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According to statistics, Russians most often go to Germany and Spain, Israel and Italy, the Czech Republic, Greece and the United States in search of work. There are those wishing to work in New Zealand and Australia. Those who come not on a work visa, but “at random”, in Russian, have a difficult time - unskilled labor is not paid that high. But even qualified specialists do not eat honey with spoons - re-certification is required for most professions.

Who can get a job abroad, and what salaries do they lure Russians?


They remain in high demand in many countries. Among them: Austria and Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Hong Kong and Germany, Ireland, India, Hungary, New Zealand and Norway, Slovenia, Singapore and Slovakia.

average salary - 44000-57000 $ / year.

  • For example, in Australia, nurses are needed in surgical and psychiatric departments. The higher the knowledge of the language, the richer the experience, the greater the chances of employment.
  • Great Britain is no less strongly interested in these workers, in which this specialty is classified as “prestigious” and is very well paid.
  • In the US (especially in resort states), nurses are paid about $69,000/year. In Sweden - 600-2000 euros / month (depending on the availability of a certificate).
  • In Denmark - from 20,000 crowns (about 200,000 rubles / month).
  • Well, in Austria, health workers everywhere are honored and respected. Many people dream of entering the medical faculty there precisely because of the high earnings.


These specialists (in different areas) are needed almost all countries of the world .

From all industries most actively recruited in the automotive industry, in the oil and gas industry, in the aerospace industry.

For example, in the Austrian list of vacancies for mechanics, technicians and other engineers, there are 23 specialties, including even specialists in cooling and heating systems. And thanks to the new employment system, the chances of potential foreign workers have increased significantly.

As for salary , its average size is about $43,000/year.

  • The salary of an engineer in Germany is about 4,000 euros / month, and after 6-7 years of work - all 5,000-6,000 euros.
  • You can also try your luck in the USA, Slovenia, Emirates.

Preference in different countries of the world, of course, is given to people with experience, education, knowledge modern systems, hardware and PC, as well as subject to free possession of at least English language. Knowing the language of the country will be a key advantage.

Invariably, highly specialized specialists with more than 2 years of experience and with a diploma of 2nd higher education are in special demand.


In most countries of the world, you will have to confirm your diploma, pass testing and recertification. And in the USA or Canada, you will also have to work in residency for 2-7 years (note - like our residency). But then you can live happily ever after and enjoy your salary.

In the countries described above, it is from 250,000 to 1 million $/year.

In Germany, a doctor can count on $63,000/year, and in New Zealand, anesthesiologists, surgeons, psychologists, and physiotherapists are very welcome, who are paid from $59,000/year. In Finland, dentists and maxillofacial surgeons are required, and in Denmark it is so bad with doctors that they will even help with the legalization of a foreign diploma.

IT sphere and computer technologies

Nowadays, these specialists are required almost everywhere. From system engineers and analysts to database administrators, directly to programmers and website developers.

In principle, these specialists make good money in Russia, but if you want more, then pay attention, for example, to vacancies offered for computer security specialists. They do earn fantastic salaries (over $100,000/year) and are required in all developed countries.

Don't forget about taxes though. In particular, in the same USA, 40% will be deducted from your salary, and in Europe - about 30% with an income of $ 55,000 / year.

Of course, being just a "cool hacker" is not enough. English should bounce off your teeth. That is, you have to practically think on it.


Well, of course, there is an eternal shortage of specialists in this area. True, this is due to their career growth, and not to the lack of teachers.

How much pay? In European countries (Germany, England, Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands), a teacher's salary is 2500-3500 euros / month, in Luxembourg - more than 5000 euros / month.

Up to 2500 euros per month will be received by a teacher in France, Finland, Italy and Slovenia, Portugal and Norway. And in Estonia, the Czech Republic or Poland, even less - about 750 euros.

To work abroad you can not do without international certificate(note - EFL, TEFL, ESL, TESL and TESOL), with which you will settle down anywhere.

And don't forget about Asia (Korea, Japan, etc.)! The teachers there are well paid.


According to this “specialty”, most often foreigners are taken in Turkey and Egypt, in Spain / Italy and in Tunisia.

The work is hard (albeit at a resort), very exhausting, and Bad mood prohibited and unacceptable.

speak English you owe it perfectly. And if you also know German, French and Italian, then there will be no price for you.

Salary… small. But stable. About 800 euros/month. For an animator with experience - 2200 euros / month.

By the way, Russian animators at the most famous resorts are preferred for their ingenuity, mobility, talent - to ignite the audience and involve them in the game.

Truck drivers

Nothing is impossible for this profession.

Our stern Russian trucker will easily find a job in almost any European country if he has an “E” category license, perfectly “spreads” in spoken English and has completed a 2-month internship.

How much money? The trucker receives 1300-2000 $/month.


One of the most popular and demanded professions in many countries.

In Russia, lawyers are a wagon and a cart, but there is nowhere to work. And in some states, a qualified lawyer - even in the afternoon with fire, as they say ...

For example, in Italy, these are the richest people in the country. Most of all, auto lawyers, notaries (with an income of more than 90,000 euros / year), and divorce specialists are in demand there. So, if you are a lawyer, have studied the language and laws of Italy, and crave the sea and a big salary, it’s time for you to go south.


Always a popular profession. And everywhere.

In Germany, for example (if you speak German) tilers and installers, masons and interior fitters are needed.

Salary: from 2500 euros - for specialists, 7-10 euros / hour - for auxiliary workers and unskilled personnel.

  • In Finland they pay well only for large companies, regularly increasing earnings - in a month you can earn about $ 3,000.
  • In Poland, you will find a job with difficulty (strong competition) and for 2-3 euros / hour.
  • In Sweden, you can earn about 2,700 euros / month, and in Norway - 3,000.


They are expected in the following countries: Australia, Canada and Finland, New Zealand, Ireland and India, Slovenia, Singapore, Norway, Sweden.

The shortage of pharmacists is now acutely felt almost all over the world - both in large reputable companies and in small pharmacies.

Salary can reach $95,000/year.


The demand for this profession is also great around the world. And even in Russia. True, we pay much less.

In Ireland, there are few vacancies and many restrictions (note - age 18-36 years old, English / language, etc.), and the salary is about $ 250 / week.

In the USA, a nanny earns about $350/week from the age of 21, and perfect English is not required, because most often our nannies get a job with people from Russia or the former USSR.

In an English-speaking family, you can (with knowledge of the language and the availability of water / rights) earn up to $ 500 / week.

  • A nanny's salary in Israel is no more than $170/week.
  • In Spain/Italy - about $120 (35-50 years).
  • In Cyprus - no more than $ 70 / week.
  • In Greece - about $100.
  • In Portugal - no more than $ 200 / week, but for two with a husband (they hire married couples).


In the banking sector, experienced professionals are needed everywhere. And, if you can boast of a profile diploma and an excellent knowledge of the language, then you are expected in all developed countries of Europe - for risk assessment, for making forecasts, for analyzing company data, etc.

As for salary , you will earn an income of 3000 euros / month (on average).

It is better to start conquering the foreign economic Olympus from Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

And in Ireland, you can get a job as an accountant even if you do not own international / accounting standards.


To find this vacancy, you do not even need to go to an interview - it will be held by phone.

Another thing is the license. Sometimes, to get it, you have to fly to exams (approx. - in English / language!) To another country.

In the absence of proper experience, crewing companies usually offer solid contracts in terms of time - up to 9-10 months. Moreover, a foreigner does not have to rely on a permanent contract - only a temporary one.

Maximum salary , for example, an old mech - $ 500 / day (with a good combination of circumstances and a long contract), but most often average earnings our seafarer abroad is about 1600-4000 $/month, depending on qualifications.

Most often, "our brother" can be found in Norway, where Russian specialists are valued.

On a note: reputable companies do not advertise vacancies on the Internet. Last resort - on personal sites.

Unskilled labor

Farm work.

This "hack" abroad is (not very high, by the way) in demand among our students, who want to see the world and earn money for a new iPhone.

As a rule, in this job you have to pick vegetables, berries or flowers somewhere in Sweden, England, Denmark or Poland for 600-1000 $ / month. True, you will have to work 10-12 hours a day with one day off.

And without knowledge of English, you will not even be hired to dig up potatoes.

And in Denmark, you can get a job as a laborer on a farm for 3,500 euros / month.

home assistant

In other words, a servant.

The easiest way to get a job in this very dusty job is in the USA, England, Germany and Canada. Meals and accommodation are paid, of course, by the employer.

You will be given a day off once a week (and even then not always), and the income depends on many factors (place of stay, knowledge of the language, country, etc.), on average - from 700 to 2500 $ / month.

And most importantly, note:

Whatever the reasons for your going to work abroad, pack your bags only after signing a contract or on a work visa. Private invitations can result in the absence of a salary, and sometimes even more serious consequences.

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With a strong education system, good working conditions and numerous job opportunities, the country has become popular among foreigners as a place to study and later start a career. However, along with all the pluses, there is also a fly in the ointment - a huge competition among graduates for jobs.

Getting a demanded specialty in the UK is the main component of success. Educational has compiled a list of professions and educational institutions that keep pace with the times and are in demand.

Financial Manager

Medium wage: 68 thousand pounds per year.

The exit of England from the European Union provoked a large number of changes that are already being made and will still be made to accounting in enterprises. Another market factor fueling the demand for financial experts is the attractiveness of UK businesses for foreign investment. The number of mergers and acquisitions will grow, and this will allow professionals with the appropriate education and competencies to remain in value.

We solve it easily at The University of Glasgow. The Accounting and Finance program gives students a solid understanding of how the business world works and how to build a career in financial services. Academic plan accredited by the main professional bodies - ICAS, ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA and CIPFA - which is indicative for employers.

data analyst

Annual income: 45 thousand. pounds.

Any organization in modern conditions must collect, analyze and securely store a huge number of indicators, so the growing importance of analysts for business is understandable. The enterprise depends on accurate information for making strategic decisions, which is derived from the rapidly growing amount of input data received by computers.

Meeting these challenges requires the current generation of analysts with the knowledge effective methods data analysis: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). The popularity of the specialty is due to its applied potential in finance, medicine, biology and environmental science.


The Master's course at the University of East Anglia offers an excellent platform for career development in analytics and taught by renowned Data Mining researchers in the UK. It is built on theoretical and practical elements, during the development of which students become familiar with data mining and statistical software.

Annual income: 66 thousand rubles pounds.

The specialty is suitable for those who want to combine IT with elements of a leadership role. A technical architect oversees small and large IT projects from start to finish and helps bring them to life. He acts as a liaison between designers and developers and participates in discussions about the company's strategy.

The candidate is set a high bar for interdisciplinary aspects. This is due to the fact that the work combines technical and managerial elements. Extensive and up-to-date knowledge of software applications and hardware, as well as quality standards, legislation and best practices in the IT industry, will be required.

For a diploma, you can go to the University of Westminster. The undergraduate program at the university is focused on three main areas - software development, computer and embedded systems. She will talk about modern computers and embedded microprocessors, their structure and design.

HR policy specialist

Average salary: 50k pounds.

As the unemployment rate falls, the demand for HR increases, because someone has to look for the labor force and maintain the accepted personnel policy. To work in HR, it is important to be able and love to interact with people. For competent processing of external and internal requests, you will need organizational skills and possession of special psychological techniques.

Employers are interested in the HR employee being able to organize the involvement of other employees in business processes and keep them in their place. Salary for this position is highly dependent on experience and industry.


Anglia Ruskin University helps build a link between self-determination and society and gain a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, then apply this information to business. Faculty of Arts, Law and social sciences a new subject for study appeared - psychosocial research.

The modules cover the basics of sociology, social and medical psychology, psychoanalysis; instill the ability to explore and analyze complex information, argue in a structured way and challenge "accepted" thinking. All this will come in handy if the student plans to build a career in the field of personnel management.

Site Manager

Annual income: 45 thousand. pounds.

The significant number of infrastructure projects that the government has taken over since Brexit ensure that the industry will remain on the rise in the coming years. Along with ordinary workers, experts with a specialized academic background will also be in demand.

The manager assumes organizational, technical and supervisory functions in construction. As part of the management team, he is partially responsible for security and the organization of material and human resources. His task is to transform plans construction site implementation and communication with subcontractors.

For those who in their childhood folded houses from pillows and chairs, and then received a bachelor's degree in a similar profile, the master's course "Construction Project Management" at Robert Gordon University has been developed. It is aimed at professional development and development of managerial and leadership qualities necessary for effective management.

Website/mobile developer

Average salary: 34.5–52.5 thousand rubles pounds in year.

Technology, communications and consumer electronics are rapidly evolving, and computer systems already play a central role in our daily interactions. It is assumed that the effect of achievements in artificial intelligence and robotics in the next 5-10 years will transform the labor market. The demand for experts in these matters is growing, so good website developers and mobile applications will be able to earn in England on "bread and butter".

Brunel University graduates receive the most high salaries nationally compared to graduates from other universities, according to statistics from The Economist (2017). And freshly baked bachelors in the specialty "Development computer systems» also get jobs in prestigious companies: BBC, Virgin Airways, Opodo, Philips, Siemens and others.

Annual income: from 40 thousand rubles. pounds.

The gaps in the engineering sector are palpable. Aging work force baby boomers will retire by 2025, and the pool of talent to replace them is very small. Even with the increase in the overall student population, there will be a shortage of graduate engineers. To solve this problem, England imports labor personnel from other countries. So now is the time to get into the game.

It is easy to acquire a technical background at the University of Liverpool, which is rightly called the center of excellence in engineering studies. His Laboratory active learning- one of the largest and best equipped in Europe. It includes two scientific and experimental simulators with uninterrupted movement, wind turbines, a water boiler, a robotics complex and more. The bonus is the prospect of a one-year internship in China.

Business analyst

Annual income: 41 thousand. pounds.

Business process optimization started a long time ago, but thanks to globalization and the improvement of digital technologies, it continues today. Business analysts who are able to find new ways for the development of the company are in a winning position in foggy Albion.

For successful employment, it is preferable to have higher education in finance, economics or accounting. Analytical skills and knowledge of data processing systems are welcome.


Nuances accounting and finance will be taught at Cass Business School, one of five schools in the City, University of London. In addition to the mandatory modules, students annually choose a number of additional ones, among which are business forecasting or corporate Social responsibility. In addition, you can spend one year of study in partner institutions in other countries.

Annual income: 47.5 thousand rubles pounds.

To succeed in this business, you need to have an education relevant to the chosen field, and excellent communication, strategic and organizational skills. Thanks to the wide coverage of sectors, there are many interesting offers on the market.

If there is no bachelor's degree, but there are at least two years of employment with the duties of a project manager and a desire to grow professionally, then we go the other way. Robert Gordon University teaches a 9-month project management course that provides a complete overview of the practices and concepts in this matter. It is suitable for employees working in the field of oil and gas, information technologies, commerce, healthcare and energy.

A candidate with a first degree in another discipline may take a course to deepen their own knowledge and advance in career ladder and get a certificate. Business School educational institution Aberdeen Business School is nationally and international level for corporate and management programs.


Marketing Manager

Average salary: £45,000 a year.

As the UK economy picks up, there are more interesting options in marketing too. This profession allows you to work in any industrial sector, from financial services and consumer goods to mechanical engineering and engineering. The key task is to understand the current and potential behavior of customers and develop marketing plan for a product or brand.

Learning all the marketing know-how a company really needs and getting started in this creative, fast-paced field is easy after an undergraduate degree at Anglia Ruskin University. At the end of the course, there is also the opportunity to obtain a professional CIM qualification, which is valued by employers around the world.

The material was prepared by Nadezhda Ozonyuk together with specially for the site.

Often they want to start building their career there. In this case, a well-founded question arises - which specialties are the most in demand and highly paid in the UK.

Of course, the decisive factor in choosing a profession is not a banal race for profit. Many of us dream of realizing our abilities in certain area, and some even in childhood are aware of their destiny. But, nevertheless, the ratings are of interest to everyone. And foreign students planning to get an education in British universities should take into account that the competition for more popular professions in the UK will be quite large.

It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the British education system. The future applicant should decide who he wants to be in the future 2 years before graduation, before entering the A-level program. That is, in fact, track the ratings of the most sought-after professions in the United Kingdom - necessary condition successful preparation for admission.

Statistical data on highly paid British professions

The company Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings has published the results of analytics, which display the average annual income of UK residents. Based on this information, a list of British professions that bring the highest income was compiled - which helped to assess the overall financial position certain professionals in the country.

Rating of prestigious professions at the end of 2015

1. The leaders of the list of the most profitable professions in the UK are brokers (currency, investment, insurance, foreign exchange, etc.). The minimum wage for these professionals is £40,668 and the average annual salary before taxes is £128,231/year.

2. The second place is taken by top managers of companies, civil servants of the fifth grade, directors of clinics, etc. Their average salary before taxes is 122,967 pounds / year, and the minimum is 38,686 pounds / year.

3. The directors of marketing, finance and economics won the bronze. The average salary of such specialists is 89,933 pounds per year, and the minimum income per year is 35,378 pounds / year.

4. Pilots, crew members, as well as staff, including engineers, flight instructors, etc. The average salary of "conquerors of the sky" is 87,474 pounds / year, while the minimum ranges from 64,250-96,778 pounds / year (depending on position) .

5. Medical practitioners (internists, surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians and general practice) receive an annual average (before taxes) of £80,628/year, and their minimum wage is £33,174/year.

6. Lawyers, including all legal professionals, earn a steady average annual income of £80,578.

7. Air traffic controllers. They did not fall into point 4, but they may have more income than other employees in this field. This is a very rare and very responsible profession, the salary here is high - 77,220 pounds per year, and the minimum income is 63,344 pounds / year.

8. Someone probably expected to see this profession at the very top of the list, but the reality is this. CIOs earn an average of £70,970/year, and their minimum wage is £40,549/year.

But, of course, the ratings should not influence your choice too much. After all, success can be achieved in any field. Good salary get true pros in various fields of activity: designers, chefs, design engineers, choreographers, etc.

Rankings of the best and worst jobs in the UK

Apart from financial factor Analysts often research careers in terms of working conditions, stress levels, and future career prospects.

In particular, CareerCast ranked the worst and most best professions, which can be selected in the UK. The list is based on a social survey, during which various factors were taken into account.

The results are rather unexpected.

Worst Professions 2016

  1. News reporter;
  2. lumberjack;
  3. Live broadcast host
  4. disc jockey;
  5. Warrior-contractor;
  6. Rodent and Pest Control Officer;
  7. Retailer;
  8. Advertising space sales manager;
  9. Taxi driver;
  10. Fireman.

If you were surprised by the list above, then the list below may make many people smile. Who would have thought?

Best Professions 2016

  1. Data Analyst;
  2. Employee of the statistics department;
  3. Information Security Analyst;
  4. Otolaryngologist / Audiologist;
  5. Operator of ultrasonic diagnostic equipment;
  6. Mathematician;
  7. Software Engineer;
  8. Computer system analyst;
  9. Speech therapist;
  10. Insurance Accounts Specialist.

We hope that you will use this information to your advantage in the near future. And if you have already made your choice, then you may be interested in a world in which the universities of the UK occupy a very high position.

Choosing a specialty in the UK: ranking of professions updated: May 11, 2019 by: Annie Krasova

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With a strong education system, good working conditions and numerous job opportunities, the country has become popular among foreigners as a place to study and later start a career. However, along with all the pluses, there is also a fly in the ointment - a huge competition among graduates for jobs.

Getting a demanded specialty in the UK is the main component of success. Educational agency STAR Academy has compiled a list of professions and educational institutions that keep up with the times and are in demand.

Financial Manager

Average salary: £68,000 a year.

The exit of England from the European Union provoked a large number of changes that are already being made and will still be made to accounting in enterprises. Another market factor fueling the demand for financial experts is the attractiveness of British businesses for foreign investment. The number of mergers and acquisitions will grow, and this will allow professionals with the appropriate education and competencies to remain in value.

The issue of academic preparation is easily solved at The University of Glasgow. The Accounting and Finance program gives students a solid understanding of how the business world works and how to build a career in financial services. The curriculum is accredited by the main professional bodies - ICAS, ICAEW, ACCA, CIMA and CIPFA - which is indicative for employers.

data analyst

Any organization in today's environment must collect, analyze and securely store a huge number of indicators, so the growing importance of analysts for business is understandable. The enterprise depends on accurate information for making strategic decisions, which is derived from the rapidly growing amount of input data received by computers.

Solving these problems requires a modern generation of analysts with knowledge of effective methods of data analysis: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). The popularity of the specialty is due to its applied potential in finance, medicine, biology and environmental science.

The Master's course at the University of East Anglia offers an excellent platform for a career in analytics and is taught by renowned Data Mining researchers in the UK. It is built on theoretical and practical elements, during the development of which students become familiar with data mining and statistical software.

Annual income: 66 thousand pounds sterling.

The specialty is suitable for those who want to combine IT with elements of a leadership role. A technical architect oversees small and large IT projects from start to finish and helps bring them to life. He acts as a liaison between designers and developers and participates in discussions about the company's strategy.

The candidate is set a high bar for interdisciplinary aspects. This is due to the fact that the work combines technical and managerial elements. Extensive and up-to-date knowledge of software applications and hardware, as well as quality standards, legislation and best practices in the IT industry, will be required.

For a diploma, you can go to the University of Westminster. The undergraduate program at the university is focused on three main areas - software development, computer and embedded systems. She will talk about modern computers and embedded microprocessors, their structure and design.

HR policy specialist

Average earnings: 50 thousand pounds sterling.

As the unemployment rate falls, the demand for HR employees grows, because someone has to look for labor and maintain the adopted personnel policy. To work in HR, it is important to be able and love to interact with people. For competent processing of external and internal requests, you will need organizational skills and possession of special psychological techniques.

Employers are interested in the HR employee being able to organize the involvement of other employees in business processes and keep them in their place. Salary for this position is highly dependent on experience and industry.

Anglia Ruskin University helps build a link between self-determination and society and gain a comprehensive understanding of human behavior, then apply this information to business. The Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences has a new subject for study - psychosocial studies.

The modules cover the basics of sociology, social and medical psychology, psychoanalysis; instill the ability to explore and analyze complex information, argue in a structured way and challenge "accepted" thinking. All this will come in handy if the student plans to build a career in the field of personnel management.

Annual income: 45 thousand pounds sterling.

The significant number of infrastructure projects that the government has taken over since Brexit ensure that the industry will remain on the rise in the coming years. Along with ordinary workers, experts with a specialized academic background will also be in demand.

The manager assumes organizational, technical and supervisory functions in construction. As part of the management team, he is partially responsible for security and the organization of material and human resources. His tasks include bringing site plans to life and liaising with subcontractors.

For those who in their childhood folded houses from pillows and chairs, and then received a bachelor's degree in a similar profile, the master's course "Construction Project Management" at Robert Gordon University has been developed. It is aimed at professional development and development of managerial and leadership qualities necessary for effective management.

Website/mobile developer

Average salary: 34.5-52.5 thousand pounds per year.

Technology, communications, and consumer electronics are advancing rapidly, and computer systems already play a central role in our daily interactions. It is assumed that the effect of advances in artificial intelligence and robotics in the next 5-10 years will transform the labor market. The demand for experts in these matters is growing, so good website and mobile application developers will be able to earn their “bread and butter” in England.

Graduates of Brunel University receive the highest salaries in the country compared to graduates of other universities, according to statistics from The Economist (2017). And freshly baked bachelors in the specialty "Development of computer systems" also get jobs in prestigious companies: BBC, Virgin Airways, Opodo, Philips, Siemens and others.

Annual income: from 40 thousand pounds sterling.

The gaps in the engineering sector are palpable. The aging baby boomer workforce will retire by 2025, and the pool of talent to replace them is very small. Even with the increase in the overall student population, there will be a shortage of graduate engineers. To solve this problem, England imports labor personnel from other countries. So now is the time to get into the game.

It is easy to acquire a technical background at the University of Liverpool, which is rightly called the center of excellence in engineering studies. Its Active Learning Laboratory is one of the largest and best equipped in Europe. It includes two scientific and experimental simulators with uninterrupted movement, wind turbines, a water boiler, a robotics complex and more. The bonus is the prospect of a one-year internship in China.

Business analyst

Annual income: 41 thousand pounds sterling.

Business process optimization started a long time ago, but thanks to globalization and the improvement of digital technologies, it continues today. Business analysts who are able to find new ways for the development of the company are in a winning position in foggy Albion.

For successful employment, it is preferable to have a higher education in finance, economics or accounting. Analytical skills and knowledge of data processing systems are welcome.

The nuances of accounting and finance will be taught at Cass Business School, one of five schools in the City, University of London. In addition to the mandatory modules, students annually choose a number of additional ones, among which are business forecasting or corporate social responsibility. In addition, you can spend one year of study in partner institutions in other countries.

Annual income: 47.5 thousand pounds.

To succeed in this business, you need to have an education relevant to the chosen field, and excellent communication, strategic and organizational skills. Thanks to the wide coverage of sectors, there are many interesting offers on the market.

If there is no bachelor's degree, but there are at least two years of employment with the duties of a project manager and a desire to grow professionally, then we go the other way. Robert Gordon University teaches a 9-month project management course that provides a complete overview of the practices and concepts in this matter. It is suitable for employees working in the fields of oil and gas, information technology, commerce, healthcare and energy.

A candidate with a first degree in another discipline can take a course to deepen their own knowledge and advance their careers and receive a certificate. Aberdeen Business School's business school is nationally and internationally renowned for its corporate and management programs.

Marketing Manager

Average salary: £45,000 a year.

As the UK economy picks up, there are more interesting options in marketing too. This profession allows you to work in any industrial sector, from financial services and consumer goods to mechanical engineering and engineering. The key task is to understand current and potential customer behavior and develop a marketing plan for a product or brand.

Learning all the marketing know-how a company really needs and getting started in this creative, fast-paced field is easy after an undergraduate degree at Anglia Ruskin University. At the end of the course, there is also the opportunity to obtain a professional CIM qualification, which is valued by employers around the world.

The material was prepared for the blog.

It is hard enough to imagine that even in one of the richest countries in Europe today there are problems with employment. Recently, the number of jobs in Foggy Albion has decreased markedly. Today, all the most sought-after professions in England require a narrow specialization and fluency in English. Study British English Company has prepared a rating of the most demanded professions in England.

  1. IT specialists. If you are a good specialist in this field, well versed in the latest technologies and fluent in modern programming languages, it will not be difficult for you to find a job in the UK. The average salary for an Information Technology Specialist in the UK is this moment£34,550 per annum
  2. Entrepreneurs. For foreign entrepreneurs who want to open their business in the UK, a separate category of Tier 1 Entrepreneur visas has been developed. The country is interested in the inflow of foreign investment and the creation of new jobs
  3. Nurses. The local NHS health care system is experiencing a huge need for specialists in various fields. Nurses are most in demand - all the newspapers are trumpeting their shortage, nurses are even included in the list of scarce professions
  4. teachers high school. There is also a shortage of school teachers in the UK. Teachers of certain subjects are even listed in the shortage occupation list. Among them are teachers of mathematics, chemistry and physics. The minimum salary for qualified international teachers is £21,438 per annum
  5. Financiers with local education. London lives up to its title as a global financial center, and financial professionals are in high demand here. Of course, there are more chances to find a job with professionals with local experience and education, but even without them, finding a job in the UK is quite realistic if you are a really good specialist
  6. Sales managers. Local job search sites are full of job postings in the field of sales. The ability to sell is in demand in any country, and in England it is especially highly valued due to the huge competition in local markets.
  7. Engineers. Certain engineering professions even made it onto the shortage occupation list. For example, Britain lacks civil engineers in the oil and gas industry. An experienced professional in this field can expect a salary of £28,700 per annum
  8. Pilots. Pilot is another highly demanded and well-paid job. You will have to pay a lot for piloting courses, but, in addition to universal respect, you will also receive a decent annual income - an average of 124 thousand euros
  9. Lawyers. Do not forget also that it is in the UK that one of the most prestigious law universities in the world is located: Cambridge, Oxford, Glasgow and others. The income of a good lawyer with work experience, however, is lower than that of a surgeon - it is only 117 thousand euros
  10. .Managers. A popular position is still a top manager. The average salary of an Englishman in this position is approximately 180 thousand euros per year. Key responsibilities typically include effective organization company or enterprise, responsibility for the most efficient functioning of the team and promotion of the goods and services of the company

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