hall decoration:

The stage is decorated with a voluminous heart made of paper, along the edges of the Cupid, hearts are hanging on the walls of the hall, on which love poems are printed (appendix), there is a box for “valentines” on the table, beautiful melodious music sounds, at the entrance to...

Scenario for Valentine's Day for schoolchildren

01.02.2019 | We looked at the script 1276 human

Actors: 2 leading - adults.

Attributes: paper hearts cut in half, easels (by the number of pairs), white paper, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, scissors, glasses of juice (by the number of children), cocktail straws, ...

The scenario of the game program for Valentine's Day

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 5308 human

Love, love, we believe in you with hope,
Our doors are open for you in our hearts.
But, if you do not knock, then where to meet?
And what is love, who will answer us?
How many words, songs, poems have been written about love, but each of us discovers ...

Valentine's Day. Field of Dreams

26.01.2017 | We looked at the script 3287 human

Love is the fifth time of the day,
Not evening, not night, not day and not morning.
You will come - and the sun shines at midnight,
You will leave - and the morning is darker than the night.
Love is the fifth season of the year
She is not autumn, not spring, not summer,
She is not winter, but what you ...

The script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight"

11.02.2013 | We looked at the script 6654 human

If you are fans of the movie "Twilight" and have nothing against vampires, then the script for Valentine's Day for teenagers "At Twilight" is for you.
First you need to decorate the room where your party will take place. To do this, create in the room ...

Host: Good evening!
Host: Hello!
Host: Tonight we dedicate the eternal theme - love!

Host: And we have a wonderful reason for this. It's Valentine's Day!

Host: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on 14 ...

"Valentine's Day". Scenario for schoolchildren

08.02.2013 | We looked at the script 10013 human

(The lights are off. Slow solemn music sounds. Girls in white tunics appear. Each has a lit candle in their hand. They dance.)
VOICE-OVER: On February 14, 270, the Christian martyr Valentine, who committed what was forbidden by the Roman...

class hour "From love is born love"

12.02.2012 | We looked at the script 5152 human

(the melody of L. Fe sounds. “Love Story”, slide No. 1.
Two presenters appear with candles in their hands).

Presenter: Love, were you born from suffering? ...

Valentine's Day Scenario for High School Students

The presenters come out to the fervent music.

1st presenter. What is the treasure in man?

2nd host. Maybe a beautiful appearance, knowledge or wealth?

1st leader. But it's all relative, without it you can break through. The most important thing is life and love.

2nd host. Love is more valuable than life, because love is the source of life itself.

1st presenter. The main commandment left to us by the great teachers of morality is one thing - "love one another."

2nd host. How extraordinary and wonderful it is that a person is born to be responsible for love.

1st leader. And today our holiday is dedicated to all lovers.

2nd host. To all those who want to love and be loved.

1st leader. We, too, want to experience the most tremulous feeling in life - to discover and understand who we really are and what other people are like.

2nd leader. We want to embark on this path and believe that we will find beauty, happiness and love in it.

1st leader. February 14 - Valentine's Day, has long been considered the holiday of all lovers.

2nd host. And we are happy to tell you all...

1st presenter. Happy holiday to you!

2nd host. Love and be loved!

A short pause, the presenters continue.

1st leader. Unfortunately, we noticed that we (at school, in the team) do not have a lot of couples bonded with friendship, love, tender relationships.

2nd host. And today we decided to try to form pairs ourselves.

1st presenter. And suddenly something will come of it!

2nd leader. What if today we become the founders of a great and lasting love?

1st presenter. So, in this bag we put the sheets with the names of girls who are in 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades.

2nd leader. And in this bag there are sheets with the names of guys from the same classes.

1st presenter. And now we will determine which of the girls will participate in our competition today.

The hosts take out 3 sheets with the names of the girls from the bag, invite them to go backstage.

2nd host. And now we will do the same with the male half of the hall.

The presenters take out 3 sheets of paper with the names of the guys from the bag, invite them to go backstage.

1st leader. Everything is ready for the start of our competition.

2nd leader. Those who are behind the scenes probably assume that we will tie the bonds of friendship to them.

1st leader. But we decided to take a different path.

2nd leader. So, from our enchanted bag, we take out 3 more names of our guys and ask them to take a place behind the screen.

After the guys have left, they are located on the spruce side of the screen; on the right side comes the first girl, who is backstage. The girl and the three boys must not see each other; the guys are read out questions to which they answer with the help of the presenters. The girl, after listening to the answers of the guys, chooses one for herself. Thus, the first pair was formed; two guys who have not passed the "selection" are awarded consolation prizes; the same, in turn, happens to all the other guys and girls.

1st leader. So, we have formed six pairs.

1st leader. Acquaintance is the next contest of our program.

2nd host. In a few minutes you will show us how, in your opinion, they get acquainted: on the beach, at a disco, in public transport, at the cinema, in gym, over the Internet.

1st presenter. In the meantime, couples are preparing, we invite everyone present to try to make “Love Horoscopes”.

Those who wish are called, then the conditions of the game are explained: an astrological forecast of love is said to each ear, the participant must show what he heard without words; 3 people participate in the competition, it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl. At the end of the game with the audience, the couples show options for dating; the jury determines the four best pairs - they continue further competition. Two couples that did not pass the competition are awarded consolation prizes.

2nd leader. We have four couples left with whom we continue to play friendship.

1st leader. An amazing coincidence: we have four couples, and in our school we study four languages.

2nd leader. Therefore, we invite couples to show "International Love".

1st presenter. Love in American, French, German and Japanese.

During preparation, the first part of the valentines is read out. The competition "International Love" is held; the jury determines the three best couples who will continue to participate in the competition, the unsuccessful couple is awarded a consolation prize.

2nd leader. For lovers, everything should be in harmony.

1st leader. Love has produced great works of art and literature.

2nd host. They were illuminated by the light of admiration for female beauty, the light of true, deep feelings.

1st leader. And when love comes to a person, he certainly sings with happiness.

2nd leader. And now we offer our couples to sing a little.

1st leader. We have a karaoke system and it's connected.

2nd leader. We have a song catalog and it's available.

1st leader. So, couples, we ask you to choose your own songs - we are starting the Serenade contest.

2nd leader. In the meantime ... who from the audience wants to sing a song?

Those who wish to sing come out of the hall, call any four-digit number - this is the number of the song; then a karaoke competition among couples is held; the jury determines two pairs that continue to fight, the pair that did not pass is awarded with consolation prizes.

1st leader. We met, sang, groaned, and finally ...

2nd leader. Finally, our couples decided to introduce each other to their parents.

1st presenter. So, Meet the Parents! Who in the audience wants to be the parents of these charming young people?

New parents of couples come out of the hall; they take turns showing a meeting with the parents - one pair is the girl's parents, the other pair is the guy's parents; at the end of the jury determines the best couple; the pair that takes second place is awarded a consolation prize.

2nd leader. And finally, the time has come when it is time to say goodbye to your former life.

1st presenter. And young people call their friends and girlfriends, and the girls have a bachelorette party, and the guys have a bachelor party.

2nd leader. Let's see what happens?

1st presenter. Young people, call your friends.

2nd host. You are about to have a party.

Friends of our partners come out; in different parts of the stage they arrange dances; at this time, preparations are underway for a surprise; at the end there is a surprise: a theatrical wedding, after which there is a disco, karaoke, mail, reading

Valentine's Day at School "Love is also a game"

Leading. Hello ladies and gentlemen! Today is a special day in the life of each of us. It's the day of lovers.

presenter. The event about which we have gathered awaits each of you.

Leading. Confessions, wishes, congratulations,

presenter. Passion, pangs of jealousy, doubts,

Leading. Self-sacrifice, affection, tenderness,

Leading. Either a hurricane in the soul, then serenity.

Leading. All this, and much more.

presenter. Contained in just one word.

Leading. This is Love.


In love - like in the sea, there is no ford,

But we can't resist

And even in the youngest years

In feelings we crave to bathe.

Leading. To love means not to belong to oneself, to stop living for oneself, to concentrate all feelings on one person: hope, fear, grief, pleasure...

presenter. To love means not to know the limit of feeling; devote yourself to one person, and live and think only to him, indulge only in love, not hatred.

Leading. To love means to live in an ideal world in which the sky seems cleaner, nature is more luxurious; divide life and time into two parts - presence and absence; for two seasons - spring and winter; in the whole world to see only one person and in him to enclose the universe.

presenter. And, finally, to love means to lie in wait for every glance of a loved one, to worry in his absence, and in his presence not be able to say a single word.

Leading. Do you know when love appeared? Who created it?

presenter. We invite you to watch the scene "The Creation of Love."

Scene "The Creation of Love"

God comes out with a basin, puts it on the table and begins to knead something, humming to himself, sometimes taking out separate parts of the body: an arm, a leg. Then the Serpent comes out with a bag.

Serpent (approaching God). Are you in charge here?

God. In the morning I was...

Serpent. Well, then I'm with you! Let's get acquainted: Serpent!

God (looking up from work). Very nice, God.

Serpent. What?

Serpent. What is your last name?

God. And what?

Serpent. Yes, nothing... It happens... Yes, by the way, your face seems familiar to me... You, by any chance, have never been to the underworld?

God. No, it didn't. And you work, therefore, in the underworld?

Serpent. Worked. But he quit, it's boring, you know ... Continuous downtime. You will lose your qualifications! May I ask what are you doing?

God (with pride). I make people!

Serpent. So, so this is...

God. Adam! The male!

As if trying the "dough", pouring "cement".

Serpent. And what's that?

God. Cement! To be stronger, he could stand up for himself. The man anyway.

Tastes the "dough", sprinkles sugar.

Serpent. What is this for?

God. Sugar? So that he was gentle, so that he could calm his wife, take a sip. Still a man!

He sniffs the “dough”, sprinkles vanillin.

Serpent. And why vanillin?

God. Vanillin? Well... uh... m... man after all!

God drips poison from a vial.

Serpent. And this I know, this is poison! So more of it, more of it!

God. You can’t do more, you’ll drip a lot - Eve will succeed!

Serpent. Ah! By the way, would you like an apple?

The serpent takes out an apple from the bag, throws it to God, who unsuccessfully tries to catch the fruit, drops both the apple and the vial of poison into the basin with "Adam".

God and the Serpent together on the exhale say: Eve!

God. What to do, what to do?

Serpent. Don't suffer like this! Make a quick Adam and be done with it!

God. Aren't you going to tell anyone who really was first?

Serpent. Grave!

God. That is great! No problem!

Serpent. There is!

Serpent. Problem. She ate an apple!

Both look into the pelvis in total confusion.

God and the Serpent close each other's eyes.

God. Well, why did you stand up like idols? Will you make me a man?

God starts kneading the dough in the second bowl.

Serpent. Shut up or help?

God. What, is there a way?

Serpent. Not a method, but a recipe. And not a recipe, but a whole collection!

The serpent takes out a collection of culinary recipes from a string bag and throws it into the basin to Eva.

God. What's this? Assistance for solving family problems?

Serpent. A guide to their creation. It operates on the principle: you open - you see - you want - you cook - you treat. As a result...

God. Find a stomach stuffing recipe?

Serpent. The shortest way to a man's heart! And as a result - Mendelssohn-bell ringing ...

God. All! (Wipes sweat.) Well, thank God! That is, to me. Remains only...

Serpent. Establish a holiday in honor of the fact that I ... You! - just made!

God. Do you think?

Serpent. Sure!

God. So be it! From now on and forever and ever, the fourteenth day of February is celebrated as Valentine's Day!

Serpent. And on this day to confess love to each other, to present hearts to each other.

God (addressing the audience). Hey there, sinners! Give us a glass of something divine! Well, for her, divine!

Serpent. For her, the devil!

God and Serpent (leave embracing, singing). Do good on the whole earth, do good, for the benefit of others ...

Apple carving contest

Leading. Guys, have you ever thought about how hard it is to be a genius? Not? And you think. How much diligence and diligence is needed to develop simple human abilities to a brilliant level. God and the Serpent were able to create Adam and Eve from cement, sugar, vanillin, and we will try to make them from an apple. I ask 5 people to enter the Apple Carving competition. The material from which you will sculpt the sculptures is an apple.

Each is given an apple.

Leading. The tool that you must use is your teeth, and in order for there to be no debris, you will have to eat the “shavings”.

A competition is being held.

In all competitions, the winner receives a souvenir in the form of a heart.

Quiz "Heart fun"

Leading. We all strive for comfort in our lives. And there is such a category of people, which is called "people of comfort." These are those who give their hearts to people in the name of the common good and peace of mind. I, claiming this category of humanity, begin to give you my hearts, that is, hearts. For the correct answer, each of you can get a heart.


1. What artwork is called the heart of a pet? And who is the author of this work? (“Heart of a Dog”, M. Bulgakov)

2. Our heart is a tireless pump, the size of a fist, but how much does it weigh? (Approximately 200 grams)

3. Mr. Colet once said: “The heart has no wrinkles, it only has...” What? (Scars)

4. How many liters of blood does the heart pump in 1 minute? (4-5 liters)

5. What is the name of a small heart-shaped card? (Valentine)

6. Which song mentions the main human organ - the heart? ("Heart, you don't want peace...")

Contest "Rhinoceros in Love"

Leading. My friends! Have you ever fallen in love? However, you don't have to answer this question. If not, then love will visit you anyway, and you will recognize the signs of falling in love: sleep disturbance, heart palpitations, absent-mindedness, and so on. Many begin to write poetry, music and paintings. Imagine what it's like for animals? For the contest "Rhinoceros in Love" I ask a boy and a girl to come out. (Players leave.) Imagine a rhinoceros. Think about how this animal can draw a picture? It's most likely a horn. So you have to draw on all fours. The young man will need to draw a "rhinoceros", and the girl - a "rhinoceros".

Players get on all fours, taking a felt-tip pen in their mouths. A canvas is set in front of them. The players draw. The winner is determined by the audience, for example by applause.

Competition "Valentine"

The audience is given cut hearts with verses.

Leading. I ask those who have heart halves to take the stage. It is necessary to divide into two teams: those who have the beginning of the phrase stand to my left, and the rest to the right. Today is a special day for all lovers and loved ones. Therefore, broken hearts should be as few as possible. Now we are going to work on connecting hearts.

The first player reads out the phrase written on the half of the heart, and all the rest from the other team look for the continuation of the read phrase on their hearts. And so on. The resulting pairs are checked: did their hearts match in cuts, if so, then they are winners.

For hearts:

First part of the phrase

1. Let this little, little heart...

2. Happy Valentine's Day!

3. I love you, and with this feeling ...

4. I am happy that I am in love ...

5. Valentine's Day again and again ...

6. You are my berry ...

7. From happiness I fly to you ...

8. I promise our romance will be amazing!

9. It's so hard to find a couple, but you came from a dream!

10. This holiday is for two. So, ours with you ...

The second part of the phrase

1. Talk about my great love!

2. Happy Valentine's Day and love!

3. Can't handle the year!

4. And that my love is mutual!

5. Let it give joy and love!

6. I love you so much!

7. I want to be with you!

8. You are educated and smart, I am charming!

9. Please do not disappear again, I believe that it is You!

10. I am yours from the tips of the ears to the heels!

Contest "Acquaintance"

presenter. It happens that young people fall in love at first sight. But they cannot make acquaintance with a girl without intermediaries. Unrequited love and uncertainty bring a lot of torment. However, you can get acquainted under a variety of circumstances, and we will now see this. For the Acquaintance contest, I ask you to leave 4 couples.

The couples come out. Each chooses a card with text. Players need to stage the acquaintance indicated on it.

Phrases for cards:

1. Meet the girl whose glove fell off.

2. Meet a girl walking down the street with a dog.

3. Meet a girl swimming in the sea.

4. Meet a girl who trains a tiger in a cage.

Contest "Declaration of love"

Leading. That's where we met. It's time to confess your love. First of all, it will sound to young men. Girls, tell me, what should be the guy you adore?

The girls are shouting out the words. The facilitator writes them in the text with missing words.


How changeable

You ______, we know that

That's why we love it so much.

You _______ and _______

And we love and appreciate you

You _______ and ______

You always conquer us!

Leading. And now let's hear what we got. (Reads text.) It was a declaration of love to all the ladies here, from the gentlemen here.

Competition "Serenade"

Leading. Serenade is a love confession song. I ask 10 people to come on stage. Divide into two teams. Each team must write and sing their serenade to us. (Each team is given a piece of paper and a pen. They diverge in different directions and complete the task.) While the teams are working, we will play songs with you (the audience). Let's remember love songs. The winner will be the one who sings the last song (verse).

After the winner in the quiz is determined, it is determined which team wrote and sang the best serenade.


The proverb says love is blind.

Without thinking, we believe in this stupidity,

We put up with it until

She won't knock on our doors.


Everything will change in you at once:

You will see other clouds, stars,

Suddenly something new will be born in us,

It will open like a blooming rose.


You will see in pitch darkness

The eyes of the only one, her smile,

Whisper and talk in your sleep


Please don't believe that love is blind!

The blind are all those whom she has passed.

She led everyone to the heights of happiness

And I haven't fooled anyone yet.

Leading. That's all! Our evening has come to an end. We wish you good luck, luck, tenderness, warmth and, of course, an ocean of love! Love and be loved!


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