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How to Prepare for Tough Negotiations. What negotiation strategy to choose. What is the essence of the tactics of "talking" and "attaching". How not to let yourself be manipulated.

Tough Negotiations: How to Avoid Defeat

Anton Kalabin

Tough negotiations differ from ordinary ones in that they are conducted using forbidden techniques. Such methods are practiced, as a rule, when the transaction is one-time and you need to get the maximum benefit from it. Each step forward in such situations means the loss of one's own benefit.

How to Prepare for Tough Negotiations

1. Identify your strengths and weak sides. Try to understand how you can influence the interlocutor (for example, the prospects for cooperation with your company) and how he can put pressure on you (for example, more favorable conditions offered by your competitors).

2. Designate the desired result. Set for yourself "pessimistic" and "optimistic" boundaries, beyond which it makes no sense to negotiate. Then you will be able to defend your interests and not go beyond the established limits. It is also important to know what your partner wants from these negotiations, and develop a strategy depending on this.

3. Determine what you are willing to sacrifice. It is better to immediately indicate how much you are ready to “pay” for the result of negotiations to move from the “pessimistic” value of some parameter to the “optimistic” one.

Tough Negotiation Strategies

There are two strategies for conducting tough negotiations - defensive (defensive) and attacking.

Protective strategy. It should be used if you assume that the opponent is stronger than you professionally, emotionally and mentally. In this case, it is necessary to strictly fix those parameters below which it is impossible to fall. Ideally, the person who enters into such negotiations should not have the authority to make the final decision. For example, you are negotiating, and the contract itself is signed and endorsed by people who were not present at the negotiations, for example, members of the board of directors.

Usually, negotiations with the authorities follow this scheme. A businessman who decides mainly commercial rather than political issues is a weaker negotiator compared to a politician. Attack strategy. It is better to use it if you are counting on winning. It is better to send a person to such negotiations who will be able to quickly navigate and make the right decision. For an attacking strategy, conflict is often beneficial: during a conflict, a person loses control over himself and becomes easily controlled. In a state of passion, the negotiator is able to make mistakes, which you can then use to your advantage.

An example of such tough negotiations is public debate, when it is extremely beneficial for the opposing side to lose control of itself. Literally a couple of phrases - and your opponent starts screaming, spitting, slurring his own thoughts, saying too much, and this makes a negative impression on the audience. As a result, you, calm and reasonable, find yourself in a more advantageous position.

Negotiation Tactics

The simplest are “mirroring” and “pushing through”1. However, today they no longer give the desired effect, as they are too well known. I do not recommend using them as the main ones. If you need to convince a person, you can use the standard "attachment" technique. First, you accept the point of view of the interlocutor, and then look at the situation or question from his side. And then those arguments that you will use will be able to make the interlocutor change his mind. Another standard procedure is the “talking” technique, when the words are repeatedly repeated: “I wish you well; we, of course, want your company to be prosperous!”. Thus, you can put pressure on some base human instincts - for example, greed or vanity. If he is greedy, he is promised big profits, and unfounded, since a greedy person cannot critically evaluate such information. A person who is poorly educated, but who respects science, is “loaded” with graphs, diagrams, and the scientific nature of the text. Special terms are also used. A person will most likely be embarrassed to clarify their meaning, therefore, he will not understand everything that is said and will be forced to rely on the opinion of the interlocutor (see also: Types of psychological traps).

How not to be manipulated

The simplest way to avoid defeat is not to enter into such negotiations. If you feel uncomfortable and feel that you can not cope, it is best to break off the negotiations and leave.

If the situation is heating up, then any abrupt action will help, a blow to the table, loudly said “Enough!”, An unexpected comparison. Incorrect questions should be answered openly and symmetrical questions should be asked as soon as possible. For example, in the framework of cooperation negotiations, you are asked: “Do you want to cash in on us?”. The answer should be: “Yes, we want to make money. You are not?". If you are forced to do something, say loudly: “You are putting pressure on me!”. Once this is said, the possibilities of manipulation by your interlocutor are greatly reduced. Then you can turn the conversation into a peaceful direction (if you are planning a long-term cooperation) or even launch an offensive.

During tough negotiations, it is important to learn how to control your condition. Try to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your actions. This approach will help to timely determine the line beyond which you can become a puppet in someone's hands. You should be concerned if your gestures have changed, you have begun to perform strange actions: tapping on the table, unreasonably rubbing your hands or feet. So, stroking your thighs with both hands is a subconscious gesture that you want to leave the place of negotiations. If you notice this, it means that the subconscious mind is signaling you about the danger. In this case, it is best to go out for a while, calm down and decide whether you want to continue negotiations or not. It is very useful to wash your face: the impact of water on the forehead triggers reflex mechanisms that calm the heartbeat and regulate metabolism. In three to five minutes, you can regain your balance and decide whether you need to continue the conversation. If not, say that, unfortunately, an urgent call has come in and you are forced to leave the negotiations. If you think that it is necessary to bring the matter to the end, calm down, gather your strength and go for the next "portion".

If you are forced to make a decision based on some facts, you need to write everything down and take a timeout to make a decision. Remember that any facts should be given with reference to the original source. If the opposing party is unable to identify the original sources, as is usually the case, state that a decision will only be made when you receive them. Ideally, all information received should be checked by your security department (see an example from my experience: How it works in practice).

Types of psychological traps

There is a pretty powerful psychological trap associated with the hypnosis technique. For example, you can switch the lighting in the room. In negotiations, of course, this technique is of little use. Although with the help of a sparkling pen with a gold cap, if it is rotated correctly in the hands, it is possible to put a person into a state close to a trance, thereby turning off the logical component of his brain.

You can also change the volume of the voice, play with the timbre and pitch. Professional negotiators are able to easily switch from high to low tone and vice versa. And they do it randomly, thereby driving the interlocutor into a trance, chatting him up. It may seem that the partner is talking about the case, and consciousness is losing the ability to analyze. Then the person himself does not understand how he agreed with all the arguments and signed the agreement.

How to Smooth Out Tough Negotiations

Tough negotiations can and even need to be translated into soft ones, especially in cases where you are aimed at long-term cooperation. Use the following methods:

Be open to the interlocutor. To translate tough negotiations into soft ones, you must first of all be flexible and open yourself. Clearly indicate your position: perhaps this will make your interlocutor go the same way (see Seller and buyer). Talk to neutral themes. At the beginning of tense negotiations, it is sometimes useful to touch on topics that are not relevant to the conversation, but are interesting for the interlocutors, for example, hobbies (see "Become Your Own Tactic"). If you are meeting for the first time, you can tell a little about yourself and your company. Naturally, you will achieve a greater effect if you do not turn the conversation into an official presentation. Ask for help. It is very useful to ask a partner for some kind of service. People appreciate more those they helped. It is quite appropriate to ask for something (for example, a pen and paper) before starting negotiations.

How to say no. If, as a result of negotiations, you still have to say “no”, do not get personal. Having informed the interlocutor: “We do not sign agreements with such slow-witted people,” you will most likely find an enemy for life. You should not name the partner’s position as the reason for the failed transaction, it is better to state that it is your conditions and opportunities that do not allow this moment reach an agreement.

Seller and Buyer

A fairly standard case of hard negotiation is the negotiation between a seller and a buyer. The position of both parties is clear: the buyer wants to buy the goods at a low price and pay for it later, the seller wants to sell at a higher price and receive money in advance. If you prepare in advance for such negotiations and deploy them correctly, you can easily turn them into soft ones, while defending your interests. Two factors must be taken into account: the price of the goods and the deferred payment. You designate in advance the minimum price to which you are ready to drop with a minimum delay, and in open form tell your partner about it. Thus, you give the second party the opportunity to choose - to take the goods at the lowest price, but pay immediately, or later, but at a higher price. As a result, the partner finds himself in a situation where tough negotiations are meaningless. There is a minimum price, below which you still will not go down, therefore, only bargaining for a delay remains.

Tactics "become your own"

Show your interlocutor that you are similar in many ways: you have children, a dog, both of you are men (or women). It is quite possible that you will find common acquaintances, it turns out that you graduated from the same educational institution etc. For example, I use such a technique as talking about children. If you are late even for a minute, you can apologize and say that you were talking on the phone with a child, and at the same time ask if your interlocutor has children.

We are forced to negotiate constantly: with parents, with children, with friends, with sellers in the store ... And, of course, not a single business is built without negotiations. Any transaction, any event requires negotiations.

Sometimes negotiations are easy, and a solution that suits all parties is found quickly. But sometimes you have to use some forbidden methods, or so-called tough negotiations. You can’t do without them when you need to get the maximum benefit from the transaction. Yielding to your opponent in tough negotiations, you lose your own benefit. So, first things first.

What are tough negotiations?

Negotiations in hard style basically end in a deterioration in relationships, and it doesn’t matter in whose favor the decision was made. If you have achieved your goal in tough negotiations, then the hostility, and sometimes hostility of a competitor, is guaranteed.

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It's even worse if you don't get your way.

In this case, your interlocutor may have not only a sense of superiority, but also contempt. If you have to deal with the same opponent in the future, then your chances of success are very small, even if you use the "defeat - win" technique. Of course, it is quite possible that you will use other means of pressure on your opponent. In the worst case, when your opponent also uses the technique of tough negotiations, the situation may reach a dead end, and due to the enmity towards each other, tough negotiations will escalate into a conflict.

Hard style is a dangerous style.

All motorists know the phrase: "Not sure - do not overtake!". It can also be applied to a tough style of negotiation, slightly paraphrased: “Not sure - don’t use it!”

A tough negotiating style is appropriate only if you do not intend to build a good relationship with your opponent in the future and only want your terms to be accepted. And most importantly, you are completely sure that you have an undeniable advantage over your interlocutor.

If the above conditions are not met, tough negotiations are not your choice. The only exception is when you have nothing to lose and there is no other way out but tough negotiations. In this situation, you need to clearly realize that this is a big risk, and you high proportion chances are you can lose.

The technique of tough negotiations comes down mainly to various methods of demonstrating one's strength.

You may not have this power, but the main thing here is that your opponent feels and believes in your advantage. If the interlocutor believes in a demonstration of your strength, then there will be no need for real forceful actions.

  • Negotiation management: how to determine the psychotype of the interlocutor

When is it time to start tough negotiations?

They can start if the following points are reached in the conversation:

  1. All sides showed a clear unwillingness to concede, the phrase was uttered: "We will not give up our position." It is already difficult to motivate the interlocutor for mutual concessions. This moment is the point of no return, when you can apply the technique of tough negotiations.
  2. If psychological pressure is used, the impact on your personality, the opponent has already begun tough negotiations.
  3. You see that in a conversation you are used as a demonstration of the opponent's advantages, for example, if a third party is involved in the negotiations and, using your example, the attacking party shows its strength. In this case, you should also apply a tough negotiating style and start fighting.
  4. You feel that the interlocutor is trying to manipulate you. If pressure can be seen, then manipulation is the hidden side of pressure. As soon as manipulation attempts begin on the part of the opponent, it is time to start tough negotiations.
  5. One of the negotiators begins to take funds from you to manage the situation in the negotiations. For example, when saying "come tomorrow", the opponent is usually trying to say that you should give in to him and simply agree to his terms.
  6. If the opponents initially have a conflict zone, that is, diametrically opposed views on the situation, then partner conversations are no longer appropriate. Only tough negotiations will help here.
  7. If the interlocutor is persistently trying to switch to too friendly communication with you. If you do not apply the technique of tough negotiations, do not designate a clear boundary for your communication, then the interlocutor may try to invade personal space.

Expert opinion

Tough negotiations are used only in emergency cases.

Mikhail Urzhumtsev,

General Director of OAO "Melon Fashion Group", St. Petersburg

I don't like tough negotiations and avoid ties with conflicting partners. It is not good when the interlocutor, after the negotiations, has the impression that he was “squeezed out” to the maximum. Then you can forget about the interaction in the future. Any negotiations should be held in a pleasant environment, and even better, if communication with partners is not without a bit of humor.

It certainly happened that we had to resort to the technique of tough negotiations. For example, not so long ago we had to use a not quite standard method of influence - I would call it “male conversation” - our side involved colleagues in higher managerial positions in the negotiations. The initial stage of negotiations should be entrusted to managers who are able to make decisions and get out of non-standard situations. But negotiations at the level of owners or directors are rather the last stage, because in this case there is almost no room for retreat.

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Preparing for Tough Negotiations

If tough negotiations cannot be avoided, they must be properly prepared. Special training can help with this, which includes the following stages:

  • preparation;
  • choosing a strategy for conducting tough negotiations;
  • choice of technique: "chattering" and "attachment";
  • contemplating retreat.
  1. Where to start preparing for tough negotiations?
  • highlight your strengths and weaknesses - advantages over your opponent and what you are inferior to him.
  • clearly define what result you want to get from the negotiations.
  • decide what you can give in to the interlocutor.
  1. What strategy for tough negotiations to choose?
  • defensive strategy. You can choose it if your interlocutor is "higher" than you professionally and psychologically stronger. It would be ideal if in such tough negotiations the right of a final decision is not “played out”;
  • attacking strategy. This strategy will be appropriate if you are confident in your victory. Such negotiations are better handled by a person who knows how to quickly navigate in non-standard situations and make the right decisions.
  1. The two main techniques for hard negotiation are:
  • "attachment" technique. You should accept the point of view of the opponent, as if "joining" him and assess the situation through his eyes. Then, using arguments close to him, prompt the interlocutor to think about changing his opinion in your favor.
  • 'sweeping' technique consists in the constant repetition of such phrases as “we only want the best for you”, “we would like your company to become successful and prosperous”, etc. This is a kind of appeal to the lower human instincts - vanity and greed. If a tactic seems unethical to you, just don't use it.
  1. If you feel like you are being manipulated, try to smooth out tough negotiations in the following ways:
  • try to be open to communication. Clearly express your position to the interlocutor. Maybe he will do the same in return.
  • Move the conversation to neutral topics. This will help relieve tension in tough negotiations. For example, ask about the interlocutor's hobbies and hobbies. But be careful in choosing topics - they still have to be relevant.
  • Ask the interlocutor for help. A person is so arranged that he appreciates those whom he helped. For example, at the beginning of the conversation, you can ask for a pen or notepad.
  • Avoid putting pressure on yourself. If you feel like you're under pressure, just say so directly. This remark will unsettle the interlocutor a little and reduce his pressure on you.

Tough Negotiation Technique: Tactics and Strategy


If you plan to conduct tough negotiations, knowing the tactics of "fighting" is indispensable.

  1. Defense strategy

Is your opponent a professional in his field and a very strong personality? Choose a defensive strategy for tough negotiations. In this case, determine for yourself the conditions on which you can go. In such negotiations, the person who does not have the right to the final decision will be more successful. For example, you participate in the negotiations themselves, but the agreement is already signed by the company's management, which is not present at them. Often, according to this scheme, negotiations are carried out with power structures. After all, a businessman, who is mainly responsible for the commercial, and not the political side of the negotiations, has a less strong position compared to a politician.

  1. Attack strategy

If you are betting heavily on winning a tough negotiation, then use an offensive strategy. It is important, however, that you be able to react quickly to the situation and make decisions. In this technique, creating a conflict situation can play into your hands. Under such conditions, the interlocutor loses control and may succumb, as well as make mistakes in the negotiations. And you can use your opponent's mistakes to your advantage. A striking example of the application of this strategy is public debate. It is beneficial for the enemy when the opponent loses ground from under his feet and ceases to control himself, screams, cannot clearly formulate an answer, says too much, etc. Against the background of such an opponent, banal indifference will look in a winning light.


There are two main techniques for conducting tough negotiations - “giveaway” and “psychological comfort”.

  1. Tactics "Giveaway"

The main thing here is to adopt the point of view of the interlocutor, to make him believe that you succumbed to his arguments. Then present his own arguments, but for the benefit of you, thereby making him doubt the original arguments.

  1. Tactics "Psychological comfort"

According to this tactic, it is necessary to use as often as possible phrases that express your desire for your opponent to succeed and his business to flourish. Hearing this, the interlocutor begins to feel his importance, while becoming more compliant in some controversial points. You can also play on the vanity and greed of your opponent, outlining to him the various benefits that he will receive by agreeing to your terms. This is a rather harsh psychological trick - a person loses the objectivity of the situation and begins to believe in the reality of future benefits.

In addition, you can play on the lack of competence of the interlocutor. By providing numerous terms, official data and statistical calculations, you will greatly puzzle him. Most likely to hide their ignorance in this issue, he will be inclined to take a word in what you tell him.

The most experienced communicators may even use hypnotic techniques.

These NLP techniques that put an opponent into a state of trance include voice shifting, mirroring, framing, and others. All these methods lead to the fact that the interlocutor enters a light trance, while losing the ability to analyze what is happening.

The following method of conducting tough negotiations is also very effective: you start talking very sharply and harshly, plunging the interlocutor into a state of shock and conducting a conversation according to your own rules. When you see that your opponent begins to give in to you in some matters, change tactics to the opposite, show respect, sympathy and understanding to the interlocutor. Such is the psychology of a person - he feels gratitude, imbued with trust in the interlocutor, who initially had a different point of view, and then supported yours.

The effectiveness of tough negotiations also depends on special methods.

Hard Negotiation Techniquesaccording to the attacking strategy

If you have chosen an attacking strategy, then there are two main methods of behavior in tough negotiations:

1) tactics of demands and ultimatums;

2) tactics of squeezing concessions.


This technique of tough negotiations comes down to a scheme: demands are made, and if the opponent disagrees, other methods of influence (for example, threats) are used. You put your opponent in front of a choice: an undesirable result for him and an extremely undesirable one.

This ultimatum technique can be considered effective if the negotiator accepted your demands, and the matter did not come to the actual use of threats. To achieve a positive result, applying the tactics of requirements, you should observe the following terms:

  1. The threat must affect the interlocutor. Sometimes what seems intimidating to us will not matter to another.
  2. Intimidation and threats must be clearly articulated, otherwise the opponent will not perceive them as really possible.
  3. Keep in mind that if the threats do not affect the interlocutor, you may need to start implementing them. And don't give up on your demands! Otherwise it will be your defeat.

The basic tricks of the ultimatum

  1. Estimated Delay

Delaying negotiations until a critical moment, when the opponent is in an unfortunate position: he will have very little time; there will be no resources that he so counted on, etc. The other side of tough negotiations will simply be forced to decide: either to give up, refusing their conditions, or else to try to do something.

Example: on the air of the program "To the Barrier" two politicians campaigned for the audience. But one of them (V. Zhirinovsky) communicated with the audience so actively, without giving the slightest chance to interrupt him, that the presenter (V. Solovyov) did not manage to express his position at all. The transfer came to an end, and Zhirinovsky's opponent could not convincingly express his arguments. As a result, the viewers voted for the more convincing participant.

  1. Choice of two evils

In tough negotiations, offer your opponent several options for solving the problem. These options, of course, should be successful first of all for you, but also not to offend your opponent very much. An undesirable method of this technique is the use of blackmail. After all, if it comes to the embodiment of threats, then you will not achieve your initial goal of negotiations.

Example: the student does not want to study, and the teacher gives him a choice: either study or fail the exams and be expelled! What is the least beneficial for the student?

  1. Tactics of the "shutter" ("Behind Moscow!")

Tell your opponent that you are placed in a very rigid framework and your position, with all your desire, cannot be changed. Then the interlocutor must choose: either accept your terms and get at least something from the agreement, or refuse and get nothing.

Example: you came to the market, the seller asks for 500 rubles for his goods. You say that you have only 300 rubles. What is the probability that the seller will agree to your terms?

The methods of demands and ultimatums involve the use of destructive methods of influence, i.e., coercion of the opponent. Keep in mind that an ultimatum is the most aggressive method of hard negotiation, and any positive relationship between opponents in the future is unlikely.

The second group of methods of hard negotiations - concession-squeezing or positional pressure.

In the technique of this method, the following principle operates: you do not immediately express all your requirements, but gradually. First offer the most attractive conditions, then those that are beneficial for you. Thus, you create positional pressure - put the interlocutor in such conditions when he has to give in to you.

An important condition for the effectiveness of this method of conducting tough negotiations is the sincere interest of the other party in concluding a deal.

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Basic tricks for squeezing concessions

  1. "Closed door"

You reject the offer to negotiate, thereby forcing the other side to "beg" you. The appointment of negotiations becomes the goal of the opponent. By agreeing to negotiate, you seem to be doing a favor, giving in to your opponent. As a result, the other party is in a situation of "thank you" due to the fact that they owe you for the concession. In this technique, it is important to clearly calculate the time - you should not agree immediately, but you should not delay the appointment of negotiations. Your opponent may find another way out of the situation during this time.

Example: The girl and the boy really like each other. The girl wants the guy to propose to her, and the guy wants it. He makes her a marriage proposal, and she refuses ... He asks again - she says no. For the third time, the girl "reluctantly" agrees. As a result: the guy feels that he is obliged to the girl, because she went to meet him.

  1. "Initial condition" or "pass mode"

As a condition for starting negotiations, you demand a preliminary concession and already get something even before the actual negotiations.

Example: in the famous fairy tale about Cinderella, the stepmother is not at all opposed to Cinderella going to the ball. But before that, she should clean everything, wash the floors, sort out cereals, plant flowers, and then she can go.

  1. "Sight" or "last call"

By conducting tough negotiations and reaching an agreement with the other side, you say that you do not have such a right of sight and you need the approval of the management. After a break, you declare that the contract is basically approved, but some changes need to be made. This technique will work if you follow a series conditions:

  • such negotiations should exhaust the opponent. You can use the following tricks to do this: use complex logical conclusions in speech, meaningless sentences, delay the negotiation process, switch to insignificant topics, pause in discussion, etc.
  • The edits you make should only slightly adjust in your favor. agreement reached but not radically change it.

If you have taken into account the conditions described above, then the opponent will be more likely to be forced to agree to your last requirements than to start negotiations again from the beginning. This method of conducting tough negotiations may well be applied several times. After all, you can change the requirements little by little several times in order to get the originally planned result as a result.

  1. "Outer Danger"

During tough negotiations, one can agree to the conditions of the opponent, but declaring the possibility of external factors that may prevent the fulfillment of these conditions. So you allow the possibility of violation of the agreement reached.

Applying a tough style of negotiation, especially the methods of ultimatum or pressure, one cannot do without a psychological impact on the interlocutor, i.e., the use of tricks. They help reduce the resistance of the “defense” of the interlocutor, prevent him from objectively assessing the situation. The most common are the following tricks:

  • "attacks on the opponent": attempts to belittle the dignity of the interlocutor; remarks about how he looks or what he says; pretend not to notice him, and others;
  • deliberately not adhere to the ethics of communication: when meeting, do not shake hands, do not offer to sit down;
  • “I see through your motives” - interpretation of the interlocutor’s statements as allegedly aggressive, emotional response to the opponent’s words, as if he was planning something against you.

There are times when you have to engage in tough negotiations against your will (and often, frankly). Can the impact of such negotiations be mitigated? What should be done if you want to level the hard style in negotiations?

  1. Do not panic, but try to calm down and not take the situation too personally, because this hostility arose because of the situation and is not directed at you personally.
  2. The main technique for stopping tricks and manipulations on the part of the opponent is to say these actions aloud, which is how you disarm the interlocutor.

The outcome of tough negotiations is always the same: one side wins, the other loses. And further cooperation with an opponent is almost always impossible, because you are rivals and want to win back at any convenient opportunity.

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Expert opinion

Sometimes in a situation of tough negotiations it is necessary to find non-standard solutions.

Hayk Lazaryan,

CEO of VIP Cruise, Moscow

Somehow we were preparing for very important negotiations with a German company. The objective of these negotiations was to sign an extremely profitable agreement, according to which we received the right to exclusively sell cruise tours of this company in Russia. At that time, the Germans had several more tempting offers that they were considering.

At the meeting, the German colleagues behaved very unfriendly and kept a low profile. These were tough negotiations, and they were very difficult. We soon decided to take a break. After the coffee break, the Germans changed their tone somewhat to a friendlier one. After a couple of hours, we discussed the main points, and the Germans hinted that they were hungry. We took our colleagues to an excellent restaurant, where further negotiations again became difficult. Both sides could not reach a compromise. The German side did not want to concede, offering us completely unfavorable conditions. The Germans hesitated and were not yet ready to accept precisely our proposal. I realized that now it is necessary to offer a non-standard solution for these tough negotiations. Deciding that our competitors had already treated them to Russian cuisine and presented nesting dolls, I suggested that our German colleagues visit the Russian steam room. We rented a VIP bathhouse with several steam rooms, lounges, a bar, and swimming pools. Our guests rested there until the morning. As a result, our expenses were not in vain - the agreement was signed on favorable terms for us. This is how the reception of a non-standard approach and switching attention worked.

How to Smooth Out Tough Negotiations

The easiest way to avoid defeat- do not support tough negotiations. Do you see that your opponent is unfriendly and began to conduct tough negotiations? You have the right to end the conversation and leave. If you feel that the situation is getting out of control, make a sudden movement or loudly say: “Stop!”. Don't react aggressively to the other party's tactless questions, but answer openly.

For example, you are negotiating a possible co-production, and you are told: “Are you trying to make money on us?”. Answer: “Yes, we want to make a profit. You are not?".

Oddly enough, it is possible (and sometimes even necessary) to translate tough negotiations into a friendlier mood, especially if you are planning further cooperation with the negotiators.

During tough negotiations, it is important to learn how to control your condition.

  • you tap on the table;
  • your gestures have changed;
  • you rub your hands or feet for no reason.

If, for example, you drive on your hips with both hands, this may mean your subconscious unwillingness to negotiate and insecurity in your position. Your subconscious thus warns of danger. If you notice this gesture in yourself, ask for a pause to calm down and determine whether it is worth continuing to carry on tough negotiations.

A great tip in such cases is to wash your face with water. Water calms the heartbeat and brings peace of mind. Ready to resume negotiations? Then start with renewed vigor and bring the matter to the end. If you decide to end tough negotiations, let them know that you received an urgent call and that you are forced to reschedule the meeting.

Are you forced to make decisions and operate on some facts? Be sure to say that you need time to check these facts. Behind any fact there must be a source. If the opponent cannot point it out, boldly declare that you will make a final decision only if you receive all the information.

6 effective rules for restraining yourself in a tough negotiation situation

  1. Your interlocutor switched to shouting and began to behave aggressively. In this case, either ask for a break, or continue to listen in silence, remaining calm. Deep breathing will help with this. As soon as the interlocutor finishes his speech, say that such behavior will not lead to a solution to the issue. Or politely answer: "I'm sorry, there must have been a misunderstanding here." If a break in the negotiations is not possible, formulate once again your original position. This will bring the negotiations back to the start and into a more peaceful direction.
  2. Has your interlocutor bombarded you with information and data, and you do not have time to comprehend everything? Try to slow down the pace of the conversation in tough negotiations. Start suddenly writing down the words of the interlocutor, and he, thinking that he said something superfluous, will slow down the pace of the conversation.
  3. Feel attempts to manipulate the interlocutor, change places with him. You could say, “Great idea. What do you think? Personally, I'm not entirely sure."
  4. Did your opponent present a hard-to-refute fact? Respond emotionally like “I don’t like this” or “This moment does not please us at all.” Surprisingly, such answers are often stronger than solid arguments.
  5. The interlocutor sank to insults. Do not react, try to abstract. You can remain calm while looking at some objects or present the whole situation in a comical light. For example, imagining an opponent as a midget waving his arms furiously.
  6. Feel like you're about to explode? Try to understand exactly what emotions you are experiencing, and say them to yourself. For example: I am angry, I am upset, I feel guilty, etc. Track where this tension is concentrated in your body and try to stretch it. Switch your attention to physical sensations - pull the soles of your feet towards you until tension, and then calmly relax. Another effective method of relaxation is to perform actions in slow motion. For example, slowly take a bottle of water, slowly pour it into a glass, examine the bubbles that appear, drink slowly.

Company Information

JSC "Melon Fashion Group" was formed in 2005 by spinning off from CJSC Pervomayskaya Zarya. During 2006, Melon Fashion Group underwent a reorganization, as a result of which, in January 2007, subsidiaries of CJSC Zarina joined Melon Fashion Group ( commercial network Zarina) and ZAO Kurt Kellermann St. Petersburg (befree retail chain). According to the results of work for 2006, the turnover of "Melon Fashion Group" is 1045 million rubles, the increase to the turnover for 2005 is 40%. Today the company employs 950 people. The main shareholder of the company is Scandinavian Manufatrust Aps (34.5%), the shareholders also include the East Capital fund (24.5%) and Swedfond International LLC (13.6

Travel company VIP Cruise founded in 2001. It is engaged in the organization of individual, sightseeing and business tours around the world, the sale and delivery of air tickets. The company's sales increase annually by at least 35%. Today, one of the main criteria for a company's success is focusing on "its" client. The company plans to open offices in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Armenia

Department of Tourism and Hospitality
by discipline: "The Art of Selling»
on the topic: "Rigid» negotiation technologies»


1. Theoretical part
1.1 general characteristics"hard" negotiations
1.2 Organization and conduct of the negotiation process
1.3 Preparing for "hard" negotiations
1.4 Strategies and tactics for conducting "hard" negotiations
2. Practical part
2.1 How not to be manipulated into tough negotiations

2.2 Types of psychological "traps"

2.3 How to Smooth Out Tough Negotiations

2.4 Choosing a Successful Strategy in Tough Negotiations

2.5 Example #1

2.6 Example #2

2.7 Example #3

2.8 Example #4

2.9 Conclusions on the practical part




the theme of my term paper I didn't choose by chance. I had experience in a company where negotiations on various topics were everyday. Therefore, I know firsthand about the negotiations, but I have not met with “hard” negotiations, and therefore I became interested in what they are and what results they lead to.
The tasks of my work are:
- highlight the theoretical aspects in the field of "hard" negotiations;
- reveal the structure, features, strategies and tactics of their implementation;
- show examples of techniques and technologies for conducting such negotiations.
primary goal- the ability to apply in the practice of business communication the techniques of "hard" negotiations, in those situations where they are necessary.
In many studies devoted to the analysis of the negotiation process, the term "negotiations" is used to refer to a wide range of situations in which people try to discuss certain problems, agree on some actions, agree on something, resolve controversial issues.
We do not stop negotiating every day, sometimes without even thinking about it: with work colleagues, partners, friends. in general terms the essence of this type of informal relationship can be summarized as follows: negotiations necessarily include an element of bargaining - the exchange of something for something, implying that these are items of equal importance and that such an exchange will bring equal satisfaction to both parties participating in the negotiations.
Negotiations are an ancient and universal means of human communication. They allow you to find agreement where interests do not coincide, opinions or views diverge. Historically, the development of negotiations went in three directions: diplomatic, trade and the resolution of contentious problems.
"Hard" negotiations differ from the usual ones in that they are carried out using prohibited methods. Such methods are practiced, as a rule, when the transaction is one-time and you need to get the maximum benefit from it. Each step forward in such situations means the loss of one's own benefit.
Everything is possible, and it is not always as easy to reach an agreement with your neighbor as it seems. And asking a friend for a car, agreeing with his wife and persuading a colleague to help us with a report - all this and much more requires not only certain efforts, but also considerable skill and even art, especially when we certainly want to get what we want. We have to admit that this is not always possible, and very often it is you and me who are the losing side. Is that why some people are so panicky afraid of negotiations?
Therefore, consideration of this topic will teach you to treat negotiations as a matter of quite ordinary and ordinary. The easier it will be for us to negotiate on any topic and in any situation, the more pleasant it will be to deal with partners, which will immediately affect the image of the manager.
1. Theoretical part

1.1 general characteristics"hard"negotiations

For several years now, the phrase "tough negotiations" has come into vogue. Many of those who order training on this topic assume that their employees will be taught to “put pressure” on the interlocutor, thereby achieving the most acceptable conditions for themselves. Like any replicated technique, it has limitations that it is desirable to know about before paying money.
First, "tough" negotiations solve tactical problems, while at the same time causing great damage to the strategy. Figuratively speaking, you can put a gun to your partner's head and convincingly ask him to sign a contract. Most likely he will sign. But further cooperation with him, especially if you do not have great opportunities, will be difficult. Moreover, such a partner will betray you at any opportunity. Consequently, the price to be paid for short-term cooperation will be incredibly high.
Second, not everyone can be taught. There are people who are categorically contraindicated to be "tough", and when they try to still try, the effect is the opposite.
Third: the passion for "hard" methods often leads to damage to the reputation. And we live in a time when the reputation of a company, the reputation of a manager, is one of the most important values ​​in business.
Fourth: sometimes, speaking of "hard" negotiations, they imply the skill of resisting manipulations, including those that are rather rude in form. What, for example, to do if your negotiating partner loudly and aggressively declares: “Your conditions are unacceptable!”, Packs up and heads for the exit? Shout back? Apologize? Run after him and ask him to come back? Stay where you are? Throw something heavy at him? What solution would be optimal, because this is a clear manipulation on the part of the partner? And here a completely different skill is needed: in such a situation, neither the principle "the best defense is an attack" nor the rule of etiquette "a polite person always yields" will work.
When the negotiations are over, it's time for triumph and time for work on the mistakes. Only very, very experienced negotiators do not make mistakes (they usually do not think so themselves, and they can readily list a dozen of their mistakes). According to the same professionals, the most painful mistake for a negotiator is to underestimate " human factor". In this regard, what can you recommend to those who, by the nature of their work, often negotiate? Only one thing: to comprehensively study the subject of application of their skills - a person. And that means more practice.
1.2 Organization and conduct of the negotiation process

Negotiation technology is a creative process, it is difficult to describe it as a given. As there are no people similar to each other, so there are no similar negotiations. Moreover, there is no universal algorithm for success in negotiations. According to many experts, the subject of negotiations does not have a significant impact on the technology of their conduct.
The course of negotiations is significantly influenced by the ratio of the positions of the contracting parties: if the position of one of the parties is too and clearly weak, then the negotiating tactics of the other side will obviously be chosen either frankly "tough" in style, or in the form of "soft", but essentially firm and consistent .
The main types and methods of negotiating retain their significance over time, their structure, rules, methods of working with objections and business etiquette change.
The technology of negotiation is largely influenced by the mentality, national styles, methods and techniques of business communication, the culture of speech behavior in society as a whole. That is why, for example, American techniques for the art of negotiation do little to optimize negotiations in the domestic business environment.
For the most part, a set of ready-made recipes written for a different cultural, legal and business tradition is not suitable for negotiations in the post-Soviet space in the conditions of the formation of market relations.
Several factors influenced the formation of modern domestic rules of negotiations. AT Soviet time business negotiations in their direct meaning (conclusion of business agreements, business alliances, etc.) were little used to solve intra-economic problems. All issues, including production ones, were resolved in the appropriate instances and then descended for execution to the conflicting parties.
1.3 Trainingto« tough» negotiations

Getting reliable information is essential for initial stage preparation for negotiations. It is necessary to collect all available information about the negotiating partner: serious, solid, reliable, old, proven, promising. Think carefully about the goals and objectives that are supposed to be addressed at the negotiating table
When preparing for a business meeting, it is necessary to carefully determine its program, the order of issues to be discussed, to determine which of them should be decided at the stage of preliminary discussion, which at the negotiating table.
The worst mistake in negotiations with a serious partner is to start to crawl before him. Using such tactics, you will lose negotiations from the very beginning.
Among the reasons why high-profile clients go into tough negotiation mode upon initial acquaintance is the desire to understand what you are like as a potential partner. How experienced are you? How reliable? Do you have experience with really big contracts? How can they check it?
To ask you, have you had many contracts worth 10 million or more? If you have at least a little negotiation experience, you can always say what the client would like to hear. Lie - take it cheap.
Ask for your founding documents? Well, so what? Some entity you surely have. Moreover, the registration of a new enterprise today costs a penny. Licenses? Even if the activity is licensed, many swindlers have licenses no worse than those of conscientious entrepreneurs. No documents provided by you can fully guarantee your integrity as a partner.
Recommendations? They can be more or less trusted only when the recommender is personally known to the customer. But even here, the recommendation only means that your cooperation with this acquaintance of his went well. But this is not yet a guarantee of the success of the new contract. Not only can we talk about cooperation on completely different issues, but also the size of projects can be completely different. It is great that a friend of the client successfully completed a project worth 100 thousand rubles. But this does not guarantee that the project for the Client himself for 10 million dollars will be implemented as successfully. Or that you just can't run away with that money.
By the way, do you have experience in implementing really large projects? The specifics of large projects are very different from the specifics of ordinary projects. In a project for 10 million dollars, not the same rake comes out as in a project for 100 thousand rubles. Maybe you are great experts. While we are talking about projects ranging in size from 50 to 200 thousand rubles. But $10 million is a lot of money by any measure. And the client does not want to be a guinea pig in your first major project for that kind of money.
Therefore, they arrange mandatory “strength tests” for you.

Here are a few examples of how to prepare for a "tough negotiation":

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses. Try to understand how you can influence the interlocutor (for example, the prospects for cooperation with your company) and how he can put pressure on you (for example, more favorable conditions offered by your competitors).
2. Designate the desired result. Set for yourself "pessimistic" and "optimistic" boundaries, beyond which it makes no sense to negotiate. Then you will be able to defend your interests and not go beyond the established limits. It is also important to know what your partner wants from these negotiations, and develop a strategy depending on this.
3. Determine what you are willing to sacrifice. It is better to immediately indicate how much you are ready to “pay” for the result of negotiations to move from the “pessimistic” value of some parameter to the “optimistic” one.
1.4 Strategies and tactics of conducting« tough» negotiations

There are two strategies for conducting "hard" negotiations - defensive (defensive) and attacking.
Protective strategy. It should be used if you assume that the opponent is stronger than you professionally, emotionally and mentally. In this case, it is necessary to strictly fix those parameters below which it is impossible to fall. Ideally, the person who enters into such negotiations should not have the authority to make the final decision. For example, you are negotiating, and the contract itself is signed and endorsed by people who were not present at the negotiations, for example, members of the board of directors.
Usually, according to this scheme, negotiations are held with the authorities. A businessman who decides mainly commercial rather than political issues is a weaker negotiator compared to a politician.
Attack strategy. It is better to use it if you are counting on winning. It is better to send a person to such negotiations who will be able to quickly navigate and make the right decision. For an attacking strategy, conflict is often beneficial: during a conflict, a person loses control over himself and becomes easily controlled. In a state of passion, the negotiator is able to make mistakes, which you can then use to your advantage.
An example of such "hard" negotiations is public debate, when it is extremely beneficial for the opposing side to lose control of itself. Literally a couple of phrases - and your opponent starts screaming, spitting, slurring his own thoughts, saying too much, and this makes a negative impression on the audience. As a result, you, calm and reasonable, find yourself in a more advantageous position.
If you need to convince a person, you can use the standard "attachment" technique. First, you accept the point of view of the interlocutor, and then look at the situation or question from his side. And then those arguments that you will use will be able to make the interlocutor change his mind. Another standard procedure is the “talking” technique, when the words are repeatedly repeated: “I wish you well; we, of course, want your company to be prosperous!”. Thus, it is possible to put pressure on some base human instincts - for example, greed or vanity. If he is greedy, he is promised big profits, and unfounded, since a greedy person cannot critically evaluate such information. A person who is poorly educated, but who respects science, is “loaded” with graphs, diagrams, and the scientific nature of the text. Special terms are also used. A person will most likely be embarrassed to clarify their meaning, therefore, he will not understand everything that is said, and will be forced to rely on the opinion of the interlocutor.
2. Practical part

2.1 How not to be manipulated into tough negotiations

The simplest way to avoid defeat is not to enter into such negotiations. If you feel uncomfortable and feel that you can not cope, it is best to break off the negotiations and leave.
If the situation is heating up, then any abrupt action will help, a blow to the table, loudly said “Enough!”, An unexpected comparison. Incorrect questions should be answered openly and symmetrical questions should be asked as soon as possible. For example, in the framework of cooperation negotiations, you are asked: “Do you want to cash in on us?”. The answer should be: “Yes, we want to make money. You are not?". If you are forced to do something, say loudly: “You are putting pressure on me!”. Once this is said, the possibilities of manipulation by your interlocutor are greatly reduced. Then you can turn the conversation into a peaceful direction (if you are planning a long-term cooperation) or even launch an offensive.
During "tough negotiations" it is important to learn how to control your condition. Try to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate your actions. This approach will help to timely determine the line beyond which you can become a puppet in someone's hands. You should be concerned if your gestures have changed, you have begun to perform strange actions: tapping on the table, unreasonably rubbing your hands or feet. So, stroking the thighs with both hands is a subconscious gesture that means that you want to leave the place of negotiations. If you notice this, it means that the subconscious mind is signaling you about the danger. In this case, it is best to go out for a while, calm down and decide whether you want to continue negotiations or not. It is very useful to wash your face: the impact of water on the forehead triggers reflex mechanisms that calm the heartbeat and regulate metabolism. In three to five minutes, you can regain your balance and decide whether you need to continue the conversation. If not, say that, unfortunately, an urgent call has come in, and you are forced to leave the negotiations. If you think that it is necessary to bring the matter to the end, calm down, gather your strength and go for the next "portion".
If you are forced to make a decision based on some facts, you need to write everything down and take a timeout to make a decision. Remember that any facts should be given with reference to the original source. If the opposing party is unable to identify the original sources, as is usually the case, state that a decision will only be made when you receive them.

2.2 Types of psychological "traps"

There is a pretty powerful psychological trap associated with the hypnosis technique. For example, you can switch the lighting in the room. In negotiations, of course, this technique is of little use. Although with the help of a sparkling pen with a gold cap, if it is rotated correctly in the hands, it is possible to put a person into a state close to a trance, thereby turning off the logical component of his brain.
You can also change the volume of the voice, play with the timbre and pitch. Professional negotiators are able to easily switch from high to low tone and vice versa. And they do it randomly, thereby driving the interlocutor into a trance, chatting him up. It may seem that the partner is talking about the case, and consciousness is losing the ability to analyze. Then the person himself does not understand how he agreed with all the arguments and signed the agreement.

2.3 How to Smooth Out Tough Negotiations

"Hard" negotiations can and even need to be translated into soft ones, especially in cases where you are aimed at long-term cooperation. Use the following methods:
Be open to the interlocutor. To translate "hard" negotiations into soft ones, you need, first of all, to be flexible and open yourself. Clearly indicate your position: perhaps this will make your interlocutor go the same way. Talk about neutral topics.
At the beginning of tense negotiations, it is sometimes useful to touch on topics that are not related to the conversation, but are interesting for the interlocutors, for example, hobbies. If you are meeting for the first time, you can tell a little about yourself and your company. Naturally, you will achieve a greater effect if you do not turn the conversation into an official presentation.
Ask for help. It is very useful to ask a partner for some kind of service. People appreciate more those they helped. It is quite appropriate to ask for something (for example, a pen and paper) before starting negotiations.
How to say no. If, as a result of negotiations, you still have to say “no”, do not get personal. Having informed the interlocutor: “We don’t sign contracts with such slow-witted people,” you will most likely gain in, etc.................

What are soft and hard negotiations in small business? With this article, I want to return to the topic of business negotiations in small business. The site has already written several articles on the topic of business negotiations. For example , . But this topic is so inexhaustible that it should be periodically returned to. In this article, I want to find out what soft and hard negotiations are.


I already wrote in that there are many types of business negotiations. And among this diversity, two main styles of negotiation can be distinguished. it soft and tough negotiation. Both of these styles have both advantages and clear disadvantages.

But, oddly enough, quite often used in business communication. And even sometimes they bring results that satisfy both parties. And although the very names of such styles - soft and hard negotiations - speak about their essence, I find it useful to understand them in more detail.

Tough business negotiations.

This style of negotiation is authoritarian, ultimatum, uncompromising. Negotiations by one or both sides are conducted from a position of strength, with an almost complete lack of flexibility and inclination to compromise. This style of negotiation pursues one main goal- win at any cost.

This style of negotiation is exactly what some authors call "Bolshevik". Indeed, the tough style of negotiations is very similar to the Bolshevik style of management and relationships, the style from a position of strength.

The essence of the hard style is the lack of flexibility, intransigence, unwillingness or inability to compromise, negotiating from a position of strength. A hard style negotiator tries to get the most out of it, he acts through pressure, threats, manipulation, sometimes just deceit. He does not make concessions, but he demands concessions from the opposite side.

Characteristic features of tough negotiations.

There are several characteristics of a tough negotiating method and tough negotiators.

1) A tough negotiator will only be satisfied if the other side fully accepts his terms.

2) A tough negotiator makes maximum demands from the very beginning and does not agree to seek compromise solutions in the future.

3) A tough negotiator sees any compromise as a sign of weakness.

4) A tough negotiator almost completely ignores the function of time, is ready to negotiate as much as necessary, until complete victory. Sometimes this style brings success in one-time transactions, but is not suitable for long-term cooperation.

5) It doesn’t matter to a tough negotiator whether he is right or not, he is not interested in the interests of the opposite side.

6) A tough negotiator often uses emotional negotiating tactics. He can move to raised tones, even screaming, rudeness. If he does not like something, he can interrupt the negotiations.

7) It is almost useless to agree on anything with a tough negotiator. He has only one point of view - his own, and only it can be correct.

8) A tough negotiator tends to increase his demands with each subsequent concession of the opposite side. Often businessmen increase their requirements for customers, suppliers, and their employees.

Of course, not everyone is capable of adhering to this style of negotiation. A tough negotiator needs strong nerves, perseverance and complete confidence in the correctness of his position. Otherwise, he may lose to the opposite side, which has these qualities to a greater extent.
A tough negotiation style can only succeed if the negotiator has real power and can negotiate from a position of strength. For example, if it is a major supplier of a product, especially if the market is not saturated with such a product. The bargaining power of the supplier will also be shown in the negotiations.

If such negotiators do not have real power, with a high degree of probability they will not achieve anything in the negotiations.

Soft business negotiations.

The soft style of business negotiations is usually characterized by concessions by one or both parties. Naturally, the soft style of negotiations contributes to the rapid conclusion of agreements, often to the detriment of their interests.

A soft style of negotiation can lead to instant gains in single trades. But with long-term cooperation, it can only work with bilateral concessions, and it turns out to be inoperative with unilateral concessions.

Representatives of the soft style of negotiations strive to be compliant and non-conflicting, make concessions even unilaterally in order to demonstrate their willingness to cooperate.

This works if the opposite side comes out from the same position. But if a tough negotiator sits on the other side of the negotiating table, then the representative of the soft style is doomed to failure in advance.

As already mentioned, a soft negotiator will seek to find a compromise in the negotiations. Usually he is not sure of the strength of his position, and therefore he will look for compromise solutions.

On the one hand, such negotiators are able to build partnerships and establish business relationships with suppliers, customers, and other businesses. On the other hand, there are very few cases when a compromise is possible unilaterally. Often there are other options - the search for mutual compromises, or a clear definition of one's position in the negotiations. In such a case, the soft negotiator will never reach his goal.

Can be distinguished characteristics soft negotiations and negotiators.

1) A soft negotiator allows you to meet the requirements of the opposite side.

2) A soft negotiator tries to find a compromise in meeting the interests of the opposite side and his own interests. Such an outcome is possible only if both parties wish.

Negotiating in a soft style is not desirable, because the meaning of negotiations is lost for one of the parties (perhaps the one you represent). If during negotiations you only care about the interests of the opposite side, there is absolutely no guarantee that the opposite side will take care of your interests in the future.

This style is more like a one-sided request, which the opposite side fulfills, sometimes neglecting their own interests.

Soft and hard negotiations. Options for their implementation.

Now let's talk about what to expect from a negotiation when soft negotiators and hard negotiators clash. There are only three options in this case.

Negotiations of two tough negotiators. Nothing good can usually be expected from such negotiations. There are two possible outcomes of such negotiations.

The first is that one of the negotiators will turn out to be tougher and more assertive, more self-confident and will force the second to break down and agree to his terms.

The second option is that both negotiators will remain unconvinced and will not achieve any results, they will scatter and blame each other for the failed negotiations.

Negotiations of two soft negotiators. Such negotiations usually end with finding a compromise solution that satisfies both parties.

But often decisions made may be disadvantageous for one of the parties, and sometimes disadvantageous for both parties.

Negotiations of a hard negotiator with a soft one. There are no options here, decisions will be made in favor of a tough negotiator. It would seem that this a good option negotiation for a tough negotiator. But more often than not, this can only be his temporary success.

Firstly, the relationship between the negotiators, in the event of such a victory, will be spoiled forever.

Secondly, the conditions of the side that conceded without a murmur may change in better side and in the future, it is quite possible that the winning side will have to bow to the loser.


In conclusion, I want to summarize what has been said. As you can see, only soft and hard negotiations usually do not lead to anything good. Yes, there are circumstances, periods in the life of small businesses, when you have to make one-sided concessions (soft style) or vice versa, resort to intransigence, defending only your interests (hard style).

But in order to achieve success in negotiations, negotiations must be conducted constructively, taking into account both one's own and others' interests.

Rules for tough negotiations

Existing tactics of tough negotiations.

The existing reality is far from a fairy tale, especially in business matters. Sometimes negotiations have to be tough enough to defend your interests. Going to such events, you must clearly understand your strengths and weaknesses, as well as what your opponent can put pressure on you. Do not forget to outline the desired result and indicate the minimum below which you are not ready to fall.

As a rule, going into business negotiations, each of the parties chooses a certain strategy: defensive or attacking. A defensive strategy is chosen when the other side is much stronger professionally and mentally. In this case, an employee who does not have the authority to make a final decision is sent for negotiations, and the right to sign remains with the higher management. The main position that should be followed in this position is to fix the bar for yourself, below which you cannot fall. Another strategy is attacking, when the advantage over the other side is obvious. As a rule, an attacking strategy is a prime example of tough business negotiations. Often, the attacking side even provokes a conflict, because. he is able to provoke the opponent's loss of control over himself, which, in turn, will make him say too much, make mistakes.

Working Tactics for Tough Negotiations two:

  • 1. Tactics of "giveaway". When you allegedly accept the point of view of the interlocutor, analyze the situation from his side and use arguments that would change his point of view, shaken confidence on a number of issues put forward.
  • 2. Tactics of "psychological comfort". When language is used during negotiations, such as "we wish your company to prosper." This makes the other side more pliable as it starts to work vanity, and ready to compromise. You can also use the greed of the opponent, when in the course of the conversation the benefit from one or another agreement reached is absolutely unfounded. A person is not able to analyze the situation on the spot and involuntarily begins to believe in his own benefit.

    There are psychological schemes of pressure when the second party's lack of education is used, and the opponent fights on the spot with an abundance of graphs and incomprehensible terms. As a rule, he is embarrassed to clarify incomprehensible points, and is forced to trust what he is told.

    The most experienced negotiators even use some schemes of hypnotic influence, when they begin to unobtrusively twist the pen (preferably with shiny elements) in front of the interlocutor, bringing him to a kind of trance. Voice change works the same way. Transitions from high to low tone make the interlocutor turn off the ability to analyze and critically assess the situation.

    By the way, psychologists, who are faced with the task of providing the patient with psychological comfort, often start the conversation rather harshly, which discourages the visitor who came for help and is waiting for compassion. It also allows you to set your own rules of the game, and not be led by the whining and complaints of the patient. And then the psychologist abruptly changes tactics and begins to show sympathy. This method works almost always, and makes the patient imbued with confidence, because. we are most grateful to people who first took a point of view opposite to ours, and then began to play on our side. This method can also be used in tough business negotiations, starting them quite aggressively, and then demonstrating respect for the opponent’s point of view, even agreeing on something, and offering to find the best way for both parties to solve the problem. Usually this tactic is the most effective, because. the other side becomes more compliant due to the fact that it is still considered, and is in a hurry to take advantage of the situation while the opponent is loyal to it.

    How to handle tough negotiations.

    If you feel that your interlocutor intends to have a tough conversation, use the following tips:

    Try to be as open as possible and immediately indicate your position. This may lead the interlocutor to do the same. Quite often business negotiations take place between the seller and the buyer. The task of one is to buy cheaper and pay better after the delivery of the goods, the task of the other is to sell more expensive and receive money in advance. In this case, the seller should honestly announce the minimum price with a minimum delay and the maximum discount when buying a product without a delay in payment. The buyer sees how much the amounts differ and chooses the cheaper option. This tactic also allows you to immediately remove all questions about the bargain, because. all minima under various conditions are named by you.

    If the negotiation format allows you to communicate on abstract topics, use this opportunity. Common interests and problems bring people together. One of my acquaintances used the football chip quite successfully: he always found a way to check how a person felt about him and, if positive, the debate ended after midnight.

    Rules for tough negotiations

    A lot depends on the ability of men to negotiate: the level of salary, relationships with superiors and colleagues, career advancement, professional growth, the level of well-being of the family, comfortable working and living conditions. Somewhere they need to be loyal, somewhere demanding. How to do it better?

    Negotiation strategy

    Step one of the negotiation strategy. Clearly define your negotiation goals, dividing them into three groups: promising (which you ideally strive to achieve), probable (not so achievable on the first try, but preferable) and mandatory (which must be achieved in any case). Also prepare template answers for possible objections.

    Step two of the negotiation strategy. Be loyal... to your advantage. This means that you must follow the strategy: "If you agree to condition A, then I will agree to condition B." Thus, both sides will compromise. And the final agreement will be adopted by the method of "concessions" by each of the participants in the negotiations. In the end, everyone wins.

    Step three of the negotiation strategy. At the end of the negotiations, be sure to summarize aloud the results of all the points on which agreement was reached. This will again help to avoid disagreements and misunderstandings. Not bad proved itself and written confirmation. In any case, this is what far-sighted and business people do.

    Negotiation Rules

    In negotiation, every little thing matters.. If you do not go into deep details, then, on the advice of experts in this industry, focus on ten essential rules that affect the outcome of negotiations.

    1) Money - which of the opponents will receive or lose how much as a result of negotiations (the principle of material return and winning situation).

    2) Time - the duration of the negotiations, based on the importance of the subject of discussion (who is willing to invest how much of their own time; employment and freedom of opponents).

    3) Knowledge and possession of information - individual knowledge, level vocational training and, as a consequence, the "value" of the subject matter.

    4) A very clear idea of ​​​​the goal - what you want to achieve from the negotiations and its clear wording.

    5) Exact knowledge of the limit of one's permissibility and the limits of possibilities - this also includes the ability to get out of any unforeseen situation, flexibility of mind, loyalty to the opponent, resourcefulness.

    6) The degree of awareness of the opposite side - to know its intentions and ultimate goals, advantages and disadvantages. If there are several opponents, then information about the difference in their views is also important.

    7) Planning and developing a line of conduct when negotiating.

    8) At the time of the conversation, do not deny everything and everything: agree with the little things and minor details, showing a firm position only on issues that are important to you.

    9) Do not guess whether you will come out the winner or the loser from the negotiations - show more inner confidence in your success.

    10) Particularly control your emotions, do not succumb to outright provocations, do not be led by feelings and control yourself.

    • the one who has more time to negotiate (that is, how much he can spend on them without harming himself and his business) has a great advantage over the rest;
    • the one who has more money is in a higher position in relation to the opponent (that is, in any case, you will have to agree with him and listen to his opinion, especially if you are financially dependent on him);
    • the one who is flexible within reason, wins more (loyalty should be “from and to”, the boundaries of what is permitted and generally accepted - this is the criterion by which you can tell yourself and others “stop” in negotiations);
    • the one who knows what can be sacrificed to the opponent, having received what he wants in return, is as close as possible to the goal (concessions on your part should be in small things, and winnings should be in significant facts).
    • Conducting tough negotiations

      If you have to conduct tough negotiations, you need to be mentally prepared for them and build your own line of behavior, down to the smallest detail, so as not to fall into the opponent’s bait or leave with nothing.

      Defense strategy in tough negotiations. It should be resorted to only when you initially know that the opponent is much stronger than you - both psychologically, and emotionally, and professionally. To do this, clearly fix yourself the parameters below which you cannot “fall”. As a rule, tough negotiations are conducted with superiors and government officials. This line of behavior is easily recognizable as businessmen who are incredibly strong in commercial matters, but weak as negotiators, when compared, for example, with politicians. With a defensive strategy, negotiations usually proceed peacefully and without obvious conflicts.

      Attack strategy in tough negotiations. Here the ability of instant orientation and unmistakable miscalculation of the correct decision is important. The conflict in it is only to your advantage, so head-on collision is a profitable strategy. It forces the opponent to lose control of the situation, and gives the negotiator the reins of emotional control and pressure. So, the opposite side may even begin to make mistakes that you use to your advantage. Usually this behavior is typical in debates. A couple of cold-blooded and balanced phrases on your part - and the "enemy" literally spit and spit with indignation, unable to object calmly and soberly. He, speaking indistinctly and a lot of superfluous, looks unsatisfactory in the eyes of others. You, sensible and calm, look against his background as a prudent and morally pure person.

      Negotiation Tactics

      Tactics mirroring when negotiating. The answer to the opponent is the same that he “sends” to you: positive - to positive, negative - to negative. It is used in negotiations of opponents equal in status.

      Negotiation tactic. In fact, conciliation in everything. It is typical for a conversation between a boss and a subordinate, as well as a broker seeking to get a good deal.

      Accession tactics in negotiation. This is showing the opponent one's identity with him: a commonality of views, positions, position, well-being, interests, and so on. Imbued with his trust and convince him of the profitability of what you want to achieve.

      Talking tactics in negotiation. This technique is used today by network merchants and promotion managers. The opponent does not even have time to open his mouth, as he is already standing with the goods offered to him, agreeing with the stranger in everything.

      Tough negotiations

      Yielding to the requests of fellow marketers (today I received another letter with a request), I will continue the topic of my own experience of tough negotiations, which I started earlier in “The Negotiator (Practice)”. Negotiations for a salesperson and marketer are an obligatory part of management business relations. Experts consider the process of negotiation to be the "edge of skill" of the manager. It is quite natural that in addition to a good knowledge of the subject of negotiations and mastering the technique of negotiating, it is necessary to be, to some extent, a psychologist and master the methodology of conducting tough (hard) negotiations.

      Only by mastering the tactics of “tough negotiations” can one understand that if a partner uses rudeness, manipulation, various tricks that are “unethical” in normal communication during negotiations, then this does not come from a lack of interest in the subject of negotiations and from disrespect for the partner personally.
      This is a tactic, nothing more! The purpose of such tactics is to obtain benefits for oneself, and a partner who surrenders “at the mercy of the winner” is a common thing, and his personal experiences and lost profits are just an excuse and a reason to learn.

      How to recognize the tactics of heavy negotiators is one of the main and perhaps the most difficult questions that marketers and salespeople regularly face. The same tactics exist for female negotiators.

      • excessive demands;
      • boor at the negotiations;
      • overestimated own value;
      • belittling the value of a partner;
      • placement of false accents;
      • hopeless situation;
      • fuzzy final conditions.

      Let's go in order.

      Excessive requirements

      Ham in negotiations

      Inflated eigenvalue

      The reception allows you to reveal the capabilities of a partner, his interest not only in you and your offer, but in the level of competence and practice of working out high-level (large, demanding) clients. The tactical technique works when the negotiating partner is below you in status and when you absolutely own the “legend”, acting skills and practice, but remember that modern methods Assessing the partner's potential will make it possible to bring to "clean water" such a "promise to buy a lot at once."

      Belittling the value of a partner

      The technique is not used to put a partner in a hopeless situation, but, like the previous one, in order to reveal the level of competence and the practice of working out high-level (large, demanding) clients.

      Arrangement of false accents

      Taking the partner away from the price inevitably leads to peace of mind, and finding out that not all of the partner's requirements can be taken into account immediately returns the negotiations to the main issue.

      Desperate situation

      Fuzzy final conditions

      This is done in order, if necessary, to interpret the agreement in their own interests, allegedly not violating it, and again and again returning to the negotiations at the moment when it will be beneficial. It is clear that such behavior can carry a very great danger.

      Rules for tough negotiations

      The reality surrounding a person is not always, so to speak, benevolent. In particular, this repents of those cases when it comes to human relationships, and, moreover, about business, because this area of ​​life is directly related to interpersonal interaction, and more specifically, to the art of negotiation.

      You are probably already familiar with some of our articles on negotiation (if not, you can read them here and here), but today we decided to delve even more deeply into this topic and talk specifically about tough negotiations.

      From time to time, a person, if he really wants to defend his interests, is forced to participate in tough negotiations, which differ from the usual ones in their sharpness, emotional intensity and special atmosphere. Before such negotiations, you need to be as accurate as possible aware of your advantages and disadvantages, as well as understand what your opponent can use against you. In addition, it is very important to have a clear goal, as well as stick to the resultant minimum, below which you simply cannot fall.

      And, first of all, it is worth talking about what the strategy and tactics of conducting tough negotiations can be.

      Tough Negotiation Strategies

      In most cases, before tough negotiations, each of the parties participating in them think over their own strategy of behavior, which can be defensive or offensive.

      A defensive strategy is relevant if the opposite side has an advantage in some way, for example, psychologically or professionally.

      An offensive strategy, in turn, is chosen when there is a clear advantage over the opposite side. And it is this strategy that is the most striking example of tough negotiations. As a rule, the advancing side itself provokes the emergence of conflict situations, because through this, it is possible to ensure that the opponent loses self-control, as a result of which he can make a lot of mistakes or say something that should not be said.

      As for the tactics of conducting tough negotiations, there can also be two of them.

      Tough Negotiation Tactics

      There are two main tactics for conducting tough negotiations - this is the “Giveaway” tactic and the “Psychological comfort” tactic.

      The “giveaway” tactic consists in the fact that one of the opponents assumes the point of view of the second, analyzes the current situation from his position of perception and operates with such arguments that can affect this position of his, as well as shake his confidence in the proposed and put forward by him questions and conclusions.

      The tactic "Psychological comfort" involves the use of language in the negotiation process, the meaning of which is that "We wish you only the best." This approach allows you to make the opponent more pliable and prone to making concessions due to the fact that qualities such as vanity, a sense of self-importance and significance, etc., begin to leap up in him. Also here, his greed is used against the opponent, because you can absolutely unreasonably promise him all sorts of benefits that he will receive from an agreement that suits you. A very important psychological moment begins to operate here, when a person (or a group of people-opponents) is not able to properly assess the situation, and, without noticing it, begins to believe in the reality of his own benefit.

      Among other things, there are also such psychological methods of influence in which the insufficient competence of the opposite side is used, and the opponent himself is discouraged by a huge number of various terms, names, official data, etc. In many cases, in order not to show his lack of education, he will not clarify all these incomprehensible points, and will be forced to believe in what he is told.

      The most experienced communicators can even use hypnotic methods, such as NLP techniques, which put the interlocutor into a kind of trance state. Here, techniques such as changing the timbre of the voice, framing, anchoring, mirroring and others can be used. All this can affect the mind of the opponent so much that he simply loses the ability to analyze and critically assess the situation.

      It is also necessary to mention that in some cases negotiators resort to such a technique: initially they start the conversation as harshly as possible, which is why the interlocutor simply plunges into shock (this is done in order to impose their own rules of the game on the opponent). And after the desired intermediate result is achieved, they radically change their tactics, starting to show sympathy, compassion, understanding, etc. At this stage, the opponent subconsciously imbued with trust and "unfolds" in the right direction. The reason for this is that people often experience a peculiar feeling of gratitude towards those who initially held a different point of view - the opposite of them, and then began to share their point of view.

      The presented method is very effective in tough negotiations: they can be started extremely aggressively, and then resorted to showing respect for someone else's position, partial agreement with the opponent's arguments and suggesting the most optimal way for both parties to solve the problem. This tactic is considered to be extremely effective. the enemy becomes more pliable and compliant, seeing that he is respected, and seeks to use for himself the temporary loyalty of the initially aggressive side.

      However, the productivity of tough negotiations depends not only on the ability to use the aforementioned strategies and tactics. It is very important to be able to apply a number of special techniques that regulate behavior during tough negotiations. What are these tricks?

      Rules of conduct in tough negotiations

      Here we can highlight the five most effective rules of conduct in tough negotiations.

      First: From the very beginning of tough negotiations, you should be as open as possible and immediately clearly define your position. Thanks to this, you can achieve a similar behavior of the opponent.

      Second: In the event that the negotiation format allows communication on extraneous topics, this opportunity should be used, because nothing brings people together like the presence of common interests or problems. In the process of communicating on the topic of something completely abstract, you can not only have a pleasant conversation, but also come to a solution to the issue in the best way possible.

      Third: Many people are afraid to ask for help. However, such a move can easily disarm even the most aggressive opponent. Given the peculiarities of the psyche of most people, it is likely that you will not be refused. Moreover, it does not matter what the reason will be: fear of losing one's own significance, compassion, or a subconscious desire to help. You can start with something quite banal, for example, with a request to borrow a pen or give a piece of paper.

      Fourth: In no case should you allow your opponent to manipulate you or put pressure on you. Even a direct indication to the interlocutor that he begins to "go too far" is allowed. However, it is important not to forget to turn the conversation on a positive note, because the purpose of the negotiations is not mutual accusations, but the search for a solution to the problem. Your opponent will not be able to manipulate you only if you constantly maintain awareness and self-control.

      Fifth: Learn to refuse correctly. Even if the negotiations began to resemble a conflict and do not bode well, it is absolutely impossible to get personal or offend. The most effective way to say goodbye to an opponent in such a situation is to admit that you are solely responsible for the negotiation failure. You can also point out that it is your ability to reach an understanding that does not allow, but in the future you do not mind discussing common problems again.

      Of course, the topic of tough negotiations is far from being exhausted by the information that we tried to convey to you. This topic is very broad, and you can devote more than one page to the analysis of all its subtleties and nuances. But, in any case, the recommendations presented can significantly improve your negotiating skills and achieve the required results when interacting with other people.

      Maximum Benefit: The Secrets to Tough Negotiations

      Let's talk about tough negotiations. Down with hypocritical strategies for finding a mutually beneficial compromise! You need everything, at once and on the best conditions for you! This is the only law of real business, and everything else was invented by the managers of large companies to make it easier to manipulate novice businessmen.

      Well, this statement does not correspond to your ideas about the "high" principles of conducting modern business? At least now you know what reality is, and this is already a step towards survival. Business is war. War with everyone: you fight with competitors for the market, fight for the attention of customers, fight even with your own staff, trying to buy the maximum value for the minimum money. It is foolish in such conditions to play by the rules set by others. Even if these rules are outwardly extremely attractive and supported by most of society. After all, you are the one who runs the business, not them, and if you lose business while striving to be ethical, then this society is unlikely to lend you a helping hand. So let's leave the "sugar" prejudices, you have only one life, live it according to your own scenario and rules (but no one has canceled the nine commandments).

      Let's return to the strategy of conducting tough negotiations. This approach works best with companies that you know are most interested in you. Whoever needs the contract more is more vulnerable, and therefore susceptible to manipulation. So here's the first tip for you: make detailed inquiries about a possible partner. This will allow you to build a future pressure strategy and calculate the maximum concessions that can be achieved.

      Once you have a complete understanding of the state of affairs in the other party's company, you are ready to meet. Strive to always hold it on your territory, this will give you a serious moral advantage. It is also advisable to schedule the meeting you are interested in at the end of the working day, when your interlocutor is expected to be tired, and therefore more pliable (most importantly, do not forget to have a good rest yourself before the negotiations). It's great if several of your strong specialists are put up against one representative of the opposite side. In this case, even a well-prepared opponent will find it difficult to withstand the crossfire of questions from several professionals.

      Do not underestimate the impact that such a seemingly banal thing as the arrangement of tables in a meeting room has on the outcome of negotiations.

      So, the first meeting of possible partners. Ideally, the owner of the counterparty’s company should be present at the meeting, while only one of the top managers from your side (in this case, after developing preliminary agreements, you have a reason to play for time - “you need to submit the agreement for approval to the Boss”).

      There are several strategies for manipulating the interlocutor.

      In the first case, your task is to make the interlocutor feel uncomfortable, which will not allow him to concentrate sufficiently on the terms of the contract. To achieve the desired impact, you can use a deliberately dismissive tone (natural enough for representatives of very large companies who are used to increased interest in themselves from smaller firms). Another, more cultural way to confuse the interlocutor is demonstrative indifference and neutrality. If it's backed up by flawless appearance, expensive costume and correct speech, then the enemy’s inferiority complex is in most cases provided. And this is fertile ground for the start of negotiations.

      However, this strategy is not effective in all cases. Often there are individuals who, in response to the negative, take an aggressive-defensive position, which leads the negotiations to a dead end. If your interlocutor belongs to this type of people, then you should go the other way. Make him feel comfortable and relaxed. A friendly tone, relaxed atmosphere, attention and the appearance of personal interest in the results of negotiations can do more than harsh dictates. Make it clear right away that you are interested in working with this company. Picture in the other person's mind grandiose mega-orders, the benefits of strategic alliances, and new joint projects. As soon as he thinks about what prospects this contract opens up for his future career (if he is not the owner after all) and / or recalculates the amount of income received, be sure - he is yours! You will receive the best offer possible at the moment. It's time to end the meeting and move on to the next step.

      Now take your time. In tough negotiations, when big money is at stake, the one with the larger negotiating budget wins. Let me know after a while that for final approval it is necessary to meet with the head of your Saratov representative office, for example, and he is waiting for your partner tomorrow at one in his office in Saratov. After the meeting in Saratov, it is necessary to obtain the approval of the St. Petersburg branch. You may have to meet there a couple of times with a break of a week.

      Do you feel what's going on? Your partner is already starting to invest his time and money (flight tickets and accommodation in another city) in a project that has not even been approved yet. The more significant funds he invests in this contract, the more important it will be for him to receive a contract.

      In parallel, you can start working with its competitors to reduce the price of the order. The fact that someone else is interested in this order can be hinted to the counterparty at the first meeting. The following unobtrusive trick is quite effective: you ask to check off on a sheet with a list of the terms of the contract you are interested in those items that his company can fulfill. At the same time, there is one subtlety: there are already someone's notes on this sheet. The natural conclusion that your potential partner will make is that such conditions have already been discussed with competitors and, therefore, it is necessary to offer really favorable conditions in order not to miss the order.

      At the approval stage under consideration, you can take the path of open work with all competitors, trying to push them against each other in the fight for your order. But this is the case if you really want to place a large order on the most ideal conditions.
      Often, all you need to do is purchase a limited amount of product for your affiliate, but at mega-shipping prices. In this case, we will continue the tactics of fighting budget negotiations. So, your partner has already invested a lot of money in coordinating negotiations at all levels. Now he not only needs a contract - he needs it! It's time for the final meeting with the main Boss. Let it be in Moscow, for example (if you live in the region), additional expenses will not hurt.

      At the final meeting, it "suddenly turns out" that your company's plans have changed, and in reality you can only sign a contract for 1/10 of the volumes of purchases discussed at the beginning, of course, at previously agreed prices. Moreover, you are ready to sign the contract right now, and transfer the money to the account of the counterparty literally tomorrow.

      So, you've cornered your partner. He has invested too much energy and money in this treaty to refuse it. There is practically no chance to convince the Boss that the previously agreed prices apply only to very large orders, and if there were, he is unlikely to be ready to go through all the “hellish” circles of negotiations again: there is neither financial nor moral strength. He has only one way out - to agree to all your conditions.

      Contract signed. Curtain.

      P.S. And the last tip. Be careful, you may also be in a less advantageous position. In a crisis, vigilance is blunted, and the desire to conclude a contract at any cost is growing.
      But do you need THIS price?

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