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Preparing for the exam Specialist 1C is fundamentally different from Professional 1C.

This is a really difficult exam - both in terms of understanding what needs to be done and how, and in terms of development, and especially in terms of the time given to solve problems.

Let's see - how is it more convenient to prepare for the 1C Specialist exam?

Delivery strategy 1C Specialist

The 1C Specialist exam can be roughly divided into “by platform” and “by configuration”.

This division has the following meaning - the 1C platform contains a certain number of mechanisms. It:

  • general arrangements
  • mechanisms for integration
  • accounting mechanisms.

There are three main mechanisms for accounting:

  • Chart of accounts and accounting registers
  • Savings registers ("operational accounting")
  • Calculation registers [on wages] (“complex periodic calculations”).

So, the 1C Specialist "on configurations" requires you to know one type of accounting mechanisms. And the platform exam - all three.

On the other hand, the platform exam gives general tasks, the purpose of which is to develop on some “empty configuration”. Configuration exams, on the other hand, require the task to be built into a typical configuration, which is impossible without knowing the chosen typical configuration “from the inside”.

Also, in configuration tasks, there is necessarily some subtlety in the knowledge of the relevant field of accounting knowledge. For example, for accounting, this is an understanding of the PBU / 18 accounting methodology.

In accordance with the above, when asked which exam is better to choose or in what order to take them, it is easier for different people to start with different things.

One of the options is to follow the methodology given in the lesson on the Professional - to go from “dream” vacancies and their requirements, or from dividing yourself into a “programmer” and a “implementer” of 1C.

Preparation 1C Specialist

After you have chosen which exams you need to take, you can think about how to get trained 1C Specialist.

Preparation of 1C Specialist can be divided into two stages:

Stage 1) General knowledge of the specified requirements for a specific exam

Preparation option 1C Platform Specialist "

It is clear that this exam requires knowledge of:

  • all three options for accounting mechanisms
  • 1C interface development (forms, thin client interface).

Accordingly, it is necessary to study these issues and at least the basic methods of working with them using books, courses or the “poke method”.

Preparation option 1C Configuration specialist

This version of the exam contains the following difficulties:

  • general knowledge of a specific configuration
  • knowledge of several subtleties in this type of accounting.

Regarding knowledge of the configuration, you need to install the selected configuration for yourself and gain general knowledge on it, namely:

  • main subsystems and their key components (reference books, documents, registers)
  • interface building technique (especially if it is a configuration on a thin client)
  • basic accounting registers and the principle of their construction in a specific configuration.

Regarding the knowledge of the "subtleties of accounting":

  • download the requirements for a specific version of the exam (briefly - read on (completely on the 1C website)) and in the requirements see “Possible assignment plots”, there are accounting schemes (only an example!) that you need to know
  • purchase a task book for a specific exam (for example, in the official 1C online store. From the task book, you can select a complete list of accounting schemes that you need to know to pass the exam.

General education on the exam Specialist 1C can also be obtained in full-time courses, the cost is from 7000 rubles.

The 1C Specialist training course consists of four parts - an “introduction to configuration” and three types of accounting. The course can be taken in parts, for example, only on accounting mechanisms.

Stage 2) Solve problems for a specific exam

So after receiving general knowledge, when you are already exactly “in the subject” and are guided in knowledge on the issues required for the exam, you need to solve all the options for possible tasks 1C Specialist for the exam.

The list of tasks 1C Specialist must be taken from the task book (we just talked about it above). Also, 1C Specialist tasks can be found on the Internet, when searching, be sure to pay attention to the version of the exam (for example, now the exam is taken according to version 1C 8.2 and the corresponding latest configuration releases) and that the set contains ALL tasks, and not some of them.

You can solve the tasks of 1C Specialist yourself or find ready-made solutions (these can also be found on the Internet). However, they make more sense for testing yourself, since familiarization with an already solved problem is unlikely to help when passing a real 1C Specialist exam, when you need to solve the problem yourself.

The tasks of 1C Specialist for each exam are different. Further, it is said about a certain “general” task, unified. In general, the task consists of the following parts:

  • Develop the document and associated guides
  • Develop or correct a register and conduct a document on it, the formula is given in mathematical form
  • Develop a report (on the SKD reporting mechanism)
  • For the configurations exam, enter a test case and verify that the generated report shows the correct data.

Topics of the exam 1C Specialist

Tasks 1C Specialist - platform (download tasks 1C Specialist, download configuration for development)

1) Wholesale

  • Directories of goods and warehouses
  • Documents of receipt and sale of goods
  • Batch accounting FIFO/LIFO on accumulation registers
  • Sales and cost reports

2) Loans to employees

  • Documents for the issuance and repayment of loans
  • Accounting for loans and interest on the chart of accounts (and registers) of accounting
  • Report on issued loans

3) Calculation of salaries and bonuses

  • Reference books of salary rates, schedules, employees
  • payroll document
  • Prize report

4) Interface

  • Managed Document Forms
  • Program interface.

Tasks 1C Specialist - accounting edition 2 (download tasks 1C Specialist, configuration for development - standard accounting edition 2)

1) Loan agreements between organizations

  • loan agreement document
  • Accounting for loans and interest

2) Difficulties tax accounting loans

  • Loan accounting
  • Tax accounting of loans
  • Revaluation of foreign currency loans

3) One of the report options

  • Early termination of loan agreements
  • Delays in receipt of funds
  • Amounts of agency fees

4) Entering a test case.

Tasks 1C Specialist - trade management edition 11 (download tasks 1C Specialist, configuration for development - typical trade management 11)

1) The expiration date of the goods tied to the series of goods

  • Entering the expiration date associated with the series
  • Entering the allowed % of expiration date in the supplier agreement
  • Control of expiration dates when purchasing

2) Entering an accounting test case

  • Inclusion in the cost of additional shipping costs.

Attention! Now the course is also held in the evening from 18:30 to 21:30 in the immersion format.

Course objective: explain the criteria by which the exam "1C: Platform Specialist 1C: Enterprise 8" is accepted. Explain the list of "typical" errors given in the rules for the exam. It is expected that the passage of this seminar will help to better prepare for the exam. It is recommended that you take it not before the exam itself, but during preparation, or even before starting preparation for it.

Within the framework of the course, two tasks similar to the examination are considered.

In the first two lessons You study video materials in which the teacher talks about how the exam is held, the main requirements for it, and also analyzes the solution of Task No. 1.
The analyzed solution at first glance makes a favorable impression, but after a detailed analysis, its assessment turns out to be unsatisfactory.
The main emphasis in the analysis of the problem will be placed on the mechanisms tested in the exam. The mistakes often made in the exam are shown in detail.
Also, within the framework of this part, it is recommended to look at the statement of Task No. 2 (for an independent solution in the framework of the second lesson), analyze the conditions of the problem in detail and outline the solution scheme.

In the third lesson, it is proposed to independently solve Task No. 2(more difficult than the exam).
Your solution is checked by the teacher, errors are dealt with.

Login: _Course GuestSolving a Problem Similar to an Exam


The course is designed for those who plan to start preparing for the 1C:Specialist exam on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform or are already in the preparation stage and want to find out what questions need to be paid special attention to, as well as understand the assessment criteria for the exam and increase the efficiency of preparation for it. The course is recommended for students who have completed the Comprehensive course on configuring the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, or who have studied the material of this course on their own.

The cost of the web-course includes:

  • 3 week course, 3 webinars with a teacher
  • certificate of 1C-Training Center No. 3 (subject to completion of practice)

The full-time immersion course includes:

  • 3 days from 10:00 to 17:00 or 6 pm from 18:30 to 21:30
  • abstract, headphones
  • lunches, coffee breaks
  • access to updated videos for 3 months after the end of the course
  • certificate of 1C-Training center No. 3

Learning formats


What is this format:The proposed format combines many of the advantages of distance learning with a face-to-face component represented by video materials and online consultations.
WEB-course consists of videos, practical tasks and webinars with teachers. All course materials are available for 24/7 access via the Internet - you can study at a convenient time. The course is divided into lessons. During the lesson, materials on the current topic are studied, workshops are performed, questions are asked to the teacher. At the end of each lesson, a webinar is held, at which the teacher analyzes all the questions received, typical errors, and explains the correct solution. Webinar recordings are available on the portal. Thus, several classes are held one after another. At the end, a final independent work and a final webinar are held.

Duration: 3 weeks

What is this format:

Duration:24 academic hours

What is this format:Full-time immersion course - a format that combines all the advantages of full-time education, distance learning and individual learning. Classes are held in an equipped classroom, you independently study the course materials (step-by-step videos) and perform workshops. At the same time, there is a teacher in the audience who is ready at any time to answer the question and help with the solution of practical problems, as well as to check the correctness of their implementation.
Advantages - individual consultations of the teacher on your questions, the pace of passing the material that suits you personally.
All this gives a deeper study of the course material.
It is possible to take this course from your workplace with the full effect of the teacher's presence where the student is! If this opportunity interests you, give us a call!

Duration:24 academic hours

Course program

Lesson #1 (2.5 hours of video)

Introduction, objectives, method of conducting the course

Exam Rules

  • Exam form
  • Task layout principles, evaluation criteria

Start of delivery

General provisions

Operational accounting

  • Parsing a subtask
  • Receipt of goods
  • Old approach, blocking, clearing moves
  • Request (extra field)
  • New Approach
  • Price type, LockToChange
  • Type of border, operational / non-operational implementation
  • Report
  • User settings, report options


  • Recommendation
  • Task Subject
  • Methodology for conducting the document
  • Currency accounting, organizations
  • Chart of accounts
  • Accounting register
  • Carrying out "Invoice"
  • Carrying out "The arrival of money"
  • Report
  • Document "Operation"

Lesson #2 (about 3 hours of video)

Calculation part of the problem

  • Recommendation (analysis plan)
  • Recommendation (analysis plan) (text)
  • Task Analysis
  • Plans of wireframe calculation types
  • Setting up objects
  • Conduct processing
  • Mistakes made (first part)
  • Mistakes made (second part)
  • Report

Managed Forms

  • Series Accounting
  • Currency accounting
  • Selection form (modal window)
  • Pickup form (no modal calls)

The goal of every novice implementer, programmer or administrator of 1C programs. The only way to become certified holders is to pass the certification exam. From the first time, not everyone succeeds - according to statistics, only four out of ten. The exam is serious, it requires you to demonstrate confident knowledge of the subject. This section will help you choose the best way to obtain this knowledge.

Exam selection

First of all, it is important to understand that "1C:Specialist" is a class of exams, each of which is designed to test a separate block of knowledge. Exams can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. 1C:Specialist in "1C:Enterprise 8" platform(tests understanding of the basic principles of configuration design and technological solutions embedded in the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform and practical skills in configuring and programming).
  2. 1C: Applied Solutions Specialist"1C:Enterprise 8" (tests knowledge of the program's capabilities and the availability of practical design skills in the 1C:Enterprise environment to develop existing and add new functionality of applied solutions. For example, Certification "1C:Specialist" for configuring and implementing an accounting subsystem in applied solutions "1C:Enterprise 8").
  3. 1С:Specialist-consultant for applied solutions"1C: Enterprise 8" (tests the ability to find adequate program tools to solve specific user tasks, correctly diagnose situations that require changes / additions to the program, the ability to set correct tasks for programmers to adapt application solutions. For example, Certification "1C: Specialist Consultant "on the implementation of the application solution" 1C: Accounting 8 ").

When choosing an exam, you need to consider the scope of your activity:

  • if you specialize in software development - your goal is "1C:Specialist" on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
  • if you are going to modify applied solutions produced by 1C, then you need the exam "1C: Application Solutions Specialist";
  • if you have good knowledge subject area, for example, tax accounting and you want to become a consultant, teacher or a link between programmers and users, take the "1C: Specialist Consultant" exam.

Exam preparation

Having chosen an exam, you need to carefully prepare for it. Preparation can take from several weeks to several months, depending on your organization and the time you are willing to spend on preparation.

The first stage of preparation: get a certificate "1C: Professional". Before each "1C:Specialist" there is an exam-admission - "1C:Professional", i.e. if you plan to take the exam "1C:Specialist" under the program "1C:Accounting", then you first need to obtain a certificate "1C:Professional" under the program "1C:Accounting 8" or the program "1C:Management manufacturing plant 8". The "1C: Professional" exam is a test, out of 14 questions of the test, you must answer at least 12 correctly. For "1C: Professional", as well as for any other exam, you must definitely prepare, it is very difficult to pass it without preparation. More about preparation for the exam "1C: Professional" can be read on the website of the company "1C" in the section "Courses 1C / Exams 1C / 1C: Professional / Preparation for testing".

After you have the "1C: Professional" certificate in your hands, you get admission to the "1C: Specialist" exam. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately go to take it. You have just started preparing. If you are interested in the result, you need to continue to prepare.

There are three ways to prepare for the 1C:Specialist exam:

  1. take training courses;
  2. study methodological literature;
  3. gain personal experience in setting up and adapting programs.

Ideally, methods should be combined. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Courses of study

The courses are most preferred for preparing for the exam:

  1. You will be given the minimum necessary theoretical knowledge in the subject area.
  2. Demonstrate the methodology for solving the relevant examination problems.
  3. They will pay attention to the "subtleties" of one or another version of the examination task.
  4. During the course there is an opportunity to ask questions to the teacher that arose during self-preparation for the exam.

To prepare for the exam "1C: Specialist" on the platform, the following 1C courses are recommended:

  1. Comprehensive course "Configuration in the system" 1C:Enterprise 8 "in the CSO;
  2. "Configuring the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform" in 1C: Training Center No. 1.
  1. The mechanism of the data composition system in the "1C:Enterprise 8" platform;
  2. Mechanism of business processes in the platform "1C:Enterprise 8";
  3. Data analysis and forecasting by means of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
  4. Means of integration and data exchange in the "1C:Enterprise 8" system;

To prepare for the "1C: Specialist" exam in applied solutions, the following 1C courses are recommended:

  1. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the "Enterprise Accounting" configuration (configuration in a standard solution) in the CSO or a similar course in 1C: Training Center No. 1;
  2. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the applied solution "1C: Trade Management 8" in the CSO;
  3. "1C:Enterprise 8". Implementation and adaptation of the configuration "Salary and HR Management" in the CSO or Configuring payroll and HR subsystems in application solutions for "1C: Enterprise 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1.

To prepare for the exam "1C: Specialist Consultant" on applied solutions, the following 1C courses are recommended:

  1. "1C: Accounting 8" version PROF (rev. 2.0) in 1C: Training Center No. 1
  2. Implementation of the applied solution "1C: Trade Management 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1
  3. Implementation of the application solution "1C: Payroll and HR 8" in 1C: Training Center No. 1

An alternative to full-time courses is distance training, carried out by 1C: Training Center No. 3. Distance learning has proven itself in situations where a programmer is forced to study in the "background", on the job.

Methodical literature

Methodological literature is an excellent addition to the training courses. A complete list of references is always available at.

Independent work

In courses and in books you will learn how to work with the program. These methods need not only be studied in theory, but also learn how to use them in practice. That's why good addition In preparation for the exam there will be independent work, practice. Most often, young, novice specialists are not allowed to work independently, specially prepared for this case. This is what the tasks look like in real life, and tickets for the exam are assembled from them. It makes sense to go to the exam only when the tasks of the collection do not cause serious difficulties, when they are solved. It is advisable to discuss the decision with an experienced specialist working with you at the enterprise (with a person who already has a certificate). If there is no such specialist, then it is recommended to take the course "Consultation for the 1C: Specialist exam on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 platform"

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Here is a rubricator for all the tasks of the collection(a page with links to forum threads for each task)

Well, now my developments and notes that I created in the process of preparation.
I will try to repeat at a minimum with the two mentioned above last publications.

So let's get started:

In the case of remote delivery, you should have two objects on your desktop at the end of the exam:

1. Final unloading of the infobase (dt file)
2. Explanatory note

There should be nothing else, no intermediate copies, etc.

Be sure to write an explanatory note!
In the case of a vaguely formulated task, be sure to write there that you have chosen exactly such and such a solution.
Also in the code in key places it is better to leave brief comments, without fanaticism, but where the examiner may have questions, it is better to write.

But you will be told about this in the instructions that you will be given to read before the exam.
It's better to know ahead of time)

Using the ampersand sign in queries.

Sometimes it's faster to type from an additional keyboard than to switch back and forth layout, saves time

Using MomentTime() in Queries

In queries to accumulation registers, accounting, as a virtual table (period) parameter, it is necessary to use not the document date, but the Moment parameter, which is defined in the code as follows:

Moment = ?(PostMode = PostModeDocument.Online, Undefined, MomentTime());

When generating document movements by register, at the very beginning of the posting processing procedure, it is necessary to clear the movements of the current document by register.

The code is like this:

Movements.RegisterName.Write = True; Movements.RegisterName.Clear();

It is possible that in the process of conducting it will be necessary to analyze the records in this register.
So, so that when analyzing the current records (the old ones, before the document was changed) do not exactly fall into the selection, you can add one more line to the above two lines:


Or, when parsing records, explicitly specify a boundary that does not include the moment in time of the current document.

But everywhere I just indicated the construction of these three lines at once:

Movements.RegisterName.Write = True; Movements.RegisterName.Clear(); Movements.RegisterName.Write();

There are two ways to block data, the choice between them depends on the method of conducting - old or new:

1) Conventional managed locking, the old method of posting a document (DataLock object)

It is set if balances are checked first, and then written off.
In the case when we need to have some information from the register to form the movement.


In the document - quantity, in the register - quantity and amount (cost)
So, we know the quantity of goods from the document - how much we write off, but the cost price - no.
We can learn it only from the register, but in order for no one to change the register between the moment of receiving the balances and the moment of recording the movements, we need to block the register even before reading the balances.
So, in this case, the DataLock object is used. And when creating it, it’s more correct to indicate by which dimensions we block the register (for example, in our case - only by the nomenclature specified in the document) - so that there are no unnecessary locks and another user can sell another nomenclature.

1. Set the lock using the DataLock object
2. Read the rest
3. Checking the possibility of debiting
4. We form movements, for example, we write off goods
5. After the document is posted, the blocking is automatically released (the blocking is valid within the framework of the posting transaction and is released automatically by the system). That is, there is no need to specifically unlock the object.

2) New methodology for conducting documents (using property LockForChange = True)

It is used if we do not need information from registers to form movements, and we can check whether we have gone into the red when debiting, if after recording we look at the register balances and see that there are negative ones. In this case, we will understand that we have written off the excess and cancel the write-off operation.

Consider the operation of the sale of goods.
In the document - quantity, in the register - only quantity
So, we know the quantity of goods from the document.
We form movements with the number specified in the document and record them. Next, we read the register, look at the remainders, analyze whether there are any negative ones. If there is, we display an error and set Refusal = True.

So the sequence is:
1. To move through the register, set the property LockForChange = True
2. We form movements - we write off the goods
3. Record the movements
4. We read the register, we look so that it doesn’t negative balances. If there is, then they wrote off the excess, if not, then everything is fine.

So, in this case, there is no need to indicate on which dimensions we need to block the register.
We simply set the property BlockToChange = True before recording our movements, form the movements and record.
The system itself will block the register at the time of recording according to the measurements that are needed, after analyzing what we have recorded.
Once completed, the lock will be removed.

This option (second) is simpler, called " new technique conducting documents" and 1C recommends using it if possible and deducts points if the first option is used, but in some cases it simply cannot be applied and the first option is used with the Data Lock object (see the above example).

I also note that regardless of the chosen method, the movements must be cleared before working with them (see the previous tip)

Data blocking (blocking method No. 1 from the above description)

Controlled locking is required where data is read and movements are made based on this data
The fastest way to get the managed lock code is to type "DataLock", call the Syntax Helper, and from there just copy the example code. Then it is easy to change it under the name of your register and measurements.

Looks like this:

Lock = New DataLock; LockElement = Lock.Add("Accumulation Register.GoodsInWarehouses"); LockItem.Mode = DataLockMode.Exclusive; LockItem.DataSource = PM; LockElement.UseFromDataSource("Nomenclature", "Nomenclature"); Lock.Lock();

The tabular part of the documents is better called simply "PM"

The tabular part in 99% of documents is one. Such a unified name of the tabular parts will help save a lot of time, because:
1) Very short - write quickly
2) The same for all documents, you don’t have to remember when writing code what it is called

Check the result of the request for emptiness before selecting or uploading to the TK.

In general, I used sampling in all tasks.

The sample is more optimal for the system in terms of performance, as it is "sharpened" only for reading data (unlike TK).

But in any case, before the Select() method, it is better to check the result of the request for emptiness, this will further reduce the load on the system.

Result = Request.Run(); If Not Result.Empty() Then Selection = Result.Select(IteratingQueryResult.By Groupings); ... EndIf;

And in case we need to get only one value from the request
(for example, only the write-off method in accordance with the accounting policy established for this year):

Result = Request.Run(); If Not Result.Empty() Then Selection = Result.Select(); Selection.Next(); Cost Write-off Method = Sample. Cost Write-off Method; EndIf;

The "Operation" document for the BU task

Be sure to create an Operation document for BU tasks.

We turn off its conduction in general (in the properties "Conducting = Deny"), we indicate what makes the movements in the accounting register, we pull out the movements on the form.

Operational processing of documents:

Must be included:
In operational and accounting. accounting for documents must be enabled (except for the "Operation" document, see below).

Must be turned off:
in calculation tasks it does not make sense for a payroll document.

For the "Operation" document, posting should be disabled in general (in the properties of the document "Post = Disable"),
since it writes just writes the data directly to the register when writing.

Condition in a query like "Either the specified nomenclature or any, if not specified"

In queries, there is such a task: for example, you need to select documents with the specified nomenclature or all documents if the nomenclature is not specified.
It is solved by the following condition in the request itself:

Nomenclature = &Nomenclature OR &Nomenclature = Value(Catalog.Nomenclature.EmptyReference)

But it will be more optimal and correct to transform this condition (thanks yukon):

Query.Text = Query.Text + " WHERE Nomenclature = &Nomenclature";


With the advent of the query object model in 8.3.5, it will be safer to add a condition:

If ValueFilled(Nomenclature) Then
Query1.Filter.Add("Nomenclature = &Nomenclature");
Query.SetParameter("Nomenclature", Nomenclature);

Joining tables in queries:

The number of total records does not depend on whether the field of the attached table will be displayed, it depends only on the configured links.
That is, the field of the attached table may not be displayed.

If you want to attach a table without any conditions, then on the conditions tab, simply write the "TRUE" condition.
In this case, the table will join exactly.

Using the plan of types of characteristics (PVC):

1. Use as a mechanism for describing the characteristics of objects.

1.1. We create PVC. These will be Feature Types (eg color, size, max. speed, etc.). In the settings, select all possible types of characteristic values ​​and, if necessary, create an object from paragraph 1.2 and specify it in the settings as well.

1.2. For additional PVC values, we create a directory of ExtraValues ​​of Characteristics (or simply Values ​​of Characteristics) subordinate to it.
Characteristics will be stored in it if they are not in existing directories. We can not create it if all the characteristics we need are in the existing directories, or these values ​​can be represented by elementary data types. In the PVC settings, we indicate that this directory will be used for additional. characteristic values.

1.3. We create a register of information, which actually connects three objects:
- The object to which we connect the mechanism of characteristics
- Kind of Characteristics (PVC type)
- Characteristic value (type - characteristic, this is a new type that appeared in the system after the creation of PVC
and describing all possible data types that the value of the characteristic can take).
In the information register, we indicate that the Characteristic Type is the owner for the Characteristic Value (selection parameter relationship), as well as the type relationship for the Characteristic Value, again from the Characteristic Type.

Another feature is that for each created type of characteristic, you can specify the type of value of the characteristic, if you do not need all possible types to describe the value of this characteristic.

2. Using PVC to create an accounting register subconto mechanism .

2.1. We create PVC Types of Subconto.

2.2. We create a subordinate directory Subconto Values ​​(as with characteristics, it will contain subconto values ​​if there are none in other directories).

2.3. The connection is made using the chart of accounts.

Accounting register resources:

Amount - balance,
Quantity - off-balance sheet and associated with accounting sign Quantitative

Virtual tables of accounting register:

Turnovers: turnovers of one account
TurnoversDtKt: turnovers between some two accounts, that is, all the same transactions for the period.

Currency accounting on accounting registers - how to implement:

We create a sign of accounting "currency" in the chart of accounts.
In the accounting register, we additionally create:
- Currency dimension (prohibition of empty values, non-balance sheet, accounting sign - currency)
- CurrencyAmount resource (non-balance sheet, accounting sign - currency, it will store the amount in currency, that is, $ 100 for example)

Thus the structure of the register:

- Currency
- Quantity
- Amount (amount in rubles)
- CurrencyAmount (amount in currency)

Thus, currency accounting is only a refinement of the usual accounting in the Republic of Belarus, it does not change the essence, for example, the resource Amount
(there, as usual, the amount is in rubles, regardless of whether the account is in foreign currency or not).
And if the currency accounting attribute for the account is turned off, then this is the usual structure of the Republic of Belarus (resources - only quantity and amount).

When setting the parameters of a virtual table to obtain a slice of the latter, we impose conditions on dimensions, and not on resources.

Otherwise, we will get not a slice of the latest, but the last record with the specified resource value - it may not be the last in the set of measurements

The meaning of the resource and attribute in the calculation register

In the calculation registers, the creation of a resource makes it possible to receive it when calculating the base for this register.
And even in proportion to the given period, the value of the resource will be recalculated (if the base period does not coincide with the frequency of the register).

And the attribute value is available only in the real table of the calculation register, it is not in virtual tables.

Checkbox "Basic" in the properties of the dimension of the calculation register
It means that the base will be obtained for this dimension in the future and serves for additional indexing of values ​​for this field.

The breakdown of the period of validity of the leave by month when writing register record sets,
if the vacation is specified in the document in one line for several months at once in one line:

StartDateCurMonth = StartMonth(CurStringBasicAccruals.ActionPeriodStart); EndDateCurMonth = EndMonth(CurStringBasicAccruals.ActionPeriodStart); CurrentMonth = Date; By DateBeginTecMonth<= НачалоМесяца(ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.ПериодДействияКонец) Цикл Движение = Движения.ОсновныеНачисления.Добавить(); Движение.Сторно = Ложь; Движение.ВидРасчета = ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.ВидРасчета; Движение.ПериодДействияНачало = Макс(ДатаНачалаТекМесяца, ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.ПериодДействияНачало); Движение.ПериодДействияКонец = КонецДня(Мин(ДатаОкончанияТекМесяца, ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.ПериодДействияКонец)); Движение.ПериодРегистрации = Дата; Движение.Сотрудник = ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.Сотрудник; Движение.Подразделение = ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.Подразделение; Движение.Сумма = 0; Движение.КоличествоДней = 0; Движение.График = ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.График; Движение.Параметр = ТекСтрокаОсновныеНачисления.Параметр; Движение.БазовыйПериодНачало = НачалоМесяца(ДобавитьМесяц(Дата, -3)); Движение.БазовыйПериодКонец = КонецДня(КонецМесяца(ДобавитьМесяц(Дата, -1))); ДатаНачалаТекМесяца = НачалоМесяца(ДобавитьМесяц(ДатаНачалаТекМесяца, 1)); ДатаОкончанияТекМесяца = КонецМесяца(ДатаНачалаТекМесяца); КонецЦикла; КонецЕсли;

Building a Gantt Chart:

We place an element of the "Gantt Chart" type on the form, call it DG, then create the "Generate" command and write the following in the form module:

&AtClient Procedure Generate(Command) GenerateAtServer(); EndProcedure &AtServer Procedure GenerateAtServer() DG.Clear(); DG.Update = False; Запрос = Новый Запрос("ВЫБРАТЬ |ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия.Сотрудник, |ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия.ВидРасчета, |ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия.ПериодДействияНачало КАК ПериодДействияНачало, |ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия.ПериодДействияКонец КАК ПериодДействияКонец |ИЗ |РегистрРасчета.ОсновныеНачисления.ФактическийПериодДействия КАК ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия |ГДЕ |ОсновныеНачисленияФактическийПериодДействия.ПериодДействия МЕЖДУ &ДатаНачала И &ДатаОкончания "); Query.SetParameter("StartDate", Period.StartDate); Query.SetParameter("EndDate", Period.EndDate); Selection = Query.Execute().Select(); While Sample.Next() Loop Point = DG.SetPoint(Selection.Employee); Series = DG.SetSeries(Selection.Calculation Type); Value = DG.GetValue(Point, Series); Interval = Value.Add(); Interval.Start = Sample.PeriodActionStart; Interval.End = Sample.PeriodActionEnd; EndCycle; DG.Update = true; EndProcedure

Actually, only the code in the loop is important to us here, the rest of the things are auxiliary, I just brought the entire implementation of this subtask.
In the request, it is important for us that there is an employee, type of calculation, start date and end date of the period.
The code is actually very simple, easy to remember, don't be alarmed if it seems cumbersome

Processing "storno" records in settlement tasks:

In the posting processing procedure (object module), we form all movements, and then if there are records in other periods, we will get them like this
(the system generates them automatically - helps us):

RecordsAdditions = Movements.BasicAccruals.GetAdditions(); // You don't need to record movements to get the complement

For Each TekLine From RecordAddition Loop
Record = Movements.BasicAccruals.Add();
FillPropertyValues(Record, CurrentString);
Record.RegistrationPeriod = CurrentString.RegistrationPeriodStorno;
Record.ActionPeriodStart = CurrentString.ActionPeriodStartReverse;
Record.ActionPeriodEnd = CurrentString.ActionPeriodEndReverse;

And when calculating records, insert checks:

If CurrentMovement.Reversal Then
CurrentMovement.Amount = - CurrentMovement.Amount;

How to determine what to include in the main accruals, and what - to the additional in the calculation tasks.

But this is not always 100% clear, there are more complicated cases, although there are quite a few of them.
(for example, a bonus that depends on the number of working days in a month is OH).

Basic accruals:
If by type of calculation there is a dependence on the schedule (meaning the register of information with calendar dates), then it refers to the main accruals.

OH example:
- Salary
- Something that is calculated from the number of working days (and for this you need to use a schedule): either in the validity period (as a salary) or in the base period

Additional charges:
What is considered either from the accrued amount, or WORKED (and not the norm!) Time, or does not depend at all - this is additional. charges.

That is: accruals for the calculation of which the time norm is used (maybe also a fact) is OH, and for which actual data or nothing at all is needed - this is DN.

Or in other words:

If the RT uses a time norm, then the validity period must be included for the RT.

Add an option in the list form of the reference book "Nomenclature" the ability to open the built-in help section "Working with reference books".

Run the following command on the form:

Procedure Help(Command)

The section line is defined as follows:
Go to the reference information of the configuration object (in the configurator), write a word, select it, go to the Elements / Link menu and select the desired section of the 1C help, after that the link is inserted automatically. It looks complicated, but in practice it's easy.

Implementation of interaction between forms, for example, selection:

1. From the current form, open the required one using the "OpenForm()" method, as the second parameter we pass the structure with parameters (if necessary). As the third parameter, we can pass a link to this form - ThisForm.

2. In the opened form in the "OnCreateOnServer()" handler, we can catch the parameters passed in step 1 through "Parameters.[ParameterName]". The form that initialized the opening of this form will be available through the identifier "Owner" (if, of course, it was specified in paragraph 1).

And most importantly, the export functions of the owner form will be available. That is, we can call the export function of the original form and pass something there as a parameter to process the selection. And this function will already fill in what you need in the original form. Only one caveat - you cannot transfer the table of values ​​between client procedures, but we can put it in temporary storage and transfer just the address of the BX, and then extract it from the BX.

Life cycle of form parameters

All parameters passed to the form at the time of its opening are visible only in the OnCreateOnServer procedure.
After creation, all parameters are destroyed and are no longer available in the form.
The exception is the parameters that are declared in the form editor with the "Key parameter" attribute.
They define the uniqueness of the form.
Such a parameter will exist as long as the form itself exists.

Using the Taxi interface

During development, you can set the usual managed interface 8.2 in the configuration properties - this way everything is noticeably more compact and familiar.
This is especially true if you rent remotely - the screen resolution is very small, it is impossible to do anything with the "taxi" interface.
Just do not forget when everything is done, put "Taxi" again!Otherwise, the examiner will remove points!


PS: E There are separate typical subtasks that are used in all tasks, and it is them that you need to be able to solve (for example, writing off by batch, using PVC (well, this is really rare) and others). And in all tasks they are simply repeated (somewhere there are some subtasks, somewhere others, just in different combinations). Moreover, the collection has long been promised to release a new one (if it has not been released yet), in which there should be much more problems, that is, it makes no sense to memorize the solutions to individual problems, it makes sense to learn how to solve individual typical subtasks, then you will solve any problem.

PSS: Colleagues, if anyone else has any useful information on preparing for the exam and passing, please write in the comments, we will supplement the article.

Hurrah, friends! I passed to a specialist at the beginning of July this year!

I didn’t tell for a long time, because once was. Some time after passing the exam, I started looking for a job and found a really well-paid and interesting job in one large company (not a franchise). And just now found the time to tell.

In this course, a lot of time is devoted to theory and problems in Complex Periodic Calculations, and about half of the time is devoted to problems in Operational and Accounting. In the process of learning, the teacher assigns homework on the topics covered and checks them. Communication with the teacher takes place either online in a chat while watching, or by e-mail. If you do not have time to watch the course Online, then in a day or two you can watch the recording Offline. The tasks that are given at home are very capacious and complex, so that after such tasks the exam seems simple.

The course is really useful, because. it talks about all sorts of subtleties and trifles, as well as answers to questions that cannot be found on the forums.

At the end of the course, I did not begin to solve problems from the collection, but went to Pavel Chistov's forum for "actual" tickets.

All the preparation (the course and independent decision of tickets) for the exam took about three months. So long because it is difficult to combine with work and prepare in the evenings.

Exam. I arrived at the exam 40 minutes before the start, and registration began 20 minutes before the start. I registered second or third and immediately went to the audience. I chose a computer, turned it on, without waiting for a command, climbed through network drives - found a frame configuration, loaded it and immediately began to configure subsystems, a command interface, “cleared” the configuration, made the current user session parameter, its installation. Those 20 minutes helped me a lot. The auditorium was already filled with people. Here the teacher appeared and introduced himself as Dmitry Aksenov. And I expected to see Pavel Belousov, because. he taught the course

And so I got a ticket at number 5. By the way, the computer I was sitting at was also at number 5 (a sticker on the monitor at the back). And I passed for 5. The ticket was not very difficult, but not easy either.

I didn’t take a picture of the ticket, but I’ll try to reproduce it from memory: OU writing off the cost with priority on warehouses, and first of all, the warehouse in the header. Nonsense.
BU write-off of cost by batches and warehouses, warehouses - details of the tabular part.
SPR employees work on various vehicles:
Fixed amount (no validity period!),
allowance (without a validity period) for the amount of payments (I took the amount of payments from the BU - I added a subconto car, or something like that. I don’t remember exactly) plus a percentage of the allowance (stored in the periodic information register),
base vacation (all payments, including vacation) for the previous three months.
And for dessert - business processes.

Decided ticket 3.5 hours along with 20 minutes odds. Aksenov found one small mistake in the request and asked if I didn't notice anything here. I immediately saw the jamb and told. He did not ask me any additional questions and put it perfectly.

Friends, feel free to ask questions to the teacher.
For example, in my ticket, the wording like: “in addition, employees are charged an allowance in the form of a percentage of the amount of payments from passengers for the same period” means that such an amount can be taken from the OC or BU task, but the easiest way is to set up the BU.
True, you should not ask such questions as: can I make separate documents Receipt and Expenditure for OS and separate for BU? In my presence, one person asked such a question, and asked when 2 hours had already passed from the exam. 2 o'clock, Carl!. Read the regulations for the exam - everything is written there!
Do everything in one run with two independent pieces of code - one for the OS, the second for the BU.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in my ticket is the task for the SPR. In BU, you also need to think about it in order to set up accounts and subconto.

Recalculations in my ticket need to be configured, because. there are types of calculation that depend on the base, but the recalculations themselves do not need to be done, because. My ticket doesn't say anything about it.

See the report forms in the ticket and first set the tasks on the sheet, write down which details to add, the structure of the registers, which subcontos and which accounts to add, negotiable, non-revolving, signs of accounting and signs of subconto accounting, types of calculation, which of them with a period of validity , which are not, incl. set up business processes. Spend 20-30 minutes on this, but you don’t need to keep it in your head and you won’t be mistaken.

Make cheat sheets on your phone for all the "actual" tickets from the forum - structure, pieces of code for such difficult things as getting work experience in a request, multiple salary changes, and so on. You can carefully look into the cheat sheets when the teacher leaves for a long time. During the exam, you can go out for a smoke, to the buffet and to the toilet. I will not hide, I had cheat sheets for all the tickets, but they were not useful to me.

Thank you for your attention! Successful submission!


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