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Specialty: 270112 "Water supply and sanitation"Specialization: "Protection of the hydrosphere and water ecology"

Qualification: engineer

Forms of study: full-time (5 years), part-time (5 years, 10 months)

Graduating department: Water supply and sanitation

Entrance exams: Russian language (USE);

Mathematics (USE);

Physics (USE)

The aggravation of water shortage puts it on a par with other key resources - such as oil, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, natural gas. Already in five, maximum ten years for Russia, the export of water can become a reality. Our country has enough opportunities for this. And many of our neighbors have water needs.

According to the international forum "Clean Water 2009", by 2030 the demand for fresh water in the world will exceed supply by 40%. About a third of the world's population will have access to only half of the water resources they need.

According to the above forecast and with the development of engineering infrastructure, as well as taking into account the unique features of the Volga-Caspian region, the demand for specialists in water supply and sanitation systems will increase sharply in 5-10 years.

“Construction may stop, the economy may collapse, clean water will be needed by everyone and always.”

Our health depends on the quality of the water we drink. From the source to the consumer, before becoming potable, water goes through a long and difficult path of preparation. Even more challenging is the treatment of wastewater before it is released into a surface water body.

Young men and women who entered and received a higher professional education in the AISI specialty VV will be able to solve any technical problems of drinking and polluted water purification, solutions environmental issues reservoirs, preparation of water for the population and industrial enterprises, pools, landscaping fountains. To date, specialists in engineering systems of explosives are in demand in various sectors of the national economy: construction sites, in design and research institutes, in environmental organizations, housing and communal services, control and audit services, at industrial enterprises and in the agricultural complex.

The role of engineers specializing in explosives will increase every year due to the growing shortage of fresh water, the introduction modern systems water purification and development of energy and resource saving technologies.

The Department of VV has modern laboratories and a good material and technical base necessary for obtaining deep knowledge in this specialty. In training, new original methods are used. Students get acquainted with the latest innovative developments of Russian and foreign specialists. Together with the leading teachers of the department, they participate in the development of innovative projects, participate in international conferences, competitions and grants (In 2009, a 5th year student won a grant under the U.M.N.I.K. program - 200 thousand rubles). During the educational process, excursions to the existing water supply and sanitation facilities are organized.

Our graduates are employed in their specialty as design engineers, estimators, programmers, technologists, chiefs in leading organizations of the region and the city of Astrakhan.

List of disciplines.

1. Integrated use of water resources - solving practical problems of a comprehensive assessment of natural water reserves and predicting their condition, developing measures to reduce unproductive water losses and designing structures to protect water sources from depletion, pollution and clogging.

2. Water chemistry and microbiology - the processes that affect the chemical and microbiological composition of natural, drinking, waste and underground water are studied. Methods are calculated for the purification of natural, drinking, waste and underground water from chemical and microbiological pollution, namely, heavy metals, surfactants, biogenic elements of oil products and their derivatives, pathogenic microflora, etc.

3. Monitoring, forecasting and management of water quality - methods for forecasting and managing the quality of water used for the needs of various sectors of the national economy, as well as methods for monitoring water sources are being studied.

4. Water supply of industrial enterprises - schemes, methods and technologies for treating water used by enterprises in various sectors of the national economy are being studied.

5. Introduction to the specialty - the main issues are studied, aimed at improving the state of engineering systems for water supply and sanitation, as well as environmental protection and rational use natural resources

6. Water supply - schemes, methods and technologies for purifying water used for drinking purposes are being studied.

7. Rational integrated water purification systems - schemes, methods and technologies for water purification for rational use in the national economy are being studied.

8. Simulation of technological processes, wastewater and treatment Wastewater– methods for calculating and modeling technological processes of water purification used in explosive systems are being studied.

9. Research work of students - the study of the basic techniques and methods for conducting a patent search, preparing and conducting experimental work, creating useful models and installations, etc.

10. Drainage systems of industrial enterprises - schemes, methods and technologies for treating wastewater from industrial enterprises in various sectors of the national economy are being studied.

11. Acceptance and adjustment of explosive systems - the basic requirements for the receipt and adjustment of explosive systems are studied.

12. Hydraulics of explosive systems - all the main dynamic processes that take place in explosive systems are studied.

13. Hydraulic basics of calculations of explosive systems - the methods of the basis of calculations of explosive systems are being studied.

14. Reconstruction of engineering systems and structures - the main methods and technologies for the reconstruction of engineering systems and structures for water supply and sanitation are being studied.

15. Sanitary equipment of buildings - the main methods and technologies for calculating and designing water supply and sanitation systems for buildings and structures are studied, taking into account their design features.

16. Design business - the basics of designing engineering systems for water supply and sanitation are being studied.

17. Operation of explosive systems - the main regulations for the control and operation of explosive systems.

18. Treatment of natural and sewage sludge - the main schemes, methods and technologies for the treatment of natural and sewage sludge are being studied.

19. Pumps and blower stations - under study pump equipment for pumping wastewater at treatment plants and pumping equipment for supplying air to wastewater treatment facilities.

21. Hydraulics - the laws of motion of dropping liquids and gases, the equilibrium of liquids and the ways of applying these laws to solving problems of engineering practice are studied.

22. Drainage and wastewater treatment - the basic schemes, methods, technologies for calculating and designing systems for sewerage of household and storm sewage in settlements are being studied.

Is water supply and sanitation a normal profession for girls? and got the best answer

Answer from Tolik Panarin[guru]
Yes. You will work at Vodokanal or at a design institute. Even in the housing department.
I work with such a specialty in the oil industry, at a design institute.
Tolik Panarin
And what kind of profession?

Answer from lf[guru]
Specialty "Water supply and sanitation" Important academic subjects - sanitation, water supply, hydraulic structures, treatment and quality control of natural and waste water, pumping and blowing stations, water chemistry and microbiology. Students are taught to develop technologies and design elements of water supply and sanitation systems, operate networks and facilities, perform work on the treatment of natural and waste water and control quality indicators, repair and adjust systems of cold and hot water supply, heating, sewerage. popular professions in this specialty - a plumber, electric and gas welder, pipeline fitter. The first is engaged in locksmith work - metal cutting, marking, threading, assembly. During the construction of buildings, a plumber performs all installation work on the arrangement of heating, water supply and sewerage systems. An electric and gas welder using a welding machine welds pipelines, metal, various structures and mechanisms, parts of machines and objects. Prospects The level of qualification in professions within this specialty varies from 2nd to 6th category. The salary also depends on the level of the professional. Plumbers are in demand at every construction site, in every large house management, at every large enterprise and in an institution, they earn from 25 to 60 thousand rubles. Installers of plumbing fixtures and equipment and installers of external pipelines have about the same salary. These specialists need to be prepared to work far from sterile conditions and often knee-deep in water.

Answer from Mashka (cr)[guru]
Sister in this profession. Something in the "compass" draws and travels to all sorts of objects, coordinates something, within the city. I don't know more. She is at the factory.

Answer from MAFIA[guru]
The normal option is here, this profession helps a lot in the future, I think you will like this option, I wish you good luck.


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