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From July 1, 2018, the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System submitted in declarations in the form 11 and 12 must match the actual balances and information.
The balance at the end of each quarter in EGAIS On the 1st day of the month following the reporting period, be equal to the balance of the submitted declaration for that quarter.
If you accepted and confirmed invoices from EGAIS, but did not regularly write off products, and indicated the balance in the declarations as approximate or based on data received from the supplier, then you are not the only company that worked in this format and even fall into their majority.
What to do with the remnants of EGAIS? How to put them in order? How to avoid fines? And how to make sure that these questions do not become a quarterly headache for the entrepreneur?
We will tell you what needs to be done.
1. Bring balances in the EGAIS system into line with actual balances alcoholic products.
Making an inventory:
- We send a request for balances to EGAIS. Most effective method- request the balances on the registers and transfer all alcohol to register 2 so that all alcoholic products are in one EGAIS warehouse;
- We carry out the actual recalculation of bottles at the point of sale;
- We write off the surplus and register the missing bottles with the reason "resorting". Write-off and registration of alcohol by sorting is a very important and attention-seeking inventory process. It is important in that it is possible to put on balance alcohol that is present in the store, but not listed in the store for any other reason (not for re-sorting) only in the amount of 100 bottles per month, for re-sorting - any amount. It requires attention because the act of registering alcohol on the balance sheet is formed on the basis of the act of writing off alcohol for re-sorting and the number of bottles indicated for statement on the balance sheet must match not only in total quantity, but also in quantity within each code of alcoholic products.
The process is labor intensive and requires attention. At the same time, as with any inventory, it is necessary that at the time of its implementation, trade and the acceptance of new positions to the warehouse be stopped, so the inventory must be planned in advance.

The positions remaining after regrading must be written off the balance sheet or put on the balance sheet in other ways available in the Unified State Automated Information System.

2. After the balances are put in order, it is necessary to build a process for the daily write-off of alcoholic beverages in the Unified State Automated Information System. And if strong alcohol is written off in automatic mode, then for beer such work must be done manually.

3. Even after putting things in order, there may be discrepancies in the future, so the inventory procedure for strong alcohol should be carried out at least once every six months, for beer - quarterly before submitting the declaration.
If all points are not met, fines from the FSRAR cannot be avoided!

Our company assists in the preparation and submission of declarations, we also carry out technical support for work with EGAIS, we will provide you with equipment and software to organize as simple as possible, convenient operation in the EGAIS system
When concluding a technical support agreement for EGAIS for a period of 3 months or more, you will receive:
· Free help on the inventory of alcoholic products and the alignment of residues.
Training on write-off of opened and sold products
Assistance in uploading data from the Unified State Automated Information System for alcohol declarations, thereby eliminating the discrepancy between balances
Information and technical support from a personal curator
Free service of online cash registers
The cost of the contract is from 1400 rubles / month.

But bad luck - minuses began to appear, which do not overlap.

What's this? Surplus? Regrading?

As my old friend (an experienced restaurateur) says: in Soviet time they were punished for the shortage, and imprisoned for the surplus! So we will consider it sorting. And since there is a sorting, then it is necessary eliminate.

What is a minus in the balances of EGAIS? A minus is a product that was sold, but it was not on the balance. This means that on the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System there was a product that is no longer actually there.

What to do with it? Any competent merchandiser will say: minus to capitalize, and plus to write off. This is what we'll do.

1. First of all, we will request the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System and wait for them. The balances must be requested both from the first register (Warehouse) and from the second ( Shopping room). We remind you that balances must be requested before any operations in the Unified State Automated Information System, especially before write-off operations.

2. If you use the transfer of products "for sales", then when generating the transfer of products filled in, there will be empty References 2.

3. But the surest way to find out about negative balances and analyze how they can be replaced better is through a special report:.

4. If the analysis of the residues shows that it is impossible to unambiguously identify what the resorting appeared with, then we strongly advise do by scanning the barcode of the excise stamp each bottles.

6. But if we found a pair for which a resort occurred and we are sure of this on 101% , then we do the following (be sure to pay attention to not BIG remark - ):

7. Copy the Alcocode of the product to be written off: select and press Ctrl + C or through the drop-down menu by clicking the right mouse button.

8. If the number of products to be written off on register 2 (trading floor) is not enough to cover the negative balance, then we move the required quantity from register 1 (warehouse).
Click on (+) and select "Product Transfer".
If the quantity is enough, then go to.

9. We perform the following actions:
First, add a new line by pressing (+).
Secondly, we insert the alcocode into the “EGAIS Nomenclature” field by pressing Ctrl + V, and indicate the quantity to be moved. Repeat from the first paragraph as many times as you need to add products.
Thirdly, we fill out certificates 2 and make sure that they are all filled.
Fourthly, we send the generated document to EGAIS by clicking "Send".
Fifth, we are waiting for confirmation of the document from EGAIS.

10. After the goods have moved to register 2 (trading floor), we create a write-off act.
Click on (+) and select "Debit Act".

11. We set the operation "Trading Room", the reason for the write-off "Regrading", add the goods, as in and send to EGAIS. We are waiting for confirmation.

12. After oversorted the goods have been debited, we are creating a balance act for alcohol, which is not enough in the Unified State Automated Information System.
Click on (+) and select "Balance statement".

13. Set the operation "Trading floor", the reason for the write-off "Regrading", add the goods, as in.

To date, the sale of alcoholic beverages by public catering through the Unified State Automated Information System is identical to the process of selling goods by a retail store.

The slight difference is that:

  • In retail, write-offs for the sale of a whole bottle occur through the cash register at the time of sale.

  • In public catering, drinks can be sold in parts, in which case the operation should be registered in the sales journal and a “Container Opening Act” should be drawn up indicating its excise stamp in the Unified State Automated Information System.

In the sale of alcohol in portions (beer on tap, bar, etc.), the question often arises - what is considered a fact of sale and what is considered its unit - a bottle, a keg or a glass?

In Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 164 of 06/19/2015 it is said that:

"The journal is filled out no later than the next day after the fact of retail sale of each unit of consumer packaging (packaging) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or upon opening of the transport container (including reusable containers) used for the delivery and subsequent bottling of products to the consumer."

That is, they opened a keg or a bottle - they reflected this in the magazine as a fact of its complete sale.

Remains of catering in EGAIS

Only complete containers are accepted for accounting for catering residues in EGAIS. In case of violation of integrity - this bottle must be written off to the Unified State Automated Information System by issuing a "Debit Act" indicating the reason and an excise stamp that was not previously interesting for the RLCGO.

But in the declaration you had to indicate the total volume sold, taking into account those bottles that have already been written off in the Unified State Automated Information System.

On the this moment the methodology has changed and the licensing authorities allow the following formats for the introduction of the Unified State Automated Information System and the declaration.

1. Write-off of products using the "Decommissioning Act" with the obligatory indication of the marking.

Starting from January 15, the presence of the brand will be controlled in the "Debit Acts" during the sale. If it is not there, RAR will send a refusal. That is, for public catering, the same rules for controlling duplicates will apply as for retail.

Note! New requirements are not made dependent on turnover. This means that absolutely everyone will have to acquire a scanner, even the smallest points of sale.

Do I need to scan the goods upon receipt?

From July 1, products will be entered into invoices by brand, and into electronic documents each item will have its own code. However, there is no requirement to scan the invoice. Although PAP recommends that this be done to check the lot upon acceptance.

What products are covered by the requirement?

Only for hard alcohol. If a store sells beer and similar drinks (cider, mead, poiret), then nothing will change for it in terms of scanning.

2. Keeping records of balances using the sales journal in the Unified State Automated Information System, while the declaration indicates only written-off alcohol and the volume of opened bottles is not taken into account.

This facilitates the introduction of EGAIS residues in public catering, as well as the formation of a declaration in 11 and 12 forms.

In order not to make mistakes during accounting and not to violate the law with this, try the accounting system for EGAIS, which automates the work process.

Convenient product accounting program with support for logging of alcoholic products and auto-completion of primary documentation, declarations - TriAR-Retail

Catering sorting in EGAIS

In previous articles, we have already written why organizations in the EGAIS have a re-grading. However, let's consider specific example in this article.

The same brand of vodka can be bottled at different factories, but each unit of production will have its own personal alcohol code.


Vodka "Putinka" is bottled at 8 factories and has 8 alcohols. Visually, this product is no different from Belochka vodka, which also has its own alcohol code and is imported, for example, by 5 factories.

So, the goods came to you and the factories were mixed up in the supplier's warehouse. Instead of one factory, they put another one, respectively, without checking the products by scanning, you accepted this product, where there is one alcode in the EGAIS, and physically it belongs to another product.

So that very sorting in the Unified State Automated Information System arose, which leads to a discrepancy in balances and minuses on the register, and sometimes to fines for the illegal sale of alcohol.


  1. Before drawing up an act of putting on a balance sheet in the Unified State Automated Information System, an act of writing off products with the basis "Regrading" for a similar amount of products must first be registered. In addition, products that are written off and put on the balance sheet must be within the established product groups.

  2. In the act of putting on the balance sheet for 1 register, when filling out the basis "Regrading", you must specify the identifier of the act of writing off products in the ActWriteOffShop requisite. The act identifier is of the form AWOS-xxxxxxxxx.

  3. When placing on the balance sheet, it is allowed to use the product write-off act identifier only once. The use of one and the same act of debiting in several acts of putting on the balance sheet or other products is not allowed.

Services for writing off and leveling balances

Request a call

Please note that during the calendar month you can put on the balance sheet with the basis "Regrading" no more than 2000 bottles for one fsrar_id.

Regrading is allowed only within product groups.

The limit is common for all products (regardless of the product group) on this basis. detailed information listed in the EGAIS knowledge base.


Since the entry into force of the law "On state regulation production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and on limiting the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products” retail stores are required to report to the FS RAP for each unit of alcoholic products credited and sold.

From the moment your employee has confirmed the receipts in EGAIS, you, and no one else, are responsible for the accepted products. Any inconsistencies between the fact and the data in the Unified State Automated Information System will, of course, be the reason for checking your store and collecting fines.

In this article, you will learn how to prevent the re-sorting of alcohol codes and the receipt of illegal alcoholic products already at the stage of receiving goods using DataMobile solutions (software for data collection terminals) and.

  • How to avoid errors when controlling the actual and documentary quantity of incoming products?

The most effective way is to receive alcoholic products using data collection terminals (TSD). Your employee only scans the goods, which eliminates the human factor and, as a result, errors in the calculation and identification of goods.

After scanning the alcohol products, DataMobile checks the actual quantity with the data from the incoming TTN. Thus, the correct data on arrival is uploaded to DALION and it is they that are recorded in the EGAIS.

  • How to protect your business from the receipt of illegal products?

In the chain of movement of alcohol from the producer to the end consumer, the responsibility (and fines!) for the sale of illegal products falls on the retail store.

If facts of illegal acceptance of alcohol are revealed, the director or manager of the store will be fined 10–15 thousand rubles, and entity will pay from 150 to 200 thousand rubles.

Eliminate the supply of illegal alcohol and backfire by checking the products at the time of receiving the goods. After scanning all incoming brands, DataMobile sends the data to DALION, from where they are sent for verification to the RAR FS. After that, you can be sure that you have accepted legal products. service is used to increase the efficiency of stamp verification.

Thus, illegal alcohol simply does not end up on the shelves of your store.

  • How to eliminate discrepancy between real alcocodes indicated in TTN?

If you have accepted a product with an alcocode that differs from that specified in the invoice, then when you sell it, you will have a negative balance for this position. To avoid this situation, check the alcohol codes when accepting alcoholic beverages.

For example, White Birch vodka has two producers - Siberian Alcohol Group and Regatta Group. Two bottles from different manufacturers may have the same barcode, but the alcocodes will be different.

When scanning incoming products, DataMobile will check the alcohol codes on the bottles with those indicated in the waybill. Information about the discrepancy will be reflected in the system message on the TSD, and you, having sent the discrepancy report to the supplier, accept the products with the correct alcocodes.

According to clause 4.1. of the regulations for processing in the Unified State Automated Information System, the period for fixing a purchase on an invoice in an urban settlement is no more than 3 days from the date of actual receipt of the goods. Use this time to check the incoming batch! Thanks to DataMobile and DALION solutions, you will accept only legal products and exclude the re-sorting of alcocodes.

Check out an example of automating a chain of stores based on DALION and DataMobile solutions.

Tags: EGAIS, retail automation, DataMobile

From February 01, 2018 to July 01, 2018- Transitional period (there may be TTN with and without blot accounting).

The ability to work with both piece products and batch products. This suggests that suppliers may send a waybill with only part of the batch identifiers. This relief is good for suppliers who will be able to sell batch balances and reduce labor costs during inventory before 07/01/2018, but for sellers this is a likely "resort", more on that below.

Acceptance of invoices from 03/15/2018 will be possible only in the 3rd version. If someone does not switch to the new exchange format before March 15, then from March 15 they will not be able to receive incoming invoices, as was the case when switching to the second format. Because of this, you will not be able to create a write-off act, and you may be fined a hundred thousand rubles or even deprived of an alcohol license.

From July 1, 2018- the date by which all participants in the alcohol market must switch to a new version of documents in without fail.

All marked products must make movements only with indication of digital identifiers. For alcoholic products without identifiers, received earlier than July 1, a sales period will be set, after which, its sale will be prohibited.

In addition, in 2018, FSRAR plans to issue new excise stamps to distinguish products that arrived before July 1, 2018.

The main changes in the EGAIS documents in version 3:

The main innovation is the blot accounting of alcoholic products at all stages. This means that information from the barcode of each federal special stamp or excise stamp will be sent to EGAIS as it moves from production to retail.

  • Producers and importers of alcoholic products - must keep records of each brand in the production, import and shipment of AP;
  • Wholesalers - must keep track of each brand when receiving and shipping products to other wholesalers or to the retail segment;
  • Retail - they must keep records of each brand upon receipt of alcoholic products, sales are carried out by brand using CCP for EGAIS.
  • Public catering - they must keep records of each brand upon receipt of alcoholic products, sales are carried out by brand using a write-off act and a 2D scanner.

Who will be affected by the piece regime?

The introduction of the piece mode from 2018 will affect:

  • importers,
  • wholesale suppliers,
  • retailers,
  • manufacturers.

Fines in 2018

Given the human factor and features in the business processes of each organization, there will be errors. And this is not even questioned. What will be the cost of a mistake? 150 thousand - 200 thousand rubles for the fact of violation. Manufacturers have their own risks - the system periodically fails, which leads to a shutdown of enterprises.

How to deal with this in retail?

Having studied the methodology of the third format or EGAIS 3.0, it becomes clear that it is unlikely that suppliers and manufacturers will scan every bottle of alcohol during shipment. Most likely, they will shift these problems to retail. In other words, in the event of a re-sorting, all responsibility will lie with retail stores and not on the supplier.

One conclusion can be drawn from this: no matter what amendments and new barcodes are adopted, goods will still have to be scanned. Store employees will need to check the compliance of sent excise stamps upon acceptance.

Each business owner determines for himself how he will do it. You can use a 2D barcode scanner or a data collection terminal (DST). Let's take a brief look at both options.

Register No. 3 in EGAIS 3.0

The TTN will necessarily indicate all the brands that the supplier has brought. If the selling network confirms the TTN, then it also confirms the receipt of each specific brand of labeled alcohol.

From a technical point of view, this will happen as follows. Now there are two registers in EGAIS. Products are either on one or the other register. AT new version there will be no second register for labeled alcoholic products, it will remain only for non-labeled products - beer, cider, etc., as I said above.

For blot accounting, a third register is being introduced, in which products will be stored in the context of brands. This register will complement the first. That is, the same product will be in both the first and third registers. On the first one - in the context of batches, and on the third - in the context of barcodes. In this case, the total number on the first and third registers must converge. If products are listed on the first register, but not on the third, such a situation must be corrected within 30 calendar days. Otherwise, the entire batch of such products will be blocked and will not be available for sale. This applies only to the alcohol that came by brand. Alcohol that has been taken in batches may not be displayed on register #3.

Work with incoming TTN

In EGAIS 3.0, the scenarios for working with incoming TTN have not changed in general. The consignee may:

Accept TTN with full consent. In this case, the products will fall on the balances of the recipient on Register 1 and at the same time Register 3.

Submit an act of disagreement. The act indicates the discrepancy present in the electronic invoice, but not accepted by the recipient. When working with piece products it is possible:

  • discrepancy in quantity;
  • discrepancy in digital identifiers;
  • difference in both.

Refuse to accept products.

An important point: Until July 1, 2018, format 3 does not oblige the supplier to indicate product brands. TTN can easily come to you in format 3, in which not a single brand will be indicated. In this case, you accept and implement it as a batch.

Do all bottles need to be scanned upon receipt of goods?

FSRAR recommends storing information about excise stamps in your accounting system. Therefore, in order to accumulate reliable information about alcoholic products that are in your store, it is advisable to scan each excise stamp upon acceptance of the goods.

By doing this, you, firstly, exclude the occurrence of discrepancies with the Unified State Automated Information System, which will certainly appear, with a “blind” confirmation of the TTN with brands. Secondly, you will be able to quickly obtain information on each excise stamp in controversial situations: what TTH the bottle came in, from which supplier, when it was sold, or you never accepted this bottle.

It is also not yet clear how long the sale of batch products received in stores and restaurants before 07/01/2018 will be allowed. Because the most logical way for wholesalers to reduce their risks and costs of switching to blot accounting is to unload their warehouses as much as possible and “drain” all batch balances into retail. And this will greatly contribute to the period new year holidays with its increased alcohol turnover. After the holidays, you can expect generous promotions from wholesalers for those who will be ready to take on their balances those stocks of alcohol that wholesalers will have after the New Year's hype. And such attractions of unprecedented generosity can be observed until July 2018, when the movement of batch products from wholesale to retail will be prohibited.

The FSRAR has clearly anticipated this development and will impose restrictions on transactions with such balances by the end of 2018.

Using a 2D barcode scanner

Main advantage this decision- price. On average, you can buy for 5,000 rubles. It is unlikely that this amount will significantly affect the company's budget. But there are the following disadvantages when using this method:

  • the ability to work with only one invoice;
  • errors due to the human factor are not excluded;
  • it is necessary to scan from the workplace of a merchandiser or operator;
  • you can not check the brand for legality.

Using TSD

We will also consider the option of acquiring a TSD as a profitable investment in a business.

Advantages of using TSD:

  • The operator or merchandiser will be able to make an acceptance in any place where the goods are located, which will save time.
  • TSD can work with such documents as: customer order, inventory of goods, movement of goods (if you have several outlets and warehouses). Note that modern mobile software allows you to customize the work with any document from the accounting system that the user needs.
  • When entering and working with alcoholic products according to the Unified State Automated Information System version 3, modern mobile software allows you to immediately check the excise stamp not only for compliance with the list, but also for legality.
  • TSD allows you to exclude errors due to the fault of the human factor. All the main business processes can be performed by an operator or a merchandiser on the TSD.

For work, you can use both the TSD and the smartphone if its camera allows you to read the PDF 417 barcode.

Resorting in EGAIS 3.0

If, when leveling the balances of batch products according to Register No. 2, it is enough to count the same bottles, identify discrepancies and either write off or put on the balance sheet according to the alcohol code necessary products, then if any inconsistencies are identified during blotting accounting, you will have to scan the entire batch. For adjustments, 2 new documents have been introduced for linking digital identifiers and the ability to untie them.

Ideally, the number of identifiers on Register 3 should correspond to the number of products on Register 1. But, if a resort is detected, for example, trying to sell a product that is not on Register 3, it will be possible to link the brand to the lot. The system will allow you to bind more identifiers to a batch than the rest of the batch, but it will no longer be possible to make the number of identifiers less than the rest of the batch. Moreover, if there are discrepancies in the quantity between Register 1 and Register 3 for more than 30 days, then the batch will be blocked until regrading is eliminated.

Write-off of products in EGAIS

Write-off of products by the document Write-off act can now also be done from register 1 for any of the possible reasons - Sales, Shortage, Losses, etc. – for all types of activities carried out, whether it is a store retail sales or enterprise Catering. The stamps indicated in the write-off acts will be written off from register 3 for blot products, respectively, the batch will only change the quantity on register 1.

To write off products from register 1, you need to transfer your balances from register 2. You can read how to do this and what products you need to transfer here: Transferring goods to register 1.

The introduction of blot accounting requires a mandatory update of UTM to version 2.1.6.

To check the version of your UTM, go to Directories → Stores and click on the name of your store. You will see a store card in Merkat. In the RTM access address field, click the Check connection with RTM button. After the message “Communication with UTM successfully established.” appears, click on the UTM Data field. The version number of your UTM will be listed there. If it differs from 2.1.6, you need to update UTM according to this instruction: Updating UTM to version 2.1.6

What to do if the brand is not readable?

If the mark is not readable on products received prior to July 1st, the initial digital ID will be obtained upon request and the ID can be linked. But if the products were received after July 1, then only an inventory will help, which will reveal the identifier that belongs to this particular bottle. This is another reason not to accept the goods "blindly".

In fact, you have alcohol, but formally in a nearby store

Let's say you find an extra bottle in your warehouse. Of course, it needs to be balanced. When registering, an identifier is automatically added to Register 3, but in the system this identifier is registered with another company (again, we focus on the options for accepting goods).

What to do? This act will be carried out only manually by the employees of the Service and only after identifying the problem, and possibly initiating an audit.


Shares his opinion Vladimir Panov, President of the Tyumen "Association of small and micro business":

“EGAIS is killing retail, small businesses are waiting for ruin with subsequent unemployment. The system was introduced with a good purpose - to clear the counterfeit market, but what have we come to? In the Tyumen region alone, about a hundred entrepreneurs have closed their business or gone into the shadows. How certain factories worked on the third shift to produce "unaccounted for" - and so they work. As alcohol was brought to us from Kazakhstan through the "leaky" customs - and they are being taken. Therefore, I and most of my colleagues see two goals for EGAIS: to collect more money from entrepreneurs - to fully equip a store for the system costs about 50-150 thousand rubles, and to "squeeze" the sale of alcoholic beverages from small shops in favor of federal retail chains. There are already five network around one of my points. Vladimir Panov has three convenience stores in the city of Tyumen, but the businessman admits that he is working on the verge of profitability, because the program is crude. Even if the seller does everything right, fulfills all the requirements of the system, when removing the balances of the EGAIS, errors often appear. The system beeps red. The UTM program may spontaneously crash. With the introduction of EGAIS 3.0, everything will become even more complicated. Since we work with trusted suppliers, we allowed ourselves not to scan each bottle at the entrance, and immediately confirmed the invoices from the supplier, but now we have to scan each bottle upon acceptance. If you follow the rules, you need to get alcohol at the warehouse, and then bring boxes of products to the office, where there is a computer and a scanner. All this time the forwarder will be waiting, but he has his own work schedule. At the same time, no one thinks about human factor. Our salespeople, often elderly, are specialists in information technology, they can simply make a mistake, and if a person is dishonest, then generally sell alcohol in addition to the cash register: theft and shortages are one of the main troubles. The situation is aggravated by the fact that fines for all these random or non-random errors amount to hundreds of thousands of rubles. The amounts are simply prohibitive for small businesses, especially in countryside. Entrepreneurs often lose their nerves, many close their businesses or go into the shadows, unemployment and social tensions in society are on the rise.”

Restaurateur Alexander Zatulivetrov outraged by the policy of imposing the system from a position of strength, and speaks extremely harshly about EGAIS:

"Everything is bad. It was created for malicious purposes. Get everyone to upgrade hardware, get keys, install and configure software, and that's it. The advantage of EGAIS so far is that no one is checking us yet. But any day, the "night of the long knives" may come. And then it won't seem like much. But the system crashes."

The entrepreneur is outraged by the waste, senseless and absurd, embedded in the system: when accepting products, restaurateurs receive impressive bundles of papers along with alcohol - about 20 sheets of documentation are attached to each bottle. Ensuring the results of the Unified State Automated Information System, entrepreneurs are forced to spend paper and paint, operate office equipment, and most importantly, waste people's time and energy.

What is the conclusion?

Introduction EGAIS 3.0. rebuild the process of accepting alcohol - you need to acquire 2D scanner and access point to EGAIS at the place of goods acceptance. Upon arrival of a consignment of alcohol, immediately scan all excise stamps from each brought bottle and, if discrepancies are identified, immediately send a rejection report for the corresponding bottle.


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