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Just think, the information on the VKontakte page is not true ... my whole life has been like this.

Luck knocks on the door only once, but some of us at this time are sitting on the toilet and do not have time to open ...

- Maybe someday you want to be with me? ... Let me know ... - I think in this world we will not cross paths!))

Life is a concentrate of you… You can’t run away from yourself, however, just like from life…

Best Status:
The camp is the best 21 days of my childhood, a real little life lived far from parental moralizing, along with those who like chants, discos and horror stories around the campfire ...

Falling in love with your reflection is the strongest feeling that lasts a lifetime ...

The main thing is not how many years you lived in the world, but how you did it ...

No need to whine about your fate... yes, it does not look the way you would like... but you need to soberly assess yourself... you only have what you deserve.

Life is not a CD-RW. Everything that you write down can’t be erased by anything, and you won’t be able to overwrite the old record with a new one ...

You will pay for every tear of mine while you live in this world!

Life teaches those who are ready to learn. And the truth is that sometimes giving up your dreams is not a defeat, but a real act (c) Angel de Coitiers - "In Search of the Tablets"

Your pride will soon make you all alone.

“It pisses us off when they tell us what to do, but we don’t know what to do until someone tells us…”

Happiness when all my friends are with me!

“Life is a story told by a fool: there are many words and passion in it, there is only no meaning” W. Shakespeare

I lost 15kg! I can wear my favorite dress again. And you?

Conscience was invented by people to torment the good!

Born to take cannot give

Sometimes it can be completely unpredictable ... everyone has their own happiness

It's just that people are not angels, but hundreds of people like me ... (C) Persons @

Do not be afraid to set unattainable goals - life will be more interesting

Life is a deep blue sea and a tight prison

And the last will be first

mom is my life and I want to break it myself. You understand it yourself. because it is almost broken anyway.

Life must be disturbed more often so that it does not turn sour.

One who is born to crawl cannot fly.

every path of a man is right in his eyes

... this is sex, without justifying lines, where the process is important, not the result. It's on a sharp edge, all the way down. Nami plays, excited life.

Life is too serious a thing to be taken seriously. Oscar Wilde

“Every person has a certain horizon of views. When it narrows and becomes infinitely small, it turns into a point. Then the person says: this is my point of view ..”

There are no hopeless situations, there are situations from which you are not satisfied with the way out.

They don’t sit in prison as much as you do on the Internet ...

Hollywood star lost 25kg! Find out how to lose weight fast.

People are easier to forgive when someone else is wrong than when they are right.

life is what happens to us while we make plans for the future.

Life is a game. And only pawns who realize this can become queens

Wise men look for strength within themselves, while fools look for strength in others.

“The art of being happy lies in the ability to find happiness in simple things…” (Henry Ward Beecher)

Life is an eternal struggle (C)

“He who loves everyone loves no one”

jealousy is a suspicion that not only you are cheating, but also you ...

“Many, following Pushkin, can say: “Ah yes I am! Oh yes son of a bitch! “- And much more than Pushkin will be right”

modesty decorates, but leaves hungry

“Not all policies are for sale, many have already been sold”

- When you live for a long time without something, then you no longer need it.

Life is what happens to us while we make plans for the future. Thomas La Mans

In the world of sharks - manage to become a nuclear submarine

“Not forgiving a mistake, you make a mistake yourself. Forgiving meanness, you help to commit another. And stupidity does not require forgiveness at all.”

And it will pass .. It's just Life, Life with a capital letter ...

xxx: do what you want... but your life will smell like my perfume uuu: i will brush off the freshener

There are 2 states: fool Shiz and. The fool is treated, but the schizo is not “E. V. Zharinov.

Choose a character and fight in fantasy! The best graphics and detail online.

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that are remembered

An incredible fact, now they don’t take money for an online game, they also pay!

life is crumbling before our eyes. every day... every moment...

pants for a man to hide his thoughts

my life is my game! do you want to be in my life? live by my rules!

“Everything is in our hands, so do not let them down”

The Japanese teach Russians how to quickly remove belly fat! Their method...

In the world of unfortunate women, all men are “goats and bastards”, and everything good always ends badly

“The best thing we can give our children is to teach them to love themselves”

Life is like a ladder in a chicken coop - short and full of shit.

It's never too late to do 3 things: love, forgiveness and start new life..

How we live is a state secret. What we live on is commercial.

Life can be a zebra, but sometimes we take a black marker and paint over the white stripes ourselves..

Born to crawl everywhere crawl

Japanese women shared with the world the secret of their harmony!

– Trees in different countries smell differently

“The wind in the head is not always favorable.”

“Don’t be afraid of what others think of you – they are too busy what you think of them”

- You had to go half the world to understand that the truth was nearby

“It is better to lose with dignity than to win shamefully!”

Life is a queue after death, and the one who climbs without a queue is stupid

That which will remain in eternity is not dead; with the death of time, death will also die. Howard Lovecraft ©

I will inhale nicotine fumes and fill my soul with alcohol. Burning life - that's what I can do perfectly well.

When a person lacks flexibility, he begins to break out.

- Smile so that others dry their heads - what have you experienced

never make someone else's fake out of yourself ... you are a person, you have your own life and destiny ...©

Life is trying to teach us something, but instead of listening to it, we look at the crows.

"Life. I understand her less and less and love her more and more…”

“My conscience is clear, I don’t use it”

feel like a tampon good location, at a bad time

Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what the next candy will be filled with!

don't take life seriously, it's temporary

Want beautiful life with home delivery…

death is what happens to others

– Drink your coffee – only outsiders drink it

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need.

don't get discouraged anywhere...

When everything in life is given simply, you don’t know how difficult it really is. And only after going through the difficulties of life, you begin to relate to it easier.

Life is like a box of matches: taking it seriously is ridiculous, carelessly dangerous!

A person begins to die at the moment of conception

We don't play Life... but Life plays us..

- How not to be afraid of death? Just think about her more often

Difficulties are like dogs: they only bite those who are not used to them...

Life must be lived in such a way that it is embarrassing to tell, but it is pleasant to remember!

You shouldn't grieve. Who knows, maybe one day you will wake up dead. (C) Homer Simpson

Life is neither suffering nor bliss. Life is a blank canvas, and one must be an artist in relation to it. – Bhagawan Shri Rajneesh

“Don't lose your self-respect! Otherwise, no one will find him ... "

“Life is like a sandwich – it's the other way around”

We will wait - we will see ... We will live - we will find out ... We will survive - we will take into account ...

Life makes us grow up, the one who remains young in his soul, he won fate!

The feeling of happiness appears so unexpectedly. You just feel that you are happy and that's it, and there's nothing you can do about it!

It doesn’t matter how they behaved, who is a scoundrel and who is a saint, everyone left the same way, to a world where there is peace without time .. they say that life is sweet, short and deep, but during the time that you are, it will get bored .. (with )

“Do not be afraid of death - while we are alive, it is not, and when it comes, we will no longer be ...”

“Is the concept of the norm overestimated, or there are really a lot of abnormal ones”

Prosperity reveals our vices, and disasters our virtues.

Every moment of our Life connects the boundless past with the infinite future!!

The problem is not that I drink, the problem is that I do not consider it a problem (c) Zeldovich

Life is sad, but the salary is ridiculous

If life is in stripes, stop at white and go along ...

Life is the moment before eternity.

Our life consists of a chain of victories and defeats ... A huge battlefield. Having won in one battle, we do not even have time to enjoy the laurels of victory, as we again plunge into another. And only at the end of life can we sum up the whole war ...

Underwear for every day: stylish design and trendy colors

The stomach can be removed, even if you are over 40! Japanese scientists will teach you...

friendship between a man and a woman is sex postponed until later ...

“Life is not as easy as you think. It's easier…”

“Don’t make so much effort, all the best things happen unexpectedly” –

I loved this life too much, in which there are no thoughts “where are you” and “with whom”.

- Eternal, good, forgotten, old ..

The main components of happiness are when you have something to do, someone to love and eat, to hope for!

When my heart hurts, I go to sleep.

If you put ellipsis everywhere. So something is wrong with you. Or maybe you just feel bad.

The most important thing a father should do for his children is to love their mother. ©

I feel good =*

Champion of love, champion of anxiety.

You are the only one in the world and you have no equal. I am in your life in the crowd, you are in mine as the main one.

If individual people behaved like entire nations, they would have been put on a straitjacket long ago. (T. Williams)

On the roof, looking at the bright rainbow, I'll make a wish. And it will surely come true

I want to turn back time.

maybe not a poet, but I will say one thing about love. she is my eternal silhouette, giving me her warmth.

Dreams Come True. Gazprom?

I won’t let anyone call myself Zaya, I will be silent about what I miss, not hear calls, delete SMS without reading, I will love. Chasing you.

No matter how much you sleep, but when you wake up you want to sleep again ^_^

God, how I love him! I love.

Love him!

Many of us strive for freedom, forgetting that the price for it is loneliness.

Complacency is the most big sin because it contains the germ of spiritual death, the source of spiritual growth - the consciousness of imperfection. © Valentin Sventsitsky

Shout at me all you want and how you want. But I want all your actions to be accompanied by the words: bitch, I love you!

Looking for a bully boy

You're not the only one, you're just one of, one of. Just my whim.

I love you. - today this is not true ... ©.

Life is beautiful, at least outside the window!)

Darling, what else can I do for you? - cut off the internet, nah. !

For everyone, it all comes down to waiting in the end. You keep waiting and waiting - hospitals, doctors, plumbers, psychiatric hospitals, prisons, mother-death, in the end. © Charles Bukowski

The girl calls on the radio: - I want to wish my dad a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart to my penis. DJ in bewilderment: - until what?! - Lena's daughter.

That's when they turn to you in contact or somewhere else, you must definitely write give. Zadolbali!

Our life was and remains Black and White. And only we bring colors into it.

Life sends us trials to make us stronger. But sometimes it seems that there is no strength left at all. for this fight.

Well, you really need a search because there is no time to climb through the pages (

X:bring me discs with games tomorrow d:tomorrow I'm going to parachute x:all the more bring it!

Did you solve the problem alone? -het, with the help of two unknowns.

Philosophy is that thread that connects the various acquisitions and discoveries of the mind, that life-giving spirit that calls them to life, that touchstone on which the veracity of some and the falsity of others are tested. © Georg Ebers

Being present at work does not mean working. Being in the same apartment does not mean being a family. Being present on earth and being alive does not yet mean living.

When a person's soul is poisoned, he begins to poison his liver.

Why the heck write statuses if they are deleted anyway! Tell me what's the point?

It’s even scary to imagine how much useful things could have been done if not for the Internet.

Summer is the time when you fully enjoy the rest, the sea wind and enjoy life.

ANY doctrine that recognizes the priority of the rights of the masses over the rights of the individual and is ready to sacrifice the interests of those who are objectionable for the sake of the mass that it is decided to declare privileged is a fascist doctrine. © Anatoly Wasserman

Laugh so sincerely, only he can!

The New Year is coming soon, I want it to be flawless. Let's go visit the Monkey!

Or maybe you just need to live, and every day burning a piece of life, giving your warmth to someone, not expecting love at all in return? Yes, it is important to remember, if you want to get something, then do not forget to give it away first, because the ship will not be able to approach the shores when there is no berth for it

People love each other, this is a wonderful feeling, love saves people, although it often torments you with strange chest pains, and it is often difficult to admit that you love. But still, love is salvation.

Oh yeah! The river was super) the wind blew it away, it was covered with sand. In general, feel like a bum: dd

It happens that a stormy wave of bad weather throws us onto the shore of happiness.

I was smart enough to live my life stupidly.

Life will fly by in a blink of an eye. Appreciate her. Take pleasure in it!

I remember the first time I brought flowers from a boy in the 5th grade. Mom was shocked for some reason ^^

It seems that I have forgotten how to love. =(

So. I will not be silent! And I will say that the guardian angel writes the coolest statuses on this site ** and thank you very much)

Her: I have a split personality. Her: No, I'm normal*. Her: I think I'm going crazy. Her: I'm in great shape, don't believe her, it's not true. Ahah)

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just postpone every month a certain amount money, in 5 years you can get a very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, right strategy and certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if in this moment there are no savings, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

In people with initial capital and high level income

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

Just imagine how your life could change in five years if, starting from this day, you invested a small amount every month in the shares of Apple, Nvidia, Google and other American or Russian companies...

And it doesn't matter if you have the initial capital or not.

Agree that even if you just set aside a certain amount of money every month, after 5 years you can get very good capital. And if you imagine that every month your investments could also increase ...

And the growth rate of such capital depends not only on the return on investment, but also on the goal that inspires you, the right strategy and a certain discipline.

I can give many examples when a person, having set a clear goal, was able to double his active income in just a couple of months.
Yes, you read that right, the person just set a goal :)

Well, if we add control of finances and reliable investments to the goal, all together this will give a synergistic effect. And in this case, capital can grow 2, 3, or even 5 times faster.

Can you imagine? According to this scheme, it is possible to create capital of 3.5 million rubles from scratch in 5 years, which will monthly bring 120,000 rubles in the form of interest.

To some, this money will not seem so impressive, but if there are no savings at the moment, then there is still a difference between 0 rubles and 3.5 million :)

Already in this case, you can, if you wish, refuse hired work.

For people with initial capital and high income,

  • If your heart and your mind are restless, what more do you want? Whoever stopped loving and making mistakes can bury himself alive.
  • Life always gives a person less than he requires of her.
  • How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we cherish ... Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbor ... We lift up those who are not worth us, but betray the most faithful ones ... Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology ...
  • Life is like a race, someone rushes to his goal, gets to the finish line, becoming a winner, and someone who makes useless circles returns to no one!
  • Life is like a play in a theatre: what matters is not how long it lasts, but how well it is played.

  • Only strong love can make up for those petty misunderstandings that arise during a life together. Theodore Dreiser
  • The love of a woman is more to be feared than the hatred of a man. It is a poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasurable. Socrates
  • There is no more happiness in life - to find your soul mate, only the pain of losing it is stronger.
  • The one who is loved the least truly loves.
  • It happens sometimes that life separates two people just to show both how important they are to each other.

  • With my outlook on life, the first thing is to avoid socializing with people. The less I see them, the better I feel.
  • When trouble happens in life, you just need to explain to yourself its cause - and your soul will feel better.
  • There are people who you can know all your life and forget in 1 day, and there are people who you can know in 1 day and not forget in your whole life.
  • Do not look into the past - because fears live there. Don't look to the future - because illusions live there. Look to the present - because YOU live in it
  • Life is what people strive to preserve most of all and cherish least of all.

  • The goal of life must be happiness, otherwise the fire will not burn brightly enough, driving force will not be powerful enough - and success will not be complete.
  • In general, the absolute meaning (the meaning of life) is difficult to verbalize, and it is not customary to talk about it in a decent society.
  • You should not look for meaning in life, you need to look for a purpose in life ...
  • Give a man a purpose worth living for, and he can survive in any situation.
  • The meaning of life is in the beauty and strength of striving for goals, and it is necessary that every moment of being has its own lofty goal.

  • You can't start a new chapter in life without finishing the previous one.
  • Each breath gives birth to new life.
  • Everyone says “I’m starting a new life”, you can start it, but you can’t erase your memories, no matter how hard you try, but what kind of new life is this with old memories ??
  • Do not wait for resuscitation to start a new life!!
  • The determination to start a new life in the new year ends with the advent of the New Year.

  • You have to drink wine in a glass while it plays, while you live you have to live ... there are no two lives
  • The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeat and disaster.
  • Our whole life is a game... And the one who knows how to play beautifully is happy in it!!!
  • Life flies by instantly, and we live as if we are writing a draft. Not realizing in the bustle of the scandalous that our life is just a moment ...
  • Don't take too much interest in my life. It is so interesting that YOU will be disappointed in yours!!!

  • Life is short. There is no time to leave important words unsaid.
  • So life, having raised a person to the pinnacle of well-being, continues to tease and torment him there. There is always something unattainable ahead, eternal temptation and eternal dissatisfaction. Theodore Dreiser
  • We do not know what to do with our short life, but still we want to live forever. - A. France
  • In dialogue with life, it is not her question that matters, but our answer. Marina Tsvetaeva
  • Often it takes more courage to live than to die. - V. Alfieri

  • Life is a memory of one fleeting day spent at a party. (B. Pascal)
  • If you live a hundred years, then I want to live a hundred years minus one day - I don’t want to live a day without you.
  • Life should be enjoyed like fine wine, sip by sip, with respite. Even the best wine loses all charm for us, we stop appreciating it when we drink it like water. (L. Feuerbach)
  • Life is like a department store: you find everything in it except what you are looking for.
  • Don't be afraid that your life must end, be afraid that it will never begin - John Newman

Nothing is eternal. Everything bad and everything good comes to an end sooner or later. This is the rule, the law of life. To understand its meaning would be to understand the meaning of life.
From the bad there is an experience, and the good gives memories. Experience and memories are our life, probably the most priceless in it.

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In life, the one who knows how to survive in the world of gossip wins

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Live! As long as you live! Tired? Take it and take it easy! Fell? Hold on to a friend's hand! And if there is no friend.. Pray! Will they ask? Give it up, don't think. Not appreciated? Do not be angry. Did you close the door? Don't come back.. Want to teach you? Learn! Hurry to betray? Don't give in! And betrayed? Forgive me revenge! Have you opened your soul? Open up .. But don't give everything to the drop! Someday you'll have to, Return to all these words. Live! As long as you live! And God sees everything here and there.

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Never complain about fate! You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies, you will not help yourself.

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If you have a problem, try to solve it. If you can't solve it, then don't make a problem out of it)

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The worst enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gained, but did not even try.

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No one can go back in time and change their start, but everyone can start now and change their finish!!!

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Thanks to everyone who refused to help me! Thanks to you, I made it!

Too many people break down without realizing how close they were to success at the moment they lost heart.

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Fate is a very handy word for those who never want to make decisions!

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If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then don't lose today by remembering it.

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Many people walk around with a corpse inside them. Without even noticing that their spirit world had committed suicide.

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Never listen to anyone. Have your opinion, your head, your thoughts and ideas, plans for life. Do not chase anyone - just a step towards a meeting, but not after. Nobody needs you. That's life. No one will build your happiness for you!!!

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Never complain about fate! Maybe she's not very nice with you either))

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To become a great man, you need to be able to skillfully use everything that fate offers.

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A successful person is one who is able to build a solid foundation from the stones that others throw at him!

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When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show her that you have a thousand reasons to smile.

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Cigarettes without filter. Glasses without lenses. Doors without handles. People without brains. It's just so trendy.

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I love early mornings, five o'clock that way. You walk and there's not a soul on the street. The world seems clean.


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